###1734721266### ||start|| id{varchar(100)*}|name{+}|code{varchar(50)+}|type|url|price{double}|sale-price{double}|orderable{bit}|options{mediumtext}|options-html{mediumtext}|headline{+}|label|abstract|product-url|path|path-mobile|misspellings{+}|other-keywords{+}|caption{mediumtext}|pd-rating{double}|pd-rating-count{int(5)}|pd-hide-from-mobile{bit}|contents{mediumtext}|custom-contents{mediumtext}|item-display-html{mediumtext}|columns{int}|bottom-text{mediumtext}|menu-bottom{mediumtext}|no-history{bit}|horoscopes-specials{mediumtext}|love-horoscopes-specials{mediumtext} surge-your-compatibility|""||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wicca-spells|" Wiccan & Witchcraft Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Our experts in Wicca, Witchcraft and Magic will cast a spell to bring you true love, money and more! Wiccan spells could bring you luxuries and happiness you never thought possible."||||"(:ANDREIKA :MORE-ANDREIKA-SPELLS :BEWITCHING-SPELL :ANDREIKA-BLOOD-MOON-BEWITCHING-SPELL :ANDREIKA-BLOOD-FULL-MOON-ENCHANTMENT-SPELL :ANDREIKA-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS-SPELL :WITCHMANS-SPELL :KRAKOW :COYOTE-SPELLS :REVENGE-OF-THE-RAVEN :RETRIBUTION :BLACK-CURSES)"|"(:ANDREIKA :MORE-ANDREIKA-SPELLS :BEWITCHING-SPELL :ANDREIKA-BLOOD-MOON-BEWITCHING-SPELL :ANDREIKA-BLOOD-FULL-MOON-ENCHANTMENT-SPELL :ANDREIKA-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS-SPELL :WITCHMANS-SPELL :KRAKOW :COYOTE-SPELLS :REVENGE-OF-THE-RAVEN :RETRIBUTION :BLACK-CURSES)"|""|"4"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| monthlyhoroscopes|"3-Month & 6-Month Horoscopes"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Our most detailed horoscope. A day-by-day glimpse into your future, allowing you to lead a happier, more fulfilling life."|""|""|""|""|""|"

Whether you are a true believer in astrology or merely have a casual interest in it, this fascinating reading prepared especially for you could be a real eye-opener! Astrology has been studied as far back as recorded history. Today, it is more popular than ever, and its forecasts are closely scrutinized by legions of followers in virtually every nation on earth, from the poorest peasants to the most powerful leaders. This ancient science is based on the belief that the planets have a strong effect on each of us, affecting our character, personality and eventually our destiny. Originally, astrologers were religious men and academics who were revered and often consulted by kings, the powerful, the rich. It is believed by many that the three wise men who found the Christ Child were astrologers. Astrology was popular during the Greek and Roman eras as well as in Egypt, the Middle East, India and China. Today some of the most successful and wealthy individuals have their own personal astrologers. And just as Napoleon consulted his astrologer on a regular basis, many of today's top industrialists consult knowledgeable men of the Zodiac in order to gain an advantage over the competition. While providing valuable insights as to what lies ahead for you specifically, this beautifully written analysis of your future is something you'll want to return to again and again. It is an extensive written piece all about you! You'll learn things about yourself you never fully realized. And you will see yourself from a different perspective: From a distance, the same way others see you. This will give you invaluable insights into current and future relationships, not to mention the advantages of understanding what makes YOU tick.
Here are some of the things your personalized reading will cover:

This remarkable report gives you the opportunity to look at yourself in the mirror, seeing a newer, improved you, allowing you to lead a happier, more fulfilling life. Whether you are a businessman or stay-at-home Mom, a top-gun lawyer or a computer whiz, knowing what lies ahead will give you a valuable leg up on your day-to-day affairs. And you will find this knowledge will build your confidence as well giving those around you a new look at the ""real"" you."||||"(:3HO :6MOHO :SAMPLE-HOROSCOPE :HOROSCOPE-GIBSON)"|"(:3HO :6MOHO :SAMPLE-HOROSCOPE :HOROSCOPE-GIBSON)"|""|"1"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| 3ho|"3-Month Horoscope"|H3M|ITEM.||(17)||T|"""Your Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
Your Full Name:
Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):
Your Time of Birth (if known):
Your Place of Birth:
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Please be sure to enter your birth information before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know your time of birth, that's okay--just leave it blank or write ""unknown"" and we'll use 6:00 a.m."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| 6moho|"6-Month Horoscope"|H6M|ITEM.||(23)||T|"""Your Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
Your Full Name:
Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):
Your Time of Birth (if known):
Your Place of Birth:
"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Please be sure to enter your birth information before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know your time of birth, that's okay--just leave it blank or write ""unknown"" and we'll use 6:00 a.m."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| a-rich-life-spell|"A Rich Life"|ARL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate:
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|"A Rich Life"|""|"Is it possible for you to be rich in money, rich in love, rich in life? "|""|""|""|""|""|"
Who doesn't want all of the above? Is This You? You can tell when someone is leading the rich life by the aura surrounding them. They have a special look, a spark, a radiance that tells you they are satisfied and happy and successful. So you have to ask yourself, is it possible for you to be rich in money, rich in love, rich in life? Why not? After all, you have paid your dues and you certainly deserve it. The question is, do you want it bad enough? If so, you can be one of these elite people. The Portals to Your Soul This unique spell opens the portals to your spirit, allowing your precious gifts of warmth, giving and loving to infiltrate those closest to you. And through this same portal will flow the opportunities and riches you so deserve in every aspect of your life.
Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| women-only|"A Spell For Women Only..."|FWO|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY"" Inscription 12 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY:
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|"A Spell For Women Only..."|""|"This spell is designed to find you the ""right"" guy!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
You don't ask for much. You want to love and be loved. You want a good man who loves you and only you. A man who is honest, hardworking, loyal -- not a whiner or a weakling or someone who only talks about himself. You are a strong, independent, sensual, caring, loving woman. And you don't think it's asking too much to want to be with a strong, intelligent man with a sense of humor. A man who stands straight, who's confident and who knows who he is. Sure, you don't want him to be a macho jerk, but when you lie awake at night, you crave to be held tightly by that one hundred percent male who knows who he is and loves who you are. And best of all, the right man will get your best. That caring, giving, sexy, loving, romantic you! And you have no doubt that when the right guy appears on your doorstep, you'll never let him get away. But sometimes a man doesn't realize he has that good woman. Sometimes he is afraid to commit and fearful of taking the big step. Or perhaps he is already committed, but to the wrong woman. And you want him for yourself because you know the two of you are right for each other. Or maybe you haven't met him yet. Perhaps you are frustrated in knowing the right guy is out there, somewhere, and the two of you are incomplete because your paths haven't crossed. So, what to do. Let our Master Psychic cast a very specific spell for you, a very powerful spell that is specifically cast for a woman who is ready to be with a real man. Not a man who still talks about how his parents messed him up, not a man who blames missed opportunities on everyone but himself, and not a man who doesn't appreciate a good woman -- namely you! This spell is designed to find you the ""right"" guy!
Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| about|"About the California Astrology Association"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

In 1970 the internationally renowned psychic Burton founded the California Astrology Association (CAA). After applying his expertise on behalf of prominent people in government, industry, and entertainment, Burton established CAA to bring affordable state-of-the-art paranormal expertise to clients who were not blessed with unlimited funds. Burton solidified this commitment by establishing a one-year unlimited guarantee for every product and service that was offered to clients of CAA -- a guarantee that we still honor today. A Few Notes About CAA The Unseen Have you ever made eye contact with someone simply by staring at them? Or have you ever had a premonition that something was about to occur, and indeed it did? Simply put, there are unseen forces that play a significant role in our lives, and some people have the ""gift"" that allows them to have closer contact and interaction with them. Trapping Spiritual Energy and Redirecting It in Your Behalf CAA was created to allow these experts to make contact with powerful unseen spirits, redirecting their energy in your behalf. For over forty years CAA has helped people like you achieve goals in all aspects of your life - from career advancement to cash in your bank account, from relations with loved ones to seeking the return of a lost love. And just as you would seek out a dentist if you had a toothache, or an attorney if you had a legal problem, you can now ask a gifted psychic to apply their formidable paranormal expertise in your behalf. A Few Examples of People Who Contact Us Helping You Find Happiness These are the types of issues that are asked of us each day. Although we cannot promise that we will successfully resolve each and every one of your problems to your one hundred percent satisfaction, we can tell you that seventy-seven percent of our work is done for returning customers. And that's our best testimonial.

Frequently Asked Questions. Shipping and Handling Information. Beware of Imposters and Scams! Contact us.
Dear CAA,
I would like to personally thank you for your quick response to my inquiry. I have never experienced customer service of that quality! I would also like to mention that I had placed an order a few days ago and was expecting it to arrive in 8-10 days, but it was in my mailbox today! Perhaps this is a testimonial to the powers of the Samadhi! Thanks again,
Joan B.
Groton, CT
Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

""If you are not completely satisfied with any item or service you buy from us, we will refund your money for up to one full year after purchase. Everything we sell is guaranteed. Period. There is no fine print. You can return anything, up to one full year, for any reason."" When our guarantee was introduced in 1970, some customers were skeptical. Friends and business acquaintances told us we were being foolish. However, it's been one of the keys to our success. We cherish our thousands of repeat customers, many of whom we know by name. Our one year unconditional guarantee assures our customers they will be satisfied, or they will receive their money back. Period. No questions asked.
CAA's Philosophy: All our products and services are not intended to replace your good judgement or any of the traditional professional services available to you.
""The best service experience I have ever had on the web.""

Port Huron, MI


Oceanside, CA

""Unbelievable how fast the spell worked. I am so grateful I found you!!""

Y. H.

""I almost lost my True Love but now because of you I have him back! :) ""

Desiree M.
New York

We are proud to have a 5-star rating, Yahoo! Store's highest award.

We have clients in over 95 countries!

"|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| afprog|"Affiliate Program"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" You should be automatically redirected to our affiliate information page. If you are not automatically redirected, please click here.










"|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| good-luck-charms-link|"All Charms & Amulets"||LINK.|good-luck-charms.html||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| all-dolls-kits|"All Dolls & Kits"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:VOODOO :WANGADOLLS :SPELLKITS)"|"(:VOODOO :WANGADOLLS :SPELLKITS)"|""|""|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| charms-amulets|"All of our Charms and Amulets"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"View all of our Charms and Amulets - Guaranteed to work, or your money back!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

Since 1970 we've stood behind our one year unconditional guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.
Learn more


"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| all-spells-link|"All Spells"||LINK.|spells.html||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| all-three-camelot-collection|"All Three Camelot Collection Amulets"|CC4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(89.85)|(69.85)|T|""|""|"Buy all three Camelot Collection Amulets"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
Regular price: $89.85 Special Offer: $69.85"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-and-wanga|"All Voodoo & Wanga"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:OBEAH :GRISGRIS :VOODOOSPELLS :WANGADOLLS :WANGA-SPELLS :PAPADOC :VAMPIRE-SPELLS :HOODOO :KONGO-VOODOO :XANGO-VOODOO-SPELL :LOA-VOODOO-SPELL)"|"(:OBEAH :GRISGRIS :VOODOOSPELLS :WANGADOLLS :WANGA-SPELLS :PAPADOC :VAMPIRE-SPELLS :HOODOO :KONGO-VOODOO :XANGO-VOODOO-SPELL :LOA-VOODOO-SPELL)"|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs1|"All-Purpose Gambling Spell"|GS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| alvood|"All-Purpose Voodoo"|V23|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
"|""|""|""|""|""|" Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| alpha-dont-mess-with-me-spell|"Alpha Don't Mess with Me Spell"|AS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
This potent spell is designed to free you from the harassment of anyone who is causing you distress and anxiety. So if a former lover is causing you trouble, or a work associate has it in for you, or someone is trying to intimidate you, the Alpha Don't Mess with Me spell engulfs you in an aura of strength and invincibility that will make people think twice before ""messing with you.""

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| alpha-exciting-love-spell|"Alpha Exciting Love Spell"|AS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
This spell is for you if you have your eye on someone but he or she is resisting your advances. This powerful spell allows you to project an energy and allure that is irresistible to the intended person.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| alpha-lots-and-lots-of-money-spell|"Alpha Lots and Lots of Money Spell"|AS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
This spell is designed to do one thing: place you in a position to reap the financial rewards you so deserve. The moment this Alpha spell is cast, you will feel a surge in energy and you will know in your heart it is only a matter of time before your financial situation turns around on a dime.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| alpha-rejuvenate-a-love-spell|"Alpha Rejuvenate a Love Spell"|AS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
If you are in a relationship that needs fixing and you want that special person to commit to you, look no further, this spell is for you. And once this person gazes into your eyes, they will understand the humor, the companionship, the lust, the love, and much more that you bring in spades to the relationship.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| alpha-spells|"Alpha Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"An Alpha spell could make you bold, strong and confident – in every aspect of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
If you want to project an aura of authority each and every day, a skilled psychic is available to cast an Alpha spell to make you bold, strong and confident – in every aspect of your life. This spell is for you, if...
  • Sometimes you feel overwhelmed, even bullied, by some people, and you want to put a stop to it.
  • You want everyone – from work associates, friends, and loved ones - to respect and admire you.
  • You want to be known as a person to be reckoned with.
  • You know you have the determination and will power to be assertive, but you need these characteristics brought to the surface.
Don't feel meek and helpless! So if you want to project strength and confidence and GET YOUR WAY, an Alpha spell could make a big difference in your career, in ""all"" your relationships, and especially in your love life.
Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
Take a look at the following offerings and see which works best for you.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| amazing-luck-good-eye-spell-link|"Amazing Luck Good Eye Spell"||LINK.|good-eye-spells.html#GE3||||""|""|""|""|"If you're ready to seize the ""right"" opportunity that presents itself and feel you just need a little luck, the Amazing Luck Good Eye spell could bring you rewards you never thought possible."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ge3|"Amazing Luck Good Eye Spell"|GE3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|"Amazing Luck Good Eye Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
If you're ready to seize the ""right"" opportunity that presents itself and feel you just need a little luck, the Amazing Luck Good Eye spell could bring you rewards you never thought possible.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| amour-amour-amour|"Amour, Amour, Amour Spell"|AMO|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|"Amour, Amour, Amour Spell"|""|"Designed to have an enormous impact on your love life, this spell will magnify your appeal so you can attract and mesmerize that special person!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
What can we say about this lovely spell? Love is in the air; it's all around us. And if you're not getting your share, this spell is designed to give you all you can handle, and more. Cast by an expert in the art of love, the world-renowned psychic known as Burton will ""meld"" with you and instill within you an attractiveness that the opposite sex will be unable to resist. Ratchet up your love life! The Amour, Amour, Amour spell is a spectacular spell that is designed to have an enormous impact on your love life. It will magnify your appeal so you can attract and mesmerize that special person.
Increase the potency of the Amour, Amour, Amour spell!
Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
Request this spell if: You are ready to emit an inner glow and appeal that will make you irresistible to the opposite sex. You have the desire to be sensual, attractive, and have the time of your life. You crave a relationship in which your partner will want to be with you, make love to you, and not be interested in anyone else. If you are ready to ratchet up your love life, you need look no further. Get ready for amour.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money-amulets|"Amulets and Charms for Money & Success"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Want to grow your bank account? Need funds to enjoy the good life? Tired of working hard and getting nowhere? Ask one of our Master Psychics to bless these powerful amulets in your behalf to bring you the riches and success you so deserve!"||||"(:MONEY-WANGA-LINK :MAGICA-EYE-AMULET :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :MAGICSQUARE :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :MYSTICSTAR :MONEYTREE :LIYUANSTEMPLE :COINOFAPOLLO :WISHBOX :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :JACKPOT-AMULET :ANWICAM :YAROBILUCKRING :MIRCROSOFSAN :LADYLUCK :GUARDIANANGEL :PHOENIX :LUCKY7 :LUCLEP :OBEAH-LOVE-AND-MONEY-AMULET)"|"(:MONEY-WANGA-LINK :MAGICA-EYE-AMULET :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :MAGICSQUARE :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :MYSTICSTAR :MONEYTREE :LIYUANSTEMPLE :COINOFAPOLLO :WISHBOX :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :JACKPOT-AMULET :ANWICAM :YAROBILUCKRING :MIRCROSOFSAN :LADYLUCK :GUARDIANANGEL :PHOENIX :LUCKY7 :LUCLEP :OBEAH-LOVE-AND-MONEY-AMULET)"|""|""|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| amulets-talismans-prosperity-happiness|"Amulets and Talismans for Prosperity and Happiness"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A Master Psychic has imbued these amulets and talismans with powers that could bring you great prosperity and happiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

Amulets and Talismans for Prosperity and Happiness

A Master Psychic has imbued these amulets and talismans with powers that could bring you great prosperity and happiness! You have nothing to lose. All amulets and talismans from the California Astrology Association are risk free, because if you're not 100% happy with the results we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika|"Andreika the Witch"|AN|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Add an amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Witch's Cat Amulet (+19.95)"" ""Add Andreika's Wicca Amulet (+18.95)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Add an amulet?: 
Your Birthdate:
Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|"I will cast a spell for you!"|""|"Magical powers beyond your imagination--see what Andreika's Wicca Spells could do for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

I can cast a spell to make one love another, or cause a person to change his mind about a relationship, or bring two people together. My magical powers are beyond your imagination. I could cast a spell on your behalf regarding a relationship, your financial situation, future events, or whatever is important to you. I have the power and I use the power. I am Andreika, and I could change the course of destiny. Pay me and I shall cast a spell for you. Tell me what it is you want and I shall go about my work. Is it someone or something you desire to have? Do you want wealth, or happiness, or a mate? Send me your most important desire and I shall work my powers in your favor. When filling out the online order form, be sure to tell Andreika what you want! All letters to Andreika are confidential! The following letters are being shown with the permission of the writers.
Dear Andreika,
For years I have been searching for a kind, loving man. On July 14 you cast a love spell for me. On July 24 I met a Lieutenant Commander... I have never been so attracted so fast. We are now engaged to be married. I don't know how to thank you. C.L.
Virginia Beach, VA
Dear Andreika,
In December you cast a spell for me per my request for money. Just 10 days later I hit the lottery for $22,600! It has really relieved the pressure of pressing bills, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart! D.G.
Temple Hills, MD
Dear Andreika,
On August 20 Andreika cast a spell for me. Just ten days later, I won over $1,350 at bingo. I've had Andreika cast many spells in the past... She always comes through with flying colors."" N.C.
Avon Lake, OH
Dear Andreika,
Three weeks after you cast a spell in my favor, I won a vehicle... Thank you for helping me. M.G.
Villamuira, NM
Dear Andreika,
On March 4th Andreika cast a spell for me to help my daughter end a bad relationship with an abusive boyfriend. Three weeks to the day, her powers worked. My daughter is home with us, and is taking the necessary steps to move on with her life. Thank you so much Andreika! I believe! Donna S.
Munroe Falls, OH
Dear Andreika,
I asked you to help me out of a bad relationship that was also ruining my children's lives as well as mine. That was in a November. By the following New Year, it was certainly over. My home is quiet and happy for a change. Maureen L.
New York
Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied, we will return your money up to one year after purchase.

Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request to Andreika during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
Increase the potency of Andreika's Spells!
Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Witch's Cat Amulet or Andreika's Wicca Amulet when Andreika casts her spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-amazing-amour-spell|"Andreika's Amazing Amour Spell"|AN38|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Other Person's Name:
Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|""|""|"Instill in Your Partner the French Way to Truly Love You"|""|""|""|""|""|"

Instill in Your Partner the French Way to Truly Love You

What is it about the French that makes them so adorable, so suave, so knowledgeable about the art of making love? And, even more important, what about the French way in treating a mate as if he or she were the only person on the face of the earth? The internationally renowned Andreika created the Amazing Amour spell to: Four Questions to ask yourself
  1. Could I be happier and more secure in my relationship?
  2. Could my loved one treat me better, make me feel truly desired and loved?
  3. If my lover were more caring, more interested in fulfilling my needs, would I wake up each morning with a smile on my face and a zest for life?
  4. And, finally, if my lover could only discover the authentic French way of loving me, my dreams, my fondest wishes would become reality?
If you answered yes to the above four questions, Andreika awaits word from you to cast this very French spell in your behalf. The Amazing Amour spell could indeed be a life-changer for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-blood-full-moon-enchantment-spell|"Andreika's Blood Full Moon Enchantment Spell"|AN33|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY)"" Inscription 10 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY):
Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|""|""|"Ask Andreika to accelerate and enhance the effects of the full moon upon you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

""Fire up your love life, bank account…be happy again!""

The most mystical and explosive time of the month is when the moon is at its fullest. Since ancient times, full moons have been associated with influencing behavior…including having extraordinary effects upon our relationships, finances and our overall well-being. For centuries scientists, theologians and the greatest minds in the world have been puzzled by the unusual effects of the full moon. What we do know is this:
What Andreika could do for you:
So, if your situation requires immediate attention, Andreika is awaiting word from you to set your life back on its true course to happiness in every aspect of your life. (Andreika will cast this potent spell on your behalf on January 13th, the date of the next full moon.)"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-blood-moon-bewitching-spell|"Andreika's Blood Moon Bewitching Spell"|AN31|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY)"" Inscription 10 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate (DD/MM/YYYY):
Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|"Andreika's Blood Moon Bewitching Spell"|""|"Occurring this July 16th, the total lunar eclipse known as a Blood Moon affords you the opportunity to dramatically change your relationships, your finances... your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"

""Ignite Your Love Life, Grow Your Bank Account""

The total lunar eclipse known as a Blood Moon affords you the opportunity to dramatically change your relationships, your finances... your life. The Blood Moon occurs when the earth’s shadow completely covers the moon’s surface. On this rare occasion, the famous witch known as Andreika is ready to cast her potent Blood Moon Bewitching spell in your behalf. What Andreika could do for you
However, if your relationship is currently on the rocks, and your bank account is dropping fast, Andreika is ready to cast her Blood Moon Bewitching spell in your behalf… and turn your life around on a dime! This powerful spell is designed to clear your lover’s mind once and for all, allowing them to see the beautiful, sparkling, irresistible you… While at the same time vanishing your financial woes by having money flow toward you, not away from you. So, if your situation requires immediate attention, Andreika is awaiting word from you to set your life back on its true course to happiness in every aspect of your life. Let Andreika implore the spirits to elevate your life to heights you never thought possible.

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blood-new-moon|"Andreika's Blood New Moon, New Beginnings Spell"|AN39|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate:
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|""|""|"Experience love, laughter, and security in a revitalized relationship by enhancing the new moon's mind-altering effects."|""|""|""|""|""|"

Experience Love, Laughter and Security in a Revitalized Relationship

If you are in need of a one-eighty degree change in your life, Andreika’s Blood New Moon, New Beginnings spell could be the surprise gift you’ve been hoping for.
A scientific reality
For centuries we’ve known the moon not only influences the tides and the atmosphere of our planet, but our behavior as well. Countless research studies have shown that the new moon affects each and every one of us in many aspects of our lives: in our attitudes, our emotions, our attitudes, our actions. And very often the new moon impacts our relationships!
Enhance the New Moon’s effect upon you and your loved one!
Andreika’s powerful Blood New Moon spell is designed to amplify the mind-altering effects of the new moon.
Think about this
Is this you?
If any or all of the above describes your situation, don’t ignore it or keep burying it in the back of your mind. This could be a critical time in your life. Indeed, a turning point, and you should take immediate action today…not tomorrow, not next week or next month.
There is someone who can help you…today!
The internationally renowned mystic known as Andreika is ready to cast her powerful Blood New Moon, New Beginnings spell in your behalf. She awaits your call to summon potent forces to work in your behalf.

(Andreika will cast this potent spell on your behalf December 30th, the date of the next full moon.)


"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an12|"Andreika's Career Leap Frog Spell"|AN12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate:
Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
Is your career floundering? Perhaps someone in the workplace is standing between you and success, blocking your advancement. Or maybe your supervisor simply doesn't realize your potential. This spectacular spell helps you to not only advance in your career, but to do it effortlessly and quickly. Be prepared to take a gigantic step upward with more money, more independence and more control of your destiny. This spell is designed to help you leap over the barricades that have unfairly been blocking you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

"|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-change-your-aura-spell|"Andreika's Change Your Aura, Change Your Life Spell"|AN26|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
Your Birthdate:
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
"|""|""|"A simple request for Andreika’s aura cleansing spell could alter your aura and begin to alter your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"

Do You Feel a Cloud Hanging Over You?

This is a very special spell that could affect every aspect of your life. For if your aura is in a negative mode, success and love could elude you at every turn. Is this you?
  • You sometimes feel a negative force is holding you back.
  • You have not had the luck and good fortune that could propel you to the next stage…the wildly successful stage in life that you so desire.
  • You feel that sometimes you’ve been disappointed, hurt and setback by one or two people who didn’t have your best interests at heart.
  • You need a boost in luck, in love, in life!
  • If the above resonates with you, then perhaps it’s true…that your aura is currently in a negative phase. A simple request for Andreika’s aura cleansing spell could alter your aura and begin to alter your life. A word from Andreika: “Upon hearing from you, I could cast my powerful Change Your Aura, Change Your Life Spell for you. And when it is cast in your behalf, you could feel a weight lifting off your shoulders, allowing you to once again enjoy life to the fullest.” You’ve got nothing to lose. All Andreika’s spells come with a no questions asked 1 year money back guarantee.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-delicious-wealth-spell|"Andreika's Delicious Wealth Spell"|AN18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika has been casting her powerful spells for money and wealth for over five decades."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This Spell is Designed to Let You “Really” Enjoy Life!

    Do you want to have it all: money, love, happiness? Do you want to lead the life that others merely dream of? And wouldn’t it be something if you suddenly came into a lot of money. You certainly know what you’d do with it! Well, sometimes dreams do come true. To start you on this path to a life of luxury, you may want to ask someone with vast psychic powers to work in your behalf. To cast a spell designed to bring you the money, the power, the luxuries, and the good life. Her name is Andreika and she has been casting her powerful spell for money and wealth for over five decades for some of the most famous and successful people worldwide. So if you truly wish to lead the good life, this is your chance! Andreika guarantees satisfaction for each and every one of her spells for money, and all her spells, up to 365 days! That’s one full year, or your money back if it doesn’t bring you everything you desire. Andreika awaits word from you to cast this potent spell. Don’t wait another day longer. What do you have to lose?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-forever-love-forever-more-spell|"Andreika's Forever Love, Forever More Spell"|AN37|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"With Andreika’s Spell Taking Hold, Your Partner Finally “Gets It!”"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    With Andreika’s Spell Taking Hold, Your Partner Finally “Gets It!”

    Are you in a relationship and not sure where it is headed? Is this special person not as convinced as you that the two of you are meant to be together…forever? And are you worried, frustrated, and anxious that you cannot live with someone who isn’t as committed to the relationship as you are? And, finally, are you ready to do something about it? Something that could positively affect you and your loved one for the rest of your lives? If the above words sound familiar to you and you realize time is running out, perhaps you should consider having the Forever Love, Forever More spell cast in your behalf by the world-renowned psychic known as Andreika. Answer these five questions: If you answered yes to the above questions, the Forever Love, Forever More spell was designed by Andreika specifically for someone in your predicament. So, if you dream of your partner displaying warmth, affection and love for you and you only, this is your opportunity to turn your dream into reality. Andreika awaits word from you to cast her powerful Forever Love, Forever More spell specifically for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-increasing-love-for-you-spell|"Andreika's Increasing His/Her Love for You Spell"|AN21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Let Andreika help bring you love from the one you desire above all others."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Don’t Let Your Love Be One-sided!

    Do you sometimes feel your love is not being reciprocated by the one that matters most to you? Do you love unconditionally and you yearn to be loved the same way? Do you feel the person you so love doesn’t appreciate you and perhaps is even falling out-of-love with you at this very moment? If so, this powerful spell to make someone love you is designed to bring you the love, the devotion, the loyalty you so deserve from the one you desire above all others. Does the following apply to you?
  • You want your relationship to be the envy of all who know you.
  • You want to arise each morning knowing you will be loved and appreciated.
  • You want to rid yourself of the worry that somehow this relationship is falling apart.
  • You want, above all, to be loved, to be secure, to be unbelievably happy!
  • If the above words sound familiar, then Andreika’s spell to make someone love you could be precisely what you’ve been looking for. Take control today. Don’t let your love slip away. Andreika awaits your call. Her love spells come with a 365 day guarantee. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an9|"Andreika's Irresistible Allure Spell"|AN9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This remarkable spell highlights your very appealing characteristics, bringing them to the surface so the ""right"" people will see your true beauty. Once this spell is cast, you will instantly feel more confident and be ""happy in your skin."" Your new attractiveness and appeal will radiate out in all directions, making each day better than the previous one. (Wait 'til your friends and loved ones see the new you!) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-irresistible-allure-link|"Andreika's Irresistible Allure Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"This remarkable spell highlights your very appealing characteristics, bringing them to the surface so the ""right"" people will see your true beauty. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an3|"Andreika's Lightning Bolt Love Spell"|AN3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Are you in love? Do you want that special someone to love you as much as you love them? If you want it all: love, loyalty and commitment, the Lightning Bolt Love spell is intended to pierce the armor of resistance. And once your intended has an ""attitude adjustment,"" you will be well on your way to being the envy of all who know you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-lightning-bolt-spell|"Andreika's Lightning Bolt Love Spell"|AN3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This lightning fast love spell is just what you need to take your love life from dull to dramatic in no time at all."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Your Lover Won’t Know What Hit Them!

    Are you in love? Are you looking for love spells that work FAST? Do you want that special someone to love you as much as you love them? Are you ready to have this powerful spell cast in your behalf to bring you the love you deserve? Most of all, do you want this to happen quickly? Because with this Lightning Bolt love spell, you are about to get exactly what you want as quick as a flash! If you want it all: love, loyalty and commitment, the Lightning Bolt Love spell is intended to pierce the armor of resistance in your loved one. If you need love spells that work fast and hit their mark, this is the spell for you! Does this look like you?
  • You are frustrated and disappointed that you can’t get the one you love to reciprocate your feelings.
  • You are concerned and worried that if this person doesn’t come around soon, this relationship could be in jeopardy.
  • And you want this relationship to flourish because you are certain that the two of you are meant for one another.
  • Andreika speaks to you: “Once I cast the Lightning Bolt spell in your behalf, you may soon begin to witness signs of his or her ‘attitude adjustment.’ And when that occurs, your relationship could be well on its way to being the envy of all who know you.” Don’t wait another minute. Let Andreika show you what she can do to improve your love life. This lightning fast love spell is just what you need to take your love life from dull to dramatic in no time at all.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an1|"Andreika's Lord & Master Spell "|AN1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell of spells elevates you to the alpha position. You could become Numero Uno, the person in charge, the one others look up to! If you are determined to have the power and authority to call your shots, this Herculean spell is what you need. No longer will you have to take orders and follow the lame direction of others. The Lord & Master spell is designed to positively affect your career, your relationships and especially your love life. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-love-money-happiness-spell|"Andreika's Love, Money, Happiness... Don't Mess With Me! Spell"|AN30|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Andreika's Love, Money, Happiness... Don't Mess With Me! Spell"|""|"My Witch’s spell is the most exquisite, the most potent spell, period! "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    I am Andreika. And I have cast my potent Witch's spell for some of the most powerful, successful people on the planet. Now for the first time it is available to the general public. I await word from you to cast it in your behalf! But first: I want to ask you a simple question: Do you have a pressing need or problem that is upsetting you, causing you distress… and needs to be fixed right now?
    • Perhaps it's someone who isn't giving you the love and respect you so deserve.
    • Or possibly it's a lover who is considering leaving you or perhaps has already left.
    • Or maybe you have a money problem, or a problem concerning your career, or possibly someone with evil intentions who is causing you distress?

    Whatever your problem or problems, if you are in need of an ""immediate"" improvement in your life, I could make your life whole again. So, if you seek a powerful force in your corner to fulfill your quest for love, money and happiness…well, there is a reason you are reading my words at this very moment: It was meant to be. And furthermore, I will treat your concern as if it were mine! My Witch's spell is the most exquisite, the most potent spell, period! Up to now I have cast it for some of the richest, most successful people throughout the world. Now I can do the same for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-lover-friend-companion-spell|"Andreika's Lover-Friend-Companion Spell"|AN34|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Andreika's Lover-Friend-Companion Spell"|""|"I, Andreika, will merge my soul with yours and cast my spell to change your love life from frustrating to fulfilling, from disappointing to amazing, and from hopeless to wildly successful."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    ""If You Feel True Love, Unconditional Love, Passionate Love Is Not in the Cards for You, Think Again!""

    I am Andreika and I can help you achieve your ultimate goal in life: true happiness with the person you love! My Lover – Friend – Companion spell is one of my favorite and most successful spells and is specifically cast for someone like yourself…but only if: If the above words reflect your true feelings and deepest desires, then you have come to the right place. Upon receiving your request, I, Andreika, will merge my soul with yours and cast my Lover – Friend – Companion spell in your behalf to change your love life from frustrating to fulfilling, from disappointing to amazing, and from hopeless to wildly successful."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an7|"Andreika's Make a Wish Spell"|AN7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Here is one of Andreika's most comprehensive spells. Its broad strokes could affect any aspect of your life: from your relationship issues of romance and love, to your bank account, or perhaps to an unexpected problem with no apparent solution in sight. So, if you have eyes on a new love, or seek the return of long lost soul… Make a Wish. If your career is languishing and your efforts need to be recognized… Make a Wish. Or perhaps an intimate relationship needs tweaking, or a good friend is ignoring you, or maybe a neighbor is creating havoc… Make a Wish. If something is causing you stress and worry and is about to overwhelm you, simply tell Andreika your most important wish, and leave the rest to her. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-money-maker-spell|"Andreika's Money Maker Spell"|AN5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika's Money Maker spell is one of her most powerful money spells and designed to bless you with good fortune and the good life!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do You Seek Good Fortune and The Good Life?

    Wealth can be accumulated in a number of ways.
  • You can inherit it.
  • You can get lucky and have it fall into your lap.
  • Or you can make conscious decisions to have it come to you.
  • If it’s the latter, there is something you can do right away and start changing your life today. Of all the money spells out there, this is the one or you. Andreika believes you were meant to be reading these words right at this very moment. It is your destiny. Andreika speaks to you: Upon receiving your request, I could cast a spell for you that I have cast for many others. I will concentrate on your behalf and summon my formidable mystic powers to have money flow toward you, not away from you! And as your net worth grows and grows, you will have an aura about you of success and confidence. This is because when I cast my robust Money Maker spell in your behalf, the seeds of financial wealth will be instilled within your subconscious…leading you to the path of your successful destiny. My Money Maker spell is one of my most powerful money spells and designed to bless you with good fortune and the good life!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an5|"Andreika's Money Maker Spell"|AN5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Wealth can be accumulated in a number of ways. But to make it easier for money to come to you, you must emote an air of success and confidence. When Andreika implants the seeds of financial wealth within you, you will feel a surge of energy flow through your very being. The Money Maker spell is designed to bless you with good luck and good fortune. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-parting-of-the-ways-spell|"Andreika's Parting of the Ways Spell"|AN11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Their Names"" Inscription 45 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Their Names:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika’s most powerful breakup spell could end things for good."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do You Want a Relationship To Fail? This Spell Could Accelerate Its Disintegration.

    If you strongly feel a particular relationship is destined to fail and are certain the two people involved truly don’t belong together, Andreika can exert her powers to speed up the process. Is this what you have in mind?
  • You know a couple that shouldn’t be together, and you are certain that in the long run it is eventually doomed to fail.
  • But you would like to speed up the process.
  • Or perhaps you know someone in a relationship that is being fooled and lied to, but doesn’t know it. And it is driving you crazy.
  • Whatever your reason, Andreika could help expedite the disintegration of a relationship that has nowhere to go but down. Andreika’s most powerful breakup spell could end things for good. Caution: Think it over very carefully before bringing Andreika into the picture. Andreika wants you to carefully consider what you are requesting as this breakup spell is very powerful and Andreika doesn’t like to cast it unless the reasons are very compelling. However, if you are aware of a relationship that you are certain will eventually split, Andreika’s Parting of The Ways Spell is the humane way to go…because once the relationship ends, the two people can go their separate ways and get on with their lives. And perhaps you, too, will be better off knowing that this relationship that shouldn’t have happened in the first place is now finally over.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an11|"Andreika's Parting of the Ways Spell"|AN11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Their Names"" Inscription 24 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Their Names:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you strongly feel a particular relationship is destined to fail and are certain the two people involved truly don't belong together, Andreika can exert her powers to speed up the matter. But be careful, this is a powerful spell! Think it over very carefully before bringing Andreika into the picture. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-parting-of-the-ways-link|"Andreika's Parting of the Ways Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"If you strongly feel a particular relationship is destined to fail and are certain the two people involved truly don't belong together, Andreika can exert her powers to speed up the matter."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-retrieve-your-lover-spell|"Andreika's Retrieve Your Lover ASAP! Spell"|AN23|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika’s Retrieve Your Lover ASAP spell could fulfill your destiny and bring you the happiness and success that is just over the horizon."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Has Your Lover Lost His or Her Way?

    Has your lover left you? Are you certain that once this person wakes up to the fact that you are the one and only one for them, they will come rushing back to you with open arms? And do you feel that you are running out of time, that this has to happen right now? This potent spell to bring back a lover could be cast by Andreika in your behalf …but only if the following applies to you:
  • You know in your heart of hearts that the two of you are meant for one another.
  • You are convinced that past mistakes can be overcome if only you have a second chance to make everything right.
  • You are a good person, a giving person, a wonderful person. And you deserve to live the rest of your life with the love of your life. It is your destiny!
  • If the above resonates with you, Andreika’s Retrieve Your Lover ASAP spell could fulfill your destiny and bring you the happiness and success that is just over the horizon. This spell to bring back a lover comes with a 365 day guarantee. You’ve got nothing to lose.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an6|"Andreika's Ridiculous Luck Spell"|AN6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    It is time for you to forget the past. From the moment this unique spell is cast in your behalf, you will be able to sit back and laugh at your past failures. Why? Because you will instinctively realize that it is only a matter of time before things begin to go your way. In spades! This spell is designed to bring you the best luck, the fastest luck, the ""ridiculous"" luck to bring you all that you desire. Soon, you will hold your head up high knowing your struggles are in the past. And those closest to you will marvel at your incredible transformation. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreikas-ridiculous-luck-link|"Andreika's Ridiculous Luck Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html#AN6||||""|""|""|""|"This powerful spell from Andreika is designed to bring you the best luck, the fastest luck, the ""ridiculous"" luck to bring you all that you desire!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreikas-ridiculous-luck-spell-link|"Andreika's Ridiculous Luck Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html#AN6||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is designed to bring you the best luck, the fastest luck, the ""ridiculous"" luck to bring you all that you desire."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-ridiculous-luck-spell|"Andreika's Ridiculous Luck Spell"|AN6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Designed To Bring You Fast Luck, Ridiculous Luck!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Designed To Bring You Fast Luck, Ridiculous Luck!

    Andreika’s words to you: “It is time for you to distance yourself from the past. Do not dwell on the failures. Look toward the future and the many successes that await you…for I will stand beside you and call upon my formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. When my potent Ridiculous Luck spell is cast, you could sit back and be hopeful and confident at what lies ahead while the good luck spell penetrates your life. Why? Because you will instinctively realize that it is only a matter of time before things begin to break your way. You could believe it in every bone in your body! Believe in me. Believe in my expertise. And I will do everything within my power to bring you the best luck, the fast luck, the “ridiculous” luck — to bring you all that you desire. And soon, you could hold your head up high knowing your struggles are in the past. And those closest to you may marvel at your incredible transformation."" Andreika’s Ridiculous spell is for you, if:
  • You feel you can do marvelous things if only your luck could change and afford you the chance to reach your potential.
  • You have been burdened by bad luck at times that have held you back, and you are ready to put these thoughts behind you.
  • You are ready to move on.
  • If the above words reflect your experiences, then strongly consider the importance of having Andreika cast her powerful good luck spell in your behalf. Instant Luck, Fast Luck, Ridiculous Luck truly await you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-rival-be-gone-spell|"Andreika's Rival Be Gone Spell"|AN15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Let Andreika's Rival Be Gone Spell change things for good."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Don’t Let This Person Disrupt Your Life!

    Is a particular person preventing you from achieving happiness? Is this person haunting you, upsetting you, hindering you from getting on with your life? Whether in business or in your personal life, if this person needs to be ejected from your life, Andreika’s potent Rival Be Gone spell could be just what you’ve been seeking. If everything else you’ve tried hasn’t worked, this defeat your rival spell could be the first step to setting things right and putting your life back on track! This spell is for you, if:
  • This person’s presence in your life is preventing you from moving forward, from achieving success and happiness.
  • This person is causing you stress and anxiety… and you have to put a stop to it, immediately!
  • You know you deserve to lead a peaceful, productive, secure life, and you can’t achieve this until this person is be gone!
  • If the above words ring true and if you are at your wits end, let Andreika cast her potent Rival Be Gone spell in your behalf. Casting this defeat your rival spell could change things for good. And then your frown can turn into a joyous smile.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-save-my-relationship-spell|"Andreika's Save My Relationship Spell"|AN19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika's Save My Relationship Spell could change your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Problems With a Loved One? Do Something About It!

    Is your relationship teetering on destruction? Are you beside yourself because if this relationship fails, you will be devastated? Do you want to do something but don’t know where to turn or what to do? If so, you have come to the right place. Andreika’s Save My Relationship love spell is a powerful spell designed to shake some sense into your loved one and make them realize you are the one and only one for them. Is this you?
  • You are willing to change and make sacrifices to keep this relationship together, but you feel your loved one is not putting in the same effort.
  • You love this person and can’t understand why they are resisting and not feeling the same way about you as they once felt.
  • You know there have been problems in the relationship, but who hasn’t had problems?
  • So if these words ring true, you should know: There is hope! Andreika’s Save My Relationship spell could implant the message in your loved one that your relationship is worth saving! And that the two of you are meant to be together! Andreika believes you were meant to read these words and is ready to help you. This relationship spell could change your life. All you have to do is ask.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an10|"Andreika's Seal the Deal Spell"|AN10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Are you involved with someone who is afraid to commit? Or perhaps there is a financial or business deal pending that seems to be going nowhere. This spell is designed to bring closure - quickly and in your favor. If you're fed up with the hassle and are tired of the never-ending negotiations, it's time to take matters into your own hands. You need Andreika on your side to Seal the Deal. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-skyrocket-to-success-spell|"Andreika's Skyrocket to Success Spell"|AN2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika's Skyrocket to Success Spell is designed to put you on the road to success!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    With an Abundance of Love & Money, You Can Have It All!

    Success can be measured in a number of ways:
  • By the material possessions you’ve accumulated.
  • Your career accomplishments.
  • Your love life, work associates, friendships…
  • This dynamic get rich spell is designed to put you on the road to success so you can achieve all of the above. When casting her Skyrocket to Success spell, Andreika casts a broad net covering career, finances, luck, relationships and, most important of all, your happiness. As the spell surrounds and engulfs your life, you’ll feel your confidence rising as you see the aspects of your life skyrocketing to heights you’ve always dreamed of. For what is the accumulation of wealth and power without the ultimate gift of enjoying every minute? This spell is for you, if:
  • You are determined to break out and be successful beyond your wildest dreams.
  • Most people wouldn’t know how to handle success and riches. But you do.
  • You have prepared yourself for success since you were a child.
  • And when you finally achieve your goals, you will enjoy life and all its pleasures to the fullest.
  • Do not underestimate the benefits of this remarkable get rich spell. You could reap the plentiful rewards sooner than you think.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an2|"Andreika's Skyrocket to Success Spell"|AN2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Success can be measured in a number of ways: by the material possessions you've accumulated, your career accomplishments, your love life, your friendships... This spell is designed to put you on the road to success so you can achieve all of the above. For this spell, Andreika casts a broad net covering career, finances, luck, relationships and most of all your happiness. For what is the accumulation of wealth and power without the ultimate gift of enjoying every minute? Do not underestimate the benefits of this remarkable spell. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-skyrocket-to-success-link|"Andreika's Skyrocket to Success Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"For this spell, Andreika casts a broad net covering career, finances, luck, relationships and most of all your happiness."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an8|"Andreika's Spitfire Lust Spell"|AN8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    What could be more frustrating than to be ignored by the person you wish would make passionate love to you? If you are tired of your love life being one-sided and you want to add spark and fire to your relationship, leave it to Andreika. This spell is designed to instill Lust and Passion in that special person who will give you a wicked smile and a mischievous look that you have never seen before. Note: If you're not prepared to make uninhibited love, think carefully before requesting this spell. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-spitfire-lust-spell|"Andreika's Spitfire Lust Spell"|AN8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This spell could propel you to the next stage of your life in which you could be simmering with sensual energy."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Add Spark & Fire & Excitement To Your Relationship!

    A lust spell could be the answer! This is one of Andreika’s most spectacular spells in that it adds excitement, daring and adventure to your life. Is this you?
  • You feel you are somewhat different than most people.
  • You have specific sensual desires about what you want, what you require in a relationship.
  • These may be fantasies, but you truly believe these fantasies will someday be realized.
  • You are not one to be lulled into a boring life. You want, you need something better, something more fulfilling.
  • If the above rings true, Andreika’s Spitfire Lust spell could provide the spark that gives your life new meaning. Just as the firecracker goes off when lit, this spell could propel you to the next stage of your life in which you could be simmering with sensual energy. So if you are tired of your love life being one-sided, and you want to add spark and fire to your relationship, leave it to Andreika. This spell is specifically designed to instill Lust and Passion in that special person who, when they set their eyes on you, will give you a wicked smile and a mischievous look that you have never seen before. Note: If you’re not prepared to make uninhibited love, think carefully before requesting this most powerful of lust spells.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-submission-spell|"Andreika's Submission Spell"|AN35|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Want your loved one to fall under your spell, willing to do whatever you want, whenever you want?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The Ultimate Spell to Take Control in Your Relationship!

    Tired of butting heads with your loved one? Would you love them to fall under your spell, willing to do whatever you want, whenever you want? Do you wish to have your lover cater to your every whim in ""every"" aspect of your relationship? If any or all of the above seems like a lovely dream to you, this highly specialized spell could bring your fondest wishes, your most exquisite fantasies, to reality. This spell is for you, if:
    One of Andreika's (and her clients') favorite spells You are not alone in imagining the fun and excitement the Submission spell could bring to your life. Give this potent spell a try and get ready for the fireworks."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-sunburst-love-spell|"Andreika's Sunburst Love Spell"|AN36|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika’s Sunburst Love spell is designed to intensely magnify your loved one’s feelings for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    ""Your Lover’s Desire for You Could Magnify Tenfold!""

    We all want to be desired, adored, loved. But what if the love of your life is taking you for granted? Or worse? What if their love for you seems to be diminishing? And what if this special person in your life not only appears to be holding back, but heaven forbid, is possibly considering backing away in their commitment and love for you? Answer this important question…honestly! Are you worried, anxious and even fearful that your relationship with the love of your life may be headed for the rocks? If you answered yes to the above, perhaps you should seek the help of the internationally famous Andreika who awaits word from you to cast her potent Sunburst Love spell in your behalf. What the Sunburst Love spell could do for you Andreika’s Sunburst Love spell is designed to intensely magnify your loved one’s feelings for you, while displaying the following characteristics: So, if you are currently in a relationship and yearn to be treated like royalty as described above, then you must ask Andreika to cast her potent Sunburst Love spell in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| anumofpr|"Andreika's Umbrella of Protection"|AN29|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Are you worried that something bad is about to happen to you? Is there a person out there who is up to no good and could possibly cause you harm? Would you like someone with powerful psychic gifts to cast a protection spell in your behalf? If you have cause for alarm that your future is uncertain, Andreika's Umbrella of Protection spell could be exactly what you've been seeking. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an14|"Andreika's Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell"|AN14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Tired of the opposite sex looking over your shoulder? This explosive spell is designed to ignite the spark of desire in the heart and soul of the person you are attracted to. And once they set eyes on you, their lips may form a wicked grin, and their eyes may glisten in anticipation. The look on this person's face could tell you all you want to know: That they now have discovered you are ""the special someone"" they crave to hold, caress and make love to with wild abandon. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-volcanic-sex-appeal-spell|"Andreika's Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell"|AN14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Andreika’s Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell is designed to make you irresistible!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    An Explosive Spell To Make You Irresistible!

    Looking for someone that can cast strong sex spells on your behalf? Tired of the opposite sex looking over your shoulder? Frustrated that your formidable sensual feelings are not being reciprocated? Do you want that special person to be irresistibly attracted to you so that the two of you will be so fulfilled and gratified that your partner will not feel the urge to seek out another? This explosive spell is designed to ignite the spark of desire in person you are attracted to. Thus, drawing them towards you as their body fills with passion. Once they set eyes on you, their lips may form a wicked grin, and their eyes may glisten in anticipation. The look on this person’s face could tell you all you want to know: That they now have discovered that “you” are “the special someone” they crave to hold, caress and make love to. With wild abandon! Andreika speaks to you: ""This is one of my most interesting and most requested strong sex spells, probably because so many of my clients feel they are not experiencing their potential or satisfaction in this very important aspect of their life. So if you have eyes for that special person, and you want him or her to have eyes for only you, my Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell is designed to mesmerize, hypnotize and bring them to you as if drawn by a giant, powerful magnet."" Order Andreika’s Volcanic Sex Appeal spell, if:
  • You feel your sensual needs are not being fulfilled to the fullest.
  • You want to attract and keep that special person interested in you, and beyond excited with you.
  • Your love life needs improvement and you want your love life to fulfill your greatest fantasies.
  • Not all strong sex spells are created equally. Andreika’s Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell is designed to make you irresistible!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-volcanic-sex-appeal-link|"Andreika's Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Tired of the opposite sex looking over your shoulder?"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an4|"Andreika's Weight Buster Spell"|AN4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Weary of wasting money on weight-loss programs that are ineffective? Andreika believes it's all in the mind. This spell instills in you the willpower to eat ""reasonably."" Andreika will call upon your inner spirits of strength and resolve to rise to the surface and make it easy for you to resist indulging. It could be only a matter of time before you look in the mirror and see the person you want to be. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-weight-buster-link|"Andreika's Weight Buster Spell"||LINK.|more-andreika-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Soon it will be only a matter of time before you look in the mirror and see the person you want to be."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| anwicam|"Andreika's Wicca Amulet"|WIC|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"Andreika's Wicca Amulet"|""|"With the Wicca you could feel younger, invigorated, instilled with the energy and spark of youth."|""|""|""|""|""|" If you feel you are missing something in life and you can't do anything about it, read this! Your life may change the moment you receive your very own Wicca Amulet. You could feel younger, invigorated, instilled with the energy and spark of youth.

    You may undergo a remarkable transformation:
    Has Andreika ever cast a spell for you? Do you plan for her to do so in the near future? Carry Andreika's Wicca Amulet with you, and Andreika will know where you are and what you are doing. And when the famous witch casts her spell for you, you will sense a special bond, a closeness to Andreika that you have never experienced before. Andreika's Wicca Amulet will enhance and even magnify her powers! Andreika's Wicca Amulet contains her mystical energy, her magic, her powers. Once you possess it, happiness, laughter and joy are on the horizon. We strongly suggest you order Andreika's Wicca Amulet immediately. Andreika has stated that she has only a limited number of her amulets that she is willing to part with. The one who possesses Andreika's Wicca Amulet may rise above all others to achieve power, wealth, and status."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear Friends, I received my magical Wicca Amulet recently. I can feel its power. I am more relaxed and confident at work. My boss actually came and said very nice things to me. That is unlike him. My life has been affected in many ways since acquiring my Wicca Amulet. J.V.
    Belleville, NJ

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| andreika-wicked-revenge-spell|"Andreika's Wicked Revenge Spell"|AN13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"My Wicked Revenge spell is a formidable spell. It is powerful and long lasting."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Think Very Carefully Before Requesting!

    Andreika sometimes hesitates to cast a negative spell because she only hears one side of the story. And the famous mystic doesn’t want to harm an innocent person. So before seeking Andreika’s assistance be certain you are not mistaken, and that a specific person is truly out to do you wrong. Only then will Andreika do your bidding and cast this most potent of revenge spells. Andreika speaks to you: My Wicked Revenge spell is a formidable spell. It is powerful and long lasting. I implore you to think this over very carefully before making a request of me. As once the seeds of retribution are implanted in the mind of the offending person, it will be most difficult for that person to overcome the self-doubt and weaknesses instilled on him or her. However, if you are certain that this individual has bad intent toward you and is causing you distress, I don’t want you to suffer a fate you don’t deserve at the hands of another. Only then should you contact me and make your request for my most potent of revenge spells. And upon hearing from you, I vow to treat your situation as if it had happened to me! And heaven help that person. If this wicked spell doesn’t meet your satisfaction, have no fear. Calastrology offers a money back guarantee on all our spells & products for up to 1 full year.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| an13|"Andreika's Wicked Revenge Spell"|AN13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Andreika cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Andreika doesn't like to cast negative spells because she only hears one side of the story and doesn't want to harm an innocent person. So only if you are certain you are not mistaken, and that a specific person is out to do you wrong, only then will Andreika do your bidding. But please heed this warning: Andreika's Wicked Revenge spell is a formidable spell that you should think over very carefully before requesting. If you feel there is an individual with bad intent who is causing you to suffer a fate you don't deserve, let it be known that Andreika will treat your situation as if it had happened to her! And heaven help that person. Enough said. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| anger-management|"Anger Management Spell"|AMT|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you frustrated with someone who seems to “lose it” at the slightest provocation?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things more frustrating than trying to communicate with an angry person. It appears that anything we have to say – regardless of how reasonable and factual it might be – the words appear to fall upon deaf ears.
    So how do we deal with this anger?
    What we do know is that getting into a shouting match with an angry adversary isn’t going to help. In fact, it will result in more animosity between you, more separation and won’t bode well for the future. So is there anything we can we do?
    In fact, there is a way
    In the metaphysical world there are a limited number of people who have been blessed with extraordinary psychic abilities. These gifted ones are called Master Psychics, and they have a great deal of experience planting the seeds of change within a person’s subconscious. So if you are frustrated, and yes, perhaps a bit angry, in dealing with someone who seems to “lose it” at the slightest provocation, you have come to the right place. An experienced, gifted Master Psychic is ready to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. And once the seeds of change take root in your loved one’s subconscious, it could be just a matter of time before the two of you can sit down and have a reasonable, calm, and pleasant conversation. Considering the stress, frustration and other negatives in dealing with someone’s anger, isn’t it worth it to try something different? After all, what do you have to lose? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| animal-spirits-spell|"Animal Spirits Spell"|ASP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|||"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Animal Spirits Spell"|""|"The Animal Spirits spell will inject you with a feeling of invincibility, self-confidence, and poise."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Animal Spirits spell is unlike any other. And if you are unaware of this legendary spell, you are in for a pleasant awakening. For the Animal Spirits spell is designed to penetrate deep within your soul directly into your subconscious, instilling the best qualities of the most powerful, most intelligent, most beautiful beings on the face of the earth. If you seek to better yourself and to impress work associates, friends, and loved ones, look no further. The Animal Spirits spell will inject you with a feeling of invincibility, self-confidence, and poise. And soon you will find yourself soaring to a higher level in all aspects of your life, quicker than you could have ever imagined. Cast by a Master Psychic who specializes in this complex and hard-to-cast spell (very few psychics are qualified to cast the Animal Spirits spell), it will seem as if powerful spirits are whispering in your ear, guiding you, warning you of pitfalls, and most of all, leading you to victory in the endeavors most important to you. The Animal Spirits spell awaits you, if...
    • You aspire to lead an exciting, fulfilling life surrounded by friends and loved ones.
    • Your desires, dreams, and goals are much more sophisticated than the average person, and you truly want to lead the life of the rich and famous.
    • You are willing to shoot for the stars and try something new!
    How do you know if the Animal Spirits spell is right for you? If reading these words stirs your soul, and you can feel a sense of excitement, then be prepared for a life-changing experience.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aphroditeshearts|"Aphrodite's Hearts Necklace"|APH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|"Aphrodite's Hearts Necklace"|""|"Aphrodite’s Hearts is designed to capture the heart of the one you love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This powerful amulet represents two hearts – yours and the one you love. Is this you?
    Are you currently in love with someone and desire to bring this person closer to you? Do you crave to be appreciated, treasured, and loved unconditionally? Or perhaps you are searching for a new love and want it to happen now – not next week or next year. Legend has it that Aphrodite’s Hearts will bring a current love closer to you, or if you are currently alone will steer the person of your dreams to your doorstep. If either of the above is your wish, let Aphrodite’s Hearts bring you true romance, unconditional love, and the fulfillment of your dreams. Wear or carry this legendary piece and feel its gravitational pull on anyone who comes into view. Aphrodite’s Hearts is designed to capture the heart of the one you love.
    Representing two hearts – yours and your loved one, here’s what Aphrodite’s Hearts can do for you:
    This substantial sterling silver piece will be a keepsake that you will treasure for years. A free chain will be included with your order!"||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, I have just received the Aphrodite's Hearts Necklace and I wanted to say a Big ""Thank you."" I love it. It is well-made and heavier than I expected. I have hope in my heart and faith in my judgement, but I'm not too proud to ask for your help to encourage this man to recognise his feelings for me and act upon them, bringing us both lasting happiness. Thank you so much. Julie
    Leicester, England

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-compatibility-spell|"Aquarius Compatibility Spell"|ZAQ3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aquarius Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are currently in a relationship, or perhaps you know someone out there with whom you care to have a relationship, this powerful spell can forge an unbreakable bond between you. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a blessed partnership. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Aquarius Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Aquarius Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZAQ5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aquarius Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Aquarius, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Aquarius. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-money-spell|"Aquarius Money Spell"|ZAQ2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aquarius Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Aquarius. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Aquarius Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-reconciliation-spell|"Aquarius Reconciliation Spell"|ZAQ6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aquarius Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Aquarius? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Aquarius Reconciliation spell is designed to:
  • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
  • Smooth out the differences between you.
  • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
  • If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-retaliation-spell|"Aquarius Retaliation Spell"|ZAQ4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aquarius Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Aquarius, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Aquarius Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-true-love-spell|"Aquarius True Love Spell"|ZAQ1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aquarius True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are in a relationship and not being treated in the manner you deserve, Aquarius, this can be a sea-change spell for you. This is your chance to have it all: unconditional love, unquestionable loyalty, knowing you can trust your partner and be with him or her in a truly happy relationship. This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. The Aquarius True Love spell will increase the odds of your meeting your intended if your paths haven't already crossed. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Aquarius True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-zodiac-spells|"Aquarius Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:AQUARIUS-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :AQUARIUS-MONEY-SPELL :AQUARIUS-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :AQUARIUS-RETALIATION-SPELL :AQUARIUS-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :AQUARIUS-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:AQUARIUS-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :AQUARIUS-MONEY-SPELL :AQUARIUS-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :AQUARIUS-RETALIATION-SPELL :AQUARIUS-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :AQUARIUS-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| arch-rival-curse|"Arch Rival Curse"|ARR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If a nemesis is causing you grief and “has it in for you,” a talented Master Psychic awaits permission to work in your behalf."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Sometimes in life you need a helping hand. If a nemesis is causing you grief and “has it in for you,” a talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to call upon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf.
    Is this you?
    • A vindictive person seems intent on sabotaging your life.
    • You are feeling insecure, anxious and worried that their negative energy is preventing you from moving forward in many areas of your life.
    • You don’t know why this person is casting their negative energy in your direction, but you feel you need to do something quickly and decisively to put an end to it.
    • And, if at all possible, you would like to redirect this negative force back upon this person, forcing them to reap the bad consequences of their evil intent.
    Does the above accurately reflect your current situation?
    If so, the Arch Rival curse could help you return to the tranquil, happy life and security you truly deserve. So if you haven’t been able to successfully cope with this nemesis on your own, this could be your time to have a Master Psychic stand by your side, helping you in your time of need. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovetest|"Are You Appreciated? Do Others See the Real You?"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Take this simple test (it's free), and find out if you’re getting the TLC you so deserve. Learn if others are giving you the love, attention and affection you so crave. After each question, place a number (1 through 5) to indicate your answer. Rank each question from one to five points:
    1-almost never; 2-not too often; 3-sometimes; 4-frequently; 5-all the time. Once you answer all ten questions, click the button at the bottom to tally your score, then refer to the comments below.
    1. Are you treated special—with warmth, hugs, loving?
    2. Are you able to retain your sense of humor, even in difficult times?
    3. Are you getting feedback that your efforts are being noticed?
    4. Do you feel appreciated by those closest to you?
    5. Do you receive compliments?
    6. Do you feel if you would disappear you would be sorely missed?
    7. Do others see your beautiful inner you?
    8. Do you feel you’re treated with respect?
    9. Do you get the attention you deserve?
    10. Do people notice when you’re not feeling well?

    Your Score:

    If your score is between 43-50, you are a person who is in contact with the “right” people. They are demonstrative in their feelings for you and are not hesitant to show it. You are lucky to be in their presence and hopefully you respond with equal affection toward them. They see you for who you really are and are elated when you succeed in life, work, etc. Most likely you inspire them and they respond with wholehearted affection. You are a lucky person, indeed. If your score is between 35-42, you have numerous contacts, most of whom are supportive and enjoy being in your company. To create this atmosphere of friendship and cooperation, you are not reluctant to reach out and bring quality people into your life. You can spot a good person immediately and you have learned to trust your instincts. This, in fact, is one of your strongest attributes. You, indeed, are supportive of others and are rarely jealous. Although you feel more than your share of ups and downs regarding love, friendship, loyalty, caring – your overall feelings are that your emotional needs are generally being fulfilled. If your score is between 27-34, you are receiving tender loving care, but only on occasion. And you are being denied the attention and the recognition you feel you deserve. You are the type of person who is not reluctant to praise others, yet you are puzzled when you don’t receive the same in return. At times life seems empty because you feel that close ones don’t seem to notice your higher qualities, your noteworthy achievements. You can easily accomplish many things that others struggle with; yet it often goes unnoticed. There is a sense of frustration in your life that you are giving more than you are receiving. If your score is between 19-26, life seems to be an on-again, off-again series of victories and disappointments. You want people to see the “real” you, but more often than not they don’t seem to want to give it the time or effort. You have had more than your share of selfish individuals who primarily want to talk about themselves. And you feel you have so much to give – if only they would notice, or care, or be willing to give of themselves. You feel in your heart the “right” person is out there who can give you what you sorely need, but it is frustrating to you not to be able to make contact or discover one another. So for now, you must be content with recognizing your own achievements, regardless of how large or small, and not allow the frustrations to injure your self esteem. If your score is 18 or less, you are searching for that person or persons who can give you the feedback, the attention you so deserve. Unfortunately, you are not presently surrounded by giving, loving people. Being recognized and appreciated is high on your list and you feel a growing sense of displeasure with your predicament. Although you are not the type of person who constantly needs positive feedback, you feel you are not getting any. And that is not satisfactory! You need to find new people and bring warmth into your life.
    Want some help with love and relationships? Try these powerful solutions:"||||"(:LOVESPELL :LOVETOKEN :COMEBACK :RETRIEVE)"|"(:LOVESPELL :LOVETOKEN :COMEBACK :RETRIEVE)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-compatibility-spell|"Aries Compatibility Spell"|ZAR3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aries Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Aries, it is your fondest wish to journey through life together with that very special person. To join arm-in-arm, sharing the good times and bad, and to be in a loving, trusting relationship. If you are currently in a relationship, or have your eye on someone, this powerful spell can forge an unbreakable bond between you. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a blessed partnership. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer, convincing your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and recognize all your incredible qualities, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Aries Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Aries Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZAR5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aries Love/lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Aries, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Aries. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-money-spell|"Aries Money Spell"|ZAR2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aries Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Aries. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Aries Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-reconciliation-spell|"Aries Reconciliation Spell"|ZAR6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aries Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Aries? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Aries Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.

    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-retaliation-spell|"Aries Retaliation Spell"|ZAR4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aries Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Aries, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Aries Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-true-love-spell|"Aries True Love Spell"|ZAR1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aries True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. As an Aries, you are not often willing to settle halfway. This is particularly true in your relationships, whether they are casual or intimate. In your heart, you know you have so much to give. And you fervently believe you cannot truly be fulfilled until you are paired with the love of your life. To love and to be loved, this is your creed. So, you may ask: what can the True Love spell do for me? This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. And if your paths haven't already crossed, the Aries True Love spell will increase the odds of you meeting the love of your life. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Aries True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-zodiac-spells|"Aries Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:ARIES-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :ARIES-MONEY-SPELL :ARIES-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :ARIES-RETALIATION-SPELL :ARIES-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :ARIES-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:ARIES-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :ARIES-MONEY-SPELL :ARIES-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :ARIES-RETALIATION-SPELL :ARIES-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :ARIES-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| arthurs-amulet|"Arthur's Amulet"|CC3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"Arthur's Amulet"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This is the legendary mystical piece that is designed to help you make the gigantic leap forward…in your career, in your finances, in your love life.

    Take this brief test

    • Have you reached a dead end and are frustrated that you aren't fulfilling your destiny?
    • Do you believe you are “special” and have aspirations and dreams that make you stand out from others?
    • Are you growing impatient with your current status and want to make the great leap forward...right now?

    If the above questions resonate with you, get ready for a special treat.

    Fulfill Your Most Illustrious Dreams

    If you want to be proactive and take charge of your life, we strongly suggest you take possession of Arthur's amulet.

    Wear or carry it wherever you go and whatever you do, and experience a surge of energy and excitement that Arthur's amulet has implanted within you. Then live the life you've dreamed of while fulfilling your most illustrious dreams.

    So if you are ready for a life-changing experience, perhaps it's your destiny to take possession of this stunning gold plated piece. Soon Arthur's amulet could enhance your ability to make the great leap forward – in every aspect of your life."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| hoodoo|"Ask the HooDoo Doctor!"|HOO|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Ask the HooDoo Doctor!"|""|"If you need something done right now, then you should turn to one of the most powerful Spellmakers known to mankind, the HooDoo Doctor."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Brought to America by African slaves, HooDoo is often referred to as the Practice of Magic. Because of the complexity of casting a HooDoo Spell, only a limited number of HooDoo Practitioners have risen to the top of their field. These select few are held in the highest esteem and are known as HooDoo Doctors. HooDoo Doctors rely upon the magical properties of herbs, roots, and minerals (esepcially Lodestone). One of the most significant rituals entails Casting the Bones or Reading the Bones, although in modern times only chicken bones are used. HooDoo is often called upon to achieve ""Fast Luck"" in both money and love. Most people who seek help from a HooDoo Doctor request a spell such as ""Luck in a hurry,"" or ""Money in a hurry,"" or ""Attract a lover in a hurry."" If you need something done right now, not next week or next month or next year, then you should turn to one of the most powerful Spellmakers known to mankind, the HooDoo Doctor. Ask the HooDoo Doctor to cast a ""Fast Luck"" spell for you at once. You won't have to wait long for something good to happen.

    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| asread|"Horoscopes & Astrology Readings"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Astrology Readings, Horoscopes, and Love Compatibility Readings. Satisfaction guaranteed, or your money back!"|""|""|""|""|""|"CAA offers the best Astrology Readings & Horoscopes, Love Horoscopes, Astrology Compatibility Readings & Octology Forecasts. Satisfaction Guaranteed! "||||"(:MONTHLYHOROSCOPES :COMPATIBILITY :NATALCHARTS :LUCKYNUMBERS :ZODIAC-SPELLS-LINK)"|"(:MONTHLYHOROSCOPES :COMPATIBILITY :NATALCHARTS :LUCKYNUMBERS :ZODIAC-SPELLS-LINK)"|""|"1"|"
    Dear CAA,

    I ordered a California Astrology Association Horoscope from you and want to say how it has changed my life. I was shocked when I read the things that were written. In actual fact it made me cry due to the fact that I could finally understand more about myself.

    For a long time I have tried to hide the bad qualities about myself but now I want to face them and improve them. The description was 100% perfect and everything said so far in the Horoscope is coming true in one way or another.

    Before now I didn't believe. Truly I mocked these Horoscopes, but now I am a firm believer. If you sit wondering if these things are real, then please believe me because they are.

    I couldn't have asked for a better service. Thank you so much!

    Cheltenham, England
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Dear CAA,

    I have to first off say a big ""Thank-you"" for your promptness to my request of a personal 6 Month Horoscope and Octology Report. I've only had them one month now, and I'm completely awed, already one of the time-framed predictions have shown themselves...never in my life have I received any kind of reading or report so concise, clear and accurate.

    I know I will be referring to these reports regularly, I have no desire now to even scope out other sources for guidance, where usually I'm getting a few at a time hoping they'll all fill each other in, but this ""quest"" has finally stopped. Already I feel fulfilled and believe all my ""questions"" are answered before me and I have no need to look any further!

    Thank-you so much, it's incredible the way you've reached me!

    Ontario, Canada
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| atias-sign|"Atia's Sign"|P07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(59.95)||T|""|""|"Atia's Sign"|""|"Legend has it that the person who possesses Atia's sign will be blessed with her unique ability to turn dreams into reality."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    In ancient Rome, this was the insignia worn by Atia, who was the niece of Julius Caesar and mother of Augustus. Atia was renowned for her extraordinary beauty. She was also respected for her charming manner as well as her cleverness, which allowed her to emerge victorious in almost every aspect of her life. Legend has it that the person who possesses Atia's sign will be blessed with her unique ability to turn dreams into reality.
    Should you come into possession of Atia’s sign, it is said that:
    • Your opinion will be sought after by others.
    • Your intuition will be razor sharp and will rarely mislead you.
    • Correct decisions in business and financial matters will come surprisingly easy to you.
    • For no apparent reason, your opposition will seem to melt away.
    • Obstacles will easily be traversed.
    • You will exhibit an allure that will be irresistible to the one you adore.
    This solid sterling silver piece is highly polished and will attract compliments whenever you wear it. A beautiful silver chain is included. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| atwanno309|"Attraction Wanga"|W9|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To attract the opposite sex and make you very appealing to them."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| attraction-wanga-link|"Attraction Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"To attract the opposite sex and make you very appealing to them."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aura|"Aura Cleansing"|AUR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Name"" Inscription 25 ""Your Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 18 ""Your Eye Color"" Inscription 16 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Name:
    Your Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Your Eye Color:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Aura Cleansing"|""|"Cleansing your aura may remove the imperfections and dark clouds that surround it--allowing love and money to flow through your aura into your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You, like every living being, have an aura – a rainbow of colors encompassing your body. Your aura defines your past, your present, your future. Your aura determines if you will be lonely and isolated, or surrounded by loved ones. It determines if you will have money worries or be able to amass great wealth. Ultimately, your aura determines if you will be frustrated and sad – or successful and happy. A clean aura, unencumbered by imperfections, may allow the good things to enter your life. However, if your aura is riddled with imperfections, you are unlikely to achieve your most important goals. The barriers that are present in a cluttered aura will most certainly prevent you from achieving the happiness and success you so deserve. Once your aura is cleansed – removing the imperfections and dark clouds that surround it – only then can love and money flow through your aura into your life. Only then can you discover the gold mine that is waiting for you. Remember These Words:
    ""Your aura is like a fingerprint; it is completely unique and represents precisely who you really are. But unlike the fingerprint, a gifted psychic can change your aura, cleanse it – eliminating the clouds, the defects, the negatives. The results could be startling: your relationships could be better than ever, your love life could get a jump start, and your finances could take a quantum leap."" Ask for your Aura cleansing and get ready to enjoy your gold mine!
    Dear CAA, I would like to thank you for cleansing my Aura last month on the 17th. Since you've done this for me, my life has been much lighter. I don't feel like the world is on my shoulders anymore. I'm able to tackle problems with ease and a lot less worry. I would recommend Aura Cleansing to anyone. By having my Aura cleansed I strongly believe that it aided me to be calm-minded and a much healthier person. Thank you.
    Louise L.
    Bridgeport, CT

    Dear CAA, I ordered an Aura Cleansing and I promptly recived my letter in the mail explaining that on September 23rd the cleansing would happen. I became so busy with my daily life that I forgot about the cleansing until the evening of the 23rd I felt a pleasant lightness, a tingling feeling. I was actually giggling because it felt so wonderful! I realized that this was the day for my Aura Cleansing and I had just experienced the beginning of it! I feel so much better already, thank you so much!
    D.D. Vasquez
    San Jose, CA
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-spells|"Authentic Voodoo Spells"||LINK.|voodoospells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Once you open your heart and mind to this awesome power, miraculous changes in your life could happen to you!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sacred-moon-circle-amulet|"Bangkok Sacred Moon Circle"|SMC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(59.95)||T|""|""|"Bangkok Sacred Moon Circle"|""|"This ancient piece is supposed to bring love, peace and happiness to the person who possesses it."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Originally found in the ruins of a buried temple in South East Asia, this ancient piece is supposed to bring love, peace and happiness to the person who possesses it. Engravings on the walls of the ancient temple showed monks adorned with the Bangkok Sacred Moon Circle. Thai Symbol for a Miraculous Life For hundreds of years, the Bangkok Sacred Moon Circle has been the Thai symbol for spectacular luck, unlimited love and a long, prosperous life. Blesses you with good fortune If luck has flitted away and you feel events are beyond your control, this charm calls upon the spirits to bless you with inner peace and assurance that a rejuvenated life is just around the corner. May your soul shine with contentment It is said that the moment you take possession of the Bangkok Sacred Moon Circle, you will experience a pleasant surge of energy flowing through your very being. And soon others will notice your vitality, beauty and inner peace, as they had never seen previously. This ancient piece is made of solid sterling silver.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| banish-them-vanish-them|"Banish Them! Vanish Them!"|BAN|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" INSCRIPTION 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Banish Them! Vanish Them!"|""|"This is not a spell... It is a curse!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    WARNING: This curse is to be directed only against a person who is “intentionally” out to cause you harm. It is not to be used against someone who just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and is unintentionally standing in the way of your happiness. Is an evil person causing you great pain? There is nothing worse than knowing someone is out to harm you or destroy you. Even if they are not outwardly threatening you with physical harm, their motives and actions could cause rapid deterioration of your emotional and mental well being, possibly resulting in a meltdown of your physical health. If this is happening to you, and if you are not doing anything about it, this situation could cause untold havoc in your life and have dramatic long term repercussions. We recommend you take strong action at once! The first thing you should do! Decide once and for all if this person is truly your enemy. If so, they should be treated as such. Remember, you are in their line of fire and you must take immediate and definitive action to counter their evil efforts. If you feel their negative vibrations and you know in your heart they wish you harm, then bad karma and bad luck will continue to plague you. This must be stopped at once! Don’t let this situation deteriorate any further. Their wrath toward you could be the reason that a dark cloud seems to be hovering over you in every aspect of your life, in everything you do, everywhere you go. It is time to fight back! It is important for you to understand you can do something about it, and you shouldn’t put it off any longer. The process of casting a Banish Them! Vanish Them! Curse is a time consuming, laborious process, so please request this only if your situation is nearing desperation. And, remember: THIS POTENT CURSE SHOULD ONLY BE DIRECTED TOWARD AN EVIL PERSON.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| barrelful-of-love-spell|"Barrelful of Love Spell"|BOL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Barrelful of Love spell is specifically designed to bring your mate or lover or potential suitor closer to you, engulfing you with love and affection."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Whatever your situation, whether you are currently in a relationship or searching for a new one, if you want to be loved with more intensity and feeling, look no further. The Barrelful of Love spell is specifically designed to bring your mate or lover or potential suitor closer to you, engulfing you with love and affection. Which Situation is Yours?
    Let's face it, your romantic situation could be simple or complicated. You may be in a perfect relationship or a relationship that has so many problems you feel dizzy just thinking about it. You may have a very attentive mate or be involved with someone who is ignoring you and acting as if you don't exist. Or you may be without anyone in your life and you simply want the ""right"" person to show up at your doorstep. Don't Settle for Second Best
    If you're not getting the love and respect and happiness you deserve, let us assign a specialist in the art of planting the seeds of love to work in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| be-faithful-to-me-spell|"Be Faithful To Me"|BFM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"What is more important than knowing you are in a loving relationship with someone who only has eyes for you?"|""|""|""|""|""|" Stop Looking Around! I'm the Best You'll Ever Get! What is more important than knowing you are in a loving relationship with someone who only has eyes for you? After all, you deserve to be adored, cherished and loved – unconditionally. This spell is for you, if:
    • You feel your lover has wandering eyes.
    • You are insecure in your relationship.
    • You feel your deep love is not being reciprocated.
    • You need reassurance that your lover is faithful.
    If you want your lover to love and respect you – and be totally faithful to you – this spell could help you achieve inner peace and happiness.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| be-kind-to-me-spell|"Be Kind to Me Spell"|BEK|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Be Kind to Me spell is designed to plant the seeds of calm and reason within the subconscious of your loved one."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There is nothing more disruptive to a relationship when the one you love is angry and unwilling to listen to reason.
    Does this sound familiar?
    • Your loved one is often upset with you.
    • And whatever you say or do doesn’t appear to affect their behavior.
    • Even if you did make a mistake or said something in haste, you certainly didn’t mean to harm them or upset them in any way.
    • And because this type of thing can happen in any relationship, the best way to resolve the issue is to sit down in a respectful and calm manner and air it out.
    • However, your partner is so unreasonable they are unwilling to truly “hear” what you have to say.
    If the above words accurately describe your situation, the Be Kind to Me spell is designed to plant the seeds of calm and reason within the subconscious of your loved one...or anyone else of importance to you. So if you feel you are up against a brick wall and nothing you can say or do can change their behavior, you have come to the right place. A Master Psychic who specializes in relationship spells is ready to apply their expertise in your behalf. All you have to do is ask."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| beat-the-blues|"Beat The Blues Spell"|BTB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Beat the Blues spell taps into your inner psyche, allowing you to break out of the doldrums, to look around and realize there is so much out there that can bring you joy."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Too often, we are inclined to sit back and suffer the frustrations and setbacks that life inflicts upon us. When this happens, we can become sullen, pessimistic and generally unhappy. It is times like this, when the future looks bleak. And when there's no hope, daily life is pure drudgery. We've all been hurt. And it's important to recognize that every one of us has been dealt a bad hand at one time or another. If you are in a bad place right now, you should be comforted in knowing you are not in this alone! The question is: how are you going to deal with your current situation? Your two choices: 1) You can sit back, accept your fate, and live the rest of your life regretting you hadn't done better, or, 2) You can say ""Oh Yeah!"" and come out swinging.
    Amazingly, the instances you have stood up and said you aren't going to take it anymore are the times you have experienced your best success, your most glorious triumphs! Much of your happiness depends on your ability to make things happen. When you are brimming with confidence, you have found that nothing is impossible. That once you convince yourself you can do it, the path is clear, and you seem to reach your goals with remarkable ease. The Beat the Blues spell taps into your inner psyche, allowing you to break out of the doldrums, to look around and realize there is so much out there that can bring you joy. This powerful spell lights up your life and illuminates your true path, leading you into a brighter future. The Beat the Blues spell is for you, if:
    • You feel your feet are in cement and you need someone or something to get you going again – to give you that needed push.
    • You are feeling depressed and a bit terrified that your future will not be a happy one.
    • You feel alone and are left to fend for yourself. And you need a support system, someone or something helping you, guiding you, showing you the way.
    • You know in your heart you are capable of surprising everyone – even yourself.

    Don't let the blues beat you. You have much to live for, and your remaining time should be spent enjoying life to the fullest. This remarkable spell could start you on your way.

    Please note that you will have an opportunity to explain your situation when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| beautiful-home-and-family-spell|"Beautiful Home and Family Spell"|BHF|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Beautiful Home and Family Spell"|""|"Do you wish to live in a beautiful home with the person you love?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This most remarkable spell is designed to fulfill your most ardent wish - and that is to live in a beautiful home with the person you love. If this is what you want, you are not alone. The Beautiful Home and Family spell is requested by people from all walks of life. This potent spell can be cast for you by a Master Psychic who specializes in bringing people together and elevating their lives to the highest level. Order this spell, if:
    • You know what you want: a beautiful home and family…and a life filled with laughter, love and kindness.
    • You are a loving, giving person and all you want in life is to receive the same in return.
    • There is a very special person whom you dearly love, and you want this person to reciprocate your loving feelings.
    • You need to get your life on the right track, and that is to finally experience the love and respect you so deserve.
    The Beautiful Home and Family spell is a very specialized spell that could bring you peace, love, and fulfillment that you never dreamed possible.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| beginners-luck|"Beginner's Luck Spell"|BLS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This is your chance to defy the law of averages and have beginner's luck tucked safely in your pocket."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    We’ve all witnessed the spectacular luck of a beginner. We’ve smiled with admiration at how someone with limited knowledge and experience could come out on top...often overcoming great odds. And because it happens so often with a beginner, it’s enough to know there’s something behind it. Something that defies the law of averages. It’s often referred to as Beginner’s Luck. And whatever it is, we want it.
    Your turn to be lucky
    Does the above makes sense to you? Do you feel it in your gut that if you could be blessed with beginners luck it could elevate your life in so many ways. If so, a gifted Master Psychic is ready to summon his formidable psychic powers to cast the “Beginner’s Luck” spell in your behalf. This is your chance to defy the law of averages and have beginners luck tucked safely in your pocket. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| beware-of-imposters|"Beware of Imposters and Scams!"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Many of our clients have brought to our attention that there are several websites that have blatantly copied our offerings. Normally, we would not be concerned as long as they provide a professional service and stand behind it. In fact, it is somewhat flattering to know someone admires our work enough to copy it. However, we have been informed - and it is not at all surprising to us - that their primary goal is to make money, not enhance the quality of life of visitors to their sites. So the question is, how can you tell if a website is legitimate? One way, of course, is to ask someone who has purchased a product or service from that site. Another would be to take a look at their guarantee, if they have one. Also, you can click on their ""About Us"" section and see how long they've been in business. You should also be aware that some unscrupulous sites will sell a spell and then later on insist on additional payments to ""make the spell work"" ...sometimes charging hundreds of dollars. The California Astrology Association never does that, of course, but we do frequently receive letters from victims of such shameful practices. Unfortunately, the Internet with all its wonders and attributes has also attracted less than honorable people. Since 1970, when the California Astrology Association was founded, it has been our sole purpose to help our clients achieve success in their personal and business lives. And if any product or service they purchased didn't fulfill that promise, they were assured they could get a refund up to one full year after purchase. No questions asked. Period. A high percentage of our work is for clients whom we have known for years. They live all over the world and we treasure their patronage; you can see many of their letters to us that we have posted throughout our website. In any case, welcome to the California Astrology Association. Sincerely, Burton
    President/Founder PS - We are proud to be a recipient of the Best of the Web award as well as consistently receiving high Yahoo! Shopping rankings. You might want to check out these other sites to see if they have received similar honors.

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bewitch-spell|"Bewitch-Capture-Keep Your Lover Spell"|BWK|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|""|""|"It's time for your lover to realize you are the best person, the “only” person, who can ensure their happiness.

    Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

    Is your relationship with your loved one in jeopardy? Are you worried because you see signs of discontent and unhappiness? Do you fear the two of you seem to be growing further and further apart...both emotionally and physically?
    Wake-up call
    If the above words accurately reflect your current situation, you have come to the right place at the right time. Please continue reading.
    Does the following sound familiar?
    • You are certain that your loved one is the person you were meant to be with for the rest of your life.
    • This precious relationship is critical to your happiness and you’d do almost anything to keep it together.
    • However, recent events have reached a critical point.
    • And a reconciliation must happen quickly, as you feel time is not on your side.
    Is this what you want?
    You want your loved one to calm down and listen – really listen – to what you have to say. For you are certain that not only can the relationship be saved...but it can thrive! And once they act in a reasonable and kind manner, they will realize that you are the best person, the “only” person, who can ensure their happiness.
    An important question
    After reading the above words, do you feel in your gut that it’s time for you to take action – quickly and decisively? If so, a gifted Master Psychic, who specializes in troubled relationships, awaits your call to cast the potent Bewitch–Capture-Keep Your Lover spell in your behalf. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon, and night.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bewitching-spell|"Bewitching Spell"|BWS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Bewitching Spell"|""|"Has someone taken your place? It's not too late to undo it. You could get them out of the picture!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    There are few things worse in life than when someone you long for is with someone else. Your life stops dead in its tracks, you are devastated, and in many ways there is a feeling of hopelessness. Most of all, you are certain life will never be the same. How disheartening to know the person you love is giving all their love and time and devotion to someone else. Particularly, when you know you have so much more to offer. Life can be unfair at times, but this is unbelievably cruel. Well, what if you could switch places and be with your lover again? What if you could have a second chance? What if your lover finally wakes up and sees the light and realizes you are the right person after all? If you don't know where to turn or what to do, there is someone who can help you. A formidable psychic who is skilled in such matters is willing to cast a Bewitching spell in your behalf. The seeds of return will be planted, and it could happen in a remarkably short period of time. So, if you yearn to take the place of another person, and, what's more, you feel you deserve it, then this is the perfect spell for you. Remember, it's not too late to act. You could get them out of the picture and switch places sooner than you think.
    I ordered the Retrieve a Lover Spell and Bewitching Spell to get a lover back. At first I thought it wasn't working because he almost married someone else. But then, months later, he broke up with his fiance. Now we have been bumping in to each other, and a mutual friend just offered to bring me into contact with him again. I feel he is poised to come back into my life again. The Spells are definitely working! Melody S.
    New York, NY
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs5|"Bingo Gambling Spell"|GS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bingo-sweeps-lottery|"Bingo-Sweeps-Lottery"|BSL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you feel you've been shortchanged in life and need a helping hand, this potent spell is designed to bring excitement to your life and dollars in your pocket."|""|""|""|""|""|" Success in any game of chance requires several things to come into play at once:
    • Experience – Having the knowledge that experience brings goes a long way in selecting the ""right"" games of chance to play.
    • Intuition – The difference between winning and losing often comes down to that ""gut"" feeling of where and when to place your bets.
    • Luck – There’s no getting away from it. You can't win big without luck.
    If you need a guiding hand, one that is silent and in the background but is nevertheless potent, this is a remarkable spell that could give you the boost you need.

    Increase the potency of your Bingo-Sweeps-Lottery Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gambler's Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You're tired of coming out on the short end and want to win that stash of money.
    • You feel you've paid your dues. You’ve worked hard and long, and it's time you've reaped the rewards for your sweat and tears.
    • You want to be the envy of others. You want to see the look on their faces knowing that they respect you and want to be close to you.
    • You simply want to sit back and smell the roses (and count your money).
    So if you feel you've been shortchanged in life and need a helping hand, this potent spell is designed to bring excitement to your life and dollars in your pocket."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blackcatkit|"Black Cat Spell Kit"|SK10|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Want a person out of your life? (This is a legendary kit, very effective.) "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-cloud-spell|"Black Cloud Spell"|BCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Black Cloud Spell"|""|"Is a black cloud is holding you back, stifling you, engulfing you in bad karma?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This remarkable spell is for you, if:
    • Your love life is in shambles.
    • Or you're worried about your financial situation.
    • Or you're feeling anxious and worried about the future.
    • Or all of the above.
    The Black Cloud spell is designed to do one thing and one thing only: dissolve the black cloud that's been hovering overhead, resulting in anxiety, lost opportunities, unhappiness… How do you know if a black cloud is holding you back, stifling you, engulfing you in bad karma? Take this test:
    • Do you frequently have negative thoughts running through your mind?
    • Do you sometimes feel isolated? That people, even those closest to you, are so involved in their own lives that they appear to ignore or seem indifferent to what you're going through?
    • Do you feel if you could only dissolve that black cloud hanging over you, your life will get back on track?
    If the above describes what you've been going through, the Black Cloud spell can help you regain your footing, get your life back on track, and ""get your mojo back.""
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-friday-ultra-lucky-spell|"Black Friday Ultra Lucky Spell"|BFS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Black Friday Ultra Lucky Spell"|""|"The Black Friday Ultra Lucky spell is designed to hone in on a specific wish that you desperately want to come true. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This classic spell is a must if you are willing to let powerful spirits elevate your life so you can achieve true happiness. The Black Friday Ultra Lucky spell is for you, if:
    • You know what you want but feel you need a lucky streak to put you over the top.
    • You are at a point in life where nothing seems to come easy regardless of how much time and energy you put into it.
    • You are becoming impatient with the slow progress in achieving your most important goals, and,
    • You want to speed up the process.
    Is this you? You are the type of person who is able to set your mind to something and just do it. Recently, however, it appears that you've been running into difficult obstacles that are preventing you from fulfilling your most important desires…and you feel you need ""extra"" help. The Black Friday Ultra Lucky spell is designed to hone in on a specific wish that you desperately want to come true.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-cancel-curse|"Black Magic Cancel Enemy Curse"|BM15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"A Powerful Spell to Neutralize a Nemesis Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is your chance to head off the negative and often harmful intent of a person who doesn’t have your best interests at heart. This potent Cancel Enemy curse is designed to block any maneuver this person is planning against you. This is your chance – perhaps your last chance – to pre-empt a nemesis before they sabotage you.
    Is this you?
    • You are worried that someone you know is planning to undermine you and cause you trouble.
    • You have a very strong feeling they don’t have your best interests at heart.
    • And they would be more than pleased to see you fail.
    If the above words resonate with you, read on
    Do you feel this person is indeed planning something that could cause you a great deal of discomfort? If so, the Black Magic Cancel Enemy curse is designed to pre-empt them and stop them in their tracks. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to cast the unique Black Magic Cancel Enemy curse to literally spoil their plans, thus allowing you to the chance to succeed in both your personal relationships and money matters. This is your chance to:
    • Stop a negative influence in your life.
    • Experience the joy and happiness you so deserve.
    All you have to do is ask."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-couple-breaker|"Black Magic Couple Breaker Curse"|BM13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""The Couple's Names"" Inscription 45 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    The Couple's Names:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Plant the Seeds of Discord in a Couple that Shouldn’t be Together Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you know two people who are in a relationship that is doomed to fail, this powerful spell is designed to speed up the process. So think carefully if this is what you want to happen because the Black Magic Couple Breaker curse could affect this relationship surprisingly fast.
    Is this you?
    • You know a particular couple who are together but who are not suited for one another.
    • And you are certain that once their partnership dissolves, one of the participants will return to the person they are best suited for.
    • And the sooner this happens, the better.
    If the above words describe your feelings, the Black Magic Couple Breaker curse could speed up the deterioration of this union. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to summon the forces of Black Magic to do your bidding. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-curse|"Black Magic Curse"|BM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Want to Even the Score...and Then Some? Here’s Your Opportunity! Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you upset and angry because someone you know is causing you trouble? A lot of trouble? And would you like to do something about it? To ruin their plans and stop them in their tracks? If so, the powerful Black Magic Curse is designed to:
    • Plant the seeds of doubt and hesitation in this person who harbors bad intentions toward you.
    • Transform their self-esteem from confident to ridden with self-doubt.
    • Even the score beyond your wildest dreams.
    If the above accurately describes your situation, your karma has led you to these words for a purpose: to stop this nemesis whose intent is to torment you! And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to summon the potent Black Magic curse to do your bidding and rid this negative force from your life once and for all. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-curses|"Black Magic Curses"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"We'll cast a black magic curse to give you the satisfaction you seek."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Know someone who deserves his or her comeuppance? A black magic curse could make it happen.
    • Tired of being a victim? A black magic curse puts you in the driver's seat.
    • Hassled by someone who has it in for you? We'll cast a black magic curse to neutralize them.

    A Master Psychic will cast a black magic curse to give you the satisfaction you seek. And you have nothing to lose. All black magic curses from the California Astrology Association are risk free, because if you're not 100% happy with the results we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:BLACK-CURSES :REVERSE-CURSE :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :REVENGE-OF-THE-RAVEN :GETEVEN :RETRIBUTION)"|"(:BLACK-CURSES :REVERSE-CURSE :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :REVENGE-OF-THE-RAVEN :GETEVEN :RETRIBUTION)"|""|"2"|"See more Black Magic."|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-lucky-streak|"Black Magic Long, Lucky Streak Spell "|BM8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It’s Time to Catch the Breaks, Seize the Opportunity Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You are tired and frustrated for not getting the breaks in life.
    • You know you are a good person, a hard worker and not a complainer.
    • But you wonder why some others seem to be on an extended lucky streak while you have to claw and fight for every inch.
    • And you want to experience success in every aspect of your life. Not tomorrow, next week, or next month.
    • You want it now!
    So remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic could plant the seeds of a Long, Lucky Streak so you can finally experience the vast pleasures of the good life. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-love-only-me|"Black Magic Love Only Me Spell"|BM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Plant the Seeds of Love, Faithfulness, Loyalty Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You feel somewhat neglected and are being taken for granted.
    • In this most important relationship, your partner isn’t giving you their best.
    • You sense they are holding back, refusing to fulfill your needs and desires.
    • You are the type of person who is willing to give one hundred percent of yourself, but you need your partner to do the same.
    If the above resonates with you, then most likely you find yourself somewhat frustrated, worried, and even depressed that your relationship is in trouble.
    Don’t give up!
    And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic could plant the seeds of love, faithfulness and loyalty within your loved one’s subconscious, so they will love you and only you "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-love-money-happiness|"Black Magic Love, Money, Happiness Spell"|BM12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do You Want It All? Well, Go for It! Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Who doesn’t fantasize the good life? To have a committed lover who adores you, respects you, takes care of you. To have the financial means to buy anything you want, go anywhere you want..and to spend the rest of your days doing whatever you want. If the above words accurately describe your true desires in life, the powerful Black Magic Love, Money, Happiness spell could propel you to the heights few people ever attain.
    Is this you?
    • You are a good person who has worked hard for anything you’ve achieved.
    • And rarely has something simply dropped into your lap without your sweat and labor that made it happen.
    • So you feel it’s time for good things to happen to you without you having to make huge sacrifices for it.
    The Black Magic Love, Money, Happiness spell is designed to place you in the right place at the right time so when that “once in a lifetime” opportunity presents itself, you will reap the magnificent rewards. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to cast the Black Magic Love, Money, Happiness spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-lust-passion|"Black Magic Lust, Passion, Excitement Spell"|BM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Elevate Your Intimate Relationship to New Heights Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You are a passionate and sensual person.
    • It is vital to your happiness that your partner fulfill your most intimate desires.
    • However, you are growing increasingly frustrated with your sensual needs not being met.
    • And you are certain that your lover could fulfill your most intimate desires...but only if they set their mind to it and are open to being less inhibited.
    Above all, you are the type of person who craves affection. And you feel this most important relationship can be greatly enhanced if only your partner would commit to fulfilling your sensual needs. And of course you are more than willing to do your share to turn them on. However, you feel your partner needs a jump start, and you are willing to consider all alternatives to move them out of their slumber. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic could plant the seeds of lust, passion and excitement in your loved one and elevate your intimate relationship to new heights. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-make-a-wish|"Black Magic Make a Wish Spell"|BM10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Summon the Powers of Black Magic to Make Your Dream a Reality Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You have an urgent matter that needs to be addressed immediately.
    • You have tried various means to solve this problem but your efforts haven’t produced the desired results.
    • And you are growing increasingly frustrated because you are running out of options.
    • And you have come to the conclusion you can’t solve this problem by yourself...that it’s time to seek outside help.
    If the above sounds familiar and describes your situation, the Black Magic Make a Wish spell could be just what you’ve been waiting for. So remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to cast the Make a Wish spell in your behalf. And finally, your most important dream could become a reality. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-aura|"Black Magic Make My Aura Irresistible Spell"|BM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Draw People Closer with Your New Look, Your New Appeal Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This unique, potent spell could prove to be a game-changer...brightening your aura, allowing you to stand out from the crowd. Others will notice the “new” you, the confident you, the independent you. The Black Magic Make My Aura Irresistible spell is designed to:
    • Significantly increase your self-confidence.
    • Give your self-esteem a huge boost.
    • Stimulate and expand your charm and grace to quickly attract the ones you care for.
    • Act as a magnet, drawing loved ones closer to you.
    If the above words resonate with you, you are in for a very interesting experience. The Black Magic Make My Aura Irresistible spell could quickly surround you with people who want to be with you and care about you...particularly that one person whom you deeply adore. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to cast the unique Black Magic Make My Aura Irresistible spell in your behalf. And soon you could experience a successful turnaround in so many areas of your life. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-miss-me|"Black Magic Miss Me Terribly Spell"|BM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Plant the Seeds of Conciliation in Your Loved One So They Will Miss You, Long for You, Want to Be with You Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you fear that the love of your life has fallen “out of love,” fear not...there is hope! The Black Magic Miss Me Terribly spell is designed to plant the seeds of forgiveness and love within the subconscious of your loved one.
    Is this you?
    Are you frustrated, hurt and disappointed that you are not receiving the tender loving care you truly deserve? Do you want to convince your partner that love is a two-way street? And that they should realize you are the best thing to come into their life? If the above resonates with you, the Black Magic Miss Me Terribly spell could turn your relationship around much sooner than you think. Above all, don’t feel you are alone. And don’t feel you are helpless to do anything about it. There are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic could plant the seeds of conciliation in your loved one so they miss you, long for you and truly care for you. Much sooner than you think. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-seeds-of-reconciliation|"Black Magic Plant Seeds of Reconciliation Spell"|BM14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Fix Your Relationship Today! Renew Your Compatibility Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your relationship with a loved one or friend causing you concern? Do you fear this relationship may be spiraling out of control? And the end of this relationship would be so upsetting and so painful you don’t even want to think about it?
    Is this you?
    • You and your partner haven’t been getting along recently.
    • You are concerned that things will continue to deteriorate because your loved one is being stubborn and refusing to listen to reason.
    • And you are certain if you could somehow penetrate this person’s subconscious they would stop being angry and bitter. And your relationship would be injected with an instant boost in compatibility.
    If the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to cast the potent Black Magic Plant Seeds of Reconciliation spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-quick-fortune|"Black Magic Quick Fortune Spell"|BM7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Fulfill Your Dream of Wealth and a Life of Leisure Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You have worked hard all your life and feel it’s time you reaped the rewards for your efforts.
    • But so far you haven’t been the recipient of enough funds to provide you with the luxuries of life.
    • And you feel financial luck has evaded you.
    • And you are envious of those who haven’t worked as hard as you, but yet are basking in the glory of financial success.
    So at this time in your life, you are becoming more and more frustrated with barely keeping your head above water. And you want financial success now...not next week or next month or next year. So remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic could plant the seeds of Quick Fortune so you could finally experience the joys of luxuries, wealth and a life of leisure...all that you truly deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-reciprocal-love|"Black Magic Reciprocal Love Spell"|BM9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Finally, Your Lover is Returning Your Love...from Their Heart Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • Your most important relationship is having compatibility issues.
    • And you are concerned that if these differences aren’t resolved soon, the relationship could be in jeopardy.
    • However, you know in your heart that your partner does care for you and love you.
    • And if they could just lower their defenses and truly think about how important you are in their life, your relationship could take a giant leap forward.
    If the above words describe your situation, the Black Magic Reciprocal Love spell could provide the catalyst you’ve been seeking. So remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. Our Master Psychic is ready to plant the seeds of Reciprocal Love and get your relationship back on track. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-reunite|"Black Magic Reunite with Your Lover Spell"|BM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Penetrate Your Loved One’s Subconscious to Renew Their Love for You! Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are reading this, chances are you are in a relationship that is in a great deal of trouble. Perhaps your loved one is threatening to leave. Or perhaps they have already left. And possibly they are seeing another person, a rival to you. Any or all of the above is certainly a threat to the well-being of your relationship. If this is your situation, don’t feel you are alone. And don’t feel you are helpless to do anything about it. There are forces that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. This spell is for you, if:
    • There is a big gap, an emotional distance between you and your lover.
    • You fear that this problem is expanding every day.
    • And you are at your wit’s end because your lover is stubborn and often angry.
    • And you are frustrated and upset because you know in your heart the two of you truly belong together.
    If the above words ring true, the Black Magic Reunite with Your Lover spell could be the surprise assistance you’ve been waiting for."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-solve-my-problem|"Black Magic Solve My Problem Now Spell"|BM11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Running Out of Time? Perhaps It’s Time to Turn to Black Magic Learn More"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you, if:
    • You have a serious issue that’s been lingering for some time.
    • You have tried to solve this problem in several ways.
    • But to no avail.
    • And you sense that you are running out of time.
    • And you are worried that in the near future this issue may be completely out of hand.
    If the above words accurately describe your situation, you have to act now. Putting it off until a later date could be too late indeed. And remember, there are forces around us that many of us don’t understand. Mystical forces that could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of these forces is known as Black Magic. And it could work in your behalf. So if you are willing, even eager, to have someone else in your corner to assist you in your time of need, the Solve My Problem Now spell may be the answer to your prayers. Our Master Psychic is ready to cast this potent spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-spell|"Black Magic Spell"|BMG|ITEM.||(29.95)|||"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Use Black Magic to reunite with your lover!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    You are frustrated, sad and lonely, and sometimes you feel nobody cares. If you feel you are stuck in the wilderness in a situation that appears hopeless, you should know that you're not the only person this has happened to. And there is something you can do about it! Sometimes bad things happen to good people, and it appears whatever they do, they can't get out of the quagmire. If this describes you, don't give up. The situation is not hopeless. The Black Magic spell could turn things around for you, and if you have tried everything else, you have nothing to lose. Remember, our unconditional guarantee is just that. If you don't find the love of your life, we'll refund your money! So, if you are in love with someone who once loved you, there is hope. After all, you once captured their heart, didn't you? Why can't it be done again? The Black Magic spell could work especially well for you if you share these thoughts:
    • You are tired of living alone.
    • You crave to have someone take care of you, hold you, caress you.
    • You want to share, and give, and make love with that special person.
    • You are growing impatient and are very motivated to be in a loving relationship
    • You are certain this person is for you, but time is running out.
    • You know the relationship will work if you are given a fair chance.
    • This time around you will know how to deal with their flaws, their demands.
    Let the Black Magic spell help you spend the rest of your days with the love of your life.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-spells|"Black Magic Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A black magic spell puts you in the driver's seat!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Hassled by someone who has it in for you? We'll cast a black magic spell to neutralize them.
    • Know someone who deserves his or her comeuppance? A black magic spell could make it happen.
    • Tired of being a victim? A black magic spell puts you in the driver's seat.

    A Master Psychic will cast a black magic spell to give you the satisfaction you seek. And you have nothing to lose. All black magic spells from the California Astrology Association are risk free, because if you're not 100% happy with the results we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:OBEAH :BLACK-CURSES :GETEVEN :REVERSE-CURSE :SNAKE-EYES :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :BLACK-MAGIC-CANCEL-CURSE)"|"(:OBEAH :BLACK-CURSES :GETEVEN :REVERSE-CURSE :SNAKE-EYES :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :BLACK-MAGIC-CANCEL-CURSE)"|""|"2"|"See more black magic."|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic-spells1|"Black Magic Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"If you are currently in a difficult situation that may appear to be unsolvable, and whatever you do, nothing seems to improve, Black Magic could provide you with unexpected, magnificent results."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Summon the Powers of Black Magic to Bring You Love, Abundance, Retribution

    There are mystical forces all around us that we cannot see or hear. Sometimes we may be able to “feel” the energy of one or more of these forces -- sometimes helping us, sometimes hindering us. And if powerful enough, a force could dramatically turn your life around on a dime. One of the most potent forces is known as Black Magic. And the good news is there are people known as Master Psychics who could summon the powers of Black Magic to work in your behalf. So if you are currently in a difficult situation that may appear to be unsolvable, and whatever you do, nothing seems to improve, Black Magic could provide you with unexpected, magnificent results. So if you feel you are alone and helpless to do anything about something that is causing you great concern, help could be on the way the moment you give your consent. Take a look at the various ways Black Magic could specifically help you. "||||"(:BLACK-MAGIC-REUNITE :BLACK-MAGIC-AURA :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :BLACK-MAGIC-LOVE-ONLY-ME :BLACK-MAGIC-MISS-ME :BLACK-MAGIC-LUST-PASSION :BLACK-MAGIC-QUICK-FORTUNE :BLACK-MAGIC-LUCKY-STREAK :BLACK-MAGIC-RECIPROCAL-LOVE :BLACK-MAGIC-MAKE-A-WISH :BLACK-MAGIC-SOLVE-MY-PROBLEM :BLACK-MAGIC-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS :BLACK-MAGIC-COUPLE-BREAKER :BLACK-MAGIC-SEEDS-OF-RECONCILIATION :BLACK-MAGIC-CANCEL-CURSE)"|"(:BLACK-MAGIC-REUNITE :BLACK-MAGIC-AURA :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :BLACK-MAGIC-LOVE-ONLY-ME :BLACK-MAGIC-MISS-ME :BLACK-MAGIC-LUST-PASSION :BLACK-MAGIC-QUICK-FORTUNE :BLACK-MAGIC-LUCKY-STREAK :BLACK-MAGIC-RECIPROCAL-LOVE :BLACK-MAGIC-MAKE-A-WISH :BLACK-MAGIC-SOLVE-MY-PROBLEM :BLACK-MAGIC-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS :BLACK-MAGIC-COUPLE-BREAKER :BLACK-MAGIC-SEEDS-OF-RECONCILIATION :BLACK-MAGIC-CANCEL-CURSE)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-magic|"Black Magic Spells, Curses & Hexes"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Black Magic Spells and Black Magic Curses can help you right a wrong!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Hassled by a person who has it in for you?
    • Know someone out there who deserves their comeuppance?
    • Are you tired of being the victim and want to fight back?
    A Master in Black Magic can cast a spell to help you even the score!"||||"(:BLACK-CURSES :ANDREIKA :GETEVEN :RETRIBUTION-SPELL-KIT-LINK :OBEAH :REVERSE-CURSE :RETRIBUTION :BREAKUP :WARLOCK-HEX :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :REVENGE-OF-THE-RAVEN :SNAKE-EYES :SHAMANSEROTIC :SANTERIA :BLAZING-FAST-PUNISHER-LINK :DEFEAT-RIVAL-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-CANCEL-CURSE)"|"(:BLACK-CURSES :ANDREIKA :GETEVEN :RETRIBUTION-SPELL-KIT-LINK :OBEAH :REVERSE-CURSE :RETRIBUTION :BREAKUP :WARLOCK-HEX :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :REVENGE-OF-THE-RAVEN :SNAKE-EYES :SHAMANSEROTIC :SANTERIA :BLAZING-FAST-PUNISHER-LINK :DEFEAT-RIVAL-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-CANCEL-CURSE)"|""|"2"|"Do you believe in the supernatural powers of the dark arts? If so, a Master Psychic will call upon strong forces to protect you from those who are evil and selfish. Although some may disapprove of black magic, our experience is that black magic has traditionally helped so many of our clients. So if you want these powerful ritualistic practices to work in your behalf, you have come to the right place."|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs8|"Blackjack Gambling Spell"|GS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-bad-boy-rehabilitator-spell|"Blazing Fast Bad Boy Rehabilitator Spell"|BF12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Bad Boy Rehabilitator Spell"|""|"
    Would you give anything to bring him down to earth and make him see the light?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you in a relationship with a man whom you love but can't control? Is he a good guy but, unfortunately, is constantly going off the deep end? Would you give anything to bring him down to earth and make him see the light? Is this you? You love him but you are sick and tired of all the problems he's causing. In your heart you know he's a kind, sensitive man but your patience is running thin trying to control him. And what some of your friends and relatives can't understand is why you continue to stand by him, defend him, and love him like no other. Here's what you can do Perhaps it's time to give him more rope and let him know he's more or less on his own. And you're not going to tell him what or what not to do. It's your way of reiterating that he's a grown man, and it's his time for him to make the right choices on how to live the rest of his life. Your mission then is to stay calm and positive, realizing any changes he makes has to come from within. Above all, you should not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in penetrating your man's psyche, convincing him to change his ways. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to awaken him from his slumber and to lead him to the right path. We know that you can never completely tame this man - and most likely you don't want him to be so docile - but with our combined efforts, we can help him become the man you know he can be. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help refocus your man so he will treat you with love and respect. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-couple-breaker-link|"Blazing Fast Couple Breaker"||LINK.|blazing-fast-couple-breaker-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This is a very powerful spell and should be requested only if you are ""absolutely"" certain these two people will never be happy together."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-couple-breaker-spell|"Blazing Fast Couple Breaker Spell"|BF3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Couple Breaker Spell"|""|"
    A very powerful spell that should be requested only if you are absolutely certain you do not want these two people to be happy together.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This powerful spell is focused solely on a couple that is not destined to experience true happiness if they stay with each other. If you know such a couple and you feel in your heart they don't belong together, please read on. Here's what you can do Continue on with your life and have confidence that this relationship will be terminated soon. It is probably in your best interest to say nothing and not to intercede. However, you can look forward to the day when one of the two, or perhaps both, will see the light and initiate a breakup. Your mission then is to remain positive that things are going to work out for the best. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Above all, do not give up hope. Here's what we can do We'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in sending signals to this couple that they are destined to part - and soon! This expert in the field of paranormal will concentrate on your behalf to bring increasing pressure day-by-day to expedite this couple's inevitable separation. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Although nothing is assured in life, we can promise we'll do everything within our power to make this couple see the light and get on with their lives - without each other. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed! Note: This is a very powerful spell and should be requested only if you are absolutely certain you do not want these two people to be happy together.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-double-hexer-link|"Blazing Fast Double Hexer Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-double-hexer-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"When someone has it in for you and repeatedly causes you grief and sorrow, it's time to do something about it."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-double-hexer-spell|"Blazing Fast Double Hexer Spell"|BF16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Double Hexer Spell"|""|"
    When someone has it in for you and repeatedly causes you grief and sorrow, it's time to do something about it.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You're not a vindictive person. And you'll do anything to avoid an argument. But when someone has it in for you and repeatedly causes you grief and sorrow, well, it's time to do something about it. Is this you? You don't know why this person is out to get you. But no matter what you do or say, they seem to want to embarrass or humiliate you. Above all, they want you to fail. Here's what you can do Do your best to avoid contact with them whenever possible, and try to avoid arguments and confrontations whenever possible. Your mission then is to keep your distance. But if you must have an interchange with them, keep your cool and stay above the fray. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in turning your nemesis' vindictiveness back upon them. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate their psyche, reducing their confidence, lessening their power. Before you know it, this person will have changed their tune and will leave you alone. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Soon, their negative energy will reverberate back on them all the bad thoughts and actions they had displayed toward you. And we'll make it happen at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-happiness-expander-spell|"Blazing Fast Happiness Expander Spell"|BF19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Happiness Expander Spell"|""|"
    We'll dramatically improve your state of mind and your situation at blazing fast speed!
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What more can any of us ask than to be happy? We want to be surrounded by family and friends, have enough food on the table, good health, a reasonable amount of money... But what if we lack many or all of these things? What can be done about it? Is this you? You are a good person, a kind person. And you don't demand too much out of life except you want to love and be loved, and have the means to enjoy the finer things in life. So, we'll repeat the question: What can be done about it? Here's what you can do Be the best you can be. Give your friendship willingly to the ones who are most important to you, and truly listen to each word they say. Work hard and save your money as best you can. Your mission then is to try to regain momentum in your life and start experiencing the good times. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in helping you achieve success in many aspects of your life - from your most intimate relationships, to friendships in the work place, your bank account and beyond. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending positive signals throughout your environment, enabling you to experience the true joys in life. So you do your part and we'll do ours, and we'll dramatically improve your state of mind and your situation at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-happiness-expander-link|"Blazing Fast Happiness Expander Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-happiness-expander-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"We'll dramatically improve your state of mind and your situation at blazing fast speed!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-heart-fixer-link|"Blazing Fast Heart Fixer"||LINK.|blazing-fast-heart-fixer-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"We can help you recover quickly so you can love and be loved once again."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-heart-fixer-spell|"Blazing Fast Heart Fixer Spell"|BF8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Heart Fixer Spell"|""|"
    We can help you recover quickly so you can love and be loved once again.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you're suffering from a broken heart, you must certainly realize there are fewer things in life that can be more devastating. Presumably, your lover has rejected you. Perhaps this person found another lover, or is afraid of commitment, or perhaps they have misread or misunderstood you. But worse of all, they have seemingly disappeared from your life. Your heart is torn to shreds and you fear it is not repairable. That's the bad news. The good news is that in time you will get on with your life. You've heard other people tell you this, but we can take it a step further: We can help you recover quickly so you can love and be loved once again. Here's what you can do As hard as it may seem, it's time to move on with your life. So keep your head up and your mind on other things, and let us do the rest. Above all, do not give up hope. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to make you whole again. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, emanating signals to that special someone who will come to you and make you forget this most recent catastrophic situation. Incidentally, this may be the person who left you and realized they were mistaken, or, quite possibly, a brand new person who will fall in love with you and fulfill your dreams of companionship, family and love. So you do your part and we'll do ours. And once you feel energy and hope surging through your system, you'll know the spell has taken hold - at blazing fast speed.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-hot-and-hotter-spell|"Blazing Fast Hot and Hotter Spell"|BF22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Hot and Hotter Spell"|""|"
    We'll help motivate your partner to enjoy uninhibited, exciting ""hot and hotter"" sex!
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your lover acting lazy or taking you for granted? Is your sex life not what it used to be when the two of you first met? Would you like to make hot, passionate love and simply collapse on the bed afterwards? Is this you? You are a sensitive, sensual person and you need stimulation from your partner to keep you interested. You crave excitement in your love life, and you're afraid if this so-so sex continues, the two of you may grow bored with one another. Here's what you can do You can try making love in a new place, perhaps experimenting with new techniques. And you can use your wiles to turn on your lover in new ways. Your mission then is to remain positive that the situation will improve. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to stimulate your partner's interest in you. Our expert in the paranormal will send signals to penetrate their psyche and increase their sensual desires. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help motivate your partner to enjoy uninhibited, exciting ""hot and hotter"" sex. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-hot-and-hotter-link|"Blazing Fast Hot and Hotter Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-hot-and-hotter-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Is your lover acting lazy or taking you for granted?"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bl|"Blazing Fast Hot and Hotter Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-hot-and-hotter-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"We'll help motivate your partner to enjoy uninhibited, exciting ""hot and hotter"" sex!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-jinx-buster-link|"Blazing Fast Jinx Buster Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-jinx-buster-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"What would you give if you could end this jinx, this dark cloud hanging over you?"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-jinx-buster-spell|"Blazing Fast Jinx Buster Spell"|BF9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Jinx Buster Spell"|""|"
    What would you give if you could end this jinx, this dark cloud hanging over you?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It is common knowledge that some people seem doomed to fail. No matter what they attempt, no matter how much effort they put into it, success is rarely achieved. If this sounds familiar to you, you should know that scientific studies indicate that your state of mind plays a singularly important role that could alter and possibly cease this catastrophic losing situation. In effect, you could alter your state of mind enabling you to make a 180 degree turn - instantly. What does this mean to you? What would you give if you could end this jinx, this dark cloud hanging over you? Can you imagine how wonderful and satisfying life would be if you could get that enormous weight off your back? The Jinx Buster spell is perfect for you, if:
    • You are currently in a down period and you can't seem to find an immediate way out.
    • You need an immediate boost or jump start to point you in the right direction.
    • And you need it ""blazing fast""!
    Here's what you can do Keep a positive mindset. Because if you are pessimistic and think you're going to come out on the losing end, you most certainly will. But, if you remain convinced that the good days are coming soon, the odds of experiencing success will turn in your favor. Your part then is to remain confident that things are going to work out for the best. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Above all, do not give up hope. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to help you bust the jinx that has been holding you back in so many aspects of your life. He will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to dissipate the dark cloud that has been hovering over you. And once the negativity engulfing your life is broken, you will experience the happiness you so deserve. So you do your part and we'll do ours. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-loneliness-terminator-spell|"Blazing Fast Loneliness Terminator Spell"|BF10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Loneliness Terminator Spell"|""|"
    Together we'll end this period of loneliness.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Some people can go through life alone, without a partner, without someone to share the good times and bad. But for the rest of us, we need somebody. We need someone to talk to, to eat with, to keep us company and to make life worthwhile. If you are alone and find the loneliness and emptiness unbearable, there may be a remedy. Here's what you can do We're sure you've heard it before, but make an attempt to explore new activities and meet other people in your situation. Spending time with good folks can certainly ease the heartache of living alone. And you never know when or where that special someone will approach you. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in bringing your loneliness to an end. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to attract the ""right"" people to you; and, in particular, the ""right"" person to you. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll end this period of loneliness. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-love-booster-link|"Blazing Fast Love Booster"||LINK.|blazing-fast-love-booster-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"If your relationship is on a downward spiral and heading for disaster, you know you have to do something about it."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-love-booster-spell|"Blazing Fast Love Booster Spell"|BF17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Love Booster Spell"|""|"
    If your relationship is on a downward spiral and heading for disaster, you know you have to do something about it.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your relationship is on a downward spiral and heading for disaster, you know you have to do something about it. But what? Is this you? You want to salvage this relationship because you've put so much of yourself into it, and you don't want it to fail. You know this is the right person for you. You merely have to convince them that you are an incredible person whom they cannot live without. You also don't want to go out there in that cold, single world and start anew. Who can blame you? Here's what you can do You could confront the situation head on, perhaps having a heart-to-heart talk or maybe talking it over with an objective third party, a therapist, for example. Or you could say nothing at this time and hope for the best. Your mission then is to remain optimistic that things will get better, and soon. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to help restore the potential you once dreamed for this relationship. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to break through the barriers keeping the two of you from having the warmth and caring and love you so long for. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll demonstrate to your lover that the two of you are blessed in this wonderful, loving relationship. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-lover-finder-link|"Blazing Fast Lover Finder"||LINK.|blazing-fast-lover-finder-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"If you're looking for the ""right"" person, this is no time to linger! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-lover-finder-spell|"Blazing Fast Lover Finder Spell"|BF1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Lover Finder Spell"|""|"
    If you're looking for the ""right"" person, this is no time to linger!
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you're looking for the ""right"" person, this is no time to linger. And this is no time to feel sorry for yourself… or to give up. Here's what you can do Do whatever you can to get out of the house and find that person. Whether you're at the local market or at work or strolling in the park, keep a positive attitude and be confident that your lover is right around the corner. Your mission then is to remain confident that things are going to work out for the best. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in helping you locate the love of your life. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to attract your soul mate to expedite that your paths will cross. (Incidentally, it could be an old lover or a brand new love.) Is this you? Your heart aches because you're tired of living alone. Perhaps several times a day, you daydream about holding, caressing and loving that one special person. And all you ask is that you receive the same in return. You're simply waiting for the right person to show up. And when that happens you'll truly be together - sharing the exciting moments and quiet moments, the triumphs and disappointments, walking hand in hand into a secure future. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help you make contact with that special person who is out there looking for you. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-lover-retriever-link|"Blazing Fast Lover Retriever"||LINK.|blazing-fast-lover-retriever-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"We'll help demonstrate to your lost lover that only you, and you alone, will give them the happiness and love they are seeking."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-lover-retriever-spell|"Blazing Fast Lover Retriever Spell"|BF11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Lover Retriever Spell"|""|"
    We'll help demonstrate to your lost lover that only you, and you alone, will give them the happiness and love they are seeking.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things worse in life than the loss of a loved one due to a misunderstanding or their desire to simply end the relationship. Is this you? You know in your heart the two of you are meant to be together, and if only you were given a second chance there is no doubt in your mind the relationship would be sensational! Here's what you can do Do your best to get on with your life. The more active you are the more attractive you will be to the person you want to hold and caress and love. In effect, you will be more appealing if you demonstrate your independence. Your mission then is to remain confident that there is a chance the two of you will get back together. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in helping to return the love of your life. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate their psyche, opening their heart and mind to all your worthy attributes. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help demonstrate to your lost lover that only you, and you alone, will give them the happiness and love they are seeking. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-luck-accelerator-spell|"Blazing Fast Luck Accelerator Spell"|BF4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Luck Accelerator Spell"|""|"
    What is the key? What is the secret to having a lucky streak?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Remember that time when everything seemed to go your way? It was something special, wasn't it? And, conversely, you've experienced periods of drought where nothing, but nothing, worked in your favor. No matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, it was as if a dark cloud hovered over you. The Secret So what is the key? What is the secret to having a lucky streak? No one knows for sure, but there is concrete evidence that your mental attitude plays a significant role. Research indicates that your state of mind can increase or decrease your chances of success. So above all you must not give up on hope. Have you noticed that some people seem to attract luck wherever they go while others, despite their hard work, rarely seem to have luck on their side? Don't you think it's time to be the former and not the latter? Here's what you can do Keep a positive mindset. Because if you think you're not going to make it, you won't. But if you believe that luck is on your side, you can improve the odds. After all, you have experienced lucky streaks before, so you know what it feels like. Your part then is to keep a smile on your face and a positive attitude that things are going to work out for the best. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in helping you regain that lucky streak. He will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to bring you success and prosperity and, ultimately, happiness. And once things start going your way, every aspect of your life - from romance to personal finance to career - will be brighter and better. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Although nothing is assured in life, we can promise we'll do everything within our power to have you wake up each morning knowing that luck is on your side. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-luck-accelerator-spell-link|"Blazing Fast Luck Accelerator Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-luck-accelerator-spell.html||||""|""|""|"Blazing Fast Luck Accelerator Spell"|"What is the key? What is the secret to having a lucky streak?"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-lust-enhancer-spell|"Blazing Fast Lust Enhancer Spell"|BF7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Lust Enhancer Spell"|""|"
    Dramatically lift your love life to new heights--immediately!
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Life can be boring or exciting. Where do you stand at this very moment? The Blazing Fast Lust Enhancer Spell is designed to dramatically lift your love life to new heights, immediately. So if you feel sensual and you daydream of erotic adventures with a loved one, there is hope. There is something you can do about it. Here's what you can do First, visualize the type of sensual relationship you would like to have with that special person. Keep a mental picture in your mind of your dreams, your expectations, your fondest wishes. Here's what we can do

    Increase the potency of the Blazing Fast Lust Enhancer spell!

    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    While you're doing your part, we'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to bring your dreams to reality. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to the lucky one you lust for. The ultimate goal of the Lust Enhancer spell is to have this person reciprocate your fantasies. In effect, your dreams will become their dreams! So you do your part and we'll do ours. And once this person makes strong, sensual advances to you, you'll know the spell has taken hold - at blazing fast speed.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-lust-enhancer-link|"Blazing Fast Lust Enhancer Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-lust-enhancer-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Dramatically lift your love life to new heights--immediately!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-mad-hatter-spell|"Blazing Fast Mad Hatter Spell"|BF18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Mad Hatter Spell"|""|"
    Is someone you care for literally changing for the worse before your very eyes?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is someone you care for literally changing for the worse before your very eyes? Is this person displaying irrational, perhaps mad behavior? Do they appear to be deteriorating rapidly? If so, perhaps it's time to take action because the longer you wait, the more difficult it will be to get this person back to acting in a more normal, rational manner. Is this you? You care for this person but you don't know what's come over them. They are saying and doing things that are not characteristic of them, and you're not sure what brought them to this unpredictable state of mind. Here's what you can do First of all, you can be a friend and assure them that you are in their corner. You might try to find out what's going on inside this person's mind, or perhaps suggest they seek help from a professional. Or you may find it better to simply say nothing and hope for the best. Your mission then is to stay close and guide them the best you can. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in helping to get this person back on the right track. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate their psyche, So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help slow down, stop and then reverse this downward (and potentially disastrous) spiral. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-mind-changer-link|"Blazing Fast Mind Changer"||LINK.|blazing-fast-mind-changer-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is designed to change their mind once and for all - and in dramatic fashion!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-mind-changer-spell|"Blazing Fast Mind Changer Spell"|BF15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Mind Changer Spell"|""|"
    This spell is designed to change their mind - and in dramatic fashion!
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are in love with someone who isn't giving you the love and affection you deserve, this spell is designed to change their mind - and in dramatic fashion! Is this you? You are totally committed but feel insecure because the person you love is seemingly on a different wavelength. And you wonder if your loyalty, kindness and commitment will ever be reciprocated. Here's what you can do It never hurts to be forthright and speak your mind. But be careful not to smother or make yourself too vulnerable. This is apt to drive your lover further away. Your mission then is to remain positive, giving your best but not displaying your insecurities. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to alter your lover's mind, ensuring a one hundred percent commitment to your relationship. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate your lover's psyche, breaking the barriers of stubbornness and selfishness. And once this person realizes you are their one and only, you will notice a considerable change in attitude. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll make your relationship everything you wished it could be. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-money-maker-spell|"Blazing Fast Money Maker Spell"|BF2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Money Maker Spell"|""|"
    You've worked hard and paid your dues. Now it's time to reap the rewards of your labor.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You've worked hard and paid your dues. Now it's time to reap the rewards of your labor. Here's what you can do Apply every ounce of your energy and ingenuity to strive to be the best you can be. This will give you a step up on your peers. Your mission then is to remain confident that money will begin to flow in your direction, immediately. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. So it is vital that you do not give up hope! Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to help you achieve your financial goals. He will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to bring you success and prosperity. After all, it's only fair you have the time and money to enjoy the fruits of your labor. And our expert in the field of paranormal will do everything within his powers to lead you to that pot of gold. You've dreamed of the kind of lifestyle you wish to lead. Don't believe for one second this dream can't be fulfilled. It's happened to others less fortunate than you, so why can't you be one of the chosen few? And once you've made your fortune, you'll know you could be the envy of all who cross your path. You could gain the respect and admiration from friends, family, casual acquaintances and work associates. And you could enjoy a life of luxury with those closest to you. We'll do everything on our end to ""put you in the right place at the right time"" so you can enjoy the immense pleasures of financial independence. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together our mission is to bring you the material and monetary rewards you so deserve. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-money-maker-spell-link|"Blazing Fast Money Maker Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-money-maker-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"You've worked hard and paid your dues. Now it's time to reap the rewards of your labor. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-punisher-link|"Blazing Fast Punisher Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-punisher-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Are you fed up with that person who has it in for you?"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-punisher-spell|"Blazing Fast Punisher Spell"|BF6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICEto increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICEto increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Punisher Spell"|""|"
    Are you fed up with that person who has it in for you?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you fed up with that person who has it in for you? Do you feel you've put up with their antagonism long enough and it's time to fight back? If you've had your fill of being the brunt of someone's evil intent, you can do something about it. The Punisher spell is designed to even the score and get that person off your back. Here's what you can do Don't give up hope and don't feel you will be on the losing end with this person. Keep a positive attitude and know in your heart you will come out on top. Here's what we can do We'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to punish your antagonist and stop them from harming you. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to break the hold this person has over you and to reverberate back to them tenfold the harm intended for you. Before you know it, the momentum will turn in your favor! So you do your part and we'll do ours. And once this evil person is out of the picture, you will experience a renewed energy that will lift your spirits to new heights and allow you to experience success you previously thought was reserved for only the ""gifted"" people. Now you can be one of them. Don't hesitate one moment longer. This is your time to rid the antagonist in your life - at blazing fast speed.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link|"Blazing Fast Relationship Mender Spell"||LINK.|https://www.calastrology.com/blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Regardless of who's involved or the nature of the relationship, you have come to the right place."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell|"Blazing Fast Relationship Mender Spell"|BF5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Relationship Mender Spell"|""|"
    Regardless of who's involved or the nature of the relationship, you have come to the right place.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are reading this, we can assume you need ""immediate"" assistance in patching your relationship with a loved one. (If it is someone else's relationship that needs fixing, we can work on that as well.) Regardless of who's involved or the nature of the relationship, you have come to the right place. If someone you care for is backing away from you, or perhaps has already left the scene, we can be of help. But first, there is something you can do. Here's what you can do Keep a positive mindset. Because if you don't, and you think you're never going to get back together and have the relationship you've dreamed of, it is unlikely to happen. However, if you remain convinced that the relationship can be mended, you will definitely improve the odds. Your part then is to remain confident that things are going to work out for the best. Do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll assign a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in bringing the two of you closer, ASAP! This expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to your loved one so the feelings they once had for you will return double fold! Although nothing is assured in life, we can promise you we'll do everything within our power to return your lover back into your arms. So you do your part and we'll do ours. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-reluctant-lover-link|"Blazing Fast Reluctant Lover"||LINK.|blazing-fast-reluctant-lover-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Are you growing impatient with a loved one who can't make up their mind."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-reluctant-lover-spell|"Blazing Fast Reluctant Lover Spell"|BF20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Reluctant Lover Spell"|""|"
    Are you growing impatient with a loved one who can't make up their mind?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you growing impatient with a loved one who can't make up their mind? Or worse yet, is afraid to make a decision? Do you wish this person had the spirit and gumption to get off their heels and ""just do it?"" Is this you? You are a doer - someone who gets things done - in the workplace and in your personal relationships. But you have someone in your life - a person whom you love and adore - who is lingering and holding off on making important decisions regarding your relationship. This person's reluctance to take action is not only wasting your time, but, frankly, is driving you crazy You love this person. You like what they are about, and you know a good person when you see one. But you are frustrated with their inability to make a decision, and you just want to shake some sense into them! Here's what you can do Perhaps it is time to back off a bit and observe what this person does without you putting pressure on them. Concentrate on your life, control your anxiety, and, well, go where the day takes you. Your mission then is to remain calm and confident with the possibility that this person will finally see the light. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in steering your loved one to the right path. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate their psyche and giving them not only the motivation they so sorely need but the means to achieve success. So you do your part and we'll do ours, and we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-same-sex-lover-link|"Blazing Fast Same Sex Lover Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-same-sex-lover-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"You know in your heart the two of you are meant to be together, and you merely want the chance to prove it."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-same-sex-lover-spell|"Blazing Fast Same Sex Lover Spell"|BF13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Same Sex Lover Spell"|""|"
    You know in your heart the two of you are meant to be together, and you merely want the chance to prove it.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone you adore but who isn't giving you the time of day? And if this person could see the ""real you,"" there is little doubt in your mind that the two of you would be a very, very happy couple? Is this you? You know in your heart the two of you are meant to be together, and you merely want the chance to prove it. You appear to be somewhat hesitant to pour your heart out for fear of being rejected, but yet you know you have to do something to draw this person closer to you. Here's what you can do Perhaps it's time to back off a bit and give the two of you room to breathe. Your mission then is to remain confident that there is a chance the two of you will ""make it."" Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability to awaken this person to reality - to convince them that you are the one and only person for them! Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate their psyche. And once this occurs, they will not be able to think of anything else other than your intelligence, sense of humor, attractiveness, sensuousness and lots more. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll bring this person into a strong, meaningful, lasting relationship with you. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-spells|"Blazing Fast Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"If you're in a difficult situation and you need an immediate remedy, seek out a Master Psychic who will not only solve the problem but will fix it blazing fast!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Immediate Solutions to Your Toughest Problems There's an old saying: if you want something done and done quickly, give it to a busy person. There's a similar saying in the field of psychic phenomenon: If you're in a difficult situation and you need an immediate remedy, seek out a Master Psychic who may know how to solve the problem and could fix it blazing fast. The California Astrology Association has such a person who specializes in Blazing Fast spells. He has an international reputation and is simply the best. Because of the complexity in casting these unique spells, his normal fee often exceeds $150. However, because our association is recognized as the leader in its field and has an impeccable reputation, we were able to negotiate a significantly lower fee as long as we didn't reveal his name and upset his affluent clientele. We are pleased to offer Blazing Fast spells for a fraction of the normal cost -- $39.95 As with every other product and service we offer, you have everything to gain and nothing to lose because Blazing Fast spells are backed by our one hundred percent refund guarantee should you not be totally satisfied. And you have up to one year to decide. So, if your heart is breaking due to unbearable loneliness, or a selfish lover, or someone who has it in for you, or a bank account that is scraping bottom, or a career that is going nowhere... you have come to the right place. Take a look at the various Blazing Fast spells available to you. And when you read one that ""speaks"" to you, you'll know that you and our Master Psychic are on the same wavelength. And once he receives your request, he will concentrate every ounce of his formidable psychic powers to solve your problem - successfully and immediately!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-spells-link|"Blazing Fast Spells"||LINK.|https://www.calastrology.com/blazing-fast-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Immediate Solutions to Your Toughest Problems!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-straying-partner-spell|"Blazing Fast Straying Partner Spell"|BF21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Straying Partner Spell"|""|"
    Are you in a relationship where your partner may not be loyal or faithful to you?
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    We've seen it so often recently. A person who can't seem to stay loyal to a loved one, and the enormous repercussions that occur when someone's wandering eye turns into a physical experience. Is this you? Are you in a relationship where your partner may not be loyal or faithful to you? When you are together do you wonder if they have a secret lover stashed away somewhere? And when your partner makes love to you, do you think they are fantasizing what it would be like with someone else? Here's what you can do The best thing you can do at this time is to present the best looking you and the best inner you. Your mission then is to remain confident that your partner will appreciate all that you are and what you mean to them. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on ""your"" state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in helping your partner see the light. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate your partner's psyche, stressing that they are not in need of any one else supplementing the action. So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help demonstrate to your loved one that staying at home will lead to a glorious and happy future - together. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-take-no-prisoners-spell|"Blazing Fast Take No Prisoners Spell"|BF14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Blazing Fast Take No Prisoners Spell"|""|"
    Together we'll help turnaround this stressful and unsatisfactory situation.
    Tell Me More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Once in a while you get a chance to right a wrong. In this case, someone who has been harassing you is about to receive their comeuppance. Is this you? Someone has it in for you, and you have been on the receiving end of their wrath. Up to now there hasn't been much you could do about it, but you think about it a lot. You have weighed the various actions you have at your disposal, but so far you have been unable to counter their aggressiveness. Here's what you can do Remain calm and have confidence that this person is about to receive what's coming to them. They have caused you trouble and they are about to experience the wrath they have caused you - several times over. Above all, do not give up hope. There are vibrations - spirits, if you will - that are all around us. And they can affect us positively or negatively depending on your state of mind. Here's what we can do While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in correcting this injustice. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate this wrongdoer's psyche, causing them to lose confidence and wonder if their evil actions have come back to haunt them. But most of all, this person will realize if they don't change their ways, their life will be on a downhill track at a faster and faster pace! So you do your part and we'll do ours. Together we'll help turnaround this stressful and unsatisfactory situation. And we'll do it at blazing fast speed!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blazing-fast-take-no-prisoners-link|"Blazing Fast Take No Prisoners Spell"||LINK.|blazing-fast-take-no-prisoners-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Together we'll help turnaround this stressful and unsatisfactory situation."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo8|"Bless Me with Success/Make Me Deliriously Happy Duo Spell"|DUO8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    Isn't this what everyone wants, to be successful and happy? When cast simultaneously, these two spells forge into one powerful force allowing you to achieve beyond your wildest dreams. Success is yours for the taking."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-block-my-rival-permanently-spell|"Block My Rival...Permanently!"|LTM7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Block My Rival...Permanently!

    Get Rid of That Adversary Once and For All!

    Is your happiness currently being compromised by an individual who has caused you grief in some way…perhaps by stealing the affection of your loved one?

    Whatever the case, if you truly feel you need satisfaction and sincerely wish this rival to step aside – quickly and permanently – then this original and powerful spell could change your life in so many ways.

    Is this you?

    • You feel as if an albatross is draped around your shoulders, preventing you from carrying on your life as normal.
    • And this is because a rival's interference is restricting you from enjoying true happiness.
    • However, if somehow this person would quickly exit the scene, either emotionally or physically, you would then be free to move forward on your true path to happiness.

    If the above words closely describe your situation, the Block My Rival…Permanently! spell could be just what you've been searching for.

    What this spell means to you

    The gifted mystic Leonardo prefers to utilize his unique powers in a positive way, and he never intends to hurt anyone or cause them distress.

    However, Leonardo created this unique spell to specifically remove a nemesis from your life… put them in another place, so to speak – physically or emotionally --- and let your life return to normal.

    So, if you feel somewhat threatened and challenged by this person who is negatively influencing you, Leonardo could apply his gifts to facilitate your return to happiness in every aspect of your life.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| block-negative-forces|"Block Negative Forces Spell"|BNF|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent double spell is designed to get a negative person off your back, neutralizing them once and for all!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you sometimes feel as if you are facing a strong headwind – every day in every way? A negative force that is preventing you from achieving true happiness?
    Someone could be jinxing you
    There could be a person in your life who apparently has it in for you. And they could be erecting impenetrable barriers blocking you. And stopping you from succeeding in your most important relationships, money matters and other important areas of your life.
    Does this sound familiar?
    Do many of the things you say or do often generate a negative and critical response from this person? Does this contrary attitude toward you make it crystal clear they simply don’t want you to succeed in your relationships, or in any aspect of your life for that matter? And as a result, do you sense your life is somewhat off kilter? That you are being railroaded off-course from your life’s true path? The path leading to your destiny of success in love, relationships, finance...
    How can you be sure this person has it in for you?
    One sign is if they gossip about other people. If so, you can be assured they are not hesitant to talk behind your back. Another sign is if they are frustrated in their lot in life, they may not want you to be happy either. And finally, because you are blessed with certain characteristics and traits they don’t have, they are envious to the point of jealousy.
    So what can you do about it?
    If the above words ring true, perhaps it’s time to be proactive. So instead of letting this person bring you down to their level, this potent double spell is designed to get them off your back, neutralizing this person once and for all! And soon your life should return to the path of your rightful destiny...without the strong headwinds, without the barriers. So if you are determined to live a life blessed with love, prosperity and happiness, a gifted Master Psychic is ready to call upon his formidable powers to work in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bonanza-spell|"Bonanza Spell"|BZS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The unique and potent Bonanza spell could spur you on to achievements and rewards you never thought possible."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you dream of having a plush home in a beautiful neighborhood? Do you fantasize being surrounded by family, friends and work associates who admire and respect you? Would you like to be the envy of those closest to you who are aware of what you have achieved and are in awe of you? And would you like to go to bed at night with the comfort of knowing you have “made it?” The unique and potent Bonanza spell could spur you on to achievements and rewards you never thought possible. And if this all sounds unreal to you, perhaps it’s time you truly believe that anything is possible...particularly when you set your mind to it. So if you are indeed ready to reap the rewards of success in finance, love, friendships...every aspect of your life, you have come to the right place.
    A new you!
    The Bonanza spell is designed to bring out the best in you:
    • Making you more alert and responsive to rich opportunities you may have missed previously.
    • Increasing your confidence and self-esteem that will be noticed by others.
    • This new charisma and confident attitude will attract people to you who had previously kept their distance.
    • You’ll be directed to a path leading to victory and success in the matters most important to you.
    So if the above words accurately reflect your dreams and wishes, you most certainly have come to the right place. A Master Psychic is ready to apply his expertise in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| boomerang-spell|"Boomerang Spell"|BRG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Rebound evil deeds back at your enemies... Tenfold!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a magnificent and powerful spell that gives nasty people what they deserve. If someone you know is vindictive and mean, this is the spell that can turn the tables on them. Request this spell, if:
    • Someone you know doesn't like you and has cast their evil eye upon you.
    • You are uneasy and upset that someone has it in for you.
    • This person is doing everything within their power to have you fail and suffer.
    • You want to have your enemy suffer the humiliation they rightly deserve.

    Warning: The Boomerang spell is very powerful and it works! Do not order it unless you are absolutely certain you want a specific individual to suffer the consequences.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| both-jackpot-amulets|"Both Gold & Silver Jackpot Amulets"|JAB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.9)||T|""|""|"Both Gold & Silver Jackpot Amulets"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| break-the-bank|"Break The Bank Spell"|BRB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are the type who scoffs at the odds at winning big, this spell is designed for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"Break
    If you are the type who scoffs at the odds at winning big, this spell is designed for you! This is your chance to parlay your modest bet into sums of money that will make you the envy of all who know you. The Break the Bank spell is for you, if:
    • You need a turn of luck and will take advantage of it when it comes.
    • You need an influx of funds to keep you in the style you deserve.
    • You are tired of clawing for every dollar and feel it's time to make easy money.
    • You want to enjoy the luxuries that winning big will bring.
    • You feel it's time you enjoyed the prestige and admiration of those who come in contact with you.
    If you are still reading this, then it is your destiny to have the Break the Bank spell cast in your behalf. Prepare to win big and enjoy life as never before.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo4|"Break Them Up/Return to Me Duo Spell"|DUO4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    You know what you want. There is a special person out there, and you know in your heart the two of you are meant to be together. But this cannot happen unless their current relationship comes to an end. The purpose of this combination of two powerful spells is to make that relationship that wasn't meant to be, be no more. And when it finally ends, the second spell is designed to have your lover rush back into your arms."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| breakup-potion-spell-link|"Breakup Potion Spell"||LINK.|potion-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Do you know a couple out there that should not be together?"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po6|"Breakup Potion Spell"|PO6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Breakup Potion Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is not the type of spell we like to publicize. First, because it is a negative spell. Second, because it is a particularly devastating spell. Third, because the Breakup Potion spell has a high rate of success. So we leave the decision to you. But we urge you to think it over very carefully before you request it. It is that powerful. Please answer these two questions: Do you know a couple out there that should not be together? And are you certain that at least one of the two people involved would be better off once this relationship is dissolved? If you answered yes to both questions, then we'll create a special elixir to give substance and power to the Breakup Potion spell that will be directed to that particular couple! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| breakupkit|"Breakup Spell Kit"|SK9|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Speed up the breakup of a relationship you know is doomed to fail. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| breakwanno31|"Breakup Wanga"|W14|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To split a relationship, cause dissension, trouble."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bring-lover-home|"Bring My Lover Home Spell"|BLH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you have a great love whom you desperately want to return?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you have a great love whom you desperately want to return? Would you like to get inside their head, penetrate their subconscious and implant seeds of regret for leaving you? And to have them open up their heart, appreciate all your wonderful attributes... and unconditionally love you the way you truly deserve?
    The time is now!
    So if your most fervent wish is to have your loved one come to their senses. To finally admit and regret the misery and unhappiness they have caused you. And to come running back to you with loving open arms, with the promise they have done you wrong and will never do it again. Then you should know it’s not too late for you to do something about it!
    What a Master Psychic could do for you
    • Implant the seeds of regret in your loved one’s subconscious.
    • Convince them how foolish, irresponsible and hurtful they’ve been to you.
    • Causing them to rethink their actions.
    • And pivot a one-eighty turnaround giving you the warmest, most loving embrace you’ve ever had.
    Bring My Lover Home!
    It’s not too late for your loved one to change their ways and return to you. It’s not too late for the two of you to mend your relationship once and for all. And it’s not too late for you to be exquisitely happy and sexually fulfilled. So if the above words closely describe your current situation and you can feel optimism surging through your veins, this unique, potent spell has been developed specifically for you.
    What are you waiting for?
    A gifted Master Psychic awaits the go ahead from you with the intent to change your life in ways you never thought possible."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bully-buster-curse|"Bully Buster Curse"|BBC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Bully's Name (if known)"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Bully's Name (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Bully Buster Curse"|""|"Is someone harassing you or someone you know?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is someone harassing you or someone you know? Is this person mean-spirited and determined to make your life miserable? Would you like to stop this person and turn the tables on them? If so, this very potent curse plants the seeds of weakness and regret in this bully to give them a taste of their own medicine. Order this curse, if:
    • You have decided to be proactive and take action now.
    • You don't want to spend another minute as a victim.
    • You are upset and angry, and you want to return to a more peaceful and relaxed life.
    • You truly dislike this person and want them to leave you alone.
    If the above resonates with you, the Bully Buster curse could help you in this time of need.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| 3-in-1-spell-to-find-her-court-her-marry-her|"Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Her, Court Her, Marry Her"|3HER|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Her, Court Her, Marry Her"|""|"This dynamic trio of three powerful spells combined into one super spell gives you the best chance of finding your woman, courting her, and finally, marrying her."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    If you are alone and searching in vain for the woman of your dreams, you must read this: The internationally renowned psychic, Burton, will focus his formidable psychic gifts in your behalf. He will cast three consecutive spells for you, one immediately after the other. Burton realizes how frustrating it must be to know your soul mate is out there looking for you, hoping she will meet you before you find someone else. And, like you, she really isn't sure if she'll ever find you. Burton's first spell is designed to initiate contact with her - the woman who is the one and only one for you. But Burton recognizes that ""finding"" the right person is only part of your quest. Burton's second spell is to bring your inner strengths and special qualities to the surface, allowing the woman of your dreams to fall hopelessly in love with you - passionately, unconditionally, and without any doubts or hesitations. At that point, Burton's third spell will take effect resulting in the two of you walking down the aisle into marital bliss. This dynamic trio of three powerful spells combined into one super spell gives you the best chance of finding your woman, courting her, and finally, marrying her. The ultimate result, of course, is for the two of you to forge an unbreakable bond, assuring that you will remain together. What You're Looking for The woman of your dreams is very attractive and has that special quality that turns you on. When she looks at you, she has a sparkle in her eyes that always makes you smile. With her keen mind and marvelous sense of humor, you can spend 24/7 together without ever getting bored. She will also have something else that you find very appealing in a woman: vulnerability. This is extremely important to you. Although she has the inner strength that you admire in a woman, you also want her to look up to her man, respect you and lean on you. And you are that man! What You Have to Offer You are very special. Those who know you well will attest to the wonderful qualities you possess, not the least of which is loyalty to the people who count. And you know if she sees the ""real you,"" she will fall head over heels over you. Ultimately, you cannot wait to bestow upon her all your warmth, tender loving care, and, above all, your love. Let Burton Help You Burton knows what you want, and he will expend every ounce of his energy and psychic ability to help fulfill your dreams! Dreams can come true if you truly believe.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| 3-in-1-spell-to-find-him-catch-him-marry-him|"Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Him, Catch Him, and Marry Him!"|3HIM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|""|""|"Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Him, Catch Him, and Marry Him!"|""|"This dynamic trio of three powerful spells rolled into one super spell gives you the best chance of finding your man, catching him and marrying him! "|""|""|""|""|""|"

    If you are alone and searching in vain for the man of your dreams, you must read this: The internationally renowned psychic, Burton, will focus his formidable psychic gifts in your behalf. He will cast three consecutive spells for you, one immediately after the other. Burton realizes how frustrating it must be to know your soul mate is out there searching for you, hoping he will see you around the next bend in the road, but, alas, searching in vain. And he surely is wondering if he'll ever find you. The first spell is designed to initiate contact with this man, the one who is best suited for you. But Burton recognizes that ""finding"" the right man is only part of your quest. Burton's second spell is to bring your inner beauty and special qualities to the surface, allowing your man to see that you are the woman of his dreams and to fall hopelessly in love with you -- unconditionally, selflessly, without any doubts or hesitations. At that point, Burton's third spell will take effect resulting in the two of you walking down the aisle into marital bliss. This dynamic trio of three powerful spells rolled into one super spell gives you the best chance of finding your man, catching him and marrying him. The ultimate goal, of course, is to forge an unbreakable bond, assuring that the two of you will remain together. What You're Looking for
    The man of your dreams is someone who has a strong sense of who he is, someone who isn't lost, who isn't constantly searching for perfection - and never finding it. You want someone who is stable, has a fine sense of humor, and who has that special blend of strength and sensitivity. What You Have to Offer
    You are kind and sensitive, and you know how you'll treat your man when you find him. And you cannot wait to bestow upon him your caressing and warmth and love. Let Burton Help You
    Burton knows what you want, and he will expend every ounce of his energy and psychic ability to help fulfill your dreams! Dreams can come true if you truly believe.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-all-purpose-gambling-spell|"Burton's All-Purpose Gambling Spell"|BB15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Your confidence in your gambling ventures will soar knowing you have something extra to propel you to victory: Burton’s All-Purpose Gambling spell."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does the following accurately describe you?
    • You are a person who dares to play the odds.
    • While partaking in games of chance -- whether it be the lottery, cards or in the gambling casinos -- you feel exuberant, alive, happy.
    • You truly enjoy the thrill of laying your money on the table and watching it accumulate.
    • You find this experience unique, exciting and frankly lots of fun, and you want to do it again and again.
    If the above accurately describes you, you are reading these words for a reason: It is your destiny to have a Master Psychic in your corner, summoning the spirits to help turn the odds in your favor.
    Can this truly happen?
    Think about it. At certain times, don’t you feel a heavy weight on your shoulders. And during these moments things just don’t seem to work out in your favor. Do they? But on other occasions, you may find yourself brimming with confidence. You feel alive, invincible! And indeed during these moments you not only have won at the gaming tables but in other important aspects in your life, as well.
    You are not alone!
    Because we are all subject to these swings in emotions, Burton’s All-Purpose Gambling spell is designed to lift your spirits during the moments you need them most: in games of chance but also in critical moments in your life, as well. So if you are ready to try your hand once again in a gambling venture, your confidence will soar knowing you have something extra to propel you to victory: Burton’s All-Purpose Gambling spell. Enjoy!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton12|"Burton's Aphrodisiac spell"|LLM12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Want to entice a particular person to your charms? This spell could alter the way he or she looks at you. You could become very, very desirable in their eyes. If this is what you desire, Burton's Aphrodisiac spell should do wonders for your love life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-birthday-love-spell|"Burton's Birthday Love Spell"|BB1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you are in a relationship that is going down hill - and fast - this powerful spell is designed to eliminate the barriers that stand in the way of a loving, giving relationship. Soon you will notice a distinct change in attitude toward you, and the healing process will have begun.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-birthday-money-spell|"Burton's Birthday Money Spell"|BB3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This potent spell is designed to bring you the material possessions and financial security you never thought possible. The goal of the Birthday Money spell is to put you in the right place at the right time to reap the rewards of the ""best"" opportunities that come your way.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-birthday-new-lover-spell|"Burton's Birthday New Lover Spell"|BB5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you have been frustrated and disappointed in past relationships, perhaps it's time to move on. This remarkable spell is designed to open the portals to new adventures, new people, and ultimately the love of your life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-birthday-reconciliation-spell|"Burton's Birthday Reconciliation Spell"|BB2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    For whatever reason you and a loved one are not together, this potent spell is designed to reunite the two of you -- minus the arguments, distrust, and anxiety. If you seek a more loving, happy relationship with that special person, this is the spell for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-birthday-spectacular-winning-streak-spell|"Burton's Birthday Spectacular Winning Streak Spell"|BB4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is a one-of-a-kind spell designed to put you on a winning track. The moment the Spectacular Winning Streak spell is cast, you will ""feel"" you can't lose. Soon you will be experiencing victory in romance, at work, at play.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-birthday-spells|"Burton's Birthday Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you or a loved one has a birthday in the next ninety days, you are in luck!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Research studies indicate that as a birthday approaches, people are more willing to compromise, repair broken relationships, and forgive and forget. An upcoming birthday often causes a person to reflect, to appreciate loved ones, and to explore new opportunities to better themselves - in money matters as well as relationships. So if you are unhappy in a relationship that is faltering, or perhaps you have severe money problems, this is your opportunity to let the internationally renowned Master Psychic Burton work in your behalf. If you're interested in a future filled with laughter, companionship, a bulging bank account and spectacular luck, you have come to the right place. Nothing is certain in life, but with a Master Psychic by your side, you are in good hands. Take a look at the following Birthday spells and see which one(s) work best for you:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-break-a-leg-spell|"Burton's Break-a-Leg Spell"|BB16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you aspire to fulfill your dreams of receiving devoted love and experiencing a life of luxury and leisure, then Burton’s Break-a-Leg spell could elevate your life to levels you never thought possible."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    How many times have you heard someone about to go on stage be blessed with “Break-a-Leg”? It’s one of the most generous and meaningful good luck wishes anyone could receive. And legend has it that it could indeed bring good luck and good fortune once it’s been implanted in the mind of the recipient.
    A very unique spell
    This is one of Master Psychic Burton’s most unique and successful spells because it expands a person’s aura...thus unleashing powerful, positive energy. The result is to free up your creative and imaginative ideas, allowing them to be implanted within your subconscious. And once these ideas take hold, your chances of success could be magnified in multiple ways:
    • The people most meaningful to you could look at you in a more positive and friendly light.
    • You will seem to be blessed with good luck...being at the right place at the right time to take advantage of previously unseen opportunities.
    • And your appearance and attitude will seem to be so positive and attractive that you will literally attract good things and good people to you as if you were a powerful magnet.
    So if you aspire to:
    • Fulfilling your dreams of receiving devoted love and tender loving care.
    • And experiencing a life of luxury and leisure.
    Then Burton’s Break-a-Leg spell could elevate your life to levels you never thought possible. Burton awaits word from you to cast this most unique spell in your behalf and bring your dreams of love and riches to reality. May luck be with you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-change-heart-spell|"Burton's Change of Heart Spell"|BCH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Burton’s Change of Heart spell could bring you the harmony, love and happiness you so deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your love life on a downward spiral? Is your lover being hard-headed and refuses to be rational? Are you afraid that if this relationship continues to deteriorate, your lover may leave for good? If this accurately describes your situation, it may be your karma to be reading these words at this precise moment.
    Is this you?
    • You are worried that your words of reconciliation are falling upon deaf ears.
    • You desperately want to hold and caress your loved one and tell them how much you love them.
    • You fear that any additional rejection would leave you in a hopeless state.
    • You feel you are running out of options to save this most precious relationship?
    If the above words truly describe your current situation, then Burton’s Change of Heart spell could bring you the harmony, love and happiness you so deserve. So if you have finally come to the conclusion that you can’t solve your relationship problems all by yourself, the Master Psychic Burton is ready to help you fulfill your destiny. And that is to be together for the rest of your life with this person whom you love so dearly!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-comeuppance-spell|"Burton's Comeuppance Spell"|BCU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is there someone who has been a negative force in your life, or in the life of someone you care for? It’s time for your nemesis to get what they deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone who has been a negative force in your life, or in the life of someone you care for? Is this person causing you undue stress and worry? And would you like them to receive their comeuppance for what they have done?
    Does this sound familiar?
    • Like everyone else you have your flaws, but essentially you are a good person, with a kind heart, and you wish people well.
    • But there is someone you know who doesn’t have a kind heart and appears to enjoy making people unhappy.
    • And since this person causes a great deal of pain and discomfort in others, you would like to see them get a taste of their own medicine.
    Burton’s Comeuppance spell is designed to do just that. To penetrate the subconscious mind of the person to whom the spell is directed. And once implanted and taken hold, this potent spell causes numerous disruptions in the thinking pattern and actions of this negative person:
    • Their self-confidence is shaken.
    • Their ability to cause problems in others is distinctly impaired.
    • Much of their negative energy rebounds in their direction.
    • And they become more aware of being disliked and ignored by those who do not approve of their actions.
    • And soon they could become more reflective in their outlook in life, softening their attitude and wanting to please others rather than disrupting their lives.
    So if the above words make sense to you, perhaps you should consider asking a Master Psychic to cast Burton’s potent Comeuppance spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-compatibility-quick-fix-spell|"Burton's Compatibility Quick Fix Spell"|BB6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If your love life is on a one-way track to disaster, you need to do something dramatic!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your love life is on a one-way track to disaster, you need to do something dramatic...and you must act quickly and decisively! The Compatibility Quick Fix spell is specifically designed for you, if:
    • Your love life is on the ropes and you don’t know what to do to save it.
    • Your lover is not responding to your affection and is slowly but relentlessly backing out of the relationship.
    • And your relationship troubles are most likely affecting other aspects of your life, preventing you from living a life filled with joy, companionship and happiness.
    There is hope!
    Does this describe you and your situation? If so, sit back, take a deep breath, relax... All may not be lost. There is hope! And keep in mind that you are not the only person who is feeling this way. We all have moments when our lives are filled with despair and hopelessness. This is why the internationally famous Burton has designed the Compatibility Quick Fix spell in behalf of those who don’t know where to turn or whom to ask for help. Burton is ready to take up your cause, summoning his formidable psychic powers to implant the seeds of love and reconciliation within the subconscious of your loved one. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-dark-horse-spell|"Burton's Dark Horse Spell"|BB17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell is designed to propel you to come from behind the pack to being the leader, the winner in life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your current situation in the doldrums? Is your outlook not looking particularly bright? Are those closest to you beginning to cast doubt on your future? If so, there is something you can do to change your fortunes...and your future. The internationally renowned Master Psychic Burton could summon his psychic powers in your behalf to:
    • Stimulate your creativity.
    • Activate your energy to propel you to new heights, new victories
    • Allow you to be prepared to take advantage of the right opportunity at the right time.
    Burton’s Dark Horse spell is unique and very narrowly designed to inspire you. To give you the motivation to elevate your life to a level others will be envious of and very impressed with you. So if you are frustrated with the slow pace of achieving meaningful and devoted love, as well as enjoying a rich life of luxuries and leisure, your reading these words at this time could be a stroke of magnificent timing. The blessing of being a Dark Horse is the unexpected. And you are ready to burst out of the pack and take your place among the victorious. This potent spell is designed to propel you to come from behind the pack to being the leader, the winner in life. This could be your chance of a lifetime to achieve your highest ambitions and to lead the life few have experienced. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-deep-pockets-spell|"Burton's Deep Pockets Spell"|BB7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Have the wealth to do anything you want, any time you want."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you dream of having it all: Money, love, happiness? Do you envy the lucky ones who can go into a store and purchase anything they want...without hesitation or guilt? And do you fantasize leading the life of leisure and not having to toil and sweat every day to make ends meet? If the above words ring true, the renowned Master Psychic Burton is ready to cast his powerful Deep Pockets spell in your behalf.
    Is this you?
    • You are a responsible person who is willing to put in the time and effort, as long as you can receive the appropriate dividends for your labor.
    • But for some time now things haven’t been working out that way. And your disappointment is unfortunately affecting many aspects of your life.
    • Also, you feel time is running out, and you want to enjoy life to the fullest...right now!
    Life is not a dress rehearsal
    It’s not too late to dramatically turn your fortunes around. Opportunities still lie ahead for you, and Burton has designed this potent spell for you to recognize the “right” opportunity.
    There is hope!
    So if you want to reach the pinnacle of life – to have the money to do anything you want, any time you want, this is your chance to have deep pockets. And be the envy of all who know you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| budesp|"Burton's Defroster Spell"|LLM10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Is there a particular person who seems aloof, cold and indifferent to you? If so, this enchanted spell is designed to soften them, to break down the barriers between you, and to change the nature of your relationship. Soon, the two of you could experience a closeness not seen previously.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-double-payback-spell|"Burton's Double Payback Spell"|BB8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell plants the seeds of remorse, self-doubt, sadness...and even anger with oneself within the subconscious of the person who treated you so badly."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you been wronged in a past relationship? Or perhaps in a business deal or money matter? If you have been betrayed in any way, Burton’s Double Payback spell could even the score, and then some.
    Feelings of remorse, self-doubt...
    This potent spell plants the seeds of remorse, self-doubt, sadness...and even anger with oneself within the subconscious of the person who treated you so badly. And soon they could realize how much heartache they caused you...perhaps even finally admitting to you how they regret what they have done. These feelings of self-condemnation could have profound implications on their everyday life:
    • They could become preoccupied with the misery caused you.
    • Feelings of regret and remorse could overwhelm them.
    • They could take on your feelings of hurt, discomfort, etc.
    • And they could be plagued with self-doubt and lack of confidence that causes them to disappoint both in the workplace and at home.
    The potency of the Double Payback spell
    Please note that these powerful feelings of misgivings could persist long term. So think carefully before asking Master Psychic Burton to cast this potent spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-end-heartbreak-spell|"Burton's End Heartbreak & Sad Feelings Spell"|BB9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Once you decide to move on, not only will your attitude become more positive, but others will notice the confident, alluring “new” you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are coming off a serious relationship and aren’t sure whether to move on or wait for the relationship to be renewed, the Master Psychic known as Burton has words for you:

    “My experience with so many of my clients who are heartbroken, sad and lonely after a breakup is that adapting the mindset of “moving on” is often the best road to take.

    “Here’s why: Once you decide to move on, not only will your attitude become more positive, but others will notice the confident, alluring “new” you!

    “And it is usually very clear to those who know you that once you made the decision to move on, the lack of worry and stress have allowed you to become stronger, more independent, more attractive and quite desirable.

    “Also, in my experience with so many clients it is not unusual for the “Ex” to see the new you in a different, more positive light.

    “This is why the End Heartbreak and Sad Feelings spell is so popular with my clients, particularly with those who have recently suffered through a broken relationship.

    “Two things seem to occur once this potent spell is cast:

    1. Your revitalized attitude should be quite alluring to some who hadn’t noticed you previously.

    2. The new, appealing you could trigger your loved one to reconsider their attitude and take a second, unbiased look.”

    So if Burton’s words resonate with you, he awaits word from you to cast his unique End Heartbreak and Sad Feelings spell in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-fall-in-love-again-spell|"Burton's Fall in Love with Me Again Spell"|BB18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are frustrated, angry and hurt that your loved one is not responding to reason, Burton has designed this potent spell specifically for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are frustrated, angry and hurt that your loved one is not responding to reason, Burton has designed this potent spell specifically for you.
    Take this test!
    • Is your loved one exhibiting a closed mind, refusing to listen to reason?
    • Have the two of you been together long enough and successful enough to convince you that the relationship “must” be saved.
    • If your loved one would only sit down and lower their defenses, are you certain you can work out the problems?
    • Do you fear you are running out of time and that this relationship that you treasure so dearly is in dire jeopardy?
    If the above words ring true to you, the internationally renowned psychic Burton is ready to cast this potent spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton9|"Burton's Goose Bumps Spell"|LLM9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Would you like to give goose bumps to that special person? Do you dream of activating their desire for you every time they set eyes on you? If so, this delectable spell is designed to put goose bumps on the two of you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-haunting-spell|"Burton's Haunting Spell"|BHS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell will penetrate your loved one's heart, mind, & soul, awakening them to your unique and beautiful qualities."|""|""|""|""|""|" So you are in love. But your lover is resisting, pulling back, being unreasonable. And you are at your wit’s end because you feel you cannot live without this person. This love of your life!
    Does this sound familiar?
    If the above words ring true, you should know that there is something you can do to rectify this seemingly hopeless situation.

    Burton's Haunting Spell
    Burton’s Haunting spell is a very specific spell – an exclusive spell – created by the internationally known mystic, Burton.
    When this potent spell is cast in your behalf, its mission is to:
    • Penetrate your loved one’s heart, mind & soul so you will constantly be in their thoughts – both consciously and subconsciously.
    • Awaken your loved one so they can understand how much their actions are hurting you.
    • Allow them to recognize your unique, beautiful qualities that drew them to you in the first place.
    • Change your lover’s attitude from stubbornness to forgiveness.
    • Soften their hard-headedness, allowing them to think clearly and long to be with you.

    So if your relationship with your loved one needs a quick, permanent fix, you have come to the right place. Just ask Burton to summon the formidable mystical powers he has been blessed with and direct them in your behalf. And upon doing so, you will know you are not alone. You will have a partner whose mission is to penetrate the heart, mind & soul of your loved one. A dramatic turnaround in your relationship is possible. All you have to do is ask."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton4|"Burton's Hot Number Spell"|LLM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Stop being envious of others that seem to have the power to attract the opposite sex. You can do something about it! With Burton's formidable psychic powers working in your behalf, once people see your inner beauty and sensuality, your physical appearance may become even more beautiful and immensely appealing.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton6|"Burton's Industrial Strength Spell "|LLM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    No, we're not kidding! This potent spell casts its wide net over a broad assortment of problems. Request it if:
    • A lost love or a current lover is not giving you the affection and love you deserve.
    • A boss or supervisor isn't rewarding your unique talents, and you need to change their mind fast.
    • An adversary who is up to no good needs to be taught a lesson.
    • Something or someone is causing you stress and anxiety and you need this situation to be resolved in your favor, quickly and decisively.
    • You have a dream, a hope, a wish that you want to happen, right now!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton7|"Burton's Instant Success Spell"|LLM7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    In life, there are winners and losers. And the difference between them is often microscopic in that a lucky break here or there could make the difference between success and failure. This magnificent spell is designed to put you in the winner's circle.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-just-watch-spell|"Burton's Just Watch Me Spell "|BJW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Burton’s Just Watch Me spell is designed to plant the seeds within your subconscious to help give you the determination, the direction, the motivation to triumph and succeed in areas where others have feared to tread. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    In every person’s life, we inevitably interact with people who don’t want us to succeed. You may have heard the German expression called Schadenfreude. It means finding joy in someone else's misfortune. And unfortunately this sometimes may even describe the feelings of those who are close to you, perhaps even those who truly love and care for you. Most of the time it’s due to their own fears of failure. And somehow your success would amplify their vulnerabilities, their inability to take a chance, to try something new, or perhaps attempt something out of the ordinary. And if you are encountering one or more people during this time who are negatively impacting your life, Burton’s Just Watch Me spell could help you cancel these negative forces. The Just Watch Me spell is a truly unique spell, as nothing like it exists at this time. Its purpose is to activate the creativity and the energy you need in order to achieve success. So if you have a dream, a goal, a quest that you wish to pursue: Go for it! Burton’s Just Watch Me spell is designed to plant the seeds within your subconscious to help give you the determination, the direction, the motivation to triumph and succeed in areas where others have feared to tread. And you will show the world precisely what you are capable of and to never underestimate you again. After all, what do you have to lose? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-love-me-spell|"Burton's Love Me, Don't Leave Me Spell"|BB19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The ultimate spell to keep your loved one in place until they come to their senses."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The ultimate spell to keep your loved one in place until they come to their senses.
    Is this you?
    • You are beside yourself with anxiety and worry that the person you love is considering leaving you.
    • You know in your heart the two of you belong together.
    • But they are not acting rational and refuse to listen to reason.
    • However, you are certain that once your partner-in-life comes to their senses, there’s a good chance the two of you can work out the differences.
    • Above all, you want to preserve the relationship until they are willing to lower their defenses and truly begin to hear what you have to say.
    If the above reflects your feelings, this spell is designed specifically for you: To give you time to save the relationship. The internationally renowned Master Psychic Burton is ready to cast this very important spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| loveluckmoney|"Burton's Love-Luck-Money Spell"|LLM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This is Burton's famous spell that earned him international acclaim. If you want it all: A love life that is the envy of all who know you, and a future bursting with good luck and good fortune, this is the spell for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton2|"Burton's Lovelorn Spell"|LLM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"New Spells by Burton:

    Are you lonely? Are you depressed because you are not being caressed and held closely by that special person? Are you at your wits end because you don't look forward to living alone?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-more-luck-spell|"Burton's Luck, Luck, & More Luck Spell"|BB10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Ready to reap the benefits of an extended winning streak? It's time to have Burton’s Luck, Luck, & More Luck spell cast on your behalf."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Isn’t it true that you’ve had periods in your life where you’ve been lucky and inevitably ended up on the winning side? And during these times, so many things seemed to have come so easy, with so little effort... and you felt fulfilled in many aspects of your life.
    But not now
    However, lately it appears that no matter how hard you try or how much effort you willingly give, nothing seems to be working out for you.

    It’s time for a dramatic turnaround
    So if you’re ready to reap the benefits of an extended winning streak, perhaps you should consider having Burton’s Luck, Luck & More Luck spell cast in your behalf. Simply ask Burton to cast his potent Luck, Luck & More Luck spell ASAP...and prepare for a life-changing experience. Won’t it feel great to be lucky again?"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-lucky-devil-spell|"Burton's Lucky Devil Spell"|BB20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Isn’t it time you became the recipient of good luck and good fortune in all aspects of your life?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    We all have come across people who always seem to come out on top. At first glance, they seem to be ordinary, just like you and me. But somehow, for reasons that aren’t very clear to us, they always seem to be at the right place at the right time. And they don’t appear to be at all surprised at their good luck. And their knowing victory smile, their self-satisfied look – as if they feel they deserve all the breaks – is enough to make you angry. And certainly envious. Well, isn’t it time you became the recipient of the same type of good luck and good fortune? In all aspects of your life? Isn’t it your time for you to become the Lucky Devil?
    This could be your once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to...
    • Catch the breaks instead of watching others luck out.
    • Be on the winning side...repeatedly.
    • Receive the adoration, devotion and love of those closest to you.
    • Turn your life around on a dime...from being on the losing side to “having it all.”
    What you can do
    If the above sounds good to you, the Master Psychic Burton stands ready and willing to call upon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-mad-money-spell|"Burton's Mad Money, Loyal Lover Spell"|BB11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Burton’s Mad Money/Loyal Lover spell is designed to give you freedom from financial burdens while planting the seeds of commitment within the subconscious of your loved one."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This could be Burton’s most ambitious spell. The internationally renowned Master Psychic has created the Mad Money/Loyal Lover spell to spark a dramatic increase in your finances, as well as increasing security in your love life.
    Is this you?
    Although you are not a high maintenance person, you do strive for two things:
    • Acquiring the finances allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.
    • Sharing these blessings with a loving, loyal partner.
    A prosperous life with the love of your life
    So if you dream of having Mad Money and a Loyal Lover, you have come to the right place. Burton’s Mad Money/Loyal Lover spell is designed to give you freedom from financial burdens while planting the seeds of commitment within the subconscious of your loved one. This potent spell’s “reason to be” is for you to get up each morning with a smile on your face, knowing that life is good and your future is bright. So if you truly seek to amass great wealth while sharing your days with a loved one who treats you with respect, passion and commitment, the Master Psychic Burton is ready to cast his potent Mad Money/Loyal Lover spell in your behalf. And keep this in mind: If Burton’s Mad Money/Loyal Lover spell doesn’t make a spectacular improvement in your life, your money will be refunded. No questions asked. Period. So what do you have to lose?"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-mega-fortune-spell-link|"Burton's Mega Fortune Spell"||LINK.|mega-spells.html#M03||||""|""|""|""|"This remarkable series of spells is designed to direct you to the ""fortune path."""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-spells|"Burton's Mega Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"When a gifted psychic as Burton repeats the identical spell day after day, his powers are magnified, enhancing the spell's effectiveness and dramatically increasing the chances of success."|""|""|""|""|""|" The gifted psychic known as Burton has agreed to cast his renowned Mega Spells exclusively for clients of the California Astrology Association Upon receiving your request, Burton will cast your Mega Spell each day for three consecutive days in a row or seven days in a row depending on your pleasure. When a gifted psychic as Burton repeats the identical spell day after day, his powers are magnified, enhancing the spell's effectiveness and dramatically increasing the chances of success. It is said that Burton's gift is to ""meld"" within your very soul, to experience for himself your heartache, your sadness, your dreams, your aspirations. Only then is he able to direct his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. It is as if he were fulfilling his own dreams, his own aspirations. Burton's Personal Message to You
    ""Ultimately, you are responsible for your own life. If you want to be the master of your destiny, you must be proactive and make things happen rather than wait and simply let things happen to you. So if you feel trapped and don't know where to turn, then take a proactive stance. Don’t let pride prevent you from seeking my assistance. I will await your call to action."" The following Mega Spells (repeatedly cast day after day after day) have been cast by Burton for his clients in over ninety countries: "||||"(:MEGA-PERFECT-STORM-LOVE-SPELL-3 :MEGA-PERFECT-STORM-LOVE-SPELL-7 :MEGA-GET-YOUR-LOVER-BACK-SPELL-3 :MEGA-GET-YOUR-LOVER-BACK-SPELL-7 :MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-3 :MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-7 :MEGA-RETRIBUTION-SPELL-3 :MEGA-RETRIBUTION-SPELL-7 :MEGA-HAPPINESS-SPELL-3 :MEGA-HAPPINESS-SPELL-7)"|"(:MEGA-PERFECT-STORM-LOVE-SPELL-3 :MEGA-PERFECT-STORM-LOVE-SPELL-7 :MEGA-GET-YOUR-LOVER-BACK-SPELL-3 :MEGA-GET-YOUR-LOVER-BACK-SPELL-7 :MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-3 :MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-7 :MEGA-RETRIBUTION-SPELL-3 :MEGA-RETRIBUTION-SPELL-7 :MEGA-HAPPINESS-SPELL-3 :MEGA-HAPPINESS-SPELL-7)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-naked-desire-spell|"Burton's Naked Desire Spell"|BND|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If your wish is to strip your loved one’s resistance, to shed their inhibitions, and to immensely enjoy your intimate moments, Burton's Naked Desire spell could be a decisive turning point in your relationship."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You are a very sensuous person. And you truly crave to have a lustful relationship. But unfortunately, your sensual and intimate needs are currently not being met. But the one person who you want to fulfill your sexual fantasies with is not responding to your satisfaction. And how happy you would be to have this person willingly give you the same pleasures you want to give them?
    Someone to help you
    If the above words accurately describe your current situation, there is someone who can help you. His name is Burton, and he is an internationally known Master Psychic who specializes in relationships. Specifically, Burton could cast his very potent Naked Desire spell in your behalf.
    Peel off the layers
    Burton's Naked Desire spell is designed to peel the layers off your loved one’s defensive barriers, allowing them to cast off their inhibitions, freeing them to demonstrate their deepest emotional and physical affection for you. And once they bare their soul, they can fully satisfy your deepest desires.
    The purpose of Burton's Naked Desire spell
    So if your wish is to strip your loved one’s resistance, to shed their inhibitions, and to immensely enjoy your intimate moments, Burton's Naked Desire spell could be a decisive turning point in your relationship."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-ox-blood-spell|"Burton's Ox Blood Spell"|BB21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you require (or even demand) the help of a Master Psychic to rescue you from an intolerable situation! The Ox Blood spell is a one-of-a-kind spell to be used only in extraordinary circumstances."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    ...You require (or even demand) the help of a Master Psychic to rescue you from an intolerable situation. Your need is urgent, and your situation calls for immediate action. And you need for Burton to summon his formidable psychic powers right now!
    Here’s what Burton can do for you
    The Ox Blood spell is a one-of-a-kind spell to be used only in extraordinary circumstances. So request this extremely potent spell, if,
    • You are under duress because your circumstances are causing you anxiety, worry, unhappiness...
    • Perhaps a loved one is treating you poorly, threatening to leave you, abandon you, forgetting their vow to love you, protect you, stay with you...
    • Or possibly your finances are getting out of control, causing you to lack confidence in your future, fear for your financial security.
    • Or maybe someone is out to get you. And you don’t know how to cope with this person, correct the situation, return to a normal, stress-free life....
    If any or all of the above is causing you great concern and losing sleep over it, Burton’s Ox Blood spell could remedy the situation...promptly! What can you do?

    Burton stands ready to call upon his formidable psychic abilities to remedy what’s troubling you.

    All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-penetrate-lovers-subconscious-spell|"Burton's Penetrate Your Lover's Subconscious Spell"|BB12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"What would you give if you could “get inside” your loved one’s head and convince them that you and only you are their one true love?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your lover is hard-headed, stubborn and resisting anything you say, there is something you can do. What would you give if you could “get inside” your loved one’s head and convince them that you and only you are their one true love? And no matter what has happened in the past, your relationship could not only be repaired, it could thrive and be the wonderful partnership it once was. And quite possibly, even better!
    Is this happening to you?
    • Your once romantic and kind partner has seemingly changed, and not for the better.
    • Their attitude toward you is not nearly as warm and as caring as when you first met.
    • But although your feelings are hurt, and your heart is breaking, you still feel the same way about them.
    • And you are certain if you could penetrate their subconscious, allowing them to suppress their unreasonable behavior, not to mention their anger towards you, they would yearn to stay beside you...loving and caring for you.
    • But you are at your wit’s end because you feel you are talking to a brick wall.
    • And you fear if you don’t do something immediately and substantial, you may lose this person...forever!
    Don’t give up!
    Fortunately, there is someone you can turn to, to help you in this critical moment in your life. He is not an ordinary person who is simply going to wish you good luck in your time of need. The Master Psychic known as Burton has helped his countless clients worldwide, many of whom have had similar problems with their lovers. And Burton awaits word from you, so he can call upon his formidable psychic powers to plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of the person you so dearly love. So take a deep breath. Think it over. And if you feel you have done everything you can to bring about peace and reconciliation in this most important relationship, then perhaps it’s time to ask Burton to cast his potent Penetrate Your Lover’s Subconscious spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-rainmaker-spell|"Burton's Rainmaker Spell"|BRS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Burton's Rainmaker Spell"|""|"Do you have an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately?"|""|""|""|""|""|" Do you have an urgent matter that needs to be dealt with immediately? Are you worried that if you don't fix it right now, the situation will grow worse and has the potential to affect your life? Do you need someone ""who has the power"" to come to your aide? If so, the internationally renowned psychic, Burton, is available to work in your behalf. Upon hearing your request, Burton will cast his potent Rainmaker spell specifically designed to deal with your unique problem. So whether you need money, or you have a lover who is not responding to your needs, or perhaps you know of a person who you want to eject out of the picture, Burton has successfully dealt with these situations time and time again. Don't go it alone! Contact Burton right now and allow this famous Master Psychic to focus his formidable psychic powers on your most urgent need. The Rainmaker spell is particularly effective if you have tried everything else and have nowhere else to turn. If this is your situation, you are reading these words for a reason: Your destiny is in good hands!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-reach-for-stars-spell|"Burton's Reach for the Stars Spell"|BB13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you dream of walking in the shoes of those who succeed beyond anyone’s expectation, the Master Psychic Burton’s Reach for the Stars spell could bring your dreams to reality."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    One common bond of the rich and famous is they have the desire, the perseverance, and the dedication to stick it out during the hard times until they achieve their goals. And along the way, when the journey has pitfalls and the naysayers try to discourage them, they stand their course. And in the end, their perseverance (some say stubbornness) is often handsomely rewarded with seemingly limitless possessions, new friendships, and loving, doting mates. Their lives, in fact, are spectacular! So if you dream of walking in the shoes of those who succeed beyond anyone’s expectation, the Master Psychic Burton’s Reach for the Stars spell could bring your dreams to reality.
    Does this describe you?
    • You think big and you want it all.
    • You are different from your friends and family: You have big dreams, big taste, big aspirations.
    • And you are not at all satisfied to lead the “normal” life of your peers and family.

    If the above words stir your soul, and you believe your destiny is filled with riches and success, then this unique, potent spell could impact the rest of your life. This is the time for you and Burton to join forces allowing you to Reach for the Stars!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-reconcile-now-spell|"Burton's Reconcile Now! Spell"|BRN|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is your relationship in jeopardy?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This is Master Psychic Burton's Specialty!

    Heed these words from the renowned Master Psychic himself:
    ""Dear Friend: If you are reading these words, then it is likely your most important relationship is in jeopardy. ""So, if you feel your world is falling apart and you don't know where to turn... you have come to the right place. ""For above all else, my most precious gift is the ability to convey my psychic thoughts of reconciliation and implant the seeds of forgiveness within your loved one's subconscious. ""And here is my promise to you: My foremost goal is to bring the two of you together for not just a moment in time, but for an exquisitely happy, lasting relationship. And if I fail to do this (and you have up to one full year to decide), you will receive a full refund. No questions asked.""

    If the above words of Burton stir your blood, then take this brief test to see if Burton's Reconcile Now! Spell is right for you:
    • Is your heart breaking because you feel you are precariously close to losing the love of your life?
    • Do you feel if your loved one would listen to what you have to say with an open mind you have little doubt this incredible relationship could get back on track once again?
    • Are you rapidly running out of time to successfully reunite?
    • And do you feel alone, isolated, essentially abandoned by others close to you because no one else but you can rescue this relationship?

    If you answered yes to the above questions, then perhaps it's time to take the next step and invite the internationally famous Master Psychic Burton to focus his formidable psychic powers to bring you the love and happiness you so deserve. Burton awaits your approval to cast this powerful spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| red-hot-love-cold-cash-money-spell|"Burton's Red-Hot Love & Cold Cash Money Spell"|RHL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(45)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Burton’s Red-Hot Love & Cold Cash Money Spell"|""|"Two potent spells in one, cast by the Master Psychic Burton."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you crave being loved passionately and unconditionally? Do you seek material wealth so you can go anywhere you want, do anything you desire? Are you ready for a future filled with joy, love, happiness...and never worry about money again? Well don't we all. But don't feel this is an impossible dream because the internationally renowned psychic Burton, who has cast spells for some of the most successful people in the world, can cast this spectacular dual spell for you. And your visions of that incredible future could become reality! But first, let's see if this dual spell is for you:
    • Although most people dream of having it all, you are one of those who feel it is possible, even probable, to have your dreams fulfilled – in love, money, and happiness.
    • But you are getting impatient because you realize time is slipping by, and you can even feel it in your gut that you must act quickly and decisively to make your dreams come true.
    • However, you don't want to be one of those people who fail to recognize that great opportunity, who fail to act, and then regret it for the rest of your life.
    • So when the ""right"" opportunity finally presents itself, you want to take immediate and decisive action!
    Well, if you feel this is your opportunity to make your life soar, then...The time is now! If the above words resonate with you, Burton is ready to cast his dual Red-Hot Love & Cold Cash Money Spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-relationship-saver|"Burton's Relationship Saver Spell"|BSS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell will awaken your loved one to the friendship, love and happiness you once shared."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you on the verge of giving up hope and accepting the fact that your loved one is slowly pulling away from you? Do you feel you have exhausted every means to salvage this precious relationship? And are you at your wit’s end, not knowing what else you can do? If so, the Master Psychic known as Burton has this important message for you:

    “If the above words are lingering in your mind, and you feel I am speaking directly to you...then you and I are on the same wavelength. “And because of this close connection between you and me, this could dramatically increase the chances of success in applying my psychic gifts in your behalf. “My primary mission is to ‘become one’ deep within the subconscious of this person whom you love so deeply. My plan is to awaken them to the friendship, love and happiness you once shared. “And once the seeds of reconciliation are embedded within your loved one’s core, you should feel a renewed hope for regaining the wonderful compatibility the two of you previously shared.”

    How long will it take?
    Based on the experiences of Burton’s clients, this much is clear: Soon after Burton casts the Relationship Saver spell in your behalf, you should notice a distinct softening in your loved one’s demeanor. So if you feel the need to have someone in your corner to keep the two of you together, Burton’s Relationship Saver spell could be the secret weapon you’ve been looking for. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-security-blanket-spell|"Burton's Security Blanket Spell "|BSB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If security is what you desire, Burton's Security Blanket spell may well be what you've been searching for."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What is it you seek in life? Security in your home? Security in your most important relationships? Security in your finances, with little or no debt and enough in your bank account to afford you the luxuries in life? If the above resonates with you, Burton's Security Blanket spell is designed to bring your dreams to reality.
    So what are you to do?
    Your aspirations are relatively simple and uncomplicated: You seek a safe, secure, fulfilling life, hopefully with those who care deeply for you. But because you have always worked hard and life has not been easy, you are increasingly growing frustrated and tired of not being able to fulfill these goals.
    Feeling vulnerable
    And you feel vulnerable, exposed to forces you cannot control...while all you seek is a safe haven. A place where you can feel secure in your surroundings, without fear or anxieties, in a stable, unshakable environment.
    How to fulfill your destiny
    In every person’s life there’s a point where you must reach out and do something different, perhaps something out of the ordinary, to achieve your goals. So if you are at that stage where going it alone hasn’t provided you with the shelter, contentment and happiness you so deserve, then you were meant to read these words at this specific time. It’s your moment to take the next step and ask the Master Psychic known as Burton to cast his Security Blanket spell in your behalf. You won’t be disappointed. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton5|"Burton's Shock & Awe Spell"|LLM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This is the ultimate retribution spell! If you have an antagonist who is out to do you harm, the Shock & Awe spell is designed to bring this person to his/her knees. Think twice before directing this powerful force against another person.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton3|"Burton's Soaring Bank Account Spell"|LLM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Are you fighting to stay afloat and barely making ends meet? Since financial problems can throw a wet blanket on every aspect of your life, you need to give first priority to increasing your net worth. Burton's Soaring Bank Account spell could guide you and lead you to a future of security and well being.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton11|"Burton's Stud Spell"|LLM11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Have you ever seen a great-looking woman with an average-looking guy and wondered what she sees in him? The answer is simple: It's the aura surrounding him that makes him irresistible to the opposite sex. If you want women to look at you as more than just a nice guy, this spell is designed to release your inner manpower on the world. If up to now, the women you are really after often look over your shoulder, this spell is designed to turn their heads in your direction.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burton8|"Burton's Sweet Revenge Spell"|LLM8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Is there someone out there who needs to be taken down a peg or two. If so, Burton's Sweet Revenge spell is made to order for you. This spell is directed towards the person whose very nature is to cast out bad vibrations. Note: If your need to neutralize this person is very great, consider combining this spell along with Burton's Shock & Awe spell.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-sweetheart-spell|"Burton's Sweetheart Spell"|BB22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you dream of being loved unconditionally? Do you wish your loved one would treat you sweetly and lovingly with all their heart?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you dream of being loved unconditionally? Do you wish your loved one would treat you sweetly and lovingly with all their heart? And would you love them to frequently hold you, caress you, tell you how much they love you? If the above words reflect your dreams, your wishes, Burton’s Sweetheart spell is designed to bring your dreams to reality.
    Is this you?
    • You are a dreamer and an idealist.
    • You have old-fashioned ideas about courtship, romance, love and marriage.
    • And your greatest wish is to have a mate who is willing to display their heartfelt affection for you.
    • And treat you with the kindness, sweetness and love that you give them.
    If the above words reflect your true feelings and attitudes about love and marriage, then you have come to the right place. The internationally renowned Master Psychic Burton is ready to cast his powerful, unique Sweetheart spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-trojan-horse|"Burton's Trojan Horse Spell"|BTH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell is designed to invade your lover’s subconscious with the intent to capture their heart. "|""|""|""|""|""|" Is your treasured relationship with the love of your life in a downward spiral of discontent? Do you dread the thought of the possibility of breaking up, ending this once thriving partnership? And are you at a loss for what you can do about it because you have tried everything?
    Is this your situation
    Although your friends and loved ones have sympathy for you, it seems clear you are truly on your own and have no one else to turn to for help?
    Don’t give up! There is hope!
    One of the most gifted practitioners of the paranormal is the Master Psychic known as Burton. And if the above words reflect your situation, Burton could summon his formidable psychic gifts to cast his legendary Trojan Horse spell in your behalf.
    What could the Trojan Horse spell do for you?
    This potent spell is designed to invade your lover’s subconscious with the intent to capture their heart. And once this spell is cast and the seeds of reconciliation are embedded within your loved one’s subconscious, it could be just a matter of time before you witness a surprising and welcomed turnaround. So if you have tried everything to soften the heart of your loved one but are afraid you are running out of time, Burton’s Trojan Horse spell could be the salvation to your problems.
    All you have to do is ask
    Burton awaits word from you to work in your behalf to bring you the happiness in this relationship you treasure so dearly. And remember, you have nothing to lose. The California Astrology Association’s 365-day guarantee assures that either you are one hundred percent satisfied with Burton’s work or you receive a full refund. No questions asked. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-turnaround-spell|"Burton's Turnaround Spell"|BB14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Perhaps it’s time to plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of the person whom you so dearly love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    People Can Change! But some people need more urging than others.
    Is your love life currently in the doldrums?
    If you have tried everything to turn your relationship around, perhaps it’s time to plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of this person whom you so dearly love And once the seeds of love and forgiveness are planted into their mind -- softening their attitude, opening their hearts -- you could experience a sudden and remarkable turnaround in their behavior toward you.

    Does this sound familiar to you?
    • Your once beautiful relationship is teetering on failure.
    • Your partner is not the person you first met.
    • They seem harder, intolerant at times, seemingly unable to comprehend what you are saying.
    • But you are convinced that once they lower their defenses, they will realize you have nothing but love and respect for them.
    • And no matter where they go or whomever they meet, no one will be as good for them as you. No one!
    Don’t go it alone!
    So if you fear your relationship is nearing the breaking point, perhaps it’s time to ask Burton to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. Burton has assisted clients who are in a similar situation as yourself, and he awaits word from you, so he can cast his Turnaround spell to bring you the joy and happiness you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| buullusp|"Burton's Ultra Lucky Spell"||LINK.|llm.html#LLM1||||""|""|""|""|"Burton's Ultra-Lucky spell instills the super charge that could thrust you to the pinnacle of success."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| llm11|"Burton's Ultra-Lucky Spell"|LLM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20 ""Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Burton cast this spell TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Need help advancing in the workplace? Having difficulty getting that special person to commit? Feel a bit depressed that your future seems dimmed and hopeless? Burton's Ultra-Lucky spell instills the super charge that could thrust you to the pinnacle of success.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-win-back-your-lover-spell|"Burton's Win Back Your Lover Spell"|BWB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Let Burton's Win Back Your Lover spell bring the two of you together... once and for all."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The Master Psychic Who Specializes in Such Matters.

    So you think the love of your life may soon be out of your life...forever? And you despair? And you’ve just about given up hope? Well think again, because your relationship may not be over. And don’t despair because there is something you can do about it. And it could win back the love of your life! Here's what you ""can"" do! Ask the internationally renowned psychic Burton to cast a spell that has helped so many of his clients who were in the same predicament as you. This potent spell is known as the Win Back Your Lover spell. Burton designed it to penetrate the heart and soul of your lover’s subconscious, awakening them to the love and tender loving care that awaits them once they return to your loving arms. So whether your loved one is still with you (but causing trouble), or has recently deserted you, the Win Back Your Lover spell is designed to bring the two of you together...and to stay together once and for all. This spell is for you, if:
    • Your lover is acting on fear, anger and emotion.
    • Your lover is being irrational and even mean.
    • And you want them to become the wonderful, loving person you first met.

    So if the above words resonate with you, here are a few options you can take:
    • Sit back and wait for this person to suddenly come to their senses.
    • Go it alone, as you have been doing, and not ask for help.
    • Or ask the assistance of Burton, the Master Psychic who specializes in such matters.
    If the third option sounds appealing, Burton could do for you what he has done for so many others throughout the years: Reconcile you with the love of your life!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| compatibilitytips|"CAA's Zodiac Compatibility Tips"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Try these tips for getting along with with others!"|""|""|""|""|""|"ARIES
    Slow down. Stop being so impatient with others. Ask for help when you need it. And don't hesitate to take the first step in mending a broken heart. Your tendency to procrastinate may put off those who are depending on you. TAURUS
    Offer fewer explanations or excuses. Others know that you're a person of integrity and accept you for who you are. Stop being so hard on yourself. Start acting with your head, not your heart. GEMINI
    Be more attentive to the needs of that person closest to you. You don't always have to be so blunt and so ""honest"" in your observations. Be aware that others value your opinion and respect you. Choose your words carefully. CANCER
    You have the tendency to smother someone who is dear to you. Back off a little and you will discover that they will be drawn closer to you. As you tend to wear your heart on your sleeve, others are attracted to your honesty and forthrightness, but remember that not all people react the same to your unique personality. LEO
    Although you are anxious to please, and you are known for your generosity, you do have a tendency not to hear what people are saying. Thus, some believe you are only interested in fulfilling your own needs. Once you begin to pay attention to the signals that others are sending you, you will find personal relations improving dramatically. VIRGO
    Don't discount the wisdom of others as you tend to think your opinion is the only one that counts. And spend more time planning, developing strategies. It will help you in your personal relations. It appears you often do things on the fly, sometimes regretting your actions soon afterward, and then spending twice the time undoing the mess you've created. LIBRA
    Value friendship, peace, and reflect on your accomplishments. Once you stop being so hard on yourself, you will be more at ease with others and not focus so heavily on their flaws, mistakes, etc. You are incredibly loyal and expect the same from others, but you should relax your standards a bit, as you are often disappointed. SCORPIO
    You should be more open to democratic decision-making as you tend to value your opinion infinitely more than those close to you. Although you have very loyal admirers, they do shy away from you at times for fear of being overpowered. You intrigue people because you are at times shy and introverted, but when you come out of your shell you seem capable of running the world. SAGITTARIUS
    You are gregarious, fun loving, willing to put yourself out for a friend, but you have been disappointed at times by a lack of reciprocation from those closest to you. You have a large heart, a generous spirit and adventurous soul--but for everything you have accomplished, you feel you have basically gone it alone. Some people say you are paranoid, but you just see life as it truly is. CAPRICORN
    Giving, loyal, ambitious and picky. When you make a friend, it is for a lifetime, but sometimes you can be too demanding, too incessant, too stuborn. You want to do it your way or not at all. Others seem drawn to you, admire your integrity, experience and potential. But you seem to draw back when close to real success, almost as if you are too happy with the status quo. AQUARIUS
    While usually looking at the broader picture, you are prone to overlook the obvious. Take a closer, more definitive look at your important relationships and you may discover you have better friendships than you think. If you are a normal Aquarius, you have underestimated the depth and loyalties of those closest to you. PISCES
    An enigma to many, you often are unsure of what you want in a relationship. You tend to be very flexible and have little tolerance for those who are rigid and are unwilling to hear ""the truth."" You attract a wide variety of friends while managing to keep everyone happy. But you seem particularly drawn to those who have a slight ""edge"" to them.

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| new-spells|"Calastrology's Newest Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:RECONCILE-DIFFERENCES :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :ANGER-MANAGEMENT :INVISIBLE-SPELL)"|"(:RECONCILE-DIFFERENCES :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :ANGER-MANAGEMENT :INVISIBLE-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| countries|"California Astrology Association has clients in over 95 countries and regions"||ITEM.|||||""|""|"Over 95 Countries... and Counting!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The California Astrology Association is thrilled to announce that we now have clients in 96 countries and regions!
    1. Albania
    2. Argentina
    3. Australia
    4. Austria
    5. Bahamas
    6. Bahrain
    7. Bangladesh
    8. Barbuda
    9. Barbados
    10. Belgium
    11. Belize
    12. Benin
    13. Bermuda
    14. Bosnia
    15. Botswana
    16. Brunei Darussalam
    17. Bulgaria
    18. Canada
    19. Chili
    20. Croatia
    21. Cyprus
    22. Denmark
    23. Dominican Republic
    24. Egypt
    25. Falkland Islands
    26. Fiji
    27. Finland
    28. France
    29. French Polynesia
    30. Germany
    31. Ghana
    32. Great Britain
    33. Greece
    34. Guam
    35. Hong Kong
    36. Iceland
    37. India
    38. Indonesia
    39. Ireland
    40. Israel
    41. Italy
    42. Jamaica
    43. Japan
    44. Jordan
    45. Kenya
    46. Kazakhstan
    47. Kuwait
    48. Lebanon
    49. Lichtenstein
    50. Macedonia
    51. Malawi
    52. Malaysia
    53. Malta
    54. Mauritius
    55. Mexico
    56. Netherlands
    57. New Guinea
    58. New Zealand
    59. Nicaragua
    60. Nigeria
    61. Norway
    62. Oman
    63. Oranjestad Aruba
    64. Pakistan
    65. Palau
    66. Papua
    67. Paraguay
    68. Peru
    69. Philippines
    70. Poland
    71. Portugal
    72. Qatar
    73. Romania
    74. Russia
    75. Saudi Arabia
    76. Scotland
    77. Slovenia
    78. South Africa
    79. South Korea
    80. Spain
    81. Sri Lanka
    82. Sweden
    83. Switzerland
    84. Taiwan
    85. Thailand
    86. Trinidad
    87. Tunisia
    88. Turkey
    89. Uganda
    90. Ukraine
    91. United Arab Emirates
    92. United States
    93. Vanuato
    94. Venezuela
    95. Vietnam
    96. Virgin Islands (U.S.)

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| call-me-spell|"Call Me! Call Me! Call Me!"|CME|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Call Me! Call Me! Call Me!"|""|"Waiting for your loved one to call?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Has your life come to a screeching halt because the love of your life is ignoring you? Are you certain that the problems the two of you have can be easily straightened out once the two of you start communicating again? And you know without a doubt that you won't make the same mistakes again? But... Nothing can happen until the one you love picks up the phone and calls you! This spell is for you, if:
    • You are frustrated and disappointed because at the moment the two of you are not communicating.
    • You know in your heart the moment the phone rings and you hear your lover's voice, a peaceful and lasting reconciliation is about to begin.
    • Your lover is not being reasonable and you have tried everything. Soon, you will be out of options.
    If the above rings true, this remarkable spell may be just what you've been looking for. The Call Me! Call Me! Call Me! spell is designed to transfer your wishes of reconciliation directly to your lover as if transmitted by a laser beam. So if you honestly feel you've run out of options, there is something you can do: The moment our Master Psychic receives the go-ahead from you, he will cast this very powerful spell in your behalf.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-compatibility-spell|"Cancer Compatibility Spell"|ZCA3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancer Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" You, Cancer, are among the most compatible people on the planet. You're easy to get along with and you're always willing to compromise. You avoid arguments whenever possible, and above all, you crave companionship. You say you want to be alone, you want your space. But you're not fooling anybody. Simply put, you want to go through life with a partner who loves you unconditionally, someone you can trust through good times and bad, and someone who loves you for who you are. And not someone who wants to change you. This spell is designed to bring you closer to the person you've chosen to be with. As a Cancer, you want nothing more than to live and let live. But you want to be needed, you want to be adored, and you want to be loved. Should you get these things, you are the most loyal, the most generous mate a person could want. If your relationship is in need of repair, this is the spell for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Cancer Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZCA5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancer Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Cancer, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Cancer. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-money-spell|"Cancer Money Spell"|ZCA2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancer Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Cancer. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Cancer Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-reconciliation-spell|"Cancer Reconciliation Spell"|ZCA6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancer Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Cancer? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Cancer Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-retaliation-spell|"Cancer Retaliation Spell"|ZCA4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancer Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Cancer, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Cancer Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-true-love-spell|"Cancer True Love Spell"|ZCA1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancer True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. Because you were born under this sensitive sign, your emotions run deep, perhaps deeper than any other. So in your case, Cancer, true love is not easily acquired. You need luck and good fortune to meet the absolutely perfect person for you. You know what true love is just as you know what true friendship is. It is in your bones, Cancer, your DNA. You were born with it. So, you may ask: what can the True Love spell do for me? This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. And if your paths haven't already crossed, the True Love spell will increase the odds of you meeting the love of your life. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Cancer True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-zodiac-spells|"Cancer Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:CANCER-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :CANCER-MONEY-SPELL :CANCER-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :CANCER-RETALIATION-SPELL :CANCER-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :CANCER-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:CANCER-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :CANCER-MONEY-SPELL :CANCER-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :CANCER-RETALIATION-SPELL :CANCER-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :CANCER-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-compatibility-spell|"Capricorn Compatibility Spell"|ZCP3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Capricorn Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are currently in a relationship, or perhaps you know someone out there with whom you care to have a relationship, this powerful spell can forge an unbreakable bond between you. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a blessed partnership. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Capricorn Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Capricorn Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZCP5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Capricorn Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Capricorn, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Capricorn. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-money-spell|"Capricorn Money Spell"|ZCP2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Capricorn Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Capricorn. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Capricorn Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-reconciliation-spell|"Capricorn Reconciliation Spell"|ZCP6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Capricorn Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Capricorn? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Capricorn Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-retaliation-spell|"Capricorn Retaliation Spell"|ZCP4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Capricorn Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Capricorn, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Capricorn Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-true-love-spell|"Capricorn True Love Spell"|ZCP1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Capricorn True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are in a relationship and not being treated in the manner you deserve, Capricorn, this can be a sea-change spell for you. This is your chance to have it all: unconditional love, unquestionable loyalty, knowing you can trust your partner and be with him or her in a truly happy relationship. This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. The Capricorn True Love spell will increase the odds of your meeting your intended if your paths haven't already crossed. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Capricorn True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-zodiac-spells|"Capricorn Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:CAPRICORN-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :CAPRICORN-MONEY-SPELL :CAPRICORN-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :CAPRICORN-RETALIATION-SPELL :CAPRICORN-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :CAPRICORN-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:CAPRICORN-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :CAPRICORN-MONEY-SPELL :CAPRICORN-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :CAPRICORN-RETALIATION-SPELL :CAPRICORN-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :CAPRICORN-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs7|"Card Games Gambling Spell"|GS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo7|"Caress Me/Let Me Melt into Your Arms Duo Spell"|DUO7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    Another powerful blend of two spells that are designed to bring warmth and love and fantastic sex into your life. Life is sweetest when in the arms of the one person who can elevate you to the heights of ecstasy."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| carpe-diem-spell|"Carpe Diem Spell"|CDS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Carpe Diem Spell"|""|"Seize the day and enjoy life to the fullest! "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Carpe Diem spell is like no other. The Carpe Diem spell is designed to put a smile on your face the moment you get out of bed, to energize you so you can achieve monetary rewards in a fraction of the time it would normally take you, and, finally, to place you in the arms of the love of your life! That's it. That's the purpose of the Carpe Diem spell: To make it possible for you to seize the day and enjoy life to the fullest. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are ready to break out and fulfill your destiny.
    • You know you have a ridiculously bright future and you simply need to get that extra push.
    • You know you are special - that you have always been a little different from the rest of the crowd.
    • You are impatient to get started and you absolutely know ""this is your time!""
    A skilled and gifted psychic is waiting to cast the Carpe Diem spell in your behalf. All you have to do is believe.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cash-cow|"Cash Cow Spell"|CCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If it’s BIG money you desire, perhaps it’s time to consider partnering up with a gifted Master Psychic."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It doesn’t happen very often, but once in a blue moon someone appears on the scene who appears to have a “cash cow” at their disposal. Money that seems to flow endlessly into their bank account. It could have been due to a wealthy relative, perhaps a successful business, maybe a fortunate investment. But whatever the source, the money kept coming. Lots of money! And if you did indeed have come across someone who was fortunate enough to have a cash cow providing them with the financial means to live the life of the rich and famous, you were very likely envious. After all, who wouldn’t want to be in a similar situation?
    What if it could be you?
    If you believe there are unseen forces about us capable of having a dramatic impact upon our lives, then perhaps it’s time for you to let these forces, these spirits work for you.
    A Master Psychic in your corner
    The truly gifted psychics are known as Master Psychics. And although most people have had psychic experiences at one time or another, they are unable to duplicate the powerful psychic abilities of a Master Psychic. So if it’s BIG money you desire. And up to now you haven’t been able to accumulate it, perhaps it’s time to consider partnering up with a gifted Master Psychic. And once the potent Cash Cow spell is cast in your behalf, be prepared for what could be a monumental turnaround In your ability to grow your savings. And maybe, just maybe, with your personal Cash Cow allowing you to live the life of your dreams, it will be you who is the object of envy in the eyes of your friends, work associates and loved ones. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| casino-buster|"Casino Buster"|CBU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Casino Buster spell will give you a chance to win like you've never won before."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are the odds you can parlay a small amount of money into huge winnings? This spell is designed to cast a winning aura around you the moment you enter the casino. It will give you the confidence and assurance that you are the best of the best.

    Increase the potency of your Casino Buster Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gambler's Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Now as you well know, nothing is guaranteed in life. But this spell will invigorate you, put a smile on your face, straighten your gait and surround you with an air of nobility that will be noticed from all who come near you. And most important of all, the Casino Buster spell will give you a chance to win like you've never won before. We urge you to be prudent in your betting and not bet the house. But be assured this potent spell could increase the odds in your favor and possibly be a life-changer. Good luck!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs2|"Casino Gambling Spell"|GS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cast-the-evil-eye|"Cast the Evil Eye!"|EE3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cast the Evil Eye!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone out there who is not a good person and who should pay the price for their despicable behavior? If so, this is a very powerful retribution spell.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po3|"Cast-Away Potion spell "|PO3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cast-Away Potion spell "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" There are few things more troubling and disheartening than knowing an antagonist is getting the better of you. If someone you know is causing you stress and worry, you owe it to yourself to do something about it. Let our expert in the art of casting potion spells make an elixir that will soften the hard heart of the one who is harassing you. And once this person feels the change from within, they will experience vulnerability, weakness, and an increasing sense of anxiety. This remarkable spell is designed to weaken your antagonist and redirect their focus away from you. (Please note that the Cast-away Potion spell is quite potent and should be applied only if you are certain this person deserves the most severe consequences.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cease-and-desist-curse|"Cease and Desist Curse"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"This remarkable curse is designed to penetrate the very being of someone who does not have your best interests at heart. Once this curse takes effect their anger will vanish, allowing you to proceed with your life without worry or anxiety. "|""|""|""|""|""|" This remarkable curse is designed to penetrate the very being of someone who does not have your best interests at heart. Whatever their motivation is for disliking you, once this curse takes effect their anger will vanish, allowing you to proceed with your life without worry or anxiety. The Cease & Desist curse is a favorite among those who are receiving the brunt of another person's hostility and retribution. This potent curse is known to turn the person's negative energy back toward them which upsets their normal routine and causes them hardship and distress. There are several Cease & Desist curses. Select the one(s) best suited for you."||||"(:CD1 :CD2 :CD3 :CD4 :CD5)"|"(:CD1 :CD2 :CD3 :CD4 :CD5)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cd5|"Cease and Desist Curse: Antagonist"|CD5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?: 
    For some reason this person has it out for you. You are not sure why, but you know one thing – you don't have to put up with it any longer. The Antagonist Cease & Desist curse is designed to infiltrate their very being, instilling in them a sense of regret, remorse, and fear of crossing you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cd2|"Cease and Desist Curse: Enemy at Work"|CD2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This person tries to undermine your contributions as well as damage your reputation. While you are going about your business doing your best, this paranoid person feels you are a threat and is out to destroy you. This Cease & Desist curse turns the tables on them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cd3|"Cease and Desist Curse: Man-Eater"|CD3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This woman stole your man and deserves your retribution. The purpose of this powerful curse is to have her show her true colors, exposing her fakery and sourness to the man you love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cd4|"Cease and Desist Curse: Shark"|CD4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?: 
    A very vindictive person who stalks the earth with nothing better to do than to harass and cause people trouble. You are now in their sights and the purpose of this curse is to reverse their energy back at them, causing them a lack of self-confidence, insecurities galore, and unending problems. Soon, they will be neutralized and no longer causing you trouble.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cd1|"Cease and Desist Curse: So-Called Friend"|CD1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Cast this curse TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is the type of person who smiles to your face and then talks behind your back. Nothing is more frustrating then when you think someone is your friend only to learn later on they are out to sabotage you and make things miserable for you. This is not a person to be trusted and one who deserves to get their wings clipped.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cellovknot|"Celtic Love Knots"|CEL|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"A Pair of These Mystic Knots, Interwoven Like the Threads of Two Lives, Forge an Unbreakable Bond!"|""|"A very potent amulet which could attract the mate you've been searching for as well as enhance the love of that special person. Buy one, get one free!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Wear the Celtic Knot around your neck, close to your heart, and you may experience a tremendous enhancement of your personal magnetism. Your ability to attract the opposite sex could increase dramatically. Your capacity for passion may intensify to undreamed-of heights. When you find the person destined to be your soulmate, wear one and place the other around his or her neck to bind your love. If a lover has gone from your life, wear one amulet and place the other on his or her picture. This may rekindle your memory in their heart. If you are alone, searching for your perfect mate, wear one charm around your neck and hang the other over your front door. Soon you may be welcoming the love of your life.
    • Attract the mate you've been seeking all your life.
    • Capture the heart of the one you love.
    • Bring back a lost love.
    • Keep your true love faithful.

    Buy One, Get One Free!
    Each order for the Celtic Knots includes two for the price of one."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, To be honest, I was very skeptical that any of your products would actually work, but I ended up shocked. I ordered the Celtic Love Knots because my boyfriend moved out of the state and we broke up because of the move. After I received the Celtic Love Knot Charms, taped one to his picture, and wore the other, he started flirting with me over the phone when we would talk. Then he came back for a visit and told me that he's moving home again and that he wants me back! I never believed until that moment that it would really work. Even now, the pendant feels warm when I put it on. It can feel ice cold when I pick it up, but I feel a warmth surrounding it when I wear it near my heart. Jennifer
    Greenville, SC

    Additional input about Celtic Love Knots from our experts:

    What Does a Love Knot Symbolize?

    The Celtic Love Knot symbolizes unconditional love and eternal life between two people.

    Is the Celtic Knot Irish or Scottish?

    The origin of the Celtic Knot is Irish, Scottish and Welsh and represents Celtic culture.

    Is the Celtic Knot Pagan?

    Although the Celtic Knot is not Pagan, this potent Celtic Knot design is of ancient origin and is renowned for conjuring up attraction, compatibility and love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chai-bracelet|"Chai (Life) Bracelet"|CHI|CUSTOM-ITEM||(89.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"Eighteen strands of Sterling Silver in this beautiful bracelet bring you unlimited happiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The ancient mystics of Kabala believed the number 18 initiated luck, love, and good fortune. In Hebrew numerology, the word for life, Chai, adds up to 18. The Legend of the Chai Bracelet In King David's time, warriors wore the bracelet in the belief that its eighteen strands would protect them and assure them of victory on the battlefield. Hebrew women wore the bracelet with pride in the belief that their loved ones would return home to love them, care for them, be kind to them. Modern women wear the Chai Bracelet not only for its exquisite beauty and the attention that is drawn to them, but for success in romance, friendship, and career. It is said that when you adorn the Chai Bracelet:
    • Loved ones will be more understanding, more supportive.
    • Opportunities for financial rewards will reveal themselves to you.
    • Your best qualities will be revealed for all to see.
    • Your creativity and imagination will be stimulated – opening new horizons in business and pleasure.
    • A calmness and feeling of inner peace will replace anxiety and worry.

    Renowned for its splendor and beauty, the eighteen strands of the Chai Bracelet are made of the highest quality sterling silver. This elegant piece of jewelry will not only catch the eye of anyone who sees it, but they will want to discuss it and touch it as if drawn by an unseen force. Reap the rewards of the mystical secrets of Kabala and let the Chai Bracelet bring you success and happiness. You will feel privileged and very special the moment you take possession of this magnificent adornment.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| change-my-luck|"Change My Luck!"|CML|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Change My Luck!"|"The Change My Luck spell is designed to reverse your downward spiral and put you back on track."|"It often only takes one spark to change your luck. This spell is designed to do just that."|""|""|""|""|""|" There are moments in everyone's life when things seem to be going downhill – at an accelerated pace. If this is happening to you, you need to change your luck, and fast. The Change My Luck spell is designed to reverse your downward spiral and put you back on track. This spell is for you, if:
    • A loved one is being unreasonable
    • You feel that you are mired in the present, unable to move forward.
    • It appears that other people are lucky, but you can’t seem to catch a break.
    • Several aspects of your life seem to be out-of-line, uneven, without hope.
    • You feel it's time for a change, and if somehow you can get a jump-start, you know things will get better.
    It often only takes one spark to change your luck. This spell is designed to do just that."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| charming-woman|"Charming, Mysterious, Seductive Woman Spell"|CWS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Become the enticing and irresistible woman you secretly hope to be."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What’s your fantasy? What kind of person do you secretly hope to be? And what would you give to become that Charming, Mysterious, Seductive Woman who is enticing and irresistible to the person you wish to attract?
    Well...It could happen
    A gifted Master Psychic who specializes in such matters awaits your go ahead to cast this magnificent spell in your behalf.
    Your significantly enhanced aura
    And once the seeds of these amazing characteristics are implanted in your subconscious, your significantly enhanced aura will radiate to anyone who comes within view of you.
    A very distinctive and unique spell
    The Charming, Mysterious, Seductive Woman spell is specifically designed for a very particular individual.
    Is this you?
    • You have always believed you are different from most other women.
    • That you were meant to live an exceptional life.
    • To live big.
    • To enjoy the finer things in life.
    • To be exceptional, charismatic... and stand out from the crowd.
    • And perhaps most important of all: to attract the “right” person for your loving relationship... that will last a lifetime.
    Sound familiar?
    If the above words resonate with you... If you have been searching for that big breakthrough that could dramatically change your life... And feel this is your moment to flourish, to shine – to be exquisitely happy...
    Then all you have to do is ask
    Your personal Master Psychic is ready to propel your life to a level reserved for a very special few. And that person could be you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gambling-charms-gambling-spells|"Charms and Spells for Gambling & Lottery "||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Seeking success in sweepstakes, lotteries and games of chance? Increase your odds of winning by keeping a good luck charm at your side or having a ""lucky"" spell cast in your behalf. You have nothing to lose. All Gambling Spells and Gambling Charms from the California Astrology Association are risk-free: If they don't profoundly improve your life, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :GAMBLING-SPELLS :CHINESE-DRAGON-GAMBLING-SPELL-LINK :JACKPOT-AMULET :BURTONS-ALL-PURPOSE-GAMBLING-SPELL :LUCKY7 :QUINNOX :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :LADYLUCK :MONEYTREE :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :I-WILL-BE-RICH-SIGIL-LINK :GUARDIANANGEL :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :FAST-LUCK-SPELLKIT-LINK :WIN-OFTEN-WIN-BIG-SPELLKIT-LINK :LLM :DELICIOUSLY-RICH-SPELL :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK-SPELL :CHANGE-MY-LUCK :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GO-FOR-IT :INSTANT-TURNAROUND-SPELL :CASINO-BUSTER :LUCK-VOODOO-LINK :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :BINGO-SWEEPS-LOTTERY :BREAK-THE-BANK :STARTINGOVER :VANISH-DEBT-SPELL :LASTCHANCE :GAMBLING-WANGA-LINK :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :LUCK-WANGA-LINK :JINX-REMOVER-WANGA-LINK :EXTREME-END-DROUGHT-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-COMEBACK-SPELL-LINK :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :GYPSY-MONKEY-SPELL-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-LINK :PERFECT-STORM-BURTONS-WINNING-TRIFECTA-SPELL-LINK :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :EMERGENCY-LUCKY-STREAK-SPELL-LINK)"|"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :GAMBLING-SPELLS :CHINESE-DRAGON-GAMBLING-SPELL-LINK :JACKPOT-AMULET :BURTONS-ALL-PURPOSE-GAMBLING-SPELL :LUCKY7 :QUINNOX :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :LADYLUCK :MONEYTREE :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :I-WILL-BE-RICH-SIGIL-LINK :GUARDIANANGEL :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :FAST-LUCK-SPELLKIT-LINK :WIN-OFTEN-WIN-BIG-SPELLKIT-LINK :LLM :DELICIOUSLY-RICH-SPELL :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK-SPELL :CHANGE-MY-LUCK :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GO-FOR-IT :INSTANT-TURNAROUND-SPELL :CASINO-BUSTER :LUCK-VOODOO-LINK :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :BINGO-SWEEPS-LOTTERY :BREAK-THE-BANK :STARTINGOVER :VANISH-DEBT-SPELL :LASTCHANCE :GAMBLING-WANGA-LINK :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :LUCK-WANGA-LINK :JINX-REMOVER-WANGA-LINK :EXTREME-END-DROUGHT-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-COMEBACK-SPELL-LINK :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :GYPSY-MONKEY-SPELL-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-LINK :PERFECT-STORM-BURTONS-WINNING-TRIFECTA-SPELL-LINK :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :EMERGENCY-LUCKY-STREAK-SPELL-LINK)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-fire-spell|"Chinese Dragon Fire Spell"|CH5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Fire Spell"|""|"
    Is someone ""haunting"" you, making your life miserable, sucking the energy and fun out of your life? Would you like to rid yourself of this person who has it in for you and perhaps wants to destroy you? Learn More "">
    Is someone ""haunting"" you, making your life miserable, sucking the energy and fun out of your life? Would you like to rid yourself of this person who has it in for you and perhaps wants to destroy you? If you don't know where to turn and feel it's time to stop this person in their tracks, perhaps it's time to let someone with formidable psychic powers work in your behalf. This is what the Dragon Fire spell could do for you:
    • Plant the seeds of doubt in your nemesis.
    • Make this person think twice before crossing you again.
    • Expel them from your life.

    Once the Dragon Fire spell is cast in your behalf, you will feel more confident and more self-assured that this person cannot do your harm. And you will feel a protective shield encompassing you, protecting you... rebounding their negative energy back at them. There is absolutely no reason for you to live with the constant barrage of negativity and harassment from anyone, particularly this person of ill intent. The Dragon Fire spell is designed to return you to a life free of angst and worry. This is your time to take a stand. And soon you will feel relieved and reassured that an expert in casting Dragon Fire spells is working in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-gambling-spell|"Chinese Dragon Gambling Spell"|CH8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Gambling Spell"|""|"
    The Dragon Gambling spell is designed to increase the odds in your favor not only at the gambling tables and in games of chance, but also in life. Learn More "">
    If you are reading this, most likely you are a person who is willing to stake your knowledge, your expertise, and your luck against others in games of chance. If this is true, the Dragon Gambling spell could potentially help you in your request to be a winner...a big winner! The Dragon Gambling spell is designed to increase the odds in your favor not only at the gambling tables and in games of chance, but also in life.

    Increase the potency of your Dragon Gambling Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gambler's Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    • You find it excruciatingly exciting when matching your skills against others in games of chance. In fact, you can feel ""the juices"" flowing even when thinking about it.
    • You are willing to take risks in life but only after doing due diligence and checking out every aspect, every angle before deciding to go ahead.
    • You love that ""special feeling"" in your gut when momentum is on your side; and when this happens, you are sitting on top of the world.
    The Dragon Gambling spell isn't for everyone. But if you are a gambler and feel the above descriptions fit you like a glove, you have come to the right place.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-gambling-spell-link|"Chinese Dragon Gambling Spell"||LINK.|chinese-dragon-gambling-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Dragon Gambling spell is designed to increase the odds in your favor not only at the gambling tables and in games of chance, but also in life."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-love-spell|"Chinese Dragon Love Spell"|CH1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Love Spell"|""|"
    This spell is designed to ensure you live the rest of your life with a partner who reciprocates your love, passion, loyalty, and total commitment. Learn More "">
    This spell is designed to ensure you live the rest of your life with a partner who reciprocates your love, passion, loyalty, and total commitment. Order the Dragon Love spell if:
    • Your current love is not living up to your expectations.
    • You want your partner to love you for who you are and not want to change you.
    • You want to be loved unconditionally - with no strings attached.
    • You feel that your love is mostly one-sided. This is unsettling and unacceptable to you.
    • You crave the companionship of someone who is truly dedicated to making you happy.
    • You feel you have so much to give but are beginning to hold back until your partner is as giving as you.

    The Dragon Love spell is a powerful spell that infiltrates the heart and soul of the person you love. The purpose of this spell is to bless you with an aura of love, laughter and happiness.
    If you want to awake each day with the feeling that you are in the best relationship and that your partner loves you unconditionally, then the Dragon Love spell is precisely what you've been searching for.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-new-lover-spell|"Chinese Dragon New Lover Spell"|CH6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon New Lover Spell"|""|"
    The Dragon New Lover spell is designed to take you off the island and position you in the right place at the right time to meet that very special person who will give you the love, laughter and commitment you have been searching for. Learn More "">
    Life is too short to walk it alone. The Dragon New Lover spell is designed to take you off the island and position you in the right place at the right time to meet that very special person who will give you the love, laughter and commitment you have been searching for. You deserve to be in a secure, loving relationship with a person you can spend 24/7 with. This is a person who will understand you, want to be with you, and want to take care of you. And you, of course, have always been willing to reciprocate one hundred percent. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are willing to be proactive and be more aggressive in finding your true love.
    • You want to wake up each day and look into the eyes of that special person.
    • You want to be with your partner through all the highs and lows in life while ending loneliness.
    So if you're frustrated and are worried that discovering your soul mate may never happen, you MUST try one more thing: Have a Dragon New Lover spell cast in your behalf. It could bring that fantastic person into your life!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-shining-star-spell|"Chinese Dragon Shining Star Spell"|CH7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Shining Star Spell"|""|"
    Would you like to be the envy of all who know you? It is quite within the realm of possibility, and all you have to do is ask. Learn More "">
    Would you like to be the envy of all who know you? It is quite within the realm of possibility, and all you have to do is ask.
    • You hit the jackpot and have all the money you need.
    • You are with the person of your dreams who loves you and only you.
    • Your days are filled with love, laughter, and joy.
    • You are surrounded by people who love you each and every day.
    This can be you because the Dragon Shining Star spell brings out the best in you. A psychic skilled in casting Dragon spells will tap into your inner sanctum, tapping into your best characteristics, activating them, bringing them to the surface. And once this happens, your confidence will soar. Even your physical appearance will reflect the ""new you."" Soon your physical being will reflect this feeling that you are an absolute winner. And those who know you will be captivated by the new you and will seek to be drawn closer to you. How many times have you ""wowed"" those around you, impressing them with your charm, your clever wit, and that twinkle in your eye? And you thought, why can't I do that more often? Well, the answer is simple: once this remarkable spell takes hold and is embedded in your subconscious, your best will come out each and every day. If the Dragon Shining Star spell doesn't make an immediate, dramatic improvement in your attitude, your finances and your love life, we'll refund your money up to one full year. No questions asked. Your new life is waiting for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-spells|"Chinese Dragon Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"New! The California Astrology Association is pleased to announce we have an exclusive agreement with an expert in the casting of authentic Dragon spells!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Dragons are deeply rooted in Chinese culture. For centuries, the Emperor of China has used the dragon as a symbol of power, romance, good luck and fortune. The origin of Dragon spells has been traced to powerful mystics who roamed the country during the Qin Dynasty (221 to 207 BC). The California Astrology Association is pleased to announce we have an exclusive agreement with an expert in the casting of authentic Dragon spells. And we have negotiated a price that is reasonable for our clients. However, he has requested the following: that anyone interested in having a Dragon spell cast in his/her behalf answer the five questions below to see if you have the fire of the Dragon burning within you.
    • Do you feel you have a spark within you – a fire of sorts – that is waiting to be ignited?
    • Do you feel your potential “is on hold,” and your true destiny in love, in the work place, in all aspects of your life cannot be fulfilled until the fire is lit?
    • Do you feel somewhat ""different"" from the rest, and only a few people in your lifetime truly understand who you really are?
    • Do you feel a sense of urgency that the “time is now” to get your life in order and move up beyond ordinary to the life of extraordinary?
    • Do you have the desire, the will power, the determination to let the dragon into your life?
    If you have answered yes to all five questions, you are invited to join the fortunate ones who have benefited from the powers of the dragon. Please read the following Dragon spells slowly and carefully and see which one(s) could most benefit you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-ultimate-happiness-spell|"Chinese Dragon Ultimate Happiness Spell"|CH4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Ultimate Happiness Spell"|""|"
    The Dragon Ultimate Happiness spell directs you to your ""chosen"" path in life. This is the path that is predestined to fulfill your most important desires and goals. Learn More "">
    This all-purpose spell is designed to help you:
    • Achieve ultimate satisfaction in your most meaningful relationships.
    • Experience a financial windfall, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of success.
    • Enjoy every moment knowing you are with the person you love and having the financial security you've aspired to.
    The Dragon Ultimate Happiness spell directs you to your ""chosen"" path in life. This is the path that is predestined to fulfill your most important desires and goals. Too many people get mired down in a mundane, unfulfilling life that leads to frustration and unhappiness. If this describes your current situation, ask yourself if you have done everything you can to get out of the rut and elevate your life to levels few people even dare to dream. With no risk whatsoever (see our one year guarantee), you can seek the help of someone skilled in the paranormal. This person can cast the Dragon Ultimate Happiness spell in your behalf and bring your vast potential to the surface. So if you feel you haven't reached the highs in life that you so truly desire, there is something you can do about it. The Dragon Ultimate Happiness spell could bring you rewards that will make you the envy of all who know you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-unlimited-wealth-spell|"Chinese Dragon Unlimited Wealth Spell"|CH3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Unlimited Wealth Spell"|""|"
    It's one thing to think about getting rich. It's quite another getting there. If you read about the people who are in the top one percent, you'll find they have these characteristics in common... Learn More "">
    It's one thing to think about getting rich. It's quite another getting there. If you read about the people who are in the top one percent, you'll find they have these characteristics in common: They are creative, they are determined to succeed, and they are lucky. This remarkable spell is designed to tap into all three by:
    1. Energizing your creativity, allowing you to ""step out of the box"" and try something new, something teeming with potential.
    2. Bolstering your confidence and determination so you'll ""stick with it"" until you have succeeded.
    3. Activating your ""luck quotient"" so your efforts won't go unrewarded.
    These are the qualities that will set you apart from the masses, allowing you to join the ranks of the top tier of successful people. And once your unique ""gifts"" are activated, you will find the path to success is much easier than you had thought. This is because you will be calling upon talents that you are not only good at, but you also enjoy. As a result, you will thrive! And the sky is the limit! And you will succeed! The Dragon Unlimited Wealth spell not only increases your willingness to listen to new ideas and new ventures, but also bolsters your ability to select the best of the best of these suggestions. Soon you will find yourself on your chosen path leading to success and prosperity!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| chinese-dragon-wild-wild-passion-spell|"Chinese Dragon Wild, Wild Passion Spell"|CH2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Chinese Dragon Wild, Wild Passion Spell"|""|"
    This spell isn't for everyone. But it could be for you if you are a passionate person, someone who has visions of sexual excitement far beyond what most people dare to dream. Learn More "">
    This spell isn't for everyone. But it could be for you if you are a passionate person, someone who has visions of sexual excitement far beyond what most people dare to dream. Read the following and see if the Dragon Wild, Wild Passion spell could dramatically make your life more ""interesting.""
    Increase the potency of the Chinese Dragon Wild, Wild Passion spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    • You have a vivid imagination and you often fantasize having an uninhibited, passionate relationship.
    • You are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to ""fire up"" your partner.
    • You get excited just thinking about what you and your partner have the potential of doing.
    • You want to please your partner and bring them to the point of ecstasy so he or she cannot envision a future without you.
    So if you are tired of the mundane, predictable routine of lovemaking, the Dragon Wild, Wild Passion spell awaits you. And if you wish to make yourself indispensable to your partner, you have certainly come to the right place. The Dragon Wild, Wild Passion spell is designed to make your lovemaking truly unforgettable!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pendulum|"Churchill Pendulum"|PDM|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"Churchill Pendulum"|""|"If the Pendulum rotates clockwise, the answer is ""yes;"" if it rotates counter-clockwise, the answer is ""no."""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    If the Pendulum rotates clockwise, the answer is ""Yes""
    If it rotates counter-clockwise, the answer is ""No""

    For centuries the Pendulum has been used as a means of revealing truth and predicting the future. Dating back to ancient China, Judea, and Egypt, the swing of the Pendulum provided guidance to emperors, kings, and Pharaohs. Today, people from all walks of life turn to the Pendulum for immediate answers. Now you can use the pendulum as a key to unlock hidden doors, revealing new insights into existing conditions. You can expect to receive quick, precise and factual answers from the Pendulum regarding affairs of the heart, money matters, seemingly unsolvable problems or insight into future events. Every object, animate or inanimate, gives off radiation. A perfectly balanced Pendulum not only detects this energy, but is also able to discern whether it is positive or negative. All you have to do is hold the Pendulum over the object and ask the Pendulum a question. If the Pendulum rotates clockwise, the answer is ""yes;"" if it rotates counter-clockwise, the answer is ""no."" So, if you seek insights into your future or need a simple solution to a difficult problem, just ask the Pendulum. The Pendulum may reveal truths to today's problems and tomorrow's secrets. It could give you the answers right now! We suggest you order your genuine Churchill Pendulum today!
    • If you have a potential mate who is reluctant to commit, ask the Pendulum specific questions about their intentions, their true feelings about you.
    • If you want to know the best time to enter a lottery or make a career move, ask the Pendulum.
    • If you want to learn more about a specific person, ask the pendulum about their likes, dislikes, what makes them tick...
    • If your money problems are mounting and you need guidance, ask the Pendulum about investments, new ways to make money...
    • If you are unsure about replacing a TV, car, etc., merely hold the Pendulum over the object to determine if it is giving off positive or negative vibrations.

    Churchill Pendulums are renowned for their superb craftsmanship and perfect balance. Churchill is the foremost name in Pendulums. Complete instructions and carry bag included."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| circle-wood-earrings|"Circle Wood Earrings"|CWE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|""|""|"Circle Wood Earrings"|""|"Their beauty will spark renewed interest in you, and their metaphysical qualities will lift your spirits to heights you never believed possible."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Besides its magnificent good looks, this beautiful set of earrings has an interesting history. Legend of Circle Wood: In biblical times, the person whose adornments contained four interlocking rings was blessed with the gifts of:
    • Wit, humor, an easy laugh
    • Unselfishness
    • Virtue
    • Sensuality
    • Love
    • Nobility
    • Pride
    • Courage

    The moment you put on the Circle Wood Earrings, you are in for a very special treat. Their beauty will spark renewed interest in you, and their metaphysical qualities will lift your spirits to heights you never believed possible. Crafted with wood and sterling silver.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-clear-the-fog-from-my-lovers-aura|"Clear the Fog from My Lover's Aura"|LTM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Clear the Fog from My Lover's Aura

    Be Adored, Cherished, and Loved Once More!

    Does the love of your life seem unable to compromise and be reasonable?

    Have they changed over time, seemingly indifferent to you, unfeeling, even rude?

    And does it seem at times you hardly even know this person?

    If so, your loved one's aura could be clouded, fogged in, thus not being able to be clear-headed and reasonable.

    The good news

    There is an answer to this predicament: Let the gifted mystic Leonardo cast his Clear the Fog from My Lover's Aura spell in your behalf.

    This remarkable spell could facilitate returning your loved one to being reasonable, forthright and, above all, responsive to your needs.

    Our unique aura

    Each of us has an aura that plays a vital role in how others see us, how we express ourselves and, perhaps most importantly, how we feel.

    Think about this: Do you ever feel upset or depressed for no particular reason?

    Or conversely, do you ever feel really good, carefree and happy despite recent events not really going your way?

    Most assuredly you do. And this is because your aura plays a critical role in your temperament, your feelings, your outlook on life.

    So, if your loved one is not treating you well, not giving you the tender, loving care you so deserve, why don't you ask Leonardo to cast his Clear the Fog from My Lover's Aura spell in your behalf?

    One of Leonardo's talents is clearing the dark clouds from a person's aura. Let him do for your loved one what he has done for so many others.

    It could be a life-changing event in your most important relationship.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cleopatras-wheel|"Cleopatra's Wheel"|CLE|CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|"Cleopatra's Wheel"|""|"Available to the public for the first time, you can now take possession of your very own Cleopatra's Wheel and experience for yourself its Twenty-four Points of Happiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Ancient Egyptian proverb: Possess Cleopatra's Wheel and as with the center of the universe all attention is drawn toward you. The origins of Cleopatra's Wheel date back to the time of Cleopatra in ancient Egypt. Believing she was a descendant of the gods, Cleopatra alone possessed this sacred Medallion in the belief she would be blessed with its twenty-four points of happiness: Cleopatra's Wheel contains twenty-four spokes, each of which represents your connection with the world – physically and spiritually. The famous queen believed that when she affixed this stunningly beautiful amulet around her neck, it drew attention to ALL of her special qualities, not only her remarkable beauty! Available to the public for the first time, you can now take possession of your very own Cleopatra's Wheel and experience for yourself its Twenty-four Points of Happiness:
    1. Love
    2. Companionship
    3. Laughter
    4. Allure
    5. Inner peace
    6. Neutralized enemies
    7. Romance
    8. Confidence
    9. Self-esteem
    10. Sex appeal
    11. Luck
    12. Material wealth
    13. Loyal Friends
    14. Beauty
    15. Excitement
    16. Admirers
    17. Security
    18. Physical well being
    19. Intimacy
    20. Hope
    21. Success
    22. Foresight
    23. Wisdom
    24. Sweet life

    If you seek to draw attention to yourself and have others see the real you – both your inner and outer beauty – you are in for a real treat. The moment you affix this spectacular amulet around your neck, BE PREPARED TO BE NOTICED!!! Cleopatra's Wheel should bring you the excitement and romance you yearn for as it draws attention to all of your remarkable attributes. It will be unlike anything you've ever experienced previously. Made of pure sterling silver, Cleopatra's Wheel could elevate you to the pinnacle of life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo11|"Closer Family Ties/Make Them Proud of Me Duo Spell"|DUO11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    How awful to go through life without the ones closest to you showing you the love and affection you’ve so dearly earned. You are a good person, a loving person. And now it's time your family gives you the love and respect you crave. These two remarkable spells could make your life pleasant and fun and exciting again."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| comebackmylove|"Come Back My Love"|CBL|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Come Back My Love"|""|"For whatever reason your lover is not with you, this spell plants the seeds of their return."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    For whatever reason your lover is not with you, this spell plants the seeds of their return. Is it just a dream that your lost love will walk through the door? Is it false hope that you visualize the two of you walking hand in hand, together at last, making plans for an incredible future? Have you ever noticed that with some people the sheer force of their will power can make things happen? And they almost always seem to get what they want. With the assistance of a gifted psychic, your will power could be increased tenfold, making it possible for you to make something happen. Specifically, the return of your love! Request this spell if:
    I purchased my first Lover Come Back To Me Spell and my love returned 6 days after receiving it. We reconciled immediately. Thanks! RC
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    • You know in your heart the two of you belong together.
    • You know the relationship will work if only it is given a chance.
    • You know once the two of you are together the bond could be rock-solid.
    • You know that bad luck and bad timing has worked against you. But now things have changed.
    • You know if given a second chance the same mistakes won't be repeated.
    • You know once your lover keeps an open mind, their return is imminent.
    • You know this relationship is meant to be.
    With a powerful psychic in your corner, it is only a matter of time before you are united with your true love.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| comread|"Compatibility Reading"|COM|ITEM.||(13.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Their Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Their Gender"" Inscription 10 ""Their Relationship to You"" Inscription 25"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Their Birthdate:
    Their Gender:
    Their Relationship to You:
    "|"If you are experiencing difficulties with a mate, lover, friend, work associate - or anyone - perhaps we can assist you."|""|"If you are experiencing difficulties with a mate, lover, friend, work associate - or anyone - try our compatibility reading."|""|""|""|""|""|" The CALIFORNIA ASTROLOGY ASSOCIATION can now examine your relationship with one specific individual. If you would like to improve relations with that special person, here's your opportunity. Both the positive and negative aspects of your compatibility will be examined. Among the areas to be covered are:
    1. Your potential as a couple.
    2. Strengths and weaknesses in your relationship
    3. Intellectual and emotional compatibility
    4. Compatibility as lovers.
    You may be too close to a situation to look at the facts clearly and unemotionally. At one time or another we all need an objective third party to help us through a difficult period, and that is the purpose of a COMPATIBILITY READING.
    Gentlemen, I have just received my compatibility reading and I was astonished to say the least! The very first sentence almost took my breath away! Your insight into the way I feel about my boyfriend was to the point. He has many fine qualities and yes, he doesn't open up as I do. I am very happy with him, and I hope to make this relationship last. I can't express enough gratitude for your help!
    A faithful friend,
    Ft. Worth, TX
    Your relationship will be scrutinized and reviewed from a pure astrological viewpoint. Your reading will be direct and honest and will offer opinions, suggestions, and advice. This will be a very personal discussion of your interactions with one specific individual. We do not use computers for this reading. In order to give you an accurate reading, please be sure to provide the necessary information before clicking the ""Add to cart"" button."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| compatability-solution|"Compatibility Solution Spell"|SOL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    "|""|""|"Fix your compatibility. Save your relationship."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Increase the potency of the Compatibility Solution spell!

    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Are you worried that your relationship needs help? Are you concerned that you may not be able to fix it yourself? Do you fear you may be running out of time? And if you don’t act fast, you may lose this person...forever? If you have these questions running through your mind on a regular basis, perhaps it’s time to do something about it.
    Here’s what you can do:
  • Accept the reality that this is a critical moment in your life when it’s to your benefit to ask for help.
  • And one promising option to consider is to ask a Master Psychic who specializes in relationship problems to help you.
  • So if the above sounds reasonable to you, then you have come to the right place at the right time. Ask for the Compatibility Solution spell to be cast in your behalf...and let hope and opportunity make your life sweet again. After all, isn’t it time to get your life back on track? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| compatibility-stew-spell|"Compatibility Stew Spell"|CSS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Compatibility Stew Spell"|""|"Are you in a relationship with someone you know is ""right"" for you, but somehow it isn't working out?"|""|""|""|""|""|" Are you in a relationship with someone you know is ""right"" for you, but somehow it isn't working out? Has it been getting worse recently? Are you afraid if you don't take drastic action soon, the relationship may be in jeopardy? Or perhaps it already is! If so, there's a remarkable spell that can be cast in your behalf. It's called the Compatibility Stew spell because when a relationship is in trouble, it usually involves a number of issues that when ""mixed together"" seems to result in the relationship boiling over. Although it sounds like a lighthearted name, this is one of the oldest and most powerful love spells. It is particularly effective when directed toward a couple who are ""right"" for each other but somehow they seem to spoil the stew -- unintentionally. This spell is for you, if:
    • The two of you really care about each other, but recently things haven't been going well in the relationship.
    • You truly love this person but sometimes feel you are taken for granted.
    • You'd like your loved one to treat you better, and you're upset and frustrated that you can't change their ways.
    • You don't want this relationship to end and you get a lump in your throat thinking about what life would be like without this person.
    • You are putting great effort into making it work, but wonder if your partner isn't as committed as you.
    If some or all of the above seems to ring true, you may be very surprised how quickly this spell could turnaround your relationship.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| confident-man|"Confident, Attractive, Masculine Man Spell"|CMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Instill a charismatic, self-confident attitude within your subconscious."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you tired of women looking at the other guys? Overlooking you, as if you were invisible? While in your heart you know you have so much more to offer? If the above words reflect your current situation, this unique spell is designed to instill a charismatic, self-confident attitude within your subconscious. And soon your new, enhanced aura could get the attention of that special person.
    It is possible...
    • To be the guy that women notice.
    • To have an air about you that both men and women admire and respect.
    • To elevate your life to the next level.
    • And to enjoy the perks and benefits you’ve witnessed other men enjoy, even though they may not have the humanity, intelligence, character and sense of humor you have.
    The breakthrough you’ve been waiting for
    So if the above words stir your soul, giving you the hope that your wildest dreams could indeed become reality... a gifted Master Psychic is ready to plant the sprouting seeds of change in your subconscious. And once the Confident, Attractive, Masculine Man spell is cast in your behalf, you will be well on your way of becoming the man you’ve always fantasized about. After all, what do you have to lose? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| webmastercontact|"Contact our Webmaster"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Please use this form only for TECHNICAL PROBLEMS WITH THE WEBSITE.
    If you need to contact us about anything other than a technical website issue, please use our main contact form instead.

    Your Name:
    Your Email Address:

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| contact|"Contact Us"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Before contacting us, please read our Frequently Asked Questions For questions about an existing order, or to request a refund, email us at orders@calastrology.com and include your full name and order number, if known. If you would like to send us a testimonial, please go here..

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| conwanno310|"Controlling Wanga"|W10|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To control a person and have them do your bidding."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| coupons-test|"Coupons Test"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

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    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs6|"Coyote Friendship Spell"|CS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" The irresistible allure of the coyote draws the ""good"" people to you. This is something we all can relate to: being surrounded by caring, loving friends. As you probably know, there are people out there who would love and adore you if only the opportunity was there. This spell makes that happen!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs8|"Coyote Happiness Spell"|CS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is what everyone wants: to be free of negative influences, to enjoy life to the fullest. The Coyote Happiness spell is renowned for bringing inner peace and calm.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| coyote-leadership-link|"Coyote Leadership Spell"||LINK.|coyote-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Others will look to you for guidance and you will discover leadership qualities you didn’t know you had."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs7|"Coyote Leadership Spell"|CS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In your personal life or career, this remarkable spell allows you to expand your horizons and call upon leadership qualities you know you have! Now you will be able to exert your skills in leading, not following. Others will look to you for guidance and you will discover leadership qualities you didn't know you had.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs2|"Coyote Love Spell"|CS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Locates a new love or brings a current love closer to you. This spell affects the way you look and feel, making you more desirable to your lover. We all want to love and be loved. The Coyote Love spell is designed to have that loving feeling flow through your body as well as your lover.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs3|"Coyote Lust Spell"|CS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Enhances, stimulates and excites your partner with the result being wild, uninhibited lovemaking, perhaps surprising the two of you. If you think your sex life is boring, hold onto your seat. This spell is designed to give you the ride of your life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs1|"Coyote Money Spell"|CS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Allows you to recognize opportunities for success in all financial endeavors. This spell takes you by the hand so you don't pass up the golden opportunities. You will feel energized and instilled with the knowledge that you will finally locate that pot of gold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs5|"Coyote No Fear Spell"|CS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Reinforces your self-worth and self-esteem. You will feel as if you have been injected with energy and supreme confidence in order to excel in all aspects of your life. Wouldn't it be wonderful to go through life not having to worry about failure or what others think of you, or afraid to try new things? This remarkable spell puts you on a higher plane allowing you to walk through life unafraid, knowing you are on the right path, the spiritual path to success and happiness.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cs4|"Coyote Retribution Spell"|CS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Punishes an enemy in the unique way of the coyote - quickly and efficiently! The Coyote Retribution spell clears the field of that vindictive person who wants to do you harm. They won't know what hit them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| coyote-spells|"Coyote Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Activates Your Cunning to Bring You Love, Success, Revenge..."|""|""|""|""|""|" Like the coyote that survives and thrives against all odds, these potent spells will instill in you the strength, luck, and success that you so dearly deserve. A Coyote spell cast in your behalf:
    • Makes you alert to all that surrounds you.
    • Gives you the mental and physical capabilities to overcome all adversity, small and large.
    • Engulfs you with an aura of strength, cunning, and intelligence.
    • Alerts others to your new capabilities, your new powers.
    • Makes you more decisive, more sure of yourself.
    • Directs you to your true path in life.
    • Allows you to quickly adapt to new situations, to conquer all challenges, and to make wise decisions.
    The moment your Coyote Spell is cast, these are the seven steps you will take: 1. Recognize change, problems, challenges.
    2. Understand what has to be done.
    3. Quickly adapt to a new situation.
    4. Determine the strategy to emerge victoriously.
    5. Easily overcome hurdles, roadblocks, difficult people.
    6. Get to the finish line intact and strong.
    7. Enjoy and relish the victory! The following Coyote spells are designed to bring about quick and dramatic changes in your life:
    "||||"(:CS1 :CS2 :CS3 :CS4 :CS5 :CS6 :CS7 :CS8)"|"(:CS1 :CS2 :CS3 :CS4 :CS5 :CS6 :CS7 :CS8)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| crazy-crazy-love-spell|"Crazy, Crazy Love Spell"|CCL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Crazy, Crazy Love Spell"|""|"Do you want sparks to fly when the two of you are together?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you want sparks to fly when the two of you are together? Do you fantasize being married to a person who loves you, admires you, worships you? Do you dream of spending the rest of your life gazing into the eyes of that fantastic person who can't wait to kiss you, hold you, make love to you? And do you wish that you could get up every morning with a smile on your face knowing you are secure in your relationship and are envied by all those who know you? If so, the Crazy, Crazy Love spell is designed to do all of the above - to make you and your partner deliriously happy! You should consider this spell cast in your behalf, if:
    • You're not totally happy where your relationship is right now.
    • You're concerned that your loved one is starting to have a wandering eye.
    • Your love for this person is sincere and unconditional, and you want your feelings to be reciprocated with the same passion, the same love, the same commitment.
    So if you desire an intimate and lasting relationship that literally gives off sparks, look no further. You are about to have the time of your life in the best relationship of your life!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| curse-breaker|"Curse Breaker"|CBS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It is possible for a curse to be neutralized, to be broken, to stop causing you hardship. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does it seem as if a black cloud is hanging over you? Dampening your spirits? Making everything you do seem harder, taking more effort, draining your energy? And perhaps worst of all, do you feel your life’s path has been thrown off-course – stopping you from succeeding in relationships, career, finance?
    Have you been the victim of a potent curse?
    If the above words reflect your current situation, it is quite possible someone has placed a curse upon you...and you may even have an idea whom it might be. But whomever this person is, you are certain they do not have your best interests at heart.
    So what can you do about it?
    It may interest you to know that it is possible for a curse to be neutralized, to be broken, to stop causing you hardship. Someone who has been blessed with unique and extraordinary psychic powers could intervene in your favor, breaking the curse that is causing you such hardship. These “gifted” psychics are known as Master Psychics. And once this damaging curse is cancelled, your life could regain the positive momentum leading to a life filled with love, success and happiness. The California Astrology Association has a Master Psychic on our staff who has successfully cast his potent Curse Breaker spell for hundreds of our clients. He awaits your call to action. And will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. So if you need a Curse Breaker to get your life back on track, allowing you to fulfill your true destiny, it is your karma to be reading these words at this time. It’s time for you to rid this damaging curse from your life once and for all! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| da-vincis-prize|"Da Vinci's Prize"|DVP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)|||""|""|"Da Vinci's Prize"|""|"Although Leonardo Da Vinci didn't consider himself a superstitious man, he professed a belief in the supernatural..."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Although Leonardo Da Vinci didn't consider himself a superstitious man, he professed a belief in the supernatural. Da Vinci said there were spirits in the air, unseen forces that were capable of doing man's bidding, such as:
    • Affording protection from evildoers.
    • Stirring creative juices for new ideas.
    • Bringing love and hope into a dreary life.

    It is said that Da Vinci possessed an unusual amulet that he always kept close to him. He referred to this beautiful piece as his ""prize"" – his connection with the spirits. It is unclear if the master himself designed this rare piece or if it had been given to him. The California Astrology Association has exclusive rights to this spectacular amulet known as Da Vinci's Prize. Made of solid sterling silver, you can now experience for yourself if it brings you the same protection and good luck it brought to perhaps the greatest genius and forward thinker in history.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| da-vincis-prize-closeup|"Da Vinci's Prize - Closeup View"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dark-red-curse|"Dark Red Curse"|DRC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If a nemesis is causing you despair, don’t waste your time simply worrying about it, take the necessary step and do something about it."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Life is too short to let someone ruin your life. So if a nemesis is causing you despair, don’t waste your time simply worrying about it, take the necessary step and do something about it.
    Consider this
    Is a specific person causing you distress, anxiety, sleepless nights? If so, a world-class Master Psychic is ready to cast a potent spell to neutralize your nemesis. But first, let’s see if this sounds familiar to you.
    Take this test
    • Is someone causing you so much trouble, you’re afraid it’s preventing you from making important strides in your life?
    • Does this person have little regard for you and isn’t at all concerned about the unhappiness and stress you are experiencing due to their actions?
    • And do you realize if you don’t do something about this situation sooner than later, it can truly have a long-term negative effect upon you?
    • And are you certain you have not warranted the negative forces directed toward you by this person?
    • And finally, are you distraught and upset because you don’t deserve this?
    If the above reflects your state of mind, and you have answered yes to all of the above, perhaps it’s time to have the Dark Red curse help alleviate your troubled times. The Dark Red curse is specifically designed to neutralize your nemesis, blocking their negative energy, allowing you to proceed with your life. So if it’s peace, love and happiness you so desire, you have come to the right place at the right time. A formidable Master Psychic awaits word from you to summon the unseen, powerful forces to make your life whole again. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| deliciously-in-love-spell|"Deliciously in Love Spell"|DLO|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Deliciously in Love Spell"|""|"Do You Dream of Being Deliriously Happy and Deliciously in Love?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do You Dream of Being Deliriously Happy and Deliciously in Love?

    Do you want to share the rest of your life with the person of your dreams? Do you want this person to put you on a pedestal and support you and ""love"" you during good times and bad? Do you dream of being deliriously happy and Deliciously in Love? If you want to stroll through the day with a smile on your face knowing that you are in love with the most wonderful person - and they feel the same about you...well then, you deserve to be Deliciously in Love. Take a look at the following and see if this describes you:
    • You want to enjoy life to the fullest, and you don't want to do it by yourself.
    • You are an extremely giving person and you yearn for that special person to lust for you and love you without any doubt or hesitation.
    • You are growing more and more impatient each day and want that special person to express his or her unconditional love to you once and for all.
    • You know life will not always be rosy but you are certain that with the ""right"" person the two of you can weather any storm and live the rest of your life in domestic bliss.
    You Do Have a Choice! You can sit back and hope something good will happen to you. Or you can do something about it. If you believe in the power of the mind, then perhaps it's time to call upon someone with vast psychic powers. The most talented psychics are known as Psychic Masters. We can assign an authentic Psychic Master to cast a powerful Deliciously in Love spell in your behalf to bring you lust and love and happiness beyond your wildest dreams. So if you truly want to be deliriously happy and Deliciously in Love, this is your chance to make your dream become reality.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| deliciously-in-luck-spell|"Deliciously in Luck Spell"|DLU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Deliciously in Luck Spell"|""|"If you truly want to be deliriously happy and Deliciously in Luck, this is your chance to make your dream become reality. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Know Someone Who Is Incredibly Lucky?
    Well, It's Time For You To Be Deliciously in Luck!

    We've all come across that ""lucky person."" He or she is someone who always appears to be in the right place at the right time – enjoying the breaks, the perks, the rewards whether they are deserving or not. These people indeed are the lucky ones. And wouldn't you like to join their select group and become one of them – in games of chance, at work, in your most important relationships? Take a look at the following and see if this describes you:
    • You've worked hard all your life, but you need to have luck on your side to win BIG in every aspect of your life.
    • You want to be lucky and have things come easy to you…not to have to struggle and fight and claw every step of the way.
    • You've observed some people who perhaps did not truly dedicate themselves to winning big, yet they always seem to come out on top. And since you've truly ""paid your dues"" you want to be rewarded for your efforts.
    You Do Have a Choice! You can sit back and hope something good will happen to you. Or you can do something about it. If you believe in the power of the mind, then perhaps it's time to call upon someone with vast psychic powers. The most talented psychics are known as Psychic Masters. We can assign an authentic Psychic Master to cast a powerful Deliciously in Luck spell in your behalf to bring you the BIG winnings in every aspect of your life. So if you truly want to be deliriously happy and Deliciously in Luck, this is your chance to make your dream become reality.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| deliciously-rich-spell|"Deliciously Rich Spell"|DRS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add an amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, add the Money Tree! (+19.95)"" ""Yes, add the Gambler's Amulet! (+29.95)"" ""Yes, add both the Money Tree and Gambler's Amulet! (+49.90)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add an amulet?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Deliciously Rich Spell"|""|"Do you crave to be deliriously happy and deliciously rich? Material possessions beyond your wildest dreams!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Envious of people who have it all?
    You could be one of them!

    Do you sometimes hope an unexpected check or gift will arrive out of nowhere? Do you crave to be deliriously happy and deliciously rich? If you have worked hard all your life and paid your dues, it's time to put the odds in your favor. Stop being so independent and stubborn for a minute and let someone with incredible skills give you a little help in fulfilling your dream. Perhaps it's your time to let your guard down and ask for assistance. Assistance from someone who is especially skilled at helping people fulfill their dreams.
    The next day right after ordering the Deliciously Rich spell, I got a check for $800.00 from my insurance company.
    Gennady K.
    If you are tired of the constant struggle to keep your head above water and are bored with the daily grind, there is something you can do that could bring success and prosperity to your doorstep. You could be one of those people who have it all. You Do Have A Choice! You can sit back and wait for a miracle. Or you can do something about it. If you believe in the power of the mind - that some people truly can affect the outcome of events - then you should call upon someone with vast psychic powers. The most talented psychics are known as Psychic Masters. And we can assign an authentic Psychic Master to cast a spell in your behalf who could bring you material possessions beyond your wildest dreams. So if you truly want to be deliriously happy and deliciously rich, this is your chance to take a proactive stance. Do something about your dream. Don't just sit back and wait for money to drop into your lap. It could be the most delectable thing you do this year.
    Dear CAA, Hello. This is to anyone who is thinking, ""Do the Spells work or not?"" I sent in for a request for a Money Spell to be cast for me, and on July 31, 2002 it was granted for me. I am back to let you know it really WORKS!!!!! On August 22, 2002 I bought a $10.00 scratch ticket. I was down to the bottom of the ticket thinking I just lost ten more dollars; I had one matching # out of 30, thinking, ""Great I got my $10.00 back."" The winning prize was............$50,000.00. MANY, MANY, MANY THANKS goes to the MONEY SPELL!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!!! Rose M.
    Increase the potency of the Deliciously Rich Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gamblers Amulet or Money Tree Amulet when the Deliciously Rich spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| deliver-love|"Deliver My Love Spell"|DML|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|""|""|"Are you heartbroken and terrified that the love of your life has gone and may not return?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you heartbroken and terrified that the love of your life has gone and may not return? Have you tried everything to no avail? But unfortunately you don’t know what to do or where to turn? And are you afraid that time has just about run out and you may have to live the rest of your life without this person who means so much to you?
    Penetrate your lover’s mind, conscience and heart
    The Deliver My Love spell is a particularly targeted spell! It is cast three times in one day with the intent to focus it’s potent powers on the inner workings of your lover’s mind, conscience and heart. So if you are on the verge of giving up hope... And you feel you need to try something different and exceptional... A gifted Master Psychic awaits your go-ahead to cast the Deliver My Love spell not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night) to accelerate the return of your lover once and for all. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| desire-me|"Desire Me Spell"|DMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Achieve your dreams of being desired and loved."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you want your loved one to touch you, hold you, caress you? And to think of you constantly. To be infatuated with you. To be incredibly in love with you. And do you want to be the one and only person in your lover’s fantasies?
    Achieving your dreams of being desired and loved
    If the above closely describes your situation, then you were meant to be reading these words at this particular time. So if you truly want to be desired, loved and totally consumed by that special person, then a gifted Master Psychic awaits the go-ahead from you to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. And before your loved one knows it, they could desire you as if you were the only person on the planet. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gold-mine|"Discover Your Gold Mine Spell"|DGM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Your life of living paycheck to paycheck could quickly transition to your personal bulging bank account."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you tired of working hard to keep your head above water? Are you frustrated with your inability to increase your savings? And do you feel guilty when you purchase something a little out of your price range or perhaps something you could really live without? Most people don’t realize it, but they have the capability of earning vast amounts of money...if only they could uncover their “hidden talent,” leading them to the pot of gold.
    Reaching your potential
    So if you’re willing to open your mind. Casting off past mistakes, past disappointments. And ready to explore and capitalize on your untapped gold mine. You may wish to expedite things by enlisting a gifted Master Psychic to summon his formidable powers to work in your behalf. And soon your success could come easier and quicker than you had imagined. And your life of living paycheck to paycheck could quickly transition to your personal bulging bank account. And a life filled with excitement, riches and life experiences you never thought could happen to you. But indeed it is all quite possible. The Master Psychic awaits word from you to begin the adventure! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dissolve-anger-hostility-spell|"Dissolve Anger & Hostility Spell"|DAH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Dissolve Anger and Hostility spell is designed specifically to lower the level of anger and hostility while allowing calm and reasoning to take over."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are in a relationship that is being diminished by constant disagreements, you should know there is something you can do. The Dissolve Anger and Hostility spell is designed specifically to lower the level of anger and hostility while allowing calm and reasoning to take over.
    Does this sound familiar to you?
    • Your partner, who was once a reasonable and loving person, is not treating you with the respect and dignity you deserve.
    • You are increasingly frustrated and mystified in their behavior because you would never do anything to hurt them in any way.
    • Yet it appears they think you lack respect for them.
    • And they often misinterpret – perhaps intentionally – your words, thoughts and actions.
    If the above accurately reflects what has been occurring in your relationship, it is quite possible the Dissolve Anger and Hostility spell could provide welcome relief – and hope – for the survival and happiness of your relationship. A Master Psychic who specializes in such matters is awaiting your call to action. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dissolve-money-problems|"Dissolve Your Money Problems Spell"|DMP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are very concerned about the current state of your finances, the Dissolve Your Money Problems spell could be your solution!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tired and frustrated with bills piling up and not a letup in sight? Worried that you are on a treadmill, moving as fast as you can...but going nowhere? Money problems can cause you anxiety and insecurity. They can also be a major disrupter in marriage, or in any personal relationship, for that matter. So if you are very concerned about the current state of your finances and you are at a point where you don’t know what to do, the Dissolve Your Money Problems spell could:
    • Clear your head of the needless clutter, often preventing you from making the best decisions.
    • Allow you to think clearly, concisely, creatively.
    • Help you to pinpoint the best pathways to financial rewards and success.
    And once these portals of opportunity present themselves, you will be well on your way to a future of financial independence, not encumbered by debt.
    A future of hope and success
    Soon you could be experiencing what others merely dream of: the wondrous benefits of being able to go anywhere you want, when you want...and not worry about the expenses. And perhaps most importantly, enjoying life to the fullest! A gifted Master Psychic awaits your call to action. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dissolve-relationship-problems|"Dissolve Your Relationship Problems Spell"|DRP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"What would you give if you could dramatically turn your relationship around in a one-eighty?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    What would you give if you could dramatically turn your relationship around in a one-eighty?

    And have your loved one show you more affection, more kindness, more love?

    The Dissolve Your Relationship Problems spell is designed to awaken the conscience of your loved one. This will allow them to become more introspective, more aware of what is happening in your relationship, and perhaps most important of all, having them realize what their world would be like without you in their life.

    So if your relationship problems are of great concern to you, and you dread the thought of it getting worse, then perhaps it’s time for you to act quickly and decisively.

    Perhaps it’s time to let a Master Psychic intervene in your behalf by contacting the positive spirits to penetrate that “hard head” of your loved one.

    And perhaps it’s also time for you to feel secure in your relationship. So you can arise each morning with the thought of spending an incredible day with the person you love so dearly...and, as important, with the knowledge they feel the same about you.

    A gifted Master Psychic, who specializes in such matters, awaits your call to action.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| burtons-comeuppance-spell1|"DO NOT USE"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| demonstest|"Do You Have Inner Demons? Take This Test!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"According to Shaman tradition, Demons are powerful negative energies that trigger pessimistic thoughts. These inner demons inevitably lead to failure, insecurity and unhappiness. The bad news is many people go through life no realizing they are held in bondage by their demons. The good news is that regardless of how long you have been suffering, it is never too late to exorcise your inner demons, freeing your spirit once and for all! Only then can you attract the love you crave, the riches you seek, the happiness you deserve.

    Test Yourself

    1. Do you feel you are merely existing, not really enjoying life to its fullest?
    2. Do you feel powerless to change your course as if controlled by a strong negative force from within?
    3. Do you crave wealth but feel something is stopping you from attaining it?
    4. Do negative thoughts often seem to block out positive, happy images?
    5. Do you feel you are a good person who deserves a far better fate than what you have experienced thus far?
    6. Do you sometimes feel isolated, that no one really cares?
    If you answered yes to at least four of the above questions you may be controlled by powerful inner demons that could be exorcised by a skilled Shaman Master. It is possible that your spirit could be free to soar for perhaps the first time in your life. For more on exorcising your inner demons, please click here."||||"(:EXORCISE :PHOENIX)"|"(:EXORCISE :PHOENIX)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dobells-cross|"Dobell's Cross"|P11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(79.95)||T|""|""|"Dobell's Cross"|""|"Although the origin of this beautiful piece is unknown, it is said that he who carries Dobell's Cross will be blessed with a generous heart and riches beyond imagination."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Front View
    Anthony Dobell was penniless when he stumbled upon a buried amulet. It was old and cracked, but when Dobell brushed off the dirt he realized it was engraved with the sign of the cross surrounded by mysterious markings. Almost immediately, Dobell's life began to change, and soon Dobell emerged from his poor surroundings to become a respected aristocrat. Within five years Dobell had amassed great wealth and was respected for his uncanny business acumen and good judgment. Although the origin of this beautiful piece is unknown, it is said that he who carries Dobell's Cross will be blessed with a generous heart and riches beyond imagination. Dobell lived to the ripe age of ninety-seven, and he died on the anniversary of the day he discovered his famous amulet. If you seek to dramatically change your life for the better, Dobell's Cross will not only bring you great joy from its beauty but also by the special blessings it gave to Dobell himself.

    Back View
    Possess Dobell's Cross, and:
    • Discover your rainbow.
    • Potential windfalls are revealed to you.
    • Recapture the joys of youth.
    • Restore balance, harmony, and laughter.
    • Bathe in renewed riches and love.

    This solid sterling silver pendant is exquisitely defined with its high polish and oxidized finish. (Silver chain included.)"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-dolls|"Dolls for Love"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:LOVE-WANGA-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-LOVE-SPELL-KIT-LINK :LOVE-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :ATTRACTION-WANGA-LINK :SEX-WANGA-LINK)"|"(:LOVE-WANGA-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-LOVE-SPELL-KIT-LINK :LOVE-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :ATTRACTION-WANGA-LINK :SEX-WANGA-LINK)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money-dolls|"Dolls for Money"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :SUCCESS-WANGA-LINK :GAMBLING-WANGA-LINK)"|"(:MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :SUCCESS-WANGA-LINK :GAMBLING-WANGA-LINK)"|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dominate-lover|"Dominate Your Lover's Mind"|DOM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to take the bull by the horns and get exactly what you need."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Experiencing serious problems with the one you care for so deeply? Are you exasperated by their unwillingness to go along with your ideas and plans? Are they being stubborn and unreasonable, not willing to admit you know what’s best for the two of you? And do you feel it’s time to take the bull by the horns and get exactly what you need? What you want? What you deserve? If all this sounds familiar to you, perhaps you should consider the Dominate Your Lover’s Mind spell cast by a talented Master Psychic, who specializes in such matters. He is ready and willing to summon his formidable psychic powers to plant the seeds in the subconscious of your loved one, allowing them to respect you and begin listening to what you have to say.
    Delve beneath their skin all the way to their heart
    So if you are ready to experience the successful relationship you know in your heart is very possible, the Dominate Your Lover’s Mind spell could be just what the doctor ordered. Or in this case, what the Master Psychic helped make possible for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc4|"Double Cast Breakup Spell"|DC4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30"|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Plant the Seeds of Discord, Restlessness and Unhappiness

    If you feel a relationship is not in your best interest or is doomed to fail, this spell could plant the seeds of destruction. Be very certain you want this relationship to fail because this is a very potent spell.

    Does this reflect your feelings?
    • Break them apart as they do not belong together.
    • When they are together, my life is off kilter.
    • I need this done. I need to see them go their separate ways.
    • Their relationship is doomed to fail. I feel it in my bones.
    • Plant the seeds of discord so they will realize their relationship is hopeless.
    • Bring their relationship to an end as quickly as possible.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc6|"Double Cast Find My Love Spell"|DC6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It Is Time for Us To Be Together

    If you are tired of being alone night after night, and you want someone to hold, to cherish, to love…ask the Master Psychic to gather all the forces at his command and cast a powerful spell to find your lover. Then after ninety minutes, he’ll do it again.

    Sound familiar?
    • My true love is out there. Let our paths cross quickly.
    • Let our chemistry draw us to one another.
    • My infinite reserves of love and TLC is waiting for the right person.
    • I ache for the day we are together at last.
    • I feel it in my bones that this is the right time to make contact.
    • I crave to be loved, touched, admired.
    • And I will reciprocate many times over.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc1|"Double Cast Love Spell"|DC1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Double Your Pleasure

    This spell is for you if you are not getting all that you deserve in a current relationship, or if you are looking for someone new.

    Is this you?
    • I want to be touched, caressed, loved.
    • I want to stay together with with love, laughter and happiness.
    • I want my partner to desire only me.
    • I want friends to be envious of my relationship.
    • I want my lover to be my friend, my mate.
    • I want it all now!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc7|"Double Cast Marriage Spell"|DC7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Reach The Pinnacle of Your Life!

    If you feel your life will be fulfilled once your take your vows of marriage, ask the Master Psychic for a Marriage spell. Then, after ninety minutes he’ll cast it again.

    Is this what you want?
    • Marriage is my primary goal. Fulfill it now.
    • Only then will I be complete.
    • Instill in that special person the same feelings I have.
    • Convince them of the wondrous possibilities.
    • Cast this spell once, then again to assure us of blessed happiness.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc3|"Double Cast Retrieve a Lover Spell"|DC3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Remove the Barriers Preventing Your Reunion!

    This is a very potent spell which delves into the subconscious mind of the person you would like to return to you. If you are frustrated and feel the situation may be hopeless, this is the right spell for you.

    Does this sound familiar?
    • I want to live with happiness and security with this person.
    • Cast out my competition.
    • I don't want to be with any other.
    • When they return, I will make it work this time.
    • Break down their resistance, open their mind to reason.
    • Quell their anger, their hostility.
    • I want to be the ""only"" one in their eyes.
    • If this be done, I will be satisfied.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc5|"Double Cast Revenge Spell"|DC5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A Curse Upon Them!

    A very powerful spell that evens the score with a particularly bad person. Whatever they have done to you could turn back on them – tenfold! If you truly feel in your heart you have been wronged, this is the time to turn the tables on them.

    Think long and hard before asking the Master Psychic to cast this spell as it could turn life into a downward cycle for this person. The Ultimate Revenge spell may bring about severe repercussions when cast. When cast again only ninety minutes later, the results can be devastating! Is this what you want?
    • Cause them distress, mental anguish – double their problems.
    • Cancel their ability to hurt others.
    • Plant the seeds of confusion, indecision, and self-doubt.
    • Turn their hostility inward so they can self-destruct.
    • Have their bad thoughts and bad deeds work against them!
    • Stop good things from happening to them.
    • If all this is done, justice will be served.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc9|"Double Cast Security Spell"|DC9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Feel Secure in Love, in Your Future, in Your Home

    There is nothing like the feeling when you arise each morning that everything is going to be OK. Whether it’s in your job or your closest relationships or when you’re just sitting in the living room – a feeling of comfort, of security is paramount to your mental and physical health.

    This is your opportunity to have a Master Psychic cast his potent spell and call upon powerful spirits to bring you security in all aspects of your life. Then, after ninety minutes, he will cast it again.

    Is this what you want?
    • Make my life financially secure.
    • Protect me from those who seek me harm – physically or emotionally.
    • Allow me to live comfortably without worries.
    • Cast out tension and anxiety.
    • Bring me peace of mind.
    • Increase and secure all my holdings.
    • Ensure that my loved ones will care for me.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| double-cast|"Double Cast Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Double Potency! Cast once, then cast again ninety minutes later!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Double Potency!
    Cast Once, Then Cast Again Ninety Minutes Later!
    This is a new, exclusive offer cast by a gifted Master Psychic. Double Cast spells are the ultimate spells that call upon powerful spirits to do our bidding. When cast properly, Double Cast spells could bring about dramatic changes in your life. Whether you seek a financial windfall, or want to turn bad luck into good, or wish to be reunited with the love of your life, Double Cast spells are remarkable in their ability to fulfill your desires.
    What is a Master Psychic? Almost everyone has psychic abilities regardless of how limited. And some people have more highly developed psychic powers that can be used for parlor games and to impress others. But the best of the best in the field of metaphysics are known as Master Psychics. It is believed that a very limited number of Master Psychics are living in the United States today, and the California Astrology Association is honored to have an exclusive arrangement with one of the most gifted.
    A Master Psychic Will be Assigned to Your Case Upon hearing from you, we will assign our Master Psychic to work in your behalf. We will notify you of the exact date he will focus his extraordinary psychic powers on your request. He will cast your spell once. Then ninety minutes later, he will do it again. So if you are carrying a burden on your shoulders and don’t know how to get rid of it, or if you have a wish that has yet to be filled, you have come to the right place.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:DC1 :DC2 :DC3 :DC4 :DC5 :DC6 :DC7 :DC8 :DC9)"|"(:DC1 :DC2 :DC3 :DC4 :DC5 :DC6 :DC7 :DC8 :DC9)"|""|"1"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    I honestly can't believe that I'm writing this because after sending the money for the Double Cast White Hot Passion Spell, I felt pretty foolish.

    You see - I'm lucky to have been married to a great guy for 30 years, and I felt guilty for wanting more. Although the love was there, I had begun to believe that intense passion was gone forever.

    Then I requested the spell. Suffice it to say - I was wrong. Amazingly, the passion is back and I'm feeling like a newlywed!

    Wow... :)

    Linda G.
    Pittsburgh, PA
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear CAA,

    I have used your site many times in the past but I just had to tell my story this time...

    I recently had the Double Cast Wealth Spell cast for me. My request was for help in moving the approval of disablilty along.

    Yesterday we got that wish... My husband has been approved!! This was not even two weeks!

    All I can say is ""WOW""!!!! I am a believer, and will use CAA again!! Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

    Marilyn B.
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear CAA,

    I just wanted to say thank you.

    I had a Double Cast Spell done for Protection and one for Wealth last month and, simply put, I forgot about it.

    My husband and I have been going through some trying times and it seemed that we had this black cloud over us for years.

    We lost our home in foreclosure trying to help someone else out in 2001 and it's been downhill ever since. But since the spell was done, everything seems to be going our way.

    We just found out today that we were aproved for a home loan on a home we really wanted. This came to us as a suprise because this home just kind of fell into our laps, and then to find out we got approved for the loan made everything click.

    I just wanted to say Thank You for everything. I know that everything is going to turn around for us now and things are going to be better.

    E. F.
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc8|"Double Cast Wealth Spell"|DC8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Double Your Wealth. Again and Again and Again! Why are some people rich while others struggle day after day? If you feel you’ve worked hard and you’re tired of not catching the right breaks, ask a Master Psychic to cast this powerful spell for you – then again in ninety minutes! Is this what you want?
    • Bring me money, money, money.
    • Allow me to enjoy material possessions and huge bank accounts.
    • Let me enjoy a life of leisure, pleasure, and excitement.
    • Once wealth is attained, I want to be admired by others.
    • Put me in the right place at the right time to be an instant success.
    • I won’t settle for anything less.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dc2|"Double Cast White Hot Passion Spell"|DC2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Elevate Your Sex Life to Heights You Never Thought Possible!

    Order this spell if you are frustrated or bored with your current sex life, or if you are seeking a passionate relationship with someone new.

    Is this what you need?
    • Give me the excitement I crave.
    • Instill in my lover a sense of lust and passion.
    • Develop my lover’s lovemaking skills.
    • Bring me to the heights of ecstasy.
    • Make me tingle, make my blood surge.
    • Give me something new to live for, to be excited about.
    • Give us the opportunity to go wild.
    • I want us to toss off our inhibitions when we make love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luck|"Luck"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Have bad luck? Need to improve your luck? We can help you get your lucky streak back!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Frustrated by not getting what you want??
    • Are you ready for a lucky streak?
    • You have come to the right place!
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell in your behalf to help you win big in every aspect of your life!
    I've been lucky ever since!""

    I didn't expect a lot of money to be flying everywhere when I purchased the Lucky Number 7, but I've been feeling lucky ever since it's been in my life.

    I've got the Money Tree as well. And I got my Mom the Lady Luck charm, and she loved it... So many people want to either give me money or help me get it now. It's crazy!

    This stuff really works, if you believe.

    I would like to thank you all for introducing me to a better way of feeling good. I will cherish my charms forever.

    C. M.
    Milwaukee, WI

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dragon-amulet|"Dragon Amulet"|DA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(24.95)||T|""|""|"Dragon Amulet"|""|"This is your opportunity to allow the fire and passion of the dragon to bring you all that you deserve!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    In many cultures, the dragon is believed to possess significant mystical powers. In Chinese lore, the dragon is held in the highest esteem. The symbol of the dragon is strongly associated with the emperor and hence power and majesty. The dragon is often associated with wisdom, fire, and passion. Also, the dragon’s armored hide is said to protect and safeguard the person who possesses it. What the dragon can bring to your life
    • The dragon's fire can instill warmth and passion to your most important relationships.
    • The dragon can give you an air of majesty, confidence and respect that will impress all who know you.
    • The dragon can illuminate your path leading you and your loved ones to a safe, happy future.
    • The dragon can act as a magnet, pulling the “right” people into your life.
    Wear or carry the dragon everywhere you go and experience for yourself its wondrous effects. This is your opportunity to allow the fire and passion of the dragon to bring you all that you deserve. No risk offer Keep the dragon up to one full year, and if you are not blessed with passion and warmth and happiness, please return it for a full refund. No questions asked.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-weaver-closeup|"Dream Weaver Amulet"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-catcher-money-catcher-spell|"Dream-Catcher / Money-Catcher Spell"|DS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have money fall into their lap? This unique spell makes it possible for you to not only be in the right place at the right time, but to be ""ready"" to receive your windfall. If you believe that positive thinking can bring you gifts beyond your imagination, then the Dream-Catcher could make you a very happy person."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-catcher-love-spell|"Dream-Catcher Love Spell"|DS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is a very effective spell because its laser-beam energy is aimed to penetrate the heart and mind of the ""right"" person – the only person - who is capable of giving you the love and happiness you so desire. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-catcher-refocus-lovers-mind-spell|"Dream-Catcher Refocus Lover’s Mind Spell"|DS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If your lover is stubborn, refuses to listen to your pleas, and seems immovable... they are about to be bombarded by the energy of this very powerful spell. This spell often works when all other attempts have failed. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-catcher|"Dream-Catcher Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Dream-Catcher spells capture your most positive dreams, enhancing them, allowing them to take hold, helping them reach fruition."|""|""|""|""|""|" What Dream-Catcher spells can do for you... Dream-Catcher spells capture your most positive dreams, enhancing them, allowing them to take hold, helping them reach fruition. Take a look at the following Dream-Catcher Love spells. We suggest you read each spell below very carefully, perhaps two or three times. Then sit back, relax, and see if the words resonate with your soul. If you don't feel anything stirring in your blood, if you don't feel a glimmer of hope that your future could be filled with hope and love and prosperity, these spells may not be for you. But if you find yourself smiling, sitting up straighter, and you feel an energy racing through your very being, instilling you with hope and promise... then be prepared for something very exciting. It is quite possible that your dreams can become reality. "|||T|"(:DREAM-CATCHER-LOVE-SPELL :DREAM-CATCHER-SUPREME-HAPPINESS-SPELL :DREAM-CATCHER-REFOCUS-LOVERS-MIND-SPELL :DREAM-CATCHER-MONEY-CATCHER-SPELL)"|"(:DREAM-CATCHER-LOVE-SPELL :DREAM-CATCHER-SUPREME-HAPPINESS-SPELL :DREAM-CATCHER-REFOCUS-LOVERS-MIND-SPELL :DREAM-CATCHER-MONEY-CATCHER-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-catcher-supreme-happiness-spell|"Dream-Catcher Supreme Happiness Spell"|DS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Order this spell if you desire to dramatically improve all aspects of your life! For you to be happy, you must be fulfilled on many fronts: romance, finance, games of chance, and much, much more. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo-spells|"Duo Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Two spells cast simultaneously to increase their powers!"|""|""|""|""|""|" History: Duo spells first appeared in the latter part of the eighteenth century by a Master Psychic named Polaris. He was renowned for pairing two potent spells with similar but not identical purposes and cast them simultaneously. The results were often spectacular. Today, a disciple of Polaris has agreed to personally cast Duo spells exclusively for the clients of the California Astrology Association. Listed below are some of the most potent spells ever offered. They have been carefully selected and paired off in a manner that greatly enhances the power of each. "||||"(:DUO1 :DUO2 :DUO3 :DUO4 :DUO5 :DUO6 :DUO7 :DUO8 :DUO9 :DUO10 :DUO11 :DUO12)"|"(:DUO1 :DUO2 :DUO3 :DUO4 :DUO5 :DUO6 :DUO7 :DUO8 :DUO9 :DUO10 :DUO11 :DUO12)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| easymoney|"EA$Y MONEY"|EAS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"EA$Y MONEY!"|""|"Don't pass up this golden opportunity to strike it rich!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Have you always worked hard for your money? Are you envious of those who seem to sit back and let money fall into their laps? Most wealthy people attribute their success to being in the right place at the right time. They were simply able to strike it rich when the right opportunity presented itself. In other words, they've been extremely lucky. The million dollar question is why did it happen to them, and not you? STRIKE IT RICH! There is a reason why you are reading these words at this moment: You are now at the right place at the right time! This is your chance to strike it rich! In the past you may have hesitated and not acted quickly or decisively. Perhaps it was due to fear of failure, or fear of risk, or fear of trying something new. But don't despair, we have all missed golden opportunities for the same reasons. DON'T PASS UP THIS GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY! A powerful, world-class psychic has agreed to cast an Easy Money spell for you, and he can do it immediately! Due to the special low price for this offer, he does not wish to offend his private clients and he chooses to remain anonymous. Don't miss out again! You have nothing to lose. If you don't get ""immediate"" results from the Easy Money spell, you can get your money back up to one full year. IT HAPPENED TO OTHERS, WHY NOT YOU?
    ""I received $53,000 and it was such a God-send..."" My Money Spell was cast on February 7, 2000... by March 15th I had received the pay-off on some real estate that I had held the contract for and it was not supposed to pay off until the year 2014. I received $53,000 and it was such a God-send to me that you cannot imagine. I went from being poor to being able to catch up on my bills, put some in savings, and establish a home-based business. I am eternally grateful. Thank you, thank you. Sincerely,
    Treva Button

    Dear CAA, During the first part of March, I ordered the ""Easy Money"" spell. Around the 21st I got worried because I thought I should have received something from you. My husband always gets the mail and hands it to me. On Sunday, March 25th, in a hurry to get to work, I almost stumbled over the ottoman. This caused me to look down. There was a pile of mail that had been there for I don't know how long. Included in this pile was another catalog from you, along with the letter indicating that my spell would be cast on Monday the 26th, the next day. About two weeks later while clearing away tons of envelopes from my kitchen table, there was a letter from a company I knew nothing about. They had been trying to reach me to verify my address because of an account I had with them. I made contact with them, and made the statement ""all of this over a few pennies."" The man said, ""I beg your pardon, are you not aware of how much money you have in your account?"" I said ""no, I don't even remember opening this account."" He advised that there was $1,300.00 in one of them and $484.00 in the other. I asked how to go about getting some of the funds out because I was in desperate need. The arrangements were made and I received the money in mid-April. The letter may have been sitting on the kitchen table the whole time but I find it ironic that I discovered it after March 26th. I collected money without effort from an account that I don't even remember opening and the money has been sitting there for years. I found, by accident, the letter the day before the spell was to be cast. Seems like ""something"" was ""working"" to me. I have since ordered another spell and now I'm sitting and waiting with confidence. Thanks so much. You're great, and I have passed your web address on to many of my friends. M.J.

    Dear CAA, My heart is thumping and I am in total amazement. I requested an Easy Money Spell because I had more expenses and bills than I had resources to pay and I work as hard as is humanly possible and cannot increase my salary. I was falling behind through no fault of my own. I just received a $4,000 check in the mail! It will cover all my needs just in the nick of time, with a little left over. Thank you does not seem strong enough. You know when there is need again, I will ask once more for you to cast an Easy Money Spell for me. I am totally overwhelmed! Anna Maria
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| easylovespells|"Easy Love Spells"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Looking for help in Relationships? Need a Love Spell?
    You've come to the right place.
    At the California Astrology Association we can help you achieve success in matters of the heart with our powerful love spells. Today, love spell casting is becoming more and more accepted by mainstream society. And for one simple reason: it works! But only if practiced by someone skilled in the art of spell casting. Our sole mission is to enhance your love life -- to bring you the happiness and contentment you deserve.
    An Offer You Can't Refuse!
    We guarantee you won't be disappointed! In fact, if you are not satisfied with any spell cast on your behalf, we will refund your money up to one full year from the time you receive your order -- no questions asked.
           Tell me more...
    Click here to try our Witch Doctor Love Spell Kit!"||||"(:LOVESPELL :ANDREIKA :RETRIEVE :AURA :LLM :LEONARDO)"|"(:LOVESPELL :ANDREIKA :RETRIEVE :AURA :LLM :LEONARDO)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| eclipse-spell|"Eclipse Love & Money Spell"|ECL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Yes, cast it twice! (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Eclipse Love & Money Spell"|""|"Special Offer! The Legendary Master Psychic Burton will cast this special Eclipse spell for a select few clients during the total solar eclipse on March 14, 2025."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Cast During the Total Lunar Eclipse

    The Legendary Master Psychic Burton will cast this special Eclipse spell for a select few clients during the total lunar eclipse on March 14, 2025. Due to the complexity and time required to cast an Eclipse spell, Burton is only accepting a limited number of clients. This spell could benefit you, if:
    • You are in a relationship that recently has been difficult and you are concerned that it may deteriorate rapidly.
    • And it requires immediate attention that cannot be postponed.
    • It would also be a boost to your morale (and general happiness and well-being) if you could receive an unexpected increase in funds.
    If the above words resonate with you, Burton awaits word to cast the Eclipse Love & Money spell in your behalf. NOTE: In order to allow Burton enough time to cast your spell during the eclipse, you must place your order before 12:00PM Pacific Daylight Time, Tuesday, March 11th, so don't delay!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| emergency-break-them-up-link|"Emergency Break Them Up Now Spell"||LINK.|emergency-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Directed toward that couple who should not be together. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er1|"Emergency Break Them Up Now Spell"|ER1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Directed toward that couple who should not be together. In your heart, you know they are not right for each other. In reality, you are merely speeding up the process, for in the long run, they will eventually break apart anyway.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er3|"Emergency Cancel My Enemy Now Spell"|ER3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Rid yourself of that nemesis. Expel this person from your life and redirect their negative energy back at them. If there is someone who is bothering you, trying to do you wrong, trying to make you look bad…have this emergency spell cast against them and watch their attitude change before your very eyes.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| emergency-lucky-streak-spell-link|"Emergency Lucky Streak Spell"||LINK.|emergency-spells.html#ER7||||""|""|""|""|"This emergency spell affords you the opportunity to turn the tide, to bring things to you when you least expect them, to enjoy life to the fullest."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er7|"Emergency Lucky Streak Spell"|ER7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    You have witnessed other people having lucky streaks that seem to last and last. You are envious of it and rightly so. So, now you don’t want to wait any longer – you want to experience this for yourself. This emergency spell affords you the opportunity to turn the tide, to bring things to you when you least expect them, to enjoy life to the fullest. Why shouldn’t it be you who gets all the breaks?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er5|"Emergency Matchmaker Spell"|ER5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Are you alone? If so, why should you go through the rest of your life spending most of your days in solitude? If you are lonely and want to live the rest of your life snuggled up to that special person, there is no spell more vital than this one. Or more potent.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er6|"Emergency Money Maker Spell"|ER6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    It is an unfair fact of life that some people have money while others do not. Some people enjoy the good life, have material things that are the envy of others, and they walk around confident, content and happy. Why shouldn’t you be one of them? If you have worked hard all your life and are tired of the struggle to make ends meet, have this emergency spell cast in your behalf. First you can imagine the rewards. Then you can experience them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er4|"Emergency Rescue Your Lover Spell"|ER4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If the one you love is somewhere else, perhaps alone, or perhaps locked into a wrong relationship, you can request this spell to bring them back. Sometimes people don’t know they’re doing the wrong thing or are even in the wrong place. This spell could open their eyes so they can see your beauty inside and out. And your appeal will be irresistible.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| er2|"Emergency Restore My Life Now Spell"|ER2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Return to happier, less complicated days surrounded by people who love you. If you are on the outs with a good friend, or family member, or a past lover, it is never too late to restore the good feeling and love you once had.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| emergency-spells|"Emergency Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Urgent! If your need is immediate and time is short!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Urgent! If Your Need is Immediate and Time is Short!

    Only you can decide if the time to take action is now. Not tomorrow, not the next day. Now! If you feel time is running out and nothing else you have tried has worked, the Emergency spell could be your last hope. Fortunately, it has come through for many others. Hopefully, it will for you. As you know, in time of need, things must be done quickly. No questions asked. No wasted time. Emergency spells are cast exclusively for those in this situation. They are cast for those who have run up against a brick wall. They are cast for those who have learned they can’t count on anyone else to solve their very serious problems. They are cast for those who know a better life is around the corner and are willing to go the extra step to get what they want. If this is how you feel, you have come to the right place.
    You should order this spell if:
    • Your situation is dire and you have nowhere to turn.
    • No one but you seems to really care.
    • The more time passes, the more desperate your situation.
    • With each passing day, you feel more helpless – a feeling there is nothing else you can do.
    • But in your heart, you know that what you want, what you need, what you feel is right.

    If you feel the above words have been directed specifically toward you, do not procrastinate. Do not delay. Take a look at the specific Emergency spells below and determine which one(s) are right for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:ER1 :ER2 :ER3 :ER4 :ER5 :ER6 :ER7)"|"(:ER1 :ER2 :ER3 :ER4 :ER5 :ER6 :ER7)"|""|"1"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    I just wanted to say Thank You for helping us. My husband purchased the Emergency Spell and within a week we recieved $26,000!

    I had lost my job and we didn't know what we were going to do.

    So, Thank You again.

    Delaware, OH


    I just wanted to say that CAA has been working on getting me and my ex-fiance back together and getting him to leave NY and move to Florida.

    In the beginning I was really upset; I could not think straight nor would I eat. I was very depressed.

    Now, I feel very positive as if all things are falling in line. I do not have those worries anymore so I know the spells are working.

    Last night I had a Emergency Spell Cast and it kept me up all night. I felt the Magick working!!!

    Thanks CAA for all the years of help!

    Very Sincerely,
    D. Wilson
    Gainesville, FL

    Dear CAA,

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    Your spell gave my best fiend the chance to be free again.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo9|"End Anxiety/Lead a Worry-free Life Duo Spell"|DUO9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    Who wants to go through life with a crinkled forehead and an upset stomach worrying about all things big and small? Wouldn't it be wonderful to wake up refreshed each morning and proceed through the day with a smile on your face and a freedom in your soul that allows you to enjoy each minute? These two spells are cast simultaneously to bring you just that."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| end-his-roving-eye-spell|"End His Roving Eye Spell"|ROV|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""His Name"" Inscription 25 ""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    His Name:
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"End His Roving Eye Spell"|""|"The End His Roving Eye spell could be your best chance to keep your man at home."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you want to preserve your relationship and your sanity, it's time to cast a spell to stop your man's roving eye. He may profess it's all in innocent fun, but you and I know it could spell catastrophe. What good is a relationship if you can't trust him to be loyal to you? What good does it do you if you are ridden with anxiety and worry that he could leave you for another woman?

    Increase the potency of the End His Roving Eye spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    This spell is designed to stop his roving eye, to stop his courtship of other women, and to direct his attention to you and you alone. This spell is for you, if:
    1. You are worried sick that he may not love you.
    2. You are insecure, and for a very good reason, because his loyalty to you is not as strong as your loyalty to him.
    3. You are afraid you will be humiliated if he leaves you for another woman.
    4. You don't want to wake up each day alone.
    5. You know in your heart he is the right man for you, and it is merely a matter of his recognizing that.
    The End His Roving Eye spell could be your best chance to keep your man at home.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| val1|"End Loneliness Valentine Spell"|VAL1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you're tired of going it alone, this Valentine spell is designed to pair you with the person of your dreams. Once you are surrounded by an aura of confidence and assurance that you are a very special person, your personal appeal will be magnified. The purpose of this spell is to increase the odds in your favor to find the love of your life. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| regret|"End Regret Spell"|REG|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"End Regret Spell"|""|"It's time to put the past behind you and continue on with your life!"|""|""|""|""|""|" Are you devastated by a lost love or lost money in your bank account? Are you heartsick with regret? Regret can stop your life dead in its tracks. Regret takes away hope, squeezing the enjoyment and fun out of every second, every minute -– denying you of pleasure, of a normal, active, fulfilling life. If you feel your life is over, that you had your chance and missed it, and that you are at a dead end, you very likely are in a state known as ""regret paralysis."" This is a condition in which you feel helpless, unable to move forward in many aspects of your life--often leading to frustration, depression, self-doubt and a sense of hopelessness. Regret Paralysis often occurs with someone who has recently experienced a loss. It could be triggered by the tragic death of a loved one, or an uncontrollable desire for someone who is unavailable – a lost love, perhaps, or a lost opportunity in business, investment, career... If you are caught in this trap, don’t let regret consume you and stop your life dead in its tracks. Deal with it, or better yet, ask for the assistance of a skilled psychic who could help clear the feelings that are haunting you, preventing you from getting on with your life. It is time for you to regain the momentum and self-confidence you may be lacking at the present time. It may ease your mind a bit to know that others are in the same boat: You are not alone. Everyone has regrets, both big and small. When the big blunder hits-–whether it’s a lost love or lost money–-each of us is devastated, ready to give up, unable or unwilling to cope. It is not an uncommon phenomenon. You should ask yourself these questions: Do you feel paralyzed by a recent event, finding yourself barely able to go about your usual routine? Are you devastated by the loss of someone you love? And in your heart of hearts you know it’s over, but yet, you just can’t let go? Don’t apologize for how you feel. You may be suffering from a broken heart. If so, it is not a condition to be taken lightly. Nor should you think there is nothing more you can do about it. Sooner or later you have to look the tiger right in the eye and say, OK, it’s over... Only then can you move on! At some point you must realize and accept the fact that it is time to put the past behind you and continue on with your life--that you must let time take care of you, heal you--slowly but surely... If all you can think about is ""I could have, I would have, I should have,"" perhaps it’s time to call upon a skilled psychic who specializes in such matters. He will meditate in your behalf, focusing his considerable skills on your current situation. Then he will cast a spell to help you get over Regret Paralysis--get you moving again, in the right direction, to your new life."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo10|"Erase the Past/Start Anew Duo Spell"|DUO10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    OK, we've all made mistakes. We all wish we hadn't done things and we are sorry about it. But it's time to move on. It's time to take that giant step and toss off the shackles of our past mistakes and start anew. These spells combine to clear your mind and take the burden off your shoulders. Now you can enjoy the peace and tranquility you so deserve."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| erotic-spell|"Erotic Spell"|TES|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Erotic Spell"|""|"Are you frustrated with a partner who is nonresponsive?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you want to bring out the best in your lover and yourself, look no further than the exciting Erotic spell. Are you frustrated with a partner who is nonresponsive? If the person you love has not been responding to your advances, the Erotic spell is designed to ignite an uncontrollable passion for you. The Erotic spell is for you, if:
    • You are a very sensual person and you have fantasies of making wild, uninhibited love with that special person.
    • You know in your heart that a great relationship ""must"" have great sex.
    • You want your lover to think about making love to you every moment of the day.
    • You want your lover to find you alluring, irresistible, sexy.
    Once You're Intimate, All Will Be Well The Erotic spell penetrates the mindset of the person you desire, and stimulates your lover to have an uncontrollable passion for you. And once the two of you are enveloped in each other's arms, you will be well on your way to enjoying the relationship that others merely dream of. So, if you want to have a great sex life, the Erotic spell should be at the top of your list. And once this remarkable spell is cast, you will be in for the most excitement you've ever had!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| unsubscribeerror|"Error with your request"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" There was an error with your unsubscription request. Please click here to try again.
    If you continue to experience difficulties, please use our webmaster contact form to let us know. Thank you!"|||T|""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| frienderror|"Error with your submission!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" There was an error with your submission. Please hit the back button in your browser, and be sure to fill out all the fields, including your name, your email address, your friend's name, and your email address. If that doesn't solve the problem, please contact our webmaster.


    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| contacterror|"Error with your submission!"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" There seems to be a problem with the information you entered. Your request has NOT been sent to us! Maybe you did not fill in all of the required fields? Please click your browser's ""back"" button to try again. "|||T|""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| subscriptionerror|"Error with your Subscription!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" There was an error with the information you entered to subscribe to our newsletter. Please make sure you enter both your name and your email address. Your email address should be in the form of yourname@domain.com. "|||T|""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| surveyerror|"Error with your Survey Form!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" There was an error with the information you entered on our survey. Please click the back button on your browser to try again.


    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| eternal-love-spell|"Eternal Love Spell"|ETL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Eternal Love Spell"|""|"There are many types of love, but the love that most people strive for is eternal love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are many types of love, but the love that most people strive for is eternal love. If you are a person of great depth, whose most ardent wish is to have a close-knit family filled with laughter and love, then an Eternal Love spell cast in your behalf could bring your dream to reality. Is an Eternal Love spell right for you? Take this test:
    • Do you feel your emotions run deeper than most?
    • Do you have dreams and aspirations that far exceed most of the people in your life?
    • Do you have visions of great romance and great expectations?
    • Is there someone in your life who you know will make a great mate, but somehow this person doesn't realize it?
    If the above resonates with you, a Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast a potent Eternal Love spell in your behalf.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| etruscan-love-spell|"Etruscan Love Spell"|ELS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Etruscan Love Spell"|""|"This remarkable spell calls upon the five symbols of love to bring you the pleasures and security of a long-lasting relationship!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Dating back to the Etruscan empire, this remarkable spell calls upon the five symbols of love to bring you the pleasures and security of a long-lasting relationship: The Five Symbols of Love:
    • Intimacy - To be held closely and loved by the one special person whom you desire more than any other.
    • Powerful bonding - So you and your partner will be one.
    • Reciprocated love - To give your love unconditionally as is your nature, and to receive equal love in return.
    • Faithfulness - To create a world of your own, just the two of you - establishing friendship, loyalty, and trust. This private world will be filled with joy, happiness, and the security that you are true to each other.
    • Happiness - The time spent together will fly by as the two of you are truly soul mates. Laughter, harmony, and a willingness to compromise will be the hallmarks of your relationship.
    If your life needs an injection of passion and true love, this remarkable spell could bring your dreams into reality.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| evil-eye-spells|"Evil-Eye Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"The Evil Eye is one of the cruelest and harshest methods of retaliation."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Evil Eye is one of the cruelest and harshest methods of retaliation. Not only can the Evil Eye be devastating to the intended victim, it is also a ""stealth"" weapon, as the perpetrator can remain hidden and unknown. The Evil Eye is a common belief in many cultures and religions. It is a powerful force that is real, and if not contained can indeed destroy a life. It is written that Socrates possessed the Evil Eye and that his disciples were mesmerized and somewhat fearful of the great philosopher's glaring eyes. The Evil Eye could change your luck from good to bad in a matter of seconds. It could undermine your most important relationships, ruin your credit, shatter your career, and utterly destroy your confidence. Are You an Unknowing Victim of the Evil Eye? Ask yourself these important questions:
    1. Has your luck recently taken a dramatic dive?
    2. Has an important relationship suddenly turned sour?
    3. Is everything going bad for you and you don't know why?

    What you can do: If an Evil Eye is focusing its beam directly on you, there is something you can do about it. You don't have to remain a victim. You can fight back! But you must act quickly! The first and most immediate thing you can do is cancel that Evil Eye! Because if an Evil Eye is indeed focused in your direction, it can do you immeasurable harm! If you desire retribution, you can also reverse the Evil Eye back toward the person who directed it at you. So while you are being liberated from the curse of the Evil Eye, you can inflict the effects of the Evil Eye back on the person who has it in for you--and do it tenfold! Take a look at the following selections and see which works best for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| exorcise|"Exorcise Your Inner Demons"|DEM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Exorcise Your Inner Demons"|""|"Once liberated from your personal demons, be prepared to experience love, financial rewards, and happiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do you feel unfulfilled in many areas of your life? If so, demonic energies could be holding you back, causing you great harm.
    • Repeated streaks of bad luck
    • Lack of love and success
    • Pursuing wealth but never getting it
    Demons are inside us all — to a larger extent in some, to a lesser extent in others. In Shamanism, demons are not evil entities with horns and tail. Demons are powerful negative forces from within that prevent you from succeeding in many aspects of your life. Modern exorcism is a shamanistic practice of freeing people from these demons! A Shaman Master can remove your inner demons, and you won’t even know it’s happening. And once liberated from your personal demons, be prepared to experience love, financial rewards and happiness you never thought possible!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.
    Dear CAA, I was plagued with nightmares, depression, paranoia and anger. I asked to have my Inner Demons exorcised, and on that very day I felt happy for the first time in over a year! I felt like a positive energy was pulsing through me! And I have felt a little better everyday since the spell was cast. Thank you so much for helping me! D.D. Vasquez
    San Jose, CA

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| exwanno311|"Exorcist Wanga"|W11|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To rid a person from your life. Exorcise them!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| explode-the-past-spell|"Explode the Past"|ETP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Explode the Past"|""|"If you could delete all the bad that has happened to you in a current or past relationship, would you do it?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Here are a few questions for you: If you could delete all the bad that has happened to you in a current or past relationship, would you do it? If you could get into that special person's head and think of all the past disputes, arguments and bad times, then press the delete button, would you do it? And if you could hold this person in your arms and know that this is a new beginning, without the baggage of the past, would you do it? Was this a definite yes? If you have answered affirmatively to the above, this remarkable spell is for you; but please note, this is a premium spell and it takes our Master Psychic, Burton, a great deal of time to cast it. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are in love but the relationship is either going poorly or is nonexistent at this time.
    • You cannot stop thinking of this person day or night.
    • You have no doubt that this relationship is the right one for you, but the ""love of your life"" is stubborn like a mule and won't be reasonable.
    • You feel time is not on your side and you have to do something dramatic right now!
    As noted above, the Explode the Past spell is a premium spell cast by a very powerful, gifted psychic. So if you are approaching the desperation stage in your relationship, or perhaps are already there, then perhaps it's time to explode the past, renew your love and fine true happiness.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex13|"Extreme Acceleration Spell"|EX13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you have too many things on your agenda that have been sitting there for months, perhaps it's time to shift to another gear. Move up to a higher level when this spell boosts your energy, your creativity, your motivation to get things done. If you are like most people, once you get going there's no stopping you. This remarkable spell could give you the boost, the energizer to get you going and keep you going."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex15|"Extreme Attraction Spell"|EX15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Dramatically improve your ""curb"" appeal. This spell brings your inner beauty to the surface, allowing others to see your sex appeal, your intriguing personality, your beautiful qualities. Not only could you feel better about yourself, but when stares and compliments come your way, your self-confidence will soar, and you will feel on top of the world. And well you should be because you are a very special person."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex6|"Extreme Breakup Spell"|EX6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Is this you?... Do you know someone who is in a relationship that is destined to fail? And this person would be far better off with you – if only they would open up their mind and eyes? Normally, you wouldn’t want to wish negative vibrations on another person or couple. But in this instance, you are certain they should not be together. This powerful spell casts a negative pall over this couple, bringing their more undesirable traits to the surface. Before long, they may be squabbling and the cracks could begin to appear. And this would be the beginning of the end of this relationship which simply was not meant to be. It was going to happen anyway. All you are doing is speeding up the process."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex1|"Extreme Change Lover's Mind Spell"|EX1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you feel you've run up against a brick wall in trying to convince your lover that the two of you are meant to be together, this is the spell for you. Unless you penetrate the depths of your lover's mind (and the Master Psychic will attempt to do that), you will have great difficulty getting this person to change. But once the seeds are planted, your lover may look at you with fresh eyes, and that's all you've ever asked for: A fresh start."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex19|"Extreme Comeback Spell"|EX19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you are heartsick because you seem to be on the wrong track in life, this spell delves into your mind, instilling the confidence to make the right choices from here on out. It's time for you to take matters into your own hands, and you can do it because you are an extremely capable person. You merely need a little guidance, a little help in getting your life back on track. You are destined to do better; it is your fate, your karma. And once the seeds of success are implanted in your mind, there will be no stopping you. It will only be a matter of time before you begin to experience the joys, the perks of success. Some may even begin to call you the Comeback Kid."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex18|"Extreme End Drought Spell"|EX18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Are you tired of so often being on the losing end? Are you demoralized when you see others who are so much less deserving than you come out on top, have more money than you, or being just plain lucky? This very specific spell penetrates the black cloud hanging over you, allowing you to bask in the sunlight and have good things start to break your way. You don't have to endure the humiliation of defeat any longer. This could be the start of a marvelous winning streak."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex11|"Extreme Fresh Start Spell"|EX11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Who hasn't experienced failure? Some of the most famous, richest, most successful people in history had periods in their lives where they reached the depths of failure. And most of them relate how depressed they felt and how they lacked confidence in themselves. If you are at a low point, don't despair; you have only one place to go, and that's up. Let a Master Psychic speed up the process and cast a Fresh Start spell for you. Sooner than you think, the goals that now seem so distant could begin to appear on the horizon. Don't give up. Life can be beautiful and positive and exciting again."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex3|"Extreme Happiness Spell"|EX3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Bring back the good times, the joy, the gusto, the pleasure back into your life. This spell puts you in position to enjoy life to the fullest. Whether it’s more money to buy the “extra” things, or the return of that lover who has gone astray, the Extreme Happiness spell is designed to dramatically increase your level of happiness and pleasure."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex20|"Extreme Justice Spell"|EX20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Do you feel you've been wronged? Perhaps accused of something you didn't do, or if you did, you certainly didn't do it on purpose. This spell is designed to bring the true facts to light, to convince others you are an honest person of integrity. For those who have misjudged you, they will see you in a different light, and they will begin to see you as a person of quality, of substance. Clarity and truth are your bywords, and the Extreme Justice spell will set matters straight. Life can be sweet once again when you know the people around you are seeing the real you, are being drawn to you – and liking what they see."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex8|"Extreme Luck Spell"|EX8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Have this spell cast in your behalf if you seek to change your luck from bad to good, from always being in the wrong place at the wrong time to being in exactly the right place to have good things happen to you, and to instill in you the feeling that the rest of your life is going to be so much better and easier and successful than it has been up to now."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex4|"Extreme Luxury Spell"|EX4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Go for it! Why not reach for the stars? This potent spell places you in position to reap rewards only the rich and famous enjoy. What do you have to lose? If this spell doesn’t bring all the rewards and prizes you seek, our unconditional guarantee assures you we’ll refund your money. What more could you ask for?"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex2|"Extreme Passion Spell"|EX2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Friendship is fine, laughter and good conversation are welcome, family ties are precious... BUT passion stirs the blood, puts fire in your eyes, and offers wild images in your mind. This remarkable spell could make your skin tingle again, and what's more, make your partner look at you with lust, fire, and excited anticipation. If you want to elevate your relationship from the ordinary to the extraordinary, the Extreme Passion spell is for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex14|"Extreme Protection Spell"|EX14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Everyone seeks security, protection, a feeling of well being. And you are no exception. This potent spell casts a protective shield around you, insulating you from the negative forces that could penetrate a more vulnerable soul. Let a Master Psychic cast this Extreme Protection spell in your behalf so you can enjoy a more pleasurable life in peace and serenity. Remember, most ailments are a result of tension, anxiety, and worry. Once you feel you are encased in a protective shell, you will relax and find your mind open to new possibilities, new enjoyments."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex16|"Extreme Respect Spell"|EX16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    One of our most desirable goals in life is to gain respect from loved ones, acquaintances, our peers, etc. This potent spell is designed to open the eyes of people around you so they can recognize your unique and often subtle contributions. You are one of a kind and have so much to offer. It's time others recognized it."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex7|"Extreme Return My Love Spell"|EX7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    For whatever reason, the two of you are currently separated and life for you has been miserable. Everything seems to be off-kilter. This potent spell implants the message that they should reconsider and end whatever anger and hostility still lingering toward you. Only then can they refocus and rediscover your appealing characteristics they had originally been drawn to in the beginning. Life will be very trying unless you give it one more chance to be reunited. An Extreme spell could dramatically improve the odds for their return."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex5|"Extreme Sorcery Spell"|EX5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Is there something you want done? Is someone out there refusing to hear your words of forgiveness and you wish their return? Do you want to soften their heart, to have their anger dissipate, and to have them remember you in the best light? Or perhaps someone is out there who has been hounding you. This spell could turn the tables on them. Or maybe you prefer to make a lot of money, or crave to bring new friends into your life, or want to be able to travel extensively – or perhaps you want the love of your life to suddenly appear... The Extreme Sorcery spell is remarkable in that it can be applied to so many areas of your life."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| extreme-spells|"Extreme Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Your Choice of 22 Potent Spells Cast By the Master Psychic Who Originated the Art of Extreme Spell Casting"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Choice of 22 Potent Spells Cast By the Master Psychic
    Who Originated the Art of Extreme Spell Casting
    Few psychics are qualified to cast an Extreme spell as preparation time for each spell is time consuming, and the spell casting itself is very intense and often emotionally draining. However, the extra time and effort is worth it due to the spectacular results that often occur. Although the cost of an Extreme spell can be prohibitive, the Master Psychic who created these powerful spells has agreed to work for our clients at a fraction of his normal fee. Extreme spells are just what they imply: Spells intended to help those who feel they are on the edge and have nowhere else to turn. They are cast specifically for those who have tried everything else to no avail. If you are at a point in life where you urgently need someone to stand by your side and give you support, look no further. This is your opportunity to have a gifted psychic work in your behalf. And with California Astrology Association’s famous money back guarantee, you have nothing to lose. Take a look at the wide selection of Extreme spells and see which works best for you:"||||"(:EX1 :EX2 :EX3 :EX4 :EX5 :EX6 :EX7 :EX8 :EX9 :EX11 :EX12 :EX13 :EX14 :EX15 :EX16 :EX17 :EX18 :EX19 :EX20 :EX21 :EX22)"|"(:EX1 :EX2 :EX3 :EX4 :EX5 :EX6 :EX7 :EX8 :EX9 :EX11 :EX12 :EX13 :EX14 :EX15 :EX16 :EX17 :EX18 :EX19 :EX20 :EX21 :EX22)"|""|"1"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    I ordered an Extreme Attraction spell. It really works!

    Thank you thank you thank you! Your spellcaster is truly gifted.

    Melissa D.
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear Calastrology,

    Right after I ordered the Extreme Surprise Spell I started getting unexpected gifts from work and friends.

    It was a great feeling as I'm always trying to make others feel good or help them in a crisis. Maybe my good deeds are now being returned to me.


    St. Petersburg, Florida
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear CAA,

    I asked for an Extreme Return To Me love spell...

    Then two days later I received several messages from my ex-lover saying he wanted to meet with me. He also rang me later that night to confirm.

    Thank you so much!

    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| extreme-successs-link|"Extreme Success Spell"||LINK.|extreme-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"This spectacular spell could finally set you on the right path to fulfill your true destiny… a destiny filled with laughter, material possessions, and being surrounded with friends and loved ones."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex9|"Extreme Success Spell"|EX9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spectacular spell could finally set you on the right path to fulfill your true destiny… a destiny filled with laughter, material possessions, and being surrounded with friends and loved ones. If you have often felt that your fate was to finish on top, with all the rewards and perks of success, this spell must be cast in your behalf. If you feel it is only a matter of time before your wishes come true, the Extreme Success spell is for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex21|"Extreme Surprise Spell"|EX21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    When was the last time you were presented with a surprise that caught you completely off guard? And isn't it just the best when you are given something that was totally unexpected? This unique spell implants the seeds of love and affection and giving in those closest to you, and once these seeds begin to blossom, you can expect to be reciprocated for many of the wonderful deeds you have performed in the past. If you are tired of giving, giving, giving... this spell could put you in the position of being on the receiving end for quite some time."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex17|"Extreme Telepathy Spell"|EX17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to open the psychic paths to your brain, allowing you to ""sense"" what's going on in the minds of others. Once your mind is open and relaxed, you could benefit greatly by being more aware of what a person is thinking, what his motivations are, what his true opinions of you are. The positive contributions of having increased psychic powers are endless."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex22|"Extreme Torment an Enemy Spell"|EX22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Is someone out there trying to sabotage you? Is this person mean-spirited, and do you sometimes lie awake at night wondering what they're up to? Perhaps this is the time to turn the tables and redirect their negative energy back at them. The Torment an Enemy spell, if cast by a Master Psychic, could put your mind at ease when you neutralize this nemesis and witness the comeuppance of this disgruntled individual. After all, there are few greater pleasures in life than seeing someone undeserving get his just desert?"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ex12|"Extreme Wealth Spell"|EX12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(36.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Of course, everyone wants to be wealthy. Who doesn't? Certainly, it's everyone's goal to have money to burn, possessions galore, and the leisure time to enjoy them. And you are no different. Perhaps this is the time to place yourself in the hands of a gifted Master Psychic who can cast a spell that could bring you rewards you never thought possible. And remember, just about every successful person will point to his head when asked what was the most important ingredient for his success. Meaning you have to have the right mindset, the self-confidence, the positive outlook that will eventually lead you to the pot of gold."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| eye-for-an-eye-spell|"Eye for an Eye Spell"|EYE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Eye for an Eye spell is designed specifically to redirect the negative force back to your nemesis and show them, teach them to change their ways."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Occasionally in life, we butt heads with someone who is out to harm us. It’s a difficult, frustrating and ultimately unsatisfying experience, particularly when you consider the time and energy it takes away from doing the things you love. But cope we must. And the Eye for an Eye spell is designed specifically to redirect the negative force back to your nemesis and show them, teach them to change their ways. For some people they need to experience for themselves the hurt, the disappointment, the terrible effects that their own actions inflict upon others.
    The Eye for an Eye spell is for you, if
    • Someone is out to get you and you want this to stop ASAP!
    • This person doesn’t have a good heart and needs to be taught a lesson.
    • You have run out of options on how to deal with this negative individual, and you could use the assistance of a specialist in these matters.
    If the above words describe your situation, you have come to the right place. The Eye for an Eye spell, when cast by a Master Psychic, is designed to penetrate the subconscious of your nemesis, forcing them to deal with their own problems, leaving you alone to enjoy life to the fullest. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fall-in-love-with-me-spell|"Fall in Love With Me Spell"|FIL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Fall in Love With Me Spell"|""|"This is a very potent spell designed to do one thing and one thing only: to make that special person fall in love with you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Make Him/Her Fall in Love With Me!

    This is a very potent spell designed to do one thing and one thing only: to make that special person fall in love with you! Order this spell, if:
    • You are madly in love with this person.
    • You want to get married and raise a beautiful family together.
    • You know the two of you will be gloriously happy together.
    • You don't want to be with anyone else, just this person.
    • You have never been more sure in your life that you have finally found the person of your dreams.
    If you answered yes to the above, the Fall in Love spell could be the answer to your prayers.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| greatlucspel|"Fast Luck Spell Kit"|SK15|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    You could enjoy an extended lucky streak, and hit it big in all aspects of your life! "|""|""|""|""|""|"Are you tired of watching everyone else have all the luck? This is the magnificent ritual that could turn you into a walking lucky streak. Order this kit for yourself if you feel that most things in your life do not turn out in your favor, or, perhaps, people are not treating you with respect, love, kindness. This kit will make you feel like a king, and allow you to live like a king."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| feng-shui|"Feng Shui's Symbol of Unlimited Happiness"|FEN|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"Possess this powerful amulet and experience all the joys and wonderment of Unlimited Happiness."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese art that brings balance to all things in life. For thousands of years, believers in Feng Shui expect to live a life blessed with happiness and prosperity. It is said that Feng Shui harnesses the seen (our surroundings) and the unseen (energy) to help you navigate your way to clearer waters. Infinity (The Figure-8) is Feng Shui's symbol of Unlimited Happiness. This stunning amulet, made of pure Sterling Silver, attracts positive energy to bring needed balance to you life. Wear it or carry it with you, and be prepared for good things to happen.
    • Difficulties in relationships could dissipate as if they had never existed.
    • New relationships will bloom.
    • Fewer problems, fewer roadblocks will hinder you in your personal and your work life.
    • Your path to wealth, love and happiness will be clear you.
    • You will have easier access to people who can help you.
    • Things will come to you with less effort.
    • People will notice you, respect you, be attracted to you.
    In our normal day-to-day routine, we are often confronted with negativity, whether due to people or situations. Subconsciously, we get anxious and are thrown out of balance, corrupting ourselves in the process. But if we surround ourselves with beauty, kindness and the sweetness of life, we can live in harmony and attract the positive forces. This is the essence of Feng Shui. The Feng Shui Symbol of Unlimited Happiness is made of pure sterling silver.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ge2|"Financial Rewards Good Eye Spell"|GE2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Financial Rewards Good Eye Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If it's wealth and an abundance of possessions you desire, look no further, this spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-newlove|"Find a New Love...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    I want to wipe the slate clean and start over I want to find someone who will shower me with love I want to be sexier and more attractive to potential lovers I have a boy in mind and I want his love for me to grow I have a girl in mind and I want her love for me to grow I just don't want to be alone anymore I want to connect with the love of my life I am looking for romance

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fire-spell|"Fire Spell"|FIR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Rekindle your lover's fire -- in and out of bed!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Has the excitement and fire gone out of your love life? Is sex a rarity, and when it does occur, is it almost without feeling, without passion? If your sex life has ceased to be fun, if neither of you seems excited or stimulated, if you yearn to be held and ravished and really have those urges satisfied, a gifted psychic who specializes in such matters awaits your call. Remember, it's never too late to rekindle the flame. What is life if not lived with passion? What is left in a relationship if there's no touching, no desire, no lust? And why can't the moments alone in bed be something you truly look forward to? End your frustration and see for yourself how exciting and daring and incredible your lovemaking could become.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fire-up-chemistry|"Fire Up Chemistry with Lover Spell"|CHM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Regain that spark, that unique chemistry the two of you had in the beginning."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Worried that the love of your life is having second thoughts about your relationship? Are there “can’t miss” warning signs of a deteriorating relationship? And are you frustrated and worried because you are running out of options to turn it around? If the above accurately reflects your situation, perhaps it’s time to regain that spark, that unique chemistry the two of you had in the beginning.
    Can you reignite the passion?
    • Wouldn’t it be nice if you could come up with a way to get your loved one to pay more attention to you?
    • To look at you once again with deep feelings, a genuine warmth...
    • And yes, with passion and excitement in their eyes?
    Does this sound familiar?
    • You are still fully committed to the relationship.
    • And you don’t even want to think about what life would be like going it alone.
    • So you have decided you must act “right now” to stop this downward cycle.
    • Otherwise, in your heart you are afraid things will end badly.
    • The problem is you don’t know what to do or whom to ask for help.
    If you are nodding your head in agreement, the time is now for the potent Fire Up Chemistry with Lover spell to be cast in your behalf. And remember, you are not alone in your struggle to salvage and vastly improve your once loving and secure relationship.
    A Helping Hand to Save Your Relationship
    A gifted Master Psychic, who has helped so many others in your situation, is ready to summon his extraordinary psychic powers to benefit you in your time of need. He awaits your call to action. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| five-star-marriage|"Five Star Marriage Spell"|FSM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Be the couple that ""has it all""!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you know a couple who appears to have it all? A terrific marriage in which each person truly loves the other. Always going places together, immensely enjoying the time spent together? And in describing their relationship, it is often observed that they were truly meant to be with each other. In other words, they are the perfect couple. In a Five Star Marriage! But you may wonder if this was an act of God or was it just coincidence that they met? Or perhaps something else occurred that made this pairing so successful. That perhaps, just perhaps, these two people “worked” at their marriage. Compromising, seeing the other person’s point of view, communicating with each other... and striving to make it the very best relationship possible. After all, whenever you hear two people from a successful marriage describe how they did it, inevitably they say they’ve indeed had their differences, their problems... but they “worked on it.” They figured it out. And they stayed together during the difficult periods, the rough times. They didn’t quit and go their separate ways. They stuck it out.
    OK, so you want it. How about your lover?
    If you, too, would like to have a five star marriage and all the wondrous benefits associated with it, the Five Star Marriage spell is designed to:
    Plant the seeds of compromise, love and devotion within the subconscious of your loved one.
    And once this potent spell takes hold, they will be as giving, as compromising and as loving...as you!
    You could have this:
    • Your mate ”listens” to you.
    • Truly hearing what you have to say.
    • Trying, really trying, to understand your point of view.
    • Appreciating your incredible, wonderful attributes.
    • Determined to make the relationship work, and...
    • Love you with all their heart.
    If the above reflects your hopes and dreams, well... A gifted Master Psychic awaits the go ahead from you to help you live a fantastic life...in your very own Five Star Marriage. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-struggling|"Fix a Struggling Relationship..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The passion and romance has gone out of our relationship I need to change my lover's mind I want to go back to the way things used to be between us I made a mistake, and I want my lover to forgive me We had a fight and need to reconcile I need to stop our break-up from happening I need a commitment! I want to save my marriage

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fleur-de-lis|"Fleur de-lis Necklace"|FDL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|||""|""|"Fleur de-lis Necklace"|""|"Experience...
  • Romantic love
  • Passionate love
  • Enduring love
  • "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The mystical origins of the Fleur de-lis have captured imaginations throughout the centuries. Some say its unique design depicts the tear shed by Eve as she left the Garden of Eden. Others claim it is the shape of a dove descending from the heavens. Possess the Fleur de-lis and experience:
    • Romantic love
    • Passionate love
    • Enduring love

    Why shouldn't you experience the joy and fulfillment that only a loving relationship can bring? The Fleur de-lis is your expression of faith that companionship, faithfulnes, joy and commitment await you. Wear the Fleur de-lis and feel its remarkable powers honing in on the one you wish to bring closer to you. It is a good luck piece that has endured for centuries, and when you place it around your neck, you will feel its warmth radiating throughout your body. One of the most beautiful emblems ever created, the Fleur de-lis is made of pure sterling silver and will be a treasured piece as long as you keep it.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| follow-your-heart-spell|"Follow Your Heart Spell"|FYH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you certain your relationship should be saved? Then save it!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Sometimes in life you have to go with your gut. Although some people close to you may disagree with your decision, it is you and you only who should make the final decision regarding an important relationship. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t at least hear what others have to say. Nor should you be stubborn and hard-headed and completely ignore reason and facts. However, after taking everything into consideration, if you still feel your relationship could be saved despite its current problems, then you may want to consider having this unique, powerful spell cast in your behalf.
    What the Follow Your Heart spell could do for you:
    • Plant the seeds of reason and kindness within the subconscious of your loved one.
    • Soften their harsh behavior, allowing them to be sympathetic and kind to you.
    • Open the channels of communication so the two of you can air your differences.
    • Then and only then can the relationship begin to heal and return to the wonderful compatibility you had previously experienced.
    So if your gut is telling you to give it your all -- to do the best you can to save this so important relationship – then there is something you can do ASAP! Our Master Psychic is awaiting word from you to cast the potent Follow Your Heart spell in your behalf. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| for-love-money|"For Love & Money Spell"|FLM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"Everyone has a dream, an aspiration, a wish that if fulfilled would make their life great!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Everyone has a dream, an aspiration, a wish that if fulfilled would make their life great!
    What about you?
    Do you have a desire to live in an exotic place? Or perhaps you’d like to be free of bills and debts and have enough money so you’d never have to work – ever again? Or maybe, just maybe, you’re in a relationship that is causing you a great deal of grief, disappointment and sadness? And your greatest wish is for your partner to make a one-eighty...and love you like you’ve never been loved before. So whatever your dream, aspiration or wish is. Whether it involves money or luck or love. This potent spell is designed to elevate your life to heights you never thought possible. So be prepared to receive the admiration and envy by all who know you. Not to mention the joy and happiness you could experience for years and years to come. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night). "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| faq|"Frequently Asked Questions"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the California Astrology Association."|""|""|""|""|""|" Please click on any question or just scroll down to see the answers.
    Which Spell should I order? When I order a spell, how do I tell you what I want? Do spells work? What is your success rate? How long does it take for a spell to work? How can a spell be cast from a distance--especially when we’ve never met in person? Are Spells always an appropriate solution? Is there anything else I can do to help achieve my goals? Will you tell me when my spell will be cast? Will you cast a Death Spell or any Spell that will deliberately harm someone? Can I get a spell to reinforce a previous spell? And if so, will it help? Will this spell conflict with any other spells? If the spell involves another person, how much do you need to know about them? Can I change a spell after I have already ordered it? What is the difference between a Spell and a Spell Kit?
    How do I place an order online? Why is there a shipping & handling charge for Spells? What do you send me? The Shopping Cart isn't working properly. What can I do? What is the difference between ""Normal"" and ""Rush"" processing? How long will it take to receive my order? I sent you an order through the mail. Have you received it yet? What payment methods do you accept? How can I place an order without a credit card? Can my order be shipped in a plain, unmarked envelope? Is it safe to use my Credit Card online? Can I pay with Non-U.S. currency? Can I order from you if I'm under 18? I am in a dangerous situation. Can you help me? I am so unhappy that I am considering suicide. Can you help me?
    What if I'm not happy with the results of a spell, a horoscope, or any product or service you offer? How can I request a refund? What happens to the Spells when I request a refund? What is your Exchange Policy? Do you really honor your unconditional guarantee? What if I have not received a response to an email?
    Q: When I order a spell, how do I tell you what I want?

    A: It's very simple. After you add a spell to your shopping cart and click on the checkout button, you will be asked to do the following: (1) Enter your name & address, (2) Choose a shipping method, (3) Enter the details of your request.
    Q: Which Spell should I order?

    A: If you are unsure which spell would work best for you, we recommend you go with either your first choice or your gut instinct. Please keep in mind that your particular request could be fulfilled by several different spells. As all our spells are powerful and cast by a skilled practitioner, you can rest assured that any one of several spells you select will do just fine.
    Try our ""Spell Selector"" to help you choose.
    Q: Do spells work? What is your success rate?

    A: Today, the art of spell casting has reached mainstream America. People from all walks of life have come back to us time after time asking for spells to help them in love, work, finances, disputes... We receive letters every day thanking us for bringing about results which hadn't occurred otherwise. We have an extremely high success rate, and most of our clients are very happy with the results. Perhaps the best evidence of our success is the actual testimonials that you will find throughout our website. Each testimonial is real, and is used only with permission.
    Q: How long does it take for a spell to work?

    A: Some report positive results the moment they ask for a spell to be cast. Many experience results the day the spell is cast (you will receive a letter in the mail giving you this date). And some do not feel anything for several days, or even a week or two, then suddenly realize the spell's effects have kicked in. Spell casting is an art, not a science, and is therefore somewhat unpredictable.
    Q: How can a spell be cast from a distance--especially when we’ve never met in person?

    A: People who have had near death experiences often report encountering spirits of people who have already passed on--even though some of these people died hundreds, even thousands of miles away. In the spirit world, time or place has no significance. To a skilled spell caster--someone who is intimate with the spiritual world--it doesn't matter if you are in the same room or in another state. It is the power and experience of the spell caster that is of utmost importance.
    Q: Are Spells always an appropriate solution?

    A: Usually. However, if you are in immediate physical danger (such as in an abusive relationship), we strongly recommend you contact the local authorities.
    Q: Is there anything else I can do to help achieve my goals?

    A: In addition to requesting a spell, we also suggest to our clients that they not solely rely on the spells. Spells work best as a supplement to proactive behavior. You should concentrate your thoughts and energy on achieving your goals, while knowing that the spell is working on your behalf.
    Q: Will you tell me when my spell will be cast?

    A: Within a few days of receiving your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast, the time frame for it to take effect, and any other instructions that are necessary.
    Q: Will you cast a ""Death"" Spell or any Spell that will deliberately harm someone?

    A: Absolutely not. Even our Retribution Spells are not designed to harm someone else--rather, they are intended to right a wrong.
    Q: Can I get a spell to reinforce a previous spell? And if so, will it help?

    A: Many of our clients request reinforcement spells when they feel the situation calls for it. Reinforcement spells are particularly effective for urgent, serious situations. Simply request another spell (the same one you requested previously), and during checkout you can explain your request and that it is a reinforcement spell. The cost of a reinforcement spell is the same as the original spell.
    Q: Will this spell conflict with any other spells?

    A: Only if your request specifically asks it to counter another spell. Otherwise, our spells do not alter or conflict with previous spells and only do exactly as you request.
    Q: If the spell involves another person, how much do you need to know about them?

    A: Obviously, the more we know about the other person, the better. However, just knowing the other person's name (and that he or she is in your thoughts) is enough for us to cast the spell. If you only know their first name, that is fine too.
    Q: Can I change a spell after I have already ordered it?

    A: No. Once a spell has been requested, we cannot change it. Please be careful when ordering!
    Q: What is the difference between a Spell and a Spell Kit?

    A: If you request a Spell, we will cast the spell on your behalf. We will then send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast, the time frame for it to take effect, and any other instructions that are necessary. If you request a Spell Kit, we will send you a kit through the mail that will include the items and instructions you will need in order to cast the spell yourself.
    Q: How do I place an order online?

    A: To place an order online, please first browse our website. Once you find a product or service that you would like to purchase, click the ""Add to Cart"" (or similar) button at the bottom of that page. You will then be shown the contents of your shopping cart, and may continue shopping, or start the checkout process. During checkout, you will be asked for your shipping information, shipment method, and for the details of any Spell Requests. On the next page (after clicking ""Continue"") you will be asked for your Billing information. Your order will not be placed until you click the ""Place Order"" button at the bottom of the Billing information page. If you are using Yahoo!'s ""Express Checkout"" feature, the checkout process will be contained on one page instead of two. For online orders, we accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express. If you wish to purchase with a check, cash, or money order (always in U.S. Currency only!), you can mail us an order. Click here for a printable orderform (PDF Format).
    Q: The Shopping Cart isn't working properly. What can I do?

    A: Your browser must accept Cookies for our shopping cart to work properly. Please go here for instructions on how to enable cookies. Also, please make sure both your Privacy and Internet Security settings are at ""Medium (Default)"" or lower. Additionally, if you use a personal firewall such as ZoneAlarm, McAfee, or Norton, it may be configured too strictly. Try lowering the restrictions and/or disabling it temporarily to see if that solves the problem.
    Q: Why is there a shipping & handling charge for Spells? What do you send me?

    A: The shipping and handling fee is added to every order, and it is non-refundable. Please note that this fee helps us with administrative expenses, and allows us to keep the cost of the services and products very affordable.
    Q: What is the difference between ""Normal"" and ""Rush"" processing?

    A: With normal processing, we will ship your order within a few days. With rush processing, we will put your request at the top of the list, and ship your order as soon as possible, normally within one business day. All domestic orders are shipped via USPS First Class Mail. International normal orders will be shipped via USPS Global Air Mail. International rush orders will be shipped via USPS Global Priority Mail. Please see our estimated shipping times for more information.
    Q: How long will it take to receive my order?

    A: You will usually receive your order within several days depending on how far you are from California and whether you requested regular processing or rush processing. Please click here to see our estimated shipping times. During holidays it may take longer for us to process your order. Please be patient and allow additional time for your order to reach you.
    Q: I sent you an order through the mail. Have you received it yet?

    A: Please be sure to allow ample time for your order to reach us. Once received, we process orders as quickly as possible. However, it usually takes much longer than you would expect for us to receive your order. If sending us an order within the Domestic United States, please allow 10 DAYS for your order to reach us. Then please allow an additional 10 DAYS for your order to reach you. We understand that many of our clients are eager to see results as quickly as possible, but unfortunately, the US Postal Service can sometimes be rather slow. If you are sending us an international order, please allow THREE WEEKS for your order to reach us.
    Q: What payment methods do you accept?

    A: Online & Fax, we accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover. Through the mail, we accept credit cards, checks, money orders, or cash. We also accept Paypal payments, sent to orders@dassi-inc.com. U.S. currency only, please!
    Q: How can I place an order without a credit card?

    A: You can mail us an order, and include a check, money order, or cash. We also accept Paypal payments, sent to orders@dassi-inc.com. U.S. currency only, please! You can print out an order form here (PDF Format).
    Q: Can my order be shipped in a plain, unmarked envelope?

    A: Of course. Some of our clients make this request due to privacy concerns and we are happy to comply. You can make this request when you place your order--please be sure to tell us in the ""comments"" section.
    Q: Is it safe to use my Credit Card online?

    A: Yes! Any transaction you make with us is completely secure. The credit card and ordering information you provide to us when purchasing our products are protected by Yahoo's secure servers, using industry-standard SSL encryption. This means that any time your credit card information is transmitted over the internet, it is encrypted so that nobody else can read it. Additionally, we use a service called McAfee Secure, which continually monitors our website for security and certifies that it is indeed safe to shop with us. Please click on the McAfee logo for more information and to verify our certification:

    Please also note, too, you can always order from us by mail or fax. Click Here (PDF) for an Order Form you can print and then mail or fax to us.
    Q: Can I pay with Non-U.S. currency?

    A: No.
    Q: Can I order from you if I'm under 18?

    A: Yes, you may order our products, but you must get your parent's permission first. We cannot cast spells for anyone under the age of 18.
    Q: I am in a dangerous situation. Can you help me?

    A: If you are in physical danger in any way, or are in an abusive relationship of any kind, please call the police or ""911"". Please call right now.
    Q: I am so unhappy that I am considering suicide. Can you help me?

    A: Please call the National Hopeline Network at 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433). This is a toll-free call, available 24/7. Please call right now. Please also visit The American Association of Suicidology for information on possible steps you can take to receive the help you need. (opens a new browser window)
    Q: What if I'm not happy with the results of a spell, a horoscope, or any product or service you offer?

    A: You have up to one full year to decide whether or not you are satisfied with any product or service from us. Merely return what we've sent you within 365 days of purchase and we will give you a full refund (minus shipping and handling fees). Period. No questions asked.
    Q: How can I request a refund?

    A: We ask that you return anything we've sent to you to the following address: Please send materials to:
    California Astrology Association
    P.O. Box 10150
    Canoga Park, CA 91309 Please be sure to include your order number (if known), your name, and your address. We will refund your money in the same way you paid originally, EXCEPT for cash. (If you paid via credit card, we will issue a credit to your card. If you paid via cash or check, we will send you a check.)
    Q: What happens to the Spells when I request a refund?

    A: If you request a refund we will cancel the spell accordingly and issue a refund (minus shipping and handling fees). (If you paid via credit card, we will issue a credit to your card. If you paid via cash or check, we will send you a check.) Please keep in mind that when we cancel a spell there is no way to tell how much it has taken hold or at what stage it has progressed.
    Q: What is your Exchange Policy?

    A: For Spells: We do not accept exchanges of spells. You may, of course, ask us to cancel the spell and request a refund, and then order a different spell. For Products: We are only able to offer a maximum of two exchanges. Unfortunately, not all of our clients are completely honest. We have actually had clients in the past that have asked for dozens of exchanges (really!). Obviously, if a product is not working for you, you may ask to try another one. But we respectfully ask that you do not deliberately take advantage of us. We reserve the right to refuse to exchange any of our products or services. If this happens, we will gladly offer you a refund if you return whatever we have sent you. Click here for instructions for requesting a refund.
    Q: Do you really honor your unconditional guarantee?

    A: Yes.
    Q: What if I have not received a response to an email?

    A: We do our best to respond to every email within 24 hours. The reason you might not have received our response is because our emails sometimes get marked as 'spam', so check your spam box. If this occurs, add us to your list of contacts so this problem wont happen again.

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm4|"Full Moon Better Family Relationships Spell"|FM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Nothing is more disconcerting than to have bitter feelings among loved ones. Once you cast this spell, you will feel the bitterness, the hostility, the anger begin to dissipate. And soon everyone will look forward to being together."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm5|"Full Moon Better Friendships Spell"|FM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    We all need friends. And close, long-lasting friendships are so important in our lives. This spell touches all who mean dearly to you, and it is only a matter of time before laughter, loyalty and good times are part of your every day routine."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm3|"Full Moon Find My Other Half Spell"|FM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Your life is not complete until your other half - your soul mate - is with you. This spell casts a wide net to find this person and draw them to you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm6|"Full Moon Fulfill My Career Spell"|FM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Most people spend more time working in their career than at home enjoying leisure activities. So, it is vital you are working in a pleasant environment making headway - and money. This spell speeds up the process and places you in a position in which you reap vast amounts of enjoyment and success."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm9|"Full Moon Lucky Streak Spell"|FM9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    It's time things came to you without fighting for every inch. You deserve to have better things in life - more luxuries, more money, more happiness. This spell seems to make things lighter, easier, making success more attainable - and doing so with a broad smile on your face."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm7|"Full Moon Protection and Security Spell"|FM7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Who doesn't want to feel secure and relaxed? This Full Moon spell intends to cast a shield around you protecting you from bad spirits, bad people and negative energy."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm2|"Full Moon Return My Lover Spell"|FM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If the person you love and want to be with is away from you, cast this spell to bring them back. Life is not the same without this person in your life, and once the pleasant memories of your togetherness is reimplanted in their mind, it is only a matter of time before their return."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fm1|"Full Moon Soften My Lover's Heart Spell"|FM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If your lover is hard on you, critical of your every move and much different than when you first met, this spell softens their heart, bringing tender loving care back into your relationship."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| full-moon-spells|"Full Moon Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Do you want to find the love of your life? The other half of your soul? A Full Moon spell is designed to do just that. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your true love is someone who knows all about you, and loves you just the same.
    - Ancient Proverb  
    Do you want to find the love of your life? The other half of your soul? A Full Moon spell is designed to do just that.
    Does This Describe Someone You Know?

    A person cannot truly love another when totally consumed with oneself. When basking in their own sunlight, they may achieve many good things, but not love. However, once they become a moon, then and only then can they love another. A Full Moon spell allows them to appreciate a person dear to them. It is only then when a person becomes the most complete. If you know someone who has difficulty committing, or who is too wrapped up in himself/herself, or too consumed with their own activities, you would be doing both you and them a favor by requesting a Full Moon spell in their behalf.
    Here are the signs of a person who would be blessed if you cast a Full Moon spell in their behalf:
    • Not enough time and effort put into your relationship.
    • Selfish.
    • Failure to see own frailties.
    • Difficulty expressing feelings.
    • Not giving you the tender loving care you deserve.
    Once a Full Moon spell takes effect, here are some of changes you may notice:
    • More sensitive to your feelings.
    • Not as hard or as critical of you.
    • Increased attention toward you.
    • Understanding that everyone (including them) has flaws.
    • Open to new ideas, new avenues for your relationship.

    Most likely you have strong feelings about this person, and you recognize their wonderful qualities; but if you want all their goodness directed toward you, take a look at the following Full Moon spells and see if one or more would be of assistance to you. "||||"(:FM1 :FM2 :FM3 :FM4 :FM5 :FM6 :FM7 :FM9)"|"(:FM1 :FM2 :FM3 :FM4 :FM5 :FM6 :FM7 :FM9)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fund-me|"Fund Me Spell"|FMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's your time to be rich and admired!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you currently in a situation in which money concerns take up too much of your time? And quite often you are struggling to make ends meet? And you wish you could get the funds enabling you to live the life of your dreams? If the above words reflect your situation, the Fund Me spell could produce the results you’ve been dreaming of for some time. A gifted Master Psychic awaits the go-ahead from you to cast this potent spell. And if successful, you could begin living a life filled with immense pleasures you never thought possible. So if you’re ready to enjoy life to the fullest...with the understanding that this cannot occur until you have the funds to make it happen...then you have come to the right place at the right time. The Fund Me spell could be a life-changer for you! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gambling-charms|"Gambling Charms"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Seeking success in sweepstakes, lotteries and games of chance? Increase your odds of winning by keeping a good luck charm at your side or having a ""lucky"" gambling spell cast in your behalf. You have nothing to lose. All Gambling Charms from the California Astrology Association are risk-free: If they don't profoundly improve your life, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :LUCKY7 :JACKPOT-AMULET :LADYLUCK :QUINNOX :MONEYTREE :GAMBLING-WANGA-LINK :WITCHSCAT :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :LUCK-WANGA-LINK :JINX-REMOVER-WANGA-LINK :WIN-OFTEN-WIN-BIG-SPELLKIT-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :FAST-LUCK-SPELLKIT-LINK :LUCK-VOODOO-LINK :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :GUARDIANANGEL :I-WILL-BE-RICH-SIGIL-LINK)"|"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :LUCKY7 :JACKPOT-AMULET :LADYLUCK :QUINNOX :MONEYTREE :GAMBLING-WANGA-LINK :WITCHSCAT :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :LUCK-WANGA-LINK :JINX-REMOVER-WANGA-LINK :WIN-OFTEN-WIN-BIG-SPELLKIT-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :FAST-LUCK-SPELLKIT-LINK :LUCK-VOODOO-LINK :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :GUARDIANANGEL :I-WILL-BE-RICH-SIGIL-LINK)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spells-for-gambling|"Gambling Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Seeking success in sweepstakes, lotteries and games of chance? Increase your odds of winning by having a ""lucky"" spell cast in your behalf or by keeping a good luck gambling charm at your side. You have nothing to lose. All Gambling Spells from the California Astrology Association are risk-free: If they don't profoundly improve your life, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:GAMBLING-SPELLS :LLM :ANDREIKAS-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :DELICIOUSLY-RICH-SPELL :CHINESE-DRAGON-GAMBLING-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-END-DROUGHT-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-COMEBACK-SPELL-LINK :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK-SPELL :CHANGE-MY-LUCK :BURTONS-MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-LINK :U-TURN-CHAMPION :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GO-FOR-IT :INSTANT-TURNAROUND-SPELL :CASINO-BUSTER :BINGO-SWEEPS-LOTTERY :BREAK-THE-BANK :EMERGENCY-LUCKY-STREAK-SPELL-LINK :STARTINGOVER :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :GYPSY-MONKEY-SPELL-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-LINK :BURTONS-ALL-PURPOSE-GAMBLING-SPELL :PERFECT-STORM-BURTONS-WINNING-TRIFECTA-SPELL-LINK :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :VANISH-DEBT-SPELL :LASTCHANCE :THREE-WISHES-LUCK)"|"(:GAMBLING-SPELLS :LLM :ANDREIKAS-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :DELICIOUSLY-RICH-SPELL :CHINESE-DRAGON-GAMBLING-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-END-DROUGHT-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-COMEBACK-SPELL-LINK :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK-SPELL :CHANGE-MY-LUCK :BURTONS-MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-LINK :U-TURN-CHAMPION :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GO-FOR-IT :INSTANT-TURNAROUND-SPELL :CASINO-BUSTER :BINGO-SWEEPS-LOTTERY :BREAK-THE-BANK :EMERGENCY-LUCKY-STREAK-SPELL-LINK :STARTINGOVER :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :GYPSY-MONKEY-SPELL-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-LINK :BURTONS-ALL-PURPOSE-GAMBLING-SPELL :PERFECT-STORM-BURTONS-WINNING-TRIFECTA-SPELL-LINK :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :VANISH-DEBT-SPELL :LASTCHANCE :THREE-WISHES-LUCK)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gambling-spells|"Gambling Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Having a skilled psychic cast a Gambling spell in your behalf could dramatically alter the odds in your favor."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you love to gamble and test your skills in games of chance? Are you willing to risk some of your hard-earned money while most others are too timid to try? Do you truly crave to accumulate massive riches, and you're willing to do almost anything to increase your chances of success? If the above descriptions fit you like a glove, you should consider having a skilled psychic cast a Gambling spell in your behalf. It could dramatically alter the odds in your favor. Is this you? Some days you feel you're on top of the world, and you have no doubt things are going to turn out well for you. But on other days, there seems to be a dark cloud of doom hanging over your head, and you just know you are in for a bad day. This is because your psychological attitude controls a huge part of your destiny. A Gambling spell is designed to dissolve that dark cloud while embedding within you a confident, positive feeling that will stay with you always.

    Increase the potency of your Gambling Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gambler's Amulet when your Gambling spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    And once that happens, your potential is unlimited! How does the Gambling spell work? The Gambling spell delves into your subconscious, planting the seeds of confidence, of luck, of victory. It’s as simple as that. What do you have to lose? See for yourself what a Gambling spell can do for you. And if you don't see a dramatic turn in games of chance, then simply ask us for a refund (you have up to one year to decide), and we'll gladly refund your money. Talk about gambles, how can you pass this up? Take a look at the following selections and see which one(s) work best for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:GS1 :GS2 :GS3 :GS4 :GS5 :GS6 :GS7 :GS8 :GS9)"|"(:GS1 :GS2 :GS3 :GS4 :GS5 :GS6 :GS7 :GS8 :GS9)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gamwanno316|"Gambling Wanga"|W16|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To bring you success in games of chance, new ventures, risk taking."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gatpraygroup|"Gateway Prayer Group"|PRA|ITEM.||(20)||T|""|""|"Together, Each of Our Prayers is Magnified a Thousand Times!"|""|"Together each of our prayers is magnified a thousand times!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You are invited to become an associate of the most prestigious prayer group in the world: The Gateway Prayer Group. Together we pray for individual happiness, we pray for good fortune, and we pray that our personal dreams and most fervent desires are fulfilled. The metaphysics of group prayer seems beyond our comprehension, but the incredible successes are indisputable: Group prayer magnifies the chances that your prayers will come true! Our membership, composed of people from all walks of life, has one common denominator: a belief in prayer. Your individual prayer is enhanced and magnified by similar prayers being said simultaneously worldwide. Our unified effort, our combined force, magnifies your prayer a thousand times. Together we enjoy the fruits of our efforts. If you have an unfulfilled desire, a yearning for something that has eluded you in the past, we can help bring your dream to fruition. If you are willing to devote a few minutes at a designated time, come pray with us, the Gateway Prayer Group."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gay-lesbian-love|"Gay & Lesbian Love"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Our gay love spells can help you find love and keep your same sex lover."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Heart Broken over a current relationship?
    • Seeking a soul mate to have and to hold forever?
    • You have come to the right place!
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell to help you enjoy your life filled with love and happiness.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gaylovespells|"Gay Love Spells"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Attracted To Someone of The Same Sex? Our Gay Love Spell may be able to help!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Attracted To Someone of The Same Sex?

    Are you enamored with one particular person, someone you know in your heart is perfectly right for you? But their feelings toward you, their interest in you is not being reciprocated? And your fondest wish is for them to love you the way you are capable of loving them? A powerful Psychic Master can cast a Gay Love Spell for you, making spiritual contact with this very special person - to convey your dreams, your desires, your love. And if there is a possibility that they could be interested in you, this spell could dramatically intensify their feelings toward you!
    Order this spell if...
    • You have tried everything else and have exhausted all possibilities.
    • You are certain that if the timing and situation is right, and if this person has a spark of interest in you, the two of you have a chance at a deep, fulfilling and meaningful relationship.
    • You feel the time is now, and the sooner the better.

    If you think there is hope, if you think there could be a strong mutual attraction, this spell is a must for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:GAYMAN :GAYWOMAN)"|"(:GAYMAN :GAYWOMAN)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-compatibility-spell|"Gemini Compatibility Spell"|ZG3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gemini Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" As an authentic Gemini, you can be demanding and difficult to please. It is also one of your traits to be unforgiving when someone has done you wrong. However, there is no better partner in the world than you, Gemini, when you are completely captivated with the one you love. If this sounds like you, then keep reading. If you are currently in a relationship with a person you know is right for you, or perhaps you know someone out there with whom you care to have a relationship, this powerful spell can forge a powerful bond between you. And once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a happy, lasting partnership. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal. Most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Gemini Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Gemini Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZG5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gemini Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Gemini, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Gemini. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-money-spell|"Gemini Money Spell"|ZG2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gemini Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Gemini. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Gemini Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-reconciliation-spell|"Gemini Reconciliation Spell"|ZG6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gemini Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Gemini? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Gemini Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship
    • Smooth out the differences between you
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-retaliation-spell|"Gemini Retaliation Spell"|ZG4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gemini Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Gemini, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Gemini Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-true-love-spell|"Gemini True Love Spell"|ZG1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gemini True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. You know what true love is, Gemini, even if you have never experienced it. Your insight into human nature and your astute observation powers have allowed you to observe others, particularly those in marvelous relationships…and you want to have this in your life - almost desperately! This is your chance to have it all: unconditional love, unquestionable loyalty, knowing you can trust your partner and be with him or her in a truly happy relationship. The True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. So, you may ask: what can the True Love spell do for me? This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. And if your paths haven't already crossed, the Gemini True Love spell will increase the odds of you meeting the love of your life. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Gemini True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-zodiac-spells|"Gemini Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:GEMINI-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :GEMINI-MONEY-SPELL :GEMINI-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :GEMINI-RETALIATION-SPELL :GEMINI-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :GEMINI-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:GEMINI-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :GEMINI-MONEY-SPELL :GEMINI-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :GEMINI-RETALIATION-SPELL :GEMINI-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :GEMINI-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovers-head|"Get Inside Your Lover's Head"|GIL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Your precious relationship could experience a dramatic improvement, resulting in a long-lasting compatibility that will be the envy of all who know you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you feel if you could only get inside your lover’s head, you could convince them of their desire and love for you? And upon doing so, this precious relationship could experience a dramatic improvement, resulting in a long-lasting compatibility that will be the envy of all who know you.
    Does this sound familiar?
    • Your loved one is beginning to take you for granted.
    • You feel insecure as to where the relationship is headed.
    • And worried they may begin to look around (or possibly they have already started).
    • Yet you have no doubt the two of you belong together.
    • And have the potential of having a great marriage.
    • But this could only happen once they realize you are indeed the “perfect” match for them.
    So if you could only get inside your lover’s head and plant the seeds of kindness, passion and love, you have little doubt your compatibility would take a dramatic turn for the best. And when this occurs, your loved one will finally awaken to the fact there is no reason to look elsewhere for love. All they have to do is look at all your beautiful qualities and realize they are blessed with being your partner in life.
    Does the above resonate with you?
    If so, you should seriously consider having the Get Inside Your Lover’s Head spell cast in your behalf by a talented Master Psychic. This could be the breakthrough in solving your relationship problems that have been tormenting you for some time."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| krakow-get-my-ex-back-spell|"Get My Ex Back Spell Cast by Krakow"|KR1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Krakow cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Krakow cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"You know you deserve better! Ask Krakow to cast his potent Get My Ex Back spell ASAP!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Reset Our Relationship to the Beginning!

    Are you distraught because your loved one is pulling away from you? Or perhaps it’s already happened and the two of you are already separated? Are you worried that this relationship may never be reunited? And what would you give to have the two of you back together again –- with the affection, fun, excitement and love you once had for each other? Is this you?
    • When the two of you first met, you knew in your heart this relationship was the “right” one for you.
    • The two of you instantly “clicked.” Something that rarely, if ever, occurred previously.
    • And you were deliriously happy.
    • And you thought it would last forever.
    • HOWEVER! As time went by, something happened to this person you loved so dearly. You felt a disconnect, a sense they were displeased with you.
    And you were confused, upset and despondent for being treated in a harsh, disrespectful and unloving way. One thing is clear: You know you deserve better! What can you do about it? The Master Psychic known as Krakow is widely respected and admired for his powerful spells that take effect quickly and effectively. So if you are hurting. If you fear that your loved one is discontent and moving further and further distant from you, perhaps it’s time for you to ask Krakow to intercede on your behalf. Don’t give up. It can happen! If you truly want your ex back in your loving arms, do not put off taking dramatic and decisive action. Ask Krakow to cast his potent Get My Ex Back spell ASAP!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| get-my-man-back-spell|"Get My Man Back! Spell"|GMB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Get My Man Back! Spell"|""|"The Get My Man Back! Spell is designed to get your man back in your home to be with you and to love you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you suffering from a broken heart? Is there only one man in the world who could set your life straight, and he is not around at the moment? Are you thinking of only him day and night and not able to get on with your life? If the above rings true and you are unsure as to what the future has in store for you, you may want to give this powerful spell a try. The Get My Man Back! Spell is designed to do one thing and one thing only: to get your man back in your home to be with you and to love you. Take this simple test to see if this spell is for you:
    • Are you sick at heart knowing that your man has rejected you, possibly for another woman?
    • Are you certain that if he is honest with himself and stops being so stubborn, he’ll realize the two of you are meant to be with each other?
    • Do you feel betrayed because even though you gave him your best, he still left you?
    • Do you feel your world has collapsed because you are alone when the two of you should be together?
    • Are you tired, frustrated and terribly lonely without your man by your side?
    If you've answered yes to most or all of the above questions, perhaps you should give this remarkable spell a try. What do you have to lose?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| get-my-woman-back-spell|"Get My Woman Back! Spell"|GWB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Get My Woman Back! Spell"|""|"The Get My Woman Back! spell is designed to get your woman back in your home to be with you and to love you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If There's a Chance of Reuniting, This Spell Will Do It! Did your woman leave you? Is she the love of your life, and you're afraid she will never return? Is she on your mind 24/7, and you are not able to get on with your life? If the above rings true and you are unsure as to what the future has in store for you, you may want to give this powerful spell a try. The Get My Woman Back! spell is designed to do one thing and one thing only: to get your woman back in your home to be with you and to love you. Take this simple test to see if this spell is for you:
    • Are you heartsick thinking that your woman may want to be with another man?
    • Are you certain that if she is honest with herself and stops being so stubborn, she’ll realize the two of you are meant to be with each other?
    • Do you feel betrayed because you gave her your best and all she did in return was to leave you?
    • Do you feel your world has collapsed because you are alone when the two of you should be together?
    • Are you tired, frustrated and terribly lonely without your woman by your side?
    If you've answered yes to most or all of the above, perhaps it's time to give this remarkable spell a try. What do you have to lose?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| get-us-back-together-spell|"Get Us Back Together Spell"|GBT|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Get Us Back Together Spell"|""|"This powerful spell is designed to do one thing and one thing only: To bring the two of you back together again!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This powerful spell is designed to do one thing and one thing only: To bring the two of you back together again! So if you're distressed that your relationship may never be repaired and the love of your life is not responding to your pleas, a gifted psychic is prepared to cast the Get Us Back Together spell in your behalf.
    Increase the potency of the Get Us Back Together spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    This spell is for you, if:
    • The one you love is hardheaded and stubborn.
    • They are not willing to swallow their pride and admit they are wrong - instead of blaming everything on you.
    • You believe that this person couldn't find anyone as perfect, or as loving, or as loyal as you.
    • You know in your heart of hearts that the two of you belong together, that ""it is written"" that your relationship is meant to be.
    Order this spell ""only"" if you are absolutely certain! If you are positive beyond a doubt that fixing this relationship is the most important thing in your life, then you were destined to discover the Get Us Back Together spell.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| giveherfever|"Give Her Fever!"|FVF|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Her Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Her Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Does she turn away when you make advances even though she knows you are turned on to her?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your woman not turned on to you? Does she turn away when you make advances even though she knows you are turned on to her? There are forces around us that we may not comprehend, but these forces could work in your behalf... and quickly! If you want to make mad love to that special woman, we'll have a person who specializes in such matters to cast a spell to induce her to crave you, to desire your body, to make wild love to you. What is life if you can't enjoy the pleasures of uninhibited love making? What is a partnership, if sensual, exciting lovemaking isn't a frequent activity?
    The Fever spell is for you, if:
    • You have a strong desire to make love on a regular basis.
    • You want to feel like a complete man.
    • You want your woman to have that mischievous look in her eyes every time you're in the mood.
    • You want to have it all: happiness, compatibility, and a sex life so rewarding your friends will look at you with envy.
    • You want her to feel that ""rush"" in her veins the moment you touch her.
    • You want to keep her eyes from straying because she knows you are the one who turns her on!

    So if you are frustrated and puzzled because your woman isn't looking at you with lust in her heart and fire in her eyes, we'll cast a power spell to change that.
    Remember, the California Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not one hundred per cent satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| givehimfever|"Give Him Fever!"|FVM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""His Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    His Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Open His Eyes To Your Sensual Side"|""|"Open his eyes to your sensual side!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your man not turned on to you? Does he turn away even though he knows he can make love to you any time he wishes? There are forces around us that we may not comprehend, but these forces could work in your behalf... and quickly! If you want to make mad love to your guy, we'll have a person who specializes in such matters to cast a spell to induce your lover to crave you, to desire your body, to make wild love to you. What is life if you can't enjoy the pleasures of uninhibited love making? What is a partnership, if sensual, exciting lovemaking isn't a frequent activity?
    The Fever spell is for you, if:
    • You have a strong desire to make love on a regular basis.
    • You want to feel like a complete woman.
    • You want your man to have that mischievous look in his eyes as he is about to ravish you.
    • You want to have it all: happiness, compatibility, and a sex life so rewarding your friends will look at you with envy.
    • You want him to feel that ""rush"" in his veins the moment he touches you.
    • You want to keep his eyes from straying because he knows you are the one who turns him on!

    So if you are frustrated and puzzled because your man isn't looking at you with lust in his heart and fire in his eyes, we'll cast a power spell to change that.
    Remember, the California Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not one hundred per cent satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo12|"Give Me Confidence/Raise My Self-esteem Duo Spell"|DUO12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    You are in need of a confidence boost. Actually, most of us are from time to time. And what could be more important than instilling a good feeling within you so you can walk through life proudly, with your head held high. The combination of these two spells is so potent, it will only be a matter of time before others notice your new and powerful aura."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| givememylove|"Give Me My Love!!"|GML|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"A Love Spell to bring back your love quickly and unconditionally!!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You know what you want, what you need. The one you love must be returned at once! Unconditionally! You need this to mend your broken heart. You need this to be whole again. And you'll do whatever it takes to bring this person back into your life. Right now, you are distraught, lonely, sad. It seems as if your life is in disarray with nothing to live for. And you feel alone. Very alone. The two of you are separated and you feel miserable and frustrated that you are increasingly helpless to do anything about it. No one else understands the pain and suffering you are enduring. And because you love this person with every ounce of your being, you feel you will never be the same unless the two of you are reunited. And you know this may be your last chance to get your love back. And you are certain you won't make the same mistakes again. All you want is one last chance. If everything falls into place and you are reunited, it will be so obvious that the two of you belong with each other. More importantly, your lover will realize this is where the two of you belong - in each other's arms. A powerful Master Psychic has cast many of these spells for people in the same situation as you. This is a potent spell that sends a clear message to the one you yearn for, implanting the seeds of forgiveness, opening both mind and heart, readying them for a return trip to you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| givememymoney|"Give Me My Money!!"|GMM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Give Me My Money!!"|""|"It is time for you to enjoy the wealth, comfort, and respect you deserve!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If the following words seem to be coming from your mouth, then this may be the service you've been looking for: ""I need to improve my financial situation, and I need to do it immediately. Not tomorrow, not the day after tomorrow. Today!"" Here is what this remarkable spell could bring you.
    • Cash in your pocket so you don't have to scrimp for every penny.
    • Enough money to make you independent, free, and carefree.
    • Freedom to buy things without worrying how much you have in the bank.
    • Money to simplify your life, making your daily life a joyful experience.
    • Money to bring you luxuries, vacations, the finer things in life.
    • Money to bring you respect and a higher standing in your community.
    • Money to give you status, more confidence - to make you more appealing to the opposite sex.
    Like most people, you seek the comfort and stress-free life that only people blessed with an abundance of money can enjoy. The primary goal of this spell is to bring your dream to reality. While casting your spell the Master Psychic will call upon every ounce of his psychic energy to turn your life around ASAP. Please note there is nothing you are required to do on the date your spell is cast. Some people may notice a surge of energy, bringing confidence and an added zest for life. Others may notice a ""tingling"" sensation in the fingertips, or a light-headedness that causes a smile or outright laughter. Because this spell is cast specifically for you, your own experience will be personal and unique onto yourself. It is time for you to enjoy the wealth and comfort and respect you've always wanted, and most certainly deserve.
    Dear CAA, At the end of the year I usually get a $500 bonus from my employer. This year however, I received a thousand dollars more! I don't think it's a coincidence. D.C.
    Southern California

    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Dear CAA, Others think it only a coincidence, but I have definitely experienced some changes I believe are the result of your work. I ordered the Give Me My Money Spell which claimed to offer immediate relief. I specifically requested money to come from multiple streams just in case one falls through (since I am laid-off from my seemingly ""stable"" job). Well, even prior to the date on my confirmation letter, money started flowing in from all over -- $25 from a scratch-off lottery ticket I played on a whim, $26 from an IRS refund under payment I didn't expect, and $384 & $34 checks from an insurance repayment that I thought would pay only $175. On top of this my brother gave me $125 in advance for a bill due next month. That totaled $594!! to help meet my current expenses. Kudos to your organization and keep the money flowing!!! Signed,
    ""Truly Impressed""
    Indianapolis, IN

    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| go-for-it|"Go For It!"|GFI|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This spell is designed to supercharge you, injecting you with that extra boost so you can attain success in the many phases of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|" If it's love you seek, or riches, or fame, since we only go around once, you owe it to yourself to give it your all. This spell is designed to supercharge you, injecting you with that extra boost so you can attain success in the many phases of your life. The Go For It spell works from within, giving you the confidence, creativity, determination, and stamina to get what you want! Very often in life it isn't the smartest, or cleverest person who achieves success, but rather the one who works hardest and who is blessed with a lucky streak. So if you want to achieve greatness - whether in romance, at work, or in your financial holdings - you need luck in your corner. The Go For It spell could elevate you to heights you previously thought were unattainable. We suggest you request this spell if you have bottomed out and can't seem to get past the barriers that seem impenetrable. This is your opportunity to get supercharged! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gold-jackpot-amulet1|"Gold Jackpot Amulet"|JAG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"Gold Jackpot Amulet"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| good-eye-spells|"Good Eye Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Just as the Evil Eye summons powerful forces to cast havoc and negativity upon an intended victim, other forces that are equally powerful can be used to bring beauty, love and prosperity into your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Just as the Evil Eye summons powerful forces to cast havoc and negativity upon an intended victim, other forces that are equally powerful can be used to bring beauty, love and prosperity into your life. These forces are summoned by the Good Eye. Many cultures and religions such as Judaism believe that a ""Good Eye"" can be directed toward a person in need, instilling a joyfulness, confidence and success that hadn't been experienced previously. The Good Eye Can Work for You! A psychic skilled in the art of casting a Good Eye will be glad to cast the Good Eye specifically for you with the intent of bringing you unconditional love, success, prosperity - whatever you wish. Take a look at the following offerings and select the one(s) that work best for you:
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:GE1 :GE2 :GE3 :GE4)"|"(:GE1 :GE2 :GE3 :GE4)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| good-luck-spells|"Good Luck Spells to Improve Your Life and Happiness"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Need to improve your luck? Increase your odds success and happiness? Have a lucky spell cast in your behalf or keep a good luck charm at your side! You have nothing to lose. All Good Luck Spells from the California Astrology Association are risk-free: If they don't profoundly improve your life, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:LLM :CHANGE-MY-LUCK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :THREE-QUICK-LUCK :LUCKSPELL :LUCKYNUMBERS :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK :BUULLUSP :INVISIBLE-SPELL-LUCK :U-TURN-CHAMPION :EMERGENCY-LUCKY-STREAK-SPELL-LINK :ANDREIKA-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-SPELL :GREAT-LUCKY-STREAK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :BURTONS-LUCKY-DEVIL-SPELL :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :AMAZING-LUCK-GOOD-EYE-SPELL-LINK :U-TURN-LUCKY :GAMBLING-SPELLS :ANDREIKAS-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :CHINESE-DRAGON-GAMBLING-SPELL-LINK :BURTONS-BREAK-A-LEG-SPELL :EXTREME-END-DROUGHT-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-COMEBACK-SPELL-LINK :BURTONS-MORE-LUCK-SPELL :BURTONS-DARK-HORSE-SPELL :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK-SPELL :BURTONS-MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-LINK :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GO-FOR-IT :BINGO-SWEEPS-LOTTERY :BREAK-THE-BANK :THREE-LUCKY-ROMANCE :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :GYPSY-MONKEY-SPELL-LINK :KONGO-VOODOO-BIG-LUCK :PERFECT-STORM-BURTONS-WINNING-TRIFECTA-SPELL-LINK :VANISH-DEBT-SPELL :KRAKOW-LAST-HOPE-SPELL :LASTCHANCE :BLACK-FRIDAY-ULTRA-LUCKY-SPELL :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-LUCK-HAPPINESS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-LUCK-SPELLS :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :BURTONS-REACH-FOR-STARS-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-LUCK)"|"(:LLM :CHANGE-MY-LUCK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :THREE-QUICK-LUCK :LUCKSPELL :LUCKYNUMBERS :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK :BUULLUSP :INVISIBLE-SPELL-LUCK :U-TURN-CHAMPION :EMERGENCY-LUCKY-STREAK-SPELL-LINK :ANDREIKA-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-SPELL :GREAT-LUCKY-STREAK :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :BURTONS-LUCKY-DEVIL-SPELL :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :AMAZING-LUCK-GOOD-EYE-SPELL-LINK :U-TURN-LUCKY :GAMBLING-SPELLS :ANDREIKAS-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :CHINESE-DRAGON-GAMBLING-SPELL-LINK :BURTONS-BREAK-A-LEG-SPELL :EXTREME-END-DROUGHT-SPELL-LINK :EXTREME-COMEBACK-SPELL-LINK :BURTONS-MORE-LUCK-SPELL :BURTONS-DARK-HORSE-SPELL :DELICIOUSLY-IN-LUCK-SPELL :BURTONS-MEGA-FORTUNE-SPELL-LINK :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GO-FOR-IT :BINGO-SWEEPS-LOTTERY :BREAK-THE-BANK :THREE-LUCKY-ROMANCE :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :GYPSY-MONKEY-SPELL-LINK :KONGO-VOODOO-BIG-LUCK :PERFECT-STORM-BURTONS-WINNING-TRIFECTA-SPELL-LINK :VANISH-DEBT-SPELL :KRAKOW-LAST-HOPE-SPELL :LASTCHANCE :BLACK-FRIDAY-ULTRA-LUCKY-SPELL :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-LUCK-HAPPINESS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-LUCK-SPELLS :THREE-VICTORY-LOTTERY :BURTONS-REACH-FOR-STARS-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-LUCK)"|""|"2"|"If you seek good luck to help you in an important relationship or in any aspect of your life, then take a look at the luck spells above. Our experienced spell casters will cast a spell in your behalf to attract good luck in your life ASAP! "|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| grand-slam|"Grand Slam Spell"|GSS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"You have the opportunity to win big in love, luck, prosperity, & security.

    Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

    Are you different from most people in that you dream big? Really big? Dreams of being happily married to a fantastic person who will love you like there’s no tomorrow and will always be there for you, in good times and bad. Dreams of having enough money in the bank, allowing you to enjoy the luxuries and freedom to do what you want when you want. And dreams that when you awake each morning the bright future that lies ahead is truly within your reach.
    The Crown Jewel of spell casting
    So if you truly want it all: love, luck, prosperity & security, the Grand Slam spell can be cast in your behalf. Setting you on the path you were destined to take.
    Does this sound familiar?
    • Whereas most people you know have accepted their lot in life, you haven’t.
    • Although your friends scoff at your big dreams, saying you’re not being realistic, you know in your heart it is possible.
    • In fact, quite possible.
    • However, you are growing impatient and you want to expedite matters.
    • And you have come to the realization you need a helpful hand, a guide, to illuminate the correct path leading to your true destiny.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help
    So if you are ready to dramatically change your life, a gifted Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Crown Jewel of spell casting -- the Grand Slam spell – in your behalf. And once your spell is cast, you will feel a surge of excitement knowing that you have done all you can to be blessed with love, luck, prosperity & security. Your instincts will be sharp, your creative juices will be liberated, and you will be the dynamic, new you...propelling you to a future few have experienced! And soon your dreams could become reality! Your destiny awaits you. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gris-gris-silver-bangle|"Gris-Gris Silver Bangle"|B04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)||T|""|""|"Gris-Gris Silver Bangle"|""|"Merely place the Gris-Gris bangle around your wrist and see for yourself how this magnificent adornment brings instant gratification and gives you a lust for life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you require a boost in confidence and a need to know things are going to get better? Do you want to be with a loved one who loves you as much as you love them? Do you desire to be happy and have the material comforts you deserve?
    Gris-Gris Activates the Spirits It is believed that the practice of Gris-Gris activates the spirits within your very being, allowing you to achieve the spectacular. Merely place the Gris-Gris bangle around your wrist and see for yourself how this magnificent adornment brings instant gratification and gives you a lust for life. We know Gris-Gris will work for you. The moment you take possession of this remarkable piece, you will wonder how you could have been without it all these years.
    The Gris-Gris bangle is a solid silver piece, highly polished with an oxidized finish. Its unique look will draw gasps wherever you go."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| grisgrisintro|"Gris-Gris Spells are an Unstoppable Force!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    ""I had my house up for sale for seven months. Then I requested a spell so it would sell. Two weeks after the Gris-Gris spell was cast, I sold my house.""
    - Katie Tolmasoff
    Often whispered about but rarely mentioned in public gatherings, the ancient art of Gris-Gris is practiced widely in the modern, southern city of New Orleans. From the poorest sections of town to where the rich and famous dine, Gris-Gris is a method of spell casting that is practiced by people from all walks of life. From the bank manager who looks to Gris-Gris to help him step up to the next level, to the student at the local college who wants her boyfriend to pay more attention to her, Gris-Gris practitioners are called upon to make life more fulfilling. Word-of-mouth has helped popularize this ancient art and helped propel Gris-Gris' remarkable growth during the last decade. Gris-Gris is now seen as an effective, alternative means of solving difficult problems, increasing financial security, and much more. To learn more about Gris-Gris, please click here.

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| grisgris|"Gris-Gris Voodoo Spell"|GR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gris-Gris"|""|"A Gris-Gris Voodoo Spell may gain momentum until it becomes an unstoppable force!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Two hundred years ago in the city of New Orleans, the ancient art of Voodoo was transformed and enhanced by a very powerful practitioner. The result was a form of voodoo known as Gris-Gris, which may have ten times the potency of traditional voodoo. The power of Gris-Gris (pronounced ""Gree Gree"") is awesome. When a Gris-Gris spell is cast properly, the results can be spectacular! Gris-Gris is sometimes referred to as the iron fist of Voodoo due to its hammer-like quality of relentless pounding until the spell takes effect. Once a Gris-Gris spell is cast, the momentum slowly builds until it becomes an unstoppable force. The effects of Gris-Gris are immediate. Within twenty-four hours you could instinctively know that something has changed. You may experience a feeling of exuberance and enlightenment, and your outlook on life may be more positive, hopeful, and clearer. Those who have done you wrong often encounter a force they know nothing about and are unprepared and unequipped to deal with it. They could begin to question themselves and feel powerless to change things. Those who are positively affected by the spell may sense that something has happened to them, a profound change, but they won't know why or how. You may notice a transformation in their character and a distinct change in their behavior. Look into their eyes and you may see a different person! If you have a need that craves to be fulfilled or a problem that won't go away, ask for a Gris-Gris spell to be cast on your behalf. Please weigh your request carefully and be sure that what you are requesting is what you truly want--for the results will be dramatic and swift.
    Dear CAA,
    My sincere thanks to you. I wrote you last year because my fiancee was hesitant about committing to marriage. Well, on March 25, we tied the knot. Thanks again. I owe it all to you. S.W.
    St. Albans, NY
    Dear CAA,
    I want to thank you for the spell you cast in my behalf on March 23rd. I received the money that was rightfully owed to me. One check was for $233, the other one was for $183. I will always use your spells for every move of my life. Thank you so much. Maybelle Burns
    St. Louis, MO
    Dear CAA,
    In July I was informed that the home I have lived in for the past six years was to be sold at auction because the owner no longer wanted it. I had no financial means of buying this home. I wrote and had a Gris-Gris spell cast, and the auction was set for August 1st. I resolved myself that I had lost my home. As it turned out, the auction was cancelled. My spell was cast on the 11th of August, and on the 13th of August the owner of my home offered it to me by way of a Quick-Claim deed. The reason for this was because he was unable to sell it at his price. The home is now mine, in my name, thanks to my Gris-Gris spell. I won't lose it. Gris-Gris has yet to let me down. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Gris-Gris. R. Robinette
    Tampa, FL
    When ordering, please be brief and clear in your request. Gris-Gris is too powerful a force to allow for misinterpretation."||||"(:GRSPWISIBA)"|"(:GRSPWISIBA)"|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA,
    Just a note to testify. Some months ago, I ordered a Gris-Gris spell in an attempt at convincing a movie production entity to take an option on a book of mine towards the making of a movie. Within perhaps three weeks of the date of the spell, it happened. I am not at liberty to tell more about this project, but a two-year option was taken on the book with cash payment for that option. Just thought you'd like to know. Gris-Gris apparently works--big time! J.P.
    Galt, CA
    Dear CAA,
    I am very happy with the Gris-Gris Spell that was cast on my behalf. My boyfriend did exactly what I asked for . . I won't go into details here . . but, let's just say it was a long-shot and it happened within a week after the spell was cast! Thank you Gris-Gris! Lynn C.
    Rhode Island

    Additional input about Gris-Gris Voodoo from our experts:

    What is Gris-Gris?

    Gris-Gris, sometimes called Gree-Gree or Voodoo Gris-Gris, is a unique and powerful form of Voodoo. It is believed capable of warding off evil and bringing good luck to oneself or of bringing misfortune to another

    What does Gris-Gris mean?

    There are numerous meanings for Gris-Gris: magic, power, good luck, lustful relationships, revenge, reversing bad luck...

    What is a Mojo Gris-Gris bag?

    When the Gris-Gris master casts his spell, he holds the Gris-Gris bag (filled with sacred texts) to give him the power and energy to fulfill the request.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| grspwisiba|"Gris-Gris Voodoo Spell with Silver Bangle"|GR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(98.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gris-Gris with Silver Bangle"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Increase the potency of the Gris-Gris Voodoo Spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to wear the beautiful Gris-Gris Silver Bangle when the Gris-Gris Voodoo Spell is cast, some clients feel a great surge in energy when doing so.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| growingherlove|"Growing Her Love Spell"|GS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Her Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Her Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Growing Her Love Spell"|""|"It's time to open your woman's eyes once and for all so she can finally realize what she's been missing."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do you want your woman to love you like no other? Do you want her to love you unconditionally? Do you want her to be faithful and not look at another man? If you are in love with a specific woman, and you ""know"" she's the right one for you, a spell can be cast to grow her love for you and you alone. Take a look at the following questions, and if you find yourself nodding in agreement you may have come upon a service that could enhance your life in more ways than you can imagine.
    Do These Questions Apply To You?
    1. Is your life empty without her?
    2. Do you think of her often?
    3. Do you sometimes have trouble going about your work because she's on your mind?
    4. Are you depressed because you feel her slipping away?
    5. Do you have a wealth of love stored up just for her?
    6. Is she hardheaded and stubborn?
    7. Are you sure she's ""the one?""
    8. Do you want her to fall deeply in love with you?
    9. Do you feel if you can catch her ear (penetrate her defenses), she will come to her senses and fall madly in love with you?
    10. Do you want to be happy together - forever?

    If you answered yes to at least seven of the questions, you should seriously consider having a Growing Her Love spell cast in your behalf.
    The purpose of this spell is to make telepathic contact with the one you love. To place you in her thoughts, her dreams, her consciousness and unconsciousness. And once this is accomplished, everything will be in place for her to fall hopelessly in love with you. Your image will be bathed in soft light as she discovers her love for you. It's time to open your woman's eyes once and for all so she can finally realize what she's been missing. It's time to utilize the formidable psychic powers you have at your beck and call. It's time for you to take that leap of faith and call upon a powerful psychic to help get your woman. Remember, the California Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not 100% satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| growinghislove|"Growing His Love Spell"|GH|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""His Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    His Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Growing His Love Spell"|""|"It's time for you to take that leap of faith and call upon a powerful psychic to help get your man."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do you want your man to love you like no other? Do you want him to love you unconditionally? Do you want him to be faithful and never be interested in another woman? If you are in love with a specific man, and you ""know"" he's the right one for you, a spell can be cast to grow his love for you and you alone. Take a look at the following questions, and if you find yourself nodding in agreement you may have come upon a service that could enhance your life in more ways than you can imagine.
    Do These Questions Apply To You?
    1. Is your life empty without him?
    2. Do you think of him often?
    3. Do you sometimes have trouble going about your work because he's on your mind?
    4. Are you depressed because you feel him slipping away?
    5. Do you have a wealth of love stored up just for him?
    6. Is he hardheaded and stubborn?
    7. Are you sure he's ""the one""?
    8. Do you want him to fall deeply in love with you?
    9. Do you feel if you can catch his ear (penetrate his defenses), he will come to his senses and fall madly in love with you?
    10. Do you want to be happy together - forever?
    If you answered ""yes"" to at least seven of the questions, you should seriously consider having a Growing His Love spell cast in your behalf.

    The purpose of this spell is to make telepathic contact with the one you love. To place you in his thoughts, his dreams, his consciousness and unconsciousness. And once this is accomplished, everything will be in place for him to fall hopelessly in love with you. Your image will be bathed in soft light as he discovers his love for you. It's time to open your man's eyes so he can finally realize what he's been missing. It's time to utilize the formidable psychic powers you have at your beck and call. It's time for you to take that leap of faith and call upon a powerful psychic to help get your man. Remember, the California Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not 100% satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    My Growing His Love Spell was on cast on June 6th. On June 26th my lover called me telling me how much he loves me.

    I am impressed that you ast this spell for me and thank very much for everything.

    Tineka H.
    East Carondlet, IL

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| guardianangel|"Guardian Angel"|ANG|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"Guardian Angel"|"You Are Never Alone!"|"Your Guardian Angel is by your side waiting to help you. But he may be waiting in vain if you never learned how to contact him."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A common belief among the major religions of the world is the existence of a spiritual guide assigned to each person at birth. The mission of this supernatural being is to protect us and relay our prayers directly to God. This Guiding Spirit is universally known as the Guardian Angel. Your Guardian Angel is by your side waiting to hear from you, wanting to help you. But he may have been waiting in vain if you have never learned the proper way to contact him, if you never learned the secret. This powerful mystical amulet can help focus your attention on your own, personal Guardian Angel. As soon as you receive your Guardian Angel amulet, a powerful new force may enter your life. You may immediately begin to feel his presence, his influence upon your life. And your life may never be the same again. Just as you keep images of your loved ones near you, you should always be near your Guardian Angel. Carry it with you or keep it in a quiet place in your home. Whenever you have a special prayer, request, or wish, focus your mind directly upon this remarkable amulet and speak your thoughts aloud. As soon as your Guardian Angel hears you he can immediately begin to work on your behalf. Soon, everything you have ever longed for--be it money, love, or success--may begin to appear in your life. Imagine your amazement at how your mind clears as your Guardian Angel miraculously shows you the way.
    • You may experience a feeling of excitement, knowing that a dramatic change in your life is about to occur.
    • You may no longer feel alone, isolated, having to bear the weight of the world upon your shoulders.
    • You may sense the presence of a guiding spirit by your side, helping you, showing you the way.
    • Good fortune may enter your life each day, enabling you to feel lucky, confident, and content!

    Exquisitely finished in 14-karat gold, your Guardian Angel may instantly become one of your most cherished possessions. Now you can discover for yourself the peace of mind and happiness that comes from knowing that your prayers are not falling upon deaf ears."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    After Receiving Guardian Angel, Her Life Turns Around Cynthia Araujo felt lost and confused. She had lost her job and her world seemed to be falling in on her. ""It was awful,"" said the New Bedford woman. ""I was homeless, unemployment was not giving me any checks, and I thought of suicide."" Then Cynthia's mother gave her a Guardian Angel. ""My mother noticed the depression I was in and she bought me a Guardian Angel. Now I have a roof over my head [and] I'm planning to go back to school and have the opportunity to live a better life--all because my mother bought the Guardian Angel from you.""
    Dear CAA, Last year, I sent for the Guardian Angel. After I received it, I hit the lottery three times--twice for $500 and once for $250. I had kept the medal put away until today! I took it out and said what I would like. This evening I hit the lottery for $500 again! Thank you! B.J. Kelly

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| guineveres-heart|"Guinevere's Heart"|CC2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"Guinevere's Heart"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    It is said that Guinevere wore this mystical amulet close to her heart. And once it touched her skin, the full strength of Guinevere's Heart was unleashed.

    King Arthur could not resist her charms; nor could the invincible Sir Lancelot.

    Both of them fell deeply in love with her.

    What Guinevere's Heart can do for you

    Wear or carry Guinevere's Heart wherever you go and experience the surge in renewed confidence and assurance within you. Legend has it that the longer you possess it, the stronger its effects upon you and anyone who gazes upon it.

    Its effect upon others

    The moment you take possession of Guinevere's Heart, you will not only feel that ""extra something,"" but you will radiate a look that others will find difficult to resist.

    It is said that current lovers or potential lovers are mesmerized by Guinevere's Heart and are drawn to it as if by a powerful magnet. The increased attention that you will experience will be reflected in your mirror when you see a bright, shiny, confident – and very appealing new you!

    This beautiful gold-plated piece will soon become one of your most treasured possessions."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-compatibility-fix-spell|"Gypsy Compatibility Fix Spell"|GP17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If you are wondering why the two of you can't seem to get back on course, perhaps it's time to ask the Gypsy to cast a spell in your behalf.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is this your situation? Your love is causing so many problems, you wonder if this person still loves you. And you don't know what to do or who to ask for help. Although you don't want to end the relationship, you can feel in your heart it's time to do something dramatic to shake your lover back to reality. And, if truth be known, you are really worried that your relationship is reaching the point of no return! So, what to do. Take a look at the following statements and see if they reflect your views:
    • I am in love, but my words seem to be falling on deaf ears.
    • I've seemingly tried everything, but I haven't seen a change in attitude.
    • I've tried to be reasonable and sensible, but my patience is quickly running out.
    • I don't want to go on with this situation, and I fear we may be at a dead end.
    • I wish my lover could see the potential in our relationship.
    • I'm tired of being the only person trying to salvage our relationship.

    If you are wondering why the two of you can't seem to get back on course, perhaps it's time to ask the Gypsy to cast a spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-earrings|"Gypsy Earrings"|E01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|""|""|"Gypsy Earrings"|""|"These legendary earrings were first worn by Gypsy kings and queens and are believed to enhance your magnetism as well as your worldly possessions."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    If you want to add spice and excitement to your life, this is your chance to inject the fire of the Gypsy in you. These legendary earrings were first worn by Gypsy kings and queens and are believed to enhance your magnetism as well as your worldly possessions. Some say the moment you possess these legendary earrings, you will feel as if you are possessed by a free spirit, a loving spirit, a confident spirit, a winning spirit! And you will smile when you experience a burning within that gives you a sparkling lust for life you hadn’t experienced in some time. It will appear as if you have been injected with an enhancer that gives you:
    • A winning attitude.
    • An attitude that you can do nothing wrong.
    • An appeal that will attract the ""right"" people to you.
    • The respect of close ones who now yearn to get your approval and affection.

    Gypsy Earrings put the fire in your belly! If you seek to ascend not only to the next level but to several levels above that, don’t sit back and wait for things to happen. Make things happen! Allow the Gypsy spirit to enter your life. Allow it to embolden you and give you a thirst for life. The spark in your eyes, along with your quick, confident smile, will attract new friendships and new pleasures. It will be as if you are starting anew while casting off the weight of past disappointments. Now, as you awake each morning, you can look forward to what the day will bring you. So, if you currently feel life has passed you by and you’re a bit bored, perhaps it’s time to inject a little fire of the gypsy in you. Made of sterling silver, these remarkable adornments will invigorate you and make you feel alive, really alive!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-eye-for-an-eye-spell|"Gypsy Eye For An Eye Spell"|GP13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    A very effective way to even the score with someone who has it in for you.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A very effective way to even the score with someone who has it in for you. This Gypsy Hypnotic spell is designed to pierce the offender's defense system, injecting a sense of insecurity and weakness that will cause them to back off from their harassment of you. If this person has been intent on doing you wrong, you must do all you can to dissuade them from their harmful ways. The Eye for an Eye spell gets to the heart of the matter quickly and very effectively. Do these words reflect your feelings?
    • I want to stop this person in their tracks!
    • I need to get this person off my back.
    • I cannot accomplish much knowing this person has it in for me.
    • I want to do something about it right now, and I'm not going to take their harassment any longer.
    • I get upset and stressed out when I think of the harm they are causing me.
    • I am not a vindictive person, but in this instance I want this person to receive what they deserve.
    • I want justice.
    • I need to get on with my life and stop thinking about this.
    • This person is going to be sorry they ever tangled with me.
    • I am angry and when that happens somebody is going to pay.

    If these thoughts reflect your current state of mind, the Gypsy's Eye for an Eye spell could even the score - quickly and once and for all!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-spells-link|"Gypsy Hypnotic Spells"||LINK.|https://www.calastrology.com/gypsy-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"These powerful spells are often described as hypnotic because they seem to enchant and mesmerize the person to whom the spell was directed."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-spells|"Gypsy Hypnotic Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Originating in Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, Gypsy Hypnotic spells have mystified skeptics for centuries."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What would you give if you could merely wish something and have it come true? Originating in Eastern Europe during the Middle Ages, Gypsy Hypnotic spells have mystified skeptics for centuries. These powerful spells are often described as hypnotic because they seem to enchant and mesmerize the person to whom the spell was directed. Here are a few of the comments from people who have had Gypsy Hypnotic spells cast in their behalf:
    • ""I could hardly believe that the person causing me trouble was finally leaving me alone.""
    • ""I felt a greater force - a friendly force - was going to make things right.""
    • ""I realized my boyfriend's heart was opening for the first time and that we were going to be OK.""
    • ""I answered the phone and it was Kathy. I couldn't believe my wish had come true.""
    • ""After all this time, all this debt, my finances were finally getting straightened out.""
    Throughout the years, the California Astrology Association has received numerous requests for Gypsy Hypnotic spells, but we waited until we had one of the foremost practitioners who would agree to our one hundred percent refund guarantee. The California Astrology Association is now proud to offer these unique spells to our clients on an exclusive basis. As you read the words on each of the following Gypsy Hypnotic spells, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words ring true and reflect your most deep felt feelings, that specific Gypsy Hypnotic spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-kiss-and-make-up-spell|"Gypsy Kiss and Make Up Spell"|GP19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    The Gypsy Kiss and Make Up spell could do wonders in bringing the two of you closer.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Gypsy Kiss and Make Up spell penetrates the subconscious of the person you love, assuring them that your current problems are due to misunderstandings and miscommunication. This spell will hasten the reconciliation process. If you are tired of explaining yourself and are near exhaustion trying to persuade this very stubborn person that it's time to move past these arguments and hostile feelings, the Kiss and Make Up spell is for you. Are these thoughts going through your mind?
    • I love this person but am fed up with the arguments.
    • I just want to have a loving relationship in peace and harmony.
    • I want my lover to end their bitterness and think only sweet thoughts about me.
    • I know our relationship could be the best if only they would give it a chance.
    • We are meant to be together…I know it.
    • In my heart, I know if the arguments would end we could have a perfect relationship.
    • I want to get up each morning not worrying about whether or not our relationship will last.
    • I know I'm a good person, a kind person. I simply wish my lover would realize that and treat me with respect.
    • I just want to kiss and make up, and let bygones be bygones.

    If these words ring true, you can do something about ending further disputes. The Gypsy Kiss and Make Up spell could do wonders in bringing the two of you closer.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-her-love-me-link|"Gypsy Make Her Love Me"||LINK.|gypsy-make-her-love-me-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Request a Gypsy Hypnotic spell cast in your behalf, and let our expert concentrate on your one overriding desire - to have your woman love you unconditionally."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-him-love-me-link|"Gypsy Make Him Love Me"||LINK.|gypsy-make-him-love-me-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Request a Gypsy Hypnotic spell to be cast in your behalf, and let our expert concentrate on your one overriding desire - to have your man love you with all his heart. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-a-match-spell|"Gypsy Make Me a Match Spell"|GP21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If you've been searching in vain for the love of your life, perhaps it's time for you to ask the Gypsy to cast her Make Me a Match spell in your behalf.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It's so clear in your mind: you are a good person, a kind person…and all you ask is that someone with these same characteristics comes into your life! Is this you?
    • You've been searching in vain for the love of your life and you've about reached the end of your rope.
    • You're tired of going it alone, doing everything yourself, and you want someone to share your life with during good times and bad.
    • You are a giver, someone who has a large heart and a generous soul - and that's the type of person you're looking for.
    • You see other couples going through life together, and you want to be one of them.
    • You dread the idea of spending the next year alone.
    • You can't understand why it's so difficult to meet the love of your life.
    • You know your love is out there but you are fearful that the two of you will never cross paths.
    • You've tried everything and you are open to trying something new because you feel you have nothing to lose.

    If these words ring true, perhaps it's time for you to ask the Gypsy to cast her Make Me a Match spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-happy-spell|"Gypsy Make Me Happy Spell"|GP2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This spell is designed to set you on the road to success and happiness, and you will be surrounded by people who love and care for you.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is designed to set you on the road to success and happiness, and you will be surrounded by people who love and care for you. Along the way, you will be able to circumvent the roadblocks that have prevented you in the past of achieving your goals. Once the Make Me Happy spell is cast, your most important desires and wishes will come to the forefront, and you will begin to enjoy the fruits of your labor. This spell places you at the right place at the right time providing you with the best relationships, whether intimate or casual. Those closest to you will begin to appreciate all that you stand for. And for once, your love and giving and warmth will be reciprocated. You will awake each morning knowing that those closest to you have your best interests at heart. You will be inspired with new ideas and pleasant thoughts, and these feelings will be translated to successes on many aspects of your life. It may appear as if you have been awakened from a deep sleep, and the important people in your life will notice the remarkable changes and transitions you have made. Be prepared for a sea change in your life. It is coming quickly. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words are ringing true and are reflecting your goals and aspirations, this unique Gypsy Hypnotic spell is for you. Make Me Happy! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • My life will be balanced and filled with joy and hope.
    • I will love and be loved, and no longer will I be the only one who is giving.
    • My love and friendship will be reciprocated many times over.
    • Each day I'll move closer to achieving my lifelong goals and dreams.
    • The light at the end of the tunnel will grow larger and brighter.
    • My new attitude will attract the ""right"" people to me.
    • Loved ones and friends will want to spend more quality time with me.
    • Work associates will treat me with respect and affection.
    • I will be appreciated by the ones who count most in my life.
    • I will be less anxious, more relaxed and content with life.
    • I'll look forward to each day knowing the major problems are behind me and the little ones will work themselves out.
    • I want it all, and I will have it all.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this Gypsy Hypnotic spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-rich-spell|"Gypsy Make Me Rich Spell"|GP1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This spell is designed to liberate your creativity, enabling you to come up with the best ideas to make money.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is designed to liberate your creativity, enabling you to come up with the best ideas to make money. The Make Me Rich spell could rejuvenate your energy, stimulate your imagination, and give you the confidence to make the right business and financial decisions. Your antenna may be highly sensitized and you could be able to sense new opportunities and get in on the ground floor. The Make Me Rich spell could keep a strong wind at your back, allowing you to reach your goals quickly and with a minimum of effort. You may be more alert, noticing things that previously had escaped your attention. Your senses of hearing, seeing and feeling may be more acute. And you could learn to trust and rely upon your common sense, allowing you to make the correct choices as you soar your way to the top. Before you know it, those closest to you could be astounded by the ""new you."" If you truly want to change your lot in life and become financially independent, take a look at the following and see if these words and thoughts could have been written by you. Make Me Rich! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want immense wealth so nothing will be beyond my means.
    • I want to stand out from the rest.
    • I want to be respected, admired, envied.
    • I want my friends, family and loved ones to look up to me.
    • My home will be furnished with the best money can buy.
    • I'll shop anywhere I please and not worry about the price tag.
    • I'll help those who were supportive of me when I wasn't wealthy.
    • My happiness quotient will be very, very high.

    If the above reflects your goals and aspirations, we will be pleased to cast this unique Gypsy Hypnotic spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-sex-life-incredible-link|"Gypsy Make My Sex Life Incredible Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-make-my-sex-life-incredible-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Be prepared for a spectacular turnaround in your romantic endeavors! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-melt-my-lovers-heart-link|"Gypsy Melt My Lover's Heart"||LINK.|gypsy-melt-my-lovers-heart-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"There are few things more disheartening than to be in the midst of a deteriorating relationship. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-monkey-spell-link|"Gypsy Monkey Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-monkey-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"One of the great Gypsy Hypnotic spells, the Monkey spell is designed to dramatically swing your life in the right direction. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-monkey-spell|"Gypsy Monkey Spell"|GP16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    One of the great Gypsy Hypnotic spells, the Monkey spell is designed to dramatically swing your life in the right direction.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    One of the great Gypsy Hypnotic spells, the Monkey spell is designed to dramatically swing your life in the right direction. If you're hurting for money, the Monkey could lead you to it. If you are down on your luck and need an influx of good fortune, the Monkey could show you the way. And if your relationship needs to be straightened out, the Monkey can show you how. Like the monkey, you will begin to move effortlessly in the right direction in all aspects of your life. If currently you are in a difficult situation, the Monkey will assure that you will land on your feet, not raising any dust in the process. And all the while, you will be succeeding with the knowledge that you have had the powerful force of the Monkey on your side. So, if you are in dire straits involving a personal relationship, the Monkey will penetrate your partner's subconscious, alerting them to what a beautiful future the two of you can have together. Or if someone close to you is acting irrationally, the Monkey can convince them to do the ""right"" thing. And if your bank account needs an influx of cash, the Monkey could illuminate the unique and simple ways to increase your net worth. Do these thoughts enter your mind?
    • I know I can be successful. All I need is a little luck.
    • I'm a proud person, but there is a time when even the rich and famous call upon someone or something for spiritual or metaphysical guidance.
    • This is my time to make great strides in life.
    • I know I have the brains and ability to get what I want... Just help me get started and I'll take it from there.
    • I want that breakthrough to happen now, not a month or a year from now.
    • I've had good times and bad. But from now on, I just want the good times.
    • My experience and street smarts can work to my advantage if only I were given a chance.

    So if you want to experience a sea change in your life, the Gypsy Hypnotic Monkey spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-popularity-spell|"Gypsy Popularity Spell"|GP22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This is a most sought after spell in that it is designed to allow certain characteristics in you to rise to the surface for all to see.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a most sought after spell in that it is designed to allow certain characteristics in you to rise to the surface for all to see. Is this you?
    • You are someone who doesn't like to flaunt your unique gifts and talents, and as a result, some people fail to see the best of you.
    • There are some people you'd like to impress, but somehow you get tongue tied when around them.
    • Those who have known you for a long time can see the ""wonderful"" you, but you fret over the fact that newer acquaintances may not see the ""real"" you.
    • You are impressed with those who seem to attract people wherever they go, and you want to be one of them.
    • Although you are somewhat shy and reserved, at times you do enjoy the center stage. And you feel this is your time to shine and be in the spotlight.
    • You want to be a winner in life. And to do so means you want people to like you, really like you.

    If these words ring true, perhaps it's time for you to ask the Gypsy to cast her Popularity spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-popularity-link|"Gypsy Popularity Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-popularity-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This is a most sought after spell in that it is designed to allow certain characteristics in you to rise to the surface for all to see."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-snake-charmer-spell|"Gypsy Snake Charmer Spell"|GP15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    An all-purpose spell to help you change someone's mind or to turnaround a seemingly impossible situation.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    An all-purpose spell to help you change someone's mind or to turnaround a seemingly impossible situation. This fascinating spell is designed to outthink, outmaneuver and outsmart anyone who is standing in your way - whether friend or foe! If you have a situation that seems impossible to fix, the Gypsy Snake Charmer spell could make the hurdles look like anthills. The Snake Charmer could wow a new love or persuade an old love to return. The Snake Charmer could devastate an opponent, leaving them confused and incapable of causing you further harm. And the Snake Charmer could let you easily charm your way to a new job and more money. And the Snake Charmer can change a person's mind, bringing them over to your point of view - without them even realizing it! The Snake Charmer can do your bidding. All you have to do is ask. Do these words feel like they could have been written by you?
    • I want the gift of being able to persuade people to do good things for me.
    • I want to charm all those who come in contact with me.
    • I want people to love my personality.
    • I want my sense of humor to be sharp and really funny.
    • I want to look and feel self-assured.
    • I want to emit a special aura that attracts the person or persons I want to attract.
    • I want people to smile warmly and with affection when they think of me.
    • I want people to say wonderful things about me when I'm not present.
    • I want to be able to convince anyone to do anything.
    • I want to lead a charmed life.

    If these thoughts reflect your current state of mind, the Gypsy's Snake Charmer spell could make your life very, very interesting.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-snake-charmer-link|"Gypsy Snake Charmer Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-snake-charmer-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"An all-purpose spell to help you change someone's mind or to turnaround a seemingly impossible situation."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-vamp-spell|"Gypsy Vamp Spell"|GP20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    The Gypsy Hypnotic Vamp spell is designed to mesmerize your lover and literally bringing them to their knees!

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    (Note: This spell is applicable to both men and women.) Is this you? You've tried everything and are beyond frustration because your lover is still resisting your advances. If this, indeed, is what you are currently experiencing, the Gypsy Hypnotic Vamp spell is designed to penetrate the walls of resistance by mesmerizing your lover and literally bringing them to their knees. Read the following words slowly and carefully and see if you have these thoughts racing through your mind?
    • I want to have my way with my lover.
    • I want to be desired for both my mind and body.
    • I want to have the power over my loved one so we can live together without animosity.
    • I want to capture my lover's heart and soul.
    • I want my lover to be enchanted with me.
    • I want my lover to think I'm mysterious, and not think of anyone else but me.
    • I want my lover to get excited when they set eyes upon me.
    • And I want it all - love, lust, happiness.
    This Gypsy Hypnotic spell is most unique in that it frees your inhibitions, allowing you to drum up fascinating and alluring qualities from within that you didn't even know you had. As your self-confidence grows, your physical appearance will cast out an alluring sensuality you hadn't experienced previously. Once the Vamp spell is cast, you will find not only your lover looking at you with lust, but others will appear to notice your magnetic charms as well. This is an exciting spell because it instantly alters your aura, bringing about positive changes in not only the way you carry yourself, but your overall physical appearance as well.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-wild-dreams-spell|"Gypsy Wild Dreams Spell"|GP18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This is an unusual spell. It is not for everyone.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is an unusual spell. It is not for everyone. The Gypsy Wild Dreams spell is for the person who wants to take his/her life to a significantly higher level. And while you soar to the heights of ecstasy, the special person you desire will be enamored by the ""new you."" The Gypsy Wild Dreams spell is designed to highlight your sensual qualities while allowing your uninhibited thoughts to penetrate the person you desire. Soon, your thoughts will be their thoughts. Do these thoughts cross your mind?
    • I want my dreams and fantasies to be realized.
    • I want that special person to have lust in their eyes every time they look at me.
    • I want to look and feel like I am someone very, very special.
    • I want to live the life of the people I read about in books.
    • I want to have a spectacular relationship (intellectual, emotion
    • al and physical) with the person I love.
    • I want to have it all: love, lust, a worry-free life.

    If you want your lover to be on the same wavelength as you, and you want their dreams and fantasies to be the same as your dreams and fantasies, then perhaps it's time to have the Gypsy cast a spectacular spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-wild-dreams-link|"Gypsy Wild Dreams Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-wild-dreams-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This is an unusual spell. It is not for everyone."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-her-love-me-spell|"Gypsy, Make Her Love Me Spell"|GP7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Request a Gypsy Hypnotic spell cast in your behalf, and let our expert concentrate on your one overriding desire - to have your woman love you unconditionally.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You're a good man and you're in love with a very special woman. But there are problems, and right now she doesn't care for you as much as you care for her. And you'd give anything to change it. It's a heartbreaking position to be in, and you're not sure what your next step should be. Should you break it off and move on? Should you hang in there and hope for the best? Will her heart soften and will she eventually see you the way you see her? That is, will she finally realize you are the one man for her, the one man with whom she wants to spend the rest of her life? There is something you can do Request a Gypsy Hypnotic spell cast in your behalf, and let our expert concentrate on your one overriding desire - to have your woman love you unconditionally. And, remember, if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with your Gypsy Hypnotic spell, you can get your money back, up to one full year after it was cast. Certainly, with the stakes so high, you should give the Gypsy a chance to bring this woman closer to you. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words are ringing true and are reflecting your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy Hypnotic spell is for you. Make Her Love Me! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want my woman to truly believe I'm special.
    • I want her to realize how lucky she is to have met me.
    • Have her desire me - intellectually, emotionally, sexually.
    • Make her realize she will be the happiest with me.
    • Keep her eyes affixed to me and only me.
    • Make me so appealing to her she'll never crave another man.
    • Make her stay with me.
    • Have her see my inner beauty and all the beautiful qualities I have.
    • Have her look into my eyes with caring, love and affection.
    • Make us the happiest couple on the planet.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-him-love-me-spell|"Gypsy, Make Him Love Me Spell"|GP6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Request a Gypsy Hypnotic spell to be cast in your behalf, and let our expert concentrate on your one overriding desire - to have your man love you with all his heart.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It's truly heartbreaking when someone you love is not reciprocating your affection, your loyalty, your commitment to him. If you are reading this, then you may be experiencing such a moment. After all, you know what you want in life: companionship, laughter, loyalty - a man who loves you for who you are and doesn't want to change you. But what can be done if he is afraid of commitment? What can be done if he has a wandering eye and thinks settling down with one woman is not his cup of tea? And how do you feel when you know he's the right man for you, but if you lose him there may never be another? Fortunately, there is something you can do. Request a Gypsy Hypnotic spell to be cast in your behalf, and let our expert concentrate on your one overriding desire - to have your man love you with all his heart. And, remember, if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with your Gypsy Hypnotic spell, you can get your money back, up to one full year after it was cast. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words ring true and reflect your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy Hypnotic spell is for you. Make Him Love Me! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want my man to truly believe I am very special.
    • Awaken my man's inner desire to love and caress me.
    • Make it extremely difficult for him to live without me.
    • Clear his head and have him think only about me.
    • Make him find me so appealing he'll never look at another woman with lust in his eyes.
    • Make him a good guy - with outstanding values, ethics and kindness.
    • Have him look into my eyes with caring, love and affection.
    • Have him desire me - intellectually, emotionally, sexually.
    • Make him stay with me.
    • Make us the happiest couple on the planet.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-happy-link|"Gypsy, Make Me Happy"||LINK.|gypsy-make-me-happy-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is designed to set you on the road to success and happiness, and you will be surrounded by people who love and care for you."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-more-attractive-link|"Gypsy, Make Me More Attractive"||LINK.|gypsy-make-me-more-attractive-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Make Me More Attractive spell is a powerful spell that delves deep into your subconscious bringing your beauty and appeal to the surface for all to see."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-more-attractive-spell|"Gypsy, Make Me More Attractive Spell"|GP5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    The Make Me More Attractive spell is a powerful spell that delves deep into your subconscious bringing your beauty and appeal to the surface for all to see.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It is indeed true that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. The Make Me More Attractive spell is a powerful spell that delves deep into your subconscious bringing your beauty and appeal to the surface for all to see. Think about the possibilities. How many times have you looked in the mirror and were impressed with what you have seen, while at other times you thought, Oh God, what has happened to me? This is because we have various images of ourselves depending on what our self-esteem is at that specific moment in time. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words ring true and reflect your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy Hypnoticspell is for you. Make Me More Attractive! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want people to notice me.
    • I want to feel more comfortable in my skin.
    • I want my self-esteem and self-confidence to soar.
    • I want that special person to go head over heels over me.
    • I want my sensuality to bowl over the one I'm attracted to.
    • I want to feel positive about my body and my overall appearance.
    • I want to look in the mirror and love what I see.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-rich-spell-link|"Gypsy, Make Me Rich Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-make-me-rich-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is designed to liberate your creativity, enabling you to come up with the best ideas to make money. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-stress-free-link|"Gypsy, Make Me Stress Free Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-make-me-stress-free-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"If you are letting your worries and problems get to you, there are several steps you can take to cope with them. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-stress-free-spell|"Gypsy, Make Me Stress Free Spell"|GP3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If you are letting your worries and problems get to you, there are several steps you can take to cope with them.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are letting your worries and problems get to you, there are several steps you can take to cope with them. You can take a deep breath and try to relax, and you can tell yourself that in time the level of tension and anxiety will pass. You can also remedy the situation by simply walking away from whatever it is that is causing you stress. Of course, sometimes it is not that simple, is it? If you have tried the above and feel you are in need of additional help, may we suggest a unique alternative that is designed to alleviate tension, stress and anxiety from your life. The Gypsy Make Me Stress Free spell is designed to go directly to the heart of the problem - your subconscious. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words are ringing true and are reflecting your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy spell is for you. Make Me Stress Free! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I won't let the little things get to me.
    • I'll be smiling and looking forward to what the day will bring.
    • I'll be relaxed and at my best.
    • My body and soul will be at peace.
    • Loved ones and friends will be more amiable toward me.
    • Many problems will work themselves out without my having to do anything.
    • My self-esteem will soar.
    • My relationships will grow stronger and more secure.
    • As I grow more positive and relaxed, it will appear that the world around me grows warmer and more attuned to my feelings.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this unique Gypsy Hypnotic spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-unbelievably-successful-link|"Gypsy, Make Me Unbelievably Successful"||LINK.|gypsy-make-me-unbelievably-successful-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Who wouldn't want to have a bank account that is overflowing, allowing you to live a life of splendor? "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-me-unbelievably-successful-spell|"Gypsy, Make Me Unbelievably Successful Spell"|GP4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Who wouldn't want to have a bank account that is overflowing, allowing you to live a life of splendor?

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    So you want to be successful? Is this you? You would like to enjoy the fruits of your labor, and you don't want to wait until you're seventy years old to do it. You want to have the funds to buy anything you need, and you want to have the leisure time to enjoy it. Simply put, you want to live your dreams. After all, who wouldn't want to have a bank account that is overflowing, allowing you to live a life of splendor? Well, why shouldn't it be you? The Secret of Successful people One of the common characteristics of successful people is they're able to focus their concentration on ""making it."" Some may call it an obsession, but once a person has convinced himself that he's going to make it, it is simply a matter of time before it becomes reality. So, you should set your mind to ""making it."" That will certainly go a long way in helping you reach your goals, but there is one more thing you can do to help yourself in your climb to the top. The Gypsy, Make Me Successful spell can implant the image of success in your subconscious and help guide you to the path of success. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words are ringing true and are reflecting your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy Hypnoticspell is for you. Make Me Unbelievably Successful! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I will accomplish more, and I'll be able to do it with less effort.
    • Others will observe my accomplishments and will appreciate, respect and compliment me.
    • Finally, my sweat and labor will pay off.
    • I will be rewarded and receive monstrous paydays.
    • My most important goals will reach fruition.
    • No longer will I fantasize about my potential; it will become reality!
    • My success will affect other aspects of my life - improving relationships with loved ones, friends and work associates.
    • New ideas, practical ideas will come to me as if dropped from the sky.
    • My innovative force will become activated, and I will be able to reap the rewards quickly and effortlessly.
    • It will appear as if I've suddenly become very lucky. And, indeed, that is precisely what will have happened.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this unique Gypsy Hypnotic spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-career-soar-spell-link|"Gypsy, Make My Career Soar"||LINK.|gypsy-make-my-career-soar-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Once your Gypsy Hypnotic spell is cast, you'll feel an inspiration from within that will propel you to greater achievements. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-career-soar-spell|"Gypsy, Make My Career Soar Spell"|GP11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Once your Gypsy Hypnotic spell is cast, you'll feel an inspiration from within that will propel you to greater achievements.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is this you? Your career has somehow stalled and you wonder how to get it back on track. And you cannot wait to show what you've got, that you have the ability and the intensity to, 1). Be highly successful, and, 2). Make a lot of money. So, what can you do about it? You can continue to do the best job you can, to display your talent for all to see. But there is something else you can do. You can call upon an expert in the paranormal, someone who has the ability to penetrate the barriers preventing you from attaining your goals. Once your Gypsy Hypnotic spell is cast, you'll feel an inspiration from within that will propel you to greater achievements. Once this happens, you will finally receive your due: instant recognition by the ones who count. And, remember, if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with your Gypsy Hypnotic spell, you can get your money back, up to one full year after it was cast. With the stakes so high, why not give the Gypsy a chance to give your career the boost it needs? As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words ring true and reflect your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy spell is for you. Make My Career Soar! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want to be rewarded for my efforts.
    • I want my next job to be the best job.
    • I want my job to be relatively stress free.
    • I want my coworkers to respect me.
    • I want raises without having to ask for them.
    • I want to make a lot of money.
    • I want my bank account to start multiplying.
    • I want to stand out, be recognized, be admired.
    • I want others to say how lucky I am.
    • I want to awake each day looking forward to a great day!
    • If I start my own business, I want it to be wildly successful.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-enemy-weaker-spell|"Gypsy, Make My Enemy Weaker Spell"|GP9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This Make My Enemy Weaker spell is designed to penetrate your antagonist's subconscious, making them vulnerable and weak, leading them to question their own abilities.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone out there who has it in for you? Is this person relentless in their desire to have you stumble and go through tough times? If so, they are about to regret crossing swords with you, as this remarkable hypnotic spell has proved successful with so many others who were in the same predicament as you. This Make My Enemy Weaker spell is designed to penetrate your antagonist's subconscious, making them vulnerable and weak, leading them to question their own abilities. And all that they have wished negatively upon you will reverberate back to them many times over. So, why arise each morning wondering what this person has in store for you? Rather than reacting to what they've done, you can be proactive and head them off at the pass, negating anything and everything they had planned to do to you in a harmful way. Sooner than you think, they will see the error of their ways. But best of all, they will leave you alone! As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words are ringing true and are reflecting your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy Hypnotic spell is for you. Make My Enemy Weaker! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want to cast out this naysayer.
    • I want this person to stew in their own discontent.
    • I want to be free of their wrath, their evil glare.
    • I want this person to get what they deserve.
    • I want this person's bad thoughts to reverberate back on them, tenfold.
    • I want my life to be peaceful again.
    • I don't want to be harassed by this person.
    • I want to be surrounded by friends, not enemies.
    • I want this person to be afraid of me.
    • I want to know this person will be incapable of doing me harm.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-lover-return-to-me-spell-link|"Gypsy, Make My Lover Return to Me"||LINK.|https://www.calastrology.com/gypsy-make-my-lover-return-to-me-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This powerful spell is intended to penetrate your lover's subconscious. And once this occurs they will realize that you are the person to be with. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-lover-return-to-me-spell|"Gypsy, Make My Lover Return To Me Spell"|GP10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gypsy, Make My Lover Return To Me Spell"|""|"

    This powerful spell is intended to penetrate your lover's subconscious. And once this occurs they will realize that you are the person to be with.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You've been shunned by the one you love, and you grow more frustrated and more hopeless each day that you are apart. So if you think you've exhausted all methods of getting your one-and-only back, here's something to consider: The powers of the paranormal can be spectacularly effective when practiced by a Master Psychic. In this instance, an expert in Gypsy Hypnotic spells is willing to help get your life back on track. If you think there is a chance your lover can return, this powerful spell is intended to penetrate your lover's subconscious. And once this occurs they will realize that you are the person to be with - not anyone else. And, remember, if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with the results of your Gypsy Hypnotic spell, you can get your money back, up to one full year after it was cast. Certainly, with the stakes so high, you should give the Gypsy a chance to bring your lover back to you. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words ring true and reflect your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy spell is for you. Make My Lover Return to Me! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I know we'll make it this time.
    • Let this spell pierce my lover's resistance.
    • I know we are right for each other.
    • This time we'll be on the same wavelength.
    • Our aspirations and goals will be the same.
    • No more arguments.
    • More trusting, more love.
    • Make my lover realize the future is with me.
    • Return my lover and make us the happiest couple on earth!

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-sex-life-incredible-spell|"Gypsy, Make My Sex Life Incredible"|GP8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gypsy, Make My Sex Life Incredible"|""|"

    Be prepared for a spectacular turnaround in your romantic endeavors!

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    So, you want to add excitement to your life? You've come to the right place. This spell is designed to promote uninhibited sensual relations between you and your lover. The moment your Make My Sex Life Incredible spell is cast, you will begin to feel the juices flowing within. Others will notice a glow about you that, first of all, will make people notice you, and secondly, will prove irresistible to the special person who you line up in your sights. With this new sensuous aura engulfing you, you will be able to draw people closer to you without even trying. And the one(s) you are attracted to will be affected by your magnetism and desire to caress and love you with a passion that people merely fantasize about. So be prepared for a spectacular turnaround in your romantic endeavors. And, remember, if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with your Gypsy Hypnotic spell, you can get your money back, up to one full year after it was cast As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words are ringing true and are reflecting your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy Hypnotic spell is for you. Make My Sex Life Incredible! (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want it all: uninhibited, exciting, marvelous sex.
    • I want my lover to have an insatiable desire to make love to me.
    • I want my lover's blood to stir every time we're together.
    • I want to be able to tell my closest friend that I am having the time of my life in bed - and mean it.
    • I want my lover to want to have sex with me and only me.
    • And I want it all right now… Not next month, not next year, right now!

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this important spell in your behalf.
    Increase the potency of the Gypsy, Make My Sex Life Incredible spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Lust Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-melt-my-lovers-heart-spell|"Gypsy, Melt My Lover's Heart Spell"|GP14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Gypsy, Melt My Lover's Heart Spell"|""|"

    There are few things more disheartening than to be in the midst of a deteriorating relationship.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things more disheartening than to be in the midst of a deteriorating relationship. It is heartbreaking when the person you love is not giving back the tender loving care you so long for. You worry that the relationship may be irreparable, and you dread the thought of starting over and all that it entails. This ""hot"" Gypsy Hypnotic spell is designed to melt your lover's heart and get the relationship back to where you want it. It is the Gypsy's mission to bring this person back to you with regret in their heart and a newfound respect and love for you. This spell is for you if this is what you feel in your heart:
    • I want my lover to think only good things about me.
    • I want to be respected and cared for.
    • I want my love to be reciprocated.
    • I want to be free of worry and that our relationship is not in jeopardy.
    • I want others to be envious of the close relationship we have.
    • I want to be able to trust my lover again, knowing we will be together.
    • I want to rid people from our lives who do not wish us well and who are detrimental to our relationship.
    • I want our relationship to be repaired.
    • I want us to be looked at as a loving, happy, long-lasting couple.

    So if you want to be together with this person, then get right to the heart of the matter.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-overcome-my-loneliness-spell|"Gypsy, Overcome My Loneliness Spell"|GP12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Once your Gypsy Hypnotic spell is cast, you'll feel an inspiration from within that will help guide you to the right place at the right time to meet your soul mate.

    Tell me more "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are alone and yearn for that one special person, what you are currently going through can best be described as agony. Loneliness can be so overwhelming it can cancel out the other positive things in your life. And if you are going through this kind of loneliness and such despair, you must do everything within your power to deal with it. Spend as much time with friends, family and work associates as possible, and do what you can to put yourself in a position to meet other people. That's what you can do on your end. What can we do to help? We'll assign an expert in the paranormal, someone who is extraordinarily gifted at casting Gypsy Hypnotic spells. This person has the ability to penetrate the barriers preventing you from meeting the love of your life. Once your Gypsy Hypnotic spell is cast, you'll feel an inspiration from within that will help guide you to the right place at the right time to meet your soul mate. And, remember, if you are not one hundred percent satisfied with your Gypsy Hypnotic spell, you can get your money back, up to one full year after it was cast. Certainly, with the stakes so high, you should give the Gypsy a chance to let you experience the joys of companionship, laughter and love. As you read the following words, whisper them aloud softly and slowly. If you feel the words ring true and reflect your goals and aspirations, this Gypsy spell is for you. Gypsy, Overcome My Loneliness (Whisper these words softly and slowly)
    • I want to end this misery and find my mate.
    • I want this person to be kind and gentle and giving.
    • I want their sense of humor to be sharp and to make me laugh.
    • I want to live together without fear of ever being alone again.
    • I want others to look at us as a couple and tell us how lucky we are.
    • I want to be held, caressed and loved.
    • I want us to be able to spend 24/7 together without ever getting tired of each other.
    • I want to be loved and respected for who I am, and I don't want anyone to change me.
    • I promise to do everything in my power to make the relationship work.
    • I have learned from past mistakes and will make sure I do it right this time.
    • I want to be happy and content.
    • I want to awaken each day with the wonderful thought that we finally met.

    If you have been moved by these words, we will be pleased to cast this spell in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| happiness-spell|"Happiness Spell"|HAP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Happiness Spell"|""|"The Happiness spell is suitable for you if your life has essentially come to a complete stop and you are not at all happy with your current condition."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a very powerful spell that is cast for three specific purposes:    1) To bring you ultimate joy and satisfaction in romance.    2) To fill your pocketbook to the brim.    3) To have you get up each day with a smile on your face. The Happiness spell is suitable for you if your life has essentially come to a complete stop and you are not at all happy with your current condition. You may want to stop here! If you don't meet the following qualifications, we suggest you don't request the Happiness spell. Do not order this spell, if:
    • You are at a stage in life in which you are content and don't feel the need to radically change things.
    • You have a partner who truly loves you, fulfilling most of your desires.
    • You are financially secure and don't have to worry about current or future financial obligations.
    • You don't believe in the paranormal, and you feel that psychics cannot affect your life in any way.
    • You are committed to solving every problem, every dilemma yourself and do not require the input or assistance of another.
    If you have answered yes to most or all of the above, this spell is not for you. Please stop here. However, if you are still searching for love, and you still have the need for a lot more money, plus you believe that gifted psychics possess powers that can bring about extraordinary results... you have come to the right place. The Happiness spell is perfectly suited for you. Here's how the Happiness spell can affect your life:
    • You won't be filled with regret or be angry at yourself for passing up another golden opportunity. This spell heightens your intuition, alerting you to when love and money come knocking on your door.
    • Old friends and family will be drawn closer to you, and new faces will appear to brighten your life.
    • You'll experience the joy of watching your bank account grow.
    • Life will become pleasurable again, and you will be filled with hope and excitement – something that has been missing for some time.
    If you wish to arise in the morning with a smile on your face and money in the bank, you have come to the right place.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| happy-husband|"Happy Husband, Happy Life"|HHL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|""|""|"Have you wished for some time that your man showed you more affection, more caring, more touching, more loving?

    Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night


    Do you believe most things that happen are due to chance, but once in a while something occurs that was indeed meant to happen?

    So if you have wished for some time that your man showed you more affection, more caring, more touching, more loving, then it is quite possible you were meant to be reading these words at this very moment.

    Are you ready to be loved unconditionally?

    If you seek a remedy to your loved one’s stubbornness, his resistance to your charm, your warmth, your love, The Happy Husband, Happy Life spell could provide the breakthrough you’ve been seeking.

    And if you are worried that your relationship is at a breaking point, and in your heart you know you must do something today, a gifted Master Psychic awaits the go-ahead from you to cast the Happy Husband, Happy Life in your behalf.

    This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night).


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| happy-mate-spell|"Happy Mate, Happy Marriage Spell"|HMM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you dream of a life of pleasure with the love of your life, this potent spell is designed specifically for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you dream of a life of pleasure with the love of your life, this potent spell is designed specifically for you.
    Does this sound familiar to you?
    Does your loved one need a kick-start? Do they need to be reminded how important you are to them and how devastated they would be without you? If so, the Happy Mate, Happy Marriage spell could do the following in your behalf:
    • Lower your loved one’s defense mechanisms.
    • Dissolve their stubbornness, allowing them to think clearly and reasonably.
    • Open communication so the two of you can express your feelings, your love for each other.
    • Free them from anger, hostility and bitterness...so they can look at you with fondness, happiness, joy.
    If the above touches your heart and fulfills your greatest dreams, a Master Psychic could plant the seeds of forgiveness, romance and hope in this person you so adore. And once the Happy Mate, Happy Marriage spell is cast in your behalf, a spectacular future awaits you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| have-it-all|"Have It All Spell"|HIA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"The Have It All spell is for the type of person who won't settle for second best."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This all-encompassing spell will be cast three times in the same day: morning – noon – and evening If you are the type of person who won’t settle for second best and you want to “have it all,” you have come to the right place. So if you dream big... If you dream of leading the life of the rich and famous... If you won’t be satisfied until you achieve your goals of having the wealth, the respect of others, the means to go where you want, when you want... And the love, lust, money, power and happiness you so deserve... Then the Have It All spell was designed to please someone like yourself -- a very unique person who won’t be satisfied until your monumental goals are fulfilled.
    Does the following closely describe you?
    • You are the type of person who has always looked beyond the horizon.
    • Not accepting your lot in life and dreaming of bigger things.
    • Things that perhaps most people don’t think they’d ever attain.
    • But you have always had that vision of having it all. Doing it all.
    • Displaying admirable determination and fortitude in your quest for “The Best Things in Life.”
    So if the above resonates with you and you wish to expedite your most glorious dreams. Dreams of being surrounded by people who not only like and love you, but who respect and admire you. You should know that a gifted Master Psychic awaits your go ahead to help lift you out of the ordinary existence to a life filled with money, power, love, lust and happiness. Because of the vastness and complexity of the Have It All spell, the Master Psychic will cast it three times in the same day – morning – noon – and evening. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| heal-my-relationship-spell|"Heal My Relationship Spell"|HMR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Heal My Relationship Spell"|""|"Align your spirit with your loved one and put your relationship back on the same track!"|""|""|""|""|""|" This is a very straightforward spell. The purpose of the Heal My Relationship spell is to simply align your spirit with your loved one and put your relationship back on the same track. This spell is for you, if:
    • The person you love is so bitter and angry they are not willing to listen to reason.
    • It appears that no matter what you say or do - whether you apologize or admit past mistakes - they are so resistant, you feel you are talking to a wall.
    • You know in your heart that you are right - that the two of you are meant to be together, and if you get a second chance, the relationship will fulfill your dreams of happiness.
    • You feel that your loved one's heart is being poisoned by outside forces, and you have been unsuccessful up to now to convince them that it is not your fault.
    The Heal My Relationship spell is designed to break down the walls of resistance and to heal the wounds inflicted by past differences. It could work wonders for the two of you, allowing you to have the relationship of your dreams. If you believe there are powers in the universe that we can neither comprehend nor see, perhaps it's time for you to let these powers work for you. A Master Psychic who specializes in broken relationships is awaiting your call. The two of you can be a perfect couple again, but only if you are given that second chance."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-hear-my-words-lower-your-defenses-spell|"Hear My Words! Lower Your Defenses! Love Me!"|LTM11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Hear My Words! Lower Your Defenses! Love Me!

    Is Your Loved-one Turning a Deaf Ear Toward You?

    This popular spell is a longtime favorite of Leonardo's clients.

    It is often referred to as the Attitude Adjustment spell because of the remarkable change in attitude of the person the spell was directed to.

    Ask yourself these four important questions:

    • Do you sometimes feel that the love of your life is acting in a stubborn, arrogant way?
    • Does this person often refuse to really listen to you and absorb what you have to say?
    • And because of frustration and disappointment in certain aspects of their life, are they taking their frustrations out on you?
    • And, perhaps most important, do you fear this precious relationship may be headed for disaster?

    If the above four questions resonate with you, you should know that you are not alone.

    The gifted mystic Leonardo understands your situation because so many of his clients throughout the years have expressed similar problems in their relationships.

    What Leonardo can do for you

    Leonardo will cast this potent spell with the purpose of awakening your loved one, so they can truly hear what you have to say.

    And, even more important, positively act upon it.

    So, if you are deeply hurt and worried about this once excellent relationship and you don't know where to turn, you were meant to read these words right at this moment!

    Leonardo could help you, as he has helped so many others, achieve a rapid and amazing turnaround in your relationship.

    Delaying action could worsen the problem

    Time may be running out, so this is not the time to be indecisive. This is the time for you to be proactive and take action!

    Leonardo awaits the go ahead from you to cast this very potent spell in your behalf.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo1|"Hello Love/Goodbye Loneliness Duo Spell"|DUO1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    It's time to break the shackles of loneliness and bring that special person into your life. No longer will you have to go through life alone, dependent on only yourself, worrying what will happen as you get older. These two spells are perfectly tuned to work together to bring you companionship and love."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-love|"Help for Love & Relationships"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:SS-RETRIEVE :SS-NEWLOVE :SS-STRUGGLING :SS-NEXTLEVEL :SS-BREAKUP :SS-GAY-RELATIONSHIPS :SS-OTHER-RELATIONSHIP-ISSUES)"|"(:SS-RETRIEVE :SS-NEWLOVE :SS-STRUGGLING :SS-NEXTLEVEL :SS-BREAKUP :SS-GAY-RELATIONSHIPS :SS-OTHER-RELATIONSHIP-ISSUES)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-money|"Help for Money & Finances"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:SS-LOTTERY :SS-GAMBLING :SS-PERSONAL-FINANCES :SS-BUSINESS-FINANCES :SS-WINDFALL :SS-MONEY-STRESS)"|"(:SS-LOTTERY :SS-GAMBLING :SS-PERSONAL-FINANCES :SS-BUSINESS-FINANCES :SS-WINDFALL :SS-MONEY-STRESS)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| help-me-spell|"Help Me! Spell"|HMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Help Me! Spell"|""|"If you are in a situation that requires urgent attention, a Master Psychic awaits your call to cast this most effective spell."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are in a situation that requires urgent attention, a Master Psychic awaits your call to cast this most effective spell. This spell is for you, if:
    • Your need must be attended to right now!
    • You can wait no longer for this situation to be taken care of!
    • Your predicament is serious and you can't wait a second longer!
    • You are at your wit's end and you need a spell to set things right!
    If you answered yes to the above, then you are indeed in a serious situation. And sometimes a person has to reach out for help when nothing else has worked. The Help Me! spell is a one-of-a-kind spell designed to speed up the process of solving your most urgent dilemma. So if your life has come to a screeching halt because a situation has you paralyzed, it's time to take an important step in making your life whole again. The Help Me! spell could provide the breakthrough you've been seeking.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-gambling|"Help with Gambling"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-luck|"Help with Luck & Success...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:SS-IMPROVE-LUCK :SS-SUCCESS :SS-BLOCKED)"|"(:SS-IMPROVE-LUCK :SS-SUCCESS :SS-BLOCKED)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-business-finances|"Help with struggling business finances..."||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-success|"Help with Success...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-lottery|"Help with the Lottery & Games of Chance"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-personal-finances|"Help with your Personal Finances...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| hera-queen-of-gods|"Hera, Queen of Gods"|P02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|""|""|"Hera, Queen of Gods"|""|"Once you place this remarkable amulet around your neck, you will feel the power of the Goddess Hera and all she represents."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    Hera, the powerful Goddess was married to Zeus. In the pantheon of the Gods, Hera is perceived to represent all that is unique and beautiful in woman: intelligence, sensuality, faithfulness, inner strength... Those who underestimate Hera or cross her do so at their own risk. For although she is a kind and caring Goddess, Hera has a temper, and she relies on her wiles to outsmart and outmaneuver those who do not wish her well. Once you place this remarkable amulet around your neck, you will feel the power of the Goddess Hera and all she represents. Be prepared to be infused with Hera's unlimited energy and cleverness. Made of silver and highly polished, Hera's amulet will charm anyone who crosses your path and soon they will feel helpless to resist your newfound magnetism. (Silver chain included.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| hexwangano306|"Hex Wanga"|W6|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek revenge, retribution, want to even the score."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| hold-me-close-spell|"Hold Me Close...Really Close Spell"|HMC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Once the Hold Me Close...Really Close spell is cast, your allure and desirability could be irresistible to the one you love. And soon your bodies will intertwine, meld together...and the two of you will never want to let go."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Hold Me Close...Really Close spell is specifically designed to bridge the current gap between you and your partner. Once cast, your allure and desirability could be irresistible to the one you love. And soon your bodies will intertwine, meld together...and the two of you will never want to let go.
    Is this your dream, your fantasy?
    So if you dream of having a close physical and emotional, unbreakable bond with that special person, well... you have come to the right place.
    Is the Hold Me Close...Really Close spell for you?
    • Do you feel a distance between you and the person you so dearly love?
    • Do you sense a coldness, an uncaring attitude in your partner that hadn’t been there earlier in your relationship?
    • And do you fear that if you can’t bring your partner closer to you, the gap between you will grow and grow...until the relationship is no more?
    If the above words resonate with you, then the Hold Me Close...Really Close spell could be just what you need at this very critical point in your relationship. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| holiday-love-spell|"Holiday Love Spell"|HOL|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Holiday Love Spell"|""|"Is this the time of year when you wish you had the person of your dreams by your side?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Is this the time of year when you wish you had the person of your dreams by your side? Do you feel an emptiness knowing you are missing out on romance, intimacy and companionship? f Whether you are currently searching for your soul mate or merely want to enhance a current love, don't sit back and dream about it. Do something. A powerful psychic is awaiting your call. And once you commission him to work in your behalf, you could be in for the surprise of your life. Then you can look forward to journeying through life hand in hand with your soul mate, reaping the rewards of an intimate, trusting, loving relationship. Here is what lies ahead for you:
    • A joyous life for you each and every day.
    • You will be cherished and adored by that special person.
    • You will be the envy of others when they observe you brimming over with hope and laughter and happiness.
    • You and your partner could be blessed with loyalty, love and happiness.
    Life is not a dress rehearsal and you owe it to yourself to do everything within your powers to bring your dreams to reality. So, whether you have a specific person in mind or are searching for someone new, we urge you to enlist the services of a powerful psychic. Immediately upon hearing from you, he will summon his formidable powers to bring you the love you deserve. We at California Astrology Association want you to be together with the person who loves you like no other. We will do everything within our power to make it happen, and if we don't meet your complete expectations, we will refund your money in full. Period. No questions asked.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| homecoming|"Homecoming Spell"|HCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|""|""|"It's time for your lover to come back home to you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is all I want: Send my lover back to me! This potent spell will be cast spell not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night). "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| horbybur|"Horoscope by Burton"|BUR|ITEM.||(16.95)|||"""Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Your Time of Birth (if known):
    Your Place of Birth:
    "|"Horoscope by Burton"|""|"If you are frustrated in romance, if you urgently need money to bring you the material wealth that could make life more worthwhile -- Burton's amazing insights will open the doors previously closed to you... Burton will show you the way!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Will your lost love return?
    Will you finally get that financial windfall?
    Will you ever achieve true happiness?
    The mystic known as Burton accurately predicted the precise time and date of the disastrous Los Angeles earthquake. Now, after 25 years of successfully casting horoscopes for some of the most famous people in the world, Burton is prepared to personally forecast your future! If you are frustrated in romance, if you urgently need money to bring you the material wealth that could make life more worthwhile -- Burton's amazing insights will open the doors previously closed to you.
    Burton could help you if you are in these predicaments:
    • You desperately seek the return of a lost love but don't know what to do about it.
    • You crave intimacy but suffer disappointment after disappointment from that very special person.
    • You want to have hope but are afraid you are growing more helpless each day to do anything about it.
    • You feel time is not on your side.
    • You feel alone -- you against the world -- and no one out there truly cares about your predicament. And if they do care, they don't have the time or inclination to do anything about it.

    Your astrological chart will be analyzed to its finest detail, with no potential windfall or pitfall overlooked or disregarded. The positive will be highlighted, and you will receive specific guidance on how to neutralize the negative or completely eliminate it altogether. As Burton has often stated, “Success and happiness can be achieved only by 'seeing' what lies ahead and being prepared to deal with it.”
    “Let me prepare your forecast and bring you up-to-date on your future. I will cover the areas of your life that are most important to you: relationships, love, luck, friendship, money, financial security, and much more--along with revealing many secrets that were heretofore 'hidden' from you.” Please be sure to indicate your Birth information so Burton can give you an accurate reading!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz|"How does your lover rate?"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Are you compatible with your lover... or someone you just met? Take this free quiz and you may be surprised with the results!"|""|""|""|""|""|" Are you compatible with your lover... or someone you just met? Take this free quiz and you may be surprised with the results! Have a particular person in mind? Curious if they are right for you? Would you like to know how this person ranks in terms of their compatibility with you? Here's your chance to read a fascinating analysis of a specific person you're interested in. Simply answer the questions in our unique questionnaire and you may learn a great deal about their strengths and weaknesses, your compatibility with this person, and the chances of success in a long term relationship. Directions: Rate each question from 1 to 10 (1 being the lowest, 10 being the best). For example, if you think this person has a terrific personality, you might want to give him or her a 9. Answer every question the best you can, not lingering too long before answering. If you are unsure, or can't answer a question, we suggest you mark 6 for that rating and move on to the next question, but do not leave any blank.
    Sense of humor
    Easy going
    Likes children
    Good listener
    Willing to compromise
    Values friendship
    Sex Appeal  
    Physically attractive
    Potential to be good lover
    Interested in sex
    Willing to experiment
    Turns you on
    Appealing mannerisms
    Common sense
    Willing to learn
    General Health  
    Physically active in daily routine
    Eats healthy
    Weight compared to height
    State of health
    Hard worker
    Works well with others
    Happy in career
    Makes good living
    Potential to do better
    Stable job
    Good provider
    Fiscally responsible
    Potential to attain wealth

    Your Lover's Rating:

    Click below to view your analysis:


    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| how-to-get-your-love-back|"How To Get Your Love Back!"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you want to get your love back right now, you have come to the right place."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Three Ways to Get Your Love Back

    • A Master Psychic could cast a spell to help get your love back.
    • A lucky amulet could generate powerful psychic forces to get your love back.
    • A Wanga doll or Voodoo doll could pierce your lover's resistance to get your love back.

    So if your heart is broken and you want to get your love back right now, you have come to the right place. And you have nothing to lose because if you don't get your love back, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| i-am-woman|"I Am Woman Spell"|IAW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Before you know it, your loved one will appreciate the magnificent woman you’ve always been."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you a sensual and intelligent woman? Do you crave to be recognized and appreciated for the amazing person you have become? And made love to as if you and your lover were doing it for the first time? And to be told how much your loved one cares for you and wants to remain by your side – permanently -- dealing with all of life’s challenges...together? If the above words accurately describe your current situation, you have come to the right place at the right time. The I Am Woman spell is designed to benefit you in numerous ways. And at the top of the list is to instill within that special person your beautiful, irresistible, feminine qualities. To have them bestow upon you the respect, admiration and love, enabling you to achieve the true happiness that few have experienced.
    Ready to fulfill your most fantastic dreams?
    So if you are ready to enjoy life to the fullest, then be prepared to make the gigantic leap into an incredible future. Before you know it, your loved one – plus those closest to you – will appreciate the magnificent woman you’ve always been. A talented Master Psychic awaits your call to action. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-money-stress|"I don't want to have to think about money anymore..."||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sg1|"I Will Be Rich"|SG1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| i-will-find-love-sigil-link|"I Will Find Love Sigil"||LINK.|sigils.html||||""|""|""|""|"An I Will Find Love Sigil is created when a gifted psychic merges all the letters of your wish into a one-of-a-kind love amulet."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sg6|"I Will Find Love Sigil"|SG6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| coming-home|"I'm Coming Home Spell"|CHS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If the love of your life is currently thinking of leaving, you should know there is something extraordinary you can do."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If the love of your life is currently thinking of leaving, or perhaps has already left, you should know there is something extraordinary you can do. And the result could be when the person for whom you care so deeply speaks perhaps the most beautiful words in the English language: I’m Coming Home!
    Is this you?
    • Are you currently in a relationship that is barely holding together?
    • Do you need to regain your loved one’s trust, loyalty, devotion – and most of all – their unconditional love?
    • And do you fervently wish they return to you at once?
    If you are nodding in the affirmative, the I’m Coming Home spell was created specifically for someone in your situation. So if you are ready to move beyond the bickering, the past disappointments, the mistrust, the feuds...a Master Psychic is ready to call upon his formidable psychic powers to make the words I’m Coming Home a reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-breakup|"If they are with someone else...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| impossible-dream-love-spell|"Impossible Dream ""Love"" Spell"|ID1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Impossible Dream ""Love"" Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Order this spell if you have someone in mind who is not reciprocating your love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| impossible-dream-lust-spell|"Impossible Dream ""Lust"" Spell"|ID2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Impossible Dream ""Lust"" Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Order this exciting spell if you want that special person to lust for you like no other.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| impossible-dream-money-spell|"Impossible Dream ""Money"" Spell"|ID3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Impossible Dream ""Money"" Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Order this spell if you are tired of scraping and fighting for every dollar, and you want money to flow endlessly into your bank account.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| impossible-dream-special-wish-spell|"Impossible Dream ""Special Wish"" Spell"|ID4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Impossible Dream ""Special Wish"" Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Order this unique spell if you have a special wish that will bring you the happiness you so deserve.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| impossible-dream-spell|"Impossible Dream Spell"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"This is your chance to have your most ardent wish become reality."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you long for a relationship that is filled with laughter and love? Do you lie awake at night wondering why your lover is not beside you, holding you, caressing you? Do you want to have enough money to keep you secure for the rest of your life? Each of us has a hope, a wish, a dream that will give us the one thing we all crave – happiness! So if you want to elevate your life to the next level and go through each and every day with a smile on your face, a Master Psychic can cast this powerful spell in your behalf. This spell is for you if:
    • At this moment you are not satisfied with your life.
    • You know in your heart you deserve to be happy and you will not be satisfied until you achieve it.
    • You are not like other people. You know precisely what you need to be happy and you will do everything possible to achieve this goal!
    This is your chance to have your most ardent wish become reality.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-improve-luck|"Improve Your Luck...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sex|"Improve your sex life"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Sexually unsatisfied? We can help improve your sex life!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Are you a sensual person who is not being fulfilled?
    • Do you want a particular person to lust for you the way you lust for them?
    • Want to have incredible excitement in bed you've never dreamed possible?
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell to help your fantasies become reality!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| in-a-pickle|"In a Pickle?"|IAP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are your current struggles in money and love causing you worry and anxiety? The ""Pickle"" spell could be the breakthrough you've been searching for."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you dream of what it would be like to be wildly successful in life? To have all the money you need to buy anything you want, go anywhere you want. And have the love of your life by your side through thick and thin, night and day, during good times and bad. But if you are like so many people, then you are currently struggling to make ends meet. With having so many bills to pay. And desperately trying to stay out of debt. And perhaps at the same time you are grievously worried that your relationship with a loved one is unsteady to say the least. So if your current struggles in money and love are causing you worry, anxiety and perhaps even sleepless nights, the unique and powerful “Pickle” spell could be the breakthrough you’ve been searching for.
    Does this sound familiar?
    • You awake each morning feeling a heavy weight on your shoulders.
    • You know you are a good person who has much love in your heart and all you are asking is that your loved one appreciates you, loves you...and wants to take care of you.
    • And regarding money matters, it appears that no matter what you do or how hard you try, you can’t seem to break free from your financial obligations.
    If the above words sound familiar, the Pickle spell could dissipate the dark cloud hovering over you, allowing you to take advantage of the opportunities that previously seemed to bypass you. And soon you could finally afford the life of luxury and leisure...as well as finally attaining the meaningful, passionate, successful relationship you so deserve. So if all of this sounds like music to your ears, as the man once said: You ain’t seen nothing yet! A Master Psychic is ready to cast the fantastic Pickle spell in your behalf to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po1|"Infatuation Potion Spell"|PO1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Infatuation Potion Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you have your eye on someone who isn't giving you the attention you deserve, you have come to the right place. At your beck and call is an expert who, upon hearing from you, will mix a potent elixir to enchant that special person with your ""enhanced"" aura. After this spell is cast, you will feel its effects from within. You will feel invigorated with strength, and you will have a premonition that something great is about to occur in your life. Soon, others will begin to notice that you cast off a glow of self-confidence, humor, and a special attractiveness that will be something to behold! And as for that special person, he or she will not only notice you but become infatuated with you. The Infatuation Potion spell is designed to dramatically enhance your aura making you irresistible to the person you desire. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sg4|"Infinite Luck Sigil"|SG4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo5|"Instant Riches/Life of Leisure Duo Spell"|DUO5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    Life has been a struggle for you. It's difficult to make ends meet and to save enough money to accumulate the beautiful possessions that will bring you pleasure and enjoyment. And just as important to have the leisure time to enjoy them. These two spells blend perfectly and effectively to bring your fantasies to fruition."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo2|"Instant Romance/Walking on Air Duo Spell"|DUO2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    What could be more thrilling then suddenly discovering the love of your life and realizing your future will be filled with laughter and excitement and everlasting love. When you experience this amazing turnaround, you will find even the most mundane chores will be bearable because of who awaits you when you get home."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| instant-turnaround-spell|"Instant Turnaround Spell"|ITS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Instant Turnaround Spell"|""|"Are you in a situation that calls for drastic action, but you don't know what action to take?"|""|""|""|""|""|" Are you in a situation that calls for drastic action? But you don't know what action to take? Perhaps you should request a spell that could pivot you around on a ""one-eighty,"" and head you off in the right direction. Does any of this sound familiar?
    • You are in a relationship that is going nowhere.
    • Or perhaps your finances have bottomed out.
    • Or maybe you have a problem that is stressing you out because it appears to be unsolvable?

    Whatever your predicament, you have two choices:
    • You can sit back and ""hope"" that things will change, or
    • You can be proactive and ""make"" things happen.

    If you select the first course of action, we wish you well and hope things work out for you. If you select the second choice, well, read on. The Instant Turnaround spell can:
    • Jump-start a stalled relationship.
    • Reenergize a romance or friendship that has deteriorated mostly due to misunderstandings and miscommunication.
    • Spark an improvement in your finances and get you on the fast track to a prosperous life.
    • Extricate you from a seemingly impossible situation.

    Sinking in quicksand? If you are entangled in a particular mess and feel like you're sinking in quicksand, then you should be first in line to request a spell that is designed specifically for you: The Instant Turnaround spell The Instant Turnaround spell will focus a laser beam on your particular problem, illuminating it, taking the mystery out of it, and revealing a clear course of action to take. So if your back is against the wall, don't give up. There is hope!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-breakup|"Invisible Spell: Breakup That Couple"|IS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""The Couple's Names"" Inscription 45 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    The Couple's Names:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"So many relationships are simply meant not-to-be. If this is the case – and you have no doubt about it – you can do something about it!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you know a couple that should not be together? Are you certain that down the road they will eventually break up? And all you want to do is speed up the process? So many relationships are simply meant not-to-be. If this is the case – and you have no doubt about it – you can do something about it! This is your opportunity to make things right.
    What this Invisible spell could do for you:
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of discord in the subconscious of a person of your choice. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could not only begin to have doubts about the relationship but begin to think about terminating it. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-sweet-love-home|"Invisible Spell: Bring My Sweet Love Home to Me"|IS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Mattias will penetrate your loved one’s subconscious to plant the seeds of forgiveness, kindness, passion, loyalty and unconditional love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you miss your loved one so much you can’t get this person out of your mind? Do you have little doubt that once the two of you are back together the reunion will turn out to be permanent? And are you certain that you were meant for each other?
    Does this resonate with you?
    Somehow you have to penetrate your loved one’s subconscious to plant the seeds of forgiveness, kindness, passion, loyalty and unconditional love.
    Don’t give up! There is hope!
    So if the above words stir your blood because they so closely describe your feelings, Mattias will call upon his formidable psychic powers to help make your dreams a reality. Mattias has helped a great many of his clients who were in a similar situation as yours. He awaits your call to cast this potent Invisible spell: Bring My Sweet Love Home to Me in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-bulletproof|"Invisible Spell: Bulletproof Our Relationship"|IS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Bulletproof Our Relationship Invisible spell is specifically designed to protect and preserve a relationship in jeopardy."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your relationship on shaky ground? Are you concerned that if it gets any worse it could spiral out of control? And possibly even crossing the point of no return? If the above accurately describes your situation, you may have to act quickly and decisively. Or possibly this most important relationship could be doomed to fail.
    Mattias could help you
    The Bulletproof Our Relationship spell is one of Mattias’ most effective Invisible spells. It is specifically designed to protect and preserve a relationship in jeopardy. So if indeed your relationship is in danger of disintegrating, this may be the opportune time to ask a gifted Master Psychic to help you in your time of need. Upon receiving your call to action, Mattias will plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of your loved one with the intent to bulletproof your relationship once and for all. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-aura|"Invisible Spell: Clear My Aura"|IS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The gifted Master Psychic Mattias awaits your go-ahead to summon powerful paranormal powers to disperse the darkness from your aura."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you believe you’ve been burdened by a dark cloud enveloping your aura? And this is preventing you from succeeding and causing you big disappointments in many aspects of your life? If the above sounds familiar, you are in for a pleasant surprise.
    It’s time to ask for help
    The gifted Master Psychic Mattias awaits your go-ahead to summon powerful paranormal powers to disperse the darkness from your aura. Upon clearing and cleaning your aura, you should experience renewed confidence and be exposed to new, promising opportunities. So if you feel a bright future lies ahead for you but you need someone to help clear the way, you have come to the right place. Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-end-loneliness|"Invisible Spell: End Loneliness/Re-ignite Old Love"|IS11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Would you like to wake up each morning beside the person you love and admire – in particular, with that old flame you’d like to rekindle?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you feel the time is right for you to be with someone? That your temperament and “who you are” calls for you not to go through life alone? And would you like to wake up each morning beside the person you love and admire – in particular, that old flame you’d like to rekindle? If you have run out of options by trying to arrange this reunion by yourself, there is something you can do. The Master Psychic Mattias specializes in matters such as this and he awaits your call to action.
    What this Invisible spell could do for you
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of change in the subconscious of a person of your choice. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could finally realize how important you are to them and be open to a reunion with you. Isn’t it time for you to end loneliness and rekindle your old love? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-lover-respect|"Invisible Spell: Get Inside Lover's Head to Respect & Love Me"|IS13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are frustrated and upset that you are not getting the respect and love you so deserve, this is your opportunity to have world-class Master Psychic Mattias take up your cause."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you sometimes fantasize how wonderful it would be if you could somehow penetrate your loved one’s subconscious and plant the seeds of respect and love for you? And wouldn’t it be nice if your loved one finally realizes how much they need you, love you and want to be with you...always? Well, the gifted Master Psychic Mattias stands ready to cast his potent Get Inside Lover’s Head to Respect & Love Me spell in your behalf. This unique Invisible spell is designed to break through their stubbornness, allowing them to think clearly and honestly about your relationship. And once the seeds are planted and take hold, you could witness a remarkable change in attitude toward you. So if you are frustrated and upset that you are not getting the respect and love you so deserve, this is your opportunity to have a world-class Master Psychic take up your cause. Mattias awaits the go-ahead from you to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-grow-bank-account|"Invisible Spell: Grow My Bank Account"|IS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Grow My Bank Account Invisible spell is designed to open the doors to new, unexpected opportunities."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are your finances causing you worry and anxiety? Do you wonder if you’ll ever become financially secure? And have enough money to do what you want when you want? This potent Invisible spell is designed to open the doors to new, unexpected opportunities. And it could provide you with the monetary funds allowing you to lead the life you’ve always dreamed of but thought was beyond reach. So if you’re tired of watching the “lucky ones” bask in their financial independence and luxurious surroundings, perhaps it’s time to let the Master Psychic Mattias summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Ask yourself this: Is this my chance, my opportunity of a lifetime, to get the things I’ve always wanted? If the answer is affirmative, you were meant to be reading these words. You could be on the verge of fulfilling your destiny. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-make-me-sexy|"Invisible Spell: Make Me Incredibly Sexy, Desirable, Irresistible"|IS14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The gifted Master Psychic Mattias designed this powerful Invisible spell to bring your sensuality to the surface."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you a passionate, sensual person? Is it critical for you to be physically satisfied in your most important relationship? Do you fantasize about making exciting love with an uninhibited lover? And, above all, do you want your partner to think of you night and day...and want to hold you, caress you and satisfy your most intimate desires? So if you could have written the above words yourself, this spectacular Invisible spell has been created just for you. And it could make a world of difference in your love life. The gifted Master Psychic Mattias designed this powerful Invisible spell to bring your sensuality to the surface so others – and, in particular, your partner – could see the “incredibly sexy, desirable, irresistible” you. And once the spell is cast and the seeds are planted and take hold, you could witness a remarkable change in their attitude toward you. So if you want your lover to be attracted to you, turned on to you and feel you are the only one in their life, this is your opportunity to have a world-class Master Psychic take up your cause. Mattias awaits the go-ahead from you to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-plant-desire|"Invisible Spell: Plant Seeds of Desire & Lust"|IS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is your loved one inhibited, holding back and not giving you the passion and physical pleasure you so deserve?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are there moments when you fantasize you and your lover making exciting, passionate love together? So much so that you could actually feel your hot blood rushing through your veins? But are you distraught because your loved one seems to be inhibited, holding back and not giving you the passion and physical pleasure you so deserve? If the above words accurately reflect your feelings, you have come to the right place. This is your opportunity to ask Mattias to implant this potent invisible spell in the subconscious of your lover, igniting your loved one’s desire and irresistible lust for you. And before you know it, you could be experiencing amazing intimacy that could permanently seal your relationship. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-reconcile|"Invisible Spell: Reconcile Our Relationship"|IS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Although it may appear you have run out of options, you know in your heart if only given the chance you could make this relationship what it once was. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you very concerned about the current difficulties in your relationship? Are they growing to the point of being serious, perhaps even insurmountable? Are you becoming frustrated, impatient and even angry that things aren’t getting any better? And do you feel cornered, stuck, not knowing what more you can do or whom to turn to?
    What you can do about it
    You are the type of person who is not afraid to take action. Although it may appear you have run out of options, you know in your heart if only given the chance you could make this relationship what it once was. Unfortunately, it is evident that currently whatever you say or do doesn’t seem to help. In fact, it seems that up to now your sincere efforts either falls on deaf ears or, incredibly, makes matters worse. So if the above accurately describes your situation, then you are ready – perhaps even eager – to have an outside source step in to help you.
    What this Invisible spell could do for you
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of love and commitment in the subconscious of your loved one. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could have a one-eighty degree change in their attitude and actions. This has worked so successfully for so many of Mattias’ clients. Mattias is confident it will work for you. Mattias awaits your call to action. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-reverse-curse|"Invisible Spell: Reverse Curse Back to My Enemy"|IS10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Without their knowing what has happened, the person who has it in for you will be experiencing the consequences of their wicked ways."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you feel a vindictive person is casting negative spells in your direction? And is it having a significant negative impact upon your life? And do you feel if you could only dissipate this negative energy, reversing it back upon your nemesis, you could get on with your life?
    There is something you can do
    If you have run out of options by trying to solve this predicament by yourself, then perhaps you are ready to ask the gifted Master Psychic Mattias to assist you in your time of need.
    What this potent Invisible spell could do for you
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of this potent Invisible spell in the subconscious of the person who has it in for you...so that whatever negative energy they direct toward you will automatically be redirected back at them. And without their knowing what has happened, the recipient of Mattias’s work will be experiencing the consequences of their wicked ways. Soon you should witness a very noticeable change in their attitude and actions...demonstrating self-doubt and a loss of confidence. And especially a diminished hostility toward you! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-luck|"Invisible Spell: Skyrocket My Luck in Lottery, Love, Money"|IS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you dream of the “big break” giving you the momentum to succeed in the lottery, your love life and your finances?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you in serious need of a good luck streak? Would you like to break free from what’s holding you back and achieve the success and happiness you so deserve? And have you been waiting for this to happen for some time?
    It is your destiny
    If you dream of the “big break” giving you the momentum to succeed in the lottery, your love life and your finances, perhaps it’s time for you to seek the assistance of a gifted Master Psychic.
    So what can you do?
    The Master Psychic known as Mattias is awaiting word from you to cast this potent Invisible spell in your behalf. The Skyrocket My Luck in Lottery, Love, Money spell is designed to turn your bad luck to good luck and set you on the path to success in areas of your life that are so important to you. This is your opportunity to have Mattias help you achieve success that will not only make you a winner in life but will help bring you closer to the people who mean so much to you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-career|"Invisible Spell: Soar My Career, My Earnings, My Success"|IS12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This is a potent Invisible spell that is designed to open the doors of opportunity for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your current career status at a standstill? Are you in a situation where you feel no matter how hard you work or how well you do your job, you are not being recognized for your achievements? And not receiving the financial rewards that your efforts deserve?
    Your chance to do something about it
    If the above describes your situation, you have the choice of continuing on as you have been doing, or... Ask the gifted Master Psychic Mattias to summon his formidable psychic powers and cast the Soar My Career, My Earnings, My Success spell in your behalf. This is a potent Invisible spell that is designed to open the doors of opportunity for you...by allowing you to be either elevated in your current situation or opening the doors to an exciting new avenue of income. Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to help you experience the success you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell-unconditional-love|"Invisible Spell: Unconditional Love & Passion"|IS9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(38.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Before your partner realizes it, the two of you could be experiencing the incredible pleasures of love and lust that you thought was merely a fantasy."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is someone you deeply care for not giving you the tender-loving-care you so deserve? Does this person seem to be holding back, apparently unwilling to totally give themselves to you? And if you could only plant the seeds of unconditional love and passion for you in their mind, you know in your heart this relationship could be the envy of all who know you? If the above words reflect your current situation, this is your opportunity to call upon the Master Psychic Mattias to help you surge your relationship to new heights.
    Experience the joys of having a committed and loving partner
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of unconditional love and passion for you in the subconscious of your loved one. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’ Invisible spell could have a one-eighty degree change in their feelings for you. And soon the two of you could be experiencing the incredible pleasures of love and lust that you thought was merely a fantasy. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spell|"Invisible Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"The Master Psychic Mattias will plant seeds of change in your lover, friend, or foe without them knowing."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A Master Psychic Will Plant Seeds of Change in Your Lover, Friend or Foe Without Them Knowing The Master Psychic known as Mattias has successfully cast thousands of potent Invisible spells for clients worldwide. We are extremely proud to announce that Mattias will cast Invisible spells exclusively for clients of California Astrology Association. “Breathtaking” is a common response of those whom Mattias has helped. So if you have a serious concern in your life that needs immediate attention, you now have the opportunity to have a gifted Master Psychic take up your cause.
    What Invisible spells could do for you
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of change in the subconscious of a person of your choice. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could have a one-eighty degree change in their attitude and actions. So if you have a lover who requires an attitude-adjustment. Or a friend or co-worker who needs to be kinder to you. Or perhaps you have grown weary of living paycheck to paycheck and would like nothing more than an immediate upsurge in your bank account ...then you have come to the right place at the right time. An Invisible spell cast by Mattias could provide the answer to your prayers in a critical time in your life. And, of course, Mattias’ work is backed by California Astrology Association’s 365-day unconditional guarantee. Period. No questions asked. So take a look at the various selections of Invisible spells that could help you in your time of need and see which one or ones are best suited for your current situation. This is your opportunity to have a world-class Master Psychic help you through a challenging period in your life.

    Invisible Spells: Bring My Sweet Love Home to Me

    Do you miss your loved one so much you can’t get this person out of your mind? Do you have little doubt that once the two of you are back together the reunion will turn out to be permanent? If so, Mattias could penetrate your loved one’s subconscious to plant the seeds of forgiveness, kindness, passion, loyalty and unconditional love. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Plant Seeds of Desire & Lust

    Is your loved one inhibited, holding back and not giving you the passion and physical pleasure you so deserve? This is your opportunity to ask Mattias to implant this potent Invisible spell in the subconscious of your lover, igniting your loved one’s desire and irresistible lust for you. And before you know it, you could be experiencing amazing intimacy that could permanently seal your relationship. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Reconcile Our Relationship

    Are you very concerned about the way your relationship is headed? Are you running out of options to fix it? And you feel cornered, stuck, not knowing what more you can do or whom to turn to? If so, ask Mattias to cast this potent Invisible spell in your behalf and to plant the seeds of love and commitment in the subconscious of your loved one. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Grow My Bank Account

    Are your finances causing you worry and anxiety? The Grow My Bank Account Invisible spell is designed to open the doors to new, unexpected opportunities. And it could provide you with the monetary funds allowing you to lead the life you’ve always dreamed of but thought was beyond reach. So if you’re tired of watching the “lucky ones” bask in their financial independence and luxurious surroundings, perhaps it’s time to let the Master Psychic Mattias summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Clear My Aura

    The gifted Master Psychic Mattias awaits your go-ahead to summon powerful paranormal powers to disperse the darkness from your aura. Upon clearing and cleaning your aura, you should experience renewed confidence and be exposed to new, promising opportunities. So if you feel a bright future lies ahead for you but you need someone to help clear the way, you have come to the right place. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Breakup That Couple

    Do you know two people who are in a relationship that is doomed to fail? And you would like nothing more than to speed up the process? Well, you can do something about it! Upon your go-ahead, Mattias will plant the seeds of discord in the subconscious of a person of your choice. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Bulletproof Our Relationship

    Is your relationship on shaky ground? Are you concerned that if it gets any worse it could spiral out of control? The Bulletproof Our Relationship Invisible spell is specifically designed to protect and preserve a relationship in jeopardy. Upon receiving your call to action, Mattias will plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of your loved one with the intent to bulletproof your relationship once and for all. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Skyrocket My Luck in Lottery, Love, Money

    This powerful Invisible spell is designed to turn your bad luck to good luck. If you dream of the “big break” giving you the momentum to succeed in the lottery, your love life and your finances, perhaps it’s time for you to seek the assistance of a gifted Master Psychic. Mattias could help you achieve success that will not only make you a winner in life but will help bring you closer to the people who mean so much to you. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Unconditional Love & Passion

    Is someone you deeply care for not giving you the tender-loving-care you so deserve? Upon hearing from you, the Master Psychic Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers and plant the seeds of unconditional love and passion for you in the subconscious of your loved one. And before your partner realizes it, the two of you could be experiencing the incredible pleasures of love and lust that you thought was merely a fantasy. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Reverse Curse Back to My Enemy

    Mattias will plant the seeds of this potent Invisible spell in the subconscious of the person who has it in for you...so that whatever negative energy they direct toward you will automatically be redirected back at them. And without their knowing what has happened, the recipient of Mattias’s work will be experiencing the consequences of their wicked ways. Soon you should witness a very noticeable change in their attitude and actions, especially a diminished hostility toward you! Learn More

    Invisible Spells: End Loneliness/Re-ignite Old Love

    Would you like to wake up each morning beside the person you love and admire – in particular, with that old flame you’d like to rekindle? Mattias could plant the seeds of change in the subconscious of a person of your choice. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could finally realize how important you are to them and be open to a reunion with you. Isn’t it time for you to end loneliness and rekindle your old love? Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Soar My Career, My Earnings, My Success

    Are you in a situation where you feel no matter how hard you work or how well you do your job, you are not being recognized for your achievements? And not receiving the financial rewards that your efforts deserve? This is a potent Invisible spell that is designed to open the doors of opportunity for you...by allowing you to be either elevated in your current situation or by opening the doors to an exciting new avenue of income. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Get Inside Lover’s Head to Respect & Love Me

    This unique Invisible spell is designed to get inside your loved one’s head, breaking through their stubbornness and allowing them to think clearly and honestly about your relationship. And once the seeds are planted and take hold, you could witness a remarkable change in attitude toward you. So if you are frustrated and upset that you are not getting the respect and love you so deserve, this is your opportunity to have a world-class Master Psychic take up your cause. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Make Me Incredibly Sexy, Desirable, Irresistible

    Do you fantasize about making exciting love with an uninhibited lover? And do you want your partner to think of you night and day...and want to hold you, caress you and satisfy your most intimate desires? The gifted Master Psychic Mattias designed this powerful Invisible spell to bring your sensuality to the surface so others – and, in particular, that “special” person – could see the “incredibly sexy, desirable, irresistible” you. Learn More


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| invisible-spells|"Invisible Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"The Master Psychic Mattias will plant seeds of change in your lover, friend, or foe without them knowing."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A Master Psychic Will Plant Seeds of Change in Your Lover, Friend or Foe Without Them Knowing The Master Psychic known as Mattias has successfully cast thousands of potent Invisible spells for clients worldwide. We are extremely proud to announce that Mattias will cast Invisible spells exclusively for clients of California Astrology Association. “Breathtaking” is a common response of those whom Mattias has helped. So if you have a serious concern in your life that needs immediate attention, you now have the opportunity to have a gifted Master Psychic take up your cause.
    What Invisible spells could do for you
    Upon receiving your go-ahead, Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Mattias will then plant the seeds of change in the subconscious of a person of your choice. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could have a one-eighty degree change in their attitude and actions. So if you have a lover who requires an attitude-adjustment. Or a friend or co-worker who needs to be kinder to you. Or perhaps you have grown weary of living paycheck to paycheck and would like nothing more than an immediate upsurge in your bank account ...then you have come to the right place at the right time. An Invisible spell cast by Mattias could provide the answer to your prayers in a critical time in your life. And, of course, Mattias’ work is backed by California Astrology Association’s 365-day unconditional guarantee. Period. No questions asked. So take a look at the various selections of Invisible spells that could help you in your time of need and see which one or ones are best suited for your current situation. This is your opportunity to have a world-class Master Psychic help you through a challenging period in your life.

    Invisible Spells: Bring My Sweet Love Home to Me

    Do you miss your loved one so much you can’t get this person out of your mind? Do you have little doubt that once the two of you are back together the reunion will turn out to be permanent? If so, Mattias could penetrate your loved one’s subconscious to plant the seeds of forgiveness, kindness, passion, loyalty and unconditional love. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Plant Seeds of Desire & Lust

    Is your loved one inhibited, holding back and not giving you the passion and physical pleasure you so deserve? This is your opportunity to ask Mattias to implant this potent Invisible spell in the subconscious of your lover, igniting your loved one’s desire and irresistible lust for you. And before you know it, you could be experiencing amazing intimacy that could permanently seal your relationship.Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Reconcile Our Relationship

    Are you very concerned about the way your relationship is headed? Are you running out of options to fix it? And you feel cornered, stuck, not knowing what more you can do or whom to turn to? If so, ask Mattias to cast this potent Invisible spell in your behalf and to plant the seeds of love and commitment in the subconscious of your loved one. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Grow My Bank Account

    Are your finances causing you worry and anxiety? The Grow My Bank Account Invisible spell is designed to open the doors to new, unexpected opportunities. And it could provide you with the monetary funds allowing you to lead the life you’ve always dreamed of but thought was beyond reach. So if you’re tired of watching the “lucky ones” bask in their financial independence and luxurious surroundings, perhaps it’s time to let the Master Psychic Mattias summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Clear My Aura

    The gifted Master Psychic Mattias awaits your go-ahead to summon powerful paranormal powers to disperse the darkness from your aura. Upon clearing and cleaning your aura, you should experience renewed confidence and be exposed to new, promising opportunities. So if you feel a bright future lies ahead for you but you need someone to help clear the way, you have come to the right place. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Breakup That Couple

    Do you know two people who are in a relationship that is doomed to fail? And you would like nothing more than to speed up the process? Well, you can do something about it! Upon your go-ahead, Mattias will plant the seeds of discord in the subconscious of a person of your choice. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Bulletproof Our Relationship

    Is your relationship on shaky ground? Are you concerned that if it gets any worse it could spiral out of control? The Bulletproof Our Relationship Invisible spell is specifically designed to protect and preserve a relationship in jeopardy. Upon receiving your call to action, Mattias will plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of your loved one with the intent to bulletproof your relationship once and for all. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Skyrocket My Luck in Lottery, Love, Money

    This powerful Invisible spell is designed to turn your bad luck to good luck. If you dream of the “big break” giving you the momentum to succeed in the lottery, your love life and your finances, perhaps it’s time for you to seek the assistance of a gifted Master Psychic. Mattias could help you achieve success that will not only make you a winner in life but will help bring you closer to the people who mean so much to you. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Unconditional Love & Passion

    Is someone you deeply care for not giving you the tender-loving-care you so deserve? Upon hearing from you, the Master Psychic Mattias will summon his formidable psychic powers and plant the seeds of unconditional love and passion for you in the subconscious of your loved one. And before your partner realizes it, the two of you could be experiencing the incredible pleasures of love and lust that you thought was merely a fantasy. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Reverse Curse Back to My Enemy

    Mattias will plant the seeds of this potent Invisible spell in the subconscious of the person who has it in for you...so that whatever negative energy they direct toward you will automatically be redirected back at them. And without their knowing what has happened, the recipient of Mattias’s work will be experiencing the consequences of their wicked ways. Soon you should witness a very noticeable change in their attitude and actions, especially a diminished hostility toward you! Learn More

    Invisible Spells: End Loneliness/Re-ignite Old Love

    Would you like to wake up each morning beside the person you love and admire – in particular, with that old flame you’d like to rekindle? Mattias could plant the seeds of change in the subconscious of a person of your choice. And without their knowing what has occurred, the recipient of Mattias’s work could finally realize how important you are to them and be open to a reunion with you. Isn’t it time for you to end loneliness and rekindle your old love? Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Soar My Career, My Earnings, My Success

    Are you in a situation where you feel no matter how hard you work or how well you do your job, you are not being recognized for your achievements? And not receiving the financial rewards that your efforts deserve? This is a potent Invisible spell that is designed to open the doors of opportunity for you...by allowing you to be either elevated in your current situation or by opening the doors to an exciting new avenue of income. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Get Inside Lover’s Head to Respect & Love Me

    This unique Invisible spell is designed to get inside your loved one’s head, breaking through their stubbornness and allowing them to think clearly and honestly about your relationship. And once the seeds are planted and take hold, you could witness a remarkable change in attitude toward you. So if you are frustrated and upset that you are not getting the respect and love you so deserve, this is your opportunity to have a world-class Master Psychic take up your cause. Learn More

    Invisible Spells: Make Me Incredibly Sexy, Desirable, Irresistible

    Do you fantasize about making exciting love with an uninhibited lover? And do you want your partner to think of you night and day...and want to hold you, caress you and satisfy your most intimate desires? The gifted Master Psychic Mattias designed this powerful Invisible spell to bring your sensuality to the surface so others – and, in particular, that “special” person – could see the “incredibly sexy, desirable, irresistible” you. Learn More


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| irresistibleme|"Irresistible Me Spell Kit"|SK13|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you alone? Directs a lifelong companion in your direction as if drawn by a magnet! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-revenge|"It's time to right a wrong...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jean-claude-swann|"Jean Claude Swann"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Jean Claude Swann has cast spells on behalf of some of the wealthiest and most successful people in Europe. Now he can do the same for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|" What Would You Give to Have An Internationally Renowned Psychic in Your Corner? Jean Claude Swann Could Implant Your Message in the Subconscious Mind of the Person You Select Jean Claude Swann has cast spells on behalf of some of the wealthiest and most successful people in Europe. Now he can do the same for you! So if your love life is in shambles, or your finances need a boost, or perhaps you have a separate problem that needs immediate attention, Jean Claude is willing to focus his formidable psychic powers to implant your message in the subconscious mind of the person of your choosing. Do You Qualify for This Special Offer? Because of time restraints, Jean Claude Swann limits the number of clients he ""sees"" each month.  Please read the following to determine if you have a current issue that warrants his involvement. Is this you?
    • You know in your heart that the person you love is the true love in your life.
    • You know if your lover would only come to their senses and treat you with the love and respect you deserve, the two of you will be a happy couple that others will envy.
    • And you are certain you can make this relationship work.
    • Or perhaps your finances need a boost and you simply need a streak of good luck.
    • Or maybe there is a couple out there that shouldn't be together, and since they are destined to break up, you’d prefer it happens sooner than later.
    Answer these two questions? Did any or all of the above resonate with you?  Do you believe some people have psychic powers we can neither see nor comprehend? If you answered yes to both questions, you are reading these words for a reason.  You “are connected” to Jean Claude Swann, and if you wish, he will take you on as his client and focus his formidable psychic gifts on your behalf. Jean Claude's Guarantee Jean Claude Swann, the 2013 Winner of the prestigious Astrology & Psychic News  Psychic of the Year, makes this promise to you: “If your situation is not resolved to your satisfaction, I will refund your money up to one full year after I receive your request.  Period.  No exceptions.” How to order Take a look at the wide variety of selections available to you and pick out the one(s) closest to your needs.  When you place your order, you’ll have the opportunity to specify exactly what you want Jean Claude Swann to do for you. And once Jean Claude receives your request, he will let you know the precise time and date that he will be casting a spell in your behalf."||||"(:JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-RELATIONSHIPS :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-MONEY-SUCCESS :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-LUCK-HAPPINESS :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-RETRIBUTION)"|"(:JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-RELATIONSHIPS :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-MONEY-SUCCESS :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-LUCK-HAPPINESS :JEAN-CLAUDE-SWANN-RETRIBUTION)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-lady-luck-wealth|"Jean Claude Swann's ""Lady Luck"" Wealth Spell"|JCS43|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Let Lady Luck Take You By The Hand and Lead You To The Land Of Prosperity!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-add-passion-to-our-relationship|"Jean Claude Swann's Add Passion To Our Relationship"|JCS18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you concerned if you can't bring excitement to your relationship, your partner may become bored with you?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-break-up-that-relationship|"Jean Claude Swann's Break Up That Relationship"|JCS10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you close to a person who is with someone they shouldn't be with?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-change-my-lovers-mind|"Jean Claude Swann's Change My Lover's Mind"|JCS16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Is your relationship on hold because your lover is being stubborn and won't listen to reason?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-change-my-luck|"Jean Claude Swann's Change My Luck"|JCS52|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    If you recently experienced a string of bad luck, you have come to the right place.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-change-my-situation-from-hopeless-to-hopeful|"Jean Claude Swann's Change My Situation from Hopeless to Hopeful"|JCS54|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you feeling a bit depressed because you see good things happening to other people, and you're wondering why you're not experiencing this yourself?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-double-hexer|"Jean Claude Swann's Double Hexer"|JCS78|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Is there someone out there who does not have your best interests at heart?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-fall-in-love-with-me|"Jean Claude Swann's Fall in Love With Me"|JCS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Is there someone you have your eyes on who you are certain is the absolute one for you?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-fill-my-life-with-love-laughter-and-money|"Jean Claude Swann's Fill My Life with Love, Laughter and Money"|JCS51|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Is something missing from your life that could bring you happiness and joy?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-fix-my-aura|"Jean Claude Swann's Fix My Aura"|JCS55|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Each of us has an aura. This aura must filter out the bad and the negative if you are to reach your true potential.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-get-even|"Jean Claude Swann's Get Even"|JCS77|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Has someone done you wrong?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-get-rich-quick|"Jean Claude Swann's Get Rich Quick! Spell"|JCS40|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Not Reaching Your Money Goals Quick Enough? Take a Look at This!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-good-bye-good-luck|"Jean Claude Swann's Good Bye & Good Luck"|JCS76|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    If you are in a relationship with someone who refuses to let go, perhaps it's time to relay the final message to them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-growing-her-love-for-me|"Jean Claude Swann's Growing Her Love for Me"|JCS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you have strong feelings about this woman but are concerned your love is not being reciprocated?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-growing-his-love-for-me|"Jean Claude Swann's Growing His Love for Me"|JCS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you madly in love with a man whose degree of love is not yet equal to yours?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-need-more-money-right-now-|"Jean Claude Swann's I Need More Money Right Now!"|JCS37|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Would a financial windfall put your life back on track?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-a-new-career|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want a New Career"|JCS34|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you wish you had a new job in a different field?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-a-person-out-of-my-life|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want a Person Out of My Life"|JCS73|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Is there someone causing you, or someone you love, trouble?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-a-promotion-and-a-raise|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want a Promotion and a Raise"|JCS36|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you feel you've paid your dues at work and are ready to be rewarded for your efforts?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-my-friend-to-be-my-lover|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want My Friend to Be My Lover"|JCS15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    If you know you are well-matched and you would love to change the relationship from platonic to lovers.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-my-lover-to-be-faithful|"Jean Claude Swann's I want My Lover to Be Faithful"|JCS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you experiencing anxiety and stress concerning your lover's loyalty and faithfulness?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-my-lover-to-be-kind-to-me|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want My Lover to Be Kind To Me"|JCS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you in a relationship in which your lover is not treating you with the love and respect you deserve?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-my-lover-to-forgive-me|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want My Lover to Forgive Me"|JCS17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are your words falling upon deaf ears due to your lover's reluctance to forgive you?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-turn-on-my-lover|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want to ""Turn On"" My Lover"|JCS19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you hope to stimulate your lover's physical attraction to you?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-be-a-big-winner|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want To Be A Big Winner"|JCS38|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    The one thing in common that most winners have is they truly believe they're going to come out on top.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-be-loved---cherished|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want To Be Loved & Cherished"|JCS61|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    It's important for you to realize it is never too late to live your dream of achieving true happiness.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-feel-sexy-and-be-sexy|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want to Feel Sexy and Be Sexy"|JCS20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you want others to see you as a very sensual person?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-lead-a-life-of-wealth---leisure|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want to Lead a Life of Wealth & Leisure"|JCS39|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Have you ever noticed that some people seem to have everything: money, a beautiful partner, a rich and elegant lifestyle?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-live-my-fantasies|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want to Live My Fantasies"|JCS60|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you have an important desire to try something new? To add a spark to your life?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-meet-a-new-man|"Jean Claude Swann's I Want to Meet a New Man"|JCS13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    At this point in your life, is your number one priority to meet a new man?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-i-want-to-meet-a-new-woman|"Jean Claude Swann's I want to Meet a New Woman"|JCS14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    You know you have a lot to offer a good woman if only she'd recognize your fine traits.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-irresistible-allure|"Jean Claude Swann's Irresistible Allure"|JCS58|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Have you ever noticed that some people have a certain charisma about them, an irresistible allure?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-jinx-buster|"Jean Claude Swann's Jinx Buster"|JCS79|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Have you noticed that recently you have been encountering annoying and sometimes serious difficulties that prevent you from succeeding - sometimes in areas where you previously were successful?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-love-money-success|"Jean Claude Swann's Love - Money - Success"|JCS31|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    You've observed that a chosen few not only have the money and leisure time to enjoy it, but they receive the admiration and respect for what they've achieved... and you want to be one of them!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jean-claude-swann-luck-happiness|"Jean Claude Swann's Luck & Happiness Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Jean Claude Is Willing To Cast a Spell In Your Behalf To Help You Experience The Luck & Happiness You Never Thought Possible."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Jean Claude Swann's Luck & Happiness Spells

    Jean Claude Is Willing To Cast a Spell In Your Behalf To Help You Experience The Luck & Happiness You Never Thought Possible. Would you like to awake each morning with a smile on your face because you are in an extended winning streak and you have never been happier? Take a look at the wide variety of selections available to you and pick out the one(s) closest to your needs. When you place your order, you'll have the opportunity to specify exactly what you want Jean Claude Swann to do for you."||||"(:JCS-FILL-MY-LIFE-WITH-LOVE-LAUGHTER-AND-MONEY :JCS-CHANGE-MY-LUCK :JCS-LUCKY-STREAK-IN-GAMBLING :JCS-CHANGE-MY-SITUATION-FROM-HOPELESS-TO-HOPEFUL :JCS-FIX-MY-AURA :JCS-TO-LOVE-BE-LOVED :JCS-SPECTACULAR-HAPPINESS :JCS-IRRESISTIBLE-ALLURE :JCS-SEAL-THE-DEAL :JCS-I-WANT-TO-LIVE-MY-FANTASIES :JCS-I-WANT-TO-BE-LOVED---CHERISHED :JCS-SWAN-SONG)"|"(:JCS-FILL-MY-LIFE-WITH-LOVE-LAUGHTER-AND-MONEY :JCS-CHANGE-MY-LUCK :JCS-LUCKY-STREAK-IN-GAMBLING :JCS-CHANGE-MY-SITUATION-FROM-HOPELESS-TO-HOPEFUL :JCS-FIX-MY-AURA :JCS-TO-LOVE-BE-LOVED :JCS-SPECTACULAR-HAPPINESS :JCS-IRRESISTIBLE-ALLURE :JCS-SEAL-THE-DEAL :JCS-I-WANT-TO-LIVE-MY-FANTASIES :JCS-I-WANT-TO-BE-LOVED---CHERISHED :JCS-SWAN-SONG)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-lucky-numbers-money|"Jean Claude Swann's Lucky Numbers Money Spell"|JCS44|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Dramatically Change The Odds of Winning The ""Big One"" In Your Favor!
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-lucky-streak-in-gambling|"Jean Claude Swann's Lucky Streak in Gambling"|JCS53|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you feel it's time to break out of that string of bad luck?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-make-it-big-in-business|"Jean Claude Swann's Make It Big in Business Spell"|JCS45|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    With This Potent Spell, Success and Prosperity Could Be Right Around The Corner!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-marvelously-rich|"Jean Claude Swann's Marvelously Rich"|JCS32|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you think about leading a life of leisure and enjoying the luxuries you've always dreamed of?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jean-claude-swann-money-success|"Jean Claude Swann's Money & Success Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Do You Dream of Having the Financial Means To Do Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Jean Claude Swann's Money & Success Spells

    Do You Dream of Having the Financial Means To Do Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want? If you want to live the life most people dream of – to be successful in ""every"" aspect of your life, you have come to the right place. Take a look at the wide variety of selections available to you and pick out the one(s) closest to your needs. When you place your order, you'll have the opportunity to specify exactly what you want Jean Claude Swann to do for you."||||"(:JCS-LOVE-MONEY-SUCCESS :JCS-MARVELOUSLY-RICH :JCS-VANISH-YOUR-DEBT :JCS-I-WANT-A-NEW-CAREER :JCS-SKYROCKET-TO-SUCCESS :JCS-I-WANT-A-PROMOTION-AND-A-RAISE :JCS-I-NEED-MORE-MONEY-RIGHT-NOW- :JCS-I-WANT-TO-BE-A-BIG-WINNER :JCS-I-WANT-TO-LEAD-A-LIFE-OF-WEALTH---LEISURE :JCS-GET-RICH-QUICK :JCS-SEE-MY-SAVINGS-GROW :JCS-MONEY-MAGNET :JCS-LADY-LUCK-WEALTH :JCS-LUCKY-NUMBERS-MONEY :JCS-MAKE-IT-BIG-IN-BUSINESS)"|"(:JCS-LOVE-MONEY-SUCCESS :JCS-MARVELOUSLY-RICH :JCS-VANISH-YOUR-DEBT :JCS-I-WANT-A-NEW-CAREER :JCS-SKYROCKET-TO-SUCCESS :JCS-I-WANT-A-PROMOTION-AND-A-RAISE :JCS-I-NEED-MORE-MONEY-RIGHT-NOW- :JCS-I-WANT-TO-BE-A-BIG-WINNER :JCS-I-WANT-TO-LEAD-A-LIFE-OF-WEALTH---LEISURE :JCS-GET-RICH-QUICK :JCS-SEE-MY-SAVINGS-GROW :JCS-MONEY-MAGNET :JCS-LADY-LUCK-WEALTH :JCS-LUCKY-NUMBERS-MONEY :JCS-MAKE-IT-BIG-IN-BUSINESS)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-money-magnet|"Jean Claude Swann's Money Magnet Spell"|JCS42|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do You Seek Wealth, Fortune and Happiness? Then Open The Flood Gates and Let The Money Rush Toward You!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-purge-evil-spirits|"Jean Claude Swann's Purge Evil Spirits"|JCS74|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you sometimes feel possessed? As if someone or something is manipulating you?""

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-reconciliation|"Jean Claude Swann's Reconciliation"|JCS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you estranged from the person you love?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-reinforce-our-relationship|"Jean Claude Swann's Reinforce Our Relationship"|JCS12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    It is not too late to be proactive and do something about it now rather than sit back and accept your fate - whatever that may be.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jean-claude-swann-relationships|"Jean Claude Swann's Relationship Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Do you seek a new relationship or want to improve an existing relationship? Or perhaps you desperately want to retrieve a lost love?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Jean Claude Swann's Relationship Spells


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-retribution|"Jean Claude Swann's Retribution"|JCS75|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Does someone have it in for you, and is attempting to sabotage your life?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jean-claude-swann-retribution|"Jean Claude Swann's Retribution Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If someone is harassing you and making your life miserable, Jean Claude is willing to cast a spell in your behalf to not only get your life back on track but to give that person a taste of their own medicine."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Jean Claude Swann's Retribution Spells

    What Would You Give To Get Even With That Person Who Seeks to Undermine Your Every Move? If someone is harassing you and making your life miserable, Jean Claude is willing to cast a spell in your behalf to not only get your life back on track but to give that person a taste of their own medicine. Take a look at the wide variety of selections available to you and pick out the one(s) closest to your needs. When you place your order, you’ll have the opportunity to specify exactly what you want Jean Claude Swann to do for you."||||"(:JCS-REVERSE-CURSE :JCS-STOP-HARASSING-ME :JCS-I-WANT-A-PERSON-OUT-OF-MY-LIFE :JCS-PURGE-EVIL-SPIRITS :JCS-RETRIBUTION :JCS-GOOD-BYE-GOOD-LUCK :JCS-GET-EVEN :JCS-DOUBLE-HEXER :JCS-JINX-BUSTER)"|"(:JCS-REVERSE-CURSE :JCS-STOP-HARASSING-ME :JCS-I-WANT-A-PERSON-OUT-OF-MY-LIFE :JCS-PURGE-EVIL-SPIRITS :JCS-RETRIBUTION :JCS-GOOD-BYE-GOOD-LUCK :JCS-GET-EVEN :JCS-DOUBLE-HEXER :JCS-JINX-BUSTER)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-retrieve-the-love-of-my-life|"Jean Claude Swann's Retrieve The Love of My Life"|JCS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    There are few things in life more distressing than when a loved one moves away against your wishes. What would you give to have this person back in your life?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-return-my-loved-one-from-my-rivals-grasp|"Jean Claude Swann's Return My Loved One From My Rival's Grasp"|JCS9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Couple's Names"" Inscription 45 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Couple's Names:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you distraught because someone has stolen your loved one?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-reverse-curse|"Jean Claude Swann's Reverse Curse"|JCS71|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you feel someone has placed a curse on you? Would you like to reverse it back to that person?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-save-my-relationship|"Jean Claude Swann's Save My Relationship"|JCS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you in a relationship that is deteriorating rapidly?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-seal-the-deal|"Jean Claude Swann's Seal the Deal"|JCS59|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you experiencing problems in bringing issues to a close?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-see-my-savings-grow|"Jean Claude Swann's See My Savings Grow Spell"|JCS41|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Want To See BIG Savings in Your Bank Account and Cash in Your Hands?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-skyrocket-to-success|"Jean Claude Swann's Skyrocket to Success"|JCS35|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Would you like to be in a position to reap the rewards that only a select few people enjoy - in romance and in the workplace?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-spectacular-happiness|"Jean Claude Swann's Spectacular happiness"|JCS57|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Do you wish you were free from worries, free from the problems of the day, free from anxiety and stress?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-stop-harassing-me|"Jean Claude Swann's Stop Harassing Me!"|JCS72|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you upset that a nasty person is causing you trouble and making your life miserable?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-stop-my-lover-from-straying|"Jean Claude Swann's Stop My Lover From Straying"|JCS11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you worried that your lover is looking outside the relationship for sex and perhaps companionship?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-swan-song|"Jean Claude Swann's Swan Song"|JCS62|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    If you have weighed the pros and cons of moving on, and you are certain you have made the right decision.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-to-love-be-loved|"Jean Claude Swann's To Love & Be Loved"|JCS56|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Have you found the love of your life, and you want to ensure that the two of you stay together?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jcs-vanish-your-debt|"Jean Claude Swann's Vanish Your Debt"|JCS33|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Jean Claude cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 
    Are you in debt? If so, the sooner you address this situation, the sooner your life will be back on track.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jinremwan|"Jinx Remover Wanga"|W8|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To rid you of any jinx, bad luck, bad karma, etc."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| career-success|"Job & Career Success"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Need career help? Our job success spells and amulets can get you back on track!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Does your career need an instant boost?
    • Do you need to make a lot of money quickly and easily?
    • You have come to the right place!
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell to help you be successful and enjoy life to the fullest.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jumpstartboyfriend|"Jump Start Your Boyfriend"|JSB|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Boyfriend's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Boyfriend's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Jump Start Your Boyfriend"|""|"Your boyfriend needs a jump-start right now, and we know just the person to do it!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Does your boyfriend have commitment issues?
    • Is he ""confused?""
    • Does he seem to be backing away?
    • Is there another woman in his life?
    • Does he sometimes misunderstand your motives?
    Whatever the reason, you know that in his heart he truly loves you. He just doesn't know it. But unless you do something about it, he may be reluctant to be totally and exclusively yours. All you need is the chance to be together, to show him how great life can be - to share, to prosper, to live happily. To help you get your man, we can assign a Master Psychic to focus his extraordinary psychic powers in your behalf. Just tell us your man's name and we'll do the rest. Your boyfriend needs a jump-start right now, and we know just the person to do it.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jumpstartgirlfriend|"Jump Start Your Girlfriend"|JSG|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Girlfriend's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Girlfriend's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Jump Start Your Girlfriend"|""|"Your girlfriend needs a jump-start right now, and we know just the person to do it!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Is your girlfriend reluctant to commit?
    • Do you sense her pulling away?
    • Does she really love you but afraid to admit it?
    • Is there another man in her life?
    • Does she sometimes misunderstand your motives?
    Whatever the reason, you know that in her heart she truly loves you. She just doesn't know it. But unless you do something about it, she may never commit, may never be totally and exclusively yours. All you need is the chance to be together, to show her how great life can be - to share, to prosper, to live happily. To help you get your woman, we'll assign a Master Psychic to focus his extraordinary psychic powers in your behalf. Just tell us your woman's name and we'll do the rest. Your girlfriend needs a jump-start right now, and we know just the person to do it.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| juno|"Juno's Charm"|JUN|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"Juno's Charm"|""|"This is the amulet you should possess if your ultimate goal is matrimony."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there a person in your life who means the world to you? Are you ready to tie the knot? If so, Juno's Charm is the amulet you should possess if your ultimate goal is matrimony. You should possess Juno's Charm...
    • If the one you love seems confused or afraid of commitment.
    • If your lover is preventing the relationship from moving forward.
    • If your lover is having second thoughts about you and your future together.
    • If you are certain the marriage would bond the two of you together.
    If you have a specific person in mind,
    If you know in your heart you'll never love another,
    If you are more certain about this than anything else you've ever done, Let Juno, the Roman goddess of love, call upon her powers to bring the two of you together in marital bliss.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| killer-compatibility|"Killer Compatibility"|KCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If your relationship has been on a downward spiral for some time, the Killer Compatibility spell could be just what you need to bring you the ultimate happiness you so deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you feel you are different from most people? That your desires and dreams far exceed what others aspire to? And that you won’t feel satisfied or fulfilled unless you have the best relationship with your loved one... in what some people call “Killer Compatibility!” If these words sound familiar, this unique and very potent spell is for you!
    Is this you?
    • Are you in a relationship that has great potential...but at the moment it is falling far short of what it could be?
    • Are you concerned that your loved one is not giving you the love and affection they had given you in the past?
    • And do you fear you are running out of options as to how to fix this relationship that means the world to you?
    • And if you don’t act quickly and decisively you fear your loved one may start to look elsewhere?
    • And the thought of the two of you being separated forever is a frightening thought.
    If the above reflects your feelings, then this could be the appropriate time for you to request the Killer Compatibility spell be cast in your behalf. And the sooner the better. So if your relationship has been on a downward spiral for some time, the Killer Compatibility spell could be just what you need to bring you the ultimate happiness you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| king-davids-helping-hand|"King David's Helping Hand"|P10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|""|""|"King David's Helping Hand"|""|"Since the times of Ancient Judea, King David's Helping Hand has been sought after by professional gamblers throughout the world."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    Throughout the ages, King David's Helping Hand has been a sought after amulet that is cherished by those fortunate enough to possess it. Can it help you?
    • Yes, if you are in a relationship that is floundering.
    • Yes, if you have an opponent who is out to do you harm.
    • Yes, if you are forever worrying about your finances.

    Here are some of the rewards experienced by those who wear or carry the hand of King David:
    • Problem relationships become easy relationships.
    • Your opposition becomes silent and passive.
    • Peace and tranquility replace anxiety in your home.
    • Creativity and ingenuity help solve financial problems.
    • Misunderstandings are cleared up.

    Made of high polished sterling silver, King David's Helping Hand comes with a beautiful silver chain."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kiss-and-make-up-spell|"Kiss and Make Up!"|KMU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to reconcile and be happy again!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    It’s Time to Reconcile and Be Happy Again!

    Are you and a loved one estranged from one another? Are you unhappy and on the verge of a permanent separation? If so, the Kiss & Make Up spell could help you patch things up in a hurry. Does the following reflect your situation?
    • You are frustrated, upset and very worried that your relationship may be in permanent jeopardy.
    • You have so much love to give and can’t understand why your loved one has changed their attitude and feelings about you.
    • You long for the time when the two of you can trust each other again, laugh again, love again…be happy again.
    • And you feel you are running out of time and must do something “immediately” to save this relationship.
    So, if the above is indicative of what you are experiencing, you should know that what you do now could impact the rest of your life! Do nothing and your relationship could possibly end in disaster. However, our recommendation is to not give up, and be proactive! And one of the things you should consider is to let the famous Master Psychic Burton cast his Kiss & Make Up spell in your behalf. After all, with our 365-day unconditional guarantee if you are not one-hundred-percent satisfied with the results, what do you have to lose? Burton awaits word from you to help renew the love and affection and happiness you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo|"Kongo Voodoo"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Call me Jahari! Tell me what your most serious problem is and let's get your life back on track!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Call me Jahari! I am a High Priest of the ancient art known as Kongo Voodoo. And I have been gifted since birth with the ability to summon potent Voodoo spirits to do my bidding. Tell me what your most serious problem is and let's get your life back on track! These are the spells that could turn your life from hopeless to hopeful:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-be-envied-admired-by-others|"Kongo Voodoo Be Envied & Admired by Others"|KV39|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Be Envied & Admired by Others"|""|"

    Be Envied & Admired by Others

    You deserve to be happy! And if one of your dreams is to envied and admired by others – well, it’s time you experienced it. Read More...

    Be Envied & Admired by Others

    Do you wonder what others think of you? Would you like to have them like you, admire you, be envious of you? If this is what you desire, let Jahari take you by the hand as he summons the spirits in your behalf. Then watch your friends, family, work associates and acquaintances very closely and see if your dream has become reality. And remember: You deserve to be happy! And if one of your dreams is to envied and admired by others – well, it’s time you experienced it. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-beautify-me|"Kongo Voodoo Beautify Me"|KV17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Beautify Me"|""|"

    Beautify Me

    This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to bring your inner beauty to the surface, giving you a charismatic appearance that could make your life exciting beyond your wildest dreams. Read More...

    Beautify Me

    Do you desire to be looked at with irresistible passion? Do you want people to turn their heads when you walk by? Do you want to attract the “right” person to you? Do you want this person to be drawn to you as if pulled by a mystical force? This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to bring your inner beauty to the surface, giving you a charismatic appearance that could make your life exciting beyond your wildest dreams. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-fortune|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Fortune"|KV20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Fortune"|""|"

    Big Fortune

    It is possible for you to have the money and material possessions that allow you to enjoy life to the max! Read More...

    Big Fortune

    Do you occasionally look around and notice the people who seem to have all the money they need – and all the glory and perks that come with it? And you wish that you were one of them? Well, are you ready to be elevated to the next level? You should know that it is possible for you to have the money and material possessions that allow you to enjoy life to the max? Remember: first the desire. Then the reality! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-happiness|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Happiness"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|"BIG Happiness"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Big Happiness

    Would you like to awake each day with the love of your life beside you, caring for you, loving you? And knowing that the day will be filled with laughter, love, and happiness? And would you like to have the money and the means to enjoy each day, spending your time in the leisure activities you love, rather than toiling and working for someone else? Look at the powerful spells below and see which one or ones “speak” to you. If the right spell appears before your eyes, then an inner voice in your mind will let you know that is the one for you. So just relax and let the Kongo Voodoo spirits show you the way. And remember. I, Jahari, stand behind each and every spell I cast for you. My spells either bring you all that you desire or I give your money back to you. No questions asked. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-happiness-spell|"Kongo Voodoo Big Happiness"|KV37|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Big Happiness"|""|"

    Big Happiness

    Are you ready to awake each morning with a smile on your face and proceed through the day content, fulfilled and happy? Read More...

    Big Happiness

    Are you ready to reach the pinnacle of life? To awake each morning with a smile on your face and proceed through the day content, fulfilled and happy? If this reflects your dreams and aspirations, tell Jahari your fondest desire and let him cast this potent spell in your behalf. You deserve to be happy. BIG Happy! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-hex|"Kongo Voodoo Big Hex"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Is someone out there who does not have your best interests at heart?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Big Hex

    Is someone out there who does not have your best interests at heart? Are they intentionally trying to sabotage an important relationship or messing with you at work or...? Is this person causing you stress and anxiety? Whatever your situation, if you need to get someone out of your life or perhaps even the score, let Jahari summon the spirits in your behalf. Look at the powerful spells below and see which ones could help you get your life back on track. And remember. I, Jahari, stand behind each and every spell I cast for you. My spells either bring you all that you desire or I give your money back to you. No questions asked. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-luck|"Kongo Voodoo Big Luck"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Are you tired and frustrated at watching other people catch all the breaks and have all the luck?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Big Luck

    Are you tired and frustrated at watching other people catch all the breaks and have all the luck? Would you like to be the one who wins? And who wins BIG? And do it in “every” aspect of your life? Here’s what you should do: As you look at each one of the potent spells below, listen to your inner voice…and if a particular spell is right for you, it will call out to you. So just relax and let Jahari plant the seeds of BIG Luck within you. And remember these words from Jahari: “I stand behind each and every spell I cast in your behalf. Your Kongo Voodoo spell either brings you all that you desire or your money is refunded. No questions asked. Period. “Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.”

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-luck-in-romance|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Luck in Romance"|KV28|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Luck in Romance"|""|"

    Big Luck in Romance

    If you don’t awaken each morning with a lover by your side who truly appreciates you and dearly loves you, let’s do something about it. Read More...

    Big Luck in Romance

    Are you currently alone? Without a partner to hold and cherish? Or perhaps you are with someone, but he or she is not giving you the tender loving care you so deserve? This is a very important Kongo Voodoo spell because if you are not currently receiving the love and caressing you so deserve, how can you attain true happiness? So if you don’t awaken each morning with a lover by your side who truly appreciates you and dearly loves you, let’s do something about it. Allow Jahari to step in and assist you in this most important aspect of your life. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-luck-with-family-friends|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Luck with Family & Friends"|KV29|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Luck with Family & Friends"|""|"

    Big Luck with Family & Friends

    Are you concerned about the lingering problems that are getting in the way of some of your closest relationships? Read More...

    Big Luck with Family & Friends

    How are your relations going with those closest to you? Are you concerned about the lingering problems that are getting in the way of some of your closest relationships? And would you like to see a dramatic change for the better – ASAP? If you would like to see loved ones being there for you when you need them, and receiving their unconditional love and support, then this unique spell should bring a smile to your face. Let the Kongo spirits show you the way. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-money-big-success|"Kongo Voodoo Big Money, Big Success"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"There is a song that says money can’t buy you love… but don’t believe it. BIG money does amazing things…and it surely can make your life immeasurably better."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Big Money, Big Success

    Is it BIG Money you seek? Is it the lifestyle of the rich and famous something you truly, deeply desire? There is a song that says money can’t buy you love… but don’t believe it. BIG money does amazing things…and it surely can make your life immeasurably better. Is it a raise you seek? A new job? Or perhaps you just need to catch that lucky break that will have money flowing toward you and not away from you. Whatever your need, take a look at the powerful money and success spells listed below, and let the Kongo spirits show you the way. And remember. I, Jahari, stand behind each and every spell I cast for you. My spells either bring you all that you desire or I give your money back to you. No questions asked. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-passion|"Kongo Voodoo Big Passion"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Whatever your need, whatever your dream or fantasy, let the powerful Kongo Voodoo spirits help turn your humdrum life into a life of intimacy, passion, and, yes, lust."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Big Passion

    Do you have an appetite for more passion in your life? Are you in a relationship that cries out for touching, caressing, intimacy – and excitement? Or perhaps you seek a new person to enter your life and make life worth living again. Whatever your need, whatever your dream or fantasy, let the powerful Kongo Voodoo spirits help turn your humdrum life into a life of intimacy, passion, and, yes, lust. Take a look at the following potent spells cast by Jahari, the High Priest of the mystical force known as Kongo Voodoo, and see which one or ones is best suited for your need. And remember. I, Jahari, stand behind each and every spell I cast for you. My spells either bring you all that you desire or I give your money back to you. No questions asked. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-promotion|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Promotion"|KV24|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Promotion"|""|"

    Big Promotion

    Do you feel the work you've done warrants a promotion? And a BIG one at that? Read More...

    Big Promotion

    Do you feel the work you’ve done warrants a promotion? And a BIG one at that? Would you like to light a fire beneath the person who has the authority to give you the promotion? The Kongo Voodoo BIG Promotion spell is designed to penetrate the subconscious mind of this person and get you your promotion – double quick. So if you truly want the promotion to happen, perhaps it’s time you open your mind to letting the Kongo Voodoo spirits assist you in attaining your most important goals. And remember: think BIG! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-raise|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Raise"|KV23|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Raise"|""|"

    Big Raise

    The Kongo Voodoo BIG Raise spell is designed to penetrate the subconscious mind of the person who has the power to grant you the raise. Read More...

    Big Raise

    Are you ready for that BIG raise? Do you feel you’ve earned it but are impatient because it hasn’t happened yet? The Kongo Voodoo BIG Raise spell is designed to penetrate the subconscious mind of the person who has the power to grant you the raise. So if you’re tired and maybe a little angry that you’re not making more money, this is the spell for you. And remember: think BIG! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-success|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Success"|KV21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Success"|""|"

    Big Success

    The Kongo Voodoo BIG Success spell concentrates on one thing and one thing only: putting you in the right place at the right time to reap the benefits and rewards. Read More...

    Big Success

    Do you wish to be known as a person who has succeeded – and succeeded BIG! Would you like to live the dream that most people have: financial independence that rewards you with money, material possessions, and perhaps most important all – the leisure time to enjoy it? Would you like people to look at you with envy, knowing you’ve accomplished great things? The Kongo Voodoo BIG Success spell concentrates on one thing and one thing only: putting you in the right place at the right time to reap the benefits and rewards. This spell is for you if you are ready for a life-changing experience. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-wins-in-bingo-gaming-tables|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Wins in Bingo & Gaming Tables"|KV32|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Wins in Bingo & Gaming Tables"|""|"

    Big Wins in Bingo & Gaming Tables

    If you enjoy bingo or any game of chance at the gaming tables, this is a very specific spell designed to help you walk away with big winnings. Read More...

    Big Wins in Bingo & Gaming Tables

    If you enjoy bingo or any game of chance at the gaming tables, this is a very specific spell designed to help you walk away with big winnings. Nothing is assured in life, but when you allow the Kongo Voodoo spirits to enter your life, who knows what spectacular results could occur? Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-wins-in-gambling|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Wins in Gambling"|KV30|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Wins in Gambling"|""|"

    Big Wins in Gambling

    If you are a person who expends time and money in gambling activity, look no further than this potent spell. Read More...

    Big Wins in Gambling

    Do you enjoy the thrill and excitement of testing your skills in games of chance? Would you like to improve the odds if you could? If you are a person who expends time and money in gambling activity, look no further than this potent spell. Let Jahari summon the Kongo Voodoo spirits in your behalf and see for yourself if you begin to experience remarkable changes in your luck. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-wins-in-lottery-sweeps-contests|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Wins in Lottery-Sweeps-Contests"|KV31|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Wins in Lottery-Sweeps-Contests"|""|"

    Big Wins in Lottery-Sweeps-Contests

    This Kongo Voodoo spell is specifically designed for you if you partake in the lottery, sweepstakes, or various contests – or all three. Read More...

    Big Wins in Lottery-Sweeps-Contests

    This Kongo Voodoo spell is specifically designed for you if you partake in the lottery, sweepstakes, or various contests – or all three. If so, allow Jahari to stand by your side and summon the Kongo Voodoo spirits to help give you the needed edge you need to succeed in these games of chance. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-wins-in-vegas-casinos|"Kongo Voodoo BIG Wins in Vegas & Casinos"|KV33|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"BIG Wins in Vegas & Casinos"|""|"

    Big Wins in Vegas & Casinos

    This spell is designed to help lead you to the right gambling table or slot machine at the right time. Read More...

    Big Wins in Vegas & Casinos

    Success in gambling can never be predicted, but knowing the Kongo Voodoo spirits are beside you, guiding you, helping you…who knows what remarkable things may happen? This spell is designed to help lead you to the right gambling table or slot machine at the right time. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-breakup-a-relationship|"Kongo Voodoo Breakup a Relationship"|KV41|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Breakup a Relationship"|""|"

    Breakup a Relationship

    Do you know of a couple that should not be together? Read More...

    Breakup a Relationship

    Do you know of a couple that should not be together? Are you very familiar with one of the people and you are certain he or she is being fooled or brainwashed or taken advantage of by the other person? And is it also possible this person whom you care for so deeply should be back home with you…where he or she truly belongs? If any of the above rings true, this potent Kongo Voodoo spell could make a dramatic difference in your life. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-cancel-a-hex-placed-on-you|"Kongo Voodoo Cancel a Hex Placed on You"|KV47|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cancel a Hex Placed on You"|""|"

    Cancel a Hex Placed on You

    Do you believe this someone has placed a devastating hex upon you? Would you like to remove this hex and get your life back on track? Read More...

    Cancel a Hex Placed on You

    Do you feel as if a dark cloud is hovering over you, preventing you from leading a normal life? Do you believe this is due to someone placing a devastating hex upon you? Would you like to remove this hex and get your life back on track? If so, this potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to do precisely that. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-change-lovers-mind|"Kongo Voodoo Change Lover's Mind"|KV04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Change Lover’s Mind"|""|"

    Change Lover's Mind

    Is your lover refusing to give you the love and commitment you so deserve? I, Jahari, am here to assist you. Read More...

    Change Lover's Mind

    Is your lover giving you trouble? Is he or she refusing to give you the love and commitment you so deserve? Are you at your wit’s end because you fear if this situation continues, you are concerned that the relationship may never be all you’ve hoped it could be? And would you give anything to change your lover’s mind? If you answered yes to the above, you should know it is not too late to change this very serious situation. And your future happiness could depend on what you do at this point. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-dont-leave-me|"Kongo Voodoo Don't Leave Me"|KV08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Don’t Leave Me"|""|"

    Don't Leave Me

    Are you deeply concerned that your current relationship is on the verge of terminating? Are your suggestions for keeping the relationship together falling upon deaf ears? Read More...

    Don't Leave Me

    Are you deeply concerned that your current relationship is on the verge of terminating? Is the person you truly love not being reasonable, not being responsive to your feelings? Are your suggestions for keeping the relationship together falling upon deaf ears? And are you not getting the love and respect you so deserve? And are you afraid the problems you are encountering may never be solved and the relationship could be doomed for failure? If the above rings true, this powerful Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to penetrate the inner consciousness of your lover and bring harmony, laughter, and love back to your relationship. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-end-loneliness|"Kongo Voodoo End Loneliness"|KV35|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"End Loneliness"|""|"

    End Loneliness

    This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to put you in the right place at the right time with the right attitude, so you can finally “connect” with the person you are destined to be with. Read More...

    End Loneliness

    Are you alone and fear you may never be with the “right” person? Is your heart breaking because you see other couples happy together and you want to be in the same situation? This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to put you in the right place at the right time with the right attitude, so you can finally “connect” with the person you are destined to be with. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-even-the-score|"Kongo Voodoo Even the Score"|KV43|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Even the Score"|""|"

    Even the Score

    Has someone intentionally set out to harm you in some way? Read More...

    Even the Score

    Has someone intentionally set out to harm you in some way? Do they deserve to learn a lesson that their evil ways will cause serious consequences – back on them? If you are reading these words, then very likely you have a score to settle. And perhaps it’s time to even the score. Tell Jahari exactly what you need and let him summon the Kongo Voodoo spirits in your behalf. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-eye-for-an-eye|"Kongo Voodoo Eye for an Eye"|KV45|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Eye for an Eye"|""|"

    Eye for an Eye

    Do you seek retribution against a specific person? Has this person done something to you or someone you know that you cannot forgive? Read More...

    Eye for an Eye

    Do you seek retribution against a specific person? Has this person done something to you or someone you know that you cannot forgive? Does this person have an evil side to them, and you feel you are obligated to get even – to exact an eye for an eye? If so, the Kongo Voodoo Eye for an Eye spell should be precisely what you’re looking for. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-find-a-new-love|"Kongo Voodoo Find a New Love"|KV09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Find a New Love"|""|"

    Find a New Love

    Are you tired of being alone?

    Find a New Love

    Are you tired of being alone? Do you ever awaken in the middle of the night and wonder how it would be to have your lover by your side? Do you feel it’s a big, cold world and the only way – the best way – is to go through life with that special person? If you are the kind of person who is loving and giving, and you yearn for the right person to return your love unconditionally – without hesitation, without restraint, without a selfish thought – you have come to the right place. So if you are frustrated because you don’t want to go through life alone, this potent spell is designed to help you cross paths with the true love of your life. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-fix-our-relationship|"Kongo Voodoo Fix Our Relationship"|KV03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Fix Our Relationship"|""|"

    Fix Our Relationship

    Is your relationship broken? Do you feel it may be shattered beyond repair? Don’t give up hope. There is time to fix it! Read More...

    Fix Our Relationship

    Is your relationship broken? Do you feel it may be shattered beyond repair? Do your arguments and disagreements seem to go on and on and on? And do you feel you are being treated unfairly, with disrespect, and even resentment? If the above rings true, don’t give up hope. There is time to fix it. The Kongo Voodoo Fix Our Relationship spell is designed to specifically address a situation like yours. It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-forgive-me|"Kongo Voodoo Forgive Me"|KV14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Forgive Me"|""|"

    Forgive Me

    This spell is designed to penetrate the inner mind of your lover, planting the seeds of forgiveness and returning your relationship to one of understanding, loyalty and love. Read More...

    Forgive Me

    Have you done something – or are perceived to have done something – that has upset your lover? Is your lover being unreasonable and refusing to “really hear” what you have to say? And is your lover so stubborn that you fear this impasse will never be resolved and your relationship will never be the same again? If so, this potent Kondo Voodoo spell is designed to penetrate the inner mind of your lover, planting the seeds of forgiveness and returning your relationship to one of understanding, loyalty and love. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-friends-to-lovers|"Kongo Voodoo Friends to Lovers"|KV05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Friends to Lovers"|""|"

    Friends to Lovers

    Are you close to someone who thinks of you only as a “platonic” friend? But are your feelings deeper – much deeper – in that you want to be lovers, not just friends? Read More...

    Friends to Lovers

    Are you close to someone who thinks of you only as a “platonic” friend? A person he or she can count on, but not in a romantic way? But are your feelings deeper – much deeper – in that you want to be lovers, not just friends? And do you have greater plans for this person? Perhaps marriage? Is this you? With all your heart you want this person to have similar feelings as you. To be on the same wavelength so the two of you can take the relationship to a higher level, a more meaningful level, a more intimate level. If so, perhaps it’s time to change the relationship once and fall all. It’s time to become lovers. If the above words resonate with you, then it’s time to have The Kongo Voodoo Friends to Lovers spell cast in your behalf. Perhaps it’s time to let the sparks fly! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-get-out-of-debt|"Kongo Voodoo Get Out of Debt"|KV22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Get Out of Debt"|""|"

    Get Out of Debt

    Are you worried that the bills keep coming and coming, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight? Read More...

    Get Out of Debt

    Are you worried that the bills keep coming and coming, and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight? And you’re concerned that the debt is affecting almost every aspect of your life – in a very negative way? The Kongo Voodoo Get Out of Debt spell is designed to lessen the load you’re carrying, eventually freeing you from this burden. And when you’re financially solvent, only then can you begin to save BIG and enjoy the lifestyle you feel you so deserve. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-incredible-marvelous-sex|"Kongo Voodoo Incredible, Marvelous Sex"|KV16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Incredible, Marvelous Sex"|""|"

    Incredible, Marvelous Sex

    Are you at a point in life in which you need that special person to look at you with a flaming fire in their eyes? Read More...

    Incredible, Marvelous Sex

    Are you at a point in life in which you need that special person to look at you with a flaming fire in their eyes? Do you have fantasies of being caressed and loved – and fulfilling your wildest desires? If so, you have come to the right place. This potent Kongo spell is designed to not only light the fire but to make you and your partner shiver with passionate desire. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-independence-easy-life|"Kongo Voodoo Independence & Easy Life"|KV27|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Independence & Easy Life"|""|"

    Independence & Easy Life

    This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to give you the independence and easy life you’ve earned with your hard work, your labor, your devotion – and your blood, seat and tears! Read More...

    Independence & Easy Life

    Do you feel you’ve worked hard and have paid your dues? Are you tired of working for other people and making “them” money? Are you ready for that big change? The change where you can get up each morning knowing “you have it made”? This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to give you the independence and easy life you’ve earned with your hard work, your labor, your devotion – and your blood, seat and tears! It’s time you were paid back tenfold for your effort! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-last-chance|"Kongo Voodoo Last Chance"|KV34|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Last Chance"|""|"

    Last Chance

    Are you in a situation – perhaps a relationship – in which you have expended a great deal of time and effort to correct a difficult problem, but no matter what you do it hasn’t worked? Read More...

    Last Chance

    Are you in a situation – perhaps a relationship – in which you have expended a great deal of time and effort to correct a difficult problem, but no matter what you do it hasn’t worked? And although you’re not ready to give up, you really don’t know what the next step should be? This Kongo Voodoo spell is designed for you if you need one more chance to right a wrong – and to get your life back on track. Let the Kongo Voodoo spirits show you the way. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-lasting-love|"Kongo Voodoo Lasting Love"|KV01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lasting Love"|""|"

    Lasting Love

    The Kongo Voodoo Lasting Love spell is designed to penetrate the subconscious mind of the one you love and to fortify your relationship so you will be the envy of all who know you. Read More...

    Lasting Love

    This spell is for you if you have found the person of your dreams. And, most importantly, you want this relationship to be lasting, loving, and the best it could be. The Kongo Voodoo Lasting Love spell is designed to penetrate the subconscious mind of the one you love and to fortify your relationship so you will be the envy of all who know you. If you are certain that the most important thing in your life is lasting love, you have come to the right place. For this potent Kongo Voodoo spell could be exactly what you’re looking for. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-less-stress-anxiety-at-work|"Kongo Voodoo Less Stress & Anxiety at Work"|KV26|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Less Stress & Anxiety at Work"|""|"

    Less Stress & Anxiety at Work

    This spell is designed to ease your load and let you take a deep breath, relax, and smell the roses. Read More...

    Less Stress & Anxiety at Work

    Are you at your wit’s end because the pressure at work is beginning to get to you? And it’s even affecting your life outside of the work place? This spell is designed to ease your load and let you take a deep breath, relax, and smell the roses. If you feel stressed out, let the Kongo spirits smooth the way. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-love-me-lust-for-me|"Kongo Voodoo Love Me, Lust for Me"|KV15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Love Me, Lust for Me"|""|"

    Love Me, Lust for Me

    Is there a special person in your life who you want to “turn on”? Read More...

    Love Me, Lust for Me

    Is there a special person in your life who you want to “turn on”? Is this person attracted to you but perhaps is not showing it? And do you know in your heart that once this person commits to becoming more “intimate” with you – and only you — your relationship will soar in friendship, love, and passion. This potent Kongo spell is designed to ignite the love and passion you have for one another. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-make-me-sexy-irresistible|"Kongo Voodoo Make Me Sexy & Irresistible"|KV18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Make Me Sexy & Irresistible"|""|"

    Make Me Sexy & Irresistible

    Within you is a deep passion that is waiting to break out and come to the surface – but only when you meet that one special person. Read More...

    Make Me Sexy & Irresistible

    Have you ever noticed that some people have a certain quality about them that makes them so appealing they are irresistible? And without even trying, they seem to emit a glow that “turns people on.” If you desire to be one of them, this unique Kongo spell is for you. Is this you? Within you is a deep passion that is waiting to break out and come to the surface – but only when you meet that one special person. Sometimes you simmer with sensual feelings that unfortunately are not being met, and you know when you meet the love of your life, this person will be a very lucky person indeed. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-make-my-fantasies-come-true|"Kongo Voodoo Make My Fantasies Come True"|KV19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Make My Fantasies Come True"|""|"

    Make My Fantasies Come True

    This remarkable Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to tap your inner consciousness, expanding your aura so the ""right"" person will be irresistibly drawn to you...and then the fun begins! Read More...

    Make My Fantasies Come True

    Do you dream of things that are almost too personal to tell others about? Would you like to live these fantasies? This remarkable Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to tap your inner consciousness, expanding your aura so the “right” person will be irresistibly drawn to you…and then the fun begins! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-my-lover-only-has-eyes-for-me|"Kongo Voodoo My Lover Only Has Eyes for Me"|KV10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"My Lover Only Has Eyes for Me"|""|"

    My Lover Only Has Eyes for Me

    This potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to focus your lover’s eyes on you and only you. Read More...

    My Lover Only Has Eyes for Me

    Do you have misgivings because you feel your lover is not totally satisfied with you? And perhaps he or she has wandering eyes? And is possibly on the lookout for someone else? And you are uncertain as to their loyalty and intentions? If so, this potent Kongo spell is designed to focus your lover’s eyes on you and only you. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-new-career|"Kongo Voodoo New Career"|KV25|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"New Career"|""|"

    New Career

    The Kongo Voodoo New Career spell is designed to open the gates to a new career that has the potential to make you a BIG success. Read More...

    New Career

    Are you working in a job that doesn’t excite you? That doesn’t stir your blood? That perhaps is a one-way street to nowhere? If so, maybe it’s time to consider changing careers. The Kongo Voodoo New Career spell is designed to open the gates to a new career that has the potential to make you a BIG success. This is an important opportunity to allow the Kongo spirits to show you the way. And remember: think BIG! Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-no-more-disagreements|"Kongo Voodoo No More Disagreements"|KV11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"No More Disagreements"|""|"

    No More Disagreements

    Is your relationship hindered by arguments and disagreements?

    No More Disagreements

    Is your relationship hindered by arguments and disagreements? Are you concerned that if this continues, it could undermine your relationship – perhaps causing damage that could never be rerpaired? And is your heart breaking because you fear the situation could get worse? Is this you? You know you are in the “right” relationship with the “right” person, but you feel you need to do something drastic to stop this negativity, If so, perhaps it’s time to have this potent Kongo Voodoo spell cast in your behalf. Remember, nothing, but nothing, is more important than restoring the loyalty and love and happiness you once had in this very special person. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-one-more-chance|"Kongo Voodoo One More Chance"|KV07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"One More Chance"|""|"

    One More Chance

    Do you need one more chance to convince your lover that the two of you belong together and are truly meant for one another? Read More...

    One More Chance

    Are you in love with a very special person but at this time the relationship is not going well – or going at all? Have there been misunderstandings and miscommunications in the past that are making it difficult for the two of you to reunite in the meaningful bond that you know is very possible? And is your lover angry, stubborn, and not willing to listen to you or to compromise in any way? Is this you? You need one more chance to convince your lover that the two of you belong together and are truly meant for one another. And if you get this opportunity, you know in your heart that the relationship can be saved. And what’s more, the relationship will thrive! But you desperately need that one more chance! If these words describe you and your situation, perhaps it’s time to have this potent Kongo spell cast in your behalf. And once the spell is cast, hopefully you can look forward to a relationship of love and loyalty and the happiness you so deserve. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-place-a-hex|"Kongo Voodoo Place a Hex"|KV46|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Place a Hex"|""|"

    Place a Hex

    Do you want to place a hex on someone? Read More...

    Place a Hex

    Do you want to place a hex on someone? Has this person sought to do you, or someone you know, harm? Do you feel justified in your actions? If you answered yes to the above, this potent Kongo Voodoo spell should fulfill your requirements. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-big-love-spells|"Kongo Voodoo Relationship Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Kongo Voodoo is a potent force that in the right hands could change a hopeless situation to hopeful in a matter of days."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Big Love Spells

    Do you want to live the rest of your life with the love of your life? If you are in a relationship that is caught in a downward spiral and you feel it’s time to do something about it, you have come to the right place. Kongo Voodoo is a potent force that in the right hands could change a hopeless situation to hopeful in a matter of days. If it’s a harmonious relationship you seek without anger or distrust, or perhaps the return of an old love, there is a spell for you that could turn your relationship around on a dime. Take a look at the following potent spells, and let the Kongo spirits show you the way. And remember. I, Jahari, stand behind each and every spell I cast for you. My spells either bring you all that you desire or I give your money back to you. No questions asked. Period. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-retribution|"Kongo Voodoo Retribution"|KV42|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 


    Has someone done you wrong? Are you ready to turn the tables on them? Read More...


    Has someone done you wrong? Does this person need to suffer the same consequences they have caused you? Are you ready to turn the tables on them? If so, you have come to the right place. Tell Jahari exactly what you need and let him summon the Kongo Voodoo spirits in your behalf. <>Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-return-a-love|"Kongo Voodoo Return a Love"|KV02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Return a Love"|""|"

    Return a Love

    What would you give to have your relationship repaired -- with past differences left in the past -- and the two of you together, smiling, in love, and above all, happy? Read More...

    Return a Love

    Is the love of your life out of the picture? And you are almost out of your mind with grief and despair? Will your heart be broken, perhaps beyond repair, if he or she doesn’t return? And what would your life be like if this happens? Now hear this! What would you give to have this relationship repaired — with past differences left in the past — and the two of you together, smiling, in love, and above all, happy? You should know that the Kongo Voodoo Return a Love spell is designed to specifically address a situation like yours. And it could turn your despair into unbelievable happiness. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-tender-loving-care|"Kongo Voodoo Tender Loving Care"|KV06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Tender Loving Care"|""|"

    Tender Loving Care

    Are you currently in a relationship in which you are not receiving the tender loving care you so deserve? Read More...

    Tender Loving Care

    Are you currently in a relationship in which you are not receiving the tender loving care you so deserve? Do you seek the kind of romantic love that you dream about, you fantasize about, because you know what you want and you won’t be satisfied until you get it? Do you crave to be held and touched and treated with kindness and respect? Remember this: You are a good person, a giving person. And you deserve to be with this same kind of person. And you don’t want to settle for less! So don’t wait a second longer. This potent Kongo Voodoo spell could bring warmth and caring and giving into your most meaningful relationship. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-time-money-to-enjoy-life|"Kongo Voodoo Time & Money to Enjoy Life"|KV38|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Time & Money to Enjoy Life"|""|"

    Time & Money to Enjoy Life

    Are you ready to lead the life that most people dream of but never even come close to experiencing? Read More...

    Time & Money to Enjoy Life

    Are you ready to lead the life that most people dream of but never even come close to experiencing? Do you believe there are powerful spirits that we cannot see nor comprehend that await the call to do our bidding for us? If so, let the High Priest, Jahari, take you by the hand as he summons the spirits in your behalf. Then experience the joys of having the time and money to truly enjoy every second of life. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-treat-me-like-royalty|"Kongo Voodoo Treat Me Like Royalty"|KV12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Treat Me Like Royalty"|""|"

    Treat Me Like Royalty

    If you want to awake each morning next to a lover who treats you with kindness and wants to do things for “you,” well then, this magnificent Kongo Voodoo spell could be just what you’re looking for. Read More...

    Treat Me Like Royalty

    Are you currently in a relationship in which your lover is not giving you the attention and tender loving care you so deserve? Is it asking too much for you to be treated with respect, courtesy, love? And are you envious of other relationships in which the “lovers” treat each other like royalty? If you want to awake each morning next to a lover who treats you with kindness and wants to do things for “you,” well then, this magnificent Kongo Voodoo spell could be just what you’re looking for. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-unlimited-potential|"Kongo Voodoo Unlimited Potential"|KV40|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Unlimited Potential"|""|"

    Unlimited Potential

    Do you feel you are treading water and not making the progress in your personal and business life that you so deserve? Do you feel you have the intelligence and capabilities of doing so much more, achieving goals that others merely dream of? Read More...

    Unlimited Potential

    Do you feel you are treading water and not making the progress in your personal and business life that you so deserve? Do you feel you have the intelligence and capabilities of doing so much more, achieving goals that others merely dream of? If this reflects your true feelings, this potent Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to take you to the next level — a significantly higher level – in which your dreams and aspirations can become reality. Perhaps it is time for you to let the High Priest, Jahari, take you by the hand as he summons the spirits in your behalf. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-vanish-rival|"Kongo Voodoo Vanish Rival"|KV44|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Vanish Rival"|""|"

    Vanish Rival

    Is there someone in your life right now who is making life so miserable for you, you wish this person would simply go away? Read More...

    Vanish Rival

    Is there someone in your life right now who is making life so miserable for you, you wish this person would simply go away? Do you feel this person’s exit is necessary so you can get back to a normal life — and you won’t have to even think about this person again? Are you sure you want this? Because this is a very powerful spell and it can’t be reversed. But if you are certain, then the Kongo Voodoo Vanish Rival spell is designed specifically for you. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-wake-up-and-realize-you-love-me|"Kongo Voodoo Wake Up and Realize You Love Me"|KV13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wake Up and Realize You Love Me"|""|"

    Wake Up and Realize You Love Me

    This Kongo Voodoo spell is designed to penetrate the inner mind of your lover, convincing him or her once and for all that the two of you are inseparable and meant to go through life hand in hand...laughing, loving, and loyal every step of the way. Read More...

    Wake Up and Realize You Love Me

    Are you currently in a relationship in which your lover is not giving you the attention and tender loving care you so deserve? Is it asking too much for you to be treated with respect, courtesy, love? And are you envious of other relationships in which the “lovers” treat each other like royalty? If you want to awake each morning next to a lover who treats you with kindness and wants to do things for “you,” well then, this magnificent Kongo Voodoo spell could be just what you’re looking for. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kongo-voodoo-wishmaker|"Kongo Voodoo Wishmaker"|KV36|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 


    Do you have one particular dream or wish that you’d give anything to have come true? Read More...


    Do you have one particular dream or wish that you’d give anything to have come true? Are you ready to break out of the humdrum life and lead the life you were destined to lead? If so, you have come to the right place. Make your wish, and let the Kongo Voodoo spirits show you the way. Please read these words from Jahari! It is important that you realize you are not alone. I, Jahari, am here to assist you. But one thing you should know. Kongo Voodoo is a powerhouse. It is not to be taken lightly. And once I summon the Kongo spirits and pass on your request there is no turning back. So think carefully and thoughtfully and be certain of what you ask for! But above all, don’t give up! There is hope! You could be amazed at what I, Jahari, a Kongo Voodoo High Priest could do for you. (And don’t forget my one-year unconditional guarantee. Because if you are not happy, I am not happy.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| krakow-last-hope-spell|"Krakow's Last Hope Spell"|KR2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Krakow cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Krakow cast your spell TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Master Psychic known as Krakow specializes in “last hope” requests!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Master Psychic known as Krakow specializes in “last hope” requests!
    Are you in a relationship that is falling apart?
    If so, Krakow is ready to meditate in your behalf with the ultimate purpose of reigniting your love life. And soon you could once again experience your lover’s attraction, devotion and love for you. Krakow will summon his formidable psychic powers to penetrate the inner consciousness of your loved one...stimulating their emotions to rethink their attitude, their feelings for you.
    Or are you in the midst of a financial crisis?
    If so, Krakow will meditate in your behalf, alerting you to new ways to dramatically increase your bank account.
    Or perhaps someone or something is tormenting you?
    If so, Krakow will meditate in your behalf, expanding your mind, implanting practical solutions to turn your life around – instantly! If some or all of the above describes your current situation, you are meant to be reading these words at this time.
    Nothing to lose
    Since Krakow applies his formidable psychic skills exclusively on behalf of the California Astrology Association, the spells he casts for CAA clients are covered by CAA’s 365-day guarantee. Krakow could do for you as he has for so many throughout the years: Change your situation from hopeless to hope, bringing you the happiness, love and riches you so deserve. And should you not be one hundred percent satisfied with Krakow’s work at any time over the next year, merely contact us and you will receive a full refund. Period. No questions asked!
    Here's what you can do!
    • Tell Krakow your most critical need at this time.
    • Krakow will study your request and notify you when he will cast his potent Last Hope spell in your behalf.
    • Then once the seed is planted, your confidence should soar knowing you have one of the most accomplished Master Psychics working in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ladyluck|"Lady Luck Charm For Good Luck"|LAD|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"Lady Luck"|""|"When you keep Lady Luck by your side, the whole world smiles at you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you want to win, and win big, let Lady Luck take you by the hand and lead you to winnings you never thought possible. It often doesn't matter how hard you try or how well you have prepared, without Lady Luck by your side, life will continue to be a struggle. Don't spend all your time and effort on a losing cause. Keep Lady Luck with you every moment of the day and let her bring you:
    • Luck in Romance
    • Luck in Relationships
    • Luck in Finances
    • Luck in Every Aspect of Your Life
    We strongly suggest you take possession of your very own Lady Luck amulet and personally experience the joys of success, love, and happiness. Life for you could be sweet again, if you let Lady Luck show you the way. Prepare now for a phenomenal change in both your personal and business life.
    Dear CAA, I received my Lady Luck, and on the first weekend, I won $500 at Bingo, and $265 and $302 in the Little Lottery. I hope she keeps bringing me luck and maybe I will win the big one. Thank you for the fast shipment. I will order more for other people soon. H. W.
    Carmi, IL

    Dear CAA, Lady Luck works! My luck in the game of chance did improve. I won several times in Bingo. Unfortunately I lost my Lady Luck and haven't won anything since then. But I've place another order. Thanks,
    A. C.
    When you keep Lady Luck by your side, the whole world smiles at you.
    "||||""|""|""|"2"|"This powerful Lady Luck charm is designed to bring you good luck the instant you touch it. So whether you are interested in a slot game, bingo or any game of chance, the Lady Luck charm could bring you success in every aspect of your life. This lucky charm could be a life-changer for you."|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-abundance-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Abundance Spell"|LZ12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Abundance Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Abundance Spell

    As we proceed through life, it is a blessing to be surrounded by loved ones and live in a home filled with treasured possessions. This potent spell is designed to bring you possessions that will give you great joy and satisfaction, as well as the admiration of family and friends who will recognize your success.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Abundance Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    As we proceed through life, it is a blessing to be surrounded by loved ones and live in a home filled with treasured possessions. This potent spell is designed to bring you possessions that will give you great joy and satisfaction, as well as the admiration of family and friends who will recognize your success."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-avenger-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Avenger Spell"|LZ31|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Avenger Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Avenger Spell

    It’s unfortunate and quite unfair when your life is disrupted by a disturbed, vindictive individual. Particularly when this person has nothing better to do than to annoy, harass and upset you. If this is happening to you, you can take immediate action to stop it! Ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Avenger spell in your behalf. And do it now! Don’t let this unhappy individual keep you from enjoying life to the fullest!

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Avenger Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    It’s unfortunate and quite unfair when your life is disrupted by a disturbed, vindictive individual. Particularly when this person has nothing better to do than to annoy, harass and upset you. If this is happening to you, you can take immediate action to stop it! Ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Avenger spell in your behalf. And do it now! Don’t let this unhappy individual keep you from enjoying life to the fullest!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-breakup-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Breakup Spell"|LZ03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Couple's Names"" Inscription 30 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Couple's Names:
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Breakup Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Breakup Spell

    Do you know in your heart that a certain couple really shouldn’t be together and you believe they will eventually split up? If you want to expedite the process, there is something you can do about it. This is your opportunity to ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Breakup spell, and do it as quickly and as effectively as possible.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Breakup Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Do you know in your heart that a certain couple really shouldn’t be together and you believe they will eventually split up? If you want to expedite the process, there is something you can do about it. This is your opportunity to ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Breakup spell, and do it as quickly and as effectively as possible."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-end-feud-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent End Feud Spell"|LZ33|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent End Feud Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent End Feud Spell

    If you’ve been having difficulty with a specific person and you want it to stop, there is something you can do to repair this relationship. Ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her powerful Triple Potent End Feud spell in your behalf, allowing you to stop this unnecessary and disruptive disagreement once and for all!

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent End Feud Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If you’ve been having difficulty with a specific person and you want it to stop, there is something you can do to repair this relationship. Ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her powerful Triple Potent End Feud spell in your behalf, allowing you to stop this unnecessary and disruptive disagreement once and for all!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-happiness-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Happiness Spell"|LZ23|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Happiness Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Happiness Spell

    If you want to experience the true joys of life and awake each morning with a smile on your face, Lady Zirkaya’s Triple Potent Happiness spell is designed to do just that: bring you happiness in every aspect of your life! Lady Zirkaya is a world-renowned psychic who is ready to cast this most powerful spell for you. It is designed to fulfill your most important and profound wish: happiness!

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Happiness Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If you want to experience the true joys of life and awake each morning with a smile on your face, Lady Zirkaya’s Triple Potent Happiness spell is designed to do just that: bring you happiness in every aspect of your life! Lady Zirkaya is a world-renowned psychic who is ready to cast this most powerful spell for you. It is designed to fulfill your most important and profound wish: happiness!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-lottery-sweeps-gambling-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lottery-Sweeps-Gambling Spell"|LZ22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lottery-Sweeps-Gambling Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lottery-Sweeps-Gambling Spell

    If you truly enjoy the excitement of lotteries, sweepstakes or games of chance, and you want to increase your chances of winning you are in for a treat. The famous psychic known as Lady Zirkaya has a very special, very powerful spell known as the Triple Potent Lottery-Sweeps-Gambling spell. This is a very popular spell that Lady Zirkaya has cast for clients worldwide. And she is ready to cast it for you at a fraction of her normal fee.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lottery-Sweeps-Gambling Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If you truly enjoy the excitement of lotteries, sweepstakes or games of chance, and you want to increase your chances of winning you are in for a treat. The famous psychic known as Lady Zirkaya has a very special, very powerful spell known as the Triple Potent Lottery-Sweeps-Gambling spell. This is a very popular spell that Lady Zirkaya has cast for clients worldwide. And she is ready to cast it for you at a fraction of her normal fee."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-love-me-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Me! Spell"|LZ02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Me! Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Me! Spell

    Is your love life in the doldrums because of a listless, unexciting and perhaps disinterested lover? If the fire has gone out, don’t fret. You can rekindle that excitement! Simply ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Love Me! spell three days in a row just for you!

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Me! Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Is your love life in the doldrums because of a listless, unexciting and perhaps disinterested lover? If the fire has gone out, don’t fret. You can rekindle that excitement! Simply ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Love Me! spell three days in a row just for you!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-love-spells|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you feel helpless and hopeless, don’t despair. Upon hearing from you, the gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya could plant the seeds of reconciliation, forgiveness and love in the subconscious mind of the person you so care about."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Spells

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Is your heart breaking because your love life is in turmoil right now? Is your relationship going downhill rapidly and is in jeopardy? If you feel helpless and hopeless, don’t despair. Upon hearing from you, the gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya could plant the seeds of reconciliation, forgiveness and love in the subconscious mind of the person you so care about. So whatever your situation, take a look at Lady Zirkaya’s specific love spells below and see which one(s) best suit your needs. Then ask Lady Zirkaya to apply her formidable psychic powers in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-lover-reunion-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lover Reunion Spell"|LZ01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lover Reunion Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lover Reunion Spell

    Has your lover gone missing? Or perhaps the love of your life is already in the arms of someone else? If so, this is the time to seek help. Ask Lady Zirkaya to unleash her vast psychic powers to bring your lover back to your doorstep! Not next week or next month! Right now!

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lover Reunion Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Has your lover gone missing? Or perhaps the love of your life is already in the arms of someone else? If so, this is the time to seek help. Ask Lady Zirkaya to unleash her vast psychic powers to bring your lover back to your doorstep! Not next week or next month! Right now!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-luck-spells|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Luck & Happiness Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"The moment the gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya hears from you, she will apply her formidable psychic powers in your behalf to help bring you the luck, prosperity and happiness you so deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Luck & Happiness Spells

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Are you envious of those who seem to catch all the breaks and have all the luck? Would you like to be like them and enjoy all the blessings and benefits that come with it? The moment the gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya hears from you, she will apply her formidable psychic powers in your behalf to help bring you the luck, prosperity and happiness you so deserve. Take a look at the specific spells below and see which one(s) best suit your needs.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-lucky-me-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lucky Me Spell"|LZ21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lucky Me Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lucky Me Spell

    If you feel that things are not going your way and you are in need of a lucky streak, there is something you can do about it. You can ask the world-renowned psychic Lady Zirkaya to work in your behalf to help bring you luck and success in your relationships, your finances, your career...

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lucky Me Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If you feel that things are not going your way and you are in need of a lucky streak, there is something you can do about it. You can ask the world-renowned psychic Lady Zirkaya to work in your behalf to help bring you luck and success in your relationships, your finances, your career..."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-lust-for-me-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lust for Me Spell"|LZ05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lust for Me Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lust for Me Spell

    If you would like to magnify your appeal and pull in that special person to you as if you were a giant magnet, the Triple Potent Lust For Me spell is designed to do just that. Upon hearing from you, Lady Zirkaya will call upon her vast psychic powers to do your bidding. Lady Zirkaya’s Triple Potent Lust For Me spell is one of her most popular and effective spells.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Lust for Me Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If you would like to magnify your appeal and pull in that special person to you as if you were a giant magnet, the Triple Potent Lust For Me spell is designed to do just that. Upon hearing from you, Lady Zirkaya will call upon her vast psychic powers to do your bidding. Lady Zirkaya’s Triple Potent Lust For Me spell is one of her most popular and effective spells."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-make-him-her-love-me-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Make Him/Her Love Me Spell"|LZ04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Make Him/Her Love Me Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Make Him/Her Love Me Spell

    Are you despondent because you are not being adored and loved by that special person? And you long for the two of you to have the best compatibility possible? If so, The gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya is awaiting word from you. And once she hears from you, Lady Zirkaya will call upon her vast psychic powers to implant the seeds of romance and love to blossom and thrive in this most important relationship.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Make Him/Her Love Me Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Are you despondent because you are not being adored and loved by that special person? And you long for the two of you to have the best compatibility possible? If so, The gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya is awaiting word from you. And once she hears from you, Lady Zirkaya will call upon her vast psychic powers to implant the seeds of romance and love to blossom and thrive in this most important relationship."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-midas-touch-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Midas Touch Spell"|LZ13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Midas Touch Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Midas Touch Spell

    Do you dream of being able to be at the right place at the right time? And never miss an opportunity to partake in a venture that will be wildly successful? The people who are able to do this truly have the Midas Touch. And it’s possible that you could become one of them. If you fantasize what you would do if you had the Midas Touch and everything you tried was successful, then you have come to the right place. Ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Midas Touch spell to get you on the fast track to a future filled with success, magnificent possessions and the happiness you so deserve.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Midas Touch Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Do you dream of being able to be at the right place at the right time? And never miss an opportunity to partake in a venture that will be wildly successful? The people who are able to do this truly have the Midas Touch. And it’s possible that you could become one of them. If you fantasize what you would do if you had the Midas Touch and everything you tried was successful, then you have come to the right place. Ask Lady Zirkaya to cast her Triple Potent Midas Touch spell to get you on the fast track to a future filled with success, magnificent possessions and the happiness you so deserve."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-money-spells|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Money Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you truly wish to acquire luxurious possessions and have the leisure time to enjoy them, there is something you can do about it."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Money Spells

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Is your financial situation on life support? If you could turn it around and have money flow toward you instead of away from you, would you do it? If you truly wish to acquire luxurious possessions and have the leisure time to enjoy them, there is something you can do about it. The moment the gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya hears from you she will apply her formidable psychic powers in your behalf. So take a look at the various money spells and see which one(s) most fit your need.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-money-money-money-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Money, Money, Money Spell"|LZ11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Money, Money, Money Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Money, Money, Money Spell

    Would you like to live the good life? A life where you can have anything you want, go anywhere you please? The answer of course is money. Lots and lots of money. So if you are envious of those who have it all, perhaps it’s time to let Lady Zirkaya help you become one of them.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Money, Money, Money Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Would you like to live the good life? A life where you can have anything you want, go anywhere you please? The answer of course is money. Lots and lots of money. So if you are envious of those who have it all, perhaps it’s time to let Lady Zirkaya help you become one of them."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-remove-rival-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Remove Rival Spell"|LZ32|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Remove Rival Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Remove Rival Spell

    If someone is trying to make your life miserable – and succeeding at it, perhaps it’s time to take action and do something about it. You can ask Lady Zirkaya to focus her formidable psychic skills to remove your rival once and for all. Lady Zirkaya’s Triple Potent Remove Rival spell is designed to get you back on track to fulfill your true destiny.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Remove Rival Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If someone is trying to make your life miserable – and succeeding at it, perhaps it’s time to take action and do something about it. You can ask Lady Zirkaya to focus her formidable psychic skills to remove your rival once and for all. Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Remove Rival spell is designed to get you back on track to fulfill your true destiny."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-retribution-spells|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Retribution & Forgiveness Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"The gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya is awaiting word from you to spring into action. Ask her to cast one of her famous Triple Potent spells in your behalf to stop a troublesome person in their tracks."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Retribution & Forgiveness Spells

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Is someone out there who has it in for you? Is this person causing you stress and worry, preventing you from enjoying life to its fullest? If so, it’s time to be proactive. The gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya is awaiting word from you to spring into action. Ask her to cast one of her famous Triple Potent spells in your behalf to stop this troublesome person in their tracks. Take a look at the specific spells below and see which one(s) best suit your needs."||||"(:LADY-ZIRKAYA-AVENGER-SPELL :LADY-ZIRKAYA-REMOVE-RIVAL-SPELL :LADY-ZIRKAYA-END-FEUD-SPELL)"|"(:LADY-ZIRKAYA-AVENGER-SPELL :LADY-ZIRKAYA-REMOVE-RIVAL-SPELL :LADY-ZIRKAYA-END-FEUD-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-special-request-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Special Request Spell"|LZ24|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Special Request Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Special Request Spell

    If you have a unique problem that must be addressed ASAP, please explain your situation to Lady Zirkaya and she will cast her Triple Potent Special Request spell immediately in your behalf.

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Special Request Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    If you have a unique problem that must be addressed ASAP, please explain your situation to Lady Zirkaya and she will cast her Triple Potent Special Request spell immediately in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Whatever your predicament, the moment Lady Zirkaya hears from you, she will cast one of her famous Triple Potent spells on your behalf."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Spells

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!


    Your relationship is in serious trouble and you need to do something right now! Or perhaps your financial problems are making your life miserable and you really need an extended lucky streak. Whatever your predicament, the moment Lady Zirkaya hears from you, she will cast one of her famous Triple Potent spells on your behalf. And she has agreed to do it for a fraction of her normal fee!


    Lady Zirkaya is an internationally renowned psychic who has used her formidable psychic skills to enhance the lives of people from all over the globe. Her famous Triple Potent spells have brought her worldwide recognition from Eastern Europe to the Southern Hemisphere and all the way to the Americas.


    Now you have the opportunity to have this famous Master Psychic work for you. Because Lady Zirkaya's mission is to reach out to people from all walks of life, she is looking forward to assisting you in your time of need.


    • When Lady Zirkaya receives your request, she will email you with the date that she will begin casting your spell.
    • Per your request, Lady Zirkaya will cast her powerful spell for you on that day.
    • Then Lady Zirkaya will cast the same spell on the next day to double its effect. And then on the third day, Lady Zirkaya will cast the same spell one more time to triple its power!


    If the above words resonate with you, it is not a coincidence. Your path and Lady Zirkaya’s path were meant to intersect. Indeed, it was meant to happen. You are merely fulfilling a prophecy!"||||"(:LADY-ZIRKAYA-LOVE-SPELLS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-MONEY-SPELLS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-LUCK-SPELLS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-RETRIBUTION-SPELLS)"|"(:LADY-ZIRKAYA-LOVE-SPELLS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-MONEY-SPELLS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-LUCK-SPELLS :LADY-ZIRKAYA-RETRIBUTION-SPELLS)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lady-zirkaya-wedding-bliss-spell|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Wedding Bliss Spell"|LZ06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(100)|(30)|T|"""Other Person's Name (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 20"|"
    Other Person's Name (if known):
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Wedding Bliss Spell"|""|"

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Wedding Bliss Spell

    Do you dream of being in the arms of that special someone who is enamored with you, bewitched by you, and totally in love with you? If you are worried that time is running out, ask Lady Zirkaya to unleash her vast psychic powers in your behalf so you could lead the rest of your life in the arms of the love of your life!

    Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Wedding Bliss Spell

    Ask The Famous Psychic To Unleash Her Vast Psychic Powers in Your Behalf!

    Do you dream of being in the arms of that special someone who is enamored with you, bewitched by you, and totally in love with you? If you are worried that time is running out, ask Lady Zirkaya to unleash her vast psychic powers in your behalf so you could lead the rest of your life in the arms of the love of your life!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| psychictest|"Learn Your ""Psychic Quotient"""||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Find out if your psychic abilities are minimal, average, or highly developed with this free test!"|""|""|""|""|""|" After each question, place a number (1 through 4) to indicate your answer. Use the following scale:
    1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Frequently Once you answer all ten questions, click the button at the bottom to tally your score, then refer to the comments below to learn your Psychic Quotient.
    1. Do you ever feel you've been in a place or a situation before?
    2 . Are your first impressions accurate?
    3. Can you read a person's mind, know what they're thinking?
    4. Are you accurate in your predictions?
    5. Do you feel if you concentrate hard enough you can make something happen?
    6. Do you believe your will power is strong enough to change the way somebody feels about you?.
    7. Do you overpower people with your mental strength?
    8. Are you on the same wave length with certain people?
    9. Do you have a "gut" feeling that something is about to occur, and it does?
    10. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience?

    Your Psychic Quotient:

    If your total score was 35-40, your psychic abilities are superior to the general public. Your psychic skills are highly developed and you most likely know what's going through a person's mind. These attributes have probably been of enormous help to you in business matters but may prove a hindrance in matters of the heart as you sometimes know too much about the way a person ticks, too soon.

    You are able to see beyond what others see, and you have a reasonably good chance of knowing what lies ahead for you in most aspects of your life. However, do not let your psychic abilities wither. Constantly challenge yourself. See for yourself if you can gaze into the future and project what's ahead.

    If your total score was 30-34, your psychic abilities are excellent, and you are a cut above the average person. You have fun with the knowledge that you can delve into a person's mind and learn what makes them tick long before they have a clue about you.

    In relationships, your psychic skills can come in handy, but sometimes others seem to be leery of you, afraid that you know too much about them. In other areas of your life, such as career and business matters, you read people well, are seldom taken advantage of, and can pick out a phony a mile away.

    If your total score was 25 - 29, your psychic abilities are slightly above average. You sometimes can "see through" people but you can rarely, if ever, force yourself to have a psychic connection with someone - unless it happens naturally. You have a good understanding of human nature, and you know your own limitations probably better than most. You most likely experience "moments" when you are highly tuned in to the inner workings of the people closest to you; other times, these attributes seem to diminish in strength.

    If your total score was 20 - 24, you have to rely on your other attributes rather than psychic intuition to get ahead in this world. Although at times you are intuitive and have a good "feel" for what will occur, you know these moments are far and few between. Therefore you have learned to be practical. You rely a great deal on your common sense, and you thrive on what you see as reality, instead of what could have been. You are a no-nonsense person who can achieve anything once you set your mind to it. You know hard work and perseverance can bring you all you need. And you don't often bother yourself with what others think of you.

    If your total score was 15 - 19, your psychic abilities are limited. You simply rely upon what you know, and that is yourself. You concern yourself with what a person appears to be on the surface, and if they are not who they seem to be, you learn it soon enough. You are straight-forward and like others to be the same way. Otherwise, you feel deceived, as if they've led you down the wrong path. You expect people to give you an honest answer, not tell you one thing and then do the exact opposite. You appear to have little time for people who intentionally seem to be vague, unclear, and indecisive.

    If your total score was 14 or below, your psychic instincts are minimal. Don't fret, it is not unusual for a person's psychic ability and instincts to show up later in life. Although you may be frustrated at times because you sometimes seem late in determining who your true friends are, you have learned over time to be patient and not rush to judgment. You very likely compensate for your lack of psychic ability by relying upon what is: what you've learned, your education, experience and your determination.

    Want to improve your Psychic Quotient? Try these powerful products:"||||"(:KRENA :WITCHSCAT :DREAM-WEAVER-AMULET :AURA)"|"(:KRENA :WITCHSCAT :DREAM-WEAVER-AMULET :AURA)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-compatibility-spell|"Leo Compatibility Spell"|ZLE3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Leo Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" As a Leo, sometimes you can be a bit overwhelming, and you may have noticed that some people are intimidated by you. This is unintentional, of course, as you want nothing more than to live a quiet, peaceful existence with the one you love. HOWEVER, as a true Leo, you crave attention. You want to be adored, and you want to be loved unconditionally. And when you get these things from your partner, you will be loyal, loving, truthful and faithful to the end. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a happy, lasting partnership. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Leo Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Leo Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZLE5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Leo Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Leo, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Leo. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-money-spell|"Leo Money Spell"|ZLE2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Leo Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Leo. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Leo Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-reconciliation-spell|"Leo Reconciliation Spell"|ZLE6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Leo Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Leo? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Leo Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-retaliation-spell|"Leo Retaliation Spell"|ZLE4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Leo Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Leo, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Leo Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-true-love-spell|"Leo True Love Spell"|ZLE1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Leo True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. Being a true Leo, when you fall in love, you fall head over heels. And you do it unapologetically with every ounce of your soul. Hopefully your mate will feel the same way. This inspired spell is designed to put you together with the absolutely right person for you. It can also be very effective if you're already with a partner but feel your unconditional love is not being reciprocated. The Leo True Love spell will penetrate the heart and soul of the one you love and instill within them a desire to please you, care for you, and fulfill your every desire. The ultimate goal of The Leo True Love spell is for the two of you to proceed through life as a couple that others not only look up to but use as an example as the perfect marriage.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-zodiac-spells|"Leo Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:LEO-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :LEO-MONEY-SPELL :LEO-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :LEO-RETALIATION-SPELL :LEO-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :LEO-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:LEO-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :LEO-MONEY-SPELL :LEO-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :LEO-RETALIATION-SPELL :LEO-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :LEO-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo|"Leonardo, the Mystic"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Allow Leonardo to take you by the hand and return you to your true path in life -- a relationship overflowing with what Leonardo calls the Four Capital L’s: Laughter, Lust, Loyalty and Love."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Leonardo, the Mystic

    Specializing in the Art of Reuniting Lovers

    Have you heard of Leonardo, the internationally renowned mystic, and his gift for repairing relationships, returning lost loves, and bringing hope to the hopeless? If you are not familiar with Leonardo, allow us to brief you on the history of this incredible man. And be prepared for a potential life-changing experience. Leonardo first discovered his gift of psychic powers at a young age. In the beginning, he merely used these powers to entertain and impress friends. But when Leonardo turned eighteen, his uncle, who was also a brilliant psychic, impressed upon his nephew that he shouldered a responsibility to improve the lives of others, not to merely play games and impress people. That was a turning point for Leonardo, and he has since gained a worldwide reputation as a gifted mystic that people turned to when in a troubled relationship.

    What Leonardo could do for you

    Allow Leonardo to take you by the hand and return you to your true path in life -- a relationship overflowing with what Leonardo calls the Four Capital L’s: Laughter, Lust, Loyalty and Love. This is what every person aspires to in a relationship, so don’t feel it’s too late or give up hope. You can experience for yourself the Laughter, Lust, Loyalty and Love as many of Leonardo’s clients have enjoyed throughout the years. Take a look at the wide variety of spells that Leonardo could cast in your behalf and see which one(s) could return your life to the joy and happiness you so deserve.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| let-s-try-again-spell|"Let's Try Again Spell"|LTA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If a very important relationship has already dissolved or is in present danger of being destroyed, the Let’s Try Again spell could be the answer to your prayers."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    How many times in your life have you failed the first time you tried something? And if you only knew then what you know now, you are certain you would have succeeded. So if a very important relationship has already dissolved or is in present danger of being destroyed, the Let’s Try Again spell could be the answer to your prayers.
    Does this sound familiar to you?
    • Your heart is breaking because a person who is so precious to you is thinking of leaving you.
    • Or perhaps they have already left the field.
    • And you are beside yourself because you are certain that if only given a second chance you know things can be worked out to everyone’s satisfaction.
    • But you fear that time is not on your side.
    • And if you don’t do something now, it may be too late to save your relationship.
    So if the above words resonate with you, the Let’s Try Again spell could be just what the doctor ordered. Created and designed by a Master Psychic who specializes in broken relationships, this is your opportunity to request this potent spell...and get ready for your second chance to do it right! All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| liyuanstemple|"Li Yuan's Temple"|TEM|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|"Li Yuan's Temple"|""|"Do you want to attract money like a magnet? Would you like to end financial worries? With Li Yuan's Temple you could get whatever you want--riches, wealth, abundance."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you want to attract money like a magnet? Would you like to end financial worries? With Li Yuan's Temple (House of Money) you could get whatever you want - riches, wealth, abundance. It is said that several thousand years ago in China, a group of holy men accidentally stumbled upon a small artifact in a hidden dwelling. These holy men soon discovered that the artifact opened the gateway to the source of all riches. The artifact became known as Li Yuan's Temple (House of Money). Throughout the centuries word spread that anyone possessing Li Yuan's Temple would reap the rewards of its incredible powers. What do you want? Is it a new car you desire? A better home? Cash to pay off debts and bills that have been piling up? Here's all you have to do: Write your greatest desire on a small piece of paper and pass it through the doorway of Li Yuan's Temple. Immediately, energy may be set in motion that could make your dream come true. Think of all you can do once Li Yuan's Temple opens your gateway to the source of all riches. Imagine the freedom! Picture yourself living a life of abundance, able to afford the best of everything for yourself and your loved ones. It may have changed the course of history in ancient China and it could change the course of your life."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    ""My Wish Came True"" Dear CAA, Li Yuan's Temple has done it again. The Temple has granted my wish for the second time, and believe me, the second wish was miraculous. A couple of years ago, I needed a nice apartment to live in but it was very hard to find. I wrote a little message and put it inside the temple, and within a couple of weeks, I foudn an affordable place in a safe neighborhood. Well, this amazing thing happened to me. I was laid off from my job on August 4, 1995 and was scared to death because I had bills to pay and the job market was very tough. On August 6th, I wrote my wish on a piece of paper hoping to find a job very soon. Guess what? On August 9th, my boss called me and wanted me to come back to work the following Monday. Now that is incredible. Thanks, CAA, I'm a designer again. Alyce P. Kan
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libido-liberator|"Libido Liberator Spell"|LIB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Bring intimacy, excitement and peace-of-mind back into your treasured relationship."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    In the early stages of many relationships, it is not unusual to experience a hot, torrid love affair. Unfortunately, as time goes by, the excitement, the novelty, the passion is apt to tail off. And when this happens, this otherwise “perfect” relationship can incur serious repercussions...sometimes leading to separation and perhaps a permanent split.
    So what can a person do about it?
    If you are currently with a partner whose sexual desire for you has noticeably tapered off, a gifted Master Psychic is available to cast his potent Libido Liberator spell in your behalf. The purpose of the Libido Liberator spell is to instill the passion, desire and sensuality they previously displayed for you. So if one of your fondest desires is to bring intimacy, excitement and peace-of-mind back into this treasured relationship, the Master Psychic is ready to focus his formidable psychic powers to help give you not only spine-tingling exotic pleasure but a lasting, happy and secure relationship you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-compatibility-spell|"Libra Compatibility Spell"|ZLI3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Libra Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If a close relationship is not working out for you, Libra, you have the ability to step back, weigh the pros and cons, and analyze it from a distance. Unfortunately, this is something that most other people find hard to do. Although you occasionally are an emotional person, you have a solid objective side that appears to kick in at the appropriate moment. This is why other people come to you for advice, particularly when it concerns matters of the heart. You are not a complex person when it comes to love, Libra, as it is your fondest wish to simply go through life arm-in-arm, being loving and loyal, without making waves. Although at the moment this dream may seem out of reach, the Libra Compatibility spell can truly make it a reality. And once this spell is cast and the seeds planted, the result will be an unbreakable bond between you and your loved one. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Libra Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Libra Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZLI5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Libra Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Libra, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Libra. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-money-spell|"Libra Money Spell"|ZLI2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Libra Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Libra. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Libra Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-reconciliation-spell|"Libra Reconciliation Spell"|ZLI6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Libra Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Libra? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Libra Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-retaliation-spell|"Libra Retaliation Spell"|ZLI4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Libra Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Libra, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Libra Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-true-love-spell|"Libra True Love Spell"|ZLI1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Libra True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. In your case, Libra, true love is not easily found. Your unusually high standards require a good deal of luck and good fortune to meet the person who is ""right for you"" in every way. You recognize true love when you see it, but you can be a bit disheartened as you fail to spot it very often. However, when you have been smitten with someone, there is no better feeling in the world. And this is what the Libra True Love spell sets out to do for you. The seeds of affection, of true caring, of unconditional love will be planted, uniting you and that special person - for a lasting relationship. This spell will penetrate the inner being of the individual with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. And if your paths haven't already crossed, the Libra True Love spell will increase the odds of you meeting the love of your life. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open and uninhibited and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Libra True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-zodiac-spells|"Libra Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:LIBRA-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :LIBRA-MONEY-SPELL :LIBRA-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :LIBRA-RETALIATION-SPELL :LIBRA-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :LIBRA-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:LIBRA-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :LIBRA-MONEY-SPELL :LIBRA-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :LIBRA-RETALIATION-SPELL :LIBRA-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :LIBRA-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| live-large-spell|"Live Large Spell"|LLG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Live Large Spell"|""|"If it's wealth and success and love you seek, look no further – the Live Large spell is designed specifically for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A common trait of highly successful individuals is that they think big. These are the people who lead the dream life. They live in a great neighborhood, own a monster house – and perhaps most important of all – attract the most wonderful mate who loves and adores them. Their attitude is simple: Why think small and settle for the humdrum life? Set your goals high and shoot for the stars! So think BIG! The Live Large spell is designed to fulfill your most important desires. Here is what this potent spell could do for you:
    • Elevate your love life to the envy of others.
    • Enrich your lifestyle so you can enjoy the luxuries.
    • Awake each day knowing you are one of the chosen few.
    • Be surrounded by loved ones who care for you and love you...unconditionally.
    • Bring fun and excitement back into your life.
    So if it's wealth and success and love you seek, look no further – the Live Large spell is designed specifically for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| live-long|"Live Long - Be Loved - Prosper Spell"|LLP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"You’ve earned the right to a happy, glorious, successful future.

    Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

    What could be more rewarding than to live a full, rich, happy life? To be surrounded by good friends and loved ones? And to know that you will be blessed with the financial security to enjoy a life of leisure to the very end.
    Live Long – Be Loved - Prosper
    This remarkable spell is designed to bestow upon you the means of acquiring money to ensure your lifestyle and security. And to open the portals of enduring love and devotion from the most important people in your life...with special attention to your partner in life. So if you seek security... If you seek unconditional love... If you feel you’ve earned the right to a happy, glorious, successful future... Then you were meant to be reading these words at this very moment. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| loa-voodoo-spell|"Loa Voodoo Spell"|LVS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, add a Love Voodoo Doll (+19.95)"" ""Yes, add a Money Voodoo Doll (+19.95)"" ""Yes, add both Vooodoo Dolls (+39.90)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Loa Voodoo Spell"|""|"The Loa Voodoo spell is for those who want it all: A loving relationship that is the envy of all who know you, and the money to do whatever you want, whenever you want!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Loa Voodoo spell is for those who want it all: A loving relationship that is the envy of all who know you, and the money to do whatever you want, whenever you want! Does the one you love need a kick in the pants? Does this describe you? You are in love with someone, but you fear this person does not have the same passion, the same desire, the same loyalty as you. And although you are absolutely certain this person is right for you, you want them to lust for you and to unconditionally love you. Are you ready for a financial windfall? In addition to wanting the best loving relationship, you also have your heart set on having the material possessions and financial security so you'll never have to worry about money again. This spell is NOT right for everyone: If you answer ""yes"" to these three questions, the Loa Voodoo spell may NOT help you:
    1. Are you willing to settle for someone who is not the person of your dreams?
    2. Are you convinced you will never be rich and are destined to merely get by day-to-day, month-to-month, year-to-year?
    3. Although you know what your ultimate goals are in love and money, have you given up hope that you will ever achieve them?
    If you answered ""yes"" to the above three questions, read no further. If you feel that it is time to settle down with a person who is not your true love, and you are convinced that you will never be wealthy, well... The Loa Voodoo spell is not for you. BUT, if you still dream of having it all, and you ""know in your heart"" that you deserve to achieve true happiness, a gifted psychic is awaiting your word to cast a Loa Voodoo spell in your behalf. And one more thing: If you are still unsure if the Loa Voodoo spell is right for you, here are three more questions to help you decide if the powerful force of Loa Voodoo can be of service to you:
    1. Do you want to ""go for it,"" shoot for the stars, and enjoy life to the fullest with a passionate, loving, loyal partner?
    2. Do you look around at all the unhappy married people and wonder why in the world you'd ever want to settle for ""second best?""
    3. Do you still dream that you will possess the wealth and material possessions that will allow you to live the rest of your life in leisure with the person of your dreams?
    If you answered yes to these questions, then you have come to the right place. The Loa Voodoo spell is designed to help your dreams meet your destiny.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    Increase the potency of the Loa Voodoo spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Love Voodoo Doll or Money Voodoo Doll when the Loa Voodoo spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| soul-mate|"Looking for Your Soul Mate?"|LSM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""I am a"" ""Woman seeking a Man"" ""Woman seeking a Woman"" ""Man seeking a Woman"" ""Man seeking a Man"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    I am a: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Everyone has a soul mate. Let a psychic speed up the process of finding yours!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Let a Psychic Speed Up the Process
    Everyone has a soul mate. This is the person you can spend an inordinate amount of time with and never tire or bore one another. This is the person you can share your most intimate feelings with, freely, without embarrassment... and they know exactly what you are talking about. A soul mate is a life traveler. It is said that soul mates have known each other in past lives and will know each other in future lives. But sometimes your paths may not cross. And although the two of you are destined to be with one another, your meeting may be delayed, postponed, perhaps much later in life. Unfortunately, tragically, sometimes two people who are truly meant for one another never make contact in this lifetime. But if and when you do meet your soul mate, even if it's for a brief moment, the two of you will know instantly. The chemistry, the feeling, the easy conversation will be there. As you look into each other's eyes, you will know. You will have the feeling you've known this person before. And it's true. You really have known this person before. A gifted psychic can cast a spell to help speed up the process and bring your soul mate into your life. This is a very powerful spell and the two of you could cross paths quicker than you think.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lostlove|"Lost Love Spell"|LOS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lost Love Spell"|""|"If your one- and-only is living somewhere else, you may want to consider one last option."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Is there a special person whom you love like no other? Are you positive this ""true"" love is a once in a lifetime occurrence? And it will never happen again--never? In life, a person is truly blessed to come across a soul mate, someone we can relate to, spend endless hours with - talking, laughing, loving... Unfortunately, sometimes dissension surfaces and a crack occurs, causing an unpleasant parting of the ways. Soon, we plummet into a bottomless pit causing loneliness, regret, misery. What was previously joy and happiness are now replaced with indescribable sadness and unhappiness. The result: A broken heart.
    I just want to thank CAA for a wonderful job well done. I requested three spells in March, for my lost love to come back to me. On June 10, my lost love called me at work telling me how hard it has been for him since he broke up with me back in March. Thank you from the bottom of my heart -- everything is possible with faith. S.A.
    Los Angeles, CA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    In some cases the rift can be repaired. But what if the other person is too angry, too stubborn, too blind to recognize how much they appreciate you, rely upon you, love you? And what if you have tried everything to no avail? And you fret and agonize that the wounds will never heal? If your one-and-only is living somewhere else and you have come to the end of the line, you may want to consider one last option: We believe there are unseen, powerful forces in our midst that await our call and are prepared to do our bidding - to exert influences that are beyond our comprehension. And neither time, nor distance, nor place seem to deter these forces from attaining positive results. Do you truly want this person back at all costs? Don't be a passive victim. This is your time to take the bull by the horns and do something proactive. There are definite things you can do to affect your loved one's subconscious mind. You can ask a powerful psychic to summon these powerful forces and make spiritual contact with this very special person whose companionship and love you desperately seek. Once this connection is made, an appeal to their emotional, intellectual and physical being could stimulate them into reevaluating your relationship. The primary focus, of course, will concentrate on the positive aspects of who you are and what you mean to them - bringing these qualities to the surface, reminding your loved one of good times past. Will this spell work for you? Once the spell is cast, the seeds of reconciliation, the seeds of hope, the seeds of a wonderful, long-lasting relationship will be planted and the opportunity of a reunification is only a matter of time! So, if you are in love with a person and can't live without them... If your lover is hardheaded and you have been cast aside with little or no regard to your feelings, emotions, well-being... then now is the time to act! Remember, all the money in the world can't replace a lost love... But a skilled psychic experienced in matters of the heart will summon powerful forces to help bring your once-in-a-lifetime love back to you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs3|"Lottery Gambling Spell"|GS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lotterytape|"Lottery/Contest Tape No. 509"|T9|ITEM.||(15.95)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-and-ecstasy|"Love & Ecstasy"|LAE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you dream of turning a current relationship into a heavy-duty love affair?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you dream of turning a current relationship into a heavy-duty love affair? Are you frustrated and impatient because your loved one is seemingly unaware of the incredible joy and happiness you could bring to them, both in and out of the bedroom? Does this person need prodding so the two of you could be fantastic lovers...and forever partners? If the above words ring true, perhaps it’s time for a Master Psychic to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. And once the seeds of Love & Ecstasy are implanted in your loved one’s subconscious, be ready to experience the ultimate joy and excitement of a lifetime. Soon you will be looking into your partner’s eyes and feel their body moving closer and closer to you...and then... "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| val5|"Love & Sex Valentine Spell"|VAL5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    What is the purpose of life if you can't have an exciting, fulfilling life with that very special person both in and out of the bedroom? This is your opportunity to experience all the benefits of a wonderful relationship. If you yearn to be loved and held and be ravished in the most intimate manner, this is the spell for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-accelerator-spell|"Love Accelerator Spell"|LAS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Love Accelerator Spell"|""|"This is a one-of-a-kind spell that is designed to ignite your love affair with that special person."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a one-of-a-kind spell that is designed to ignite your love affair with that special person. Read carefully the following to see if this spell is for you:
    • The person you love vacillates between wanting to be with you and vanishing from your life.
    • The two of you ""know"" you are right for each other but one of you is afraid to commit. Guess who that is?
    • You are tired, frustrated, and disappointed that this relationship is currently stalled, and you are afraid it may dissolve.
    • You need something to happen ASAP to cement your relationship.
    If the above resonates with you, the Love Accelerator spell could provide the motivation to get this person to commit to you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-at-first-sight|"Love At First Sight Spell"|LFS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Love At First Sight Spell"|""|"If you believe in love at first sight, you must try this unique spell."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tired of Waiting for the ""Right"" Person to Come Along? If you believe in love at first sight, you must try this unique spell. The Love at First Sight spell is designed to not only locate your ""soul mate,"" but to alert them that you exist. Furthermore, this spell implants the message of instant attraction with the intention of bringing the two of you to a mutual place where your eyes meet each other as if on a laser beam. We've all heard the remarkable stories of how two people meet and instantly know they're in love. Well, the purpose of this spell is to have this happen to you! Request your Love at First Sight spell to get you with the ""right"" person.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-amulets|"Love Charms & Amulets"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A Master Psychic has blessed these love amulets to help you enjoy the rich life filled with love and happiness."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Want to return your lost love or find your true soul mate? A Master Psychic has blessed these love amulets to help you enjoy the rich life filled with love and happiness. You have nothing to lose. All love amulets from the California Astrology Association are risk free, because if you're not 100% happy with the results we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-me-now|"Love Me Now. Love Me Always."|LMN|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you feel your happiness – your destiny – hangs in the balance, this could be the breakthrough you’ve been seeking."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you been pushed aside by a loved one who won’t listen to reason? Has this person changed so much, and is so set in their ways, that they have forgotten how much they love you? And how much they need you?
    Created specifically for you!
    If these words resonate with you, the Love Me Now, Love Me Always spell has been created specifically for you. And it is intended to penetrate the inner workings of your loved one’s subconscious, with the intent to dissipate their resentment, anger, selfishness and unreasonableness. So if your once flourishing relationship is teetering toward destruction, you may be running out of time. A talented Master Psychic, who specializes in such matters, is awaiting your go ahead to cast this potent spell in your behalf. If you feel your happiness – your destiny – hangs in the balance, this could be the breakthrough you’ve been seeking. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-me-spell|"Love Me, Love Me, Love Me Spell"|LME|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"What would you give to have your loved one hold you close, caress you, and tell you how much you mean to them?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tried everything to fix your relationship? Growing frustrated by your lover’s reluctance and resistance to your pleas to return to the close, loving relationship you once had? And what would you give to have your loved one hold you close, caress you, and tell you how much you mean to them? And how much they love you?
    Take this test:
    • Are you certain your partner is the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life?
    • Do you have little doubt that once they lower their defenses and show you compassion and warmth, your relationship should get back to where it once was...exciting, fun, and most of all, loving?
    • Do you yearn to finally have the reassurance that this person loves you with all their heart...and will never leave you?
    If the above words reflect your true feelings, the Love Me, Love Me, Love Me spell could be the catalyst that returns your relationship to the loving relationship it once was."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-me-lust-for-me|"Love Me, Lust for Me Spell"|LLS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Love Me, Lust for Me Spell"|""|"If you crave a dramatic improvement in your relationship and you want your intimacy to be hot, this spell is designed to blow the lid off!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This fantastic spell is designed to bring out the best in you and your partner, elevating your relationship to the highest peak. What this spell could do for you:
    • You may feel more sensual, more attractive.
    • Your partner's attitude and affection for you may dramatically improve.
    • You could notice your partner looking at you with a devilish eye.
    • Sexual tension will surge, and it may be just a matter of time before the intense lovemaking begins.
    • Finally, you could experience a feeling of ""togetherness"" that had been missing for some time.

    Increase the potency of the Love Me, Lust For Me spell!

    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    So if you crave a dramatic improvement in your relationship and you want your intimacy to be hot, this spell is designed to blow the lid off. The Love Me, Lust for Me spell will stir your blood and that of your partner. What more could you ask? Get ready for a double-dose of excitement!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po7|"Love Potion #9 Spell"|PO7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Love Potion #9 Potion Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Love Potion #9 is the ultimate love spell! Is this you?
    • You have a wealth of love to give and you are simply waiting for the ""right"" person to give it to.
    • You often have fantasies about how you would communicate, joke with, and make love to the person of your dreams.
    • In your opinion, the meaning of life is rather simple: Journey through life, experiencing the rough times and good times, with the love of your life who is as loving and as giving as you.
    • You want to experience the happiness and joy that you see in some couples who are ""meant to be with one another.""

    If you answered yes to all of the above, the Love Potion #9 spell could be your ticket to a life of fulfillment, joy, and happiness.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic|"Love Psychic"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"If you are in a troubled relationship and seek with all your heart to make it better, indeed you have come to the right place!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    My clients call me the Love Psychic. For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. Beginning in early age, I have been able to telepathically contact others, often resulting in modifying their thinking, their behavior, their actions. Frankly, at first, I didn’t know what I was doing, or why. But I knew I possessed unique, powerful psychic powers, and a beloved mentor instilled within me the importance of applying these fantastic gifts in a positive way. And even more important, he taught me that I was blessed by a higher source with the sole purpose of improving the lives of “good people,” particularly those who believed in me. Eventually, I discovered that my powers doubled, or even tripled when applied on behalf of someone who put their faith in me. I’m not sure why this is, but it is. As I matured, I honed my telepathic gifts. And when I reached my early twenties, I was pleasantly surprised to learn that I could telepathically contact and impact a person’s consciousness regardless of the person’s location. It became clear that it made no difference if the person was beside me or hundreds, even thousands of miles away. And once again, I’m not sure why this is, but it is. As the years passed, it became apparent that the more I called upon my unique powers, the greater my level of success. Now in my fifties, my telepathic powers have developed beyond my wildest expectations. My focus is entirely on relationships. So if you are in a troubled relationship and seek with all your heart to make it better, indeed you have come to the right place.
    Here’s what I can do for you!
    Upon hearing from you, I will summon my psychic powers to telepathically contact your mate, lover, partner with the intent to:
    1. Implant the seeds of forgiveness, commitment, and love.
    2. Melt away their stubbornness, resentment, hostility, anger.
    3. Resolve your difficulties and elevate this most treasured relationship to heights you never thought possible.
    Take a look at my Love Psychic spells below to determine which one(s) most closely describe your situation.
    Twenty Love Psychic spells
    Cast by The Love Psychic

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-breakup-relationship|"Love Psychic's Breakup Their Relationship spell"|LP10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Couple's Names"" Inscription 45 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Couple's Names:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Breakup Their Relationship Spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if the love of your life is with another person, and you need that relationship dissolved once and for all.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Breakup Their Relationship spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Breakup Their Relationship spell can be cast in your behalf if the love of your life is with another person, and you need that relationship dissolved once and for all.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the “seeds of breakup” in the subconscious of the one who should not be in this relationship...this relationship that has been doomed from the beginning.
    Is this you?
    • You are distraught knowing this special person in your life is with another.
    • You know in your heart this particular relationship should not continue.
    • You have little doubt it is doomed to fail eventually.
    • And you want it to happen sooner than later.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will telepathically contact your loved one with the purpose of implanting the seeds of discontent. And soon they could realize they are indeed living with the wrong person. The intent of this potent spell is to open your loved one’s mind, realizing you, and you alone, are the person of their destiny -- to be with you, respect you, and commit to you. Please note: The Breakup Their Relationship spell is very potent, and its effects on a relationship is intended to lead to dissatisfaction and discontent. So do not request this spell unless you are certain in your heart that this relationship is doomed to fail anyway, and you hope to make it happen sooner than later. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-change-mind|"Love Psychic's Change His/Her Mind spell"|LP2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Change His/Her Mind spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your loved one appears unable to treat you with the respect and love you so deserve. Perhaps it’s time to have the Love Psychic cast this powerful spell to soften your lover, opening their heart and mind. Soon they could reconsider their thoughts and actions toward you, and the two of you will be on your way to the relationship of your dreams.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Change His/Her Mind spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    You deserve to be loved unconditionally! The Change His/Her Mind spell is for you if your loved one is not treating you with the respect and love you so deserve. Perhaps it’s time to have the Love Psychic cast this powerful spell to soften your lover, opening their heart and mind. Soon they could reconsider their thoughts and actions toward you, and the two of you will be on your way to the relationship of your dreams. The purpose of this spell is to:
    1. Plant the seeds of change in the heart and soul of your loved one and,
    2. Alter the thoughts and actions of this person before the relationship deteriorates even further.
    Is this you?
    • You seek to truly convince your lover to change their attitude toward you.
    • You have displayed your affection unconditionally, and all you ask for is to be treated the same way.
    • You have witnessed other people change their ways, so you know people are capable of altering their attitude, feelings...
    • But you can’t understand why your lover is so reluctant to keep an open mind.
    • And you are worried that if this person isn’t willing to change, the relationship could be caught in an unstoppable downward spiral.
    • However, you are certain that if a change does take place, your relationship and compatibility will immediately be on the upswing.
    If the above resonates with you, I will focus my telepathic powers to implant the seeds of change. And soon their attitude should be noticeably and pleasantly different. My ultimate goal is to allow you to enjoy a future with the love of your life who feels the same way about you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-lovers-aura|"Love Psychic's Clear Your Lover's Aura spell"|LP6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Clear Your Lover's Aura - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is designed to penetrate your loved one’s subconscious, clearing their heart and mind from the negative forces. Soon after these barriers have been dissolved, your loved one’s clean aura could allow the two of you to enjoy a relationship of affection, commitment and sweet love.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Clear Your Lover's Aura spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds to Clear Your Lover’s Aura. If this person, whom you dearly love, appears to have a dark cloud hanging over them, it could very well be that their aura is unclean. The Clear Your Lover’s Aura spell is designed to sweep away the impurities, clearing your lover’s mind, allowing them to focus on the positive, not the negative. And soon after these barriers have been dissolved, your loved one should be able to freely express their deeper emotions, their deeper commitment toward you.
    Is this you?
    • You get the impression that your loved one seems to be held back by an invisible force.
    • They are frequently not as decisive as you, sometimes appearing wishy-washy, as if carrying a great weight.
    • You can make quick, decisive decisions.
    • However, your loved one is apt to procrastinate.
    • You have little difficulty expressing your feelings.
    • But your partner avoids opening up to you, telling you what is on their mind.
    • Also, they fear getting hurt or rejected but are reluctant to admit it.
    • And you wonder if this dark cloud, this damaged aura, can be dealt with. Only then could your loved one reach their potential...in career as well as in your relationship.
    If this sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically contact your loved one and implant the seeds to Clear Your Lover’s Aura. And once this potent spell is cast, the benefits of a happier, more productive, more loving person should be quite evident. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-warm-lover|"Love Psychic's Cold to Warm Lover spell"|LP8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Cold to Warm Lover spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your lover is pulling away, not giving you the sweet, tender loving care you so deserve. You are warm, considerate and loyal to your partner, and you so crave to be treated accordingly. Ask the Love Psychic to plant the seeds of tenderness within your loved one’s subconscious...and await the tender, loving care you’ll receive in this remarkable turnaround.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Cold to Warm Lover spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Cold to Warm Lover spell is for you if your lover is pulling away, not giving you the attention and affection you so deserve. You are warm, considerate, and loyal to your partner, and your foremost desire is to be treated accordingly.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds of tender, loving care in your loved one, and soon you could feel their compassion, caressing and sweet love.
    Is this you?
    • You are concerned and disappointed in the cold, aloof way you are being treated.
    • You are worried that if this continues it will lead to a worsening relationship.
    • You want to “fix” the problem, but because it has been going on for some time, you fear you may not be able to.
    • The problem, of course, is that you are running out of options how to fix it.
    • You’ve made numerous attempts but so far the results are minimal, if anything at all.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically contact your loved one to encourage demonstrating their love and affection for you. My intent is to open the heart and mind of your loved one. And to give the two of you the opportunity to enjoy a future of intimacy, friendship, laughter and happiness. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-compatibility-wish|"Love Psychic's Compatibility Wish spell"|LP11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Compatibility Wish spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    It has been proven time and time again, that if you believe – if you truly believe in something and are so determined to make it happen, the chances of it occurring is magnified several times over. The Love Psychic could improve the odds of successfully growing your relationship even more.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Compatibility Wish spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds to fulfill your specific Compatibility Wish. It has been proven time and time again, that if you believe – if you truly believe in something and are so determined to make it happen, the chances of it occurring is magnified several times over. As your Love Psychic, I could improve the odds even more. And the moment I implant the Compatibility Wish spell within your subconscious, you should feel a sense of confidence not previously experienced in some time.
    Is this you?
    • Compatibility issues have been on your mind for some time.
    • You have a specific wish that, if indeed comes to fruition, could dramatically improve your compatibility.
    • You are certain that this be a priority that must be addressed ASAP!
    • And once this dream is fulfilled, it could bring you years, quite possibly decades, of enjoyment, pleasure and happiness.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, your Compatibility Wish spell could be the turning point in this, your most treasured relationship."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-ignite-relationship|"Love Psychic's Ignite My Stagnant Relationship spell"|LP12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Ignite My Stagnant Relationship spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you feel your relationship is stagnant and needs to blossom if it is to survive. Let the Love Psychic cast this important spell in your behalf and wait for the good things to happen.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Ignite My Stagnant Relationship spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Ignite My Stagnant Relationship spell is for you if you feel your relationship is stuck in a rut and needs to blossom if it is to survive.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds to stimulate excitement, lust and new developments in your relationship.
    Is this you?
    • You love the person you’re with, but you feel something is lacking.
    • You’ve been together now for some time and you feel you are being taken for granted.
    • And right now you want to add a spark to the relationship.
    • But you hesitate to approach your lover with the concern that it will hurt their feelings.
    • However, you are not satisfied with the current situation as it is and feel something has to done.
    • And if the situation continues, you fear the relationship could be permanently damaged.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will telepathically contact your loved one, stimulating them to explore new avenues of interests and excitement in your relationship. My intent is to open the heart and mind of your loved one, encouraging them to break through the barriers of familiarity, while exploring new avenues of excitement. Hopefully, this will open the portals to a future of intimacy, friendship, laughter and happiness. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-influx-luck|"Love Psychic's Influx of Luck spell"|LP16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Influx of Luck spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    Plant the Seeds of Unbelievable Luck - This spell is for you if you are currently in a bad streak of luck, and it is having a negative effect on your relationship. Turn your luck from mediocre to meteoric - After all, no matter how hard we try, we all need some luck to achieve success and happiness.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Influx of Luck spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    Is this you?
    1. You are currently in a bad streak of luck.
    2. Among other things, it is adversely affecting your relationship.
    3. And no matter how hard you try, it is as if a greater power is working against you.
    4. You feel your luck is going to change sooner or later...but you want it to happen sooner.
    5. Like right now!
    If the above words resonate with you, perhaps I could help turn your luck around. My intent is to plant the seeds of luck deep within your subconscious, allowing you to “will” good things to happen in games of chance, in life in general, and specifically in your most treasured relationship. And remember, you have nothing to lose. If your luck doesn’t take a dramatic turn for the best, and if it doesn’t have a very positive effect upon your most treasured relationship, just tell me and you will receive your money back. No questions asked.
    Turn your luck from mediocre to meteoric
    Contact me, the Love Psychic, and let me work in your behalf to help turn your luck from mediocre to meteoric. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-life-luxury|"Love Psychic's Life of Luxury Spell"|LP13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"love-psychic-life-luxury ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Life of Luxury spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you are struggling financially. Money issues often affect relationships, and an influx of money could not only clear up your financial problems but very possibly elevate your relationship to new heights.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Life of Luxury spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Life of Luxury spell is for you if you are struggling financially. Money issues often affect relationships, and an influx of money could not only clear up your financial problems but very possibly elevate your relationship to new heights.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds of wealth, possessions and peace of mind. Research does indicate that marital problems very often are magnified by financial problems. So by maximizing and securing your wealth, you will increase the chances of a more inspired, more loving relationship.
    Is this you?
    • Although you are not one to spend foolishly, you do prefer the finer things.
    • You are a diligent, hard worker and up to now you’ve had to earn every dollar you’ve ever made.
    • And you feel you’ve paid your dues and deserve a break, a big break.
    • So if a financial opportunity presents itself, you will be the first one to leap at it.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically open the portals of opportunity and wealth for you. My intent is to allow you to enjoy a future filled with meaningful possessions, friendship, laughter and happiness. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-lover-commit|"Love Psychic's Lover Afraid to Commit spell"|LP20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lover Afraid to Commit spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you feel your lover is hesitant to make the decision to be with you, and only you. And you are fearful that if they don’t make this decision to be with you soon, they could eventually back away from your relationship. You truly love this person and want them to be committed to you one hundred percent.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Lover Afraid to Commit spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    My intent is to plant the seeds in your loved one to dissolve the fear of commitment. The Lover Afraid to Commit spell is for you if you feel your lover is hesitant to make a decision, and you want them to be committed to you one hundred percent.
    Is this you?
    • You know this person loves you.
    • But you can’t get them to realize they can’t live without you.
    • And that the two of you should relish the opportunity to marry.
    • And finally commit to the bond of marriage.
    • However, you fear that if this commitment continues to be delayed, your lover could begin to look elsewhere.
    • And this would break your heart.
    If the above words resonate with you, allow me to cast this highly potent Lover Afraid to Commit spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-attitude-adjustment|"Love Psychic's Lover's Attitude Adjustment spell"|LP15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lover's Attitude Adjustment - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your lover is not respecting you, and you feel as if you are being taken for granted. Above all, you want them to know how special you are and to treat you accordingly. If this sounds familiar, perhaps it’s time for an attitude adjustment.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Lover's Attitude Adjustment spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Lover’s Attitude Adjustment spell is for you if your lover is not respecting you, and you feel as if you are being taken for granted. Above all, you want them to know how special you are and to treat you accordingly. If this sounds familiar, perhaps it’s time for an attitude adjustment.
    What I can do for you
    My intent is to plant the seeds in your partner’s subconscious to instill warmth, caring, affection and love for you. The Lover's Attitude Adjustment spell is for you if,
    1. Your lover is not respecting you the same way as when you first met.
    2. You feel as if you are being taken for granted.
    3. You want your partner to know how special you are, and
    4. You want to be treated with tender, loving care.
    Is this you?
    • You are still in love with this person but are finding it difficult because they sometimes disregard your feelings.
    • You require urgent action because you fear a delay may find your relationship deteriorating at a quicker pace.
    • And you fear if this continues to occur, it may be too late to save the relationship.
    • Since you have tried various approaches to no avail, you wonder what else you can do to change their attitude.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically plant the seeds of change within your lover’s subconscious. My mission is to clear their mind from hostility and anger towards you, allowing them to focus on your wonderful, unique, special qualities. Above all, don’t give up hope. Once your lover realizes how spectacular a relationship with you can be, the sooner you will once again be in their arms. Perhaps all it will take is an Attitude Adjustment. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-lust-passion|"Love Psychic's Lust, Passion, Pleasure spell"|LP3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lust, Passion, Pleasure spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you are a sensual person whose inner thoughts about intimacy sometimes feel so real, it’s almost as if they are really happening. But unfortunately your partner doesn’t seem to share the same passion, the same desire toward you. If this indeed describes your particular relationship, I will plant the seeds of Lust, Passion & Pleasure deep within your partner’s subconscious.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Lust, Passion, Pleasure spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    This spell is for you if you are a sensual person whose inner thoughts about intimacy sometimes feel so real, it’s almost as if they are really happening. But unfortunately your partner doesn’t seem to share the same passion, the same desire toward you. Or at least they are not demonstrating these feelings. If this indeed describes your particular relationship, I will plant the seeds of Lust, Passion & Pleasure deep within your partner’s subconscious. The ultimate purpose of this spell is to elevate your love life to heights you didn’t believe possible!
    Is this you?
    • You are a sensual person whose thoughts about intimacy would surprise even those most familiar with you.
    • At times it’s almost as if your fantasies are really happening.
    • And you wish your partner could be on the same wavelength as you.
    • So the two of you could be enmeshed in each other’s arms experiencing glorious lovemaking.
    • But you are concerned that intimacy with your partner is on the decline.
    • And wonder if it will adversely affect the rest of your relationship.
    • And you feel frustrated not knowing what you can do to fix this situation.
    • A situation that once resolved could bring so much joy, excitement and pleasure to both of you.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically convey these thoughts to the subconscious of your partner. My intent is to allow you and your partner to enjoy a future filled with intimate pleasures few couples ever experience."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-miss-me|"Love Psychic's Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell"|LP1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your lover has gone away but won’t admit their strong feelings toward you, their love for you. So if you yearn for their return and know without a doubt that the two of you belong together, ask the Love Psychic to cast his potent Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell in your behalf.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    Awaken Your Lover to Realize You are Their True Love
    The Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell is for you if your lover has gone away but won’t admit their strong feelings toward you, their love for you. So if you yearn for their return and know without a doubt that the two of you belong together, the Love Psychic is willing to cast his potent Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell in your behalf.
    I can do this for you
    I will plant the seeds of change in your loved one, so they will finally realize how much they miss you and love you...and then finally acting upon these feelings and return to you.
    Is this you?
    • Your lover has departed, but you know in your heart of hearts the two of you are meant to be together.
    • You realize you have to convince this person they are making a huge mistake.
    • But up to now your lover is hard-headed and won’t listen to reason.
    • So you need to break through their stubbornness.
    • And penetrate the barriers they’ve erected in order to get your message across.
    • And you need to do this quickly because the longer the two of you are separated, the chances of reunion grow weaker.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will focus my telepathic powers to:
    1. Implant the seeds to soften their stance toward you.
    2. Awaken them to their love for you.
    3. Remind them of all the wonderful things they have been missing not being with you.
    If you are still reading these words, I look forward to hearing from you so I can do what I have put on this planet to do...help those with serious relationship difficulties. Call upon me to plant the very potent Miss Me, Come Back to Me spell in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-stubborn-lover|"Love Psychic's Open Your Stubborn Lover's Mind"|LP4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Open Your Stubborn Lover’s Mind spell - Cast by The Love Psychic "|""|"

    The Open Your Stubborn Lover’s Mind spell is for you if you can’t get your lover to listen, really listen to what you are saying. This spell is designed to plant the seeds to open your lover’s mind and have them take into consideration your feelings. And once accomplished, your relationship should be on an immediate upswing.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Open Your Stubborn Lover's Mind spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Open Your Stubborn Lover's Mind spell is for you if
    1. You can’t get your lover to listen to you.
    2. Consider what you are saying with an open mind.
    3. Your communication with them on personal matters is not good.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds deep within your partner’s subconscious to Open Your Stubborn Lover’s Mind.
    Is this you?
    • You are tired and frustrated of failing to get through to this person’s “hard head.”
    • You know very well what you want out of this relationship.
    • And you are willing to do almost anything to achieve it.
    • But you are at your wit’s end trying to convince this very special person to open up their mind and listen to reason.
    • However, you feel the relationship could be running out of time.
    • And you must break through the barriers ASAP!
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will
    1. Telepathically contact your loved one.
    2. Implant the seeds of change into their subconsciousness.
    3. Soften their resistance.
    4. Induce them to be more open to new ideas.
    My intent is to resolve your difficulties and elevate this most treasured relationship to heights you never thought possible. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-relationship-teetering|"Love Psychic's Relationship Teetering on the Rocks spell"|LP17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Relationship Teetering on the Rocks spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you feel you’ve come to a dead-end in trying to fix this all-important relationship. And it’s time to ask for help before it’s too late. The Love Psychic awaits word from you to focus his extraordinary psychic talents in your behalf.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Relationship Teetering on the Rocks spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    My intent is to telepathically contact your loved one and plant the seeds of togetherness, commitment, loyalty...and love. This spell is for you, if
    1. You feel you’ve come to a dead-end in trying to fix this all-important relationship, and
    2. You feel it’s time to ask for help before it’s too late.
    Is this you?
    • You are worried your relationship may be approaching the breaking point.
    • Your arguments are serious and disruptive.
    • You sense your loved one is backing away.
    • Others can see this as well.
    • Your heart is breaking, and.
    • If something can’t be done soon to turn the relationship around...
    • You fear you will be alone, without hope.
    If the above words resonate with you, allow me to cast the highly potent Relationship Teetering on the Rocks spell in your behalf. After all, what’s more important to your happiness than in saving this most important relationship? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-restore-peace|"Love Psychic's Restore Peace & Harmony spell"|LP19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Restore Peace & Harmony spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you wish to bring your relationship to where it once was. The Love Psychic’s Restore Peace & Harmony spell is designed to curb the anger and hostility, returning compromise, caring and loving back into this, your most treasured relationship.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Restore Peace & Harmony spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    My intent is to plant the seeds of tranquility, peace, harmony, understanding, loyalty, affection... The Restore Peace & Harmony spell is for you if you wish to bring your relationship to where it once was...a relaxed atmosphere in which the two of you looked at one another with warmth, humor and lots of love.
    Is this you?
    • You are in love with this person, but things have been difficult for some time.
    • There is much dissention and too many disagreements.
    • You wish to curb the anger and hostility.
    • You would like to have peace and harmony restored.
    • You hope the relationship can begin growing once again.
    • You want to be appreciated and respected.
    • And you are increasingly becoming impatient and worried that the relationship could be in trouble down the road if the disagreements are not corrected soon.
    • So it is vitally important to stop the disputes right now.
    If the above words resonate with you, allow me to cast this highly potent Restore Peace & Harmony spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-stop-lover|"Love Psychic's Stop Your Lover from Leaving spell"|LP9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop Your Lover from Leaving spell - Cast by the Lover Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your lover is putting more and more distance between you. Well, don’t despair. The Love Psychic could plant the seeds in your loved one to:
    1. Be reasonable.
    2. Recall all that is wonderful in your relationship.
    3. Stay with you.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Stop Your Lover from Leaving spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Stop Your Lover from Leaving spell is for you if your lover is putting more and more distance between you. And you are distraught that this once wonderful relationship could be coming to a very sad ending.
    What I can do for you
    Well, don’t despair. There is hope. I will plant the seeds to have your lover reconsider their recent actions, to desire you like no other and to stay with you.
    Is this you?
    • You truly love this person.
    • You are deeply frustrated and hurt that the two of you are drifting apart.
    • You want to break through the brick wall they have created.
    • But you fear time is running out, and you must do something now.
    • Not next week or next month. Now!
    • However, you have tried many things to no avail and you don’t know where to turn.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, perhaps it is your destiny that you are reading these words at this time. My intent is to telepathically contact your loved one, plant the seeds of desire, warmth, reconciliation...and a deep love for you... With the ultimate goal of: Stop Your Lover from Leaving! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-broken-heart|"Love Psychic's Suffering from a Broken Heart spell"|LP18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Suffering from a Broken Heart spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your heart is broken and you don’t know where to turn. And you’re not sure if you have the strength or stamina to turn the relationship around. If you are wondering if there are any other options open to you, perhaps you were destined to read these words at precisely this moment.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Suffering from a Broken Heart spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    My intent is to plant the seeds to heal you and perhaps your relationship as well. The Suffering from a Broken Heart spell is for you if your heart is broken and you don’t know where to turn. And you’re not sure if you have the strength or stamina to turn the relationship around by yourself.
    Is this you?
    • Your heart is breaking and you feel helpless and hopeless.
    • You feel you’ve done everything you could possibly do to repair the relationship.
    • But now it appears nothing has worked.
    • You have lost hope.
    • You feel you are out of options.
    • And soon you may have nowhere to turn.
    If the above words resonate with you, allow me to cast this highly potent Suffering from a Broken Heart spell in your behalf. There are no guarantees in life, but this potent spell focuses on healing you and bringing all your beautiful qualities to the surface. And once this occurs, should the opportunity present itself to renew the relationship once again, your loved one will see the real, happy, attractive person you have always been. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-urgent-reconciliation|"Love Psychic's Urgent Reconciliation spell"|LP7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Urgent Reconciliation spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if you are worried that your lover is not interested in reconciling with you. And you feel you are not being treated fairly or honestly. If this is your situation, allow the Love Psychic to plant the seeds of reconciliation deep within the subconscious of your loved one.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Urgent Reconciliation spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    I will plant the seeds for an Urgent Reconciliation between you and your loved one. This spell is for you if you are worried that your lover is not treating you fairly or honestly. And it is adversely affecting your relationship to the point where it is in jeopardy.
    Is this you?
    • You are overwhelmingly in love with this person.
    • However, they continue to pull away from you.
    • And you know in your heart that the two of you belong together.
    • But you can’t seem to break through the barriers your lover has erected.
    • And you are growing more and more frustrated.
    • Because you fear that this downward cycle could lead to a bad ending.
    If this sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically contact your loved one and implant the seeds of reconciliation into their subconsciousness. My intent is to open the heart and mind of your loved one so the two of you can enjoy a thriving, happy, successful relationship. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-return-lover|"Love Psychic's Urgent Return of Your Lover spell"|LP5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Urgent Return of Your Lover spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if your lover is somewhere else, and you need them to wake up to the fact that the two of you belong together.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Urgent Return of Your Lover spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully.
    What I can do for you
    I could plant the seeds for the Urgent Return of Your Lover. This spell is for you if your lover is somewhere else and you need them to realize how much you mean to them. And most of all you need this person by your side...right now!
    Is this you?
    • You are beside yourself with worry because you feel you can’t live happily without this person.
    • You know what you need to do to please this person.
    • But you are having difficulty getting through to them.
    • It appears they don’t really hear or believe what you’re saying.
    • And this person is intent on putting distance between the two of you.
    • And you don’t know how to get the love of your life back to you.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will be happy to telepathically contact your loved one and implant the seeds of forgiveness into their subconsciousness. My intent is to resolve your difficulties and bring this person back to you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-vanquish-foe|"Love Psychic's Vanquish a Foe spell"|LP14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(30)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Vanquish a Foe spell - Cast by the Love Psychic"|""|"

    This spell is for you if someone is standing in the way of your happiness. If your nemesis is adversely affecting your life, including your most important relationship, ask the Love Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Vanquish a Foe spell
    Cast by The Love Psychic
    Your Relationship Problems are My Specialty
    For over thirty years I have provided my psychic services for a select group of clients throughout the world. During this time I have chosen to focus my telepathic powers solely on relationship issues – very often quite successfully. The Vanquish a Foe spell is for you if someone is standing in the way of you being happy and content. This person has been affecting every aspect of your life, including your most important relationship.
    What I can do for you
    1. Plant the seeds of warning in your nemesis.
    2. Severely discourage this person who is causing you stress and anxiety.
    Is this you?
    • You are having difficulty concentrating because you feel your nemesis is “out to get you.”
    • And this is causing you a great deal of distress.
    • You also feel you are spending too much time worrying about what negative plans they have for you.
    • And you are having difficulty getting them out of your mind.
    • So in the final analysis, the best thing for you is to have this person cast out of your life.
    If the above sounds familiar and resonates with you, I will telepathically plant the seeds of change within this person, altering their behavior...resulting in them having little effect upon you. And once this is accomplished, you should feel a heavy burden lifted from your shoulders. So if someone out there is constantly upsetting you, wait no longer, there is a person who can help you do something about it. The Love Psychic is ready to help. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-sigil-link|"Love Sigil"||LINK.|sigils.html||||""|""|""|""|"A Love Sigil Amulet is created when a gifted psychic merges all the letters of a wish into a one-of-a-kind amulet."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sg2|"Love Sigil"|SG2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovespellkit|"Love Spell Kit"|SK3|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Brings affection, warmth, laughter and love back into your life! Ends loneliness, ensures happiness. Amazing results! "|""|""|""|""|""|"Do you long for a lost love? Is there someone out there who is not returning your affection? Is your mate or loved one aloof, cold, afraid to show you the proper respect. Are they withholding warmth, love? Once you perform the Love Kit ritual, you'll feel confident the seed has been planted, and don't be surprised if a surge of energy will rush through your body. This ritual is simple, but extremely powerful. Only request this kit if you are deeply in love and sure this person is ""right"" for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-powerhouse|"Love Spell Powerhouse"|LPH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|""|""|"Lift your relationship to heights of pleasure and success you never thought possible.

    Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

    One of the most potent and successful spells, the Love Spell Powerhouse, is designed to lift your relationship to heights of pleasure and success you never thought possible.

    Three levels of success

    Level One: Trust and Security

    What could be more important than knowing your loved one will be there for you through thick and thin?

    And, as you well know, once you are secure and comfortable in your relationship, you are then free to give yourself one hundred percent, willingly, unselfishly and with spirit and gusto.

    Level Two: Friendship and Compatibility

    How can a relationship be successful without the couple having that special chemistry, the comradery, the laughter, the incredible desire to be together twenty-four/seven?

    Level Three: Uninhibited Lust and Unconditional Love

    Your partner’s deepest feelings for you could now be unblocked and free to surface...giving you the Uninhibited Lust and Unconditional Love you so fervently seek.

    Upon receiving the go-ahead from you, a skilled Psychic Master will call upon his formidable psychic powers to penetrate the subconscious of your partner, embedding feelings that you, and you alone, are their one and only.

    Soon this most treasured relationship could begin to fulfill the exciting potential you foresaw in the beginning.

    So if the above resonates with you, and if you truly desire a major transformation in your love life, the Love Spell Powerhouse could bring you the success and happiness you so deserve.

    This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night).


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-triangle-spell|"Love Triangle"|LTR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are part of a Love Triangle, look no further, this is the spell for you."|""|""|""|""|""|" Are you in love with someone but this person unfortunately is also involved with someone else? If so, few things in life can be as unpleasant or as terrifying as knowing a third party may be stealing the love of your life away from you. And you fear this situation may soon be beyond anything you can do to fix it. So you had better act quickly. The Love Triangle spell is specifically designed to help you, if:
    • The person you are in love with is confused and doesn't know you are the right person for them.
    • The third person in the triangle is trying to steal your lover and is not being honest or sincere.
    • You are scared to death that you may be on the losing end.
    • You want your lover to wake up and see the truth: that you are the right person - the only person - for them.

    If you are part of a Love Triangle, look no further, this is the spell for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovevoodoo|"Love Voodoo"|V21|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-voodoo-doll-link|"Love Voodoo Doll"||LINK.|voodoo.html||||""|""|""|""|"Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-voodoo-doll-get-lover-back-link|"Love Voodoo Doll to Get Your Love Back"||LINK.|voodoo.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Love Voodoo Doll may help you get your love back."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovewangano302|"Love Wanga"|W2|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek love, friendship, want an older lover to return or a present lover to commit."|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek love, friendship, want a past lover to return or a present lover to commit."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-lust-laughter|"Love, Lust, Laughter, Luxuries Spell"|LLL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"There is no need for you to proceed through life without having it all."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Studies at the University of Leningrad reveal that a ""telepathic can definitely cause drastic changes in a person’s brain-wave patterns."" Researchers from the Maimonides Institute have determined that a gifted psychic can influence the will of another person, even when situated in a distant location. The conclusion: a skilled telepathic may cause an individual to change the way he thinks and the way he acts — no matter where he is located. So if you yearn to experience the ultimate pleasures of Love, Lust, Laughter and Luxuries, you are in for a very pleasant surprise.
    It’s time for you to have it all
    There is no need for you to proceed through life without having it all. So if you truly believe there are unseen, powerful forces about us that could make you the envy of all who know you, well then, the Love, Lust, Laughter, Luxuries spell could be precisely what you’ve been searching for. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| llm|"Love-Luck-Money Spells by Burton"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Allow me to cast a Spell for you and help turn your life around."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    I WILL CAST A SPELL FOR YOU! Dear Friend, Believe me when I say this: Our paths were destined to cross and you are meant to read this letter. I will soon channel with your spirit, and this is good because I believe you need my help! You may have heard of me. My name is Burton and I am an internationally known psychic-channeler. For over forty years I have used my psychic powers to help some of the most successful people in the world. From CEO's of large corporations to some of the biggest names in the entertainment field, I have helped many of them achieve their goals of wealth, fame, and happiness. I have found that these remarkable people have many things in common, but one thing in particular stands out: They never miss an opportunity to increase their chances of success, especially when it involves money! Every one of them looks for a new angle, an advantage, an edge--and they are willing to try something new if it will make their lives better, easier, richer. You should ask yourself this question. Why should the rich and famous be the only ones allowed to get that extra boost, that extra assistance that allows them to rise above the others? Why, indeed. I believe in fate, and I believe our spirits were drawn to one another. Soon, I will channel with your spirit and will know so much about you -- your triumphs, your successes, and also your disappointments and regrets. I will also know exactly what your problems are, what you want, what you need. First of all we have to change your luck, then we have to bring about a dramatic increase in your bank account. Close your eyes for a moment... Can you feel my presence? We are together, you and I. We are in direct contact at this very moment. You may even feel we are in the same room. I know what you are thinking. In your heart you know what I am saying is true. You may not be as secure as you'd like to be. My feeling is that you were drawn to my words for two reasons: You need money, and you are not receiving the love and affection you truly need. And at this moment in time, I may be the only person who can help you! I possess two unique gifts. The first allows me to channel with a person's spirit. This is why you feel a connection with me right now, even from such a distance. My second gift should be of particular importance to you. I can meditate on behalf of my clients and help make their dreams come true! I can do this for you, my friend. This is why you cannot take your eyes off this letter. We have forged a bond with one another. You feel it. So do I. Since you have read this far, this is what I see: Your life is quite probably being held in check. You feel the restraint. It is as if you are being held back in chains by an unseen force. This counter force has been your nemesis for some time. As a result, you are not enjoying the fruits of life--the riches in money, love, and friendship. So, what can we do about all this? This counter force--or spirit--must be removed from your life as soon as possible! If you haven't realized it already, I must tell you--its powers are increasing! This is what I want to do for you: I will cast a spell for you. Then I will remove the obstruction that is blocking you, working against you. This counter force is very powerful, and gaining in strength each day! It is a force to be reckoned with. And once I remove this obstacle, nothing will stand between you and good fortune. Sincerely,
    Dear CAA, My Love-Luck-Money Spell by Burton has put me in the right place at the right time many times since I had it done. I have truly been blessed on at least 3 occasions when my good luck came through. Thank you. P.C.
    Dear CAA, Thanks a lot for casting Burton's Love-Luck-Money Spell on my behalf. I am successful in my perfume business, and money is being attracted towards me. My luck has also changed. I feel I have lots of positive energy inside me. You guys are really great. Thanks a lot. M.M.G.
    Panama City
    Dear CAA, I had requested for Mr. Burton to help me out with Love, Luck and Money and it is really working. I feel many things moving positively in my life. I like this girl and it was as if i will never see her again. But, as I went for a job interview I was just shocked to see her as I entered the door. It was as if it was perfect timing. I am very impressed and a firm believer. JO.
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lcm|"Lover Come Back to Me Amulet"|LCM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(19.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| comeback|"Lover Come Back to Me!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|"An Amazing Amulet That Rekindles Passion and Love"|""|"An amazing amulet that rekindles passion and love. Now available in Sterling Silver!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do you fall asleep each night wondering why you are not blessed with a partner who loves you unconditionally? Do you sometimes dream of having a magic wand that could make that special person love you as deeply as you love them? And have this person return to you at once? In your heart you know you are the right person for them but they are so stubborn they won't admit it. It's time for you to realize your situation isn't hopeless and that there is something you can do about it! The Lover Come Back to Me! amulet is a must for anyone who seeks the return of a lost love or hopes to renew the spark in a current relationship. Carry this remarkable amulet with you if you wish to ""reconnect"" with someone who has been distant from you. Hold it tightly if you want them to think of you, miss you, desperately want to be with you again. Then, lightly press your fingers over the eternal flame if you want this person to return to you! Keep in mind there is a moment in time when a person who ""thinks"" a relationship is over begins to have doubts. It is at this precise moment that you will want your vision, your essence, to be present in their thoughts. Incredibly, at the same time this is occurring, regardless how far away you are, you may feel the heat from the eternal flame of the Burning Bush in this amazing good luck piece. If you believe there are greater forces all around us, powers that can change our lives if we call upon them -- then we strongly urge you to possess this powerful amulet. Actual size 3/4"" x 1""
    "||||"(:LCM :LCMS)"|"(:LCM :LCMS)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovers-remorse|"Lover's Remorse Spell"|LRS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time your ex realizes their terrible loss."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you have an ex-mate or partner who doesn’t know what they’re missing? Are they being too stubborn, too stupid to realize you are truly the love of their life? And would you like to plant the seeds of regret and remorse within their subconscious so they can:
  • Finally awaken to the fact that they have truly hurt the two of you.
  • Finally admitting the huge mistake in leaving you.
  • Finally coming to their senses and figuring out a way to make things right.
  • And finally contacting you and begging for forgiveness.
  • If the above words ring true, the Lover’s Remorse spell could be precisely what you’ve been hoping for: the return of the person with whom you’ll be forever happy...and so will they! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lucktape|"Luck Tape No. 502"|T2|ITEM.||(15.95)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Lucky people ""know"" they're going to succeed sooner or later. They ""feel"" it in their bones. You could too, once the inner you is convinced."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luckvoodoo|"Luck Voodoo"|V20|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|" "|""|""|""|"
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luck-voodoo-link|"Luck Voodoo Doll"||LINK.|voodoo.html||||""|""|""|"Luck Voodoo Doll"|"Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luckwangano304|"Luck Wanga"|W4|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who enter lotteries, play bingo, or want to change their luck."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luclep|"Lucky Leprechaun"|LEP|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"The ""Luck of the Irish"" Could be Yours When you Bring the Lucky Leprechaun into Your Home"|""|"The luck of the Irish could be yours when you bring the Lucky Leprechaun into your home."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    ""Luck be with ye"" ... so says this devilish imp who could warm your heart and bring a smile to your face any time you set eyes upon him. Of all the good luck symbols in the world, the Leprechaun is best known for his ability to bring good luck and good fortune into any home. Beautifully crafted and hand-painted, this charismatic figure is about 2"" tall and seems to have a life of his own. Wherever he sits in your home, all eyes will be drawn to him. So, place your Lucky Leprechaun on a mantel over the fireplace, or in any favorite spot in your home... but don't hide him. This little rascal needs attention. If you need a lift, now is the time to adopt your very own Leprechaun. Then all you have to do is sit back and wait for good things to happen. This irresistible imp could make life worth living again. "||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Leprechaun Works Immediately Dear CAA, The Lucky Leprechaun has brought me some luck already! I have one $250 in the lottery. Thank you. J.J.
    Chipley, FL

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| val2|"Lucky Me Valentine Spell"|VAL2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you are envious of those who have all the luck, this is your chance to be one of them. This unique spell places you in the right place at the right time to take advantage of those ""once in a lifetime"" opportunities. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lucky7|"Lucky Number 7"|LUC|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"The LUCKY NUMBER 7"|""|"The Mystical Number That Could Bring You... Luck, Fortune, and Happiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Throughout the ages the number 7 has defied the law of averages and confounded mathematicians. For many of the powerful and wealthy, the number 7 is a symbol of luck and good fortune. Carry the Lucky 7 with you and experience:
    • A dramatic turnaround of events in your favor.
    • Increased Lucky Streaks.
    • A noticeable reduction of bad luck, depression, lack of confidence.
    • A knack for being in the right place at the right time.
    If you believe numbers play an important role in your life, experience what the Lucky Number 7 can do for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, I went to bingo--only winning a little at a time each day. But exactly one week after I received my Lucky 7, my girl friend won $826. I thought that was all we were going to win until we got to the Bonanza for $1,000. I won the $1,000. My family and I were really in need of some money for a car and clothing for my kids. I ordered the Lucky 7 and it really worked. Now we have a car and my kids have new clothes thanks to my Lucky 7 and the California Astrology Association. Leslie Herman
    Dear CAA, I recently wrote about the long wait to get my order. Well, I finally received my Lucky 7 necklace awhile ago and all I have to say is it was worth the wait! I just wanted to say thank you!!! Since I received the necklace I was offered the chance to do my dream job when I have been struggling for two years to even get an internship!! Now I was hired immediately with NO experience-and this is in a state where jobs that I want to do are not normally available!! I am able to also work with a multi-millionaire who is a great mentor. While everything that happens to me isn't perfect, my luck has definitely changed! My friend got tickets to a see a popular band and she took me out of all her friends, and we even got to go back stage! I've also been doing a lot better in my classes. The necklace really is amazing and I hope my luck continues! :) Thanks again!!! Alison
    Livonia, MI

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luckynumbers|"Lucky Numbers"|NUM|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|"""Your Name"" Inscription 25 ""Your Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Name:
    Your Birthdate MM/DD/YYYY):
    "|""|""|"Some psychics are able to provide lucky numbers, but only the truly gifted can tell you when to use them. Since it is evident that even these same lucky numbers will not work for you day in and day out, it is imperative you learn precisely when to use them!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Big Winners In Lotteries and Contests Are Not Merely Lucky! They Know In Advance Which Numbers To Use--And When To Use Them! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to come out on top all the time? They seem to ""luck out"" even when they don't try, and sometimes they don't even seem to care. While the rest of us scrape and save, earning every dollar we make, the ""lucky"" ones seem to glide through life--carefree, happy, and successful. But there is a secret to their success: Luck Is When Preparation Meets Opportunity
    Your Lucky Numbers will be determined by the Oppenheimer Secret Formula
    Big winners are not merely lucky, they are well prepared. People who win consistently have one thing in common: they know their lucky numbers and when to use them. What good are your lucky numbers if you don't use them on the right days? Even the time of day is important. If evening is a lucky period for you, that is the time to select your numbers. Some psychics are able to provide lucky numbers, but only the truly gifted can tell you when to use them. Since it is evident that even these same lucky numbers will not work for you day in and day out, it is imperative you learn precisely when to use them. If you don't see a dramatic increase in your winnings, you may return the numbers to us for a full, complete refund at any time. SPECIAL BONUS!
    We will also include your lucky days of the week and lucky months for no additional charge!
    Dear CAA, Last month I ordered my Lucky Numbers determined by the Oppenheimer Formula. Three days after I received my reading, I won $1,000 in the lottery. Thank you very much! L.V.
    Sabana Granda, PR

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lucky-lucky-me-spell|"Lucky, Lucky Me Spell"|LUL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Because things haven’t been going well for you for some time, you need some luck. Well, a lot of luck. In reality, you need lots and lots and lots of luck!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you at the point in life where you could use a break? A big break? Are you worn out trying to make things right in so many aspects of your life? And are you ready for some help...regardless of where it may come from, or from whom?
    Is this your dream?
    Because things haven’t been going well for you for some time, you need some luck. Well, a lot of luck. In reality, you need lots and lots and lots of luck! So if the above words sound familiar, perhaps you should consider having this potent spell – the Lucky, Lucky Me spell -- cast in your behalf. After all, when you are at a low point in life and you need a helping hand, how can you turn this down? The Lucky, Lucky Me spell could provide the dramatic turn of events in your favor...and bring you the love, luxuries and happiness you so deserve."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo6|"Lust for Me/Make Me Irresistible Duo Spell"|DUO6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    What better combination of spells than these two? Finally, you can have that special feeling that you exude sensuality and are irresistible. And once you cast out all the negative vibes, you will have your lover drooling at the thought of holding you and making love to you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po5|"Lust Potion Spell"|PO5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lust Potion Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If your love life lacks passion and excitement, you are in for a very special surprise. A special elixir will be created specifically for you, and it will enable the spell-caster to greatly enhance the passion and lust (and fun) in your life. Now, you may ask, how can this be so? With passion herbs and other psychic stimulants, once the Lust Potion spell is cast, your aura and that of your loved one will be stimulated many times beyond its current capacity. The Lust Potion spell is like no other. You'll just have to try it to believe it. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-lust-irresistible-allure-spell|"Lust, Love & Irresistible Allure Spell"|LLI|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lust, Love & Irresistible Allure Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Do you have a lover whose sexual desire for you is, let us say, leaving much to be desired? Do you wish that person would look at you as a ""hot number"" with lust in their heart and a longing to make passionate love with you? This remarkable spell is designed to whet the appetite of that special person so when you enter the room they cannot keep their hands off you. This lustful spell is for you, if:
    • You have a strong sexual drive and you want your partner to take full advantage of it.
    • You are a passionate person in many ways and when you are in the confines of your bedroom, you want your partner to be as uninhibited as you.
    • You have a great imagination and you want many of your sexual fantasies to become reality.
    • You are growing impatient with your partner’s inattention to your sexual needs and you want to do something about it right now!
    If the above resonates with you, the Lust, Love & Irresistible Allure spell could bring you the excitement and sensual fulfillment you truly deserve."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luxurious-life-spell|"Luxurious Life Spell"|LUX|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Luxurious Life spell could propel you to new heights, new opportunities, new riches."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Luxurious Life spell is specifically designed for a person who dreams big.
    Does this sound familiar?
    • Do you feel you are different from most people who accept their lot in life and seemingly don’t aspire to anything greater?
    • Do you feel your efforts haven’t been recognized nor rewarded despite how loyal, how hardworking and how valuable your contributions have been?
    • And have you been unfairly criticized or accused of “your head being in the clouds” when expressing your belief in a future blessed with luxury and riches?
    • And are you frustrated and not at all satisfied living paycheck to paycheck?
    • And finally: Do you feel you so deserve to live the life filled with luxuries, riches...and the leisure time to enjoy them?
    So if the above reflects your dissatisfaction with your current financial situation and lifestyle, you were destined to read these words at this specific time and place.
    Your future is in your hands
    The Luxurious Life spell could propel you to new heights, new opportunities, new riches. A Master Psychic, who specializes in financial and lifestyle enrichment, awaits word from you to cast this very potent spell. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| magicsquare|"Magic Square"|SQU|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"Magic Square"|""|"You Shouldn't Enter a Lottery, Contest, or Any Game of Chance Without Touching the Magic Square First!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You Shouldn't Enter a Lottery, Contest, or Any Game of Chance Without Touching the Magic Square First! From the mystical Hebrew tradition known as the Kabbala comes the most influential amulet of them all, the Magic Square. One of the oldest amulets known to man, the Magic Square could bring a person good luck in all aspects of his or her life. What Is the Magic Square? An extremely powerful talisman containing numbers that add up to the same total whether adding horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The Magic Square could dramatically sharpen your instincts and increase your luck. How Do You Use It? Merely hold the Magic Square while you're selecting numbers and the correct numbers may begin to emerge from your subconscious mind. The Magic Square may be particularly useful in games of chance, such as the lottery. The Magic Square Could:
    • Help you select lucky numbers for the lottery.
    • Improve your odds for winning Bingo, contests, etc.
    • Improve your luck in all aspects of life.
    • Turn your hard luck into good luck
    Order the Magic Square today and turn your hard luck into good luck. Plated in 14-karat gold, the Magic Square can be worn or carried.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| magical-eye-amulet|"Magical Eye Amulet"|MEA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"Magical Eye Amulet"|""|"Attracts positive energy as if it were a magnet! Stops negative energy in its tracks!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This powerful amulet is designed to accomplish two things: Attract the Good! Directs positive energy with your ""Good Eye"" to stimulate the subconscious mind of someone of importance to you, allowing them to look at you in a loving, positive light. Repel the Evil! Protects you against a negative force (Evil Eye) by rebounding its energy back at the perpetrator. The Magical Eye magnifies your gift of foresight to clearly see what lies around the corner. Then it illuminates the way to your true path in life so you can avoid the pitfalls and take advantage of the wonderful opportunities that lie ahead - in your relationships, in your finances, in all areas that affect you. What the Magical Eye Can do for You!
    • Gives you the ability to see things clearly.
    • Gives you the gift to have greater insight into people, relationships, investments...
    • Gives you the understanding and confidence to clear up misunderstandings.
    • Simplifies getting important relationships back on track.
    • Protects you from the Evil Eye.
    How does it work? While wearing or holding the Magical Eye...
    • Feel the energy flow through your entire being, infiltrating your subconscious with awesome positive vibrations.
    • Feel your head clear, bringing clarity and courage that will invigorate you.
    • Think about the person you love and transfer your loving thoughts to them!
    • Reel in a lost love or attract a new love to you, allowing them to see your inner beauty, your loving, kind nature, your remarkable gifts...
    • Concentrate on someone who has tried to undermine you, perhaps destroy you. Soon this person will feel negative energy flow through their veins.
    The dual purpose of the Magical Eye Attracts positive energy as if it were a magnet. Stops negative energy in its tracks. If you're ready for a loving relationship, prosperity and ultimate happiness, take possession of this mystical amulet and get ready for a remarkable change in your life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| val4|"Make Me Prosperous Valentine Spell"|VAL4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    It's time you reaped the rewards of all the hard work you've done over the years. This is your chance to enjoy the fruits of success that others less qualified and unworthy have enjoyed up to now. If you want to pass them by and be the envy of all who know you, the Make Me Prosperous spell could do wonders for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| makemesexy|"Make Me Sexy"|MSX|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    "|"Make Me Sexy"|""|"Do you want to be desired, loved, ravished? Do you want to attract the ""right"" type to you?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Hi! Recently I purchased the ""Make Me Sexy"" Spell. I have to say that I am amazed how well it worked! Within days I met a wonderful guy whom I'm now dating and old boyfriends have been calling out of the blue! It's as if there is a magnet attracting guys that I like to me! It's amazing! Also I've been getting more modeling jobs than before! Another thing that I noticed is that I feel happier! THIS SPELL REALLY WORKS!!! I REALLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU TRY IT! Thank you so very much!!!!! Chris
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Increase the potency of the Make Me Sexy spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Do you want to be desired, loved, ravished? Do you want to attract the ""right"" type to you? Do you want a particular person who is in your life right now to have sex on their mind every time they look at you? Or, perhaps, you are looking to attract a new love. We can have a world-class psychic cast a spell to bring out the sexiness in you--and make it visible for all the world to see. After all, you have that special appeal deep within you. You have the desire, the passion. It just isn't apparent to some people, and it needs to be enhanced, visualized and made noticeable. You are a person with deep, vibrant emotions, but you are frustrated, even dismayed that your needs aren't being met. You feel you are wasting your life, not being totally fulfilled. And you want your passion to be rewarded with an exciting, fun-filled, physical relationship. And you want it now!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| make-me-your-great-love-spell|"Make Me Your Great Love! Spell"|MMG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Make Me Your Great Love! Spell"|""|"Are you tired of being second best?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you tired of being second best? Are you humiliated, upset, and angry that you are not receiving the attention and love you so deserve? Is it time that your lover wakes up and tells you how much they love you? Order this spell, if:
    • You need to take action immediately and not wait a second longer to turn this relationship around on a dime.
    • You love this person but need to set them straight and be obedient to your wishes.
    • You want to be the great love of your lover's life.
    • And you want it to happen ASAP!
    If you answered yes to the above, you have come to the right place. The Make Me Your Great Love! spell is designed to elevate you to the most important status in your lover's eyes. So if you are frustrated that the person you love is not making you Numero Uno and you want them to focus their attention on you, the Make Me Your Great Love! spell could be the solution to this most urgent problem.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gypsy-make-my-enemy-weaker-link|"Make My Enemy Weaker Gypsy Spell"||LINK.|gypsy-make-my-enemy-weaker-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"This Make My Enemy Weaker spell is designed to penetrate your antagonist's subconscious, making them vulnerable and weak, leading them to question their own abilities."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| great-couple|"Make Us a Great Couple Spell"|GCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Mend your dysfunctional relationship and return it to the happy and trusting relationship you had in the beginning."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you fantasize what it would be like to have incredible compatibility with the one you love? A relationship that is based on trust, loyalty and unconditional love that is the envy of all who know you? And knowing that your partner adores you so much they wouldn’t even think about being unfaithful or untrue to you in any way.
    But let’s get down to earth for a moment
    What is your situation right now?
    Relationship on shaky ground?
    • Are you concerned your loved one may be getting the urge to move on -- or perhaps has already done so?
    • But you know in your heart once they calm down and recognize the incredible person you truly are, it would be so obvious the two of you are meant to be together.
    • Through thick and thin. Good times and bad.
    • However, you fear the relationship may be approaching the breaking point. And you need someone or something in your corner to turn things around – quickly and decisively.
    If the above sounds familiar, there is hope!
    The Make Us a Great Couple spell has been specifically designed to mend your dysfunctional relationship and return it to the happy and trusting relationship you had in the beginning. With this potent spell, your happiness could be right around the corner. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| makeover-appearance-link|"Makeover Appearance Spell"||LINK.|makeover-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Makeover Appearance spell is designed to bring out the best in you!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms1|"Makeover Appearance spell "|MS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Your mood and your self-confidence can swing dramatically depending on how you look in the mirror? Sometimes you may see a vigorous, good-looking, confident person staring back at you. But other times what you see is, well, not very flattering or morale boosting, to say the least. The Makeover Appearance spell is designed to bring out the best in you! And when you look in the mirror and see a smiling, happy person staring right back into your eyes, you will know wonderful things are about to happen."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms3|"Makeover Attitude Adjustment Spell"|MS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone you care for is not treating you well, perhaps they need to change their ways. This spell is designed to:
    • Take the edge out of their attitude.
    • Add sensitivity and caring toward you.
    • Eliminate their sarcastic tone.
    • Treat you with respect and love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms6|"Makeover Bank Account Spell"|MS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Fallen on tough times and can't see your way out of the financial doldrums? This powerful spell is designed to lead you to the path of prosperity and financial security. Nothing is certain in life, but this spell is designed to put you in position so when the right financial opportunity crosses your path, you will grab it and ride the comet's tail to a future you never dreamed possible. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms4|"Makeover Happiness Spell"|MS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This all-purpose spell is designed to makeover every aspect of your life, bringing you happiness and success in career, finances, luck and love. If you want to wake up each morning with a smile on your face and you yearn to go through the day holding on to the arm of that special person, this is the spell for you! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms8|"Makeover Luck Spell"|MS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Change from a loser to a winner once this potent spell plants the seeds of success within you. Whether you are searching for the ""right"" person to make your life complete, or you feel your career needs an instant makeover, be prepared for changes you never thought possible. The Makeover Luck spell is a dynamic spell that will invigorate you, energize you, and allow you to reach your true potential. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms5|"Makeover Marriage Spell"|MS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This potent spell is designed to turn around a broken marriage. So if your partner has fallen off track and is headed in a different direction, and you fear that your marriage is destined to fail, this is the spell that could fix it. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms7|"Makeover Relationship Spell"|MS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Do you have a friend or family member that is causing you distress? Or perhaps a lover who is not reciprocating your love and kindness? You deserve better! This remarkable spell is designed to turn a dysfunctional relationship into a secure and peaceful relationship. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| makeover-spells|"Makeover Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Since much of a person's beauty and stature comes from within, Makeover spells are specifically focused on activating and inspiring your inner spirit."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Amazing changes in your physical appearance,
    your bank account, your love life!

    Have you ever noticed that some people who are not blessed with natural beauty are still able to stand out from the rest? There is something about their demeanor, their attitude, their aura that radiates outward in every direction. And what's more, they seem to attract others to them as if they were a magnet. It is something that is admirable and incredibly appealing. And the good news is you can have it, too. If you are unhappy with your appearance and feel you are not presenting your best to the outside world, please read this: The Simple Truth Since much of a person's beauty and stature comes from within, Makeover spells are specifically focused on activating and inspiring your inner spirit. Not only can you become more physically appealing, but Makeover spells can dramatically carry over to your financial situation, your career -- and especially your most personal relationships. Take a look at the various Makeover spells that could lift your life out of the doldrums. And remember, life is yours for the taking. Don't sit back and ""hope"" something will happen. Makeover spells can make it happen! Watch out world, here you come!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:MS1 :MS2 :MS3 :MS4 :MS5 :MS6 :MS7 :MS8)"|"(:MS1 :MS2 :MS3 :MS4 :MS5 :MS6 :MS7 :MS8)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ms2|"Makeover Weight Loss Spell"|MS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Don't request this spell unless you're committed once and for all to take off those extra pounds and ""keep"" them off. The Makeover Weight-loss spell is designed to implant resolve and determination in your subconscious. And once the seeds take hold, the image in your mirror could get progressively slimmer. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| makeover-weight-loss-link|"Makeover Weight Loss Spell"||LINK.|makeover-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Don't request this spell unless you're committed once and for all to take off those extra pounds and ""keep"" them off. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| man-stealer-curse|"Man-Stealer Curse"|MSC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""The Other Woman's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    The Other Woman's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Man-Stealer Curse"|""|"If you want your man back and you believe in the paranormal, then do not wait another minute to request that this curse be directed at you-know-who."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You are hurt. You are angry. You are so mad you don't know where to turn. This woman has stolen your man and possibly ruined your life. And it appears there's nothing you can do about it. You feel your life is over if you don't get him back, and you feel helpless, alone, and in considerable pain. If this is your predicament, there is hope, there is a chance you may be reunited with ""your"" man. You should order this spell, if: 1. You are depressed and can't get your man out of your mind. 2. He is the only one for you. You know it and he knows it. He's just hypnotized at the moment. 3. This woman has stolen your man, and you want him back. 4. You want to switch places with her so she knows how you feel. 5. You want her to get what she deserves...and that's not your man. You are not alone! The Man-stealer Curse is one of the oldest and most potent curses available to someone in your position. You should know that scores of others are or have been in your situation. You are not alone! If you want your man back and you believe in the paranormal, then do not wait another minute to request that this curse be directed at you-know-who.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| marry-me|"Marry Me!"|MME|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Marry Me!"|""|"It's time to tie the knot!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you're reading this, then we can assume you've already found the love of your life. And most likely the only problem is this person is too shy to commit, or too afraid, or perhaps too busy to concentrate on making the relationship last. The Marry Me spell is designed to do one thing: pierce the heart of your loved one, making them not only aware of your desires, but bringing their desires and their love for you to the same level. And once they realize how much they care for you, well then, it's only a matter of time until you tie the knot. This spell is for you, if:
    • You've met the right person and you are incredibly in love with them.
    • You don't want to look any further and you don't want them to look any further.
    • You feel it's time to settle down and enjoy all the benefits of marriage.
    • You are worried that if the two of you don't tie the knot soon, disaster awaits around the corner.
    Few things are more important in life than to find the right person and forge an unbreakable bond with them. We have developed the Marry Me spell to assist you in this most worthwhile endeavor.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| whitemagic|"Master of White Magic"|WHM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Master of White Magic"|""|"Once he makes the psychic connection with you, the bond may begin to strengthen!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Before anything occurs on the physical plane, it must first be created as a thought. Only then can the Master Psychic turn your dream into reality.

    ""I am clairvoyant. I call upon the unseen force to tune into your frequency and pick up your thoughts. But I cannot act until you call upon me. Only then can I connect with your electrical and nervous system. Only then can I call upon the powers of White Magic to work in your behalf. ""Here is what you must do! Concentrate on the one thing you want me to do. Is it money you need to help you through a difficult period? Is it a lack of affection in your life that makes you feel unloved, taken for granted? Is there a problem that needs to be fixed right now?""

    If you have an urgent need, contact the Master Psychic immediately. Do not wait a second longer. Get a sheet of paper and write down your most important request and embed it in your mind. Once he makes the psychic connection with you, the bond may begin to strengthen!

    Prepare yourself for a spectacular transformation. If you are ready to open your heart and mind to a bonafide Master Psychic in the ancient art of White Magic, then write down your one, most important request. This is the command he is awaiting.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mata-haris-amulet|"Mata Hari Seduction Amulet"|MHA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|""|""|"Mata Hari Seudction Amulet"|""|"Enchant, mesmerize, capture the heart of the one you love!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    History is full of examples of ""ordinary"" women who won the hearts of rich, powerful and famous men. But perhaps the famous of all the enchantresses was no ordinary woman. She was a stunning beauty, a dancer in Paris, who also happened to be a double agent during World War I. Her name was Mata Hari and she was a courtesan to many high-ranking allied military officers who found her irresistible. She was eventually exposed as a spy and then executed by a French firing squad. Enchant, mesmerize, capture This is the legendary Mata Hari amulet that is said to first enchant, then mesmerize and then capture the one you most desire. Consider having your very own Mata Hari amulet, if:
    • You are a sensual person who knows how to treat your lover and make him or her feel like a king or queen.
    • You are willing to do anything for your lover…as long as they feel the same way about you.
    • You have an intense desire to display a physical sensuality that will not only excite your lover but make him or her eat out of your hands.
    If the above words stir your blood, then you have discovered the Mata Hari amulet at just the right time. The Irresistible new you! The moment you take possession of your very own Mata Hari amulet, its effect upon you will be of elegance, grace, self-assurance and beauty. And, as important, others will notice your unique charms as they are drawn closer to the irresistible new you. So possess the Mata Hari amulet and prepare yourself for an exciting adventure in romance and love. Made of sterling silver, it will immediately become one of your most treasured (and admired) possessions."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mayan-harmony-bracelet|"Mayan Harmony Bracelet"|MYN|CUSTOM-ITEM||(24.95)|||""|""|"Mayan Harmony Bracelet"|""|"Originating in the Yucatan Peninsula of Southeastern Mexico, the Mayan Harmony Bracelet is believed to emit mystical powers."|""|""|""|""|""|"Sorry, the Mayan Harmony Bracelet is out of stock
    Originating in the Yucatan Peninsula of Southeastern Mexico, the Mayan Harmony Bracelet is believed to emit mystical powers. Made of Indian Agate, the Mayan Harmony Bracelet:
    • Stimulates compatibility
    • Tightens bond with chosen one
    • Creates harmony
    • Dissolves discord

    Place the Mayan Harmony Bracelet on your wrist and observe the dark clouds beginning to dissipate, allowing your spirit to enjoy the calm, smooth journey ahead. (Beautiful color variations are natural in Indian Agate stone, making each bracelet unique. Therefore colors may vary slightly from what is pictured.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-perfect-storm-love-spell-3|"Mega ""Perfect Storm"" Love Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"|M01-3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What is life if you can't live it with the person of your dreams? Although no one can assure you with certainty that you will ever find your true love, this spell is designed to lead you to the path that brings the two of you together.

    There are mystical elements in the air that we humans cannot comprehend. Spirits that have the power to do incomprehensible things, such as, making ""coincidences"" happen. If you've ever asked a happily married couple how they met, the odds are they met by chance. Well, this spell is designed to increase those chances, to bring about the ""perfect storm"" in which the two of you arrive at the same destination at the same time. And when your eyes meet, you will each know your lives will be dramatically altered!

    Mega ""Perfect Storm"" Love Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-perfect-storm-love-spell-7|"Mega ""Perfect Storm"" Love Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"|M01-7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(78.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Mega ""Perfect Storm"" Love Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-fortune-spell-3|"Mega Fortune Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"|M03-3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Making a lot of money can't buy true happiness...but it can sure get you a great deal closer. This remarkable series of spells is designed to direct you to the ""fortune path."" This path is destined to bring about an uninterrupted series of occurrences that brings possessions and security beyond your imagination. In this lifetime, nothing can come easy and without sweat, but by bringing the powers of a gifted psychic alongside you and experiencing your great need, this is the surest way to jump start your journey to financial independence. It is said that when Burton casts his Mega Fortune spell, success is right around the corner.

    Mega Fortune Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-fortune-spell-7|"Mega Fortune Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"|M03-7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(78.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Mega Fortune Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-get-your-lover-back-spell-3|"Mega Get Your Lover Back Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"|M02-3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Who hasn't suffered an excruciating loss of a lover? It's possible not to have gone through such a loss and the resulting agony and disappointment and suffering associated with it, but for most people at one point in their lives a special person has gotten away. This remarkable series of spells is designed to penetrate the ""hard hat"" of the person who is not in your life at the moment, and to instill in them that you and only you are the right person for them. After all, what is money and fame and success if you can't share it with the person who loves you and wants to be by your side?

    Mega Get Your Lover Back Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-get-your-lover-back-spell-7|"Mega Get Your Lover Back Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"|M02-7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(78.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Mega Get Your Lover Back Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-happiness-spell-3|"Mega Happiness Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"|M05-3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This is an all-encompassing series of spells that is designed to affect all aspects of your life. For what good is money if you are alone? What good is companionship if you are mired in debt? And how can you be happy if you have someone hounding you, jinxing you, making your life miserable?

    Burton's Mega Happiness Spell casts a broad net out in your environment with the purpose of positively affecting your love life, your financial situation, your career and your overall happiness. This is one spell that could cause you to regret one thing: feeling remiss that you hadn't requested this remarkable spell sooner.

    Mega Happiness Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-happiness-spell-7|"Mega Happiness Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"|M05-7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(78.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Mega Happiness Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-love-rich-happy|"Mega Love, Mega Rich, Mega Happy Spell"|LRH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Three spells in one to fulfill your most extravagant dreams."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are searching for a way to improve your lot in life... If you have dreams of having it all: love, luxuries, good friends... If you are tired of being on a treadmill day-in and day-out...and going nowhere... Then you must have the Mega Love, Mega Rich, Mega Happy spell cast in your behalf. It encompasses all that you seek in life.
    The Mega Love, Mega Rich, Mega Happy spell (three spells in one, actually) is cast by a Master Psychic who is ready to elevate your life to a level of happiness and success experienced only by a lucky few.
    Is this you?
    • You are different from most people you know.
    • You have dreams.
    • Big dreams of wealth, success, and being surrounded by people who love you.
    • And your greatest hope is to have a devoted, loving mate.
    • This is a person who truly loves you, wants to take care of you... and help provide you with the rich rewards you so deserve.
    • And while most people accept their lot in life, you want it all.
    • And you are willing to do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams.
    So if the above is a surprisingly accurate description of you (is it not?), the Mega Love, Mega Rich, Mega Happy spell was created specifically for the extra-special person you know you are. So give it some thought and see for yourself if this unique and very potent spell is a perfect fit for you. Have the Mega Love, Mega Rich, Mega Happy spell cast in your behalf and feel the renewed energy and rejuvenated created juices that will flow through your very being. And spurring you on to the great success you know you truly deserve. Good things await those who take that extra step! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-retribution-spell-3|"Mega Retribution Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"|M04-3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    How can life be satisfying and happy when you have an antagonist who has infiltrated your life and who is devoted to making your life miserable? This astounding series of spells is designed to penetrate the consciousness of this vindictive person, neutralizing them and eventually bringing them to their knees. This is a rather harsh spell so be careful to direct it solely to the person deserving of bad fortune.

    Mega Retribution Spell - Cast 3 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mega-retribution-spell-7|"Mega Retribution Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"|M04-7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(78.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Mega Retribution Spell - Cast 7 Days in a Row"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| brokenheart|"Mend a Broken Heart"|MBH|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Mend a Broken Heart"|""|"You are at a crossroads... but don't give up yet!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are times in everyone's life when tragedy strikes and all seems lost. And, indeed, sometimes there isn't anything you can do. But in the case of a broken heart due to a lost love, there may be additional avenues that could be of great benefit to you. If you believe in the spiritual world--that there are forces beyond our grasp of knowledge that we simply can't comprehend, then you may have a pleasant surprise ahead of you. A Master Psychic could make contact with the one you love--no matter how stubborn the resistance, no matter how far this person may be from you, no matter how hopeless your situation appears. And upon making contact, the seed will be planted to soften their heart! After all, if you have read this far, you most likely believe that once the love of your life comes to his or her senses, they will realize you are their one and only. It is you they love. And it is you who reunites with this partner of your dreams. So if you are alone and miserable without this special person, you are at a crossroads. And you have an important decision to make. You must decide if you are ready to give this person up once and for all, and move on with your life. Or you may want to give it one last try. One last attempt to retrieve this person who presently seems so adamant about staying away. No greater agonizing decision will you ever have to make. Should you decide the former and feel it is time to move on, it is entirely possible you will find love and happiness down the road. But if you are not ready to give up right now and feel there is still hope, a Master Psychic at the California Astrology Association is willing to help you. Just say the word and a spell will be cast to contact the person you love - regardless of the distance between you, regardless of their hardened heart, regardless of the barriers that keep you apart. And once their heart is softened, they will see the loving, appealing, beautiful you. Because this extraordinary spell will be cast by a Master Psychic, there are additional benefits as well. Others will begin to see you in a different light. You will feel more relaxed, self-assured, confident, and, thus, more beautiful in the eyes of friends and acquaintances. But, above all, this remarkable spell cast in your behalf could be your best opportunity to bring the love of your life back into your life. Remember, the California Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not one-hundred percent satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| merlins-marvelous-money-amulet|"Merlin's Marvelous Money Amulet"|CC1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"Merlin's Marvelous Money Amulet"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The mysterious origin of the dollar sign has sparked interest ever since it became the primary symbol for money, wealth and success.

    Although there are several different versions as to the origin of the dollar sign, the most intriguing is the amulet known as Merlin’s Marvelous Money Amulet (also referred to as the Wizard’s Treasure).

    As legend has it, the magician Merlin bestowed upon King Arthur a mystical amulet that sparked a dramatic increase in the King’s treasury, enabling Arthur to assemble his Round Table of knights.

    What can it do for you?

    Take possession of Merlin’s Marvelous Money Amulet and see for yourself the remarkable effect it can have upon you.

    Carry or wear this beautiful gold-plated adornment wherever you go and allow its positive energy to embed itself within your subconscious mind.

    The fast track to success and riches

    Soon you could be on the fast track to achieving your most lofty financial goals – leading you to the success and riches and the leisure life usually reserved for only the rich and famous."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| meteoric-money-multiplier|"Meteoric Money Multiplier Spell"|MMM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Meteoric Money Multiplier spell is designed to place you in the “right” position at the “absolutely right” time to finally take that big step toward making BIG money!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    When was the last time an opportunity to make big bucks came and went so quickly, you didn’t have time to take advantage of it? Perhaps it was due to your not having enough time to think it over. Or possibly the odds of it succeeding were so overwhelming, you didn’t want to risk everything you had. Whatever the reason, the Meteoric Money Multiplier spell is designed to place you in the “right” position at the “absolutely right” time to finally take that big step toward making BIG money!
    • Whether it’s a career move you’ve been praying for...
    • A potential life-changing investment that suddenly comes your way...
    • Or an unexpected financial windfall falling into your lap...
    You could be on the verge of success that could make you the envy of all who know you.
    Ready to embark on the adventure of your life?
    So if you dream of the good life. If you feel you’ve earned the right not to sweat for every dollar that comes your way. And if you’re ready to embark on the adventure of your life. Then you were meant to be reading these words at this particular time. A gifted Master Psychic awaits the go-ahead from you to cast the Meteoric Money Multiplier spell in your behalf. The good times are about to begin. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| milk-honey-spell|"Milk & Honey Spell"|MHS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you in need of an instant surge of love, money, and happiness?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your life seemingly on hold? And no matter whatever you do or wherever you go, nothing seems to change, except perhaps for the worst...in your love life, your finances, your career... So if you feel stuck, as if weighed down by an enormous weight, there is someone who can help you.
    A Master Psychic can help you
    A world-class Master Psychic, who has cast hundreds of spells for people in your situation, is waiting for your call to action.
    Here’s what awaits you:
    • Upon hearing from you, the Milk and Honey spell will be cast in your behalf.
    • Barriers preventing you from forging ahead in the important aspects of your life – relationships, financial matters, etc., will begin melting away.
    • The Master Psychic, in particular, will touch the heart and soul of that special person in your life, motivating them to be kind to you, loyal to you, loving to you.
    And once this is accomplished, you will have the wind at your back propelling you out of the doldrums into a bright, successful future. And equally important, you’ll have the person most meaningful in your life reciprocating your tender loving care.
    Your immediate future
    So there is much hope, security, success and happiness that lies ahead for you. And perhaps most of all...committed love by that special person who means so much to you. In other words, you about to enjoy the wonderful life of Milk and Honey. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| glastonbury|"Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury"|GLA|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury"|""|"Inside this extraordinary keepsake is the miraculous soil of Glastonbury."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    housands of visitors travel each year to Glastonbury, England to experience the miraculous powers of its sacred soil. They come to mend a broken marriage or broken heart. They come to solve their problems, recapture the joys of youth or a dream that has gone astray. They come to repair a shattered relationship or to ask for love, money, happiness. According to legend, in 63 A.D. Saint Joseph stood before a crowd of disbelievers at Glastonbury praying for a miracle. As he struck his staff into the ground his prayer was answered--the staff immediately shot forth leaves and blossoms. Since that time, spectacular miracles have occurred at Glastonbury. Today, people take a small sample of dirt from Glastonbury in the belief that it will: Spark a resurgence in their lives and good fortune. Bless them with good luck and good fortune. Bring them a financial windfall.

    Jesus at Glastonbury - During the 18 years in which there is no recorded history on the life of Christ, there is a theory that Jesus accompanied St. Joseph on his journey to Glastonbury. The Holy Grail - After the crucifixion, St. Joseph collected the blood from the body of the crucified Crhist in the Holy Grail (the sacred cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper). When St. Joseph returned to Glastonbury, some say he buried the Holy Grail there. Connection between Glastonbury, The Great Pyramid, and Stonehenge - The two thousand year old design on the cover of the famous Glastonbury Well forms the Vesica Piscis (the fish sign - symbol of Christ). Even more mysteriously, this symbol is also found at the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge.

    An old world artisan has designed the magnificent Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury, engraved with the powerful symbols of the Cross and Vesica Piscis. Inside this extraordinary keepsake is the miraculous soil of Glastonbury. Now you can carry a portion of Glastonbury with you, wherever you go, whatever you do. It could bring you a life in which miracles do occur. Order your Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury today, and experience what thousands have before you--the miraculous powers of Glastonbury's sacred soil. We are so certain that the Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury will bring you all that you desire, that if you do not see evidence of its miraculous powers, you may return it for a full refund, at any time. No questions asked."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, I'm very pleased that I decided to purchase the Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury. I was attracted to it because of its Topaz Stone. Topaz is my birth stone, and I felt that it would bring me luck, and my intuition was right. I just received my Medallion in the mail on Friday afternoon, September 22, 1995. The first thing I did after I took it out of the package was attach it to a neck chain and put it around my neck. It made a very handsome necklace. Then on Monday morning September 25, I went out and bought a ""Little Lotto"" ticket for Monday night's drawing, and I was wearing my Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury as a neckalce when I purchased the ticket. Throughout that day I felt very positive and upbeat. Then on Tuesday morning when I checked the lottery numbers in the paper, I found out that I had matched three out of five of the winning numbers, which meant that I had a winning ticket! I never expected the Medallion to bring me good fortune so soon, and I have never before won anything playing the ""Little Lotto"" game. I am continuing to wear and enjoy the Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury; and I also recommend it to anyone who needs fast luck. I'm a believer in the Medallion's powers. Sincerely,
    Natalie Chose
    Lockport, IL

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mirofbud|"Miracle of the Buddha"|BUD|ITEM.||(17.95)||T|""|""|"Miracle of the Buddha"|""|"Bring the Buddha into your home and Behold the Miracle in Your Life!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Over 2,500 years ago Buddha recognized the presence of suffering in the world and spent his years on earth helping others. Since that time the Buddha has miraculously affected the lives of millions of people. Perhaps the Buddha can do the same for you. Let Buddha help lead you along the path...
    • From one who struggles to one who wins.
    • From one who yearns for wealth, luck and love to one who has achieved it all.
    • From one whose quest is happiness to one who experiences it daily.
    If you are having difficulties making ends meet, if you are not financially solvent, or happy, or hopeful, stop what you're doing for a moment and concentrate. Close your eyes. Clear your mind... Do you see the image of Buddha? Do you sense his presence? Do you feel his gaze upon you? If so, then it is time to bring Buddha into your life so he may lead you to the abundance and happiness you never thought possible. It is unwise to journey the difficult and treacherous path through life alone. With Buddha by your side, you could have a smile on your face and money in your pocket. Beautifully finished and embellished with a ruby-colored stone, the Buddha is approximately 2"" tall. Prepare for a miracle. The Miracle of the Buddha.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| miss-me-love-me-return-to-me-spell|"Miss Me, Love Me, Return to Me Spell"|MML|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Three spells cast simultaneously to reignite and reunite your relationship!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Three spells cast simultaneously to reignite and reunite your relationship!
    What would you give to make your relationship great again?
    The Miss Me, Love Me, Return to Me spell is actually three spells in one. And if your love life is in turmoil, you have come to the right place. The first portion of this spell is designed to penetrate your lover’s inner thoughts, to stimulate their desire for you:
    • To crave your touch.
    • To focus on the physical attraction and chemistry that initially sparked your romance.
    The second portion is to establish a longing for you:
    • To forgive and forget.
    • To remind this person what they are missing.
    • To yearn for the wonderful moments you shared together.
    • To remind them of your unique, special attributes.
    The third and final portion is to instill the friendship, loyalty and love that is the core of your relationship:
    • To reignite the special bond between you.
    • To return to the natural compatibility you once had.
    • To reestablish their love for you.
    • To return your lover to your loving arms in a permanent, lifetime bond.
    Is this spell for you?
    If the above words resonate for you, the Miss Me, Love Me, Return to Me spell could provide the help you’ve been seeking. So if you are in a relationship that is in a downward spiral and you don’t know how to stop it, the Miss Me, Love Me, Return to Me spell has been created specifically for you! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mojo|"Mo-Jo Spell"|MOJ|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Mo-Jo is an ancient, powerful force that has captivated the creole people for centuries."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    is an ancient, powerful force that has captivated the creole people for centuries. It is said that: could vanquish an enemy or return a lost love could instantly erase a debt or bring unexpected rewards could evaporate your sadness and bring a smile to your face for years to come Those who have the keys to are known as the ""Invisible Ones."" And their identities are a closely-guarded secret. But their skills are legendary. And anyone who has personally experienced the powerful effects of can testify to its remarkable and often startling results.
    If you are stuck... If you have no place to turn... If you have exhausted all conventional means for having your needs met... has already drawn you to these words!
    Soon, you may feel yourself being guided toward a destiny you never thought possible--as if being pulled along by an unseen force. This is the power of . And it could lead you to the life you have dreamed of for so long.
    Dear CAA: I had to write and thank Rasheed and Mo-Jo for their help. Since I requested assistance, so many things have changed for me. Doors have been opened, people's attitude toward me have changed, I have had financial blessings placed before me. I am soon to get the job I had been trying to get for the past year and a half. I am also in line for another part-time job. I have won money on the lottery. A friend has loaned me money unexpectedly to help me. I want to thank you again for your help. B.W.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mojokit|"MoJo Spell Kit"|SK14|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Could solve a lingering problem, fulfill a great dream. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money-machine|"Money Machine Spell"|MMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to reach your potential in career, investments and lucrative money matters."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you ever fantasized about a distant relative suddenly appearing and blessing you with the financial means to lead the life of the rich and famous? Well you should know that a gifted Master Psychic doesn’t have the knowledge of a rich relative of yours. But he does possess the ability to employ his psychic powers placing you in position to take advantage of financial opportunities that have previously been unavailable to you.
    Money Machine
    The Money Machine spell is a dynamic spell that is designed to thrust open the portals for you to successfully reach your potential in career, investments and lucrative money matters. So if you are tired and frustrated from living paycheck to paycheck. And you wonder if you’ll ever be debt free. The Money Machine spell could be the catalyst providing you with the financial means to enjoy life to the fullest...and not worry about the cost of getting there.
    Do you have these goals?
    • Not being encumbered with the stress and worry of where your next dollar is coming from.
    • Enjoying a life of leisure, excitement, travel – the good things in life.
    • Being the recipient of the respect and admiration of those closest to you.
    This is not a coincidence
    If the above words sound familiar, it’s a valid sign you were meant to come across this particular spell at this exact moment. It is something you know in your heart you have worked so hard for and something you truly deserve, A Master Psychic, who has helped so many like yourself, awaits your call to action. Get ready for a life-changing experience. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po4|"Money Potion Spell"|PO4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Money Potion Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" It may be true that money can't buy you love, but it can certainly ease the way. In fact, the number one cause of disputes in marriage happens to be money-related. So whatever your reason for needing additional funds, the Money Potion spell is designed to ease your way to a more secure financial future. With an elixir of carefully selected ingredients, our gifted spell caster will telepathically cast a broad net to help you connect with opportunities that you may have otherwise missed. The immediate goal of the Money Potion spell is to increase your net worth ASAP! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| moneyspell|"Money Spell"|MSP|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Money Spell"|""|"When you think you have exhausted all the other options... The REAL solution may be easier than you think."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Well, if you've tried everything and have exhausted all opportunities, there is one more thing you can do. It's called a Money Spell. You can request that a Money Spell be cast in your behalf, and then just sit back and relax. In a relatively short time you could find yourself basking in a financial windfall. For centuries Money Spells have been cast for some of the most successful and wealthiest people in the world, and now you can try it yourself, at absolutely no risk.
    Can A Money Spell Bring $$$ ?
    ""In August you cast a spell for me per my request. I bought a lottery ticket at 9:20pm, the day you cast my spell. Guess What? I hit 4 of 6 and won $4,600! Then I received a letter from the hospital stating that the $8,900 bill I owed was settled for $100.""

    Diane Farina
    Mechanicsville, VA

    ""I wanted you to know that in February I wrote and asked for some help. I needed some money. Three weeks after my spell was cast I won $400. Then a week later I won $330, then $290.

    I. Green
    Cleveland, OH

    ""Thanks for casting a spell for me last November. On the day you chose I won $395 on Lotto. The next day I won $100 at Bingo.""

    P. Stango
    Lynbrook, NY

    Dear CAA,
    Please thank the person who cast a money spell for me late last year. I was trying to settle a job action and after the money spell I received a settlement.
    - A.H.  
    Order your Money Spell today. If you don't start to reap the rewards, California Astrology Association will refund your money up to one year after purchase. No questions asked."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| moneyspellkit|"Money Spell Kit"|SK1|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    An extremely powerful ritual that could bring you money, riches, the easy life! "|""|""|""|""|""|"Are you frustrated because money is not falling into your lap? Do you regret certain decisions that have cost you dearly over the years? Do you think it's your time to be able to rest, relax, and enjoy wealth. This extremely powerful Money Kit allows money to flow through the barriers straight to your pocket book. Remember, only the privileged few get the money they want. Perhaps they're born into wealth, or have great luck and fall into tons of money. But for you, you need the Money Kit to put you on the same playing field as the privileged few. Once you perform this ritual, you will begin to smell the money. Then sit back and wait for the unexpected!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| moneytape|"Money Tape No. 510"|T10|ITEM.||(15.95)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" With this knowledge, there is no limit to where fortune can come from or how much you can have. Your inner self may be inspired, motivated, guided toward vast treasures and wealth."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| moneytree|"Money Tree"|MON|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"The Money Tree"|""|"The Money Tree does exist, and it could bring you a financial windfall."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you ever dreamed of having a Money Tree? A Money Tree that could literally drop money into your lap? That could bring you the luxuries and riches you so deserve? If you think it's impossible for money to fall out of a tree, think again. The California Astrology Association is offering an original Money Tree amulet that could bring you the financial windfall that you've been waiting for. So, if you've been waiting for something to bring you luck and stimulate your earning power, wait no more. Your very own Money Tree is waiting to bear fruit and drop riches upon you. Once you possess the Money Tree you could:
    • Make a lot more money with less worry, less effort.
    • Discover new opportunities and new ideas.
    • See a dramatic increase in your savings.

    Coated in 14-karat gold, the Money Tree will quickly become one of your most valued keepsakes. And, remember, the Money Tree is guaranteed to bring more money into your life or we'll refund your money, up to one year after purchase."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, Thank you so much for the Money Tree. On March 6, I received my money tree, and Sunday I went to the casino with $80. At first I lost almost everything, and with my last coins I won $400, $100, $100, and the next weekend I also won $400 more. Thank you for your help! Myriam Gonzalez
    Souix City, IA

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| moneyvoodoo|"Money Voodoo"|V22|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money-voodoo-doll-link|"Money Voodoo Doll"||LINK.|voodoo.html||||""|""|""|""|"Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that may bring spectacular riches to anyone who believes!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| monwanno303|"Money Wanga"|W3|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek money, wealth, material things."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money-windfall-spell|"Money Windfall Spell"|MWF|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you feel it's time you were repaid for everything you've done, everything you've generously given all these years?"|""|""|""|""|""|" Do you feel it's time you were repaid for everything you've done, everything you've generously given all these years? This spell is for you, if:
    • You have led an exemplary life and it's time for good things to happen to you.
    • You want to be fulfilled in all areas of your life: love, , friendships, family…but especially money!
    • You'd like to sit back and have things come to you for a change.
    • And you want it now!

    The Money Windfall spell is a very specific spell designed to repay ""Earth People"" for all the good they've done in the world. If you are someone who is willing to sacrifice for loved ones and would like your generosity to be reciprocated, then look no further. The Money Windfall spell is for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| -leonardo-money-luck-success-spell|"Money! - Luck! - Success!"|LTM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Money! – Luck! – Success!

    Your Chance to Have It All!

    If you need a big boost in life, let the gifted mystic Leonardo give you a hand.

    This all-in-one spell is a particular favorite of Leonardo’s in that once you achieve wealth and success, you will mostly likely experience improvement in your most important relationships.

    How success will help you

    • Having the money to do what you want, when you want will give you the self-confidence to succeed in areas you never thought possible.
    • Others will look upon you more favorably knowing that you are a winner and have achieved the success that few people enjoy.
    • Dramatic improvements (victory, if you will) in your most important relationships could come about as your self-assured demeanor will be noticeable, as well as admired.
    • And, finally, having money and achieving success should make you happier than you’ve ever been.

    And isn’t this what we all pursue?


    So, if you dream of having it all:  Money! – Luck! – Success!, then allow Leonardo to direct you to the path leading to ultimate satisfaction and happiness.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| more-andreika-spells|"More Spells by Andreika"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"I look forward to hearing from those of you whom I consider to be in my ""coven,"" as well as from you newcomers who are coming to me for the first time."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It has been my pleasure to have cast spells exclusively for the California Astrology Association for the past twenty-eight years. Recently, many of my clients, some of whom are scattered throughout the world, have informed me that times have never been more difficult. With this in mind and because of your numerous requests that I expand my selection of spells, I believe you will be happy with what you are about to see. I look forward to hearing from those of you whom I consider to be in my ""coven,"" as well as from you newcomers who are coming to me for the first time.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:AN1 :AN4 :AN7 :AN9 :AN10 :AN11 :AN12 :ANUMOFPR)"|"(:AN1 :AN4 :AN7 :AN9 :AN10 :AN11 :AN12 :ANUMOFPR)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mothers-day-gifts|"Mother's Day Gifts"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"These sterling silver adornments are a perfect gift for mom!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Since 1970 we've stood behind our one year unconditional guarantee: If your mother is not completely satisfied, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.
    Learn more

    Mother's Day Gifts

    The craftsmen who create these beautiful pieces use the finest solid sterling silver. It is the brightest and shiniest metal in jewelry. Silver has long been an indicator of success, status, and respect, and your mother will display these silver adornments with pride and pleasure. It is said that the person who wears silver is looked upon with high regard. Silver adornments are believed to bring good luck and good fortune to the wearer. If you're looking for a perfect Mother's Day Gift, the silver adornments listed below are designed to bring her untold hours of pleasure and success.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sg3|"My Lover Will Return To Me"|SG3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mysticstar|"Mystic Star"|STA|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"The Mystic Star"|""|"The 7 points of the Mystic Star may bestow upon you the Seven Treasures of the Kings."|""|""|""|""|""|" If you dream of success beyond your wildest dreams...If you wish you could dramatically change your life today... If you are ready for wealth and unrestricted happiness... This charm was the most fiercely guarded secret of the ancient world. According to legend, anyone who possessed the Mystic Star was said to experience an unbroken chain of success. Now this powerful mystical force is available to you. The 7 points of the Mystic Star radiate a mysterious and intense energy said to bestow the Seven Treasures of the Kings - Wealth, Happiness, Love, Luck, Wisdom, Respect, and Glory. The moment you receive the Mystic Star you may feel its phenomenal force. As you touch it, its power may pour into you, and within days there could be profound effects:
    • Money may come to you from many different sources
    • Bad luck may turn to good luck
    • You may no longer feel sad, alone, without hope
    • Your natural talents could be greatly enhanced
    • Remarkable opportunities could begin to appear
    The Mystic Star, coated in 14-karat gold, has been widely recognized for its stunning beauty as well as its powerful mystical force."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Mystic Star Brightens Her Life Dear CAA, I live alone and am drawing a social security check which does not cover everything--especially during the winter months. I was broke, not a dollar in my pocket, no groceries, and I was almost out of Butane for the heater. Anyway, I received the Mystic Star on January 24th. Well, let me tell you. First, the church put Butane in my tank. Then on February 12th, I received two checks--one for $771 and one for $152. I am very pleased with the Mystic Star. Martha King

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-windfall|"Need an immediate windfall?"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money|"Need Money?"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Need money? Let us help you with these money spells and money amulets."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Want to grow your bank account?
    • Need funds to enjoy the good life?
    • Tired of working hard and getting nowhere?
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell in your behalf to bring you the riches you so deserve!
    I just want to testify that your money spells really do work.

    I asked for a money spell to be cast on my behalf last month. I think that the spell was cast on Feb. 17th, and I received a check for $900.00 dollars from an insurance company.

    The spell really did come through for me.

    As long as I live I will order spells from you.

    Shirley C.
    South Carolina
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    I ordered a Give Me My Money Spell on Feb 24th and soon after I received the letter telling me when it was to be cast.

    I live here in Vegas and never win anything. The other night I decided to gamble; I played 50 cents on KENO and won $512 ... off of 50 cents!!!!!

    I knew it had to be this spell that was cast for me.


    Jaymie J
    Las Vegas, NV
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bad-luck|"Need to Get Rid of Your Bad Luck?"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Have bad luck? We can help you turn your bad luck around!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Need to get rid of your bad luck?

    • Frustrated by not getting what you want??
    • Are you ready for a lucky streak?
    • Ready to turn your bad luck into good luck?
    • You have come to the right place!
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell in your behalf to help fix your bad luck!

    Since 1970 we've stood behind our one year unconditional guarantee: If you're not completely satisfied, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.
    Learn more

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| nemesis-removal|"Nemesis Removal Spell"|NEM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Nemesis Removal spell is designed to turn the tables on the person causing you distress."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone who is causing you great distress? Is this person causing serious problems between you and your loved one? Or perhaps there is someone at work who has it in for you? Or maybe your nemesis is a so-called friend who has been talking behind your back?
    What can you do about it?
    The Nemesis Removal spell is designed to turn the tables on this person, rebounding back to them the same stress, hurt and discomfort their actions are causing you. And propelling them from the scene...ASAP!
    Does this sound familiar?
    • You have done nothing to deserve what you have been going through.
    • You are a good person who merely wants to be treated and respected the same way you treat them.
    • You have finally realized that you are in need of outside assistance since this nemesis is still haunting you. And you have not been able to foil their evil ways.
    So if you want this adversary to get what they deserve. And to exit ASAP and to return from whence they came. Then perhaps it’s time to ask a gifted Master Psychic to intercede in your behalf. The Nemesis Removal spell is designed to clear the obstacles your nemesis has put in front of you, resulting in your current situation. And once this is done, you will soon be back on your destined path to a happy, loving, successful future. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| nest-egg|"Nest Egg Spell"|EGG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to secure your financial future."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    So how’s your bank account doing these days? Is it doing well and a source of pride to you? A bright star that bodes well for your future? Or is it a source of frustration because regardless of what you do or how hard you work, the balance doesn’t seem to change much. And when it does change, it’s often “not” in the right direction. The fact is you are finally coming to the realization it appears there’s not much you can do to make your savings grow...substantially. And you are concerned that your dreams of enjoying life to the fullest may never be realized.
    Is this your lot in life?
    So is this the life you want to lead: stuck at a current level of income that’s keeping you treading water, with not much to look forward to? If that’s not your life’s plan, perhaps it’s time to devote more time and energy to securing your long-term financial future.
    There is hope!
    In fact, it is possible, actually quite possible, to fulfill your dreams of having it all: living your fantasies, enjoying the benefits that success and money bring... and all the while being exquisitely happy!
    Experience what you visualize
    So if you could peek around the corner at where you’d like to be in ten or twenty years, and you’d like to experience what you visualize, you have come to the right place.
    Your very own Nest Egg!
    A very gifted Master Psychic, who specializes in such matters, is awaiting your go-ahead to cast the unique Nest Egg spell in your behalf. This potent spell is designed to open the portals of opportunities that may have previously been unavailable to you. And once the seeds of success have taken hold in your subconscious, it could be just a matter of time before your new savings fulfill your dreams of financial security and happiness. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sg5|"Never Give Up Sigil"|SG5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| val6|"New Friends Valentine Spell"|VAL6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is a very special spell designed to attract good people to you. If you are at a place in life where you want to be surrounded by people who care for you, look no further than this spell. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| hapspelkit|"New Life Spell Kit"|SK18|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Jump start your life! Be happy! Surround yourself with people who care for you, love you! "|""|""|""|""|""|"If you are not the confident, happy, fulfilled person you used to be, this is the kit for you. Once you perform this easy-to-use ritual, your life will never be the same. As with all other Witch Doctor Kits, this is a one-time use kit – but your happiness could last. Once the seed has been planted, you'll feel different. And others will see you in a different light. You will seem brighter, happier, more approachable. And you will marvel at how those closest to you will see the real you, and realize and recognize your best qualities. Prepare to be appreciated by all those who look directly into your eyes."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| new-year-spells|"New Year Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"These remarkable spells are designed to give you a fresh start in life, to ensure that this year will be a great year."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It’s time to burst out of the doldrums and reach for the stars. It’s time to begin the year with renewed hope. It’s time to make it a year of remembrance. These remarkable spells are designed to give you a fresh start in life, to ensure that this year will be a great year. And the first step is to lighten your load, to toss off the weight of past mistakes. There is no sense in carrying the burdens of guilt and remorse and sadness into your promising future. Cast off the shackles holding you back. This is your unique opportunity, to start anew. These are but a few of the gifts you deserve this year:
    • Negative thoughts will dissipate, allowing you to have a clear mind.
    • Suddenly, the bumps and roadblocks will be removed from your path as if a bulldozer cleared the way.
    • Anyone standing in the way of your success and happiness will be moved aside and neutralized.
    • Others will see a noticeable change in your attitude and appearance.
    • Everything will seem to come easier to you with much less effort.
    • Friends, loved ones, and coworkers will do more for you. They will want you to succeed and be happy.
    • Your new path will enable you to accumulate greater financial rewards.
    • You will finally be recognized for your achievements.
    New Year spells are specifically designed to dramatically improve your life. Their impact will be noticed and felt by everyone around you. Your senses will be stimulated, and you will feel alive, robust, joyful, and brimming with confidence. Your body will tingle with excitement and anticipation. It’s time to stop talking about what you expect from life. Take a long, hard look in the mirror and accept the fact it’s time to start doing something about it – right now. These spells are designed to start the new year off with a bang! It’s a new year! It’s a new you! Select the spell(s) that are right for you:"||||"(:NY1 :NY2 :NY3 :NY4 :NY5 :NY6 :NY7 :NY8 :NY9 :NY10)"|"(:NY1 :NY2 :NY3 :NY4 :NY5 :NY6 :NY7 :NY8 :NY9 :NY10)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| newsletter|"Newsletter Signup"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| noname|"No Name"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoospells-link|"No Name"||LINK.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| numbertest|"No Name"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-amulets1|"No Name"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| torpedo2|"No Name"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| north-star|"North Star Spirit Guide Spell"|NSS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The North Star Spirit Guide spell is designed to guide you, to move you in the right direction, to help you achieve your greatest expectations."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you need a helping hand to get your life back on track? The North Star, also known as Polaris or the Pole Star, has for hundreds of years been the guiding light for voyagers hoping to safely return to their destination. This bright star is thought to be the driving force behind a person’s thoughts and behaviors, often acting as an inner compass.
    Don’t go it alone!
    So if you feel it’s time to have a potent force by your side, you should consider having the North Star Spirit Guide spell cast in your behalf.
    Are you ready for a life-changing experience?
    Is there someone you know who has it all – a solid marriage and the financial means to enjoy life to the fullest? If so, the North Star could direct you to a path leading to a similar life.
    What could the North Star do for you?
    The North Star Spirit Guide spell is designed to guide you, to move you in the right direction, to help you achieve your greatest expectations. Just as sailors used the North Star to chart their course on the open seas, your personal North Star Spirit Guide empowers you to move toward your most important desires and goals with clarity, energy and confidence. Some may say you are not being realistic in this quest for ultimate happiness. But they won’t know you have the influence and guidance of the North Star in your corner. However, for the ones who “really get you,” they will be awed with the new determined, magnetic, charismatic you. So if you are in love but are very worried about your relationship... Or maybe money problems are stressing you out... Or perhaps a lingering problem is causing you concern because you have yet to find a solution...
    You have come to the right place at the right time
    You are indeed fortunate to have come across your very own, your very personal North Star Spirit Guide. It is not by chance, or merely good luck. It is your destiny -- to attain the happiness and success you truly deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-now-and-forever-love-spell|"Now and Forever Love Spell"|LTM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Leonardo's Now and Forever Love Spell

    Caress, Snuggle & Spoon with Your Loved One

    Are you madly in love with that special person but are unsure of their feelings or intentions toward you?

    Do you walk around on pins and needles, somewhat insecure because you don’t want to say something that will upset them?

    And do you sometimes awaken in the middle of the night worried that your loved one may not be fully committed to you?

    And is this the way you want to go through the rest of your life: anxious, hesitant, not confident in your most important relationship?

    If the above resonates with you, the Now and Forever Love spell is designed to open your loved one’s heart and mind once and for all and finally realize you are the one and only one for them.

    The gifted mystic Leonardo created this potent spell for his numerous clients who sought him out for help. And Leonardo wants you to know that you are not alone.

    Leonardo knows what you are going through, and upon hearing from you he will cast this potent spell in your behalf.

    All you have to do is ask.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| now-never|"Now or Never! Spell"|NON|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Your relationship can not only be salvaged...but can thrive once again!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you in a relationship that could be dissolved at any moment? Are you at your wit’s end because everything you’ve tried up to now hasn’t worked? And you feel a sense of helplessness because you’re about to give up hope?
    You are not alone!
    First of all, it’s important for you to know, you are not alone. Unfortunately, there are so many others in your situation. A situation in which a relationship is teetering on the edge of destruction, and a feeling of hopelessness and desperation is becoming unbearable... perhaps so overwhelming that you don’t know what to do or whom to ask for help.
    A Master Psychic is ready to apply his psychic gifts in your behalf
    Perhaps you should try something different. Something that could possibly reverse the downward spiral in your relationship. If so, please consider inviting a Master Psychic to step in and cast the potent spell – the Now or Never spell – in your behalf. It should be of interest for you to know this gifted psychic specializes in assisting people like yourself who are in relationships that can not only be salvaged...but can thrive once again! So if you are certain that the two of you were meant to be together. And you know in your heart that once your loved one calms down, drops their defensive behavior, and is open to truly hearing what you have to say...this once loving and secure relationship could return to the happy days. The Now or Never spell has helped so many. Now it could help you. After all, what do you have to lose? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| numero-uno-man-spell|"Numero Uno Man Spell"|NUMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Cast it only once"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Numero Uno Man Spell"|""|"The Numero Uno Man spell is designed to make you the one and only man in your woman's life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there a woman in your life who is not making you the number one person in your life? Do you want her to respect you and to love you with every ounce of her heart and soul? Do you want to be the happiest couple and be the envy of all who know you? The Numero Uno Man spell is designed to make you the one and only man in your woman's life. To keep you in her mind night every moment of every day! This spell is for you, if:
    • You are not receiving the love and affection you deserve.
    • Your woman is not fully committed to you, and,
    • You want to get up each morning next to the woman you love, who adores you, wants to please you, and take care of you.
    So if the above words ring true, the Numero Uno Man spell will elevate you to the top of the list.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| numero-uno-woman-spell|"Numero Uno Woman Spell"|NUWS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Cast it only once"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Numero Uno Woman Spell"|""|"Is there a man in your life who is not putting you on a pedestal?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there a man in your life who is not putting you on a pedestal? Do you want this man to respect you, to love you with all his heart and soul, and to want to be with you? Do you want to be the happiest couple on the planet earth? The Numero Uno Woman spell is designed to make you the one and only woman in your man’s life. To keep you in his mind night and day! This spell is for you, if:
    • You are not receiving the love and affection you deserve.
    • Your man is not fully committed to you, and,
    • You want to get up each morning next to your man who adores you, wants to please you, and take care of you.
    So if the above words ring true, the Numero Uno Woman spell could elevate you to the top of the list.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-love-and-money-amulet|"Obeah Love & Money Amulet"|OBA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33)||T|""|""|""|""|"An unstoppable force of protection, of rejuvenating love, of ever-lasting riches!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The Moment You Possess Obeah, It Will Possess You!

    Actual size approx 2½"" tall.
    The renowned psychic Burton recalls the moment he took possession of the legendary Obeah Love & Money amulet: ""It was an interesting sensation in that when I first picked it up, I felt a tingling of excitement running through my entire body. It was as if a supernatural force suddenly inhabited me, stirring my blood and instilling within me this feeling of invincibility. ""And ever since, I carry the Obeah Love & Money amulet with me wherever I go, day or night."" History and Meaning of the Obeah Love amulet The unique design of the Obeah Love & Money amulet has been duplicated by numerous other cultures, such as with the Tibetan Key, but in fact the Obeah Love amulet has a much deeper history, a much deeper meaning. Originating in Africa centuries ago, it gained the reputation as an unstoppable force of protection, of rejuvenating love, of ever- lasting riches. Once only available to the elite on the continent of Africa, this remarkable keepsake is available to you… particularly, if your need is urgent! Here's what lies ahead in your future once you take possession of this very potent amulet:
    • Previously, the portals of love and wealth and security that were once beyond your reach will now beckon you to enter.
    • A true love of yours who has recently been unkind to you will begin to look at you in a more positive, loving light.
    • New ideas and opportunities will arise, helping you reach and exceed your financial goals, leading to exciting, rewarding times you never thought possible.
    • Friends, family and coworkers will notice your happier, more confident, more appealing demeanor, and they will treat you with the respect and kindness you so deserve.
    So if you are ready for a change – a big change – a life of love, success and happiness awaits you. Take possession of the Obeah Love & Money amulet and let it possess you!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man|"Obeah Man"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"This Voodoo Master Could Bring You Love, Luck, Riches!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This Voodoo Master Could Bring You Love, Luck, Riches!

    Obeah Man

    If you seek reconciliation with a loved one or wish that you could have enough money to enjoy the luxuries of life, there is someone waiting to bring your dreams to reality.

    What is an Obeah Man?

    An Obeah Man is an expert in the art of Obeah Voodoo, perhaps the most potent psychic force known to man.

    How Can the Obeah Man Help You?

    The Obeah Man is skilled in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells and has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need.

    What Does It Cost to have an Obeah Man Cast a Spell for You?

    The California Astrology Association has contracted the services of a most powerful and experienced Obeah Man, who has agreed to cast a spell in your behalf for only $35, a fraction of his normal cost.

    How Long Does It Take for An Obeah Man's Spell to Take Hold?

    An Obeah Man's spell is said to ""take hold"" the same day the spell is cast. Legend says the power and force of an Obeah Man's Voodoo spell will grow more powerful each day until it is an unstoppable force.

    How Do I Know if the Obeah Man Can Help Me?

    Does one or more of the following apply to you:
    • Are you in a troubled relationship that needs fixing – real quick?
    • Could you use extra money? A lot of extra money?
    • Have you been waiting for that lucky streak to happen? And do you need it to happen right now, not next week or next month?
    • Do you feel you are running out of time to fulfill your wishes and are willing to try something new, something different, something that your ""gut"" is telling you to do?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-blood-love-lust-seduction-spell|"Obeah Man Blood Love, Lust, Seduction Spell"|OM11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you have a relationship problem?

    A problem that if not taken care of immediately could negatively affect the rest of your life?

    If this is what you are experiencing at this very moment, you must take forceful action at once.

    And you can’t be timid about it!

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Blood Love, Lust, Seduction Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Blood Love, Lust, Seduction Spell

    The Obeah Man's Mighty Sorcery Spell!

    Do you have a relationship problem? A problem that if not taken care of immediately could negatively affect the rest of your life? If this is what you are experiencing at this very moment, you must take forceful action at once. And you can't be timid about it! An Obeah Man is an expert in the art of Obeah Voodoo, perhaps the most potent psychic force known to man. And his Blood Love, Lust, Seduction spell is ""the"" spell to request for someone who is in a shaky, unstable relationship. So if your loved one is turning a deaf ear to you and their heart is hardened, you must realize that this downward spiral will most surely lead to a permanent breakup. Don't fall into this trap! Do not try to persuade yourself or fool yourself that this is not happening. You must be realistic about your situation. And if nothing you have done up to now has improved your relationship, you must seek help. And it is vital that you seek the ""right"" person to assist you! So if you are crying for help but no one has come to your aide, perhaps now is the time to call upon one of the most powerful and skilled psychics in the world. He is known as the Obeah Man, and his clients reside in over ninety countries. He is now available to cast his renowned Blood Love, Lust, Seduction spell to deal with your specific problem. But please heed this warning The Obeah Man's Blood Love, Lust, Seduction spell is extremely potent and ""permanent!"" Therefore, once the Obeah Man casts this potent spell, it is lasting, and it ""cannot be taken back."" So be sure this is the person with whom you wish to spend the rest of your life! Could this be you? You are a loving, warm-hearted person and all you desire is to awake each day with a smile on your face and the love of your life by your side! However, your lover has turned a cold eye toward you, and you fear the relationship will never be the same. How Can the Obeah Man Help You?
    • The Blood Love, Lust, Seduction spell is designed to penetrate your lover's very being, warming their cold, cold heart.
    • The Blood Love, Lust, Seduction spell is focused on removing the black cloud that has parked itself over your aura.
    • The Blood Love, Lust, Seduction spell's primary directive is to return your relationship to what it once was: warm, friendly, loving, committed...and sexy!

    If the above words resonate with you...well then...the Obeah Man could help you as he has helped thousands over the years. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-change-his-her-mind-spell-|"Obeah Man Change His/Her Mind spell"|OM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are experiencing difficulties with your loved one and seek to change this person's mind, you have come to the right place.

    You know in your heart this is the absolutely ""right"" person for you, but most importantly, he or she needs an ""attitude adjustment"" in their thinking.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Change His/Her Mind spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Change His/Her Mind spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. If you are experiencing difficulties with your loved one and seek to change this person's mind, you have come to the right place. Take a look at the following and see if it resonates with you:
  • Your lover is stubborn and refuses to be reasonable, logical, even loving toward you.
  • And you so believe if you could change this person's mind your relationship will take a giant leap forward.
  • You are an extremely loyal person and you would do anything for your lover.
  • But you wonder if your lover would do the same for you.
  • You are madly in love and your most precious wish is that this feeling would be reciprocated.
  • If one or more of the above resonates with you, the Obeah Man Change His/Her Mind spell could be the magic potion you've been looking for. You know in your heart this is the absolutely ""right"" person for you, but most importantly, he or she needs an ""attitude adjustment"" in their thinking."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-cleanse-my-aura-spell|"Obeah Man Cleanse My Aura Spell"|OM9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you sometimes feel you have a cloud hanging over you, preventing you from achieving love, success, happiness?

    Every person has a personal aura, and sometimes this aura gets misty, cloudy, imperfect. And once this occurs, the good spirits, the good times, the luck, the positive energy cannot penetrate your aura.

    So, the question is what can you do about it?

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Cleanse My Aura spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Cleanse My Aura spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Do you sometimes feel you have a cloud hanging over you, preventing you from achieving love, success, happiness? Every person has a personal aura, and sometimes this aura gets misty, cloudy, imperfect. And once this occurs, the good spirits, the good times, the luck, the positive energy cannot penetrate your aura. When this happens, lucky streaks end, compatibility with loved ones is compromised, finances take a tumble, and so on. So, the question is what can you do about it? The Obeah Man is a powerful psychic who can summon the voodoo spirits to work in your behalf to cleanse your aura, allowing the positive energy to reach you. Soon you will be confident again, productive again, whole again...on the road to success in every aspect of your life. So, if you are experiencing hard times, allow the Obeah Man to cleanse your aura and see how beautiful life can be."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-get-even-spell|"Obeah Man Get Even Spell"|OM8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you have been done wrong by someone and you want to even the score, the Obeah Man is sympathetic to your situation.

    Merely let the Obeah Man know you are in need of his services and he will summon the Voodoo spirits to do your bidding.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Get Even spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Get Even spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. If you have been done wrong by someone and you want to even the score, the Obeah Man is sympathetic to your situation. Is this you?
  • Someone is out to get you and you want to fight back.
  • Someone who is not a good person needs to get their comeuppance.
  • But you are not sure how to get your retribution. If the above words ring true for your situation, the Obeah Man Get Even spell could be the solution to your problems. Merely let the Obeah Man know you are in need of his services and he will summon the Voodoo spirits to do your bidding. Soon you will feel that your retribution has begun."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-incredible-love-spell|"Obeah Man Incredible Love Spell"|OM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This spell is for you if you love someone with all your heart, and you are certain this is a once-in-a-lifetime match!

    And you have no doubt it is meant to be!

    However, this person is not reciprocating your love and seems to be holding back, perhaps fearful of making that lifetime commitment.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Incredible Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Incredible Love spell

    This Voodoo Master Could Bring You the Love of Your Life!

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind. And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Obeah Man Incredible Love spell This spell is for you if you love someone with all your heart, and you are certain this is a once-in-a-lifetime match! And you have no doubt it is meant to be! However, this person is not reciprocating your love and seems to be holding back, perhaps fearful of making that lifetime commitment. Take a look at the following and see if these words reflect your current state of mind:
    • You will never be at ease and secure in this relationship until you are ""certain"" your loved one loves you as much as you love him or her.
    • There is so much you love about this person, you feel it could break your heart if they don't feel the same way about you.
    • And above all, you want to be loved unconditionally, and you won't settle for anything less.
    If any or all of the above reflects the way you feel, the Obeah Man says: ""Do not give up hope!"" Let the Obeah Man change your situation from hopeless to hope. Simply ask the Obeah Man to cast his Incredible Love spell in your behalf and wait for good things to happen."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-lots-of-luck-spell|"Obeah Man Lots of Luck spell"|OM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Have you noticed recently that anything you attempt to do takes so much work and effort, yet the results are less than you had expected?

    And do you have that ""sinking"" feeling that the future is not as bright or as prosperous as you would hope it would be?

    So if you dream of experiencing wondrous success in love, in your most meaningful relationships, in your bank account, in your career, in games of chance…well, this may indeed be your lucky day.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Lots of Luck spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Lots of Luck spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Have you noticed recently that anything you attempt to do takes so much work and effort, yet the results are less than you had expected? And do you have that ""sinking"" feeling that the future is not as bright or as prosperous as you would hope it would be? If so, you are probably in the midst of a bad luck streak. Read the following and see if it reflects your current situation:
  • You simply don't feel ""lucky"" these days.
  • You have feelings of hopelessness and that things aren't going to work out for you as planned...in love, in career, in life.
  • You look around at those who have more than you and you wish you had their luck.
  • You want to change your luck but don't know how to do it.
  • If the above words ring true to you, there is something you can do! The formidable psychic known as the Obeah Man is willing to stand beside you and cast his potent Obeah Man Lots of Luck spell in your behalf. So if you dream of experiencing wondrous success in love, in your most meaningful relationships, in your bank account, in your career, in games of chance...well, this may indeed be your lucky day."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-quick-money-spell|"Obeah Man Quick Money Spell"|OM7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Would you like to have money? Lots and lots of money?

    And all the benefits and luxuries that money can bring?

    There is a formidable psychic known as the Obeah Man who can cast a potent Obeah Man Quick Money spell in your behalf.

    And the moment he plants the seed of success within you, you should experience a surge of energy, confidence and assurance that good things are about to take place that will start you on the path to success.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Quick Money spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Quick Money spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Would you like to have money? Lots and lots of money? And all the benefits and luxuries that money can bring? As you know, nothing is certain and no one can promise you that this will definitely happen. However, there is a formidable psychic known as the Obeah Man who can cast a potent Obeah Man Quick Money spell in your behalf. And the moment he plants the seed of success within you, you could experience a surge of energy, confidence and assurance that good things are about to happen that will start you on the path to success. Is it one hundred percent certain that this will happen? To be honest, no. But we can tell you these two things: 1. So many of the Obeah Man's clients come back time after time because of the success they've achieved after he cast previous spells for them. 2. The Obeah Man is so confident in his work that if you are not completely satisfied, you have up to one year after he casts his Quick Money spell to get your full refund. So what do you have to lose? This is your time to take the first step on the way to your fortune! And the Obeah Man is awaiting word from you to get started."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-reconciliation-spell|"Obeah Man Reconciliation Spell"|OM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is your most important relationship in trouble?

    Are you at your wit’s end because no matter what you do or say your loved one is unreasonable and not really listening to what you have to say?

    The Obeah Man’s Reconciliation spell is designed to penetrate your loved one’s subconscious, planting the seeds of love, caring, reasonableness and reconciliation.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Reconciliation Spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Is your most important relationship in trouble? Are you at your wit's end because no matter what you do or say your loved one is unreasonable and not really listening to what you have to say? The Obeah Man's Reconciliation spell is designed to penetrate your loved one's subconscious, planting the seeds of love, caring, reasonableness and reconciliation. Take a look at the following and see if it describes your situation:
    • You are incredibly in love with this person but are frustrated because your feelings are not being reciprocated.
    • There is little doubt in your mind that your loved one is the ""right"" one for you. But you are having difficulty convincing them of this.
    • Your primary fear is you may be running out of time as this relationship is on a downward slope.
    • And you must turn it around ASAP!
    If the above words resonate with you, the Obeah Man Reconciliation spell is precisely what you need."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-remove-my-rival-spell|"Obeah Man Remove My Rival spell"|OM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is there someone out there tormenting you?

    Does this person have bad intentions toward you and you wish they would just go away?

    If so, and this is causing you worry, stress and anxiety…there is something you can do about it: Ask the Obeah Man to intercede in your behalf!

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Remove My Rival spell "|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Remove My Rival spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Is there someone out there tormenting you? Does this person have bad intentions toward you and you wish they would just go away? Take a look at the following and see if any of these words reflect your situation:
  • You are a kind person, a good person...but there is someone out there who is trying to undermine you.
  • Perhaps this person would like to take your place.
  • And it is causing you worry, stress and anxiety...and you want to do something about it but don't really know exactly what you can do. So if one or more of the above reflects your situation, there is something you can do about it: Ask the Obeah Man to intercede in your behalf! The Obeah Man awaits word from you to spring into action and apply his renowned psychic ability to cast an Obeah spell to set things right. All you have to do is ask."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-retrieve-my-lover-spell|"Obeah Man Retrieve My Lover spell"|OM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Has your lover left the field, essentially leaving you to fend for yourself?

    And are you heartbroken, unable to fully function, really hurt and feeling awful?

    If this is happening to you, perhaps there is something you can do.

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Retrieve My Lover spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Retrieve My Lover spell

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind.

    And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. Has your lover left the field, essentially leaving you to fend for yourself? And are you heartbroken, unable to fully function, really hurt and feeling awful? Few things are more troubling than having a loved one who has gone away and perhaps not coming back. If this is happening to you, perhaps there is something you can do about it You can request the services of a very powerful psychic known as the Obeah Man. And he is awaiting word from you. And once he hears from you, he will summon the forces of Obeah Voodoo to plant the seeds of compromise, love and respect within the subconscious mind of your loved one."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-ultimate-protection-spell|"Obeah Man Ultimate Protection Spell "|OM10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you sometimes feel you have a cloud hanging over you, preventing you from achieving love, success, happiness?

    Every person has a personal aura, and sometimes this aura gets misty, cloudy, imperfect. And once this occurs, the good spirits, the good times, the luck, the positive energy cannot penetrate your aura.

    So, the question is what can you do about it?

    Learn More about the Obeah Man Ultimate Protection Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Obeah Man Ultimate Protection Spell

    A Spell to Give You Security, Protection, Peace of Mind

    Obeah Voodoo is perhaps the most potent psychic force known to mankind. And the Obeah Man is the highest skilled of all in the casting of Obeah Voodoo spells. He has taken a sacred oath to apply his formidable psychic powers on behalf of people in need. If you seek calmness and security in your life, the Obeah Man can cast his Ultimate Protection spell in your behalf. Is this you?
  • It seems every day you worry more about your security.
  • You are anxious, stressed out, less confident in your environment.
  • Although you have loved ones and friendships, you feel alone, vulnerable, frightened at times.
  • And you're not sure what you can do about it. If the above words ring true, perhaps it's time to try something out of the ordinary, something special that has helped thousands of people just like you. The Obeah Man awaits word from you to cast his very potent Ultimate Protection spell in your behalf. And soon you could feel a calmness surrounding you, knowing the spirits are working for you, not against you. So, if you are ready for a dramatic change in your life, the Obeah Man will cast his Ultimate Protection spell to bring back that comfort zone, the warm feeling of calm, security, protection . All you have to do is ask."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-man-blood-love-lust-seduction-spell-link|"Obeah Man's Blood Love, Lust, Seduction Spell"||LINK.|obeah-man-blood-love-lust-seduction-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Do you have a relationship problem that -- if not taken care of immediately -- could negatively affect the rest of your life? If so, you must take forceful action at once!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah|"Obeah Spell"|OBE|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"OBEAH"|""|"Obeah is an unstoppable force--it should be used only as a last resort!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    WARNING: Do not turn to Obeah unless your need is great. Obeah spells are too powerful to waste on trivial pursuits! Obeah is used when you don't know where to turn, when all other methods have been exhausted. Obeah is used as a last resort! Turn to Obeah when you want something done, and done now! When to call upon Obeah:
    • When you or someone close to you needs immediate help
    • When seemingly insurmountable barriers stand in your way
    • When no one else can assist you
    • When you have tried everything and are about to give up
    So, if you need a boost, a helping hand, a lucky break... If you really know what you want, but can't get it... If you feel helpless, unable to bring about an important change... this is your time to call upon Obeah.
    $10,000 Winnings Attributed to OBEAH Spell Jeannie Hydie, a Missouri resident, says things were going slow for her when she requested an Obeah Spell. ""My luck had a fantastic turn for the good,"" says Jeannie. ""Within two months, I received $10,000 in credit, two job offers and a more happy atmosphere in my home. My husband, children, and I seem to have a closer relationship now. We traveled to several places this summer... and enjoyed each other's company very much. Thanks very much, CAA.""

    Dear CAA, Just wanted to let you know: I was a little skeptical when I ordered an Obeah ritual for my husband who was looking for a new job. I really didn't think it was going to work. Well, the spell was cast on May 24. As each day passed, I became more and more convinced it wasn't going to work, because I kept sending out resumes for him to different jobs but no one was calling him back. Well, out of the blue a job was offered to him about ten days ago (so, under a month from the time the spell was cast) and he accepted it despite a huge counteroffer from his current job! He will begin his new job on the 15th! Well, you've convinced a nonbeliever! Thanks again! Christi B.
    Wilmington, NC P.S. - I never told him I had ordered the spell! He still doesn't know!
    Are you ready for Obeah? If you are, you will instinctively know that an Obeah ritual could help you. Merely tell us the one thing you need and let Obeah do the rest. Please be brief and request only one thing at a time.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    Additional input from our experts:

    Obeah Spells & Obeah Rituals - Black Magic Voodoo

    What is Obeah?

    Obeah is a potent African tradition combining the best aspects of African Voodoo, voodoo shamanism, black magic and witchcraft.

    How does Obeah work?

    Our expert spell caster, sometimes referred to as the Obeah Man, will call upon ancient spiritual practices to apply the power of Obeah to work in your behalf.

    How do you break an Obeah spell?

    Only an ""Obeah Man"" can cast a real powerful ritual Obeah spell to break an Obeah spell.
    Dear CAA, I ordered OBEAH spell in June, I have been told that my spell will cast on July 1st. But guess what happened? What I have asked has already become true!!! It is unbelievable, and totally magic! Thank you very much, CAA.
    Dear CAA, Just wanted to let you know: I was a little skeptical when I ordered an Obeah spell for my husband who was looking for a new job. I really didn't think it was going to work. Well, the spell was cast on May 24. As each day passed, I became more and more convinced it wasn't going to work, because I kept sending out resumes for him to different jobs but no one was calling him back. Well, out of the blue a job was offered to him about ten days ago (so, under a month from the time the spell was cast) and he accepted it despite a huge counteroffer from his current job! He will begin his new job on the 15th! Well, you've convinced a nonbeliever! Thanks again! Christi B.
    Wilmington, NC P.S. - I never told him I had ordered the spell! He still doesn't know!
    Dear CAA, I ordered OBEAH spell in June, I have been told that my spell will cast on July 1st. But guess what happened? What I have asked has already become true!!! It is unbelievable, and totally magic! Thank you very much, CAA. P.W.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| obeah-spells-and-charms|"Obeah!"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    What Obeah Could Do for You!

    If you are happily married and have all the money you’ll ever need, as well as being perfectly secure in your future, there is no reason to read further. However... If your love life is in shambles... If you don’t have enough money to fully enjoy your life or feel secure in your future... And if you don’t have a clue as to what you can do about it... There is a supernatural force known as Obeah. And it could be the answer to your prayers! So take a look at what Obeah can do for you and be prepared for an amazing turnaround in your life!"||||"(:OBEAH :OBEAH-MAN :OBEAH-LOVE-AND-MONEY-AMULET)"|"(:OBEAH :OBEAH-MAN :OBEAH-LOVE-AND-MONEY-AMULET)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| offlineproducts|"Offline Products"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:MEMORYTAPE :POWERTAPE :LOTTERYTAPE :ONHOR :RASHEED :GATPRAYGROUP :REDSEDONA :HORBYBUR :COMREAD :CALASASHOR :SHOMAR :ANCHOR :SNAKE-EATER-SPELLS :WITCHES-BANGLE :FLEUR-DE-LIS :QUEENS-NECKLACE :SIERRA-BRACELET :SILVER-BANGLE-OF-OJIBWA :LOVERS-LOCK :OCTOLOGY-1 :OCTOLOGY-2 :OCTOLOGY-3 :CLEOPATRAS-WHEEL :PENDANT-OF-MACHU-PICCHU :MONEYTAPE :BURTONS-COMEUPPANCE-SPELL1 :DA-VINCIS-PRIZE :DA-VINCIS-PRIZE-CLOSEUP :BLACK-MAGIC-SPELL :LUCKTAPE :TAPES :SAMADHI :RED-CORAL :SURGE-YOUR-COMPATIBILITY :ANIMAL-SPIRITS-SPELL :CIRCLEOFPROSPERITY :POLYNESIAN-LOVE-BEADS :EARTH-BANGLE)"|"(:MEMORYTAPE :POWERTAPE :LOTTERYTAPE :ONHOR :RASHEED :GATPRAYGROUP :REDSEDONA :HORBYBUR :COMREAD :CALASASHOR :SHOMAR :ANCHOR :SNAKE-EATER-SPELLS :WITCHES-BANGLE :FLEUR-DE-LIS :QUEENS-NECKLACE :SIERRA-BRACELET :SILVER-BANGLE-OF-OJIBWA :LOVERS-LOCK :OCTOLOGY-1 :OCTOLOGY-2 :OCTOLOGY-3 :CLEOPATRAS-WHEEL :PENDANT-OF-MACHU-PICCHU :MONEYTAPE :BURTONS-COMEUPPANCE-SPELL1 :DA-VINCIS-PRIZE :DA-VINCIS-PRIZE-CLOSEUP :BLACK-MAGIC-SPELL :LUCKTAPE :TAPES :SAMADHI :RED-CORAL :SURGE-YOUR-COMPATIBILITY :ANIMAL-SPIRITS-SPELL :CIRCLEOFPROSPERITY :POLYNESIAN-LOVE-BEADS :EARTH-BANGLE)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| onhor|"One-Year Horoscope"|HR1|ITEM.||(13.95)|||"""Your Date of Birth"" Inscription 17 ""Your Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Place of Birth"" Inscription 22"|"
    Your Date of Birth:
    Your Time of Birth (if known):
    Your Place of Birth:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| octology-1|"One-Year Octology Forecast"|OCT1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(25)|||"""Your Name"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate (Month/Day/Year)"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Name:
    Your Birthdate (Month/Day/Year):

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| open-communications-spell|"Open Communications Spell"|OCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Open Communications Spell"|""|"This spell is intended to do one thing and one thing only: To open the channels of communication between you and a loved one."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This spell is intended to do one thing and one thing only: To open the channels of communication between you and a loved one. So if you've been trying in vain to talk to that special person and have been rebuffed at every turn, this is your chance to express your feelings and bring your lover back to you. The Open Communications spell is for you, if:
    • Your loved one has not been willing to talk to you.
    • Your loved one is hardheaded, angry, and not being reasonable.
    • You are certain that once you have a chance to be heard and to clear the air, your relationship can be put back on track again.
    • You are heartsick because you know in your heart this is the ""right"" person for you.
    The Open Communications spell is a very specific spell that is designed to penetrate the mindset of the person you love and to allow you the chance to save your relationship.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| best-sellers-love|"Our Best Sellers for Love"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Afraid of losing the love of your life? In a relationship that needs fixing? Looking for the ""right"" person? These are our best-selling charms, amulets, and spells. Have one of our Master Psychics bless an amulet for you or cast a spell to help you enjoy the rich life filled with love and happiness!"||||"(:VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :LOVESPELL :LOVE-WANGA-LINK :RETRIEVE :CELLOVKNOT :APHRODITESHEARTS :LLM :SPELLS-BY-THE-TRIPLE-CAST :HEAL-MY-RELATIONSHIP-SPELL :LOVE-PSYCHIC :WITCH-DOCTOR-LOVE-SPELL-KIT-LINK :ANDREIKA :LOVE-CHARM :LOVE-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :WAYWEWERE :UNCONDITIONALLOVE :BLOOD-NEW-MOON :SAFEGUARD-YOUR-RELATIONSHIP-SPELL :GIVEMEMYLOVE :LLM :LIGHTNINGBOLT :STOP-OUR-BREAKUP-SPELL :STARTINGOVER :ATTRACTION-WANGA-LINK :RECONCILIATION :SHOWERME :ANDREIKA-RETRIEVE-YOUR-LOVER-SPELL :MAKEMESEXY :COMEBACK :FORGIVEME :COMEBACKMYLOVE :SEX-WANGA-LINK :PERUVIANBALL :ETERNAL-LOVE-SPELL :MISS-ME-LOVE-ME-RETURN-TO-ME-SPELL :LOA-VOODOO-SPELL :LOVE-PSYCHIC-URGENT-RECONCILIATION)"|"(:VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :LOVESPELL :LOVE-WANGA-LINK :RETRIEVE :CELLOVKNOT :APHRODITESHEARTS :LLM :SPELLS-BY-THE-TRIPLE-CAST :HEAL-MY-RELATIONSHIP-SPELL :LOVE-PSYCHIC :WITCH-DOCTOR-LOVE-SPELL-KIT-LINK :ANDREIKA :LOVE-CHARM :LOVE-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :WAYWEWERE :UNCONDITIONALLOVE :BLOOD-NEW-MOON :SAFEGUARD-YOUR-RELATIONSHIP-SPELL :GIVEMEMYLOVE :LLM :LIGHTNINGBOLT :STOP-OUR-BREAKUP-SPELL :STARTINGOVER :ATTRACTION-WANGA-LINK :RECONCILIATION :SHOWERME :ANDREIKA-RETRIEVE-YOUR-LOVER-SPELL :MAKEMESEXY :COMEBACK :FORGIVEME :COMEBACKMYLOVE :SEX-WANGA-LINK :PERUVIANBALL :ETERNAL-LOVE-SPELL :MISS-ME-LOVE-ME-RETURN-TO-ME-SPELL :LOA-VOODOO-SPELL :LOVE-PSYCHIC-URGENT-RECONCILIATION)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| best-sellers-luck|"Our Best Sellers for Luck"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:LLM :LADYLUCK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :LUCK-WANGA-LINK :LUCKSPELL :LUCLEP :MYSTICSTAR :LUCK-VOODOO-LINK :FAST-LUCK-SPELLKIT-LINK :ANDREIKAS-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :LUCKY7)"|"(:LLM :LADYLUCK :BLAZING-FAST-LUCK-ACCELERATOR-SPELL-LINK :LUCK-WANGA-LINK :LUCKSPELL :LUCLEP :MYSTICSTAR :LUCK-VOODOO-LINK :FAST-LUCK-SPELLKIT-LINK :ANDREIKAS-RIDICULOUS-LUCK-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :LUCKY7)"|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| best-sellers-money|"Our Best Sellers for Money & Success"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Want to grow your bank account? Need funds to enjoy the good life? Tired of working hard and getting nowhere? Ask one of our Master Psychics to bless an amulet for you or cast a spell in your behalf to bring you the riches you so deserve!"||||"(:TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-LINK :GAMBLERS-AMULET :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :ANDREIKA :MAGICAL-EYE-AMULET :RED-HOT-LOVE-COLD-CASH-MONEY-SPELL :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :LUCKY7 :EASYMONEY :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :LLM :COINOFAPOLLO :LIVE-LARGE-SPELL :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GYPSY-MAKE-ME-RICH-SPELL-LINK :MYSTICSTAR :MONEYTREE :WEALTH :LIYUANSTEMPLE :MONEYSPELL :DELICIOUSLY-RICH-SPELL :GIVEMEMYMONEY :WISHBOX :ANWICAM :YAROBILUCKRING :STARTINGOVER :AURA :LADYLUCK :LASTCHANCE :PHOENIX :LUCLEP)"|"(:TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-LINK :GAMBLERS-AMULET :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :WITCH-DOCTOR-MONEY-SPELL-KIT-LINK :ANDREIKA :MAGICAL-EYE-AMULET :RED-HOT-LOVE-COLD-CASH-MONEY-SPELL :MONEY-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :LUCKY7 :EASYMONEY :BLAZING-FAST-MONEY-MAKER-SPELL-LINK :LLM :COINOFAPOLLO :LIVE-LARGE-SPELL :STRIKE-IT-RICH :GYPSY-MAKE-ME-RICH-SPELL-LINK :MYSTICSTAR :MONEYTREE :WEALTH :LIYUANSTEMPLE :MONEYSPELL :DELICIOUSLY-RICH-SPELL :GIVEMEMYMONEY :WISHBOX :ANWICAM :YAROBILUCKRING :STARTINGOVER :AURA :LADYLUCK :LASTCHANCE :PHOENIX :LUCLEP)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| best-sellers-charms-amulets|"Our Best Selling Charms & Amulets"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"These are our customers' favorites -- and we're sure they'll be yours too!"||||"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :LADYLUCK :MAGICAL-EYE-AMULET :LIYUANSTEMPLE :MAGICSQUARE :MATA-HARIS-AMULET :LUCKY7 :VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :MYSTICSTAR :COMEBACK :MONEYTREE)"|"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :LADYLUCK :MAGICAL-EYE-AMULET :LIYUANSTEMPLE :MAGICSQUARE :MATA-HARIS-AMULET :LUCKY7 :VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :MYSTICSTAR :COMEBACK :MONEYTREE)"|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ourguarantee|"Our Guarantee"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Everything we sell is backed by our one-year unconditional guarantee."|""|""|""|""|""|"At the California Astrology Association, we understand that you might be skeptical about the power of spell casting, metaphysics, and astrology. But we're not. We are so sure that our products and services will work for you, we offer an unconditional ONE-YEAR money back guarantee. So, you've got nothing to lose! If you are not completely satisfied with any item or service you buy from us, we will refund your money for up to one full year after purchase. Everything we sell is guaranteed. Period. There is no fine print. You can return anything, up to one full year, for any reason. When our guarantee was introduced in 1970, some customers were skeptical. Friends and business acquaintances told us we were being foolish. However, it's been one of the keys to our success. We cherish our thousands of repeat customers, many of whom we know by name. Our one year unconditional guarantee assures our customers they will be satisfied, or they will receive their money back. Period. No questions asked.

    For More Information...

    About us. Frequently Asked Questions. Shipping and Handling Information. Contact us.
    Hi CAA, Your spells and products have brought about fascinating experiences in my life which I strongly believe would not have happened under normal circumstances. You do honor your unconditional guarantee, and I find your services...simply professional! Siah
    CAA is just so cool! I used the one year guarantee and they fulfilled my wish. Their response was very quick, and I am really glad to have found CAA. Continue the good work CAA!! Cindy
    Dear CAA, I have ordered many products from your company and will continue to do so for a long time. Your service is quick, efficient and your staff is very helpful. The extra courtesy of e-mailing me to let me know that my order was shipped makes me feel like the staff is truly working to make their customers happy. The ordering process is quick and easy and a joy to deal with your company. I give CAA two thumbs up!!! J.G
    CAA is an excellent company! Their products are first rate and they truly care about customer service and their money-back guarantee is real. What I really love about this company is their commitment to helping people. They are a reputable company. Their products and services really do work and your money is best spent here than with those 900 numbers and other so called psychic ripoffs. CAA can really help to improve your life and they want you to be satisfied! If you are truly ready for a better life, order from CAA today! Thank you! U.J.
    Dear CAA,

    My ordering experience was very good. I placed my order, received confirmation almost straight away and received my product within a few days. I am very impressed.

    Jean M.
    Victoria, Australia

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| multi-purpose-spells|"Our most popular Multi-Purpose Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"If you have a need that our other spells don't address, these multi-purpose spells can help you get what you need! Choose the spell that speaks to you the most, and then during checkout you will have the opportunity to explain the details of your request to our master psychic who will be casing the spell for you."||||"(:ANDREIKA :TRIPLE-CAST :LLM :OBEAH :THREE-IN-ONE-SPELLS :TREASURE-TROVE-SPELL :GRIS-GRIS :THREE-WISHES-PROSPERITY :LIVE-LONG :MORE-ANDREIKA-SPELLS :GRAND-SLAM :HAVE-IT-ALL :ANDREIKA-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS-SPELL :BLOCK-NEGATIVE-FORCES :U-TURN-HAPPY :THREE-QUICK-LUCK :MEGA-LOVE-RICH-HAPPY :THREE-SUCCESS-RELATIONSHIPS :AURA :LASTCHANCE :BURTONS-OX-BLOOD-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-WINNER :RAINBOW-SPELL :MEGA-LOVE-RICH-HAPPY :BONANZA-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-SOLVE-MY-PROBLEM :THREE-WISHES-FRIENDS :SAMADHI-SPELL :BURTONS-MAD-MONEY-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS :MILK-HONEY-SPELL :LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER :KRAKOW-LAST-HOPE-SPELL :SORCERY-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-MONEY :THREE-LUCKY-ROMANCE :NORTH-STAR :IN-A-PICKLE)"|"(:ANDREIKA :TRIPLE-CAST :LLM :OBEAH :THREE-IN-ONE-SPELLS :TREASURE-TROVE-SPELL :GRIS-GRIS :THREE-WISHES-PROSPERITY :LIVE-LONG :MORE-ANDREIKA-SPELLS :GRAND-SLAM :HAVE-IT-ALL :ANDREIKA-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS-SPELL :BLOCK-NEGATIVE-FORCES :U-TURN-HAPPY :THREE-QUICK-LUCK :MEGA-LOVE-RICH-HAPPY :THREE-SUCCESS-RELATIONSHIPS :AURA :LASTCHANCE :BURTONS-OX-BLOOD-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-WINNER :RAINBOW-SPELL :MEGA-LOVE-RICH-HAPPY :BONANZA-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-SOLVE-MY-PROBLEM :THREE-WISHES-FRIENDS :SAMADHI-SPELL :BURTONS-MAD-MONEY-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-LOVE-MONEY-HAPPINESS :MILK-HONEY-SPELL :LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER :KRAKOW-LAST-HOPE-SPELL :SORCERY-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-MONEY :THREE-LUCKY-ROMANCE :NORTH-STAR :IN-A-PICKLE)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| best-sellers-voodoo-wanga|"Our most popular Voodoo & Wanga"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||"(:OBEAH :GRISGRIS :VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :LOVE-WANGA-LINK :LOA-VOODOO-SPELL :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :VOODOO :VOODOOSPELLS)"|"(:OBEAH :GRISGRIS :VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :MONEY-WANGA-LINK :LOVE-WANGA-LINK :LOA-VOODOO-SPELL :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL-LINK :VOODOO :VOODOOSPELLS)"|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| outrageous-sex-spell|"Outrageous Sex Spell"|OSS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Outrageous Sex Spell"|""|"If you want to live your fantasies, this is the spell to fulfill your wildest dreams."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you want to live your fantasies, this is the spell to fulfill your wildest dreams. The Outrageous Sex spell is designed to implant an irresistible appeal within you that will make you the center of attention and keep you in the thoughts and fantasies of that special person.
    Increase the potency of the Outrageous Sex spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Order this spell, if:
    • You are a sensual person but are frustrated when others fail to see this intriguing aspect of you.
    • You are ready to take your sex life to the next level and have FUN with it.
    • You are a person who sometimes ""lives in your mind,"" and you wish to bring some of these fantasies to reality.
    Once the Outrageous Sex spell takes effect, you are in for a treat.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ge1|"Overall Happiness Good Eye Spell"|GE1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Overall Happiness Good Eye Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is designed to take you out of the doldrums so you can enjoy the leisure, the love, and the happiness you so deserve.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| blackhole|"Papa D'oc Black Hole Revenge Spell"|PD10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Jinx Their Every Move!

    • Hex this person who doesn’t deserve to be happy.
    • Melt away their material wealth.
    • Have their close ones turn on them.
    • Allow people to see who they really are.
    Cast your powers,
    To avenge the harm done to me. Hold back nothing,
    As my anger is just.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| crossoutrival|"Papa D'oc Cross Out Rival Spell"|PD5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Even the Score!

    • This is not a good person. I implore the forces of Voodoo to do whatever is necessary to cross them out.
    • They have a hard heart and should not go through life without being punished.
    • Give them their just desert.
    This person whose heart is hard,
    Should vanish from my sight. And all the negative forces cast out by them,
    Should reverberate back upon them tenfold!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| findmelove|"Papa D'oc Find Me Love Spell"|PD9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Find My Mate!

    • Search everywhere. Leave no stone uncovered.
    • Find me a lover who is my soul mate and best friend.
    • End my loneliness and despair.
    • Let me be with the one I love.
    Look beyond the horizon,
    To the love who awaits me. Ensure that our paths cross,
    And my love is reciprocated.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| madlove|"Papa D'oc Mad Love Spell"|PD11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Love Me Madly, Passionately!
    • Love me in ways that make me feel good.
    • Love me in ways that excite me.
    • Love me so the look in your eyes tell me you mean it.
    • Love me in and out of bed.
    It is not madness,
    To want to be loved. It is not madness,
    To want to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| makemethin|"Papa D'oc Make Me Thin Spell"|PD6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Eat Without Worrying While The Pounds Melt Away

    • Ease the way for me to lose weight.
    • Allow me to eat to live, not live to eat.
    • Make my will power stronger than my appetite.
    • Make me proud when I look in the mirror.
    • Let others notice my new, slim figure.
    It is thin I wish for,
    It is thin I want to be. Give me the power,
    To become the person I see in my vision.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| quickmoney|"Papa D'oc Quick Money Spell"|PD12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    You Deserve a Rich Life!

    • Bring me money in unexpected ways.
    • Put me in position to reap the financial windfall I deserve.
    • Work your powers to increase my bank account.
    • Let me have material wealth to enjoy life to the fullest.
    • Give me the breaks so money will fall into my hands.
    Send me my rewards,
    And do it with haste. For I have worked hard toward this goal,
    And await the fruits of my labor.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| reelinmylover|"Papa D'oc Reel-in My Lover Spell"|PD1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Bring Back the Love of My Life!

    • Draw your lover back to you.
    • Soften their hard heart.
    • Make them more gentle, more understanding.
    • Convince them that you are the right one – the only one.
    • Return your lover so your life can once again be filled with love and joy.
    Lover, lover,
    Where have you gone? Your return to me is imminent,
    It is folly to resist me.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| relationship-killer|"Papa D'oc Relationship Killer Spell"|PD4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Break Them Up!

    • Let the forces of Voodoo cause a split in their bond.
    • That relationship is doomed to failure…make it happen now!
    • I know what is right. They should not be together.
    Cancel this relationship now!
    Do not let it last one minute longer. They do not belong together,
    I compel you to split them apart!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| returnlovenow|"Papa D'oc Return My Love Now Spell"|PD2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Life Will be Worth Living Again!

    • Life will be sweet once again when your love comes knocking on your door.
    • Unleash the forces to change your lover’s attitude about you.
    • Bring the love of your life back swiftly, without reservations.
    • Turn their anger into warmth, their stubbornness into reason.
    It is you I love,
    It is you I live for. Do not stay away one more moment,
    To return now will ensure the stars will be aligned.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ridiculousluck|"Papa D'oc Ridiculous Luck Spell"|PD7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Be in The Right Place at The Right Time

    • Increase my bank account.
    • Bring me fantastic luck in gambling, sweeps, lotteries...
    • Let me be lucky in romance, love, friendships, work...
    • Let me grab the tail of that lucky star.
    Change back luck to good,
    Let the spirits work to my favor. Make me rich,
    In love and Money.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tightknot|"Papa D'oc Tight Knot Love Spell"|PD8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Bond Your Relationship
    • Keep us together.
    • I want my partner to have the same feelings, passions, sensitivity...
    • Stop those straying eyes.
    • I want to be touched, cared for, loved – treated like gold.
    Bring us together,
    To enjoy life to the fullest. Tie the knot tightly,
    Make us into one loving entity.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| papadoc|"Papa D'oc Voodoo Spells"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Combining the extraordinary powers of Haitian and New Orleans Voodoo, I will make Voodoo work for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Combining the Extraordinary Powers of Haitian and New Orleans Voodoo Gifted Voodoo practitioners know that unseen spirits are all around us, and if properly guided can have an enormous impact upon our lives. History has shown us that once these forces are unleashed, they can bring about spectacular changes. The mysterious art of Voodoo continues to baffle scientists because its spectacular powers seem to defy the law of physics – and reason Papa D’oc spells are particularly effective because they draw upon two distinct forms of Voodoo: the legendary Haitian form of Voodoo, and the New Orleans strain sometimes referred to as Creole Voodoo. The end result is a virulent form of Voodoo known as Papa D’oc, and should you decide to request one of Papa D’oc’s spells, be certain of what you ask for because the results could come before you expect it. Do you seek money? Papa D'oc spells are known for dramatic turnarounds in financial matters. Do you wish you could have one more chance with a lost love? A Papa D’oc practitioner will focus his energy on that person, contacting their inner psyche, opening the doors to your reunion. If you want to fill your cup with love and romance and material wealth, you have come to the right place. If you are surrounded by negative people and negative thoughts, be prepared to laugh in the face of naysayers who say it can’t be done. Listed below are the most popular Papa D’oc spells. Each of these spells calls upon the powerful combined forces of Haitian and Creole Voodoo.
    Dear CAA,
    My wife wrote you about a month ago and asked you to help locate a lost ring. Since the ring had been misplaced well over a year ago, I told her she was only wasting her money by seeking your assistance. I must admit I thought she was crazy.
    Last night my sister called us to explain that she had found the ring in her house. Apparently, when my wife was visiting there, the ring slipped off her finger and fell behind a sleeper sofa. The sofa hadn't been used in over a year, and when my sister opened it to prepare for visiting guests, out popped the ring!
    This all occurred precisely 11 days after you performed the Voodoo ritual. The whole episode may be pure coincidence--or you may have worked a special sort of magic. Whatever it is, I did want to notify you the ring has been found. Thanks.
    Canton, Ohio
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wildlustspell|"Papa D'oc Wild Lust Spell"|PD3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Life is Too Short to Have a Dull Sex Life!

    • Be craved and ravished by that special person.
    • Get the juices going and bring new excitement into your bedroom.
    • Leave the inhibitions by the doorstep.
    • Make love every night like it’s the first time together.
    I crave your touch,
    Your tender kisses. Come to me with open arms,
    Let our lust bring us to heights of ecstasy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| paranormal-breakup-spell|"Paranormal Breakup Spell"|PAR4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Paranormal Breakup Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Although it is not our purpose to be destructive, sometimes a relationship is doomed to fail regardless of our wishes or efforts. This powerful spell is designed to speed up the process. So if you are aware of a relationship that will eventually dissolve, the Paranormal Breakup spell should be of interest to you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| paranormal-cash-spell|"Paranormal Cash Spell"|PAR3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Paranormal Cash Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your bank account is nearing rock bottom, this potent spell is designed to help lead you to the gates of prosperity. The Paranormal Cash spell hopefully places you in the right place at the right time…and soon your financial woes could turn to financial bliss.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| paranormal-good-times-spell|"Paranormal Good Times Spell"|PAR5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Paranormal Good Times Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your luck has not been good lately and you are seeking to turn it around on a dime, this potent spell could be your answer to bringing back the ""good times."" So if romance is not going well and your bank account is dropping, the Paranormal Good Times spell is designed to give you a very needed lift.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| paranormal-return-to-me-spell|"Paranormal Return to Me Spell"|PAR2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Paranormal Return to Me Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your loved one is out of the house and living elsewhere, this powerful spell is designed to implant the seeds of reconciliation. The purpose of the Paranormal Return to Me spell is to lower the barriers between the two of you so your loved one can focus on the important positive aspects of your relationship.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| paranormal-romance-spell|"Paranormal Romance Spell"|PAR1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Paranormal Romance Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is designed to heighten and increase the intensity of your romance, whether it be with a long time partner or a new love. The Paranormal Romance spell is for you if your loved one is not reciprocating your love or is perhaps looking elsewhere for satisfaction.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| paranormal-spellcasting|"Paranormal Spellcasting"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you believe there are forces - powerful forces - that exist despite the fact we cannot see nor explain them, then you have come to the right place."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Many of us believe there are forces in the universe that cannot easily be explained. This belief is based on occurrences in our every day lives that defy logical or scientific explanation. Can science explain this?
    • A pair of twins, separated by birth and living hundreds of miles apart, feel each other's pain.
    • A mother ""senses"" something is wrong and rushes into the kitchen to find her toddler playing with a sharp knife that had previously fallen behind a counter.
    • A police officer rushes into a burning building and ""instinctively"" knows in which room the two children are trapped.
    • A blind man, sitting beside his pool, hears a splash and realizes his little girl has fallen into the water. With no one else around, he jumps in after her. But because there is no splashing or any other sounds, he has no idea where she is. So he stops moving and lets his senses guide him to the child who was several feet under water.
    Paranormal activity is real. It exists. And many of us believe it is there to assist us. But we must know whom to ask. A skilled practitioner of the Paranormal can focus his energy to summon these mystical forces to perform on your behalf. But first of all, let's see if you have personally experienced the paranormal. Most likely you've had many. Has any of the following ever happened to you?
    • A specific person immediately pops into your mind and it's someone you haven't spoken to in quite awhile. Seconds later the phone rings and it's that very person.
    • You are having a conversation with someone and each of you starts to say the identical thing on a completely different subject - at the same time.
    • In a crowded room, you are looking at someone who is standing perhaps twenty feet away. And when this person catches your gaze, he looks directly into your eyes, as if the two of you are connected by a laser beam. His eyes didn't look at your legs or your torso and work their way up to your eyes, they were directed right into your line of eyesight from the very beginning.
    Coincidence? Perhaps. But many of us believe these things occur all too often to be a coincidence. Paranormal activities refer to experiences that lie outside the range of scientific explanation. And if you believe there are forces - powerful forces - that exist despite the fact we cannot see nor explain them, then you have come to the right place.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    Here at the California Astrology Association, we have someone on our staff who specializes in casting Paranormal spells on behalf of our clients. So if you are experiencing difficulties in your love life, or at work, or perhaps in your bank account - or maybe you are in the midst of a string of bad luck - you should take a look at the various Paranormal Spellcasting services we provide for our clients.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pawnee-spirit-necklace|"Pawnee Spirit Necklace"|N01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(129.95)|||""|""|""|""|"Feel more beautiful than you've ever felt before!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Made of solid sterling silver.
    [Note from the staff:] If you could be here as we write the copy for the Pawnee Necklace, you would be as impressed as we are. It is one of the most spectacular pieces we have ever seen. For the past hour or so, we have been passing this solid Sterling Silver piece back and forth, feeling its substantial weight, examining it, trying it on… Every item we offer has to pass this rigorous test; otherwise, it is sent to the sample room, never to be seen again. With the Pawnee Necklace, however, we have been shaking our heads in disbelief as each of us is awestruck not only by its unique beauty but by its solidness and its almost magical allure. It is as if it has a spirit of its own. When you place the Pawnee Necklace around your neck, it is very likely you will experience a tingling sensation throughout your body. We have never seen anything like it. It is a sensation like no other. Ancient Legend of the Pawnee Pawnee medicine men believed the unique design of this necklace was instilled with mystical powers to do two things:
    • Magnify the allure of its wearer.
    • Arouse desire and passion of anyone who sets his gaze upon it.

    It is Said the Pawnee Necklace will give you a new look!
    • You will feel more beautiful than you've ever felt before.
    • Heads will turn the moment you step outside.
    • When you gaze into the eyes of men, you will see how they look at you in a different light.
    • It will enhance your beauty and bring you compliments wherever you go.

    No longer should you feel restricted or held back by a lack of confidence or insecurity. Let the legendary Pawnee Necklace accompany you through life while you feast on the sweets it brings you.
    Sorry, we're sold out!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| perfect-storm-burtons-winning-trifecta-spell-link|"Perfect Storm Burton's Winning Trifecta Spell"||LINK.|perfect-storm-spells.html#PFS9||||""|""|""|""|"Burton will cast three spells simultaneously to help your luck and finances!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs9|"Perfect Storm Burton's Winning Trifecta!"|PFS9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    Burton will cast these three spells simultaneously to help your luck and finances!
    1. Burton's Ultra-Lucky spell
      Burton's Ultra-Lucky spell instills the super charge that could thrust you to the pinnacle of success.
    2. Burton's Soaring Bank Account spell
      Are you fighting to stay afloat and barely making ends meet?
    3. Burton's Instant Success spell
      This magnificent spell is designed to put you in the winner's circle.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs3|"Perfect Storm Change Your Luck! Change Your Life!"|PFS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to help you turn your luck around and get back on track.
    1. Andreika's Ridiculous Luck spell
      This spell is designed to bring you the best luck, the fastest luck, the ""ridiculous"" luck to bring you all that you desire.
    2. Spell to Vanish Debt
      If you want to be in control of your destiny, you first have to gain control of your pocketbook.
    3. Wishmaker spell
      Allow this gifted telepathic to put his extraordinary powers to work for you!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs8|"Perfect Storm Don't Give Up!"|PFS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to help you get your lover back!
    1. Tame Your Lover
      It is Time to Take Charge and Get What You Want!
    2. Reconciliation spell
      Establish an unbreakable bond between the two of you!
    3. Last Chance spell
      If you've tried everything and failed... don't give up! There's one more thing you can try - and it's risk free!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs1|"Perfect Storm Get Your Lover Back Now!"|PFS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!) """|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to help you get your lover back... now!
    1. Retrieve a Lover spell
      If you long for the return of a lost lover...there is something you can do about it!
    2. Change Your Lover's Mind spell
      This love spell is designed to soften the hardest of hearts.
    3. Andreika's Lightning Bolt Love spell
      The Lightning Bolt Love spell is intended to pierce the armor of resistance.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs5|"Perfect Storm Lead the Good Life!"|PFS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to get you the riches you deserve!
    1. Andreika's Money Maker spell
      The Money Maker spell is designed to bless you with good luck and good fortune.
    2. Easy Money spell
      Don't pass up this golden opportunity to strike it rich!
    3. A Rich Life
      Is it possible for you to be rich in money, rich in love, rich in life? Yes!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs6|"Perfect Storm Make Me Irresistible!"|PFS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to help you become incredibly sexy and irresistible!
    1. Andreika's Irresistible Allure spell
      This remarkable spell highlights your very appealing characteristics, bringing them to the surface so the ""right"" people will see your true beauty.
    2. Make Me Sexy spell
      Do you want to be desired, loved, ravished? Do you want to attract the ""right"" type to you?
    3. Lust for Me
      Stimulate the lover of your choice to have strong, uncontrollable thoughts about holding you, caressing you, making love to you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs7|"Perfect Storm Make Voodoo Work for You!"|PFS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will call upon Voodoo to help you get everything you want!
    1. Voodoo Hot Lust spell
      Are you ready for a great sex life?
    2. Voodoo Love spell
      This powerful spell could soften the heart of your loved one.
    3. Voodoo Double Luck spell
      The Voodoo Double Luck spell could be the quickest, easiest way to turn losing into winning.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| perfect-storm-spells|"Perfect Storm Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Our most popular spells have been grouped together to give you the best chance of attaining true happiness and living your dreams."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you want to give yourself the best chance to fulfill your dreams of unconditional love? Or Have sufficient funds in the bank to give you lifetime security? Or perhaps even the score with a nemesis? We have grouped our most popular spells together to give you the best chance of attaining true happiness and living your dreams. Take a look at the powerful combinations of these potent spells to see the quickest and best path to getting precisely what you want. Individually, these spells cost $29 each, but when you order all three together you'll save $10! And if you have each spell cast twice to increase their powers, you'll save an additional $7 from the regular cost.
    "||||"(:PFS1 :PFS2 :PFS3 :PFS4 :PFS5 :PFS6 :PFS7 :PFS8 :PFS9)"|"(:PFS1 :PFS2 :PFS3 :PFS4 :PFS5 :PFS6 :PFS7 :PFS8 :PFS9)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs4|"Perfect Storm Take Action Now!"|PFS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to help you split them up and get your lover back!
    1. Couple Buster Curse
      WARNING: This spell brings dissension and despair into an existing relationship that cannot be repaired.
    2. The Spell to Defeat Your Rival
      If someone is standing in the way of your happiness, this spell is designed to neutralize them, to get them out of the picture.
    3. Lover Come Back spell
      For whatever reason your lover is not with you, this spell plants the seeds of their return

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pfs2|"Perfect Storm You Can Have It All!"|PFS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(87.95)|(77.95)|T|"""Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast each again two hours later (+$20.00) (Save an additional $7!)"""|"
    Have each spell cast TWICE to increase their powers?: 
    These three spells will be cast simultaneously to help you get it all!
    1. Burton's Original Love-Luck-Money spell
      If you want it all: a love life that is the envy of all who know you, and a future bursting with good luck and good fortune, this is the spell for you.
    2. Deliciously Rich
      Do you crave to be deliriously happy and deliciously rich? Material possessions beyond your wildest dreams!
    3. Unconditional Love spell
      Receive the love you've always yearned for!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| natalcharts|"Personalized Natal Charts"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"A Wonderful Gift! Mounted in a beautiful wooden frame, this colorful one-of-a-kind work of art will attract attention wherever you display it. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Mounted Under Glass in an Exquisite Wood Frame, It's a Work of Art!

    If you're thinking about a unique, one-of-a-kind gift for a very special person (maybe yourself), we'll create a Personalized Natal Chart just for you and mount it in a beautiful solid wood frame. The magnificent colors and design of your personalized Zodiac Wheel will attract attention whether you rest it on your desk or hang it on the wall. Your natal Chart is a snapshot in time, indicating where the planets were and their relationships to each other at the exact time of your birth. The chart shows the location of the Planets in the sky (including Sun and Moon), as if you were facing due South. It is divided into twelve distinct sections, or Houses. The twelve Zodiac signs are indicated on the outer ring of your chart, with one sign for each House. Your ""defining"" Zodiac sign is more specifically your Sun sign. Another important sign is your Ascendant, or Rising sign. This is the House that was on the Eastern horizon at the time of your birth.
    All of the Planets, Signs, and Houses have very specific interpretations and meanings. The Houses represent different areas of your life and area of experience. The Signs represent specific moods, energies and forms of expression. The Planets represent tendencies, motivations, and underlying urges. The interation of these three areas (Planets, Signs, and Houses) is the foundation of Astrology! Along with your framed Natal Chart will be a summary of the essence of each of these areas. You are one of a kind. So is your Zodiac Wheel. This beautifully designed work of art not only delineates your astrology chart but it captures your essence -- who you are and why you are. Each of us reflects a combination of numerous character traits, many of which overlap and even contradict one another. By knowing what your various astrological signs are and how they affect your personality, character, emotions and intellectual capabilities, only then can we know the ""real"" you. Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts make wonderful gifts for your family, friends, or even for yourself! They are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper. We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. Please click on a chart below to see a larger image and to order."||||"(:KBD :KBA :KBF :KBB :KAC :KCA :KCB :KCG :KCI)"|"(:KBD :KBA :KBF :KBB :KAC :KCA :KCB :KCG :KCI)"|""|"3"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| phony-friend-curse|"Phony Friend Curse"|PHO|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Your Phony Friend's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Phony Friend's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"How many times have you come across someone who smiles and makes nice to you, only to have them stab you in the back?"|""|""|""|""|""|" How many times have you come across someone who smiles and makes nice to you, only to have them stab you in the back? These are probably our worst enemies because they fool us with their supposed niceness, but all the while they are plotting to embarrass us, or worse yet, destroy us. This curse should be cast in your behalf, if: 1. Your ""friend"" enjoys humiliating you. 2. They seem to relish the times you fail. 3. They appear to provoke you into doing things that aren't to your benefit. 4. Too many times in the past, you have questioned their intent. 5. When you think about it, this isn't a real nice person. 6. The look in their eyes betrays the phoniness of their smile. 7. You have heard them talk badly about others and wonder if this person talks about you the same way. 8. In an emergency, it is doubtful you could rely upon this self-centered individual. 9. You have given this person your loyalty but fear you are not receiving theirs in return. 10. Others are suspicious of this person's behavior as well. If you have answered yes to most or all of the above, the Phony Friend Curse could neutralize this person who plans to cause you unhappiness and despair in the long run.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pick-me-up-spell|"Pick-Me-Up Spell"|PMU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The unique and powerful Pick-Me-Up spell is designed not only to lift you out of the doldrums but to head you in the right direction. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Some people take pills when they’re feeling down. Others may increase their exercise or drink more coffee. But if you believe in the supernatural, we have good news for you. The Pick-Me-Up spell is specifically designed for you, if:
    • You are feeling somewhat lackadaisical and are lacking the incentive and motivation to significantly improve your life.
    • You have been let down all too often by so-called friends and loving family, and it appears to have drained your energy.
    • You are tired, frustrated and disappointed and ready to say the heck with it...and simply accept your fate.
    But this is not really you, is it?
    In reality, you are a fighter and do not give up easily. In fact, anyone who has been around you long enough has witnessed your toughness, determination and undying spirit. And when you feel you have come up against a brick wall, a barrier that stands in the way of your success and happiness, your stubbornness and determination kick in... and heaven help anyone who stands in your way!. So, there is good news for you: The unique and powerful Pick-Me-Up spell is designed not only to lift you out of the doldrums but to head you in the right direction. The direction of open doors, unlimited opportunity and ultimate success...in areas of friendship, romance, unlimited luxuries, and ultimate happiness. So if you are ready for a change. A big, profound change in your life, the Pick-Me-Up spell could be a significant turning point in your life that could bring you the joy and happiness you so deserve! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-compatibility-spell|"Pisces Compatibility Spell"|ZP3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Pisces Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are currently in a relationship, or perhaps you know someone out there with whom you care to have a relationship, this powerful spell can forge an unbreakable bond between you. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a blessed partnership. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Pisces Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Pisces Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZP5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Pisces Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Pisces, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Pisces. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-money-spell|"Pisces Money Spell"|ZP2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Pisces Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Pisces. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Pisces Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-reconciliation-spell|"Pisces Reconciliation Spell"|ZP6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Pisces Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Pisces? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Pisces Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-retaliation-spell|"Pisces Retaliation Spell"|ZP4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Pisces Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Pisces, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Pisces Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-true-love-spell|"Pisces True Love Spell"|ZP1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Pisces True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are in a relationship and not being treated in the manner you deserve, Pisces, this can be a sea-change spell for you. This is your chance to have it all: unconditional love, unquestionable loyalty, and knowing you can trust your partner and be with him or her in a truly happy relationship. This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will be to penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. The Pisces True Love spell should increase the odds of your meeting your intended if your paths haven't already crossed. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Pisces True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-zodiac-spells|"Pisces Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:PISCES-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :PISCES-MONEY-SPELL :PISCES-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :PISCES-RETALIATION-SPELL :PISCES-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :PISCES-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:PISCES-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :PISCES-MONEY-SPELL :PISCES-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :PISCES-RETALIATION-SPELL :PISCES-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :PISCES-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs6|"Poker Gambling Spell"|GS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| polynesian-love-beads|"Polynesian Love Beads"|PLB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)|||""|""|"Polynesian Love Beads"|""|"The interconnecting strands of the Polynesian Love Beads forge an unbreakable link between you and that one special person."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Enjoy the brief period when you'll have this beautiful adornment all to yourself because soon your friends will be asking where you got it. The interconnecting strands of the Polynesian Love Beads forge an unbreakable link between you and that one special person. The exquisitely crafted Polynesian Love Beads are assembled by craftsman who infuse each bracelet with the power to:
    • Seal a permanent bond between you and a loved one.
    • Change the ordinary to extraordinary.
    • Relieve tension, anger, hostility in your relationship.
    • Allow your loved one to “let go” of past animosities and recognize and appreciate your positive aspects.
    • Double your allure and sex appeal.
    • Let you shine and stand out from the rest.

    Polynesian Love Beads are truly a work of art. They are a conversation piece that will draw people closer to you wherever you are. And you will find that you can't stop touching it as it has a soothing, calming effect upon you.

    If you want to give yourself that extra special appeal that sets you aside from everyone else, this is the conversation piece you have been seeking. Everyone who will see what adorns your wrist will be awed by the Polynesian Love Beads’ mysterious appeal. Instilled with an unworldly allure, and its sterling silver pieces separating the flow of beads, the Polynesian Love Beads will bring you unlimited pleasure."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| potion-spells|"Potion Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Wherever you are, in whatever land you may reside, no matter what your wish or fantasy or worry or concern, a potion spell could make your life whole again."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    In today's modern world, there exists a mere handful of expert practitioners trained in the ancient art of casting potion spells. The California Astrology Association is fortunate to have the exclusive services of one of these gifted men. A potion spell requires the gathering of a fresh selection of rare ingredients that when mixed together form an elixir with mystical powers that has no limits as to time and space. (Note: The elixir of ingredients is used up the moment the spell caster finishes casting the spell.) So wherever you are, in whatever land you may reside, no matter what your wish or fantasy or worry or concern, a potion spell could make your life whole again. Take a look at the following potion spells and see which one(s) address your specific needs. "||||"(:PO7 :PO1 :PO2 :PO3 :PO4 :PO5 :PO6)"|"(:PO7 :PO1 :PO2 :PO3 :PO4 :PO5 :PO6)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps9|"Power ""End Despair"" Spell"|PS9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you feel there is little hope for you to achieve ultimate happiness and you feel miserable, this is the spell for you. Once you eliminate that feeling of hopelessness and despair, you will be well on the road to a recovery and a new, more rewarding life. Hang in there; this spell could be the beginning of a glorious future for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-spirits|"Power Animal Spirit Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"A gifted Shaman implants an animal’s amazing spirit within you or a loved one."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What if you could vastly improve the way you think, act, carry yourself and appear to others? And what if you could have people you know, especially loved ones, have an entirely different opinion of you/ Or perhaps there is someone whom you care about so deeply. Someone you’d give anything to change, to make them a better person. To embed within their subconscious traits and characteristics that could vastly improve their outlook on life and in particular their attitude toward you.
    This could be you or a loved one
    Wouldn’t be wonderful if you, or someone you care about, could assimilate “the best” of an animal’s traits and characteristics, such as being charismatic, the ability to lead others, become more appealing, more alluring, or wildly successful?
    The Shaman known as Dakota
    This is your opportunity to have the Shaman known as Dakota focus his extraordinary psychic powers in your behalf. Upon your request, Dakota could embed within your subconscious the amazing qualities of an animal of your choice?
    Become the sensational alluring, charismatic new you!
    And once the spirit and “positive” characteristics of this amazing animal are implanted within your subconscious, your new appeal and magnetism could usher in a rewarding future filled with success in love, relationships and career you never thought possible.
    Ready to try something new and different?
    So if you’d like to be that spectacular person whom others respect and look up to, the gifted Shaman Dakota awaits word from you to summon his formidable powers in your behalf. Soon you could feel the animal’s intensity, energy and inner beauty running through your veins.
    The amazing you!
    • Those closest to you could witness your spectacular turnaround
    • Finally you’ll receive the admiration, respect and love you have sought for some time.
    • And with your self-esteem and alluring presence soaring to new heights you will feel nothing is beyond your reach.
    Ready to absorb your new potent characteristics?
    So if you dream of becoming the new you, this could be your moment to step up and dazzle and amaze your friends, family and coworkers. And especially that one particular person!
    Are you ready?
    If the above resonates with you, then you are about to enter a period of your life that could accurately be described as transformational.
    All you have to do is ask
    Request the Shaman to Implant an animal’s amazing spirit within you or a loved one.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-bear|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Bear"|PAS02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Bear
    Bears often develop strong relationships, share their food and demonstrate their love with a kiss on the muzzle.  As long as their space is not compromised, bears are not as threatening as often portrayed. They are peaceful, intelligent.... with females particularly affectionate and devoted to their young.

    Characteristics of the Bear
    Powerful, resourceful, protective, rugged, durable, tenacious, steady, determined, unwavering, pragmatic, reliable, courageous, unyielding, relentless, devoted, respected, safeguards home, protects loved ones.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-tiger|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Bengal Tiger"|PAS12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Bengal Tiger
    Bengal Tigers are sensitive, emotional and capable of great love. However, if their habitat is being invaded, they can become anxious. Thus, when threatened, their fight-or-flee instincts take over...with the former prevailing most of the time. The Bengal Tiger is territorial, as well as possessive, and the desire to protect a mate and their cubs becomes paramount.

    Characteristics of the Bengal Tiger
    Talented, leader, daring, inspiring, warrants respect, magnetic, dynamic, unpredictable, impressive, fierce, independent, fearless, irresistible, confident, provocative, beguiling, unafraid, respected, courageous, charisma, imperial."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-bison|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Bison"|PAS14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Bison
    A bison’s preference is to stick together and remain an integral part of the flock.  Although perceived as strong and resilient, the bison has a sensitive nature and prefers not to stand out from the crowd.  Because the bison stresses easily, one does not want to taunt them and receive the blunt of their anger.

    Characteristics of the Bison
    Awesome, imposing, enduring, formidable, potent, hardy, secure, protective, cooperative, consistent, earnest, capable, reliable, overpowering, unconquerable, persistent, durable, unyielding, tenacious, resolute, gallant, intimidating."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-black-panther|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Black Panther"|PAS05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Black Panther
    The black panther’s striking eyes offer an irresistible lure to the opposite sex.  Panthers are normally solitary animals and do not live in prides like lions. When more than one panther is seen together, it is either a breeding pair or a mother with her offspring.

    Characteristics of the Black Panther
    Untamed, savvy, mysterious, coordinated, intriguing, confident, inquisitive, intelligent, determined, stubborn, willful, adaptable, protective, brave, headstrong, fascinating, sexy, secretive, seductive, magical."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-cat|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Cat"|PAS03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Cat
    Although usually taking their time to demonstrate affection, the cat can be a very loving companion.  They’ll rub their bodies, purr, and express their warm feelings in many ways.  When in the mood these independent felines will open their hearts and display monumental affection.

    Characteristics of the Cat
    Skillful, flirtatious, athletic, expressive, independent, talented, clever, unpredictable, playful, humorous, dignified, loving, carefree, charming, impulsive, venturesome, magnetic, alluring, willful, unmanageable, youthful, reckless, amorous.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-cheetah|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Cheetah"|PAS19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Cheetah
    The female cheetah prefers to live a solitary life, raising her cubs alone. The male cheetah, however, thrives in small groups.  Cheetahs are particularly affectionate with their young, cleaning them, playing with them, and teaching them to hunt.  The cheetah is blessed with not having any natural enemies.

    Characteristics of the Cheetah
    Statuesque, graceful, speed demon, energized, keen, sharp, robust, head of pack, competitive, positive, vigorous, determined, gifted, enthusiastic, daring, resolute, glamorous, bravura, gallantry, backbone, cool."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-coyote|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Coyote"|PAS17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Coyote
    Close ties to loved ones are typical of the coyote. Together they search for food and ward off enemies. This close family bonding not only fulfills their social needs but allows their love relationships to flourish.

    Characteristics of the Coyote
    Intelligent, prowess, imaginative, street smarts, survivor, family-oriented, brave, daredevil, venturous, gutty, charming, forms alliances, enthusiastic, quick-witted, charming, calculating, fearless, nervy, tenacity, enterprise, indomitable attitude."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-deer|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Deer"|PAS01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Deer
    This stunning creature seeks companionship, appreciates attention and when in secure surroundings is open to forming close social bonds. When not seeking food or shelter, they will plop down anywhere they feel it is safe from predators. Their entire life revolves around eating, caring for their young and resting.

    Characteristics of the Deer
    Captivating beauty, alert, spirited, radiant, energized, hardy, adventurous, avoids danger, daring, adaptable, graceful, seductive, irresistible, beguiling, appealing, enchanting, mesmerizing.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-dolphin|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Dolphin"|PAS15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Dolphin
    Friendly and sociable, dolphins are known to form meaningful, long-lasting relationships.  When bonding with a mate, they not only learn their mate’s “whistle,” but can accurately copy it.  Like humans, dolphins easily communicate with each other.

    Characteristics of the Dolphin
    Extremely bright, playful, humorous, quick learner, cooperates easily, creative, fun loving, protective, prefers joint ventures, adventurous, daring, unconventional, one-of-a-kind, shrewdness, reason, learning, clear thinking, spirited, talented, derring-do, opportunist, bold."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-elephant|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Elephant"|PAS06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Elephant
    Elephants develop long-lasting relationships with their mates, often entwining their trunks in a display of affection.  They have been known to shed tears while mourning the loss of a loved one.  The obvious care and loyalty that elephants give each other is a beautiful but rare sight in the wild.

    Characteristics of the Elephant
    Wisdom, foresight, judgment, knowledge, strength, quiet confidence, balance, power, common sense, nurturing, secure, easy-going, loyal, protective, family-oriented, social, persistent, possessive, relentless, respect of others."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-fox|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Fox"|PAS04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Fox
    The males are usually monogamous and prefer to mate for life.  Their display of faithfulness is rarely seen in the wild.  When alone the fox can become lonely and bored. But when bonded with a mate these “love birds” become more active, more engaged, and live longer lives.

    Characteristics of the Fox
    Resourceful, tantalizing, teasing, adorable, spirited, clever, calculating, smart, alive, impatient, quick, fiery, alert, intent, capable, talented, bewitching, invigorating, delightful, unique, survivor, fetching, seductive.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-giraffe|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Giraffe"|PAS16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Giraffe
    Giraffes are gentle giants who, although possessing an amiable nature, often keep to themselves. They are wary of anyone who invades their space and have powerful legs that keep predators at bay.  Giraffes are warm to their mates and extremely loyal to family. 

    Characteristics of the Giraffe
    Elegant, ravishing, enlightened, brainy, inventive, creative, head-turner, fascinating, aloof, independent, poised, understanding, alert, tranquil, enchanting, coordinated, stunning beauty, judicious, good judgment, sophisticated."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-eagle|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Golden Eagle"|PAS18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Golden Eagle
    Golden Eagles are devoted parents, as well as faithful mates. They share nest-building, child-rearing, and feeding responsibilities. And it is not unusual to see eagles displaying signs of affection. Legend has it that the eagle is the symbol of lasting love. And animals in love will go to great lengths to protect their mates.

    Characteristics of the Golden Eagle
    Noble, proud, confident, admired, potent, dynamic, impressive, devoted to family, resourceful, highly skilled, leadership, formidable, dominator, fearless, commands respect, takes charge, controls environment, fascinating, magnificent appearance, sovereign of its territory, adored, numero uno."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-golden-retriever|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Golden Retriever"|PAS07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Golden Retriever
    What else can be said about this gregarious, gentle canine...with a disposition we wish our loved ones could emulate? The Golden Retriever is a kind, loyal companion whose primary purpose in life is to give and receive unconditional love.

    Characteristics of the Golden Retriever
    Attracts admirers, easy-going, happy disposition, positive outlook, deep friendships, receives much affection, many compliments, amiable, social, teamwork, engaging, expressive, kind, attentive, warm, passionate, receives unwavering love, stunning looks."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-hawk|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Hawk"|PAS10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Hawk
    Hawks often remain loyal to their mates for a lifetime.  These predators could also be considered love birds for their remarkable displays of affection toward one another.  They have been seen flying together, locking talons and diving at great speeds before splitting apart.

    Characteristics of the Hawk
    King of its domain, quick thinking, fast, speed, agile, receives high regard of others, calculating, spirited, protects its own, self-assured, fearless, brave, loyal, one not to mess with, physical beauty, magnetic, mesmerizing."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-whale|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Killer Whale (Orca)"|PAS20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Killer Whale
    Orcas are highly social animals that thrive in closely-knit family groups.  While maintaining constant communication, Orcas work closely together to collect food, as well as protect their mates and offspring.  Male Orcas are often seen as companions and playmates to the younger Orcas.

    Characteristics of the Killer Whale
    Hunter, respect of others, highly intelligent, gifted, dominant, curious, adaptable, surprisingly fast, powerful, fearless, aerodynamic, keen awareness, social, team-oriented, seeks collaboration, no enemies, awe-inspiring."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-lion|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Lion"|PAS09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Lion
    Surprising to many people who are in awe of the lion’s fierce reputation, they are very affectionate. Lions will lick one another, rub heads together, lie close to each other and remain with their partners throughout the rest of their lives.

    Characteristics of the Lion
    Commands respect, dominant, mighty, courageous, dignified, ferocious, proud, independent, backbone, self-assured, merciless, hypnotic, seductive, authoritative, prosperous, valiant, noble, self-assured, heroic."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-gorilla|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Mountain Gorilla"|PAS13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Mountain Gorilla
    Often driven by emotion, the Mountain Gorilla can display great love and affection one moment, and unbridled anger the next. However, the majority of the time this gentle giant is family-oriented with great loyalty and devotion. They are known to flirt and have a sly sense of humor.

    Characteristics of the Mountain Gorilla
    Unmatched strength, capable, devoted, stable, content, family-oriented, intimacy, loving, kinship, peaceful, cooperative, warmth, nurturing, captivating, unshakable, gentle, softhearted, compassionate, self-assured.<"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-owl|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Owl"|PAS23|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Owl
    Owls generally keep to themselves.  However, when falling in love, they usually mate for life. They often return to the same nest site year after year where they engage in elaborate courtship rituals.  However, if something happens to one of the pair, the survivor will usually find another mate.

    Characteristics of the Owl
    Intelligent appearance, majestic, wise, spellbinding, reigns supreme, demands respect, adaptable, clever, outsmarts others, captivating, enchanting, mesmerizing, unfailing confidence, all-knowing, alluring presence."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-swan|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Swan"|PAS21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Swan
    Legend has it that “If you want monogamy, marry a swan.” A symbol of love is of two swans swimming with their necks entwined in the shape of a heart. Swans usually have one lifetime love and sometimes die from a broken heart after their mate dies.

    Characteristics of the Swan
    Physical beauty, hypnotic, captivating, elegant, interesting, enchanting, adored, envied, aloof, self-assured, intriguing, stands out, distinctive, exquisite, dazzling, classy, enticing, refined, stunning, alluring, attracts attention."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-horse|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Thoroughbred Horse"|PAS11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Thoroughbred Horse
    Because the horse possesses the ability to smell human emotions, they are particularly equipped to please anyone who displays affection toward them. They are easy-going, nurturing, innate healers who unselfishly give themselves to others.

    Characteristics of the Thoroughbred Horse
    Accumulates riches, winning mentality, enjoys being pampered, determined, hot-blooded, agile, spirited, success oriented, not a quitter, dignified, sensitive, strong-willed, unwavering loyalty, composed, sturdy, gallant, attracts admirers, statuesque, a head turner."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-wolf|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Wolf"|PAS08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Wolf
    The wolf displays its love when cuddling closely with its mate.  Once bonding occurs, they are monogamous and remain together for the rest of their lives.  Above all, wolves are loyal and protective of each other and their offspring.

    Characteristics of the Wolf
    Cunning, intelligent, stable, family-oriented, forms alliances, tough, energetic, tenacious, forceful, athletic, calculating, bold, entrancing, gutsy, high-spirited, unafraid, unshakable, resolute, supportive, honorable, survivor.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-animal-wolverine|"Power Animal Spirit... of the Wolverine"|PAS22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Relationships of the Wolverine
    Wolverines are solitary animals, very territorial, and often hostile toward others...even with those of the same species. During the mating season, however, females will accept males but still distance themselves from other females. The male wolverine is polygamous.

    Characteristics of the Wolverine
    Powerful, pound-for-pound champion, adaptable, fearless, tireless, relentless, opportunist, resourceful, fierce, clever, smart, tenacious, keen instincts, determined, goal-oriented, punches above weight."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps2|"Power Bankroll Spell"|PS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Money can’t assure happiness but it can certainly bring you closer to it. This spell will be cast in your behalf to bring you the material wealth to ease your financial burden and to give you the leisure time to enjoy it."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps3|"Power Change in Attitude Spell"|PS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If your lover is angry or insensitive to your feelings and you desire a change in attitude, this spell penetrates their mind, causing them to be more reasonable, understanding, and loving."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps4|"Power Chaos Spell"|PS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Throw an existing relationship into chaos with the ultimate aim for it to break apart. Note: This spell often results with the two people involved moving further and further away from each other, so think very carefully before requesting this spell."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps7|"Power Friendship Spell"|PS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Forges new bonds with casual acquaintances and brings new people into your life for friendship and/or romance. Re-enforces existing relationships."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps1|"Power Marriage Spell"|PS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This very potent spell is designed to either strengthen your existing marriage or lead you into a new one. The ultimate purpose is to foster a love that will fulfill your dreams."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps5|"Power Reunion Spell"|PS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Recouple once again with a prior love. This time it will be blessed with unconditional love, unlimited laughter, loyalty and much, much happiness."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| power-spells|"Power Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Power spells are known for their speedy resolutions to the most difficult situations."|""|""|""|""|""|" Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. -- Aristotle Do you sometimes feel a lack of strength, a lack of resolve in dealing with the important issues in your life? Do you feel alone, isolated in your quest for a better life? Do you feel with a little help or a lucky break you can achieve your most important goals? A Power spell places a gifted Master Psychic in your corner who will listen to your most important desire, then spend whatever time necessary to cast his most powerful spell. Merely tell him what you need and he’ll summon his psychic forces to bring your wish to fruition. It is said that every extra minute of concentration dramatically increases the chances of success. A Power spell is for you if you feel more confident in achieving your goals in money and love when you have someone on your side working in your behalf. This is exactly what the Master Psychic will do should you decide to request this spell. Power spells are known for their speedy resolutions to the most difficult situations. Take a look at the various Power spells below and see if one of them could be what you’re looking for. And remember, we here at the California Astrology Association are not satisfied unless you are one hundred percent satisfied with our work. If for any reason you feel your request did not come to pass, we will refund your money. Period. No questions asked. "||||"(:PS1 :PS2 :PS3 :PS4 :PS5 :PS6 :PS7 :PS8 :PS9)"|"(:PS1 :PS2 :PS3 :PS4 :PS5 :PS6 :PS7 :PS8 :PS9)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| powertape|"Power Tape No. 511"|T11|ITEM.||(15.95)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"This is your chance to achieve the power you've always dreamed of. Others may see the inner strength in your eyes, your appearance, your manner - and they may respect you. This tape could give you the strength, the force you need to control your destiny."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps8|"Power to Forget Spell"|PS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone is holding a grudge against you and refuses to let go, this spell dissipates their anger, softens their attitude toward you, allowing them to forgive and forget."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ps6|"Power Ultimate Passion Spell"|PS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add an irresistible spark to your love life. Have every time be like the first time. This spell brings fire and excitement and anticipation into the bedroom."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| powwanno307|"Power Wanga"|W7|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To give you the power to do what you want, get what you want."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| powersuccess|"Power-Success-Prosperity Spell Kit"|SK4|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Ultimate success in relationships, career, finances. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| good-luck-charms|"Powerful Good Luck Charms That Will Bring You Good Fortune"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Good Luck Charms, Lucky Pieces, and Mystical Amulets - Guaranteed to work, or your money back!"|""|""|""|""|""|"Try these powerful good luck pieces and talismans to help you with all aspects of your life! Our metaphysical amulets are infused with the power of the creator--and now you can use their powers to help you through difficult times in your life."||||"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :MAGICAL-EYE-AMULET :LIYUANSTEMPLE :MAGICSQUARE :LADYLUCK :LUCKY7 :MYSTICSTAR :MONEYTREE :CAMELOT-COLLECTION :FENG-SHUI :WISHBOX :STRENGTH-AMULET :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :JACKPOT-AMULET :DRAGON-AMULET :TIGER-SPIRIT-AMULET :ATIAS-SIGN :WITCHSCAT :LUCLEP :YAROBILUCKRING :COINOFAPOLLO :KRENA :GUARDIANANGEL :PHOENIX :CHAI-BRACELET :SIGILS :GLASTONBURY :QUINNOX :EXCALIBUR-AMULET :HERA-QUEEN-OF-GODS :KOKOPELLI :MORNING-STAR :CIRCLE-WOOD-EARRINGS :DREAM-WEAVER-AMULET :GRIS-GRIS-SILVER-BANGLE :DOBELLS-CROSS :PERUVIANBALL :PHAROAHS-AMULET :RED-JASPER :SCORPIOS-EARRINGS :ANWICAM :PENDULUM :MIRCROSOFSAN :MIROFBUD :GYPSY-EARRINGS)"|"(:GAMBLERS-AMULET :MAGICAL-EYE-AMULET :LIYUANSTEMPLE :MAGICSQUARE :LADYLUCK :LUCKY7 :MYSTICSTAR :MONEYTREE :CAMELOT-COLLECTION :FENG-SHUI :WISHBOX :STRENGTH-AMULET :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :JACKPOT-AMULET :DRAGON-AMULET :TIGER-SPIRIT-AMULET :ATIAS-SIGN :WITCHSCAT :LUCLEP :YAROBILUCKRING :COINOFAPOLLO :KRENA :GUARDIANANGEL :PHOENIX :CHAI-BRACELET :SIGILS :GLASTONBURY :QUINNOX :EXCALIBUR-AMULET :HERA-QUEEN-OF-GODS :KOKOPELLI :MORNING-STAR :CIRCLE-WOOD-EARRINGS :DREAM-WEAVER-AMULET :GRIS-GRIS-SILVER-BANGLE :DOBELLS-CROSS :PERUVIANBALL :PHAROAHS-AMULET :RED-JASPER :SCORPIOS-EARRINGS :ANWICAM :PENDULUM :MIRCROSOFSAN :MIROFBUD :GYPSY-EARRINGS)"|""|"2"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    Hi! I just wanted to express my joy that you guys have a website. I've been a customer since 1994.

    Your products are tried and true.

    Keep up the good work!!!

    Christina B.
    Long Island City, NY

    Dear CAA,

    I am very impressed with your prompt and efficent customer service.

    The spells and good luck pieces which I ordered were shipped quickly and arrived safely.

    They have worked very well for me and I will be ordering more when the need arises.

    Best Wishes,

    Rosanne G.
    Victoria, Australia

    Also look at these other easy love spells and good luck charms.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| memorytape|"Powerful Memory No. 516"|T16|ITEM.||(15.95)|||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"This subliminal tape could stimulate your brain cells resulting in significantly greater memory capacity. You may not only give the impression of being smarter, you could be smarter."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spells|"Powerful Spells Cast on Your Behalf by a Master Psychic"||ITEM.|||||""|""|"Powerful Spells Cast On Your Behalf!"|""|"Powerful Love Spells, Witch Craft, Wicca Spells, and Money Spells. Absolutely guaranteed, or your money back!"|""|""|""|""|""|"Our spell casters will:
    • Cast a spell to bring your lover back.
    • Cast a spell to get you more money.
    • Cast a spell to fix a serious problem.

    How to hire a spell caster

    When hiring a spell caster, there is one critical question to ask: Does the spell caster offer an unconditional guarantee if you are not completely satisfied with the results of the spell? The answer to this question tells you if the spell caster truly has your best interests at heart.

    What are the benefits of hiring a spell caster?

    There are several benefits to hiring a spell caster. An experienced spell caster can focus their psychic powers on your behalf if you have an ongoing problem with a lover or with a dwindling bank account or any seemingly unsolvable problem. A spell caster could bring you the happiness and success you never thought possible.
    Wicca Spells, Real Love Spells, Money Spells, Witch Craft
    Love Spells made easy, Voodoo Dolls, Voodoo Love Spells, More Money Spells

    What I have asked has already come true!!!

    It is unbelievable and totally magic!


    I ordered a Retrieve a Lover Spell and two weeks later my lover returned!

    Cleveland, OH

    My boyfriend cheated on me and went away to his home country. I didn't know if he was going to be with me or her.

    A few days after all my spells were cast, she went back to her ex-boyfriend. My boyfriend called me and said he regretted everything that happened and wanted us to keep on with our relationship as if nothing had happened.

    Things are back on track again: He wants to spend the rest of his life with me!

    Thank you soooo much. Your spells worked and super-fast!

    Bronx, NY

    Dear CAA,

    I can't thank you enough!

    You have made such a difference to my girlfriend since she returned!

    She has dropped so many barriers and and we are getting closer to each other with each passing day.

    Thank you again.

    United Kingdom
    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| break-them-up|"Powerful Spells, Charms & Dolls to Break Up a Couple"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Want to break up a relationship? Our breakup spells and breakup dolls can help!"|""|""|""|""|""|"Spells, Charms and Dolls To Do Your Bidding If you know a couple out there that shouldn't be together, don't give up hope. There's something you can do! A Master Psychic can cast a spell to dissolve a relationship that shouldn't have occurred in the first place."||||"(:BREAKUP :BLAZING-FAST-COUPLE-BREAKER-LINK :RELATIONSHIP-KILLER-SPELL :LOVE-WANGA-LINK :INVISIBLE-SPELL-BREAKUP :COUPLE-BUSTER :GYPSY-MAKE-MY-LOVER-RETURN-TO-ME-SPELL-LINK :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :ANDREIKA-PARTING-OF-THE-WAYS-LINK :RD11-LINK :U-TURN-BREAKUP :BREAKUP-SPELL-KIT-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BREAKUP-LINK :EMERGENCY-BREAK-THEM-UP-LINK :ALL-PURPOSE-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :BREAKUP-POTION-SPELL-LINK :LOVE-TRIANGLE-SPELL :WHAMMY-SPELL :GET-MY-MAN-BACK-SPELL :ANDREIKA-PARTING-OF-THE-WAYS-SPELL :GET-MY-WOMAN-BACK-SPELL :END-HIS-ROVING-EYE-SPELL :RESCUE-MY-MAN-SPELL :RESCUE-MY-WOMAN-SPELL :ZANDRA-BREAKUP)"|"(:BREAKUP :BLAZING-FAST-COUPLE-BREAKER-LINK :RELATIONSHIP-KILLER-SPELL :LOVE-WANGA-LINK :INVISIBLE-SPELL-BREAKUP :COUPLE-BUSTER :GYPSY-MAKE-MY-LOVER-RETURN-TO-ME-SPELL-LINK :BLACK-MAGIC-CURSE :ANDREIKA-PARTING-OF-THE-WAYS-LINK :RD11-LINK :U-TURN-BREAKUP :BREAKUP-SPELL-KIT-LINK :TRIPLE-CAST-BREAKUP-LINK :EMERGENCY-BREAK-THEM-UP-LINK :ALL-PURPOSE-VOODOO-DOLL-LINK :BREAKUP-POTION-SPELL-LINK :LOVE-TRIANGLE-SPELL :WHAMMY-SPELL :GET-MY-MAN-BACK-SPELL :ANDREIKA-PARTING-OF-THE-WAYS-SPELL :GET-MY-WOMAN-BACK-SPELL :END-HIS-ROVING-EYE-SPELL :RESCUE-MY-MAN-SPELL :RESCUE-MY-WOMAN-SPELL :ZANDRA-BREAKUP)"|""|"2"|"Are you seeking a spell caster that can break up a relationship? If you have a true love who is in a relationship with someone else, take a look at our powerful breakup spells. These are spells that work!"|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo|"Powerful Voodoo Dolls That Actually Work"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Voodoo Could Bring You All that You Desire"|""|""|""|""|""|" Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service. The Voodoo doll is used to represent the spirit of a specific person. You can address the doll as if you are talking to that person, requesting a change in attitude, influencing the person to act in accordance with your wishes, your desires. Once in possession of an authentic Voodoo doll, you can request the doll to call upon powerful forces known as Loa. You can perform a simple but effective ritual to fulfill a specific dream, an urgent desire. This timeless ceremony is carried out to persuade the spirits to exert their influence in this world Easy-to-follow instructions are included. Actual size is approx. 6"" tall. Ask for the Voodoo Doll that best fills your need. "||||"(:LUCKVOODOO :LOVEVOODOO :MONEYVOODOO :ALVOOD)"|"(:LUCKVOODOO :LOVEVOODOO :MONEYVOODOO :ALVOOD)"|""|"2"|"
    Please note that our Voodoo Dolls are approximately 6"" tall.
    Dear CAA, I just wanted to thank you for helping me. I ordered an All-Purpose Voodoo Doll. . . On July 17th I told the doll I wanted my Ex to confess his feelings for me, and three weeks later I received an email from him telling me he still cares and to call him. Thanks a lot,
    Alexandria, LA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protect-yourself-from-the-evil-eye|"Protect Yourself from the Evil Eye!"|EE4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Protect Yourself from the Evil Eye!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you think someone has it in for you and could possibly cast an Evil Eye in your direction, this spell is designed to protect you, to stop an Evil Eye from penetrating your space.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protection-amulets|"Protection Amulets"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A Master Psychic has imbued these protection amulets with powers that could bring you peace, harmony, and happiness."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Feel vulnerable, insecure, threatened?
    • Need protection from outside forces?
    A Master Psychic has imbued these protection amulets with powers that could bring you peace, harmony, and happiness. You have nothing to lose. All protection amulets from the California Astrology Association are risk free, because if you're not 100% happy with the results we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.
    "||||"(:GUARDIANANGEL :WITCHSCAT :STRENGTH-AMULET)"|"(:GUARDIANANGEL :WITCHSCAT :STRENGTH-AMULET)"|""|"2"|"You may also be interested in Amulets and Talismans for Prosperity and Happiness, Love Amulets, or our entire collection of Good Luck Charms."|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protwanno305|"Protection Wanga"|W5|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek protection, security, peace of mind."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| psychic-whisperer|"Psychic Whisperer"|PSY|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Name of the person to receive the Whispering"" Inscription 25 ""Repeat the Whispering TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Perform it only once"" ""Perform it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Name of the person to receive the Whispering:
    Repeat the Whispering TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Psychic Whisperer"|""|"If you are having relationship difficulties, the Psychic Whisperer is ready to call upon his vast psychic powers to make your life whole once again."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    You may have heard the term Psychic Whisperer, but do you know what it means? Originating in Eastern Europe over three centuries ago, a select few psychics with powerful psychic abilities were trained in the ancient art of Psychic Whispering. These gifted psychics were skilled in implanting messages in the subconscious minds of troubled souls. Today, only a handful of Psychic Whisperers walk the face of the earth, and the California Astrology Association is privileged to have a most gifted Psychic Whisperer on our staff. (We agreed to withhold his name as he still maintains his private practice in which his fee is several times what our association charges for his unique services.) What can the Psychic Whisperer do for you?
    • If your lover has gone astray, the Psychic Whisperer could implant the message of being yours and yours alone.
    • If your lover is not reciprocating your warmth and affection, the Psychic Whisperer could penetrate your lover's subconscious, with the intent of uniting the two of you together…in love and harmony.
    • If your lover is hardheaded and not treating you with the dignity and respect you so deserve, the Psychic Whisperer could implant the seeds to erase your lover's unreasonable attitude toward you and begin treating you with tender loving care.
    So if you are having relationship difficulties and your lover needs an ""attitude adjustment,"" the Psychic Whisperer is ready to call upon his vast psychic powers to make your life whole once again.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the Whispering will be performed, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| purge-evil-spirits|"Purge Evil Spirits"|PES|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you sometimes feel as if you have an enemy within, this is the spell for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does an unhappy and angry spirit from within haunt you? Do you feel the weight of a negative energy that is keeping you from a life of success? Do you want to feel free of this heavy burden and yearn to go through each day knowing happiness is just around the corner? Bring meaningful love into your life When this powerful spell is cast, two things will happen:
    1. Quality people will be drawn to you and want to be with you.
    2. Your creative juices will free up allowing you to advance your career and afford you the standard of living you so deserve.

    The purpose of this spell is to purge the evil spirits from your system, ejecting them and sending them back to the person(s) who may have jinxed you in the first place. This is a powerful spell with amazing repercussions. Once your mind is free and clear, without the evil spirits running amok in your mind, you can prepare to succeed in the important aspects of your life. So if you sometimes feel as if you have an enemy within, this is the spell for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| queen-bee-spell|"Queen Bee Spell"|QBS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Queen Bee Spell"|""|"Want To Be The Number One Woman? Look No Further!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Simply put, this remarkable spell is for you, if,
    1. You seek to be the one and only interest in your man's life.
    2. You want to be the power behind the scenes in your man's climb to success.
    3. You know what's best for the two of you.
    4. You're smart enough and clever enough to do it in a way that he doesn't know you're the one pulling the strings.
    5. You want your man to fulfill his obligations to you as a lover, a husband, and a provider.
    And for you to get all of the above, he will need a smart, strong, independent woman to help him, to guide him, to show him the way. Is this your situation?
    • Your man needs your input but sometimes won't admit it.
    • He will be happiest once he realizes your strength, brains and resourcefulness will make him the man he wants to become.
    • You are tired and frustrated because you know in your heart what is best for the two of you.

    If this describes you and your man, you must have the Queen Bee spell cast in your behalf. The Queen Bee spell should set your life on a course for success and wealth. And, above all, make the two of you the happiest couple of your dreams."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rags-to-riches|"Rags to Riches"|RAG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Get your life on the path to success and ultimate fulfillment."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Could it be that you are currently at a low point in life? That whatever you seem to try or do is not working out to your benefit? And you are ready to try something different, something new to turn things around? If the above accurately describes your situation, the Rags to Riches spell is designed to:
    • Activate your subconscious, allowing you to take advantage of opportunities you have previously missed.
    • Focus your attention on the more important things that could bring you unexpected, wondrous rewards in your bank account, romance, friendships, work...
    • Allow you to wake up each morning knowing you will enjoy life to the fullest.
    So cast off the frustrations and disappointments of recent events and get back on the path to success and ultimate fulfillment. And remember, your life is not a dress rehearsal. The time to get going and turn things around is right now! A gifted Master Psychic is awaiting word from you to help get you started on your new Rags to Riches life today! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rainbow-spell|"Rainbow Spell of Love, Hope & Good Fortune"|RBS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell is designed to dissipate the dark clouds in your life freeing you to fulfill your true destiny."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    During a thunderstorm, as well as a turbulent period in our lives, everything is seemingly at its darkest... and hope and optimism are bleak. But once in a while, when the clouds break and the sun shines, a rainbow suddenly appears on the horizon. When this does occur, it is a sign that hope is indeed possible... and better times are ahead.
    Love, Hope & Good Fortune
    Since ancient times, it is believed that the appearance of a rainbow, particularly after a dark time in someone’s life, is said to be a sign of love, hope and good fortune. And that it’s time for the rainbow to lead you to the path of a brighter future. In Celtic-Irish mythology, Leprechauns were said to hide their gold at the end of a rainbow for safe keeping. And numerous studies have indeed indicated that in the days and weeks after observing a rainbow, a surprisingly high percentage of people have experienced positive developments in their lives.
    Rainbow Spell of Love, Hope & Good Fortune
    So if your life is in a turbulent state, whether from a rocky love affair or a financial crisis or a seemingly unsolvable problem, the Rainbow Spell of Love, Hope & Good Fortune can be cast in your behalf. This potent spell is designed to dissipate the dark clouds in your life freeing you to fulfill your true destiny. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rapprochement-spell|"Rapprochement Spell"|RPS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"From the heartland of the french countryside comes this very powerful spell to help you reunite with your lover."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    From The Heartland of The French Countryside Comes This Very Powerful Spell

    A little known fact is that the French have strong beliefs in the supernatural. Each year countless numbers of their people turn to the ancient art of spell casting. Who better than the French know more about love, more about relationships and what makes them succeed or fail? These are people who cherish intimacy, who understand the intricate and delicate nature of lovemaking. The French live and breathe for romance and love, and rely upon both orthodox as well as unorthodox methods for keeping a relationship alive, and healthy and throbbing with sexual excitement. The Rapprochement spell is unlike any other. If your relationship has stalled, or perhaps it is even non-existent, you should have this remarkable, unique spell cast in your behalf. Remember, the French have made lovemaking an art and have refined its techniques over the centuries. Let a master spellcaster summon the powerful spirits that are all around us to concentrate their forces in your favor.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rasheed|"Rasheed"|RAS|ITEM.||(15)||T|""|""|"Rasheed"|""|"All you must do is place your faith in me--I am ready to help."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Dear Friend: I was thirteen years old when it first happened. In my native country, a good friend was missing for three days after he had wandered off in a particularly dense forest. When I learned that searchers had just about given up hope, I let myself fall into a deep trance and, incredibly, I visualized precisely where he was. After alerting authorities, they found him just in time. My father, who recognized my powers even before I did, said I had been blessed by God and cautioned me to use my powers wisely. Since that time I have experienced great joy in helping good people overcome their problems. What Rasheed Can Do for You! I could do for you what I have done for countless others — fill that void, that emptiness in your life. I could bring you an extended good luck streak, boost your savings account, or bring true love into your life. All you must do is place your faith in me. If you need free money, or your heart is breaking from loneliness or a disappointing relationship, I am ready to help. If something in your life needs fixing, just ask. Tell me your most important need.
    P.S. If you have second thoughts about writing me, please understand that my mission is to satisfy you and make you happy. Therefore, if you aren’t satisfied 100 per cent, you may request a full refund up to one year after I work in your behalf. Period. No questions asked.

    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request to Rasheed when you enter your shipping information. Within a few days of receiving your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast along with an explanation of what you can expect from the spell and the time frame for it to take effect."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sex-spells|"Real Sex Spells to Enflame Your Sexual Desires"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A sex spell could improve your sex life instantly!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    A Sex Spell Could Make You and Your Partner the Envy of All Who Know You!

    If you have never had a sex spell cast in your behalf, you are in for a treat.
    • A sex spell could improve your sex life instantly.
    • A sex spell could cement the relations between you and your loved one.
    • A sex spell could add unimaginable excitement and pleasure to you and your partner.
    • A sex spell could stimulate your partner to ravish you day and night.
    So, if you want to improve your sex life, and you want to do it right now, a sex spell is just what you need. Soon you will be the envy of your friends, and you may want to let them into your little secret: you owe it all to a sex spell cast in your behalf. And you have nothing to lose because if your sex spell doesn't profoundly improve your sex life, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked."||||"(:OUTRAGEOUS-SEX-SPELL :DELICIOUS-SEX :LOVE-ME-LUST-FOR-ME :BURTONS-NAKED-DESIRE-SPELL :MAKEMESEXY :KONGO-VOODOO-BIG-PASSION :INVISIBLE-SPELL-MAKE-ME-SEXY :THREE-WISHES-WINNER :LIBIDO-LIBERATOR :WICKEDLY-NAUGHTY)"|"(:OUTRAGEOUS-SEX-SPELL :DELICIOUS-SEX :LOVE-ME-LUST-FOR-ME :BURTONS-NAKED-DESIRE-SPELL :MAKEMESEXY :KONGO-VOODOO-BIG-PASSION :INVISIBLE-SPELL-MAKE-ME-SEXY :THREE-WISHES-WINNER :LIBIDO-LIBERATOR :WICKEDLY-NAUGHTY)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoospells|"Real Voodoo Spells for Love, Revenge & Money"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Once you open your heart and mind to this awesome power, miraculous changes in your life could happen to you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Regardless of your background, regardless of your beliefs, the ancient art of Voodoo embraces you. Once you open your heart and mind to this awesome power, miraculous changes in your life could bring you instant money, instant love, instant happiness! Voodoo could reverse a current, turn the tide, alter the shape of the mountain. If it could do all this, imagine what it may do for you? But only if you believe. Here are merely a few of the things believers ask of Voodoo:
    Increase the potency of the Voodoo Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Voodoo Doll for the Voodoo Spell to work properly, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    • Make your relationship stronger, closer, more secure. Enhance compatibility, making your companion softer, nicer, sexier.
    • Return a lost love. Awaken them to your irresistible charms that will make it impossible to stay away. Soon they'll rush into your waiting arms!
    • Enrich your life with money, plentiful gifts, fabulous material possessions.
    • Wreck vengeance on the person who has wronged you, allowing them little sleep, implanting fear of you in their mind, bringing peace and respect back into your life.
    • Provide instant luck in love, companionship, career. Not last week or yesterday. Now!
    • Change other people's opinion of you.
    • Knock out barriers, smoothing the path to your future.
    Once you accept Voodoo, spectacular opportunities could present themselves to you, allowing you to fulfill your true destiny! Select the right spell for you:"||||"(:VO :VO1 :VS3 :VS4 :VOODOO-HOT-LUST-SPELL :VOODOO-BREAKUP-SPELL :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL :VOODOO-HAWK-SPELL)"|"(:VO :VO1 :VS3 :VS4 :VOODOO-HOT-LUST-SPELL :VOODOO-BREAKUP-SPELL :VOODOO-DOUBLE-LUCK-SPELL :VOODOO-HAWK-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    In early June, I ordered the Voodoo Ultimate Revenge Spell to be used against an acquaintance. I had helped and supported her many times, yet she used my trust against me and attempted to ruin my family.

    The spell was cast on June 15, as I recall. This person lost her job, was evicted from her apartment, and had to leave town... literally within days of the casting.

    I was skeptical when I placed the order, but now I believe. She hurt me terribly and all I really wanted was for her to be realize her mistake. She wasn't capable of that sort of empathy, so I did what I needed to do to feel vindicated.

    Thank you!


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| recapture-lover|"Recapture Your Lover’s Love Spell"|RLL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Recapture Your Lover’s Love spell is specifically designed for couples who are having serious compatibility problems."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your most important relationship is approaching the point of no return, it could be a serious mistake if you keep putting off doing something about it. The Recapture Your Lover’s Love spell is specifically designed for couples who are having serious compatibility problems.
    Does this sound familiar?
    Are you concerned, hurt and worried that your loved one seems to be drifting away? As if their mind seems to be in a faraway place much of the time? And you no longer feel you are receiving their best? And you fear that the wonderful compatibility you once had is, unfortunately, becoming less apparent each and every day?
    Could you have written the above words?
    If you are at your wit’s end as to how to deal with this very serious situation, and your partner isn’t showing you the warmth, consideration and love you so deserve, the Recapture Your Lover’s Love spell could provide the breakthrough to get your relationship back on track.
    Are you encountering these issues?
    • Your partner has obviously changed their attitude toward you.
    • It appears to be a one-eighty degree turn from the way you were treated in the beginning of your relationship.
    • Quite often, just as you think everything is fine, your loved one suddenly turns cold and indifferent toward you.
    • Often for no particular reason.
    • Their sudden displays of unreasonableness and stubbornness have left you feeling insecure and extremely worried as to where the relationship is headed.
    • And you are concerned time is not on your side, and you urgently must find a way to break through your loved one’s hard exterior to once again experience the love, tenderness and security you so deserve.
    If the above closely describes your situation, a gifted Master Psychic is ready to call upon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf to tap into your partner’s subconscious. And once your loved one takes a closer look at their unacceptable behavior only then will they realize how much they love you and how much you mean to them! Soon they should be treating you with the kindness, respect and love you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| recession-buster|"Recession Buster"|RBU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Difficult times call for strong, decisive action. Do not be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling to keep afloat. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you suffering the consequences of the economic downturn? If so, don’t let the bad economy sink you! This spell is designed to help you, if:
    • You are unsure of your financial future.
    • You are worried that your earning income and savings may be in jeopardy.
    • You need an influx of new ideas to supplement your current income.
    • You desperately need to bring in more money.
    Difficult times call for strong, decisive action. Do not be afraid to ask for help if you are struggling to keep afloat.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| reclaim-my-man-woman|"Reclaim My Man/Woman"|RMW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Reclaim My Man/Woman"|""|"If you deserve to be with the love of your life..."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It's not often that two people who are absolutely ""right"" for each other have the opportunity to meet. And it's a shame if something happens to split them apart, particularly when the reason(s) for the parting could be explained and rectified. And how sad it is to witness the two of them going their separate ways, destined to lead a life that is off-kilter because they are not together. If you are in this situation, we suggest you take the following test. If you answer yes to all five questions, then this spell is specifically designed for you: 1. Do you feel the two of you are soul mates? 2. Do you feel neither one of you will ever meet another person who makes a better match than the two of you? 3. Do you feel your life is at the lowest ebb because you fear you may have lost this person completely? 4. Do you feel if the two of you could get together again, you are positive it will work out this time? 5. Do you feel your lover is being hardheaded and won't listen to reason?
    If you are certain that each one of the above questions is personally directed toward you, then look no further, this spell is designed for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| friend|"Recommend Us To Your Friends!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Like our site? Tell Your Friends! Simply enter your name & email address your friend's name & email address and we'll take care of the rest. They'll get an email from you letting them know that you think they should check us out. We respect your privacy and your friends' privacy. We will not use the names or email address entered here for any other purpose, nor will we share this information with anyone else.
    Name: Email:
    Name: Email:

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| reconcile-differences|"Reconcile Your Differences Spell"|RDS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Troubled relationship? Let’s see if the Reconcile Your Differences spell could work for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Divorce rates are at an all-time high. And it appears easier than ever for a couple to agree to separate. However, you must feel there is hope in your relationship, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this. So now that we’ve established your current situation: a troubled relationship that you would like to fix, let’s see if the Reconcile Your Differences spell could work for you.
    Does the following sound familiar?
    • Are you still very much in love with your partner?
    • Is your fondest wish to keep this relationship intact?
    • But – and it’s a big but – do you fear the relationship is in jeopardy?
    • And do you feel the need to do something ASAP to stop the downward spiral?
    If you answered yes to all of the above, please continue.
    Is this keeping you awake at night?
    What is worrisome to you is not receiving the same warmth and tender loving care that you received earlier in the relationship. And it is breaking your heart. So now you are frantic to correct the problems, lest the relationship continues to get more complicated and out of control.
    Plant the seeds of reason, compromise and respect
    The Reconcile Your Differences spell is designed to plant the seeds of reason, compromise and respect in the subconscious of your loved one, allowing them to come to their senses. And once they realize how much they are hurting you, and how much they care about you – truly care about you -- that loving feeling toward you could quickly be regenerated...and magnified. So if this most important relationship is causing you stress, restless nights and insecurity, a gifted Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast this most important and effective spell in your behalf.
    An important crossroads
    There are a few moments in life where a person is faced with making a critical decision.
    This could be you
    Will you continue on the same path you’ve been on, hoping for a different result... or will you take the new road with the help of a Master Psychic who has assisted many others in your same situation? This could be the moment you’ve started to reconcile your differences. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| red-flag-spell|"Red Flag Alert: Return to Me ASAP! Spell"|RFA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Red Flag Alert: Return to Me ASAP spell is designed to bring you the happiness, joy and security you truly deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you feel the time has come to leave no stone unturned to expedite the return of your loved one? Do you feel you’re running out of time and must take dramatic action to accomplish your goal of being reunited once and fall all? And are you very worried that if you don’t act right now, it may be too late to take action later on? If these words could have been written by you, then you have come to the right place. The Red Flag Alert: Return to Me ASAP! spell is often referred to as the most important action a person can take to set aside past differences and bring two people together.
    Is your life at a crossroads?
    • One road leads to a permanent breakup with the one you love.
    • And the two of you go your separate ways.
    • But the other road leads to reconciliation.
    • And the two of you work out your differences.
    • Learning from each other, compromising,...
    • Walking hand in hand into a beautiful future of love, laughter, happiness.
    So if the above words reflect your most cherished dreams, you have come to the right place. The Red Flag Alert: Return to Me ASAP spell is designed to bring you the happiness, joy and security you truly deserve."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| redsedona|"Red Sedona"||ITEM.||(15)|||""|""|""|""|"This powerful amulet has been sprinkled with the Magical Red Dust of Sedona. Now it can be yours!"|""|""|""|""|""|" Visit the Enchanting Area Known as Sedona and be Blessed by Its Miraculous Red Rock... or You Can Let Sedona Come to You!. Sedona, Arizona is reputed to be one of the most beautiful and spiritual places on earth. For centuries the red mountains of Sedona have been visited by people who wished to be blessed by the serenity, the beauty, and the magic of this enchanting land. Untold numbers of travellers have left Sedona with the feeling that their lives have been blessed, that they were finally on the right track leading to a life filled with hope and fulfilled dreams. But if you don't have the time or money to visit this remarkable area, there is a way Sedona can come to you. The legendary amulet known as Red Sedona gains its formidable powers when dipped and submersed in the mystical red dust. So, if it's money you need, or love, or happiness, merely clasp the Red Sedona to your bosom and wait for good fortune to seek you out. Now is the time for your miracle to happen.

    -= OUT OF STOCK =-"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-red-hot-intimacy-spell|"Red-Hot Intimacy Spell"|LTM8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Red-Hot Intimacy Spell

    Ask Leonardo to Make Your Relationship Sizzle!

    Do you know someone who has a terrific relationship, particularly in the confines of the bedroom?

    And are you more than a bit envious?

    Is this you?

    Do you fantasize about spending a great deal of time in the arms of your lover, blocking out the rest of the world and enjoying fantastic intimacy?

    However, at the present time, your needs are not being met and you wonder what you could do to correct the situation.

    What Leonardo Could Do for You

    The Red-Hot Intimacy spell is a special favorite of the gifted mystic Leonardo, and if you are a very sensual person, this potent spell may be just what you've been searching for.

    Leonardo will cast His Red-Hot Intimacy spell in your behalf with the sole purpose of reigniting your loved one's passion and deep feelings for you.

    Soon the red-hot seeds of desire will sprout within your loved one's consciousness, and the desire to be intimate with you could be overwhelming.

    So, if you have a strong desire to reignite your intimate relations with that special person, you have come to the right place.

    Ask Leonardo to cast his Red-Hot Intimacy spell in your behalf and wait for the sizzle to return to this very important relationship!


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| duo3|"Reel In My Lover/Focus Their Eyes on ME! Duo Spell"|DUO3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?"" ""Cast them only once"" ""Cast them again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your Duo spells cast TWICE to increase their power?: 
    For many people the ""right"" person is out there. It is simply a matter of time before the two of you cross paths at the right time in the right place. These two spells work together to promote that meeting and to ensure that you won't be two strangers passing in the night. If you are meant to be together, you will be together."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-reinforcement|"Reinforce a previous spell..."||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rein|"Reinforcement Spell Kit"|SK8|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Reinforces a previous spell. Doubles its effect and speed, whether cast by you or someone else. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rejuvenated-love-spell|"Rejuvenated Love Spell"|REJ|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Let this very special spell remind your partner of the wonderful feelings they once had for you."|""|""|""|""|""|" What would you give to have this?
    • A relationship in which your partner cares for you, touches you, loves you.
    • A bonding of two people who share equally, give willingly, with no regret and no hostility.
    • A relationship that is the envy of others.
    Believe it or not, this is what your partner truly wants as well. The problem with most relationships is that one or the other loses sight of the original goals when the two of you first met. This remarkable spell seeks to restore the feelings and sensual attraction your partner had for you in the beginning. It cuts through the clutter and hostile attitude to reawaken those memories. Remember, it is never too late to return to those glory days when the two of you looked at each other with excitement, passion, and love. Let this very special spell remind your partner of the wonderful feelings they once had for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rekindlekit|"Rekindle Friendship Spell Kit"|SK16|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Mends broken heart or broken relationship. Brings people together. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-rekindle-your-love-affair|"Rekindle Your Love Affair"|LTM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Rekindle Your Love Affair

    Experience Flirtation, Romance & Passion Like Never Before!

    Does your loved one sometimes test your patience, loving you one moment, but behaving sullen and disrespectful the next?

    If so, this spell may be just the thing you’re looking for.

    The Rekindle Your Love Affair spell is designed by the gifted mystic Leonardo to implant in your loved one’s subconscious that they cease and desist their negative impulsive behavior.

    This spell was specifically created for your loved one to treat you with the love and respect you surely deserve.

    Is this you?

    • You love this person with all your heart, but you fear their love for you may not be as strong as it once was.
    • You worry that until your loved one realizes they are being hurtful (and even mean) that in the long run it will have devastating effects on your relationship.
    • And you wish things to be the way they were when you first met.

    So, if you want to go back to the beginning of your relationship where it was once loving, fun and innocent, this is your opportunity to Rekindle Your Love Affair!


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd06|"Relationship Doctor Alone No More! Spell"|RD06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to expand your aura so the right person will be touched by it and drawn to your side -- mesmerized by your warmth, your smile, and all the wonderful attributes that make you the incredible person you truly are.
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" A Most Important Spell to Cure Your Loneliness! Unless someone has been through this before, they cannot relate to or even fully comprehend the agony that you are going through. Loneliness can lead to a dreary, isolating existence, and we at the California Astrology Association are committed to provide the very best help we can give to improve your quality of life. You probably feel as if your world is upside down, without joy, perhaps without hope. And unless you can finally connect and have that special person by your side in good times and bad, you will have difficulty experiencing true happiness. This spell is designed to expand your aura so the right person will be touched by it and drawn to your side -- mesmerized by your warmth, your smile, and all the wonderful attributes that make you the incredible person you truly are. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are at the stage where something has to be done, and quick.
    • You literally ache when you are home alone at night and have no one to talk to.
    • Your heart is breaking because you have so much love to give but no one to give it to.
    • You can't understand how some people less interesting and less attractive have mates, but you have been let down time after time.
    • You know you'll make the best partner if only given the chance.
    • You're fed up with your current situation, and you're ready to do whatever it takes to find that special person and have the best relationship.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd05|"Relationship Doctor Bring Him/Her Home Spell"|RD05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Relationship Doctor Bring Him/Her Home Spell"|""|"
    If you are despondent, anguished, and afraid to face the future alone, without your partner, this spell is designed to penetrate the heart and soul of your loved one and to convince them to return to you - not next year or next month, but now!
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" A Super-Penetrating Spell to Bring Your Lover Back! So, the two of you are separated and you desperately want to be united again - happily, and without further arguments. Rest assured, it can happen. If you are despondent, anguished, and afraid to face the future alone, without your partner, this spell is designed to penetrate the heart and soul of your loved one and to convince them to return to you - not next year or next month, but now! This spell is for you, if:
    • The love of your life is staying away and you desperately need to reunite.
    • You are certain you can work things out once the two of you are back together.
    • The problems that caused the split are mostly due to misunderstandings.
    • You cannot bear the thought of going through the rest of your life without this person.
    • Once the two of you are together, you'll talk, you'll hold each other, you'll make love, you'll be together again!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd03|"Relationship Doctor Change His/Her Mind Spell"|RD03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to clear the air, to clarify misunderstandings and to accentuate the positive aspects of your relationship.
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" A Booster Shot To Assure a Successful Relationship Few things are more frustrating then when you believe the conflicts between you can be solved easily if only the other person would be willing to remain calm and rational and listen to what you have to say. If you are in this situation, don't despair and don't give up hope. Something can be done to straighten this person out. This spell is designed to clear the air, to clarify misunderstandings and to accentuate the positive aspects of your relationship. This spell is for you, if:
    • The one you love refuses to sit down and have an open dialogue.
    • You feel frustrated that your words are not being heard and that your feelings are not taken into account.
    • You are certain that if given the chance, the relationship will thrive and bloom once again.
    • You are at your wit's end because everything you have tried up to now seems to have failed.
    • Your loved one is impatient with you at times, and you feel you are being treated unfairly.
    • Your lover's past disappointments are being carried over to your relationship.
    • All you are asking for is a chance to let the two of you forget the past and start from scratch.
    • You haven't a doubt in your mind that the two of you are meant for one another.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd11-link|"Relationship Doctor Couple Disintegrator"||LINK.|rd11.html||||""|""|""|""|"If you are certain a specific couple should not be together, and you have no doubt whatsoever about it, we have designed this powerful spell to end it quickly and decisively! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd11|"Relationship Doctor Couple Disintegrator Spell"|RD11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you are certain a specific couple should not be together, and you have no doubt whatsoever about it, we have designed this powerful spell to end it quickly and decisively!
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" For Couples Who Don't Belong Together Normally, it is our mission to promote relationships, not dissolve them. But over the many years of assisting our clients, it is apparent that some couples simply do not belong together. If it is clear that two people were ""not"" destined to be a couple in the first place, it would be better for all involved for their relationship to end as quickly as possible. With that in mind, there is no stronger spell for dissolving a relationship than the Couple Disintegrator spell. If you are certain a specific couple should not be together, and you have no doubt whatsoever about it, we have designed this powerful spell to end it quickly and decisively! This spell should be cast if most of the following is true:
    • This couple is together for the wrong reasons.
    • They are not meant to be together.
    • One or both of them have been dishonest in their true feelings for each other.
    • This relationship will cause more pain than love.
    • Cracks in their relationship are already becoming evident.
    • Another person has been incredibly hurt by their pairing.
    • Eventually they will part. This spell will expedite the process.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd02|"Relationship Doctor Double-Quick Reconciliation Spell"|RD02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Relationship Doctor Double-Quick Reconciliation Spell"|""|"
    This spell is specifically designed to open the lines of communication, to clarify what caused the split, and to repair the relationship -- in double-quick time.
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" On the Outs with the One You Love? Here's a Sure-Fire Remedy! When a relationship is in decline, it's like experiencing a slow death. It's agonizing and it can bring your life to a screeching halt! This spell is specifically designed to open the lines of communication, to clarify what caused the split, and to repair the relationship -- in double-quick time. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are either emotionally or physically separated from the one you love.
    • He/she seems to be more aloof, more distant every day.
    • You feel rejected and are distressed because your loved one isn't reciprocating your love, loyalty and devotion.
    • You know in your heart you are meant for one another.
    • You are growing increasingly frustrated by not being given the chance to work things out.
    • You have little doubt that if the two of you reunite, this time it will work out.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd10link|"Relationship Doctor Earth-Shaking Lust Spell"||LINK.|rd10.html||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is designed to penetrate the person or persons you are interested in, awakening their sexual desires, tearing down their inhibitions, and at the same time increasing their interest and awareness of you! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd10|"Relationship Doctor Earth-Shaking Lust Spell"|RD10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to penetrate the person or persons you are interested in, awakening their sexual desires, tearing down their inhibitions, and at the same time increasing their interest and awareness of you!
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Jaw-Dropping Sexual Excitement! This spell can only work for you if deep within you know you are a sensual, sexual, uninhibited person. If so, you are in for a treat. This spell is designed to penetrate the person or persons you are interested in, awakening their sexual desires, tearing down their inhibitions, and at the same time increasing their interest and awareness of you! Once this spell is cast, you will find that the person you are attracted to will give you a second look, a more sensual look. And you will see it in their eyes that they are captivated and enchanted by the ""new"" sensual, irresistible you. This spell is for you, if:
    • You want to add spice to your life.
    • You are a sensual person and you want your partner to enjoy sex as much as you.
    • You want to have the best relationship in and out of the bedroom.
    • You want to fulfill your dreams, your fantasies.
    • You want it all!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd08|"Relationship Doctor End the Antagonism Spell"|RD08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Do you find your partner displaying a lack of respect, a lack of decency and a woeful lack of love... when they should be treating you like gold?
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Tired of the Arguments? This Spell Restores Peace and Quiet-and Happiness! Are you getting worn out by the never-ending arguments and hostility directed at you? Do you find your partner displaying a lack of respect, a lack of decency and a woeful lack of love... when they should be treating you like gold? And don't you find it puzzling that this person is so caught up in their anger and selfishness, that they are forgetting you are their one-and-only best friend, loyal lover and the only one they can truly count on, always? This spell is designed to shake your loved one to their core, to their senses - instantly! This spell is for you, if:
    • Sometimes you feel your partner likes to argue, and you're wondering if the hostility will ever end.
    • Your partner often makes mountains out of molehills.
    • Your patience is running out having to deal with the disrespectful antagonism and constant disagreements.
    • You know that if you can stop the arguments, your compatibility will dramatically improve.
    • Above all, you want to have a trusting, happy, loving relationship.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd01|"Relationship Doctor Instant Compatibility Spell"|RD01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    First impressions are critical, and this spell focuses on you looking your best, projecting confidence, and performing at the top of your game.
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Don't Remain Apart One Minute Longer! This is an important spell because many successful relationships would never have occurred had the two people gotten off on the wrong foot. First impressions are critical, and this spell focuses on you looking your best, projecting confidence, and performing at the top of your game. It accords you a golden opportunity to fulfill your destiny when you finally come face-to-face with the person of your dreams! This spell is for you, if:
    • You have your heart set on a particular individual and you want them to reciprocate your interest.
    • You are disappointed and frustrated because this person refuses to open up and express more intimate feelings toward you.
    • You feel he/she remains somewhat aloof and is not responding totally to your advances.
    • You know that once this person recognizes you for who you are and sees your inner beauty, the two of you will be inseparable.
    • You have no doubt that you are meant for each other.
    • You ache with loneliness and yearn to be in a loving one-on-one relationship.
    • There may be some obstacles standing in the way, but you are certain they can be overcome.
    • You are getting impatient and want to see some action - now!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd09-link|"Relationship Doctor Mesmerize, Hypnotize The One You Love"||LINK.|rd09.html||||""|""|""|""|"OK, you have found the person of your dreams. Now you want to keep this person by your side, forever!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd09|"Relationship Doctor Mesmerize, Hypnotize, Capture the One You Love Spell"|RD09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Relationship Doctor Mesmerize, Hypnotize, Capture the One You Love Spell"|""|"
    OK, you have found the person of your dreams. Now you want to keep this person by your side!
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" A Spectacular Spell Designed to Bring the Two of You Together OK, you have found the person of your dreams. Now you want to keep this person by your side! If so, this spectacular spell is designed to cast a spell over this specific person, captivating them with your charm, your appeal, your very special gifts. The intent is to make you so irresistible, so enchanting, once the two of you are bonded together you could be inseparable. This spell is for you, if:
    • The person you love is playing hard to get.
    • You are certain that if given the chance to be together, the two of you will never part.
    • You have never felt this way before and you ""must"" have this person.
    • You are growing increasingly frustrated by the failure of the two of you to connect.
    • You are ready to accept outside help in mesmerizing, hypnotizing and capturing the one you love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd07|"Relationship Doctor Quadruple Your Appeal Spell"|RD07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    The Quadruple Your Appeal spell delves deep beneath the surface penetrating your subconscious and imbedding an unwavering sense of confidence and presence that literally makes you more appealing, more attractive.
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" A Psychological Elixir to Bring Your Beauty to the Surface It's interesting that sometimes you can look in the mirror and see a good-looking, confident person staring back. And at other times? Well, frankly you're not all that impressed. It's because so much of our appeal is what we are projecting from within at that specific time and place. This formidable spell focuses on your inner beauty, elevating it to the surface for all to see. The Quadruple Your Appeal spell delves deep beneath the surface penetrating your subconscious and imbedding an unwavering sense of confidence and presence that literally makes you more appealing, more attractive. Ultimately, this spell is intended to make you irresistible to that special person! This spell is for you, if:
    • You want to look in the mirror and be proud of what you see.
    • You want to reach your full potential of attractiveness.
    • You are of the opinion if you feel good about yourself you actually look better.
    • You simply need an enhancement in your appearance and you'll take it from there.
    • You are certain that once your inner beauty rises to the surface, you'll begin to attract the ""right"" people.
    • You know your sensuality will mesmerize the one you're interested in. All you desire is to make yourself very appealing to that person.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd07-link|"Relationship Doctor Quadruple Your Sex Appeal"||LINK.|rd07.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Quadruple Your Appeal spell delves deep beneath the surface penetrating your subconscious and imbedding an unwavering sense of confidence and presence that literally makes you more appealing, more attractive."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rd04|"Relationship Doctor Relationship Problems Spell"|RD04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to awaken your partner to all the wonderful attributes this person saw in you at the time you first met.
    Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Remarkable Cure to Achieve a Healthy Relationship Who doesn't have relationship problems? Any successful couple will tell you it's simply a matter of having open communication, being willing to compromise, and recognizing the wonderful, amazing benefits of staying together as a happy couple. This spell is designed to awaken your partner to all the wonderful attributes this person saw in you at the time you first met. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are concerned because you fear the problems seem to be getting more severe.
    • You are open to talking about the things that are compromising the relationship, but your partner doesn't seem willing to talk about it.
    • In fact, your partner seems to enjoy arguing and placing blame rather than having a quiet, respectful discussion.
    • You are an easygoing person, but it seems your partner has a short temper - at least with you.
    • The two of you will be much happier if tensions between you dissolve and your loved one ""loosens up.""
    • You know how to get along and all you want is your partner to forget past differences and enjoy life together.
    • You know it's not that difficult to reconcile and have a successful relationship, BUT the one you love has to be willing to compromise.
    • You are upset because you are unsure if the relationship will continue to go down hill.
    • You know the two of you belong together, but your loved one seems to be so hardheaded and stubborn it's been difficult for you to break through the barriers this person has placed between you.
    • You want to give it your best try to salvage the relationship because you could never live with yourself if it fails and you hadn't tried everything.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| relationship-doctor-spells-link|"Relationship Doctor Spells"||LINK.|https://www.calastrology.com/relationship-doctor-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Relationship Doctor's unique and powerful spells are designed to not only bring you together with the true love of your life, but to keep the two of you together!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| relationship-doctor-spells|"Relationship Doctor Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"The Relationship Doctor's unique and powerful spells are designed to not only bring you together with the true love of your life, but to keep the two of you together!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things more disheartening than a troubled relationship. It's hard for you to focus on any other part of your life when you feel disappointed and deserted by the person who should be by your side - helping you, holding you, loving you. It is particularly frustrating when you know you have tried everything within your powers to straighten out the situation. Yet whatever you do or say, your loved one doesn't seem to ""get it."" And you know in your heart this relationship will work if only you can tear down the barriers preventing your loved one from loving you totally and unconditionally. If the above words describe your situation, the Relationship Doctor is prepared to stand by your side and focus his considerable talents in your behalf. His unique and powerful spells are designed to bring you together with the true love of your life! Relationship Doctor spells are like laser beams, honing in on the troubled portion of your compatibility -- patching your problem and preventing it from recurring. Take a look at the specific spells below and see which one(s) could help you bring your life back to not only where it was previously but to a higher level you never dreamed possible.
    "||||"(:RD01 :RD02 :RD03 :RD04 :RD05 :RD06 :RD07 :RD08 :RD09 :RD10 :RD11)"|"(:RD01 :RD02 :RD03 :RD04 :RD05 :RD06 :RD07 :RD08 :RD09 :RD10 :RD11)"|""|"1"|" "|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| relationship-killer-spell|"Relationship Killer Spell"|RKS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Relationship Killer Spell"|""|"Help bring a doomed relationship to a quick end!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you know someone who has made a terrible mistake? But perhaps they don't want to admit it? Is this person in a bad relationship with someone who is selfish, perhaps mean, and who has completely misled your friend? And you know in your heart that sooner or later this relationship is doomed to fail? And you want to make it sooner. If so, you may be doing this person a favor by expediting the dissolution of a relationship that should never have happened in the first place. Be very, very careful The Relationship Killer spell is recommended only in severe cases, to be used only if a specific relationship is one-sided and could do potential damage to an innocent person. Request this spell if...
    • This couple was not meant to be.
    • It is not a good match.
    • Your friend is not ""seeing"" clearly and perhaps was tricked by the other party.
    • You are convinced that once the relationship dissolves, this person will be normal and reasonable again.
    • You care a great deal about this person and you want them to be free to resume a relationship they were meant to have.
    Does your friend need your help? So if you are distressed that your friend needs rescuing, a Master Psychic will cast a Relationship Killer spell to help bring this doomed relationship to a quick end.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-remove-a-curse|"Removing a Curse or Hex..."||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-blocked|"Removing the obstacles in your way...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| po2|"Renewed Love Potion Spell"|PO2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Renewed Love Potion Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" ""It's not the road you travel, it's who you travel the road with.""
    - Anonymous
    If you are in a relationship that is faltering and headed rapidly downhill, you need to act now! Doing nothing is not an option. With the proper selection of ingredients blended together to form a powerful elixir, a Renewed Love Potion spell will be directed to the mind and body of the one you love. Once this powerful spell takes hold, the elixir becomes part of him or her, and thus will begin a remarkable change in their attitude. Their affection for you will become increasingly evident until finally you'll experience the joys and happiness of a relationship you perhaps thought was out of reach.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| repair-troubled-relationship-spell|"Repair a Troubled Relationship Spell"|RTR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you despair over the deteriorating situation in your relationship with a loved one, there is something you can do."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you despair over the deteriorating situation in your relationship with a loved one, there is something you can do. The Repair a Troubled Relationship spell is specifically designed for a person in the following situation:
    Does this sound familiar?
    • The love of your life seems to be holding back and not demonstrating their love and affection for you.
    • Somehow, they seem to have lost respect for you and are not treating you with the kindness and love you surely deserve
    • However, you are certain your partner still loves you.
    • But you feel something has to be done...perhaps to make them realize the callousness of their words and actions.
    • And once they begin to act rationally and reasonably, they’ll return to the caring, loving person they once were.
    If the above words ring true and you are at a point in your relationship that demands immediate action, this very potent spell could provide a positive turning point in your relationship. So if you want to be respected, adored and loved, look no further than having the Repair a Troubled Relationship spell cast by a talented Master Psychic who is ready to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. Remember, it’s not too late to renew love, commitment and faithfulness. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| repossess-loved-one|"Repossess Your Loved One Spell"|RLO|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Repossess Your Loved One spell is designed to recapture your special person's physical, emotional, and spiritual self."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What would you give to have your loved one do a one-eighty turn in their attitude and behavior toward you? To have them look at you with caring, with affection, with love in their eyes? And how would you feel if somehow you could recapture their physical, emotional, spiritual self? And have this person whom you love so dearly express such admiration, such overwhelming love for you? And only you?
    A Skilled Master Psychic is ready to help you!
    So if you are having trouble effectively communicating with your loved one. Often feeling alone, isolated, ignored. And as ridiculous as it may sound, you sometimes feel as if the walls are closing in on you. And your search for remedies to solve your relationship difficulties appear to have come to a dead end. Then perhaps it’s time to request the assistance of a Master Psychic to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf.
    You are not alone!
    The Repossess Your Loved One spell has been cast successfully for so many people in a situation similar to yours.
    Recapture their physical, emotional, spiritual self
    The Repossess Your Loved One spell is designed to open the heart of your partner, to soften their attitude, to lower their defenses, to appreciate all you bring to the relationship. And to readjust their attitude, loyalty and love to where it once was during the best of times in your relationship! So if the above words closely describe your current situation, then get ready for something that could affect your relationship for years to come. Because once the seeds of this one-of-a-kind spell take hold, it could be just a matter of time before a truly remarkable awakening takes place within the heart and soul of your loved one. And your destiny of true love could finally come to fruition. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rescue-my-man-spell|"Rescue My Man"|RM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rescue My Man"|""|"Is your man with someone else?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you in love with a guy who is currently being hoodwinked by a woman who will never make him happy? Is he resisting getting back together with you because of a misunderstanding, or past differences, or simply stubbornness? And are you certain that if given a second chance, that once the two of you are reunited, all will be well again? If you've answered yes to the above, don't sit back and ""hope"" things will change. You can do something to make it happen! The Rescue My Man spell is a very potent spell designed do one thing and one thing only: to get you reunited with the man you love. Is this you?
    • You are in love with a remarkable man but there are obstacles keeping the two of you apart.
    • Communication is a problem because what you have to say is falling upon deaf ears.
    • Your loved one needs to be convinced you are the one and only person for him.
    • You know in your heart, that once your man lowers his guard, what you have to say will resonate with him.
    • And upon being reunited, you are certain it will work out this time.
    So if your lover needs rescuing, you have come to the right place. A Master Psychic, who specializes in reunited two people who truly belong together, is awaiting word from you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rescue-my-woman-spell|"Rescue My Woman"|RW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rescue My Woman"|""|"Is your woman with someone else?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you in love with a woman who is currently with another man? And you know in your heart that relationship will never work out. Because they are not right for each other! Is she resisting getting back together with you because of a misunderstanding, or past differences, or simply stubbornness? And are you certain that if given a second chance, that once the two of you are reunited, all will be well again? If you've answered yes to the above, don't sit back and ""hope"" things will change. You can do something to make it happen! The Rescue My Love spell is a very potent spell designed do one thing and one thing only: to get you reunited with the woman you love. Is this you?
    • You are in love with a very special woman, but there are obstacles keeping the two of you apart.
    • Communication is a problem because what you have to say is falling upon deaf ears.
    • Your loved one needs to be convinced you are the one and only person for her.
    • You know in your heart, that once she lowers her guard, what you have to say will resonate with her.
    • And upon being reunited, you are certain it will work out this time.
    So if your lover needs rescuing, you have come to the right place. A Master Psychic, who specializes in reunited people who truly belong together, is awaiting word from you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| restore-a-friendship-spell|"Restore a Friendship Spell"|RAF|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Friend's Name"" Inscription 25"|"
    Your Friend's Name:
    "|"Restore a Friendship Spell"|""|"Estranged from that special person? Well, do something!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Estranged from That Special Person? Well, Do Something!

    Do you have a relationship that is not in “working order” and needs to be rehabilitated? Is it a relationship you once treasured and would love to see it renewed and to have it thrive again? Do you miss the good times you had together, the laughter, the warmth, the close friendship? If so, the internationally renowned Master Psychic Burton is ready to cast his potent Restore a Friendship spell in your behalf! See if one or more of the following applies to you:
    • You once had a remarkable friendship with this special person, but somehow due to an argument or misunderstanding, or perhaps even something you don’t remember, the two of you feel estranged from one another.
    • Is this someone you deeply care for or even love? Possibly a family member or best friend or perhaps even a former lover, but whomever it is, you desire with all your heart to jump start this relationship once again.
    • Is it your fondest wish that you could leave all previous disappointments, arguments, and misunderstandings with this person in the past…and start fresh?
    • But due to the awkwardness of the situation, you fear of being rejected if you make the first move.

    So, if one or more of the above applies to you, you will be pleased to know this is one of Burton’s specialties: Bringing two people who belong together, back together once again.

    Still have reservations?

    If you have any doubts that a Burton spell could renew this important relationship, please keep this in mind: Burton’s “unconditional” guarantee is that you “must” be happy with the results or he will refund your money in full up to one full year from the moment he casts his Restore a Friendship spell. What do you have to lose?"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| restore-my-life|"Restore My Life!"|RML|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Restore My Life!"|""|"This is a dual spell in that it is designed to give you a well-deserved lift in both your most important relationship and your bank account."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Kick Start My Love Life! Replenish My Funds! This is a dual spell in that it is designed to give you a well-deserved lift in both your most important relationship and your bank account. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are at a low point and feel you need someone or something to get you moving in the right direction.
    • You are not receiving tender loving care in your love life and you need it desperately.
    • Your lack of adequate funds concerns you and you would very much like to see a rapid increase in your savings account.

    The Restore My Life spell could be instrumental in getting you out of that downward spiral. If you are depressed or lonely or worried about money, this spell could provide you with the turnaround you've been seeking.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retspelkit|"Retribution Spell Kit"|SK5|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    To even the score with the person who wronged you. (Very powerful ritual.)"|""|""|""|""|""|"Is there someone out there who has hurt you? Hurt you bad? Be aware that this kit is extremely powerful and effective, and think twice – maybe three or four times – before ordering and performing this ritual. This one's for keeps! If you want revenge, nothing is more powerful than the Retribution Kit. Follow directions carefully. They are simple and uncomplicated, then dispose the kit promptly as directed. You will not want it lying around your house after the spell is cast."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-retrieve|"Retrieve a Lost Lover...."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retrieve-a-lover|"Retrieve A Lover"|RTL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"The Retrieve A Lover Spell"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retrieve|"Retrieve a Lover"|RTL|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?: 
    "|"Retrieve a Lover"|""|"If you long for the return of a lost lover...there is something you can do about it!"|""|""|""|""|""|" If you long for the return of a lost lover... if you are heartsick and lonely and despondent... there is something you can do about it! A Master Psychic who specializes in reuniting people will cast a spell for you. Within days, you'll have a renewed sense of hope, a strong feeling that the person you so deeply and desperately love is on the road back to you. Your heart will tell you that a life-changing experience has occurred!! Soon, this person could wake up and realize the love and friendship and happiness you have to offer... and he or she could want to be with you again. The seeds will be planted to break the barriers of stubbornness, of bitterness, of blindness--and replace them with feelings of warmth and love for you. If you truly care for this person and are willing to do anything necessary for their return, we urge you to have a ""Retrieve a Lover"" spell cast on your behalf. This is your opportunity. Simply write your request to Retrieve a Lover.
    Increase the potency of the Retrieve A Lover Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Lover Come Back to Me! Amulet when your Retrieve A Lover spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so. Available in original or sterling silver.
    Dear CAA, You cast a spell for me on April 13th to retrieve my lover. On April 25, my ex-lover called me and asked me to move in with him. And this person said they would never be with me again. This is so miraculous. Thanks so much! J.M.
    Dear CAA, I ordered a Retrieve A Lover Spell back in May and two weeks later my lover returned! D. N.
    Cleveland, OH
    Dear CAA, You cast a spell for me on the 18th of December to bring back my Lost Love and I am so delighted and excited to let you know that it has happened!! On the night of the 19th, I dreamt that my mobile phone rang and the caller ID indicated that it was him. But tonight, (the 21st), it really was him calling. I cannot believe it! I haven't spoken to him in 6 months and had given up hope that I would ever him from again. But tonight, just 3 days after you cast a spell, he rang me. I now realise that there is hope after all - just as you said there would be - and I wanted to thank you so much for making this happen... I truly believe you have brought the two of us back together. With all my very best wishes and thanks to you... P.B.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retrieve-a-lover-silver-amulet|"Retrieve a Lover Spell with Silver Lover Come Back To Me Amulet"|RTL2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(66.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?: 
    "|"Retrieve a Lover Spell with Silver Lover Come Back To Me Amulet"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retrieve-a-lover-amulet|"Retrieve A Lover with the Original Lover Come Back To Me Amulet"|RTL1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(46.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast AGAIN IN TWO HOURS to increase its power?: 
    "|"Retrieve A Lover with the Original Lover Come Back To Me Amulet"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love|"Return a Lost Love... or find a new one!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Let us help you find love or return a lost love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Afraid of losing the love of your life?
    • In a relationship that needs fixing?
    • Looking for the ""right"" person?
    Two days after the Lust for Me Spell was cast, the one I wanted to lust after me did and is lusting more every day.

    Thank you so very much.

    Laura G.
    Prospect Hts., IL
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    ""You made my dream come true""

    I was devastated when my boyfriend broke up with me. I was so depressed and lonely, but I was sure he was everything that I wanted. So I came to you for help and after a couple of spells he is back with me.

    We now live together and he's talking about marriage and kids and everything!!!

    Thank you. No one will ever be so thankful to you guys as I am. Thank you!!

    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| return-lover-lightning-quick|"Return a Lover Lightning Quick Spell"|LLQ|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If the person you’ve committed your life to is not reciprocating your friendship, your devotion, your love, this spell is for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things in life that are more distressing than a broken relationship. The disappointment, the emotional pain, the sleepless nights. The worry that your life will never be the same. And the belief you will never be happy again. All of the above is enough to shatter your confidence and make everything else in your life seem insignificant.
    If you think all is lost, think again
    So what can you do about it if the person you’ve committed your life to is not reciprocating your friendship, your devotion, your love?
    You are not alone
    Unfortunately, there are countless others in your identical situation. People like yourself who are devastated that a loved one may be on the way out of your life...or perhaps has already done so.
    So what can you do about it?
    Fortunately, the California Astrology Association has a gifted Master Psychic on our staff who focuses specifically on troubled relationships like the one you are in. And he has cast the Return a Lover Lightning Quick spell – with an unusually high successful rate – for so many others in a similar predicament as yourself.
    At a critical point in your life?
    So if you are on the verge of permanently losing your loved one, this is your opportunity to let a Master Psychic call upon his formidable psychic powers to cast the potent Return a Lover Lightning Quick spell in your behalf.
    Our 365 Unconditional Guarantee
    And remember, you have one full year to decide if the Return a Lover Lightning Quick spell brings you the unconditional love and happiness you so deserve. And if you are dissatisfied in any way, you’ll receive your refund. Period. No questions asked. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| returnmylove|"Return My Love Spell Kit"|SK2|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Jolts them! Wakes them! Opens their eyes to see the loving, caring, best you! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| revenge-of-the-raven|"Revenge of the Raven Curse"|RAV|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Revenge of the Raven curse is one of the most effective ways of neutralizing and severely limiting those despicable people who cause great pain and anguish."|""|""|""|""|""|" This powerful and irreversible curse should only be directed toward evil. If you have any doubts as to the recipient's guilt, please do not order this curse. However, if you are thinking clearly and are certain the intended victim needs to be punished, then this is the proper vehicle for your wrath. The Revenge of the Raven Curse:
    • Hones in on the victim as if directed by radar.
    • Causes them discomfort, self-loathing, self-destruction.
    • Lowers their emotional and physical resistance.
    • Causes them sadness, regret, despair.
    • Neutralizes their power, their inner resolve.
    One of the signs that the Revenge of the Raven Curse has taken hold is when the victim retreats into a self-imposed shell. It's time for you to no longer be at this person's mercy. It's time to fight back! The Revenge of the Raven curse is one of the most effective ways of neutralizing and severely limiting those despicable people who cause great pain and anguish. Please note: This powerful curse can only be administered by a select few individuals with the gift of advanced psychic powers.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| revenge-and-curses|"Revenge Spells and Curses"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Revenge spells and curses to help you get the ultimate revenge!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Hassled by a person who has it in for you?
    • Know someone out there who deserves their comeuppance?
    • Are you tired of being the victim and want to fight back?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| reverse-the-evil-eye|"Reverse the Evil Eye!"|EE2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Reverse the Evil Eye!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you believe an Evil Eye has been cast against you, this spell reverses it and directs it back from whence it came – increasing its powers tenfold!


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-spells|"Rocket Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Whether it's your love life, your finances, or a seemingly unsolvable problem, Rocket spells can do your bidding."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your love life a shambles and you need to fix it right now? Or maybe someone has come between you and your great love, and you want to take this person out of the picture! Or perhaps your finances need a rocket boost? Don't wait another second! Whether it's your love life, your finances, or a seemingly unsolvable problem, Rocket spells can do your bidding. And do it simply, effectively, and fast! So if you are in need of an ""immediate"" boost, here's what a Rocket spell could do for you:
    • Rush a reluctant lover back into your arms.
    • Expel a competitor out of your lover's life.
    • Initiate a lucky streak to give you a luxurious and leisurely life.
    • Speed a current problem to a satisfactory conclusion.
    • Put you on the fast track to happiness.
    See if any of the following applies to you:
    • Are you in need of assistance because your current situation is desperate?
    • Are you in love with someone who is perfect for you but this person needs convincing?
    • Do you want that special person to make passionate and uninhibited love to you…and to think of you and only you?
    • Do you need a financial boost right now?
    • Is your career on hold and you need to be appreciated and lavishly rewarded?
    If any or all of the above applies to you and you can't wait a second longer, take a look at the Rocket spells below and get ready for life on the fast track.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-to-a-lustful-relationship|"Rocket to a Lustful Relationship"|RS03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rocket to a Lustful Relationship"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you seek to add excitement and physical pleasures to a treasured relationship, you are in for a treat. Once this powerful spell is cast, you will project a sensuality that your lover will find irresistible and exhilarating. And furthermore, this person will have lustful feelings for only YOU!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-to-a-soaring-career|"Rocket to a Soaring Career"|RS06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rocket to a Soaring Career"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Hop on the rocket that will fire up your career, bringing you recognition, respect, and financial rewards for your unique contributions. It's time people realize what you are capable of doing and reward you lavishly.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-spell-to-displace-a-competitor|"Rocket to Displace a Competitor"|RS02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rocket to Displace a Competitor"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your love life is on hold because another person has replaced you, the best thing that could happen is for this person to get out of the picture! This potent spell is designed to do just that!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-to-happiness|"Rocket to Happiness"|RS05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rocket to Happiness"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a marvelous spell because it propels you to success in love and work and finally gives you the happiness you so deserve.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-spell-to-lasting-love|"Rocket to Lasting Love"|RS01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rocket to Lasting Love"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Some people say that perfect relationships don't exist, but we believe that when two people are committed to one another, love, trust and happiness are inevitable. And isn't that what marriage is all about? This potent spell is designed to ""convince"" your partner that the two of you are destined to be the couple that will be the envy of all you know!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| rocket-to-prosperity|"Rocket to Prosperity"|RS04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Rocket to Prosperity"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Why do some people enjoy wealth and the leisurely life while others never even come close? If you have paid your dues but are not enjoying the prosperity you so deserve, this remarkable spell positions you to:
    • Enjoy the luxuries few people can afford.
    • Have the time and money to travel at your leisure.
    • Receive the respect and admiration of friends, family and associates.
    • Fulfill your dreams of living the ""rich life.""

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| romance-me|"Romance Me!"|RME|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Romance Me spell is a one-of-a-kind spell that is designed to alter a loved ones perception of you. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    How frustrating it must be to know that special someone is out there but refuses to see the real you, the sensuous you, the wonderful you. And you know beyond a shadow of a doubt they would fall head over heels for you if they simply ""woke up.""
    Increase the potency of the Romance Me! spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    The purpose of the Romance Me spell is to impregnate a specific person with your loving spirit and open their heart and mind. When this person realizes what they're missing, then and only then will they come running to you. The Romance Me spell is a one-of-a-kind spell that is designed to alter a loved ones perception of you. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are madly in love with a specific individual but they don't seem to care.
    • You know in your heart of hearts that once this person drops their defense mechanisms, they will fall madly in love with you.
    • You are frustrated because you know what life is about: to simply be with the person you love and live happily ever after. And you are certain that once this person wakes up, your feelings will be reciprocated.
    So if your eyes are focused on a specific individual who simply needs a wake up call, the Romance Me spell is definitely for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| romancepassion|"Romance-Passion Spell Kit"|SK17|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Sparks a stagnant, unromantic relationship. Adds excitement, fun, passion to your life! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| safeguard-your-relationship-spell|"Safeguard Your Relationship Spell"|SYR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you’re worried that your precious relationship may be turning sour...Then perhaps it’s time to stimulate your partner and remind them of their once great attraction to you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If the romance has been missing... If the spark in your lover's eyes when they look at you has vanished... If you're worried that this precious relationship may be turning sour... Then perhaps it's time to stimulate your partner and remind them of their once great attraction to you.
    Here's what the Safeguard Your Relationship spell could do for you:
    • Awaken your lover's mind to all your wonderful attributes.
    • Stop their restlessness and wandering eye toward others.
    • Turn their attention, affection and love toward you...and only you.
    • Have them realize how important this relationship is.
    • And to have this person, who is the love of your life, treasure and adore you like never before.
    So if these words resonate with you. And you feel you must do something radical to shake your lover to their bones. Then the Safeguard Your Relationship spell could be the most important thing you do this year."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-compatibility-spell|"Sagittarius Compatibility Spell"|ZSA3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sagittarius Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are currently in a relationship, or perhaps you know someone out there with whom you care to have a relationship, this powerful spell can forge an unbreakable bond between you. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a blessed partnership. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Sagittarius Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Sagittarius Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZSA5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sagittarius Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Sagittarius, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Sagittarius. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-money-spell|"Sagittarius Money Spell"|ZSA2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sagittarius Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Sagittarius. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Sagittarius Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-reconciliation-spell|"Sagittarius Reconciliation Spell"|ZSA6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sagittarius Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Sagittarius? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Sagittarius Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-retaliation-spell|"Sagittarius Retaliation Spell"|ZSA4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sagittarius Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Sagittarius, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Sagittarius Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-true-love-spell|"Sagittarius True Love Spell"|ZSA1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sagittarius True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are in a relationship and not being treated in the manner you deserve, Sagittarius, this can be a sea-change spell for you. This is your chance to have it all: unconditional love, unquestionable loyalty, knowing you can trust your partner and be with him or her in a truly happy relationship. This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. The Sagittarius True Love spell will increase the odds of your meeting your intended if your paths haven't already crossed. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Sagittarius True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-zodiac-spells|"Sagittarius Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| red-jasper|"Salome's Red Jasper"|SRJ|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49)||T|""|""|"Salome's Red Jasper"|""|"If you think it's high time to instill excitement, fun and sensuality into your life, you need look no further than Salome's Red Jasper."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Red Jasper was revered by ancient shamans who believed this sacred stone aroused spirits that lie within. Exquisitely beautiful and mesmerizing to all who gaze upon it, it is said that Salome's Red Jasper possesses these extraordinary powers:
    • Changes bickering to lovemaking!
    • Arouses extreme passion in your lover.
    • Lovemaking changes from Ho-hum to Red Hot!
    • Reels in potential lovers.
    • Deteriorating relationships suddenly become loving relationships.
    Possess Salome's Red Jasper and feel its powerful spirits rushing through your very being. Close your eyes, relax, then experience a nenewal to live life to its fullest. When you gaze into the eyes of the one you love, you will notice how they look at you with renewed respect, passion, and love. And your partner or potential lover will feel the urge to hold you, caress you, make love to you. Legend has it that Salome's Red Jasper increases your sex appeal and stimulates sexual desire in your partner. While enhancing your aura, you and your loved one will experience a closeness that you didn't think possible. Red Jasper renews your thirst for life. And those closest to you will notice your transformation. All you have to do is believe. If you think it's high time to instill excitement, fun and sensuality into your life, you need look no further. Encased in the finest sterling silver, Salome's Red Jasper is a treasure you will cherish for a lifetime."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| samadhi|"Samadhi"|SA|ITEM.||(16.95)|||""|""|"SAMADHI"|""|"Since even a picture of the SAMADHI may release mystical powers, a photograph or drawing will not be shown!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The SAMADHI is a powerful good luck piece--so powerful that even its picture may release energy. Because of this a photo or even a drawing of the SAMADHI will not be shown. As each month passes, hundreds of new people take possession of the SAMADHI and many of them benefit from its amazing powers:
    • Worries May Vanish
    • Money Problems Could Be Alleviated
    • Relationships May Seem to Grow Stronger

    Can these things happen to you? Can the SAMADHI change your life, bringing you financial security and happiness? It has happened to so many others, why not you? The SAMADHI is small enough to carry in your pocket or purse. Keep it near you at all times. Hold it, touch it, rub it--it is yours alone to do your bidding. It could bring you the fulfillment and happiness you so deserve. If you believe in the power of the SAMADHI we suggest you take possession of it. If you do not begin to feel the effects of its mystical qualities, if your life is not dramatically improved, you may return it for a full and complete refund at any time.
    Dear CAA,
    A few years ago I had the good fortune to purchase a Samadhi and nothing but good and incredible things began to hapen. It changed my life entirely. Unfortunately, through carelessness, I lost my precious amulet. For the few months after I felt like I had lost my best friend. As a birthday gift a few months ago, my mom surprised me with a new Samadhi. Since then, all my wishes have come true. My boyfriend returned and now our relationship is stronger than ever. The state lottery has smiled upon me three times since I received my treasured charm. Just recently I found the job of my dreams and I owe it all to my dear Samadhi. No one can tell me it doesn't work, it works in mysterious ways. E. Leyva
    Patterson, NJ

    Dear CAA,
    One day after receiving my Samadhi, my Aunt Rose called an invited me to accompany her on a three week, all-paid vacation to Europe. She had been promising me this trip for years, but kept putting it off. My aunt said she awoke from a deep sleep in which she dreamt that she and I were walking through the Louvre. She called me immediately and said, ""Pack your bags, it's time we go on that trip we've been talking about."" T. L. Haredor
    Laguna Hills, CA

    Dear CAA,
    I have only had my Samadhi for 3 days and I can already feel it changing my life. I received my Samadhi on Friday as I headed to work. Fridays are normally hectic, but this Friday was worse. Everyone to be screaming at me and demanding their money now. A bad headache had already started and I wanted to go home. So I held my new Samadhi in my left hand as I start to do payroll. All of a sudden all my cares to go away along with my headache. It was like I didn't have a care in the world. Next thing I know it was 5 o'clock and time to go home. Saturday, I had planned to go to Flagstaff with my dad to visit my older sister. I always hated going up there because it reminded me of my x-boyfriend and I felt depressed. On our drive up there I held my Samadhi in my left hand and felt a sense of relief. About a half an hour out of town, an accident had happened right in front of me. After we check to see if everyone was ok, I hopped back in the truck shaking terribly. I was scared to drive, but I held my Samadhi and in 5 minutes the shaking had stopped and I felt great! All weekend I held my Samadhi close and was so happy! I had a good weekend with my family. I thought about my ex-boyfriend, but never got depressed. It was like I was a new person. Thank you. S. W.
    Tempe, AZ

    Dear CAA,
    I broke up with my my boyfriend 10 months ago and I've been so depressed since then. I decided to get a Samadhi to see if it could help me. The very same day I got it by mail, I ran into a guy who used to work with me several years ago, and we started talking. It turned out that we liked each other then but we didn't have the nerve to say that to each other. We started dating and now we are together and happier than ever. I know it was the Samadhi what made the difference. I can't thank you enough. K. F.
    Increase the power of the Samadhi Amulet with a SAMADHI SPELL!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| save-my-marriage|"Save My Marriage!!!!! "|SMM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Save My Marriage!!!!!"|""|"If your marriage appears headed for divorce, this is the time to activate positive spirits."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    (Please note that this spell is effective for any relationship that needs mending.) Few things in life are more angst ridden than a relationship in disarray. If your marriage appears headed for divorce, this is the time to activate positive spirits. Please see if the following applies to you:
    1. Your mate is not the caring, loving person you once knew in the beginning of this relationship.
    2. Hard times bring out the worst in people, and you feel you are being unjustly accused of wrongs you’ve never committed.
    3. You know in your heart the relationship will work…if only the other person will put forth as much effort as you.
    4. You are certain the two of you are meant to be together, and you fear your life will never be the same without him or her.
    You must stop the downward spiral that is causing irreparable damage to your marriage. The Save My Marriage spell is an important step in reinstituting laughter, trust and compatibility back to what you once had.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-compatibility-spell|"Scorpio Compatibility Spell"|ZSC3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpio Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are currently in a relationship, or perhaps you know someone out there with whom you care to have a relationship, this powerful spell can forge an unbreakable bond between you. Once this spell is cast, you will have the best chance of merging the two souls into one, resulting in a blessed partnership. This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you've done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and most likely you have done more than your share. The ultimate goal of the Zodiac Compatibility spell is to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Scorpio Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZSC5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpio Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Scorpio, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Scorpio. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-money-spell|"Scorpio Money Spell"|ZSC2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpio Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Scorpio. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Scorpio Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-reconciliation-spell|"Scorpio Reconciliation Spell"|ZSC6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpio Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Scorpio? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Scorpio Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-retaliation-spell|"Scorpio Retaliation Spell"|ZSC4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpio Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Scorpio, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Scorpio Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-true-love-spell|"Scorpio True Love Spell"|ZSC1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpio True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are in a relationship and not being treated in the manner you deserve, Scorpio, this can be a sea-change spell for you. This is your chance to have it all: unconditional love, unquestionable loyalty, knowing you can trust your partner and be with him or her in a truly happy relationship. This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. The Scorpio True Love spell will increase the odds of your meeting your intended if your paths haven't already crossed. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Scorpio True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-zodiac-spells|"Scorpio Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:SCORPIO-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :SCORPIO-MONEY-SPELL :SCORPIO-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :SCORPIO-RETALIATION-SPELL :SCORPIO-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :SCORPIO-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:SCORPIO-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :SCORPIO-MONEY-SPELL :SCORPIO-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :SCORPIO-RETALIATION-SPELL :SCORPIO-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :SCORPIO-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpios-earrings|"Scorpio's Earrings"|SCR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(34.95)||T|""|""|"Scorpio's Earrings"|""|"One of our most unusual and popular offerings."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    One of our most unusual and popular offerings. These oxidized dangling earrings have an antique look and are irresistible to the eye of the beholder. If you desire to be noticed and recognized for your feminine allure, Scorpio's Earrings will be a revelation to you. Wear them and enjoy renewed popularity. Be prepared to bask in the attention you'll receive the moment you adorn this fascinating piece. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpion-spell|"Scorpion Spell"|SCP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Scorpion Spell"|""|"If you are the victim of a nasty person, perhaps it's time to unleash a powerful comeuppance."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are the victim of a nasty person, perhaps it's time to unleash a powerful comeuppance. The Scorpion spell is a particularly effective spell because it not only acts quickly, but its effect gets stronger day after day after day. This spell is for you, if:
    • You are preoccupied with the evil intent of this very unpleasant person.
    • You want your life to return to happy thoughts.
    • You are being unfairly treated and you don't deserve it.
    • You feel you are being harassed and you want it to stop - right now!
    The Scorpion spell was originally designed by gypsies whose nature is to protect loved ones and to exact revenge upon those who have done them wrong. The intent of the Scorpion spell is to get this person off your back - while exacting extreme damage to their confidence and strength of will. They will feel drained of energy Once they feel the sting of this powerful and unrelenting force that has left them weaker and less confident, they'll realize someone they have done wrong has evened the score. Soon it will occur to them that they must change their ways.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| nsearch|"Search Our Site"||SEARCH.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| secret-love-spell|"Secret Love Spell"|SEC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Secret Love Spell"|""|"In love with someone who doesn't know it? This spell is designed to wake them up!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Secret Love spell is an ancient spell first practiced by a small sect of Romanian Gypsies in the seventeenth century. The Secret Love spell is a very potent spell requested by those who have a heartthrob who is not returning their affection. This spell is for you, if:
    • The person you love is perfect for you, but he or she doesn't know it - yet!
    • This person is very, very special, and you are certain that once they ""wake up"" and see how wonderful you are, it will only be a matter of time before the two of you are together.
    • You are in love and you know this is the ""right"" person for you, but you are growing more and more frustrated each day.
    • You think about this person day and night.
    Increase the potency of the Secret Love spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    If the above words describe your situation, you should request the Secret Love spell at once. It's time to let a gifted psychic get to work in your behalf. If you are in love and feel time is running out, you are reading these words for a reason: The Secret Love spell is designed to implant your beautiful image in the subconscious mind of the person you are destined to be with. And once this is done, it will only be a matter of time before you become the couple you've dreamed about.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protspelkit|"Security Spell Kit"|SK12|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Protects you from evil! May ensure a safe haven and secure future. "|""|""|""|""|""|"Do you feel you need something else on your side to make you feel safe, secure, loved, cherished? This special kit not only protects you from evil spirits, but also destroys those who are lurking, plotting, trying to trip you, hurt you, embarrass you. Order this kit if you don't feel secure, confident, protected. This is a very potent ritual, and very effective!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| seduction-bracelet|"Seduction Bracelet"|SDB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"Wrap the band of Tiger-eye around your wrist and let the excitement begin!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Made of carefully selected pieces of tiger-eye, the Seduction Bracelet first came to prominence during the Roman period. In ancient Rome, women of distinction wore tiger-eye to seduce a current or potential lover. Get Your Man's Attention
    • Ignite passion in your man.
    • Bring adventure into your romance.
    • Allow others to see your sensual, feline side.
    • Bring your sensuality and radiant beauty to the surface.

    It is said that Tiger-eye melts the heart of anyone who gazes upon it. Wrap the band of Tiger-eye around your wrist and let the excitement begin."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| self-improvement-spells|"Self Improvement Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you feel you have been held back by bad luck or an inability to take advantage of opportunities, then take a careful look and see which self-improvement spells work best for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Are there people out there you admire because they have reached the pinnacle of success in fame, fortune and love? The Secret The dirty little secret is they are no different than you…except perhaps in one major category: they rely on their inner powers to achieve success at the highest level. The good news is, YOU CAN DO IT TOO! Let an expert in the metaphysical arts cast a self-improvement spell for you. He will visualize your success and implant these important messages in your mind:
    1. You will begin to look at life in a fresh, new, exciting way.
    2. You will feel confidant and jubilant, completely at ease with whom you are.
    3. You will set your sights on the highest goals knowing that each and every one of them is in within reach.
    4. Your fear of failure and rejection will dissipate as you begin to experience success after success.
    If you feel you have been held back by bad luck or an inability to take advantage of opportunities, then it is your destiny that you are reading these words at this time. Take a careful look at the following and see which self-improvement spells work best for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    "||||"(:SI1 :SI2 :SI3 :SI4 :SI5 :SI6 :SI7 :SI8 :SI9)"|"(:SI1 :SI2 :SI3 :SI4 :SI5 :SI6 :SI7 :SI8 :SI9)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| send-my-lover-back|"Send My Lover Back!"|SML|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Send My Lover Back!"|""|"If you are alone and without that special someone, this spell is designed for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Don't despair, there is always hope. If you are alone and without that special someone, this spell is designed for you. Consider this spell, if:
    • The love of your life seems disinterested in you.
    • No matter what you say or do, you can't change their attitude toward you.
    • You are afraid time is running out.
    • You know if you can only soften their heart for a moment or two, you can achieve the breakthrough you've been seeking.
    • You are determined to give it one last try.

    There are few things more discouraging than suffering through a broken relationship. We sympathize with you and suggest you have two options: 1) Decide once and for all the relationship is over and move on with your life. If you select this path, then there is no need for you to request this spell. 2) Give it one last try knowing you've done everything possible to get back the love of your life. If this is your decision, then we'll do our best to cast the most powerful spell possible in your behalf.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sexwangano315|"Sex Wanga"|W15|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek sexual fulfillment, sexual pleasures."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| shadow-love-spell|"Shadow Love Spell"|SLS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Shadow Love Spell"|""|"This most influential love spell is designed to penetrate the inner consciousness of that special person, implanting your irresistible, loving image in their brain."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This most influential spell is designed to penetrate the inner consciousness of that special person, implanting your irresistible, loving image in their brain. If all else has failed to bring your lover into your arms once and for all, the Shadow Love spell could be your salvation. Consider your current situation and see if the following illustrates what you're up against:
    • You're madly in love and have no doubt this is the one and only person for you.
    • But you're getting resistance because this person is stubborn and has been ""burned"" before.
    • And you're frustrated that their baggage is damaging what could be the relationship of a lifetime.
    • Although you're willing to commit unconditionally, your loved one is hesitant and refuses to admit you are the perfect person, the soul mate they have been seeking.
    So if you are fearful that this person is ""pulling away"" and time is running out, you should take the unconventional step of implanting the seeds of love in their brain. You will not regret it. Shadow Love spells have a somewhat mysterious origin and are believed to have been first introduced in the seventeenth century in what is now called Romania. If you want to be loved like no other person has ever loved you before, this is your moment for a Shadow Love spell to be cast in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| shark-attack-spell|"Shark Attack Spell"|SAS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Shark Attack Spell"|""|"If you or someone you know is being harassed, it's time to act right now!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is someone bothering you? Are you being criticized, harassed, bullied? Are you getting tired of playing the victim? If so, there is something you can do. You can go on the offensive! You can strike back! So if you want to stop that person in their tracks who is making your life miserable, you have come to the right place. Order the Shark Attack spell, if:
    • This person is causing you anxiety, grief and worry.
    • This person must realize they will suffer the consequences if they don't cease and desist.
    • This person is doing you an injustice and must be stopped!
    The Shark Attack spell is swift and decisive! Do not sit back and wait for this person to stop on their own. You know that's not going to happen. So if you or someone you know is being harassed, it's time to act right now! The Shark Attack spell is designed to pull the rug out from this evildoer and make them regret the day the two of you ever crossed paths.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sherpas-nirvana|"Sherpa's Nirvana"|SHP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(59.95)||T|""|""|"Sherpa's Nirvana"|""|"Whether you have a current love who is ignoring you, or you are searching for a new love, Sherpa's Nirvana bridges the gap between you and the one with whom you are destined."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Sherpa's Nirvana is the legendary good luck piece of the Sherpas who guide climbers to the highest peaks in the Himalayas. It is said that the person who possesses this mystical piece will locate their true love. Sherpa's Nirvana is recommended by mystics for the purpose of uniting lovers. Whether you have a current love who is ignoring you, or you are searching for a new love, Sherpa's Nirvana bridges the gap between you and the one with whom you are destined. Here's what Sherpa's Nirvana could do for you:
    • Lure a potential mate who will be drawn to you as if being pulled by an invisible rope.
    • Reinvigorate a current relationship gone stale.
    • Create a spark where none had existed previously.
    • Allow your inner beauty to bloom and rise to the surface, drawing all eyes toward you.
    • Increase your partner's sensitivity to your feelings.
    • Get your partner's mind off the negative and onto the positive.
    • Replace their indifference with attentiveness and a warm heart.
    • Reinstill passion and excitement in your spiritual and physical relationship.
    If your relationship is hemorrhaging and you don't know where to turn, may we suggest you seek out the powers of Sherpa's Nirvana. The instant you touch this spectacular piece, you will be comforted with the knowledge that you have a mystical force working in your behalf. If your lover has gone astray and is looking for something better, Sherpa's Nirvana is intended to lure him back. If you are without a lover at the moment, Sherpa's Nirvana is reputed to draw a potential mate to you. Despondency, negative energy, and toxic thoughts are deadly to a relationship. Don't let these powerful forces destroy what you have tried so hard to build. Let the mystical forces of Nirvana work for you. This beautifully crafted piece is made of sterling silver."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss3|"Shooting Star Attitude Adjustment Spell"|SS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you are in love with someone who doesn't reciprocate your feelings, this spell is designed to change their mind and end your loneliness."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss7|"Shooting Star Career Spell"|SS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you feel your career is on hold and is stagnated, this spell could open the eyes of people around you so they can see your extraordinary abilities. This spell is designed to bring you rewards, profits, and material possessions based on your dedication, hard work, and important contributions."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss9|"Shooting Star Happiness Spell"|SS9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is an all-purpose spell bringing you the things that will re-energize your very being. After all, happiness is what everyone seeks, and you certainly deserve to be with that special person, while possessing the material possessions to make your life easier and more enjoyable."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss10|"Shooting Star Heartbreak Spell"|SS10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you have a broken heart and you think it is beyond repair, don't give up hope. This spell not only repairs, it seeks out a new love, a new hope for you to achieve what you've been looking for – someone who will reciprocate all the love you have to give."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss6|"Shooting Star Hot Lust Spell"|SS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If your sex life needs a quick boost, this spell could bring your love life to a new level of ecstasy, and you could experience excitement and happiness you didn't think possible. This spell could bring untold surprises to you and your partner."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss5|"Shooting Star KO Spell"|SS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Designed to expel someone who is causing you trouble or who seeks to undermine you. Unfortunately, there are some people in the world who have a negative influence and who seem obsessed with bringing other people down to their level. This spell could neutralize them – quickly and efficiently. Once this spell is cast, they won't know what hit them."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss2|"Shooting Star Love Spell"|SS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you seek love but can't seem to find the right person, this spell will seek the right person for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss8|"Shooting Star Money Spell"|SS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    You have worked hard all your life and you deserve to have things come to you easily and without effort. This spell is designed to position you to be in the right place at the right time so you can recognize that ""once in a lifetime"" opportunity that will bring your finances to the highest level."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss4|"Shooting Star Reunion Spell"|SS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Bring back a lost love into the fold. No matter where this person is or however distant their feelings are toward you, this spell could do for you what you’ve been unable to do on your own."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss1|"Shooting Star Separator Spell"|SS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell focuses on an existing relationship that you wish to dissolve. Request this spell if you truly feel these two people do not belong together."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| showerme|"Shower Me With Love"|SHO|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Shower Me With Love"|""|"An incredible love spell to help you find the person that will Shower You With Love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    From this day forward, bless me with a partner who cares for me, loves me, and wants to be with me! Have this person hold me and caress me. Let our hearts be filled with joy and laughter and happiness, knowing that we can count on each other in good times and bad. Shower me with kindness, honesty, loyalty - and most of all, love. Let me be engulfed in the love of that special person who wants me, needs me, and wants to take care of me. I am weary of being an island and not having a trusted shoulder to lean on. I want to look into my sweetheart's eyes who sees my essence, knowing that I am a good person, a loving person. I don't want to be misunderstood. I don't want my words to be misinterpreted. I don't want to constantly defend myself. Please give me the benefit of the doubt. Accept me for the loving person I truly am. Shower me with kindness and love - and you will have the best, the most loyal partner (mate) in the world.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sigils|"Sigils"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"In the four decades since the founding of California Astrology Association, we have never had an amulet that has caused such interest, awe, and excitement."|""|""|""|""|""|" Welcome to the wonderful world of Sigils (pronounced sij-ills). In the four decades since the founding of California Astrology Association, we have never had an amulet that has caused such interest, awe, and excitement. You simply have to see a Sigil up close, in person, to appreciate its raw beauty and its mesmerizing qualities. Be prepared to being the center of attention the moment you hold this stunning piece in your hand or place it around your neck. What is a Sigil? A Sigil is created when a gifted psychic merges all the letters of a wish into a one-of-a-kind amulet. He then “energizes” the Sigil so the moment you take possession of your Sigil, your subconscious is implanted with this message. In time, the wish becomes reality! What a Sigil Can Do for You! If you have a wish or desire that is similar to one of the Sigils listed below, allow your subconscious to manipulate events and people to bring your wish to reality. (Note: The letters of a Sigil are embedded in various forms and sizes. Try to find the letters in your Sigil.) Sigils are crafted in sterling silver, and range in height from 1"" to 1 1/2"". Chain is included. "||||"(:SG1 :SG2 :SG3 :SG4 :SG5 :SG6)"|"(:SG1 :SG2 :SG3 :SG4 :SG5 :SG6)"|""|"3"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sign-of-the-fisherman|"Sign of the Fisherman"|B03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(74.95)||T|""|""|"Sign of the Fisherman"|""|"The moment you place this beautiful silver bangle on your wrist, you will feel a genuine peacefulness within."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    The moment you place this beautiful silver bangle on your wrist, you will feel a genuine peacefulness within. Soon, you will have the notion that all your troubles and worries are beginning to subside. Feel His spirit by your side! You can be assured that when you possess the Sign of the Fisherman you will not be alone. You will have the most powerful spirit of all by your side to help simplify your life and ease your pain. You will also be led to your chosen path. Think on these things...
    • Why walk this earth alone?
    • Why tackle all your troubles by yourself?
    • Why not take the hand of a supreme power and walk by His side?

    If you are in need of a guiding force... If you aspire to achieve goals that heretofore have been unreachable... If you want to bring friends and loved ones closer to you... Then wear this mystical adornment and see for yourself what it can do for you. This silver bangle is highly polished with an oxidized finish and will bring you years of enjoyment.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| silent-ninja-spell|"Silent Ninja Spell"|SNS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Silent Ninja Spell"|""|"A Silent Ninja spell could help reunite you with that very special person."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What can be more devastating than losing the love of your life? Particularly, if the loss is due to a rival shoving you aside, leaving you to spend the rest of your life regretting you didn't do everything within your power to stop it. If this is the situation you're in, a Silent Ninja spell could help reunite you with that very special person. Silent Ninja spells were first conceived in the 15th century in the Iga Province of Japan. The purpose of these potent spells was to cast doom and destruction on the enemies of the warlords. Legend has it that Silent Ninja spells were spells of the night that were called upon in dire circumstances - to even the score, to undo a wrong, to neutralize a rival. Although practiced for centuries in the Far East, Silent Ninja spells have only recently been introduced to Western culture. Today, a Master Psychic, who specializes in casting Silent Ninja spells, is available to help you in your time of need. His sole mission is to remove a competitor - a rival - who is determined to take the love of your life away from you. So if you need something done quickly, efficiently - silently, without any trace of your involvement, look no further than the Silent Ninja spell. Upon hearing your request, our Master Psychic will cast a very powerful Silent Ninja spell in your behalf.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| silver-jackpot-amulet|"Silver Jackpot Amulet"|JAS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"Silver Jackpot Amulet"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| site-maintenance|"Site Maintenance"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Beginning at 7 P.M. PDT on April 26: checkout on our site will not be available for six hours due to website maintenance. (Please note that you can access our site but not place an order during this six-hour period.)

    Beginning at 1 A.M.PDT on April 27: checkout will be available. However, we will not be able to confirm or fulfill your order until April 29th, at which time we will notify you. You will also not receive your order confirmation until the system is fully back online on April 29th.

    If you require faster service during this period, please refer to one of our other websites which won’t be undergoing site maintenance:

    "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|" "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sitting-on-top-of-the-world-spell|"Sitting on Top of the World Spell"|STW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Sitting on Top of the World Spell"|""|"If you want Money, Success, Love, and Unlimited Happiness to be in your future, all you have to do is ask."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What is it you want?
    • Money?
    • Success?
    • Love?
    • Unlimited Happiness?
    If you are one of the select few that feel you not only ""want"" it all but you truly ""deserve"" to have it all, you may be surprised to know you've already done something to speed up the process. In fact, you are already on the way to achieving all of the above. How is that? It may not be a coincidence that you were drawn to these words. Ask yourself these three questions:
    1. At this moment, do you feel a surge of positive energy that you haven't felt in some time?
    2. Do you feel that some things are meant to be, and that for you to achieve ultimate success you are destined to be in the right place at the right time?
    3. Do you feel this is one of those moments?
    If you answered yes to all three questions, it should be apparent you are indeed reading these words for a reason. It is quite possible you are destined to have this powerful spell cast in your behalf. It is your fate to have it all There is nothing wrong with wanting to have it all. Do not apologize for it. After all, the most successful people in the world don't sit around and wait for money to drop into their lap. They do something about it. This is your opportunity to have the Sitting on Top of the World spell work wonders for you. So if you want Money, Success, Love, and Unlimited Happiness to be in your future. All you have to do is ask.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| slimring|"Slim Ring"|SLM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(19.95)||T|"""Your Waist Size"" 22"" 23"" 24"" 25"" 26"" 27"" 28"" 29"" 30"" 31"" 32"" 33"" 34"" 35"" 36"" 37"" 38"" 39"" 40"" 41"" 42"" 43"" 44"" 45"" 46"" 47"" 48"" 49"" 50"" 51"" 52"" 53"" 54"" 55"" 56"" 57"" 58"" 59"" 60"""|"
    Your Waist Size: 
    "|""|""|"No longer will you have to worry about overeating, the Slim Ring will tell you when to stop! "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Wear it around your waist. It ""tugs"" when you begin to overindulge. The Slim Ring is a delicate, beautiful chain worn around the waist, and it could make eating fun again. No longer will you have to worry about overeating, the Slim Ring will tell you when to stop! Popularized by high fashion models whose livelihood depends upon their trim figures, the Slim Ring serves as a constant reminder not to overindulge in food. Wear the attractive Slim Ring over your clothing and you’ll find it to be an interesting conversation piece. Wear it under your clothing and it’ll be your personal ""little secret.""

    How does it work?

    Put the Slim Ring on in the morning and let it hang gently around your waist. Eat reasonably and moderately and you probably won’t feel the Slim Ring for the rest of the day. But, should you begin to overeat, your midsection will expand causing the Slim Ring to feel tighter. This silent, gentle reminder alerts you that you have eaten enough. When you put down your fork you will realize you are finally in control of food. Food will not be controlling you. And your new mindset will allow you to lose weight quickly, easily, permanently. Since 90 percent of dieters regain lost weight, why subject yourself to the rigors of the latest fad diets, pills, liquids?... The moment you put on the Slim Ring, your “inner you” will take charge and you can forget dieting once and for all. The Slim Ring is the natural way to keep your body trim and slim. It's beautiful, it's inexpensive, and it works! You will be amazed when you realize you've finally discovered the secret to permanent weight loss. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs9|"Slot Machines Gambling Spell"|GS9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-spells|"Snake Eater Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Snake-Eaters usually emerge victorious regardless of the situation, regardless of the odds, regardless of the obstacles!"|""|""|""|""|""|" Have you ever fantasized about being invincible and having the power to get exactly what you want - in your career, in your financial dealings, in your most important relationships? Wouldn't it be incredible to experience wild success in so many aspects of your life? And lead a life of leisure and luxury? And having your pick of ""anyone"" and making this person not only your soul mate, but a lifelong mate? Dreams? Fantasies? Perhaps. But think about this: some people truly reach the heights described above. So what sets these people apart from the rest of us? One thing we do know: People who are lucky enough to have all of the above usually have these common characteristics:
    • They have the unique ability to get precisely what they want when they want it.
    • They demand respect and they get respect.
    • They are often the center of attention.
    • They carry themselves with a confident, self-assured manner.
    • Regardless of their physical appearance, they seem to be blessed with good friends and very attractive mates.
    These people are known as Snake-Eaters. You, too, can become a Snake-Eater! Snake-Eaters are confident, they are bold, and they are winners. And no matter what their physical characteristics may be, their ""attitude"" is enough to intimidate opponents while at the same time attracting the ""right"" people to them. Snake-Eaters usually emerge victorious regardless of the situation, regardless of the odds, regardless of the obstacles! And when in love, the object of their affection very likely will easily succumb to their irresistible charms. Stalled at work? Finances a mess? Love life close to zero? So if your life is not progressing as expected and your career, your bank account or your love life (or all three) are cause for concern, these potent Snake-Eater spells will put steel in your backbone and luck on your side! Snake-Eaters make their own luck Snake-Eaters overcome obstacles with their cleverness, resourcefulness and amazing determination. They make their own luck! And it's time for you to do the same! Take a look at the following Snake-Eater spells and see which one(s) best suit your needs:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-career-maker-spell|"Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell"|SE10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell"|""|"
    If your career is stalled and you want to impress not only your supervisor but also your peers, the Snake-Eater in you will pounce on any opportunity to get you ahead of the pack and keep you there. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" If your career is stalled and you want to impress not only your supervisor but also your peers, the Snake-Eater in you will pounce on any opportunity to get you ahead of the pack and keep you there. Is this you?
    • You are bright and you want to make a lot of money.
    • You feel you can excel once you are in a position with potential.
    • Once you are motivated, nothing can stop you.
    • So you must be in a job that's challenging; otherwise you are bored.
    If you are the type of person who gets down on yourself for not being aggressive enough and not standing up for your rights, you need this Snake-Eater spell. Take this quick test
    • Do you want to be in control of your destiny?
    • Are you tired of taking orders and would rather give them?
    • Do you crave the respect and admiration of your peers?
    • Are you tired of making money for other people and feel it's time to utilize your talents to pad your own bank account?
    If you answered yes to these four questions, the Snake-Eater Career Maker Spell is definitely for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-change-your-image-spell|"Snake-Eater Change Your Image Spell"|SE01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Change Your Image Spell"|""|"
    Emit an aura of confidence, strength and magnetism! Are you haunted by the thought you may never be totally happy? In your work? In your finances? In your love life? Or perhaps someone is causing you trouble and you are at your wit's end because you don't know how to counter their actions. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Are you haunted by the thought you may never be totally happy? In your work? In your finances? In your love life? Or perhaps someone is causing you trouble and you are at your wit's end because you don't know how to counter their actions. You may be relieved to know that a Master Psychic who specializes in Snake-Eater spells is standing by to concentrate his formidable psychic powers in your behalf? Is this you?
    • You are a good person with a good heart, but sometimes you feel you are alone, with no one else willing to lend you a helping hand.
    • You have worked hard all your life trying to make ends meet, but you're growing frustrated with the difficulties that never seem to end.
    • In your relationships - particularly the important ones- things seem to be going downhill.
    • You wish you could project a constant aura of confidence and strength. And you crave for the most important people in your life to respect you, admire you, and love you - unconditionally.
    If the above words accurately reflect your situation, the Snake-Eater Change Your Image spell could be just what you've been looking for. Here's What Will Happen When You Become a Snake Eater:
    • If someone is causing you trouble, the snake-eater in you will allow you to appear stronger and invulnerable. People will think twice before tangling with you.
    • If a love interest is not reciprocating your love and affection, or perhaps has ""left the field,"" the aura of the Snake-Eater will captivate them and convince them that you are the one and only one for them.
    • If you have a problem that seems unsolvable, the Snake-Eater in you will more easily come up with a solution. And it will appear to be surprisingly simple.
    • Your inner juices will begin flowing, freeing your creative abilities that will enhance every aspect of your life, from career to friendships, from your finances to your love life.
    • Friends and family will not only show more respect for you but will become more loving and giving.
    • People will want to be with you and bask in your new aura of confidence and authority.
    • Friends, work associates and loved ones will feel the strong vibrations coming directly from you.
    So if you want to mesmerize and attract people to you, particularly that one special person, you, too, can become a Snake-Eater. And once you experience the wonderful transformation from an average person to a powerful, irresistible Snake-Eater, you can wave goodbye to passivity and welcome the new confident, stronger, sensational you!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-change-your-lovers-mind-spell|"Snake-Eater Change Your Lover's Mind Spell"|SE02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Change Your Lover's Mind Spell"|""|"
    The Snake-Eater Change Your Lover's Mind spell is designed to blast through the resistance your lover has erected. And until this is accomplished, nothing you say or do will change their mind. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are suffering because your lover has an ""attitude problem,"" this all-powerful spell is designed to penetrate the heart and soul of the one you love. Blast Through the Barriers! The Snake-Eater Change Your Lover's Mind spell is designed to blast through the resistance your lover has erected. And until this is accomplished, nothing you say or do will change their mind. The purpose of this potent spell is to wake your lover up, to make them aware of the foolishness and recklessness of their current course. And convince them of the possibility that they could lose you and suffer the lifelong consequences. Only then will they begin to see clearly and realistically that you are the only one who can give them complete and total happiness. This spell is for you, if:
    • The one you love is stubborn and has a mind set about you that has to be changed.
    • You desperately want the relationship to be caring, loving, joyful, and respectful of one another.
    • Your goal is to proceed through life together, sharing the incredible joys that come with a successful partnership, and being able to count on one another when the going gets tough.
    • You're tired of the feuding, the misunderstandings, the antagonisms.
    • You simply want to be happy and get rid of all the negatives in the relationship.
    Don't Let Your Heart Break Any Longer! It must be incredibly frustrating for you when you know in your heart of hearts that the two of you are meant for each other. You must be heartsick knowing that life will never be the same until the two of you are on the same wavelength, in a permanent relationship, and heading toward the future hand in hand. If the above thoughts reflect your situation, this is a must spell for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-coiled-lust-spell|"Snake-Eater Coiled Lust Spell"|SE05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Coiled Lust Spell"|""|"
    Arouses uncontrollable lust for you! If you physically desire someone but are frustrated that this person is not reciprocating your advances or fulfilling your sexual needs, you should consider asking the Master Psychic who specializes in Snake-Eater spells to give you a helping hand. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" If you physically desire someone but are frustrated that this person is not reciprocating your advances or fulfilling your sexual needs, you should consider asking the Master Psychic who specializes in Snake-Eater spells to give you a helping hand. As you probably know, sex is ninety percent in the mind. The difference between a good lover and a poor lover is usually decided in what that person ""thinks"" about sex. If he or she has an open mind and is willing to try new things (rather than the same old thing), and do it with gusto, there's a very high possibility that the sexual experience will be enhanced. What the Snake-Eater Coiled Lust spell can do is free your partner from his or her sexual inhibitions. And once this is done, your partner will not be limited with predetermined notions about what should or should not be done behind closed doors. But most of all, this spell is designed to greatly enhance your partner's lust for you! Is this you?
    • You have wild sexual fantasies, and you know you can bring the ""right"" person to ecstatic heights.
    • You are a very sensual person but you must have someone who is sensual and uninhibited if you are to be at your best.
    • You realize that good sex is only one aspect of a good relationship, but without it you're afraid the partnership could eventually end in failure.
    • You are a very creative, very imaginative person. And even those closest to you would be quite surprised what goes through your mind when you're thinking about sex.
    If the above words ring true, the Snake-Eater Coiled Lust spell is just what the doctor ordered. It could bring about a remarkable (and exciting) change to your life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-couple-exploder-spell|"Snake-Eater Couple Exploder Spell"|SE07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Couple Exploder Spell"|""|"
    This could finish it off with a bang! Some partnerships are not meant to be. And sooner or later their union will be dissolved. This potent spell is meant to be a facilitator. It is specifically designed to speed up the process, allowing the couple to go their own separate ways, free at last from a bond that shouldn't have occurred in the first place. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Some partnerships are not meant to be. And sooner or later their union will be dissolved. This potent spell is meant to be a facilitator. It is specifically designed to speed up the process, allowing the couple to go their own separate ways, free at last from a bond that shouldn't have occurred in the first place. Is this you? You know of a specific relationship that should have never taken place. You feel that one of the people involved may have entered the relationship as a rebound, possibly from you. And you - perhaps frantically - want this person back in your life. Because once the two of you are together again, all will be well in the world. You are certain that if this current relationship continues, someone you care for so deeply will be badly hurt. And you want to spare this person the pain and disappointment of a bad relationship. Because your heart may be breaking over the possibility the two of you may never be together again, the Snake-Eater Couple Exploder spell attempts to end the relationship quickly with finality. Otherwise, it could linger over the coming months and years. And should that happen, we don't want you to endure the unbearable pain. Order this spell if:
    • One or both parties are not meant for each other.
    • You are certain that one of the person's involved is on the wrong track and you must set things straight.
    • You feel that because you're looking in from the outside, you have a better perspective and can see things they can't.
    • This flawed relationship is hurting other people as well... namely you.
    Once you have considered the above matter carefully and thoroughly, if you still feel you must do everything within your power to break up this couple, then this spell is for you. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: This is a very potent spell that plants the seeds of destruction in a relationship. You should think very carefully before requesting it.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-money-and-success-spell|"Snake-Eater Money And Success Spell"|SE09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Money And Success Spell"|""|"
    Opens the gates to unimaginable wealth! This spectacular spell gives you the inner strength and determination to achieve financial glory. You simply need a helping hand, someone who will stand by your side and give you assistance when it is most needed. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" This spectacular spell gives you the inner strength and determination to achieve financial glory. But there's one more thing you need. To be rich you need to be lucky. With this spell your ability to attract luck increases dramatically! It will seem as if everything you touch turns to gold. And you will ""feel it,"" truly feel it. It will be as if a lightning bolt of energy is surging throughout your body - giving you a feeling of invincibility in anything you tackle: work, family issues, close relationships, etc. Is this you?
    • You feel you simply need the chance, the opportunity, to get ahead.
    • Once you gain momentum and get up a head of steam, there will be no stopping you, no looking back.
    • If you are given the opportunity, you will surprise a great many people with your industriousness, your creativity, your persistence.
    • You know in your heart you are meant to do great things in this world.
    You simply need a helping hand, someone who will stand by your side and give you assistance when it is most needed. This is the moment for you to call upon the Master Psychic whose specialty is casting Snake-Eater spells. He can assist you in your quest to have money, power, and success by concentrating his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. So if you feel your time has come, and this is your moment to shine and make it in this cold, hard world, ask for the Snake-Eater Money and Success spell. What do you have to lose?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-rattlers-spell|"Snake-Eater Rattler's Spell"|SE03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Rattler's Spell"|""|"
    The ultimate jump-start of a stalled relationship! If you are in a relationship that is going nowhere, or worse yet, barely exists at the moment, the Snake-Eater Rattler's spell will make your loved one wake up and take notice! Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are in a relationship that is going nowhere, or worse yet, barely exists at the moment, the Snake-Eater Rattler's spell will make your loved one wake up and take notice! This spell should be cast in your behalf, if:
    • You want to shake things up in your relationship.
    • You don't want your loved one to take you for granted.
    • You want to be held and hear the words that you are the one and only person in your lover's eyes.
    • Outside forces appear to be working against you, influencing your loved one, and you want to put a stop to it.
    Ask a Master Psychic for Assistance If you have tried everything to get your loved one's attention, but nothing has worked up to now, perhaps you need the assistance of a Master Psychic to work in your behalf. The Snake-Eater Rattler's spell is designed to penetrate the mind and soul of your loved one, planting the seeds of togetherness and long-lasting love. Your Two Wishes Can Come True
    1. You wish to be part of a loving, loyal twosome.
    2. You wish to be assured your partner will never be interested in anyone else.
    If the above words reflect your true feelings, this remarkable spell is yours for the asking.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-retrieve-your-lover-spell|"Snake-Eater Retrieve Your Lover Spell"|SE06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Retrieve Your Lover Spell"|""|"
    Whether your lover has gone for a day, a month, a year, the Snake-Eater Retrieve Your Lover spell penetrates the hardest of hearts and plants the seeds for them to think of you with warmth and love. And once this process has begun, it is only a matter of time before the recipient of the spell begins to think of how it would be once the two of you are reunited: talking, laughing, holding each other... Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" If, above all else, you wish to revive a relationship gone bad, this is the spell for you. Whether your lover has gone for a day, a month, a year, the Snake-Eater Retrieve Your Lover spell penetrates the hardest of hearts and plants the seeds for them to think of you with warmth and love. And once this process has begun, it is only a matter of time before the recipient of the spell begins to think of how it would be once the two of you are reunited: talking, laughing, holding each other... Although nothing is certain in life, this spell could be the breakthrough you've been seeking. This spell is for you, if:
    • You feel you've made some mistakes in the past in this relationship but are certain you won't repeat them.
    • You love this person with all your heart, and you know the relationship will blossom if only you are given the chance.
    • Your lover is upset with you and doesn't seem to be listening. And all you are asking is to get a second chance.
    • And once this happens you have no doubt the two of you will live happily ever after.
    If the above words reflect your thoughts, you were meant to read this.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-revenge-spell|"Snake-Eater Revenge Spell"|SE08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Revenge Spell"|""|"
    Someone hassling you? They’ll soon regret it! The Snake-Eater Revenge spell is designed to pull no punches. But just make sure you know for certain that a specific person is out to get you. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" If someone has wronged you, you have come to the right place. The Snake-Eater Revenge spell is designed to pull no punches. But just make sure you know for certain that a specific person is out to get you. For this spell penetrates the mind of your antagonist, implanting the seeds of doubt, a loss of self-confidence, and perhaps most importantly, the fear that if they don't stop hassling you, they will suffer grave consequences. WARNING: Do not order this spell if you have any doubts whatsoever. You don't want an innocent person to suffer the consequences of this potent spell. Request the Snake-Eater Revenge spell, if:
    • Someone is out to get you and they must be stopped.
    • Their actions are not allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.
    • This person is bitter and angry, and you need a powerful force by your side to neutralize or defeat them.
    • You want the seeds of destruction planted deep within their mind so their ultimate course in life will lead to failure.
    • You are not a vindictive person, but before this antagonist does you anymore harm, you know you have to do something to counteract their devious actions.
    If some or all of the above describes your situation, the Snake-Eater Revenge spell could quell your anxieties and neutralize your nemesis once and for all.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eater-triumph-in-love-spell|"Snake-Eater Triumph In Love Spell"|SE04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$6.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eater Triumph In Love Spell"|""|"
    Love life a disaster? Wait ‘til you become a Snake-Eater! Most of the successes we achieve in life are due to being in the right place at the right time. And this is what the Snake-Eater Triumph in Love spell is designed to do: change your karma so you will encounter the right person - the best person for you - at the right time at the right place. Tell Me More
    "|""|""|""|""|""|" Why do some people have all the luck? You may have asked yourself this question when you've observed a couple who appeared to be blessed with companionship, friendship, and an obvious love for one another. So, why not you? You're a good person, a solid person, a well-meaning person. With a gargantuan amount of love to give - and receive. So, why is it you're not currently blessed with a mate who loves everything about you and shows it every minute of the day? The answer of course is that finding the love of your life is not easy. Changing your karma Most of the successes we achieve in life are due to being in the right place at the right time. And this is what the Snake-Eater Triumph in Love spell is designed to do: change your karma so you will encounter the right person - the best person for you - at the right time at the right place. And once you meet the person of your dreams, the two of you will bond into a glorious, happy partnership. And you will have achieved one of your most important goals: a gloriously successful marriage. Is this you? Sometimes you feel you've been too passive in your relationships and that if you had a bit more of the Snake-Eater in you, you'd be able to achieve greater success. So if you're frustrated and disappointed with your love life. And if you feel alone and abandoned, you should definitely consider the Triumph in Love spell. It has worked for others. Why not you? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| snake-eyes|"Snake-Eyes Spell"|SNK|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Snake-Eyes Spell"|""|"Beware: The effects of this powerful spell could emotionally cripple the person you are directing it towards. Think long and hard before requesting the Snake-Eyes spell."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Beware: The effects of this powerful spell could emotionally cripple the person you are directing it towards. Think long and hard before requesting the Snake-Eyes spell. If you know someone who is evil, whose primary purpose in life is to bring sorrow and unhappiness to others (particularly you), you have within your power the ability to neutralize them. It is called the Snake-Eyes spell. And it is potent! Once the Snake-Eyes spell is cast, these are but a few of its effects upon the person it is directed against:
    • Reverse their negative energy upon themselves.
    • Lower their self-esteem, their self-confidence.
    • Instill in them a lackluster feeling -- as if their energy is slowly draining out of their body.
    • Inject in them a feeling of confusion, self-doubt, and an inability to focus.
    • Make them fearful of making decisions.
    • Have them look at you in a new light... impressing them with your strength, your wisdom, your confident manner.
    Dear CAA,

    I want to thank you for the energy that you used to address my concerns. I ordered a few spells over the last year and I have to say that I did get positive results.

    The most striking results were from the two spells I had cast on an ex-boyfriend who caused me a lot of emotional suffering. I ordered the Snake Eyes Spell and the Get Even Spell.

    He has been in contact with me recently and let me know that he got run over by a truck and broke a lot of bones. He's currently going through physical therapy.

    Thanks so much for the great results!

    Atlanta, GA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Your enemy's wrath, anger, and hostility toward you will rebound against them tenfold. At first they will be puzzled and not know what's happening, but soon they will realize the devastation they have brought upon themselves. Then they will change their ways or back out of the picture altogether. The Snake-Eyes spell will cause them to suffer the consequences of their bad thoughts. If it is an enemy you wish to rid yourself of, the Snake-Eyes spell will cast a pall over them. Bad luck and bad karma will hover over them like a dark cloud. And as they experience these negative forces, you will feel more energetic, more confident in your future. The moment the Snake-Eyes spell is cast, your enemy's negative impulses will flow off you like Teflon. If it is merely a romantic rival you want out of the picture, but wish them no harm, the Snake-Eyes spell will merely plant the seeds to cast them aside, allowing you to reenter the picture So, if there is someone out there who is opposed to you and wishes you harm -- perhaps not physically, but in ways that could be equally devastating -- now is the time to turn the tables on them!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ge4|"Soften My Lover's Heart Good Eye Spell"|GE4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Soften My Lover's Heart Good Eye Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you need help in the romance department, this remarkable spell could elevate your closest relationship to being the most intimate, the most joyful, the most lovely relationship you've ever had.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| val3|"Soften Your Lover's Heart Valentine Spell"|VAL3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Do you have a lover who is resistant to your advances? Are they leery of commitment? Are they reluctant to admit you are the one and only person for them? This spell pierces their hard shell, leaving them vulnerable to your advances. If you are certain the two of you are meant to be together, this spell is designed for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-other-relationship-issues|"Solutions for Other Relationship Issues"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sorcery-spell|"Sorcery Spell"|SOR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Summon the spirits of the occult to do your bidding."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Sorcery!!!! It’s a term that is both mystical and mysterious at the same time.
    So what does it mean?
    Sorcery is a form of the supernatural that has often been misunderstood, often characterized as a negative force. In reality, Sorcery can be a potent “positive” force, if applied by someone who has been blessed with a super-developed psychic ability. These gifted people are known as Master Psychics.
    Does this relate to you?
    Do you currently have a lingering problem that is essentially putting your life on hold? Is it on your mind constantly, causing you worry, stress and sleepless nights? And do you feel isolated and frustrated because you are not in control of your destiny?
    What precisely is your problem?
    • Is it a relationship turned sour?
    • Perhaps your loved one is being unreasonable, refusing to really hear what you have to say?
    • And not displaying the sensitivity, empathy and understanding you crave?
    • And most of all...not giving you the affection and sweet love you so deserve?
    • Or perhaps you’re suffering from a financial setback that is hampering your lifestyle?
    • Or is it a nemesis who is a thorn in your side?
    You are not alone!
    So whatever the serious issue is that is haunting you, and not being resolved no matter how hard you try. Then perhaps it’s time to call upon the remarkable powers of sorcery to work in your behalf.
    So who to call? Who to contact?
    • You need someone whom you can trust.
    • Someone who can do more than simply giving you good advice.
    • Someone who will stand by your side, guiding you, showing you the way.
    • Someone willing to take action in your behalf!
    Summon the spirits of the occult to do your bidding
    If the above closely describes your current situation and state of mind, this is your opportunity to request the services of a Master Psychic. And upon receiving your call to action will summon the spirits of the occult to do your bidding. And cast one of the most potent spells in the metaphysical world in your behalf...the Sorcery spell. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos2|"SOS Lasting Love Spell"|SOS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to meld your two spirits into one so you become not only lovers but soul mates. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos4|"SOS Bring Back My Lover Spell"|SOS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you want to make life worth living again and to renew a relationship that somehow has become almost nonexistent, this spell is designed to reignite the spark that brought the two of you together in the first place. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos1|"SOS Bulging Pockets Spell"|SOS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell is designed to increase your bank account as well as your prestige. Others will wonder how in the world your financial situation changed so dramatically. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos3|"SOS Hot, Hot, Hot Spell"|SOS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Do you crave a sexual relationship that could elevate you and your lover to the heights of ecstatic pleasure? If so, this incredible spell will make you the envy of everyone you know. The Hot, Hot, Hot spell will make you Happy, Happy, Happy! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos6|"SOS Lucky Me Spell"|SOS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is an all-purpose spell which is intended to bring you luck in all areas of your life. So if you feel you are in need of a lucky streak, this is the spell for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos5|"SOS Remove Rival Spell"|SOS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone is standing between you and your lover, this powerful spell is designed to remove them from the scene! Think it over very carefully because once this person is gone, they will not return. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sos-spells|"SOS Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"There comes a moment in everyone's life when desperate times call for desperate measures."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There comes a moment in everyone's life when desperate times call for desperate measures. Answer These Questions
    1. Do you feel nervous, ill-at-ease and unsure of yourself because a current situation is causing you duress?
    2. Is someone you care for ""in their own world,"" ignoring you, ridiculing you, leaving you out in the cold?
    3. Are you worried because you're at a crossroads where you don't know where to turn or whom to ask?
    4. Do you need to call upon someone with telepathic skills to implant an important message in that special person?

    If any or all of the above applies to you, it is never too late to right your ship. In fact, if you are still reading these words, there is a reason. You are meant to be reading this at this time, at this place. Point of No Return So if you're in a relationship that is floundering and you're stricken with fear that you are approaching the point of no return... Or perhaps you're over your head in debt and have no one to turn to… Then sending out a SOS spell could work wonders for you. A specialist in the art of casting SOS spells will read your request and work in your behalf. It will seem as if the two of you have known each other for a lifetime. Take a look at the following SOS spells and see which one most fit your needs.
    "||||"(:SOS1 :SOS2 :SOS3 :SOS4 :SOS5 :SOS6)"|"(:SOS1 :SOS2 :SOS3 :SOS4 :SOS5 :SOS6)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| coupons|"Special Offers from Calastrology.com"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"All Special Offers from the California Astrology Association."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    All items shown on this page will have the discount automatically applied to your cart at checkout.

    NOTE: If you do not see the discount in your cart it will appear after you select your shipping option.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| speedy-return-loved-one|"Speedy Return of Your Loved One Spell"|SRL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Get him or her running back to you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Answer these six questions to see if this potent spell could work in your behalf:
    • Is your current relationship causing you great distress?
    • Is your loved one reluctant to engage in a calm, reasonable, productive conversation about your relationship problems?
    • Are you concerned that if you can’t fix the relationship at this point, it will be twice as difficult to make amends at a later time?
    • Are you open to compromise, to admit past mistakes, and to throw your arms around your loved one...as long as they are willingly to do the same?
    • And since up to now nothing appears to have brought your relationship problems to an end, would you consider seeking the help of a Master Psychic?
    • To call upon his formidable powers to bring about a reconciliation once and for all...for keeps?
    So if you’ve answered in the affirmative to the above six questions, the Speedy Return of Your Loved One spell could have been designed specifically for you.
    To act or not to act...
    So take your time to decide whether or not to seek the help of a gifted Master Psychic. Should you decide to seek his help, he is ready to cast the potent Speedy Return of Your Loved One spell to return you to your true life’s path of companionship, romance, unconditional love...along with a generous dose of laughter. So whatever your decision, we wish you the best of luck and truly hope you and your dear loved one are successfully reunited.
    Our 365-Day Unconditional Guarantee
    And remember, you have one full year to decide if the Speedy Return of Your Loved One spell brings you the love, security and happiness you so fervently seek. And if you are dissatisfied in any way, you’ll receive your refund. Period. No questions asked. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| best-sellers-spells|"Spell Casting Best Sellers"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"These are our most popular spells - to help you find love, get more money, or be luckier in all aspects of your life!"||||"(:TRIPLE-CAST :RETRIEVE :BLAZING-FAST-SPELLS :LUSTFORME :MISS-ME-LOVE-ME-RETURN-TO-ME-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-SPELLS :RECONCILIATION :OBEAH :ANDREIKA :BLACK-CURSES :THREE-IN-ONE-SPELLS :ZANDRA :BLACK-MAGIC-SPELLS1 :LADY-ZIRKAYA :AURA :BANISH-THEM-VANISH-THEM)"|"(:TRIPLE-CAST :RETRIEVE :BLAZING-FAST-SPELLS :LUSTFORME :MISS-ME-LOVE-ME-RETURN-TO-ME-SPELL :THREE-WISHES-SPELLS :RECONCILIATION :OBEAH :ANDREIKA :BLACK-CURSES :THREE-IN-ONE-SPELLS :ZANDRA :BLACK-MAGIC-SPELLS1 :LADY-ZIRKAYA :AURA :BANISH-THEM-VANISH-THEM)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| purring-cat|"Spell of The Purring Cat"|PCS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Add the Witch's Cat Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$19.95)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Add the Witch's Cat Amulet?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you want to mesmerize your man, control him, and keep him home? The Spell of the Purring Cat has been created for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    For the woman who wants to mesmerize her man, control him and keep him home, the Spell of the Purring Cat has been created specifically for you.
    Is this you?
    • You have a feline quality about you that when in the right mood is able to attract and enchant a man and have him at your beck and call.
    • Problem is sometimes it’s difficult for you to summon these inner powers, and you could use some help in making them more accessible to you.
    If the above sounds familiar, take a close look at what the unique Spell of the Purring Cat could do for you.
    Is this what you want?
  • You want your man to be strong...but you want to bend him to your will.
  • To have him love you, respect you, and want to do things for you.
  • Above all, you want to be loved, to be taken care of, to be his one-and-only.
  • If you are nodding in agreement, you are reading these words for a reason: It was meant to be! The Spell of the Purring Cat is designed to elevate the heights of fun, pleasure, excitement and love you thought were only in romance novels. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night). "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spells-by-the-maestro|"Spells by The Maestro"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If your relationship is in serious trouble, don't miss this opportunity to have the Maestro call upon his psychic gifts to do your bidding."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Master Psychic known as The Maestro awaits your approval to cast a spell in your behalf to make your life whole again. Read his following words to see if he can be of service to you:
    ""Dear Reader: If you are in deep stress regarding a relationship that is eroding to the point of no return, I can cast a spell to penetrate the subconscious mind of your loved one. I can plant the seeds to bring this person back to you, to love you, to take care of you...""

    If these words resonate with you, here is what the Maestro can do for you:
    • Implant the seeds of reconciliation, understanding, compassion.
    • Urge your loved one to forgive and forget.
    • Stimulate their interest in you... to ""lust"" for you again.
    • Turn your lover's angry words into words of kindness and love.
    • Expedite their actions so they return now...not a month or year from now.
    So if your relationship is in serious trouble and you need the help and guidance from a Master Psychic, don't miss this opportunity to have the Maestro call upon his psychic gifts to do your bidding.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-gay-relationships|"Spells for Gay or Lesbian Relationships"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-other|"Spells for Other Situations..."||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protection-spells|"Spells To Protect Yourself & Loved Ones From Harm & Enemies"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"Feel vulnerable, insecure, threatened? Need security and protection from outside forces? You have come to the right place! Ask one of our Master Psychics to cast a spell in your behalf, allowing you to live in peace, harmony, and happiness. (You will have the opportunity to explain the details of your request during checkout.)"||||"(:OBEAH :GYPSY-MAKE-ME-STRESS-FREE :AURA :GRIS-GRIS :BLAZING-FAST-TAKE-NO-PRISONERS-LINK :BULLY-BUSTER-CURSE :GYPSY-SNAKE-CHARMER-LINK :BLOCK-NEGATIVE-FORCES :DEFEAT-RIVAL-SPELL :THREE-BLOCK-NEGATIVE-VIBES :PROTECTION-SPELLS :BLAZING-FAST-JINX-BUSTER-LINK :ANDREIKA :TERMINATOR :CEASE-AND-DESIST-CURSE :GYPSY-MAKE-MY-ENEMY-WEAKER-LINK :PURGE-EVIL-SPIRITS :BANISH-THEM-VANISH-THEM :NEMESIS-REMOVAL)"|"(:OBEAH :GYPSY-MAKE-ME-STRESS-FREE :AURA :GRIS-GRIS :BLAZING-FAST-TAKE-NO-PRISONERS-LINK :BULLY-BUSTER-CURSE :GYPSY-SNAKE-CHARMER-LINK :BLOCK-NEGATIVE-FORCES :DEFEAT-RIVAL-SPELL :THREE-BLOCK-NEGATIVE-VIBES :PROTECTION-SPELLS :BLAZING-FAST-JINX-BUSTER-LINK :ANDREIKA :TERMINATOR :CEASE-AND-DESIST-CURSE :GYPSY-MAKE-MY-ENEMY-WEAKER-LINK :PURGE-EVIL-SPIRITS :BANISH-THEM-VANISH-THEM :NEMESIS-REMOVAL)"|""|"4"|"If you seek a good spell that will give you protection from your enemies, you have come to the right place. These rituals and spells eliminate negative energy while providing you with the protection and safety you so deserve. "|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| return-a-lover-spells|"Spells to Return a Lover"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Our most powerful spells to help you get your lover back!"|""|""|""|""|""|"Our most powerful spells to help you get your lover back!"||||"(:RETRIEVE :RECONCILIATION :ANDREIKA :TRIPLE-CAST :INVISIBLE-SPELL-SWEET-LOVE-HOME :LOVERS-REMORSE :WARP-SPEED-RECONCILIATION :LOVE-ME-SPELL :RETURN-LOVER-LIGHTNING-QUICK :CHANGEMIND :COMING-HOME :BEWITCH-SPELL :LLM :RETURN-TO-ME :RELATIONSHIP-DOCTOR-SPELLS :GET-US-BACK-TOGETHER :LOVE-ME-LUST-FOR-ME :BLACK-MAGIC-SEEDS-OF-RECONCILIATION :LIGHT-BULB-EFFECT :U-TURN-HOMECOMING :INVISIBLE-SPELL-RECONCILE :SPEEDY-RETURN-LOVED-ONE :HEAL-MY-RELATIONSHIP-SPELL :GREAT-RELATIONSHIP :RED-FLAG-SPELL :GET-MY-MAN-BACK-SPELL :GET-MY-WOMAN-BACK-SPELL :INVISIBLE-SPELL-END-LONELINESS :U-TURN-BEGIN :RECONCILE-DIFFERENCES :LOSTLOVE :ANDREIKA-RETRIEVE-YOUR-LOVER-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-REUNITE :BRING-LOVER-HOME :LOVE-ME-NOW :COMPATABILITY-SOLUTION :THREE-WISHES-SOFTEN-LOVER :DELIVER-LOVE :HOMECOMING)"|"(:RETRIEVE :RECONCILIATION :ANDREIKA :TRIPLE-CAST :INVISIBLE-SPELL-SWEET-LOVE-HOME :LOVERS-REMORSE :WARP-SPEED-RECONCILIATION :LOVE-ME-SPELL :RETURN-LOVER-LIGHTNING-QUICK :CHANGEMIND :COMING-HOME :BEWITCH-SPELL :LLM :RETURN-TO-ME :RELATIONSHIP-DOCTOR-SPELLS :GET-US-BACK-TOGETHER :LOVE-ME-LUST-FOR-ME :BLACK-MAGIC-SEEDS-OF-RECONCILIATION :LIGHT-BULB-EFFECT :U-TURN-HOMECOMING :INVISIBLE-SPELL-RECONCILE :SPEEDY-RETURN-LOVED-ONE :HEAL-MY-RELATIONSHIP-SPELL :GREAT-RELATIONSHIP :RED-FLAG-SPELL :GET-MY-MAN-BACK-SPELL :GET-MY-WOMAN-BACK-SPELL :INVISIBLE-SPELL-END-LONELINESS :U-TURN-BEGIN :RECONCILE-DIFFERENCES :LOSTLOVE :ANDREIKA-RETRIEVE-YOUR-LOVER-SPELL :BLACK-MAGIC-REUNITE :BRING-LOVER-HOME :LOVE-ME-NOW :COMPATABILITY-SOLUTION :THREE-WISHES-SOFTEN-LOVER :DELIVER-LOVE :HOMECOMING)"|""|"4"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protection|"Need Protection?"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Protection spells, protection dolls, and protection amulets to help keep you safe."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Feel vulnerable, insecure, threatened?
    • Need security and protection from outside forces?
    • You have come to the right place!
    A Master Psychic can bless an amulet for you or cast a spell in your behalf, allowing you to live in peace, harmony, and happiness.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spirit-whisperer|"Spirit Whisperer"|SPS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Our Spirit Whisperer's mission is to contact extraordinary spirits in your behalf to make your life easier, better, happier."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It is a matter of belief as to whether or not there are spirits around us that can truly impact our lives. Most people have had experiences that couldn’t easily be explained. And because they didn’t understand the how or why of what had occurred, they concluded there were extraordinary forces or “spirits” that were indeed affecting their lives. Some psychics claim the ability to connect with these spirits. However, the most skilled -- the very best of these -- are known as Spirit Whisperers. The California Astrology Association is fortunate to have an exclusive agreement with a Spirit Whisperer who has an excellent reputation with a worldwide clientele. His mission is to contact these spirits in your behalf to make your life easier, better, happier – in romance, in finance, in everyday life. And he has agreed to perform his work in accordance with our association’s 365-day unconditional guarantee.
    So how do we know for sure that these spirits even exist? And if they do exist, how could they help us lead a better, happier life?
    Let’s start with this: Have you ever personally experienced something that seemed surreal? Something that was so random, so unexpected, so timely that it defied explanation? And no matter how hard you tried or how much thought you gave it, you felt there must be some unseen power that somehow intervened in your life.
    Invisible but potent spirits
    Although you could not hear, nor see these spirits, you could somehow sense their presence. And it appeared these spirits amazingly had the ability to affect you... to change your life in a very profound way.
    Could these spirits help you in a positive way?
    The simple answer is yes, it is quite possible. Especially if you are fortunate enough to have a gifted Spirit Whisperer working in your behalf.
    What problem do you have that requires immediate attention?
    Is it a relationship that is about to fall off a cliff? Or maybe your bank account is providing you with only the bare necessities? Or perhaps it is some other matter that requires immediate attention?
    If the above sounds familiar, you are not alone
    So whatever it is that is causing you stress, uncertainty, worry, despair... this could be your time to take a leap of faith and seek the assistance of a Spirit Whisperer. And like so many others who have benefited from the intervention of a Spirit Whisperer, these unseen, mystical spirits could then affect your life in a positive way, expediting the remedy of your most serious issue. While returning you to your true path to the happiness you truly deserve. And keep in mind, if you are not completely satisfied in any way, your money will be refunded. Period. No questions asked. You have up to 365 days to decide if you are satisfied and happy with the work the Spirit Whisperer has done for you. After all, what do you have to lose? And so much to gain? "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spread-your-wings-spell|"Spread Your Wings Spell"|SYW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Spread Your Wings Spell"|""|"The Spread Your Wings spell is designed to free you from the burdens of the past, elevating you to new heights."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your love life faltering and in dire need of a dramatic boost? Are you stuck in the same routine at home and at work? Do you need a spark that stimulates your creativity, puts a smile on your face, and instantly makes you more appealing? The Sky's the Limit The Spread Your Wings spell is designed to free you from the burdens of the past, elevating you to new heights. Soon you will experience the freedom to think clearly and creatively. And you will be so joyful and so happy that others will flock to you and find you irresistible - especially that special person whom you cherish and love. This remarkable spell is for you, if:
    • You want to coast smoothly and effortlessly through life knowing that good things are about to happen.
    • You want to be so attractive, so appealing, and so irreplaceable that a loved one finally understands they cannot possibly live without you.
    • You want to live the good life – to do things you truly ""want"" to do.
    So if you need a helping hand to lead the life you often dream of, a Master Psychic awaits word to cast a Spread Your Wings spell in your behalf.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| startingover|"Starting Over Spell"|SOS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Starting Over Spell"|""|"Perhaps it's time to get rid of all the baggage and wipe the slate clean."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Dear CAA, My boyfriend walked out of our relationship awhile ago and left me devastated. I turned to you and asked for a Starting Over Spell and a Reconciliation Spell to be cast on my behalf. A month went by, and one day out of the blue he called and wanted to meet. Since that day we have been seeing each other all the time. The relationship has been better then it ever was. I can't thank you enough. You made a total believer out of me. Brenda
    Boston, MA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Is your relationship in trouble? Do major problems exist because of careless, unintentional mistakes? Perhaps it's time to start over. If the future of your relationship is in jeopardy and past mistakes are still haunting you, preventing the two of you from being in each other's arms, you should ask a Master Psychic to cast a Starting Over spell for you. Perhaps it's time to get rid of all the baggage and wipe the slate clean. Anger, resentment and hostility are poison to any relationship. Since it is far better to forgive and forget, this spell could dissipate the anger and clear the air. And once this is done, the two of you could finally see each other's true essence. Your warmth, your love, and all your wonderful attributes will be illuminated as if you are standing in a sunbeam. And once you wipe the slate clean, no longer will you be engulfed by the cloud of murky air that is suffocating your relationship.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stay-with-me|"Stay with Me, My Love Spell"|SWM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|""|""|"Stay with me, my love, Stay close, stay warm, stay put.

    Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon and Night


    Stay with me, my love,

    Stay close, stay warm, stay put.

    Remember the euphoria.

    When we first met.

    The joy,

    The wonder.

    The glorious plans we made,

    As we gazed into the future.

    Our first taste of romance,

    Our precious moments of intimacy.

    What happened my love?

    Where did we lose our way?

    So now we reach the crossroads,

    Deciding which course to take.

    Think clearly, my love,

    So much is at stake.

    Think of the good things we had,

    Think of what you are missing.

    Although we’ve had our differences,

    Our chemistry and companionship will prevail.

    So take the path of reunion,

    And embrace me once again

    And realize your quest for happiness,

    Can best be fulfilled by only me.

    You know how much I love you,


    Stay with me, my love,

    Stay close, stay warm, stay put.

    This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| steal-your-mans-heart-back|"Steal Your Man's Heart Back Spell"|SMH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Steal Your Man's Heart Back Spell"|""|"If your heart is broken because the love of your life is with someone else, this powerful spell is specifically designed to get your man back."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your heart is broken because the love of your life is with someone else, this powerful spell is specifically designed to get your man back. Request this spell if:
    • Your man is with someone else and your life is not the same without him.
    • You know the woman he's with is not right for him.
    • You've had arguments, differences, disagreements...but you are positive if he returns, past disappointments will not reoccur.
    • You have one more chance - just one more - and you have no doubt that if he indeed does return the bond will be tighter than ever.
    If you have tried everything else to get your man back but to no avail, perhaps it's time to steal his heart back. This one-of-a-kind spell will be specifically cast for you by a Master Psychic who specializes in returning a lost love.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| steal-your-womans-heart-back|"Steal Your Woman's Heart Back Spell"|SWH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Steal Your Woman's Heart Back Spell"|""|"If you have tried everything else to get your woman back but to no avail, it's time to steal her heart back - and right now!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your heart is broken because the love of your life is with someone else, this powerful spell is specifically designed to win your woman back. Request this spell if:
    • Your woman is with someone else and your life is not the same without her.
    • You know the man she's with is not right for her.
    • You've had arguments, differences, disagreements...but you are positive if she returns, past troubles and conflicts will not reoccur.
    • You have one more chance - just one more - and you have no doubt if she indeed does return the bond will be tighter than ever.
    If you have tried everything else to get your woman back but to no avail, it's time to steal her heart back - and right now! This one-of-a-kind spell will be specifically cast for you by a Master Psychic who specializes in returning a lost love.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| steamy-sex|"Steamy Sex Spell"|SSX|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Steamy Sex Spell"|""|"This spell is designed for you to enjoy sex to the fullest. Every night will be like the first night!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This spell is designed for you to enjoy sex to the fullest. Every night will be like the first night! Once you and your partner are rid of the inhibitions holding you back, you will be open to exploring new avenues of excitement. And your sex life could be the envy of your closest friends. This spell is for you if:
    Increase the potency of the Steamy Sex spell!

    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    • Your sex life is boring and you're afraid it may ruin your relationship.
    • You are willing to try something new.
    • You are ready to take your sex life to the next level.
    • You are tired of the same thing over and over, and you need stimulation.
    • You want to bring your partner to new heights.
    • You want to bring passion and excitement to the bedroom.
    Now you can experience hot sex the way you do it in your mind. If you wear glasses, be prepared to clean them often as this potent spell will steam your glasses the moment the spell is cast.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sterling-silver-jewelry|"Sterling Silver Jewelry"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you seek to enhance your life, these sterling silver adornments are designed to bring you untold hours of pleasure and success."|""|""|""|""|""|"The craftsmen who create these beautiful pieces use the finest solid sterling silver. It is the brightest and shiniest metal in jewelry. Silver has long been an indicator of success, status, and respect, so display your silver adornments with pride and pleasure. It is said that the person who wears silver is looked upon with high regard. Sterling silver jewelry is believed to bring good luck and good fortune to the wearer. If you seek to enhance your life, the silver adornments listed below are designed to bring you untold hours of pleasure and success. "||||"(:VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :MATA-HARIS-AMULET :SIGILS :ATIAS-SIGN :COMEBACK :MORNING-STAR :APHRODITESHEARTS :FENG-SHUI :GYPSY-EARRINGS :CIRCLE-WOOD-EARRINGS :CHAI-BRACELET :SIGN-OF-THE-FISHERMAN :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :LIGHTNINGBOLT :SACRED-MOON-CIRCLE-AMULET :TURKISH-LOVE-PENDANT :PHAROAHS-AMULET :SCORPIOS-EARRINGS :EXCALIBUR-AMULET :SHERPAS-NIRVANA :HERA-QUEEN-OF-GODS :DREAM-WEAVER-AMULET :KOKOPELLI :AZTECMANTAZ :GRIS-GRIS-SILVER-BANGLE :LOVE-KNOT-OF-EROS :LOVE-CHARM :DOBELLS-CROSS :PERUVIANBALL :RED-JASPER)"|"(:VOODOO-LOVE-AMULET :MATA-HARIS-AMULET :SIGILS :ATIAS-SIGN :COMEBACK :MORNING-STAR :APHRODITESHEARTS :FENG-SHUI :GYPSY-EARRINGS :CIRCLE-WOOD-EARRINGS :CHAI-BRACELET :SIGN-OF-THE-FISHERMAN :KING-DAVIDS-HELPING-HAND :LIGHTNINGBOLT :SACRED-MOON-CIRCLE-AMULET :TURKISH-LOVE-PENDANT :PHAROAHS-AMULET :SCORPIOS-EARRINGS :EXCALIBUR-AMULET :SHERPAS-NIRVANA :HERA-QUEEN-OF-GODS :DREAM-WEAVER-AMULET :KOKOPELLI :AZTECMANTAZ :GRIS-GRIS-SILVER-BANGLE :LOVE-KNOT-OF-EROS :LOVE-CHARM :DOBELLS-CROSS :PERUVIANBALL :RED-JASPER)"|""|"2"|" "|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lcms|"Sterling Silver Lover Come Back To Me Amulet"|LCMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(37.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stop-a-current-evil-eye|"Stop an Evil Eye!"|EE1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop an Evil Eye!"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is designed to stop an Evil Eye in its tracks, allowing you to enjoy life to its fullest.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stop-brainwashing-my-lover-spell|"Stop Brainwashing My Lover Spell"|SBL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop Brainwashing My Lover!"|""|"Is your life turned upside down because a rival has stolen your loved one?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your life turned upside down because a rival has stolen your loved one? Is your loved one blind to the fact that this person is controlling them, exerting mind control over them, and keeping them from returning to you? Do you need to break through this barrier and awaken your loved one so he or she will finally realize that you are the only one for them? If this is happening to you, you must not give up! And you certainly don't have to go it alone. There is a man with very special psychic gifts who has helped many people in the same predicament as you. His name is Burton, and he is a renowned Master Psychic who has cast spells for some of the most prominent and powerful people on the planet. And he is willing to cast an extremely powerful spell in your behalf. The Stop Brainwashing My Lover spell is designed to break through your lover's stupor and return him or her to your side. This remarkable spell is for you, if:
    • Your loved one is stubborn and refuses to listen to you.
    • Someone is exerting mind control, overpowering your loved one.
    • You previously made mistakes in this relationship but you learned from them and it won't happen again.
    • You know your relationship will be even stronger and happier from here on out.
    • You know it's time to take dramatic action.
    If the above resonates with you, Burton will call upon his formidable psychic powers to penetrate your lover's mind, returning him or her back to you!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stop-her-cheating-ways-spell|"Stop Her Cheating Ways Spell"|SHR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Her Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Her Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop Her Cheating Ways Spell"|""|"Is your woman being unfaithful to you?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your woman being unfaithful to you? Is she doing this because she's afraid to commit totally to you? Do you want her to stop her cheating ways? If you answered yes to all of the above, this remarkable spell is designed specifically for you! Order the Stop Her Cheating Ways spell, if:
    • You know the two of you are meant for each other.
    • There is no doubt in your mind she is the woman for you.
    • She is a good woman, but it's time she recognizes you as her true love.
    • You want to be her number one all the time!
    The Stop Her Cheating Ways spell is a very focused spell and should be requested only if your woman has a wandering eye. This is a very potent spell designed to do one thing and one thing only: Stop your woman from being disloyal to you!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stop-his-cheating-ways-spell|"Stop His Cheating Ways Spell"|SHS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""His Name"" Inscription 25 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    His Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop His Cheating Ways Spell"|""|"Do you want him to stop his cheating ways?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your man being unfaithful to you? Is he doing this because he's afraid to commit totally to you? Do you want him to stop his cheating ways? If you answered yes to all of the above, this remarkable spell is designed specifically for you! Order the Stop His Cheating Ways spell, if:
    • You know the two of you are meant for each other.
    • There is no doubt in your mind he is the man for you.
    • He is a good man, but it's time he recognizes you as his true love.
    • You want to be his number one all the time!
    The Stop His Cheating Ways spell is a very focused spell and should be requested only if your man has a wandering eye. This is a very potent spell designed to do one thing and one thing only: Stop your man from being disloyal to you!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stop-our-breakup-spell|"Stop Our Breakup Spell"|SOB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop Our Breakup Spell"|""|"If your relationship is on the edge of disaster, you must read this!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things worse than going through a dissolution of a relationship. Particularly if you don't want it to happen. Sleepless nights, loss of confidence, lack of energy, a sense of hopelessness… These are but a few of the symptoms experienced by anyone about to lose a loved one. So if you are heartbroken and worried that what is about to happen is out of your hands, then perhaps you should consider asking the assistance of a skilled psychic. If you are desperate, what do you have to lose? Think about this:
    • In most relationships that are failing, usually one of the parties ""doesn't"" want it to happen.
    • If that party is you, you should be willing to do whatever you can to get the relationship back on track.
    • Don't forget that once the two parties separate, most often the two people eventually do go their separate ways.
    • BUT that doesn't have to happen to you! There is something you can do.
    We can't promise this spell will work 100 percent of the time, but we can stand behind our unconditional guarantee! So many of our clients have been helped by this spell that we can promise this: We'll do our best to save your relationship, but if the Stop Our Breakup spell doesn't work completely to your satisfaction, you have up to one year to ask for your money back. Is this you? The Stop Our Breakup spell is designed for the person who knows beyond a doubt that the two of you belong together. Thus, the intent of the skilled psychic who will work in your behalf is to plant the seeds of forgiveness and love within the subconscious of the person you love. And once this occurs, the chances of reunification is greatly enhanced. Once again, what do you have to lose?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-stop-this-nonsense-come-back-home-spell|"Stop This Nonsense -- Come Back Home!"|LTM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Stop This Nonsense -- Come Back Home!

    If You Feel All is Lost, Think Again. There is Still Hope!

    This original and very effective spell was developed by Leonardo to help those who have lost a loved one, possibly into the arms of someone else.

    If this is your situation, the gifted mystic Leonardo has these words of sympathy and hope for you:

    “Dear Friend:
    “I realize how heartbroken and despondent you may feel, but I want you to know that all is not lost. There is something I can do for you and it could be a life-changing experience.

    “I have cast my Stop This Nonsense – Come Back Home! spell a countless number of times, and I am honored by the many, many clients who have sent me letters of gratitude.

    “So, here’s what I suggest: Allow me the opportunity to apply my psychic gifts in your behalf. And if for whatever reason you are not “completely” satisfied with my work, you will receive a refund in full, no questions asked.”

    So, if the love of your life is away from home and perhaps may be even spending time with someone else, this potent spell was developed specifically for you.

    If you feel all is lost, you can ask Leonardo to implant the Stop This Nonsense – Come Back Home! spell in your loved one’s subconscious.

    Leonardo has helped so many in your particular situation.

    Perhaps you should give him a chance to help you as well?


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| stop-your-lover-from-fleeing|"Stop Your Lover From Fleeing"|SLF|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop Your Lover From Fleeing"|""|"Is the person you love about to exit your life?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is the person you love about to exit your life? Are you heartbroken and feel your life has come to a crashing halt? Are you certain that if your lover returns to you, the two of you can work out the problems and live a wonderful life together? If you answered yes to the above, there should be little doubt that this spell was created specifically for you. If so, here's what the Stop Your Lover from Fleeing spell could do for you:
    • Plant a seed in your loved one so they will stop and reconsider their actions.
    • Plant a seed of reconciliation.
    • Plant a seed to remind them of the happiness you once shared.
    • Plant a seed to dissolve their anger and focus on the positive aspects of your relationship.
    This is a powerful spell that is intended to stop your fleeing loved one in their tracks!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| strike-it-rich|"Strike it Rich!"|SIR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Strike it Rich!"|""|"You can't change the past, but you could shape the future."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Forget the past. You can't change it and it's only a memory. This is the here and now, and if you are determined to make your life wildly successful, this could be your lucky day. So, starting from this moment on, this is the beginning of the rest of your life! OK, let's get started. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself:
    1. Do you really want to be wealthy?
    2. Do you know what you'll do with all that money?
    3. Do you feel you deserve it?
    4. Would it make you happy?
    If you answered yes to all of the above, then you have passed the first test. Next. Are you willing to try something new, at no risk to you, if it could lead you to that pot of gold? All right, assuming you said yes, we strongly urge you to have a Strike It Rich spell cast in your behalf. Once we hear from you, we will assign a formidable psychic who specializes in such matters to cast this powerful spell in your behalf.
    Why there is no risk to you The Strike It Rich spell is guaranteed to bring you all that you desire, or you will get your money back up to one full year after the spell is cast. No questions asked. You may wonder how we can do this. As with every product and service we offer, it is the mission of the California Astrology Association to bring wealth and love and happiness to our clients. And if we fail to do this, we don't want to keep your money. This has been our unconditional pledge since 1970 and is a major reason we have loyal clients in over eighty countries. Another reason is the overwhelming success of the products and services we offer.
    I was really in a severe financial slump. I had a hard time coming up with money just to buy gas and food.

    Then I had you cast a Strike It Rich spell for me on Friday, April 15.

    Only six days later, I was approved for a major credit card! I usually get turned down when I apply for credit cards and really feel the Strike It Rich spell had something to do with it!

    Although I will take care not to get myself too far in debt, I still thank you for this blessing, because at least now I can buy the basic necessities in my life without having to bum money off my family. (I'm sure they'll be glad of that!)

    Thank you CAA! You are the greatest!

    Amy S.
    Clyde, NC
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Increase the potency of your Strike It Rich Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Gambler's Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    What the Strike it Rich spell could do for you:
    • Have more money than you've ever dreamed.
    • Live a life of leisure.
    • Keep your financial woes from recurring.
    • Able to buy whatever you want, go wherever you want.
    • Be the envy of all your friends.
    • Awake each morning knowing you've ""made it.""
    • Experience the joys and benefits of the rich life.

    Each of us has at least one chance in life to make it big. But sometimes we miss the boat. Maybe we were too preoccupied with other things, or perhaps we feared the consequences of failure, or perhaps someone else stood in the way. Whatever the reason, the past is the past, and remember, this is the first day of the rest of your life. The Strike it Rich spell is designed to make it easy for you to open the doors of opportunity, to take you by the hand and walk you through to the land of riches. The object is to put you in the right place at the right time, affording you the best opportunity of your life to strike it rich. So, if you've gone it alone all your life and don't have much to show for it, this is your best chance to have a powerful psychic stand beside you with the goal of making you rich, directing their amazing psychic powers in your behalf.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    Dear CAA,

    I ordered the Strike It Rich and Deliously Rich spells.

    On November 29 my husband bought two lottery tickets. We did not bother checking the numbers.

    So, today is Dec 6 and he went to have the ticket checked and he called me to let me know that we just won $190. WOW!!!

    I mean we've never won any lottery before. My husband also bought a scratcher and he won $15. I believe that its the spell.

    The spells really do work. Thank you so much!

    Amara S.
    El Monte, CA

    Dear CAA,

    I ordered a Strike It Rich spell a few weeks ago and I was really skeptical at the time. You see, I'm disabled and my finances are not where I wanted them to be.

    Yesterday, I got my disability check renewed which means in addition to my social security, I'll get an extra $200 a month!

    It really works. I do plan on puchasing some more services from you in the near future. Thanks.

    Cordell G.
    Louisville, KY

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tapes|"Subliminal Cassette Tapes"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|"Subliminal Cassette Tapes"|""|"These subliminal tapes contain powerful messages that could actually alter your behavior!"|""|""|""|""|""|" "||||""|""|""|"3"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| testimonial|"Submit a Testimonial"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Share your story!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
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    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si5|"Success in Eliminating Rival"|SI5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone is out to get you or is causing you stress and anxiety, this spell is designed to impregnate their very being and redirect their bad vibrations back to them. This is a powerful spell and should be used only against evil people. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si8|"Success in Emitting a Confident Aura"|SI8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    When you feel good about yourself, you emit an aura of confidence that will impress and attract others to you. This is an important spell because self-confidence and self-esteem breeds success. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si3|"Success in Finances"|SI3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This potent spell is designed to activate the spirits from within to guide you to the best financial decisions. It's time you achieved financial independence and enjoyed the finer things in life. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si6|"Success in Gaining Respect"|SI6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    You are no different than anyone else - you need to know people think highly of you. Once this spell is cast in your behalf, you will have a radiance about you that will impress others and gain their confidence in you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si4|"Success in Games of Chance"|SI4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Don't risk money you can't afford to lose, but if you do partake in games of chance, this spell is designed to increase the odds in your favor. If you think you're going to win, you have a better chance to do so. Momentum can be affected by a person's attitude. If you think positive, then positive things are more likely to happen. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si2|"Success in Love"|SI2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Once you love yourself and know you are a great person, it will be easier for your significant other to be wildly in love with you. You will smile more, be more lovable, even irresistible, and it will be very difficult for your lover not to hold you, caress you, love you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si7|"Success in Returning a Lost Lover"|SI7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If all seems hopeless and you have just about given up, this potent spell is designed to penetrate the psyche of the person you yearn for. Nothing is assured in life, but if you are certain the two of you are meant to spend the rest of your lives together, give this spell a try. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si9|"Success in Your Career"|SI9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Knowing that you are on top of things and that you know what you are doing will impress the right people and help you make great strides toward a meaningful career. Soon you will look forward to the challenges in the workplace because you will have the confidence of others. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| si1|"Success in Your Overall Appearance"|SI1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    It is said that we look the way we feel. This spell will put a smile on your face and a softness that will not only enhance your beauty but will act as a magnet to anyone who comes near you. This is a fascinating spell that often results in a feeling that you are invincible and can achieve anything you want: love, money, respect, success... "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sucwanno301|"Success Wanga"|W1|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"For those who seek success, power, fulfillment, happiness at home or at work."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| supernova-love-spell|"Supernova Love Spell"|SNV1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Supernova Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are in love with a very special person and know without a doubt that the two of you are meant for each other, this spell is designed to explode the barriers separating the two of you, bringing you lovingly together once and for all.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| supernova-luck-spell|"Supernova Luck Spell"|SNV4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Supernova Luck Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Regardless of how much you deserve to be loved or how hard you work, nothing happens if luck is not on your side. This energized spell is designed to help you beat the odds and be a winner!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| supernova-lust-spell|"Supernova Lust Spell"|SNV2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Supernova Lust Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your relationship has lost its spark, and the passion is not what it once was, the Supernova Lust spell is designed to rev up the heat so you and your lover will be undeniably attracted to one another. Wouldn't it be nice to have your lover look at you with lust and passion in their eyes? It could happen once this powerful spell is cast in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| supernova-money-spell|"Supernova Money Spell"|SNV3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Supernova Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are in need of a financial boost, this explosive spell is designed to put you in position to reap the monetary rewards you so deserve.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| supernova-spells|"Supernova Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Just as the shock waves from a supernova explosion can trigger the formation of new stars, so could a Supernova spell trigger the beginning of an explosive new life for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Just as the shock waves from a supernova explosion can trigger the formation of new stars, so could a Supernova spell trigger the beginning of an explosive new life for you. Here's what a Supernova spell could do for you:
    • Awaken your lover out of their slumber to reunite with you.
    • Bring loved ones closer to you.
    • Motivate you to fulfill your goals.
    • Energize your earning capacity.
    Supernova spells are called upon when there is a need to emerge from the doldrums and shake things up. Is this you?
    • You know what you want and are frustrated when a loved one is not responding to your needs.
    • You are in love and you desperately want your love to be reciprocated.
    • You are a hard worker but you need to be recognized for your efforts.
    • You need more money and more security.
    If the above resonates with you, take a look at the following and see which spell(s) could rejuvenate your life:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| inner-beauty|"Surface My Inner Beauty Spell"|SIB|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"It's time everyone sees your inner beauty!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you have an inner beauty that you’d love the world to see? Is it a warm, loving, sensational charisma that would draw loved ones, friends and work associates closer to you...if only they could see the “real” you? If this sounds familiar, the Surface My Inner Beauty spell is specifically designed to bring the best of you to the surface.
    Does the following describe your current situation?
    • You have some beautiful qualities and characteristics that sometimes aren’t detectable by certain people.
    • People whom you want to impress.
    • Particularly, that one special person.
    • But somehow they miss seeing the real you...the magnificent, charming you.
    • And you’d give almost anything to change their opinion of you.
    • To have them admire, respect and deeply care for you.
    • And, for that one person who means everything to you, to love you like you’ve never been loved before.
    So if the above closely describes your current situation, you have come to the right place. A gifted Psychic Master awaits your call to action to apply his special talents in your behalf. As a famous person once said: You ain’t seen nothing yet. This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night.) "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| surge-compatibility|"Surge Your Compatibility"|SYC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is the partner you care for deeply thinking about leaving? Let a Master Psychic plant the seeds of reconsideration and reconciliation."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Sometimes relationships falter due to complacency, quite often when one of the partners starts to feel the grass is greener somewhere else.

    Difficulties can also arise over financial problems. And the ensuing anxiety and worry often take a toll on compatibility.

    And sometimes a mate or lover simply get restless and thinks about “moving on” despite not having reasonable cause to do so.

    So what’s a person to do if a partner whom they care for so deeply is thinking about leaving, or perhaps has already left?

    Interestingly enough, many people who have moved on to greener pastures often experience the same feelings of complacency with the new partner. And then regret not staying put in the previous relationship.

    Unfortunately, the person who left in the first place is too stubborn or feels too guilty about what they’ve done to return to their first love.

    If any of the above sounds familiar, then perhaps you should consider the Surge Your Compatibility spell that has helped so many in your particular situation.

    A Master Psychic who specializes in such predicaments awaits word from you to plant the seeds of reconsideration and reconciliation in the person of your choice.

    So if what you have tried up to now has failed to keep your relationship from deteriorating, the Surge Your Compatibility spell has been designed specifically for you.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-surging-your-partners-love-for-you-spell|"Surging Your Partner's Love for You"|LTM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Surging Your Partner's Love for You

    Do You Crave Affection, Loyalty and Fidelity in Your Relationship?

    In life, there is no more important a quest than to be with the person of your dreams.

    To have the compatibility with a loved one that others merely fantasize about.

    And to be with a person who loves you, is kind to you… always wanting to be by your side – in good times and bad.

    But what happens when things go awry? When something happened that obviously changed their attitude, their strong feelings for you.

    And could they possibly be on the lookout for someone else, something different?

    Is this you?

    • Is your lover not giving you the attention, respect and love you so deserve?
    • Does this person seem colder and less caring than when you first met?
    • And do you wish you could have this so important relationship back on track and have your partner back to ""growing"" their love for you?

    The gifted mystic Leonardo understands that the above situation can be devastating, particularly when you know in your heart of hearts that this relationship was meant to be.

    And that you will do just about anything to keep it together.

    So, if the above words ring true. If they closely describe what you are currently experiencing, then the Surging Your Partner's Love for You spell was specifically created for you.

    Let Leonardo do for you what he was born to do.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| swan-spell|"Swan Spell"|SWS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Swan Spell"|""|"If you want to be transformed from the ordinary to extra-ordinary, look no further. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you ever seen an ordinary-looking person who was not blessed with great looks but who was a head-turner? There was something about him or her that was captivating. This person had an aura about them, an inner confidence that somehow made them extremely attractive. It might interest you to know you could be one of them! The Swan spell could be particularly helpful to you, if:
    • You crave to be noticed, to be admired, to stand out from the rest.
    • Sometimes when you look in the mirror you exude a confidence that truly enhances your appearance and beauty. But this doesn't happen often enough.
    • You need a burst of confidence to help you look your best, feel your best - and attract the ""right"" person, that ""special"" person to you.
    So if you want to be transformed from the ordinary to extra-ordinary, look no further. The Swan spell is designed specifically to bring your inner beauty to the surface for all to see.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gs4|"Sweepstakes Gambling Spell"|GS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" ""Add the Gambler's Amulet?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Yes, please! (+29.95)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Add the Gambler's Amulet?: 

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sweet-love-spell|"Sweet Love Spell"|SWT|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"A Master Psychic who specializes in troubled relationships could plant the seeds of Sweet Love in the person of your choice."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you currently in a relationship in which your loved one is not demonstrating their love, devotion and tender-loving-care for you?
    Does this sound familiar?
    • When it comes to relationships, you don’t hold back your affection and love.
    • Whether the person is a member of your family, a good friend, or even a work associate, you are willing to give one hundred percent of yourself to make the relationship work.
    • However, you expect the same in return.
    • And when the other person holds back and is willing to accept your generosity and affection but not return it, then you are dismayed and hurt.
    • And you lose your respect for that person.
    So what can you do about it? If the above words reflect your current situation, the Sweet Love spell could do wonders for you. A Master Psychic who specializes in troubled relationships could plant the seeds of Sweet Love in the person of your choice...and awaits your call to action. All you have to do is ask. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sweetheart-retrieval|"Sweetheart Retrieval Service"|SRS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Relationship going through a rocky period? Unsure what to do? Maybe you need the Sweetheart Retrieval Service."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Maybe you need this service...or maybe you don’t. Please see if the following describes your situation to determine if the Sweetheart Retrieval Service could benefit you:
    • Is your relationship currently going through a rocky period?
    • Are you unsure what to do about it because everything you’ve tried up to this point simply hasn’t worked.
    • Are you worried that should the disagreements, arguments and hostility continue, this once secure relationship could be headed for disaster?
    • And considering your loved one’s unpredictable attitude towards you, you feel it’s time for an intervention of some sort.
    • Because up to now you’ve attempted to fix things by yourself.
    • But that, unfortunately, hasn’t worked.
    • And now you realize you need help.
    • And you need it fast!
    So if the above closely describes your feelings and what you are going through, you are reading these words for a reason: it is your destiny.
    The time to act is now
    The Sweetheart Retrieval Service could very well be a life-changing experience for you, as it has been for so many others. A gifted Master Psychic awaits word from you to summon his formidable psychic powers specifically for your benefit. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| survey|"Take Part in our Psychic Survey"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"The California Astrology Association is conducting very important research in the field of psychic phenomenon. Please help us by filling out this online questionnaire!"|""|""|""|""|""|"The California Astrology Association is conducting very important research in the field of psychic phenomenon. Please help us by filling out this online questionnaire! All answers will be kept strictly confidential.

    Please answer Yes, No, or Maybe to the following questions:
    1. Do you believe some people have the ability to see into the future?
    2. Have you ever had an out-of-body experience?
    3. Do you believe in reincarnation?
    4. Can you ""will"" something to happen?
    5. Do you have E.S.P.? (Extra-Sensory Perception)
    6. Can astrology accurately forecast the future?
    7. Do you believe in spirits from the ""other side""?
    8. Do some amulets or charms possess supernatural powers?
    9. Have you ever had a spell cast on your behalf?
    10. Have you ever had a psychic reading?
    11. Are your psychic powers growing stronger?
    12. Have you ever moved an object merely by looking at it?
    13. Do you believe in Witch Craft?
    14. Do you believe that Tarot Readings can predict the future?
    15. Do you believe losing weight can be controlled by your mind?
    Your First Name: Your Last Name: Your Birthdate: MM/DD/YYYY Your Gender: Male   Female Please include your email address so that
    we may follow up with you if necessary:
    Please note that if you include your email address, we will add you to our newsletter mailing list. We respect your privacy, and will not share your name or email address with anyone. Every email we send includes an unsubscribe link. Thank you very much!

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ss-nextlevel|"Take Your Relationship to the Next Level"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tame-your-lover|"Tame Your Lover"|TYL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It is Time to Take Charge and Get What You Want!"|""|""|""|""|""|" If you are upset and worried that your loved one is not treating you well, this spectacular spell could be what you're looking for. The Tame Your Lover spell will be cast to instantly penetrate your lover's mind, implanting the thought that YOU COME FIRST! No longer should you be subjected to their selfish demands. It is time to speak up for your rights. If you want to get up each morning with the knowledge that your lover is on your side, thinking of you, and wanted to do good by you, then it is time to Tame Your Lover. Order this spell immediately, if:
    • You feel insecure and are not sure how your lover feels about you.
    • You are sick and tired of giving your best, of being loyal, of standing beside your lover through thick and thin…and not having them reciprocate in return.
    • You know it is time to do something because deep down inside you realize your lover can be too self-indulgent and too demanding at times.
    • You have tried to correct this intolerable situation but nothing has worked up to now.
    • You feel you need someone else on your side to help you turn matters around.

    The Tame Your Lover spell is a potent spell specifically designed to bring your relationship into balance and to ensure that your needs are met.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tap-into-force|"Tap into the Force, the Spirit, the Higher Power"|FSP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|""|""|"A gifted Master Psychic is ready to ask the force, the spirit, the Higher Power to bring about the success and happiness you so deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Do you believe there is a mysterious and powerful force surrounding us at all times, affecting us, guiding us, influencing our lives?

    And perhaps most of all, determining our destiny?

    Some may refer to this as a force or spirit.

    Others may call it a Higher Power.

    But whatever the terminology, it is important for us to recognize that it is possible to communicate, to make our requests, to plead our case to this power that affects our lives every moment of every day.

    This force, this spirit, this Higher Power is aware of our history, our most intimate secrets, our attributes, our weaknesses, our bright side, our dark side.

    And perhaps, just perhaps, this mysterious power could listen to your request to bring about more luck, more love, more success and more happiness into your life!

    How is this possible?

    It is believed in many cultures that someone with extraordinary psychic abilities – the gift to “speak” to the spirits – has a better chance of success than an individual without such gifts.

    How could this benefit you?

    A gifted Master Psychic is ready to summon his formidable powers in your behalf, asking the force, the spirit, the Higher Power to bring about the success and happiness you so deserve.

    And upon experiencing an amazing turnaround in your life, some might say it is due to happenstance or that it would have happened anyway.

    But deep down you will know that it was you who made the decision to seek the help of a gifted Master Psychic to summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf in your time of need.

    This potent spell will be cast not once, not twice...but three times in one day (morning, noon and night).


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-compatibility-spell|"Taurus Compatibility Spell"|ZT3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Taurus Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" How can you be truly happy if you are not in a caring, loving relationship? You, Taurus, are loyal to a fault. And someone who is in a relationship with you will receive more than fifty percent in return. You are that giving, that caring, that loving. This spell could do wonders to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your love to be reciprocated, Taurus. And it's time for your partner to wake up and realize all that you bring to the table. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and if you are a true Taurus, you have done more than your share. This spell is designed to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Taurus Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZT5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Taurus Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So you want it all? This is the Zodiac spell that is designed to stimulate both you and your partner, while elevating your relationship to new heights. It is a spell that brings excitement, love, humor, and physical sensuality back into your life. It is time, Taurus, for you to feel young at heart again. Indeed, you will wake up each day looking forward to the unexpected, to the highly charged sensual excitement, and to the laughter that both you and your partner can share. And above all, this spell also plants the seeds of love! You deserve to have an exciting sex life with that one special person, Taurus. You deserve to experience the joys of intimacy and feel your sensuality flowing through your veins again. Once the seeds of love, lust and laughter are planted within the person you select for this Zodiac spell, you can look forward to a life that others will envy. You are indeed in for a very sensual treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-money-spell|"Taurus Money Spell"|ZT2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Taurus Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Taurus. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Taurus Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-reconciliation-spell|"Taurus Reconciliation Spell"|ZT6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Taurus Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Taurus? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Taurus Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship
    • Smooth out the differences between you
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-retaliation-spell|"Taurus Retaliation Spell"|ZT4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Taurus Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Taurus, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Taurus Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-true-love-spell|"Taurus True Love Spell"|ZT1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Taurus True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. Sometimes, Taurus, when it involves matters of the heart, you are apt to react out of passion - with your heart, not your head. You have a passion that is to be envied, and when you find the right person, you have a world of love to give. Right now you need someone to love you unconditionally, matching your passion, loyalty and commitment. If you are not being treated in the manner you deserve, Taurus, this can be a sea-change spell for you. You deserve to find your true love; you have earned the right to be happy. So, you may ask: what can the True Love spell do for me? This spell will plant the seeds of affection between you and that special person. The spell caster's absolute focus will penetrate the inner being of the person with whom you want to spend the rest of your life. And if your paths haven't already crossed, the Taurus True Love spell will increase the odds of you meeting the love of your life. This is because the spell-caster will also penetrate your heart and mind, allowing you to be open, less inhibited, and willing to take the necessary steps to place yourself in the right place at the right time to meet that special someone. The Taurus True Love spell is yours for the asking should you feel you are tired of going it alone. You deserve to find your true love. You have earned the right to be happy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-zodiac-spells|"Taurus Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:TAURUS-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :TAURUS-MONEY-SPELL :TAURUS-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :TAURUS-RETALIATION-SPELL :TAURUS-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :TAURUS-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:TAURUS-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :TAURUS-MONEY-SPELL :TAURUS-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :TAURUS-RETALIATION-SPELL :TAURUS-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :TAURUS-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm3|"Telepathic Message of Advancement"|TM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you are not experiencing upward mobility in the workplace, send the message to your superior that you want to be recognized, rewarded, and promoted. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm6|"Telepathic Message of Change"|TM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone you care for is blocking you out and keeping you at arms length, this telepathic message is designed to break the barriers and let you back in. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm2|"Telepathic Message of Ecstasy"|TM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If the one you desire is not reciprocating your strong sexual desire, then communicate your innermost feelings of desire and lust. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm5|"Telepathic Message of Financial Reward"|TM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is a far-reaching message sent outward in all directions. It is designed to make contact with the forces that can bring you financial success. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm11|"Telepathic Message of Forbidden Fruit "|TM11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Is there something you've wanted to try but have always been a bit timid to cross the line? Is there a specific person out there whom you'd love to bring closer to you in a way you only dare to dream of? This telepathic message could elevate your life to new levels of excitement. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm12|"Telepathic Message of Frigid Buster"|TM12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone you care for is cold, aloof and indifferent to your advances, this amazing telepathic message is designed to break the ice, warm their heart, and fire up their passion. If you want to be held and caressed and truly loved, look no further. This may be your final chance to make the breakthrough you've been seeking. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm9|"Telepathic Message of Happiness"|TM9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Each of us is obligated to pursue happiness in our lives. If a loved one isn't enjoying life to its fullest, this message will be implanted in their mind. And if you are not experiencing the joy and love and excitement you deserve, this message should be implanted in you! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm1|"Telepathic Message of Love"|TM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you have a heart filled to the brim with love for a very special person, this is the message you want to send. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm10|"Telepathic Message of Luck"|TM10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    You need to be at the right place at the right time. And this requires luck! You need to have that ""extra something"" working in your behalf to bring you success in romance, in the workplace and in your pocketbook. The Message of Luck will be implanted in your brain, allowing you to reach for the stars and become the envy of everyone you know. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm4|"Telepathic Message of Reunion"|TM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you want to get together and repair a broken relationship, this message is designed to bring that lost love back to you…pronto! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm7|"Telepathic Message to Dissolve Bitternes"|TM7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If a loved one is angry and resentful, this telepathic message will melt their resistance, allowing them to focus on the positive aspects of your relationship. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tm8|"Telepathic Message to Neutralize Rival"|TM8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If someone you love is under another person's spell, this telepathic message neutralizes your rival's power, disarming them and driving them out of the picture. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| telepathic-messages|"Telepathic Messages"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"If you have never experienced a telepathic message sent in your behalf, prepare yourself for an extraordinary out-of-this-world experience."|""|""|""|""|""|" Here is your opportunity to have a skilled telepathic work in your behalf. Do you wish to transmit an important message to another person but have thus far been unable to do it successfully? Perhaps you should consider making contact through a powerful medium that is skilled in the art of mental telepathy. Penetrate the Heart and Mind of the One You Love! You can send a message of love or desire or forgiveness. You can send a message to the one who is ignoring you or is upset with you. Or perhaps you wish to send a message to someone who doesn't even know you exist. Napoleon's Mind-messages The gift of Mental Telepathy has existed throughout the ages. The famous writer Upton Sinclair frequently mentioned his wife's unique ability to recreate the drawings he was making some distance away. Mark Twain wrote about his numerous encounters with ESP. And Napoleon boasted about his telepathic gifts that enabled him to transmit ""mind-messages"" to his field generals. Send a Telepathic Message, if:
    • You are in distress and wish to implant your message deep within the psyche of another.
    • You are an impatient soul who won't rest until you have explored every avenue.
    • You are being ""shut out"" by someone who refuses to listen to your pleas.

    If you have never experienced a telepathic message sent in your behalf, prepare yourself for an extraordinary out-of-this-world experience. Take a look at the following Telepathic Messages and see which one best suits you:
    "||||"(:TM1 :TM2 :TM3 :TM4 :TM5 :TM6 :TM7 :TM8 :TM9 :TM10 :TM11 :TM12)"|"(:TM1 :TM2 :TM3 :TM4 :TM5 :TM6 :TM7 :TM8 :TM9 :TM10 :TM11 :TM12)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-tell-me-you-love-me-and-mean-it-spell|"Tell Me You Love Me...and Mean It!"|LTM9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Tell Me You Love Me...and Mean It!

    Return Desire, Enthusiasm & Faithfulness to Your Relationship

    Does your loved one seem stuck in their ways?

    Is he or she unable to look you in the eye and declare their unconditional love and affection for you?

    If the above words resonate with you, keep reading, as the gifted mystic Leonardo created the Tell Me You Love Me...and Mean It! spell specifically for you.

    Is this you?

    • When you fall in love, you are all in. Meaning you have no reservations about giving one hundred percent of yourself in the relationship.
    • And this unconditional commitment is what you expect in your mate.
    • However, you are currently in a relationship in which the other person may not be as committed as you.
    • And, as a result, you are worried that this inequality could doom the relationship.

    If the above words ring true, Leonardo is standing by to assist you.

    The Tell Me You Love Me...and Mean It! spell was designed by Leonardo to bring you and your loved one together for an ""everlasting"" relationship.

    Leonardo truly enjoys casting this unique and original spell because of the happiness it has brought to so many of his clients.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leonardo-tender-loving-care-spell|"Tender, Loving Care Spell"|LTM10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Tender, Loving Care Spell

    Are Your Most Important Needs Being Met?

    Are you deeply concerned you are not getting your most important needs met?

    Is there a person in your life who seems unwilling or perhaps unable to make you happy?

    And are you frustrated knowing that you are doing all you can to make your partner feel fulfilled and happy, but are at this very moment feeling empty and unfulfilled?

    This one-of-a-kind spell may be just what you need!

    You, of course, know the wonderful qualities you have to offer.

    But now it's time for the gifted mystic Leonardo to plant the seeds in your loved one so they can appreciate and focus on fulfilling ""your"" needs!

    Is this you?

    • You are a giving person, but sometimes you feel this very important relationship is one-sided, with you giving too much.
    • You feel your partner is taking advantage of you and you are feeling frustrated and resentful.
    • And you want to take action to correct the situation, right now.
    • However, you are unsure as to how to proceed.

    It may be of interest to you to learn that many of Leonardo's clients have been in the same situation as yourself and they can testify that the Tender, Loving Care spell opened the door to a successful and long-lasting relationship.

    So, if you fantasize about being held, caressed and loved by your partner, this is your opportunity to bring your fantasies to reality.

    The gifted mystic Leonardo awaits word for you and he will gladly cast this powerful spell in your behalf.

    What do you have to lose?


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| terminator|"Terminator Spell"|TRM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Terminator Spell"|""|"Remove a Rival! Remove a Barrier to Marriage! End Unhappiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Remove a Rival!   Remove a Barrier to Marriage!   End Unhappiness! Also known as the King of Spells, the Terminator spell is designed to remove a barricade (human or otherwise) standing in the way of your success in love and money. Whether it is the removal of a rival in a relationship or ending a bad luck streak, the Terminator spell could turn your life around on a dime! It is not by chance you are reading these words at this very moment. It is meant to be. Perhaps it is your karma, perhaps it is your fate that has crossed your path with the Terminator spell. Whatever the reason, it is very likely you have a strong desire to bring about a dramatic change in your life; if so, you have come to the right place. Here is what the Terminator spell can do for you:
    • Replace the void in your life with the love of your life.
    • Replace loneliness with companionship.
    • Replace sadness with laughter and joy.
    • Replace despair with hope.
    • Replace a rival in a relationship with you!
    • Replace bad luck with good luck.
    If someone is standing in the way of your happiness and success, you should request the king of spells. Whether you want to end an unlucky streak, remove a rival, or even the score with an enemy, the Terminator spell is designed to terminate the bad things in your life. This powerful spell is designed to take you out of harm's way, to remove all obstacles preventing you from enjoying life to the fullest.
    A Simple Test to See if the Terminator Spell is Right for You
    • Is your current situation due to a series of bad breaks beyond your control?
    • Are you open and ready for a helping hand?
    • Are you ready to bring about a dramatic change in your life?
    • Do you have a feeling in your gut that you have been drawn to these words at this time for a reason?
    • Do you believe this is your time to lead a life rich in love and material things?
    • Are you excited with the possibilities presented above?
    If these words stir your blood, this is a good sign. You have come to the right place. No spell on earth is more powerful than the Terminator spell! Because a Terminator spell is cast by a skilled psychic who calls upon powerful spirits, please think it over very carefully before making your decision. The seeds of change planted by the Terminator spell is designed to neutralize your rivals and open the doors to the glorious life you were meant to live.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    Dear CAA,

    I am over the moon!

    In July I asked for a Terminator Spell to be cast for my ex-boss to get what he deserved.... He has a track record of wrong doings and in May gave me two weeks notice.

    This week I was told that this horrible ex-boss is being sent back to England (where he comes from).

    Not only is he being transferred back, he has gone down TWO ranks and is no longer a high flyer.

    Thank you CAA. You have made my day!

    Kind regards,
    The Netherlands
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| unsubscribeconfirm|"Thank You"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Your email address will be removed from our mailing list, and will be added to our permanent ""exclude"" file. If you change your mind in the future, please use our webmaster contact form to let us know.


    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| contactconfirm|"Thank you for contacting us!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    We appreciate your taking the time to contact us. If your message requires a response, we will get back to you as soon as we can. We do our best to answer emails within 1-2 business days (Monday-Friday). You should receive an automatic confirmation message from our email system within the next few minutes. If you do not receive a confirmation message within 12 hours, you may have entered an invalid email address, and you will need to re-submit your request. We receive a lot of email every day, and try to give every message from our clients the attention it deserves. We hope you will understand if this results in an occassional delay, as we feel the additional personal attention is undoubtedly worth it. Spell Casting Witch Doctor Spell Kits Good Luck Charms & Amulets Astrology Readings

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| subscriptionconfirm|"Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
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    Return to the Home Page Check out our Powerful Spell Casting Services See our Good Luck Charms & Amulets Astrology & Compatibility Readings

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| testimonialconfirm|"Thank you for your Testimonial!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    We appreciate your taking the time to write to us. Hearing success stories from clients like you is what makes it all worthwhile!
    Now, on to... Spell Casting Witch Doctor Spell Kits Good Luck Charms Astrology Readings

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| surveyconfirm|"Thank You!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Thanks for taking the time to fill out our psychic survey.
    We appreciate it!

    Return to the Home Page Check out our Powerful Spell Casting Services See our Good Luck Charms & Amulets Astrology & Compatibility Readings

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| friendconfirm|"Thanks for helping us spread the word!"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Thanks for recommending us! Now continue on to... Spell Casting Wanga Dolls Good Luck Charms & Amulets Astrology & Compatibility Readings
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    You may also be interested in the following:"||||"(:MOJO :POWER-SPELLS :EMERGENCY-SPELLS :ANDREIKA)"|"(:MOJO :POWER-SPELLS :EMERGENCY-SPELLS :ANDREIKA)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wishbox|"The Abyssinian Wish Box"|ABY|ITEM.||(27.95)||T|""|""|"The Abyssinian Wish Box"|""|"Simply enclose your prayer or request in the Wish Box and wait for the surprise of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    From the most ancient African civilization of them all comes the incredible Abyssinian Wish Box. No one has ever been able to explain why or how the Abyssinian Wish Box works. Some speculate it has mystical powers while others believe the person's own psychic powers are suddenly activated. Whatever the secret powers may be, it's time you take a dramatic step in improving your life and reaching out for what you deserve.
    Ask for money -- your finances may soar. Ask for luck -- good things may start to happen to you. Ask for power -- you may gain control of your life. Ask for the impossible -- your Abyssinian Wish Box could make it happen!
    You may ask for anything or everything as long as you request only one thing at a time! Make your request clear and in as few words as possible. Within twenty-four hours you may begin to sense that powerful forces are being summoned to work in your behalf. This is when your wish may begin to take hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| adore-me-spell|"The Adore Me Spell"|AMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to do something that will make you more attractive, more appealing, more interesting..."|""|""|""|""|""|" Do You Want Your Lover To Have Eyes for Only You? Do you sometimes feel invisible when in the same room with your lover? Do you feel they don't appreciate you and hardly ever compliment you? Well, it's time to do something that will make you more attractive, more appealing, more interesting–-to attract the attention of this special person. After all, what more can you hope for then to have the love of your life look at you with desire and love and lust in their eyes? You deserve to be adored. The Adore Me spell is specially cast to bring you to center stage, to have your lover's eyes focus on you, and only you. It will be as if you are enveloped in a spotlight and are illuminated so they are not distracted by anyone or anything. If you answer yes to the following questions, we suggest you have this spell cast for you as quickly as possible.
    • Do you crave to be held and caressed, almost to the point of being overwhelmed by their strong desire?
    • Do you feel you sometimes hold back your love because you are tired and frustrated by giving, giving, giving?
    • Are you reaching the point of no return – that you cannot live this way much longer and need a positive sign that you are needed and desired and loved?

    This is a particularly mystical spell that casts you in a desirable light, allowing you to stand out from the rest and shine like you've never shined before.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| all-purpose-voodoo-doll-link|"The All-Purpose Voodoo Doll"||LINK.|voodoo.html||||""|""|""|""|"Voodoo is a powerful mystical practice that can bring spectacular gifts and rewards to anyone who believes, who is willing to place his destiny in the hands of loving spirits, who await the call of service."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| anchor|"The Anchor of Hope"|ANC|ITEM.||(16.95)|||""|""|""|""|"Since ancient times, the Anchor of Hope has been worn by mariners to cast a mystical spell on their lover/mate back home."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Since ancient times, the Anchor of Hope has been worn by mariners to cast a mystical spell on their lover/mate back home. The Anchor keeps your image in the mind of the one you love, allowing them to focus on your best qualities and not stray from port. The Anchor emits a powerful spell that neither time nor distance can hinder, allowing you and your loved one to think good things about each other, remembering the good times while minimizing the bad. What the Anchor Could Do for You! Heal a Rift - if you're at odds with someone and yearn to be reunited, hold the Anchor tightly and think of what you want to happen. Before you know it, you could receive that long awaited phone call announcing the impending reunion. Broken Heart - hold the Anchor and feel its soothing, calming effects. Your head will clear and the proper course of action will present itself to you. For once, you will know exactly what has to be done and how to make your life happier, more fulfilling. Misunderstandings - if someone misunderstands you and keeps misinterpreting your statements and true intentions, keep the Anchor with you when the two of you are together. Then witness a dramatic change in their attitude. Take note of the look in their eyes finally revealing that they finally ""get"" you. Incredibly, the two of you could finally experience what you have desired all along. Do not underestimate the mystical powers of the Anchor of Hope. Mariners worldwide believe this powerful amulet could soften the hardest of hearts and return a lover to their rightful place - with you! The Anchor of Hope could:
    • Solidify a marriage, partnership, friendship
    • Draw a loved one closer
    • Keep a mate/lover from ""looking around""
    • Heal a rift
    • Rekindle passion
    • Bring a smile to the one you love
    • Renew hope
    • Clear up misunderstandings
    • Jumpstart a relationship
    • Bond two people together - forever
    The purpose of the Anchor of Hope is to stabilize and cement the relationship you care so much about, bringing warmth and caring with your loved one sooner than you think. The Anchor is your best hope to regain deep, meaningful love, and to keep that special person by your side, for eternity.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kbd|"The Angel Natal Chart"|KBD|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aztecmantaz|"The Aztec-Mantaz Weight Loss Amulet"|AZT|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"Aztec-Mantaz"|""|"Given up on losing weight? Possess the Aztec-Mantaz weight-loss amulet and prepare yourself for a life-changing experience. Now available in Sterling Silver!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Losing weight can be a difficult, frustrating and often impossible situation. If fad diets, pills, expensive medications, etc. have not worked for you, the Aztec-Mantaz weight loss amulet may be just what you've been looking for.
    "I am writing this letter to make you fully aware of the astounding effects that the Aztec-Mantaz amulet has provided for me...and the fifty pounds of weight I have lost within a matter of six months." S.G.
    Ossinning, NY
    "I will swear by the (Aztec-Mantaz) amulet to anyone. I have lost 42 pounds in seven months. I feel good about myself, feel very attractive. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 7-8. In the first week I lost six pounds." D.H.
    Coopersville, MI
    "About 2 1/2 months ago I received the Aztec-Mantaz amulet and was very happy with the 27 pounds I lost...Then a bad thing happened. I lost the amulet... I have gained back 11 pounds and am very unhappy. Please send me another Aztec-Mantaz right away." L.S.
    Bradenton, FL
    "I started carrying the Aztec-Mantaz on May 1st. That's only been one week and I have lost 5 1/2 pounds. I am so thankful for the Mantaz. I am ordering one now for my daughter." Mrs. W.B.R.
    Decatur, GA
    Dear CAA,
    I noticed a friend of mine started wearing the Celtic Love Knot and the Aztec-Mantaz amulet about a year ago. I have known this guy since we were both small children, and he has always been overweight. He has a friendly, outgoing personality, but due to his weight I know he struggled with self-esteem and dating issues. Soon after he started wearing the amulet and love knot, I noticed that he took on a sort of ""glow"". A girl he admired starting making advances towards friendship, although she would have nothing to do with him before. A couple months after he started wearing the charms, I noticed a dramatic change in his weight loss. He also started dating that girl he was interested in. Now that time has passed, I am seeing him closer to a healthy weight that he ever has been before, and he continues to have luck with the ladies. I have no doubt that the Celtic Love Knot and Aztec-Mantaz amulet had a great deal to do with his results. I am inspired by his success and felt the need to pass my observations along. I am a repeat customer now, and your products have also improved my life in many ways. I will have to write about it in another testimonial. On behalf of my friend and I, thank you! Gena J.
    We suggest you order an Aztec-Mantaz for yourself. Once in your possession, if your weight loss goals are not fulfilled, you may return the Aztec-Mantaz for a full refund up to one year after purchase. Note: The Aztec-Mantaz is not a substitute for medical attention. If you have a physical problem, consult your physician.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| black-curses|"The Black Curse"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Because it can bring about horrendous times for the person to whom the Black Curse is directed, please do not request this unless it is absolutely necessary."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is one of the most effective methods of ridding an enemy from your midst. Dating back to the Middle Ages, the Black Curse was mastered by few practitioners whose services were highly revered by kings and noblemen. Because it can bring about horrendous times for the person to whom the Black Curse is directed, please do not request this unless it is absolutely necessary. Please use the following as a guide... Request the Black Curse if:
    • Someone evil is ""intentionally"" standing in the way of your life path, preventing you from achieving success and happiness.
    • Someone with evil intentions has vowed to destroy you, whether it be by their direct or indirect actions.
    • Someone is jealous of you and wants you to suffer emotionally, financially...
    • Someone is out to get you and it is only a matter of time before they get their wish, thus leaving you no choice but to act first.
    If any or all of the above sounds familiar, this is your opportunity to make things right, to put your life back on its rightful course, and to get even with the one who has done you wrong.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    The following is a list of the various Black Curses available to you:
    "||||"(:BC1 :BC2 :BC3 :BC4 :BC5 :BC6 :BC7 :BC8 :BC9 :BC10 :BC11 :BC12)"|"(:BC1 :BC2 :BC3 :BC4 :BC5 :BC6 :BC7 :BC8 :BC9 :BC10 :BC11 :BC12)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kac|"The Blue Skies Natal Chart"|KAC|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| breakup|"The Breakup Spell"|BKU|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Breakup Spell"|""|"Is your heart breaking because your true love is with someone else?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone out there who you care for more than words can say? Is this person currently in a relationship with someone other than yourself? If you are hurting... If your heart is breaking... It may not be by chance that you are reading these words at this precise moment. You have the opportunity to retain the services of a powerful Master Psychic to do your bidding. He can apply his formidable powers to cast a spell with the purpose of dissolving the relationship your love is currently in -- and bringing them back to you! It may not happen instantly, but it could happen quicker than you think.
    1. Is the person you love in a relationship with someone other than yourself?
    2. If so, would you like that relationship to end?
    3. Do you feel your life is out of kilter and will remain so until that relationship is terminated and the two of you are reunited?
    4. Are you certain the two of you are meant to be with each other?
    5. Is this person being stubborn, close-minded, and not open to realizing that you're the ""right"" one?
    6. Do you feel frustrated and helpless because you can't seem to do anything to change the situation?
    7. Are you fearful you're running out of time?
    8. Do you feel alone -- and worried that you'll never find another to love as deeply?
    9. Do you want to be married and spend the rest of your life together?
    10. If the love of your life returns, will you truly be fulfilled, happy?

    If you answered ""yes"" to most or all of these questions, it is unlikely you will be satisfied unless you have done everything within your power to bring your true love back to you. If you feel your cause is just, a Breakup Spell can be cast in your behalf. Our Master Psychic will focus his formidable powers on your behalf to help expedite the breakup of the relationship your true love is in.
    Dear CAA, I have to say that I am thrilled with the results of my spells!!! I ordered a Retrieve A Lover Spell that was performed on the 14th by Charles...I also asked for a Breakup Spell that was performed on the 21st to break up my ex and his current girlfriend that he had been seeing for 2 months. On the 22nd he was begging me to get back with him and he dropped the girl he was seeing that night. We have are back together now and I have to say thank you so much to the people who performed my spells!! I am beyond thrilled!! Christina
    Nashville, TN
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| buckets-of-money|"The Buckets of Money Spell"|BUC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The one thing wealthy people have in common is they shoot for the stars. They think big. They focus on that one important goal – making money. "|""|""|""|""|""|" The one thing wealthy people have in common is they shoot for the stars. They think big. They focus on that one important goal – making money. Rich people know that the power of the mind is omnipotent. And once you have the mindset that you truly must have money – a bucket full of it – you will be well on your way to achieving that all important goal. And think of the marvelous benefits of being rich:
    • No longer will you be a slave to your work or have to kowtow to your boss.
    • You can enjoy as much leisure time as you need.
    • You will notice that others are more attracted to you (and even “turned-on”), since you came into money.
    • You will be able to buy and enjoy the luxuries without guilt – and without endless payments.
    • You will be debt free.
    The Buckets of Money spell could give you the lifestyle and security you've sought for so long. It's time to stop dreaming and go for it!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| camelot-collection|"The Camelot Collection"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Three legendary amulets that inspire love, riches, and extraordinary success."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc12|"The Cancel Black Curse"|BC12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Should you ever regret casting a Black Curse on someone, this curse will cancel one particular curse, thus sparing your enemy further grief."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cash-spell|"The Cash! Spell"|CAS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Need Money? Need it Soon?"|""|""|""|""|""|" All too often in life we are in need of extra funds. It may be to pay off a long overdue bill, or to load up the bank account for that special occasion, or maybe to simply accumulate more savings so you can sleep soundly at night. Whatever the reason, an influx of cash is always welcomed. You should request this spell, if:
    • You are short of money and don't have a ready solution at hand.
    • You are tired of not knowing how you're going to pay all your upcoming expenses.
    • You wonder why some others are so lucky in their finances and why you have to constantly worry about where your next dime is coming from.
    • You want to have extra cash so you can enjoy life to the fullest.

    If this sounds all too familiar to you, then the Cash spell could give you the break you've been seeking.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| changemind|"The Change Your Lover's Mind Spell"|CLM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Stop Their Anger, Spark Their Love"|""|"This love spell is designed to soften the hardest of hearts."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    I ordered a Retrieve a Lover Spell and a Change Your Lover's Mind Spell, and I want to testify that those spells really do work. Ever since I ordered the spells, my boyfriend calls me all the time. I don't feel lonely anymore. Our sex life is great, too! Now he acts like he can't live without me. Thanks for your help. Jean
    South Carolina
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Stop Their Anger, Spark Their Love!

    This spell is designed to soften the hardest of hearts. Keep in mind it is never too late to change a person's mind. Sometimes you have to look deeper than their superficial words and expressions. What lies beneath the surface is all important. If there is a glimmer of hope, if there is still a spark of interest deep within their soul, you have reason to pursue your love. This spell is particularly suited for you if:
    • You feel you need one more chance to salvage the relationship.
    • You feel misunderstood, that you are not being treated fairly, reasonably.
    • The person you care for is very special and is worth fighting for.
    • You want nothing more than a loving, caring, fulfilling relationship.
    • You are a loyal partner and you expect the same.
    • You want your warmth, your humor, your love to be reciprocated.
    Order this spell if your loved one is upset with you, angry for reasons that are unclear or unreasonable to you. Be aware that this is an extremely powerful spell that is intended to turn a person around in their tracks - instantly - making it abundantly clear that they made a terrible mistake. And once their heart is softened, they will be attracted to your warmth, your love, your true beauty inside and out.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| circleofprosperity|"The Circle of Prosperity"|CIR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)|||""|""|""|""|"The Circle of Prosperity connects you with the right people, the best people, and acts like a magnet so they may notice you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Prosper in Finance, Love, Life! Look closely at the free flowing vines in this unique piece. They represent how your success is intertwined with people who have the ability and connections to elevate your life to a higher level. In love or in business, these are the people who can bring you the happiness you so deserve. You are not an island. To be successful, you cannot do it in a vacuum. The Circle of Prosperity connects you with the right people, the best people, and acts like a magnet so they may notice you! What the Circle of Prosperity Could Do for You
    • Alerts you to new ideas, new ways to make money.
    • Connects or reconnects you with the people who love you.
    • Allows your path to intersect with exceptional people.
    • Gives you momentum that will brush naysayers aside.
    • Frees up your creative juices allowing your imagination to run wild.
    • Puts a smile on your face and a confident air about you.
    • Opens your mind to possibilities you thought were beyond your reach.
    The moment you grasp the Circle of Prosperity, you may instinctively feel others will want to help you. And your relationships – both in love and friendship – could begin to forge an unbreakable bond. The Circle of Prosperity is designed to lead you to the road to riches. Finally, your course in life could go from your present state to a state of prosperity. This beautiful keepsake is made of solid sterling silver.
    A free chain will be included with your order!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| apollocoin|"The Coin of Apollo"|COI|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"(front side shown)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| coinofapollo|"The Coin of Apollo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|"If you worry constantly about money and dream of possessions you can't afford, there is something you can do about it."|""|"Twenty-five hundred years ago the ancient Greeks recognized the supernatural powers of a mysterious coin known as the Coin of Apollo."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    With the Coin of Apollo you may feel confident and assured that the wealth you've always dreamed of could now be yours. The moment you touch the Coin of Apollo your life may begin to change:
    • Money may flow toward you, not away from you.
    • You could be on your way to financial security.
    • You may have the Midas touch.
    • You may instinctively be able to spot bargains, good deals, profitable investments.

    Twenty-five hundred years ago the ancient Greeks recognized the supernatural powers of a mysterious coin known as the Coin of Apollo. They observed that anyone who possessed this valuable coin began to accumulate wealth. The Coin of Apollo is one of the world's most beautiful coins. Plated in 14-karat gold, the depiction of the Greek God Apollo on one side and the mystical Winged God on the other will attract attention wherever you go. In this period of trying times, your financial situation could be dramatically improved. Order your Coin of Apollo today and await your financial windfall. Available as a coin or pendant
    (chain not included).
    Dear CAA, I am a frequent visitor to Atlantic City where I play the slots. All I can say is that the Coin of Apollo passed with flying colors. I had such frequent wins that the only thing I could attribute it to was that I had the Coin of Apollo in my possession. I ended the day with a tidy cash-in. Martin Levy
    Brooklyn, NY
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Dear CAA, I purchased the Coin of Apollo in May. My wife took it to the casino and won eighty dollars 5 times! Then she went back a week later and won again! It really is amazing. My Luck Spell by Burton has put me in the right place at the right time many times since I had it done. I have truly been blessed on at least 3 occasions when my good luck came through. Thank you. P.C.
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| compatibility|"The Compatibility Report"|CRR|ITEM.||(17)||T|"""Your Name"" Inscription 25 ""Your Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Place of Birth"" Inscription 24 ""Their Name"" Inscription 25 ""Their Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Their Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Their Place of Birth"" Inscription 24 ""Type of Reading"" Romance Friendship"|"
    Your Name:
    Your Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Your Time of Birth (if known):
    Your Place of Birth:
    Their Name:
    Their Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Their Time of Birth (if known):
    Their Place of Birth:
    Type of Reading: 
    "|""|""|"In any relationship, the more you know about the other person the better it is for you in the long run."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    In any relationship, the more you know about the other person the better it is for you in the long run. Better to learn the strengths and weaknesses now than to realize later on that some of your partner's habits drive you to despair. This important astrological reading offers many benefits to the person who wants to learn more about compatibility with a specific person. Some of the questions to be answered in this reading are:
    • Do the two of you have the same wiring? And are you on the same wavelength? If so, will the chemistry last?
    • Do you enjoy similar interests, activities, hold the same opinions of others?
    • Do you have the same level of integrity, compassion for others, and willingness to compromise? Are your aspirations and goals similar? Will the two of you meld together as a united front, or will you become polarized in time with significantly different outlooks on life? Will you forge a permanent bond, or will the two of you slowly pull away and eventually become strangers in the same house?
    • Are you already noticing faults that you are repressing, perhaps even being in denial, for fear that this relationship won?t last? Are you thinking clearly, or is your quest for settling down overriding your common sense?
    • When encountering difficulties, will the two of you be able to work things out in a calm, rational manner, or will it lead to heated debates and unrelenting arguments?
    • And, finally, will the two of you grow more in love, or will the opposite occur? In effect, is this a good match?
    What can be more important than a marvelous partnership between two loving, giving people? This is what each and every one of us strive for. Therefore, it is imperative that you explore every aspect of this relationship, to learn as much as you can, so that you know what lies ahead in your future. Only by exploring in depth whether or not this is a workable compatibility, only then can you make an educated, rational, and heartfelt decision.
    Please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, that's fine--just leave it blank and we'll use 6:00 a.m."||||"(:COMPATIBILITY-SAMPLE)"|"(:COMPATIBILITY-SAMPLE)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| couple-buster|"The Couple-Buster Curse"|CBC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Couple-Buster Curse"|""|"WARNING: This spell brings dissension and despair into an existing relationship that cannot be repaired. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Usually it's not a good thing to wish that something bad will happen to a couple. It's better to think positive, to leave people to their own devices, to allow them to fulfill their destiny without interference. But sometimes if a situation is critical, if things are so bad, it is imperative to take matters into your own hands. Sometimes you know without a doubt that you are right and you have been wronged, and you must do something to right that wrong. The Couple-Buster curse is designed to do just that: create a split in a relationship so large that the two people will realize there is no hope, no future together, and it is time to go their separate ways. If any or all of the following applies to a particular couple you know, then busting them up is not only the right thing to do, it is indeed your obligation to do so.
    • Do you feel that one of the people in this couple belongs to you and you alone? Have they made a serious mistake by choosing to be with this other person?
    • In this relationship, is the one you care for with a truly bad person? And is the one you want oblivious to their partner's evil intentions?
    • Is this simply a wrong relationship that needs to be dissolved? And are you absolutely certain of it?
    • Is this partnership causing you grief beyond anything you've ever experienced previously? And you know you will be joyously happy once you are reunited?
    • Is it your firm belief that they are not destined to be together and sooner or later they will split up anyway?
    Should you decide to have a Couple-Busting spell cast in your behalf, negative vibrations could happen in this relationship as follows:
    • Dissension and uneasiness creeping in, bit by bit, in a relentless manner.
    • Arguments over the smallest matters, causing hard feelings and an underlying feeling of mistrust.
    • A general dissipation of happiness and lightheartedness, resulting in a noticeable lack of humor, friendship and companionship.
    • For the first time, discussion of dissolving their union and going their separate ways could begin to filter into their arguments.
    • Your image implanted in the mind of the person you care for, and they may begin to realize how much they miss you.
    WARNING: This spell brings dissension and despair into an existing relationship that cannot be repaired. If you have any doubts about breaking them up, please refrain from ordering the Couple-Buster at this time.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| delicious-sex|"The Delicious Sex Spell"|DSS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Delicious Sex Spell"|""|"There are few things in life more exciting and more fulfilling than uninhibited, enjoyable, fun-filled SEX!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    There are few things in life more exciting and more fulfilling than uninhibited, enjoyable, fun-filled SEX!
    Increase the potency of the Delicious Sex spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Take the following test and see if this applies to you:
    • At the current time, is your sex life boring or nonexistent?
    • Do you feel you're a terrific lover but need your partner to bring out the best in you?
    • Do you daydream of making hot, torrid love?
    • Would you like you and your partner to release all inhibitions and completely lose yourself in lust once you enter the bedroom?
    • Would you like to bring your sexual fantasies to reality?
    • Would you like the fun and excitement to return to your sex life?
    If much of the above describes you and your current situation, this remarkable spell could bring a smile to your face. If you crave to be loved and desired, and to have a partner who looks at you with passion and fire in their eyes, don't give up hope! If you want to come alive again and be ""turned on"" by that special person, there's no need to sit and mope about it. Do something about it! Wouldn't it be interesting if when your partner came into the room, you could have that wicked look in your eye so you both know what's going to come next? Just think about the possibilities.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc6|"The Destroy Enemy Black Curse"|BC6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    The purpose of this curse is to bring your enemy to their knees, filling them with an overwhelming sense of loss, fear, regret, and unhappiness."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc4|"The Doomed-to-Fail Black Curse"|BC4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This curse zeros in on partnerships, friendships, marriage, etc., causing monumental differences that are extremely difficult to repair."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc11|"The Double Power Black Curse"|BC11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Request this curse to double the effects of any of the above curses... But only do so if you are so angry and so determined to cause immediate and devastating effect upon your enemy. Note: This curse will automatically double the effects of any or all of the above curses you order at the same time."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| dream-weaver-amulet|"The Dream Weaver Amulet"|DWA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|"The Dream Weaver Amulet"|""|"Lifts the Fog. Brings Clarity, Hope, Opportunity."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Lifts the Fog. Brings Clarity, Hope, Opportunity. There is always hope! All you have to do is believe. It is said the moment you possess the legendary Dream Weaver, the fog will be lifted, and you will see things in a different light. Complex issues will seem clearer, and problems will appear to have easier solutions. And you will recognize opportunities that could bring your dreams to fruition. This remarkable good luck piece combines the five elements of Feng Shui that bless you with unlimited happiness: FIRE – Instills fiery romance to your love life. Revitalizes, stimulates, and excites both you and your partner. EARTH – Sets your feet squarely on the ground. Brings inner peace, allowing you to escape everyday anxiety and worry. METAL – Steels your resolve. Releases your creative juices, resulting in new opportunities that bring wealth and prosperity to your doorstep. WATER – Refreshes, rejuvenates you. Brings clarity to more complex issues. Sharpens your senses, and facilitates your ability to make the right decisions in both your personal and business life. WOOD – Plants roots to give you strength and endurance. Builds inner resolve, allowing you to be bold, courageous, and confident. This remarkable solid sterling silver piece creates harmony and balance in all aspects of your life. "||||"(:DREAM-WEAVER-CLOSEUP)"|"(:DREAM-WEAVER-CLOSEUP)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| earth-bangle|"The Earth Bangle"|B07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)|||""|""|"The Earth Bangle"|""|"The Earth Bangle calls upon the good spirits to bring good luck and good love to the person who deserves to be surrounded by friends and family."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Aborigine people migrated to Australia from Asia 40,000 years ago. One of their intriguing customs is to invoke spirits of the planet to protect you, guide you, and ensure your happiness. Aborigines are known for their small kin-based groups, intense family loyalty, and never-say-die spirit. The Earth Bangle was first worn by this good-natured people thousands of years ago and is now rapidly gaining popularity outside their culture. The Earth Bangle calls upon the good spirits to bring good luck and good love to the person who deserves to be surrounded by friends and family.
    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    Here is what the Earth Bangle could do for you:
    • Turn a relationship from rocky to stable.
    • Ratchet up the heat in bed.
    • Change a wandering partner to one who stays put.
    • Keeps your head up and your eyes on the prize.
    • Minimizes worries and lightens your load.

    The unusual inscriptions engraved in the Earth Bangle are a secret code that calls upon the spirits of the earth to ensure you don't walk alone. The Earth Bangle is a substantial silver piece that will make you feel good, knowing that you are sharing the same spirits that have walked aside the Aborigines for thousands of years.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| enchantment|"The Enchantment Spell"|ECH|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Enchantment Spell"|""|"A spell to bring you everlasting love in a very short time."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A spell to bring you the love you've dearly hoped for. If you crave to be held and embraced and loved, this spell could do wondrous things for you. There is no need for you to endure further hardship or excruciating loneliness. This is the time to end the emptiness that permeates your very being. Your life should be filled with warmth and laughter and love. And you should be with the one you love for the rest of your life. If you answer yes to the following questions, then the Enchantment spell is for you:
    • Does your heart ache because you have so much love to give, but no one to give it to?
    • Are you ready to commit to one person the rest of your life?
    • Do you feel you are now in the right frame of mind to make your mate happy?
    • Do you feel that all you need is a chance to show your stuff, to demonstrate how incredible you are? And if you get this chance, the ""right"" person can't help but fall in love with you?
    • Do you feel it's ironic, and perhaps a little unfair, that some people you know have already found someone, yet they don't have nearly the wonderful qualities you have?
    • Do you feel time is running out and you must act quickly?

    If you answered yes to all of the above, the Enchantment spell could allow you to say Hello Love, Goodbye Loneliness in a very short period of time.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| excalibur-amulet|"The Excalibur Amulet"|P06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|""|""|"The Excalibur Amulet"|""|"If you seek a helping hand to help you through troubled waters, you should call upon the Excalibur Amulet to guide you safely to your true destination. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Merlin said, ""If You Speak Nicely to Her, She Will Give It to You.""
    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    The Lady of The Lake was a mysterious female credited with giving King Arthur the legendary sword Excalibur. In some versions, she also gave Arthur a mystic pendant to lead him safely and victoriously through life. This pendant was known as the Excalibur Amulet. If you seek a helping hand to help you through troubled waters, you should call upon the Excalibur Amulet to guide you safely to your true destination. Consider possessing the Excalibur Amulet, if:
    • You are searching for a secure haven for you and your loved ones.
    • You seek a solution to a difficult situation.
    • You desire that special love to hold and love you.
    • You want to feel alive, energized, and ""happy.""

    If any or all of the above apply to you, this remarkable silver amulet (chain included) could be your special guardian angel.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| extreme-comeback-spell-link|"The Extreme Comeback Spell"||LINK.|extreme-spells.html#EX19||||""|""|""|""|"It's time to take matters into your own hands. This spell points you in the right direction."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| extreme-end-drought-spell-link|"The Extreme End Drought Spell"||LINK.|extreme-spells.html#EX18||||""|""|""|""|"This spell dissipates the black cloud hanging over you, freeing you to enjoy the good life."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| fast-luck-spellkit-link|"The Fast Luck Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|"The Fast Luck Spell Kit"|"Brings affection, warmth, laughter and love back into your life! Ends loneliness, ensures happiness. Amazing results! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc2|"The Financial Ruin Black Curse"|BC2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Causes disruption in your enemy's financial holdings and their ability to make money. This curse negatively affects their career and future earning power."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| forgiveme|"The Forgive Me Spell"|FOR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Forgive Me Spell"|""|"If a past mistake is haunting you, preventing the two of you from reuniting, don’t give up."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you in love with someone who is resisting you, turning you away? Is this person closed minded, unwilling to see the real you? If a past mistake is haunting you, preventing the two of you from reuniting, don’t give up. There is something you can do! Whether you truly made the mistake or not doesn't really matter. As long as you are ""thought"" to have done something wrong, the situation still has to be resolved. Ultimately, what is best for you is to be forgiven so your relationship can get back on track. Dissipate the Bitterness You will not be loved unconditionally until you are forgiven! Anger and bitterness are a blinding force that blots out laughter, joy, happiness. So no matter what you say or do, the very first step you must take is to dissipate the bitterness. If you are currently under attack and your motives are being questioned, the Forgive Me spell could bring down the barriers between you. This spell softens the hardest of hearts. It melts the resistance, opens the mind – allowing the best of you to be seen at your brightest. Once you are cast in a different light, your finest qualities will finally have a chance to win out. And you will feel romance in the air. Once again you could be drawn together – to touch, to hold, to caress – to make love. And when this occurs, love and commitment could not be far behind. Ask for a Forgive Me spell...
    if the one you love is hard-headed and stubborn. Ask for the Forgive Me spell...
    if the one you love is angry and won't let go. Ask for a Forgive Me spell...
    if you feel you've got to turn this relationship around right now – because you're running out of time. Ask for a Forgive Me spell...
    if you truly want this person to be yours. The Forgive Me spell is cast by a very powerful psychic who implants the seeds of forgiveness, turning the head and heart of the one you love back in your direction.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| friendtolover|"The Friend to Lover Spell"|FRI|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Friend's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Friend's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Friend to Lover"|""|"If you have passionate feelings about a special friend and want to stimulate their passion for you, you have come to the right place."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you have a friend whom you love dearly? Are they oblivious to your desire to be more than just platonic? Do you want them to feel the same way about you? If you have passionate feelings about a special person and want to stimulate their passion for you, you have come to the right place. A powerful spell caster who specializes in bringing people together can work in your behalf. He could provide the spark resulting in a raging fire of a relationship that you previously had not thought possible. So, if you want to light their fire and change the way they feel about you, our spell caster could provide the means to do it. No longer will you have to suppress your feelings toward this person. Finally, this is your opportunity to alter their impression of you. No longer will you merely be viewed as ""nice"" or ""sweet"" or ""pal."" If you desire to be loved – both emotionally and physically – then ask for the Friend to Lover spell. Then sit back and wait for a change in attitude. Be ready to be touched, adored, desired. And it could happen in a surprisingly short time.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gamblers-amulet|"The Gambler's Amulet"|GAM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|""|""|"The Gambler's Amulet"|""|"If you truly wish to be one of the lucky ones to win big in the lottery, at the gaming tables, in love and in life, you must possess the legendary Gambler's Amulet!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Click image for a larger view.
    The Ultimate Good Luck Charm! Are you ready for a quick fix in your bank account? Do you want to dramatically increase your odds of winning ""big""? Do you want to be perceived as a person who is lucky, who is a winner, who is fabulously successful? If so, your luck is about to change... Big time! Is this you?
    • You're a person who relishes the opportunity to test your skills and luck in games of chance?
    • You believe there are powerful ""unseen forces"" that play a pivotal role in whether we win or lose.
    • You are unique in that you are always on the lookout for something that could increase the odds in your favor.
    • And above all, you are definitely ready to enjoy the admiration of others, the financial rewards, and the good life that big winnings will surely bring.
    If the above description fits you like a glove, perhaps it isn't merely luck that has led you to this page. For some things are meant to be. The legendary Gambler's Amulet If you truly wish to be one of the lucky ones to win big in the lottery, at the gaming tables, in love and in life, you must possess the legendary Gambler's Amulet! It is truly the ultimate good luck charm. Below are merely a sampling of the many letters we have received from folks who have taken possession of the Gambler's Amulet.
    ""I purchased the Gambler's Amulet more for its beauty than anything else and was pleasantly surprised at the good luck it's brought. At my weekly card game with the guys, when I lay my good luck charm out on the table next to me, it seems to instantly turn the momentum in my direction. Talk about one-upmanship..."" M. Handlesman
    Grafton, Australia

    ""What a wonderful good luck charm. I go to the casinos regularly, and I've been on a lucky streak for weeks. I believe it started the day I received my Gambler's Amulet in the mail. I keep it in my purse during the day, and when I'm sleeping I keep it in a wooden box on my dresser to rejuvenate itself."" Sally Rutherford
    Cambridge, England

    ""The Gambler's Amulet has come through for me at bingo and in a sweepstakes drawing, but I thought what the heck and slipped it into my pocket when I went out on my first date with Edna, a fabulous woman I had met the week before. I believe it gave me the confidence and a winning aura to completely dazzle her. We have been seeing each other now for over two months. And when I finally showed her my good luck charm, she said, 'Ah, I knew you had some sort of secret weapon.'"" H. Martin
    Calgary, Canada

    ""My Gambler's Amulet arrived about a week ago, and I did quite well at the casino that very night. I feel energized every time I leave the house with it in my pocket. There's something mystical about it that I can't quite put my finger on."" Chao ""Charlie"" Lee
    Hong Kong
    The Gambler's Amulet is a substantial piece, one-and-a-half inches in diameter, beautifully finished... and will be a treasured keepsake destined to bring you much luck in the years to come.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gambling-wanga-link|"The Gambling Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"To bring you success in games of chance, new ventures, risk taking."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gayman|"The Gay Love Spell for Men"|GLM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""His Name"" Inscription 20"|"
    His Name:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gaywoman|"The Gay Love Spell for Women"|GLW|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Her Name"" Inscription 20"|"
    Her Name:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| geteven|"The Get Even Spell"|GET|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Evil People Should Get What They Deserve"|""|"If you're certain that a specific person has done you harm or wishes for your unhappiness, this is your chance to get even!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there someone out there who has it in for you, who has crossed you, victimized you? This spell is designed to reverse their bad intentions, intensifying the hardship on them tenfold - bringing them bad luck, bad karma, misfortune. This spell is suitable for you if:
    • Someone put a curse on you and you want to reverse it.
    • You ""sense"" someone is happy with your misfortune.
    • A specific person needs to be brought down from their high perch.
    • You are angry, have had enough, and are determined to get even.
    • You know someone who is vicious in their thoughts and intentions toward you.
    • You want to stop someone who wants to harm you emotionally or physically.
    • You seek justice and want to get on with your life.
    You are not a mean or vindictive person but you are not one to be stepped on or to be abused without fighting back. If you're upset and certain that a specific person has done you harm or wishes for your unhappiness, this is your chance to get even.
    Dear CAA,

    I was recently hurt and humiliated by someone working in my fiance's business. It had caused extreme problems in our personal life and at the business.

    I have had problems with people hurting me all my life. I have so much pain inside that the recent event made me question my reason for living. It's hard to live a happy life when others seem to set out to cause me unhappiness. They always seem to win.

    I asked for a simple request with the Get Even Spell. I did not look at the spell as a curse, rather than a request for justice.

    Within 24 hours of the day my spell was cast, I am already seeing results. I am utterly amazed!

    I truly believe that the request for justice will be served appropriately. I believe that her existence in my and my fiance's life will soon be over. I will be able to return to the life that had made me the happiest.

    Thank you with all my heart!!!

    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.
    Dear CAA,

    You cast a Get Even Spell for me and the results were precisely ""even"".

    They were taking me to court for a certain amount of money and I found out within about a month that they, in fact, owed me that amount money.

    They stepped in that one like ""doo doo""! It was all because they were jealous and could not understand my situation. Thanks!

    Louisville, KY
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear CAA,

    I ordered a Get Even Spell in November 2004 because a coworker was trying to get me in trouble.

    All the harm she tried to do back-fired on her.

    Thank you so much for your help!

    Ivy C.
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)
    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| great-financial|"The Great Financial Quick Fix"|GFS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It is quite possible for you to experience the immense pleasures of having the financial backing to do what you want, when you want."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    So what separates the haves from the have-nots? What makes a rich person so different from the rest of us? And how can you be like them? Well, it is quite possible for you to experience the immense pleasures of having the financial backing to do what you want, when you want. And enjoy the respect and admiration of those closest to you.
    A Master Psychic could make it happen
    So if you dream of having lots of money. BIG money. Perhaps it’s time for you to call upon a gifted Master Psychic to cast the potent Great Financial Quick Fix spell in your behalf. Although nothing is certain in life, we can tell you that this is one of our most successful spells. It is designed to open the portals to BIG financial opportunities, BIG results and BIG money.
    It’s time for you to make a decision. A BIG decision.
    If you are like most people, the good things that have occurred in your life are a direct result of your not sitting around and waiting for something to happen. You did something to make it happen. The Great Financial Quick Fix spell is designed to open the portals of financial opportunity so you can be at the right place at the right time. And the potential financial windfall will be so apparent, you will not pass it up. And soon you could be experiencing the joys of success that others merely dream of. So if you are tired of witnessing the success of others... And you are ready to enjoy life to the fullest... A Master Psychic awaits your call to action. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| great-lucky-streak|"The Great Lucky Streak Quick Fix"|GLS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Perhaps it’s time to let the unique psychic gifts of a professional turn your bad luck to good luck."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Only read on if you are currently experiencing a series of events that are causing a negative impact upon your life. If so, we have good news for you: It’s time for you to be lucky! The Great Lucky Streak Quick Fix spell can be cast in your behalf by a skilled Master Psychic who specializes in such matters...very often with great success. So if you seem to be on the wrong end of, well, mostly everything. And things just don’t seem to be breaking your way. Perhaps it’s time to let the unique psychic gifts of a professional turn your bad luck to good luck.
    Open the portals to love, success, happiness!
    The purpose of this potent spell is to open the portals to opportunities that recently seem to have bypassed you. Now you can bask in the success and happiness you so deserve in many aspects of your life: in love, finances, career, games of chance, day-to-day experiences... So if you feel you are a hard worker, a good person, a loving soul, who deserves to be rewarded for these virtues, you are indeed fortunate to have come across this potent spell at this particular moment. And once the Master Psychic receives your call to action, it could be just a matter of time for you to experience the good news: It’s time for you to be lucky. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| great-payback|"The Great Payback Quick Fix"|GPS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you ready to end this one-sided, unfair treatment of you and reverse their negative energy back to its source?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Does someone have it in for you?

    Is this person being unreasonable...and even mean?

    And are you fed up enough to do something about it?

    If the above words accurately describe your current situation, the Great Payback Quick Fix spell could help initiate the comeuppance this person surely deserves.

    And perhaps even more important, stop this person from further harassing you.

    So if you are ready to end this one-sided, unfair treatment of you and reverse their negative energy back to its source – in triple force...then perhaps you have been directed to this potent spell for a reason.

    Perhaps it’s your destiny to boomerang this aggravating, negative force back from whence it came.

    A gifted Master Psychic awaits word from you to stand by your side and take up your cause.

    And soon your nemesis, whom for no good reason has caused you emotional stress, discomfort and restless nights, will realize their negative energy is being redirected at them.

    Soon you will feel as if a weight was removed from your shoulders, and you will return safely to your life’s true path...without further hindrance from this troubled antagonist.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| great-relationship|"The Great Relationship Quick Fix"|GRS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to heal your relationship problems once and for all."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you done everything possible to help you reunite with your loved one? To not only bring your lover back to you...but to do so in a way to make it last? And imagine how awful you’d feel if this most important part of your life is over – really over – and you realized there actually was something you could have done? But now it was too late?
    Put a Master Psychic in your corner
    A gifted Master Psychic awaits your call to action to plant the seeds of reconciliation. And to heal your relationship problems once and for all. The potent spell known as the Great Relationship Quick Fix could be cast in your behalf with the purpose of providing the breakthrough you’ve been seeking
    All you have to do is ask
    So if your foremost desire is to renew the happiness you once had in your relationship, you should know you are not alone. Like so many others in your similar situation, they had The Great Relationship Quick Fix spell cast in their behalf... planting the seeds of reconciliation in their lover’s subconscious, urging them to reconsider their stubbornness, hostility, anger. And to return to the person who loves them like no other. And of course that person could now be you! So if you truly need a quick fix to your relationship troubles, the time is now to bring your lover home. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc8|"The Grief and Sadness Black Curse"|BC8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This unusual curse implants a mindset in your enemy's subconscious causing them immense sadness, grief, and regret due to the harm they know they have inflicted upon you and others."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| halberd|"The Halberd of St. Jude"|HAL|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"The Halberd of St. Jude"|""|"Possess this incredible amulet and capture the heart of the one you love!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Most people who possess the Halberd remark about the strange sensations they felt the first time they picked it up. This unique and wondrous amulet has puzzled metaphysicians for years because of the positive effects it has upon those who possess it. Most often used to reunite estranged lovers, or to cure an aching heart, this remarkable piece is a rare find and you will find it offered nowhere else. If you are currently in a troubled relationship and you want to capture the heart of the one you love, take possession of the Halberd and experience the wonders of this fascinating good luck piece. Possess the Halberd...
    • If you want to recapture the essence of a past romance.
    • If you want the one you love to look at you with loving eyes.
    • If you are filled with love but have no one who appreciates all you have to offer.
    • If you want to live in bliss and happiness and security with your soul mate.
    • If you want to have self-esteem and self-confidence.
    • If you know what you want - a happy, fulfilling love life - but feel frustrated because you've failed to achieve it.
    And, above all, the Halberd of St. Jude is for you if you want to capture the heart of the one you love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc10|"The Haunting Black Curse"|BC10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    A curse that could result in sleepless nights and anxiety-ridden days."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc5|"The Heartbreak Black Curse"|BC5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Causes depression, self-doubt, and heartbreak in your enemy who wishes they had never been born. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kba|"The Hearts & Roses Natal Chart"|KBA|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| shomar|"The Horn of Shomar"|HOR|ITEM.||(16.95)|||""|""|""|""|"Hold the Horn of Shomar close to you as you make your fondest wish, your most fervent desire."|""|""|""|""|""|" Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have an inside track? That their voice is heard above all others. And when they wish something to occur, it often does. Call it luck, call it whatever you like, but each and every one of us would like our wishes, our prayers to be answered. And if your voice is not being heard, we have a suggestion for you. Keep the mystical charm known as the Horn of Shomar close to you and see for yourself if your message is going through. The Horn is your intermediary to the powers that be – whether you consider that source to be God, or the spirits that surround us. So, if you feel you are often talking to a brick wall, then you need the Horn of Shomar to relay your message to the One who determines whether you will be surrounded by loved ones or go through life alone, whether you will enjoy life to the fullest or merely exist from day to day, or whether you will be magnificently happy or unbearably sad...
    Dear CAA,
    Just wanted to drop you a line to tell you what happened to me recently. I received your very interesting amulet, the Horn of Shomar, and began carrying it everywhere I went. My supervisor at work came up to me the first day and told me I had a radiant look: He also gave me an important assignment that he had always seemed to delegate to others. I must admit, this achievement has given me a world of confidence. Three of my friends have just ordered the Horn of Shomar, and I am curious if they will have the same positive results.
    Encino, CA
    Hold the Horn of Shomar close to you as you make your fondest wish, your most fervent desire. Then sit back and await the spectacular results that could occur overnight.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| i-will-be-rich-sigil-link|"The I Will Be Rich Sigil"||LINK.|sigils.html||||""|""|""|""|"A Sigil is created when a gifted psychic merges all the letters of a wish into a one-of-a-kind amulet."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jackpot-amulet|"The Jackpot Amulet"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|"The Jackpot Amulet"|""|"Those who possess this legendary good luck piece say they feel a burst of positive energy merely by touching it."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are in need of a positive force in your life that could bring you good luck and good fortune, you are reading these words for a reason. Keep the Jackpot amulet in your pocket or purse and touch it when you need good things to happen in:
    • Games of chance
    • Your career
    • Your finances
    • Your love life
    This could be you! Those who possess this legendary good luck piece say they feel a burst of positive energy merely by touching it. Take this test! Answer these questions to see if the Jackpot amulet is for you:
  • When you look at the picture of the Jackpot amulet:
  • Does it bring a smile to your face?
  • Do you feel a surge of positive energy?
  • Do you wish you could be holding the Jackpot amulet in your hand right now?
  • If you answered yes to all of the above, you are destined to possess the Jackpot amulet. So if you are in need of an ""immediate"" good luck streak and want to lift that heavy burden from your shoulders, the moment you take possession of this amazing good luck piece, sparks will begin to fly. The Jackpot amulet is available in silver and gold hues, each emitting a special aura. Look at each closely and see which is right for you. If you can't decide, we have a special combination offer so you can possess both. Congratulations! You are about to dramatically increase your luck! Available in gold-plated and silver-plated -- or get both and save $10!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| jinx-remover-wanga-link|"The Jinx Remover Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"To rid you of any jinx, bad luck, bad karma, etc."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kokopelli|"The Kokopelli Bangle"|B08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69)||T|""|""|"The Kokopelli Bangle"|""|"This mystical figure has stirred imaginations because it is believed Kokopelli ensures an upward path for anyone who carries this charismatic symbol."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The powerful symbol of Kokopelli was first discovered in the caves of the Pithouse people over two thousand years ago. Throughout the centuries, Kokopelli has been associated with spiritual and physical well-being. In fact, many tribes of the Southwest recognize Kokopelli as a deity of the highest order. This mystical figure has stirred imaginations because it is believed Kokopelli ensures an upward path for anyone who carries this charismatic symbol. What to expect when you adorn your personal Kokopelli...
    • Kokopelli allows you to be comfortable in your own skin.
    • Kokopelli will point you in a new direction filled with excitement and new discoveries.
    • Kokopelli will introduce you to rewarding social encounters.
    • Kokopelli will allow your entranceway to the spirit world.
    The Kokopelli is made of highly polished, solid sterling silver."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| krakow|"The Krakow Spell"|KR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Krakow Spell"|""|"Become the master of your life and determine the course of your destiny!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    My powers have been given to me by Him! I am the master of my life, and I determine the course of my destiny... If you feel my presence as you read this, then I could do the same for you. Among the many gifts that have been bestowed upon me, I have been blessed with the power to connect, to forge a bond with a person -- even from a great distance. I am also telepathic. I can determine exactly what you need, what you desire. I can also bring about the necessary changes so you can reap the rewards of riches in love and money. As you read this, our bond becomes stronger. Soon I will sense your triumphs, your failures. And I will know your pain, your disappointment, your frustration. If you are especially sensitive, you may even sense my spirit beside you at this very moment. If this is happening right now, then you know everything I say is true!
    Dear CAA, Thank you! Thank you! The spell you cast to keep my granddaughter from moving to Hawaii worked. I am eternally grateful to you. From the time I wrote and mailed the letter off I knew you would make things right.
    Rockport, TX
    Dear Friends, I wrote for the Krakow Spell on behalf of my husband. We would like to thank you with all our hearts for helping him get a good job. We will always be grateful to you for your wonderful help.
    Bartlesville, AL
    Dear CAA, I wanted to thank you so much for the last spell you cast for me. After I wrote to you my world started getting back in order. I wrote because I lost my job, my car and the love of my daughter and my 3 grandchildren. I now have a car, I am on unemployment and will soon find a job, and I know my daughter will allow me to have a relationship with her and her children once again. I want to say you truly do amaze me at how fast your spells work. I have requested several and they have all worked for me.
    San Diego, CA
    Dear CAA, I want to thank you for what you did for my daughter. She was facing a prison sentence for a crime she did not commit. After you cast your spell, she was found innocent of all charges at her trial. Thank you for helping justice to prevail.
    Hagerstown, MD

    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Here is What The Krakow Spell Could Do for You! Ask me and I will cast a spell to bring you money -- lots of it. Ask me and I will cast a spell to make that special person love you again. Ask me and I will cast a spell to stop that nuisance from hounding you. Ask me and I could even the score with that one person who has been your nemesis for years. I am here to help you. But I can do nothing until you ask me to summon my psychic powers in your behalf. Then I will do the rest. Tell me the one important thing you desire right now, and I will cast a very specific spell for you! The moment your spell is cast, the seed will be planted. Within a short time it will take hold and you will soon feel its effects. In your heart you will know. You will see improvement -- quickly, dramatically.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| krena|"The Krena Amulet"|KRE|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"The Krena Amulet"|""|"The Krena Activates your Psychic Powers!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The KRENA activates your psychic powers, focuses them on a specific wish, and makes your dreams come true. Everyone has psychic powers, but most of us have never used them. The energy and force of your psychic energy lie dormant, trapped within your mind. Unleash your psychic power to make your dreams come true! The mysterious qualities of the KRENA made it a priceless possession during medieval times. Only those who were said to possess magical powers had access to the KRENA. Up until recently, the KRENA had not been seen in Western culture. How Does It Work? The KRENA absorbs the energy from our aura and focuses it on the wish of your choice. Simply hold the KRENA tightly in your hand while concentrating on your wish. You will feel a rush of energy leaving your body. At the same time, the KRENA will seem slightly heavier in weight and it will seem to throb in your hand! When you experience these sensations, you will know your wish has taken hold. The KRENA is an ancient amulet whose design, shape, and composition allow it to absorb your energy, concentrate it in a tiny but powerful mass...and direct it toward the fulfillment of your wish. The KRENA is activated by your untrained but nevertheless potent psychic powers! Thus, the KRENA allows you to use your psychic powers that have lain dormant in your mind for so long. If you have a goal, a wish, an aspiration...let the KRENA activate your psychic powers to make these dreams come true!
    Dear CAA, I was at the lowest point in my life, and it didn't seem like there was a way out. I turned to the Krena Amulet for help. Next thing I knew, I found a man who liked me for me, and showed me all the wonderful things about myself that I never saw before. Bear in mind, I had given up on dating, and on the hopes that there was a ""special someone"" out there for me. Shortly after I started wearing it, I began to notice a definite change for the better. My boyfriend, of now four months, just told me he loved me yesterday! I couldn't be happier. I am a long-time customer, and have never been disappointed. Thank you!! Erica
    Raleigh, NC

    Dear CAA, About 7 months ago I bought a Krena and a Mystic Star. The Mystic Star was a present for a friend who, in 3 years, has had bad luck in love and friendship. Today, she has a boyfriend who is completely in love with her, her life has changed 360°; she seems so happy, with a lot of friends, great notes at school, and the best part is that people arround her don't seem to care any more about how she looks, 'cause she's handicapped. The Krena was for me. By now, I can tell you that I'm living by myself, with a new job, better than the last one, which was my wish for about 2 years. Thanks for giving us the opportunity of knowing a better life. Monica

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lastchance|"The Last Chance Spell"|CHA|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Last Chance Spell"|""|"If you've tried everything and failed… don't give up! There’s one more thing you can try - and it's risk free!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It’s called the Last Chance Spell and it’s specifically created to help people who have a dream that is fading and fear it will never be fulfilled. But please note: this spell should be cast only for a person who is borderline desperate and about to give up. It is not a coincidence that you are reading this message at this time. A truly gifted psychic has asked us to introduce him to you. He senses that you have a need, a desire, a wish that is currently blocked from being fulfilled. He feels you are absolutely certain what you want – what you feel you deserve – but are so frustrated you are ready to admit defeat. If these words ring true, then you should know there is, indeed, someone in your corner waiting and willing to help you. And his message to you is this: Hold on, do not call it quits! You are now in contact with a powerful psychic who specializes in helping people like yourself who have tried everything, but who have run out of options and have nowhere to turn. This remarkable seer has helped thousands of people worldwide and is offering his services to you. If you wish, he will stand by your side and apply his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. This could be your best chance – your last chance to get what you want – to attain that pie in the sky. Perhaps you yearn for the return of a lost love and know that once this person comes back they will never, ever leave again. Or perhaps you simply need to rejuvenate a current love. Or maybe you just need to have luck on your side so the next time you enter that big sweepstakes or lottery – or walk through the doors of that bingo parlor or casino you’ll finally strike it rich! Whatever your need, whatever your desire, this is your opportunity to have a skilled psychic in your corner, pulling for you, working for you, making things happen that you have not been able to accomplish by yourself. It’s a cold, lonely, world out there, and it isn’t often that someone volunteers to stand by your side and do your bidding. Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to fulfill a dream that means so much to you. Due to the worldwide reputation of this renowned psychic and the low cost of this unique offer, we cannot mention his name. But we can tell you this. We are certain that if anyone can fulfill your dream, your wish, this is the man who can do it. But, if for any reason you are not one hundred per cent satisfied with the results, we will return your money. No questions asked. So if you are ready to make that giant leap forward and fulfill the dream you had just about abandoned, we strongly suggest you request the amazing Last Chance Spell. Then sit back and wait for your dream to come true.
    Dear CAA, I am writing to thank you for offering the ""Last Chance"" Spell. I had you cast one June 6, on my behalf. I purchased this spell because I was facing a potential serious DUI charge with a good chance of going to jail because of priors. When I arrived at court this morning (6/7/2002) my attorney informed me that I was being charged as a first time offender. He has continued the case until 7/30/02, and I feel certain that it will be further reduced or dismissed. I am grateful to your organzation and the work you do. I am again in control of my life, and now see that I always had (and have) choices in the paths I take. May your success be blessed ten-fold. S. B.
    Longmont, Colorado

    Dear CAA, I felt I should write and thank you for the results I recieved when I ordered a Last Chance Spell. I am totally in love with the man I had the spell cast on. I have been for years and always will be. He and I have a long distance/long term relationship. We began to feel the barriers of distance, it was causing us to grow apart. It broke my heart when he told me one day that he never wanted to speak to me again. The thing that really got to me was that he wasn't even angry, he was just tired of us being like we were. I felt my heart just sink, I knew it was for real and I felt all my hope just go down the drain. We had made plans that I had looked forward to for so long, I knew if I was going to get him back it would have to be soon or I would lose him. I remembered I had read about the Last Chance Spell at the CAA website, so I ordered an urgent spell and a Reinforcement Spell. I am thrilled to say that the day after the first spell was cast I received an email from him, telling me how much he missed me. It is now about a week since both spells were completed, and for the first time ever in our relationship I feel like I have control. I can look at him and know that I deserve his love, and I receive it unconditionally. I have faith that things will only get better. Your spell gave me back my one true love. Thank you so much. G. C.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| light-bulb-effect|"The Light Bulb Effect Spell"|LBE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent spell was created to break through to your lover’s subconscious, opening their heart and allowing them to breathe in your unique, unselfish, sweet love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you frustrated, hurt, lonely, angry...all because the one you love is not reciprocating your affection and love? Do you wish you could knock some sense into that hard-headed lover of yours? And are you fearful that the current downward spiral in your love affair may be unstoppable, and as much as you hate to admit it, this relationship could be doomed to fail?
    Take this test!
  • Is your partner not being kind to you?
  • Is your partner looking for someone else, or perhaps already found somebody?
  • Do you know deep in your heart that this person is your soul mate, your lover, your friend for life...but they are too stubborn to admit they feel the same way about you?
  • And are you certain that no one else can give them the friendship, love and devotion that you so willingly give?
  • If you answered yes to the above, The Light Bulb Effect spell has been specifically designed to help someone in your predicament.
    Your sweet love
    This potent spell was created to break through to your lover’s subconscious, opening their heart and allowing them to breathe in your unique, unselfish, sweet love. After all, what could any person ask for? And once they awaken, once the light bulb flashes...well, it could be only a matter of time before you’ll experience their passionate and loving feelings for you...and only you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lightningbolt|"The Lightning Bolt Amulet"|LBA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)||T|""|""|"The Lightning Bolt Amulet"|""|"This mystical amulet brings loyalty, love and passion to those who possess it."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Viking Symbol of Loyalty, Love, Passion Viking legend: Seafaring warriors kept the Lightning Bolt close to them so their loved ones would welcome them back with love in their heart and passion in their soul. It is said that the unique shape of this piece accelerates both physical and emotional love to anyone who comes under its spell. The moment you take possession of this mystical amulet, you will feel its extraordinary force draw people closer to you. Whether you seek to bring back a lost lover, straighten out a shaky relationship, or enhance your sex life, this ancient Viking amulet could add luster to your life. With the Lightning Bolt, momentum rapidly turns in your favor. What the Lightning Bolt Could Do For You!
    • Capture the heart of the one you love.
    • Feel its magnetic powers pull people closer to you.
    • Neutralize romantic rivals.
    • Jump start a stalled relationship
    • Feel and look more physically appealing.
    • Turn a hard heart into a soft heart.
    • Save a seemingly hopeless relationship.
    • Spark an increased sex drive in your lover.

    Plated with pure sterling silver, this mystical amulet brings loyalty, love and passion to those who possess it.
    A free chain will be included with your order! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kbb|"The Lily Natal Chart"|KBB|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lionheart-spell|"The Lionheart Commitment Spell"|LHS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Lionheart Spell"|""|"If your greatest desire is to be with that one special person for the rest of your life, this spell was created for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This majestic animal mates for a lifetime. Is this what you want? If your greatest desire is to be with that one special person for the rest of your life, this spell was created for you. The Lionheart Commitment spell is designed to bring you one thing and one thing only: happiness with the love of your life. Is this what you've been seeking?
    • You are in love, and there's not a doubt in your mind that you've found the person of your dreams.
    • But this person is somewhat closed-minded and due to past disappointments is afraid to commit to you unconditionally.
    • And you are certain that if this person gives you a chance - perhaps a second chance - all your dreams will come true.
    Does this describe you? You are a person of integrity and honor. Your word is golden and when you make a promise you keep it. And when it comes to perhaps the most important thing in your life - marriage - you will stop at nothing to make it work, and to make it last! If you are in love... If you are certain you have finally found ""the absolutely right"" person to be your mate for the rest of your life... A master psychic awaits your request to cast the Lionheart Commitment spell (the King of Spells) in your behalf.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc9|"The Living in Hell Black Curse"|BC9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    A devastating curse that causes great suffering upon your enemy who awakens each day knowing their dastardly deeds have rebounded on them. Worse yet, their day-to-day experiences could be filled with fear, anxiety and despair."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| looking-for-love|"The Looking for Love Spell"|LFL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This spell is specifically designed to put you in touch with that special person. Or, if you already know each other, to bring the two of you closer together in a loving, unbreakable bond."|""|""|""|""|""|" There is a reason you are reading these words at this time. It is meant to be. This spell is specifically designed to put you in touch with that special person. Or, if you already know each other, to bring the two of you closer together in a loving, unbreakable bond. The following is a series of questions. If you answer yes to the majority of them, you should consider requesting this very powerful spell. Here goes... 1. Are you frustrated in your search for true love? 2. Do you feel you are not asking for the moon, that you simply want to go through life with a partner who cares for you, loves you, wants to be with you? 3. Do you wonder why some people you know who have much less to offer than you, are paired off, while you are forced to go it alone? 4. Do you feel you are not getting a fair shake in life, that you shouldn't be out there looking for love – that you should have found your one-and-only by now? 5. Do you day dream of how it would be like to be happily together with the love of your life? 6. Do you feel your life will never be complete until you are loved, caressed, pampered... by someone who knows you inside out, and loves every bit of you? 7. Do you crave the time when the two of you arise together, and even if you are apart that day, reunite in the evening, dining together, sharing the events of the day, eventually curling up under the covers and making love to the most important person in your life? We want you to enjoy life to the fullest. We have assisted clients in over eighty countries and we look forward to working in your behalf. Allow us to cast a powerful spell to expedite your search for the love of your life. We want to see you happy.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-charm|"The Love Charm"|TLC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|"The Love Charm"|""|"With this exquisite adornment around your neck, you will glow with the warmth of love, casting out sparks to anyone who crosses your path."|""|""|""|""|""|" Love is perhaps the most important word in any language, for without love we can never achieve true happiness. Love is the keystone of life, and this beautiful charm celebrates all that it represents. With this exquisite adornment around your neck, you will glow with the warmth of love, casting out sparks to anyone who crosses your path. Sometimes the simplest of designs can be the most impressive. Made of solid sterling silver, you will feel its spirit radiating throughout your being. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-knot-of-eros|"The Love Knot of Eros"|LKE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(59.95)||T|""|""|"The Love Knot of Eros"|""|"Made of solid sterling silver, this exquisite piece could bring beauty, tranquility and romance into your life. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Eros, the son of Aphrodite, possessed extraordinary powers to infuse romance, passion, and fire in the heart of anyone in his gaze. When inspired, this powerful god caused knees to tremble, hearts to skip a beat, and lovers to tingle with excitement. One of the signs of Eros is the infamous Love Knot. It is said that the person who possesses this unique talisman will attract a mate who exhibits everlasting love, faithfulness, and uninhibited passion. Is this you?
    • Do you hope your lover (or former lover) will have renewed affection for you?
    • Do you wish to forge an unbreakable bond with the one person who could bring you love and happiness?
    • Do you want to create the chemistry between you and your lover that will be the envy of everyone you know?
    • Is your heart about to burst because you long for that special person to take you into their arms and smother you with affection?
    • Do you wish to arouse the one you love and have them want to make love to you – and only you?
    • Do you dream of having a spectacular partnership with that one-and-only?

    If you answered yes to all of the above, simply wear or carry the Love Knot and let its magnificent powers of seduction bring you all that you desire. Made of solid sterling silver, this exquisite piece could bring beauty, tranquility and romance into your life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-magnet|"The Love Magnet Spell"|LMS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Love Magnet Spell"|""|"The Love Magnet spell could be the first step – the most important step – to achieve blissful happiness."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have you ever noticed how some people seem to have an aura about them? An allure so powerful that it's impossible to resist? It's as if an invisible force is pulling people closer and closer to them as if drawn by a magnet. We've all known such people. They have a powerful charisma that makes people want to be with them. And one more thing: they always seem to manage to end up on the winning end. These people are, indeed, blessed. And wouldn't it be nice if you could be one of them? That suddenly, others will be drawn to you and want to be close to you. And most of all, they want to be in your company because they have finally discovered the real you, the intelligent you, the kind, wonderful you. This spell is specifically designed for you, if:
    • You feel you are isolated, and you want that special person to love you, caress you, take care of you.
    • You know you are special. You just want others to notice it.
    • You want to be pursued - by that special person as well as friends, family and work associates.
    • You want to receive the recognition you so deserve.
    • You want to awaken each morning with the feeling you are going to be treated with love, respect, and kindness.
    The Love Magnet spell could be the first step - the most important step - to achieve blissful happiness.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovespell|"The Love Spell"|LOV|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Love Spell"|""|"Summon the spirits to improve a current relationship or start a new one with our classic love spells."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    If you are not in a happy, fulfilling relationship – or not in a relationship at all – you should consider having a Love Spell cast in your behalf by an internationally famous psychic.

    Is This You? - You are a person who needs to love and be loved. - You don't ask for much out of life as you have simple needs. But you must have that special person in your life who appreciates your warmth, your inner beauty, your essence. - Your ultimate wish is to be with a loving, caring mate. You don't want to be alone. And you recognize the world as it is – a busy place where everyone is running around satisfying his own needs. You are the ultimate survivor and you are committed to spending the rest of your life with the one you love. Most likely, you are extremely sensitive – even though most people don't see this side of you. You read people extremely well; you know what they're thinking and what they think of you. But because you are a very loyal person, you expect your friends and loved ones to reciprocate. In this regard, you are certainly demanding. And, I suspect you have been disappointed many times when you feel you have been let down. You see, you are a giving person, but you are not a fool. And you are weary and frustrated that you are not currently in a wonderful, fulfilling, nourishing relationship. It is time to change that. For you to achieve true happiness, two things must occur simultaneously:
    1. You must love someone unconditionally and wish to share the remainder of your life together.
    2. This person must feel the same way about you.

    If you are not currently in a relationship that is loving, joyful, spontaneous, and satisfying, then your life is out of kilter. You should be with a person who not only loves you, but who cares for you, respects you, and wants to be with you. A Love Spell cast by a powerful psychic could remove the barriers – the stumbling blocks – that are preventing you from living the life you've dreamed of for so long. Here's what an authentic Love Spell could do for you:
    • Bring your inner beauty to the surface for all to see.
    • Make you more appealing to the opposite sex.
    • Open the mind and heart of the person in your life to appreciate your true essence, your loving heart, your unconditional love.
    • If this person is not currently in your life, a Love Spell could attract them to you as if drawn by a magnet.

    In his 32nd year as president of the prestigious California Astrology Association, the psychic known as Burton has cast Love Spells for clients in over forty countries throughout the world. Burton first gained international acclaim when he insisted upon something that was unheard of in his field: A one-year guarantee that if a client was not one hundred percent satisfied with his work, Burton would refund his fee. Period. No questions asked. The high rate of repeat clients is testimony to Burton's psychic powers. If you have read this far, you should contact Burton at once and state exactly what you want. You have nothing to lose and the dramatic turnaround could change your life. Remember, your ultimate goal in life is to be happy. It is quite possible that the work of a powerful psychic is what you need to get back on the right path.
    The purpose of a Love Spell is to summon the spirits to either soften the heart of that one particular person currently in your life, or to bring a new person--your soul mate--into your life permanently. So, if you have exhausted all other means and have nowhere else to turn, now is the time to have a Love Spell cast in your behalf. And remember, you have nothing to lose. If you are not completely satisfied with the results, your money will be refunded, no questions asked, for up to one full year. Please be sure to include your birthdate. If you have a special person in mind, please include his or her name as well."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, A couple months ago my then-fiancé broke up with me and left me for another woman. I didn't know what else to do. I was so lost and not myself anymore without him. I sent away for the Love Spell thinking that someone new would enter my life (since I didn't want to be alone) but instead a few days later my ex called, wanting to be back together again. He realized he made a mistake and wants to be with me for the rest of his life! Thank you so much for bringing my boyfriend back into my life. I wasn't sure if CAA was authentic but now I am completely confident. Thanks again! Jen A.
    Wausau, WI

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovetoken|"The Love Token"|TOK|ITEM.||(18.95)||T|""|""|"Lonely? Heart-Broken? The Love Token Could Bring Love into Your Life."|""|"Lonely? Heart-Broken? The Love Token Could Bring Love into Your Life!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you at your lowest point and about to give up? Is the special person in your life not treating you lovingly? Or perhaps there isn't a special person. If love is eluding you and you feel unwanted and unloved, don't throw in the towel. There is hope! You can do what thousands have done before you--turn to the Love token, the ancient tradition of romance and bonding. The moment you touch your Love Token, you will feel rejuvenated, refreshed, confident--and on your way to a new or better relationship. The tradition of Love Tokens goes back centuries when this powerful Talisman was used to mend a broken heart, return a lost love, or find a new love. The Love Token could make your life worth living again, and now you can arise each morning with the feeling that love and happiness may be right around the corner. So, if you feel you are one of a kind, a unique, wonderful person, grasp the Love Token in your hands and let the others see the ""real"" you."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, Thanks for the three Love Tokens you sent me. They really had an effect upon the people I gave them to--or at least two of them. I gave one to my sister who has been causing all sorts of trouble in our family--and she has settled down noticeably. Then I gave one to a girl I have strong feelings about, but who didn't feel the same way about me. Now she does. S. G. Krieg
    Kona, HI
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-wanga-link|"The Love Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"For those who seek love, friendship, want a past lover to return or a present lover to commit."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovers-lock|"The Lover's Lock"|P03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)|||""|""|""|""|"If your partnership is precarious and it needs to be reinforced, the Lover's Lock could be of immense help to you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Lover's Lock is a Portuguese good luck piece worn by fishermen and their wives to preserve their deep love for one another. During the extended periods of separation, this remarkable amulet keeps their spirits united. And during times of stress or turmoil, the Lover's Lock symbolizes the eternal bond and reminds the couple that temporary difficulties will soon subside. If your partnership is precarious and it needs to be reinforced, the Lover's Lock could be of immense help to you. It will remind both parties how important your commitment is to one another. The moment your loved one observes the Lover's Lock, they will be reminded of the values of loyalty, faithfulness, companionship and lasting love. Made of solid sterling silver. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luckspell|"The Luck Spell"|LSP|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Luck Spell"|""|"You can change your luck instantly! If you need good luck to happen today, ask for the Luck Spell."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    A world renowned psychic, who has cast thousands of successful spells, will cast a Luck Spell for you for an unbelievably low price! Luck seems to have a will of its own, coming and going as it pleases. Luck, as someone once said, is a fickle lady. It’s as unpredictable as the wind and can bring incredible rewards, or devastating failure, often depending on whether you are at the right place at the right time — or, perhaps, the wrong place at the wrong time. At this moment, you may be caught in a streak of bad luck, winding your way through a downward spiral, without a prayer, feeling helpless and hopeless — unable to turn things around. So, what can you do? There is someone who can help you! A powerful psychic, who has cast spells for some of the most famous and powerful people on earth, has agreed to cast a Luck Spell for the Clients of the California Astrology Association. Because of this special low price for his services, we cannot reveal his name... BUT, we can assure you of absolute success or your money will be refunded — up to one full year! This could be the luckiest day of your life! You can change your luck instantly! If you need good luck to happen today, ask for the Luck Spell."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| luck-wanga-link|"The Luck Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|"The Luck Wanga"|"The Luck Wanga is for those who enter lotteries, play bingo, or want to change their luck."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lustforme|"The Lust For Me Spell"|LUS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"lust"|""|"Stimulate the lover of your choice to have strong, uncontrollable thoughts about holding you, caressing you, making love to you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    These are powerful words for you: I want your love and your friendship. But more than that, I want you to desire me like no other. I want you to feel the heat running through your veins, and I want you to have strong, uncontrollable thoughts about holding me, caressing me, making love to me. When you think of me, your temperature will soar and lustful thoughts will fill your mind so that no matter what you're doing you'll be distracted and not be able to get me out of your mind. Think of me as you would a wild, carefree lover. And don't hold back the lust you have in your heart. I'm yours -- completely, totally yours. I want you to lust for me until you can barely stand it. I want you to rush into my arms the moment you see me, to fulfill so many of your fantasies. Let's experience what others merely dream of. Let's do it.
    • Lust for me and you'll be happily surprised at what I can do for you.
    • Lust for me and we'll be the envy of every one who knows us.
    • Lust for me and we'll live an incredible life together.
    • Lust for me and make our world complete.
    Now is the time to act upon your dreams. A world renowned psychic, Burton, will apply his formidable skills in opening the gates of desire in the person of your choice. You could be in their arms sooner than you think, engulfed in flaming desire and uncontrolled passion.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| maestro-hot-lust-spell|"The Maestro Hot Lust Spell"|MAE3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Maestro Hot Lust Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a very specialized spell that penetrates the mind of your lover, stimulating their desires and attraction for you. So if you fear that your lover no longer has physical desires for you, the Maestro Hot Lust spell is designed to dramatically increase their interest in you, stir their emotions, and have them want to hold, caress and make love to you...often!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| maestro-lovers-spell|"The Maestro Lover's Spell"|MAE1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Maestro Lover's Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is for you if you seek to increase your lover's interest in you, to want to be by your side, to love and cherish you...forever! Sometimes a person doesn't realize how important you are to their life until you are gone. The Maestro Lover's spell awakens your lover to the reality that you are the one and only one for them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| maestro-retrieve-a-lover-spell|"The Maestro Retrieve a Lover Spell"|MAE2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Maestro Retrieve a Lover Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your lover has deserted you, has left you out in the cold to fend for yourself, and is acting in a selfish, uncaring manner, this remarkable spell is designed to startle them to the reality that total happiness can only be achieved by returning to you. The Maestro Retrieve a Lover spell implants the seeds of tolerance, compassion, and love for you and you alone.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| midas-touch|"The Midas Touch Spell"|MDS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Midas Touch Spell"|""|"This spell could steer you to the wealth and success you so desire!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What is life if you cannot enjoy it? Don't settle for the status quo, the constant scratching for every dime. Don't you dare be satisfied with the ordinary, especially when others are leading the life you were destined to lead. It is time to set your course for the finer things in life, and there is someone who can help you. If you believe there are gifted psychics who have the power to concentrate on behalf of others, then listen to this: We will assign an expert spell caster to cast a powerful spell in your behalf. This psychic will focus his potent powers to steer you to the wealth and success you so desire. And because we are so confident in his ability, we will refund your money up to one full year after the spell is cast if you don't feel the spell has worked to your complete satisfaction. What this spell can do for you:
    • Allow you to sit back and enjoy the pleasures of life.
    • Accumulate the material things you've only dreamed of.
    • Relax, smile, and know you're the envy of others.
    • Lead the quality of life that only a rich, successful person can enjoy.
    • Enjoy the pleasures and extra benefits only the truly wealthy can experience.
    • Receive the gratitude, loyalty, and love of those closest to you.

    Above all, this spell could give you the leisure time you've always craved, and allow you to go anywhere, any time, without a worry about what it will cost. Bring the Midas Touch into your life and enjoy life to the fullest.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mircrosofsan|"The Miracle Cross of San Maya"|MAY|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"The Miracle Cross of San Maya"|""|"One of the most potent symbols in the world today, combining the power of the cross with the blessed earth of San Maya."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Each year adventurous travelers seek out the lost city of San Maya, high in the Andes Mountains to experience the miracle powers of its sacred soil. They come to recapture the joys of youth or a dream that has gone astray. They come to mend a broken marriage or a broken heart. And they come to be blessed with love and good fortune. Throughout the ages, certain points on the globe have been affected by forces beyond our comprehension. Miraculous events have occurred in the sacred areas of Jerusalem, San Maya, and Lourdes. Lives have been transformed. Miracles have occurred. Poverty has turned to prosperity. In 1786 Father Ramon Monterro said: ""Those who come to San Maya feel the miraculous touch of God."" Monterro personally witnessed spectacular changes in peoples' lives after touching the sacred earth of San Maya. According to legend, both the Indians and later the Spaniards built temples to commemorate the miracles that occurred there. Today, people treasure the sacred soil of San Maya in the belief it will:
    • Bless them with money and good fortune
    • Bring them love and luck
    • Bring them joy and happiness

    A wise traveler once wrote: ""If you feel alone, if you are weary in the struggles in life, follow the mountainous road, find our miracle in San Maya."" Now, you could bring a miracle to your home with the Miracle Cross of San Maya.

    But now you don't have to travel to San Maya to share the benefits of its blessed earth. An old-world craftsman has embedded a portion of San Maya's sacred soil in a magnificent cross. Thus, he has succeeded in harnessing two of the greatest forces mankind has ever known: The power of the cross with the blessed earth of San Maya. The result is one of the most potent symbols in the world today: The Miracle Cross of San Maya!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| money-wanga-link|"The Money Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"For those who seek money, wealth, material things."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kca|"The Moonrise Natal Chart"|KCA|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| morning-star|"The Morning Star"|P04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)||T|""|""|"The Morning Star"|""|"Once you possess the Morning Star, hidden forces will be at your side -- helping you, guiding you, working in your behalf."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    The Morning Star shines its light upon you and you alone -- illuminating the way, allowing you to fulfill the brilliant future that destiny has planned for you. The Morning Star is the eternal jewel of the night. It is your personal star. As the 18th century poet, Jeffrey Banning, said: ""Whatever road I take, the Morning Star is with me. This is my guiding star which points the way. Its light is aimed in but one direction -- directly at me."" The infamous Morning Star has been a potent good luck piece since the days of the Roman Empire. First written about in ancient texts, this unique symbol has been known to:
    • Shine upon the path leading to ultimate happiness.
    • Bring lovers together -- for keeps.
    • Accentuate friendship and comradeship.
    • Brighten your future.

    It is believed that the person who wears the Guiding Star shall forevermore be in its stewardship. That once you possess the Morning Star, hidden forces will be at your side -- helping you, guiding you, working in your behalf. The Morning Star is a high-polished silver pendant, complete with silver chain."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kcg|"The Nebulae Natal Chart"|KCG|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| new-romance|"The New Romance Spell"|NRS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The New Romance Spell"|""|"Do You Ache with Loneliness? Now You Can Stop the Pain! "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What enjoyment is there in going it alone? You should be with someone who knows you inside out, who accepts you for who you are, and who loves you unconditionally. This is not asking for the moon. This is asking for what you need, what you deserve, what is only fair! Perhaps it's time to try something new. After all, what do you have to lose? Take a look at the following and see if this describes you:
    • You are hurt and frustrated with not having a loving partner by your side.
    • You don't want to search for your true love for years. You want to find this person right now.
    • You have so much to offer, so much love within you, and you can't wait to let it pour out of you.
    • You see others paired up. Why shouldn't it happen to you?
    • You ache with loneliness and feel you can't endure this terrible hurt much longer.
    • You want to awake each morning with your lover by your side.
    • You don't want to eat one more meal alone.

    Let an esteemed psychic concentrate on your behalf. He'll focus his considerable talents to help attract that special person to your side.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny2|"The New Year Bring Them Back Spell "|NY2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Whatever the reason for their discontent, this spell reduces their anger and beckons their return. If you are certain you want to be reunited, this spell is for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny7|"The New Year Cast Out Rival Spell"|NY7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Nothing is worse than knowing someone is out there who despises you and is out to hurt you. This powerful spell reverses their negative energy and they become the victims of their evil intentions."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny3|"The New Year De-Coupler Spell"|NY3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If two people are a couple but shouldn’t be together, this spell is designed to make them aware of their bad choice. Once this potent spell is cast, it will only be a matter of time before the split occurs."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny5|"The New Year Eliminate Worry/Stress Spell"|NY5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Stress and anxiety can endanger your health as well as inhibit your path to peace of mind and happiness. This spell is designed to relax your mind and cast off unnecessary burdens."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny4|"The New Year Enduring Bond Spell"|NY4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This spell is designed for you if you are destined to be together with a particular person."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny8|"The New Year Fantastic Sex Spell"|NY8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If you dream of lustful, exciting sex, this spell is designed to dissolve inhibitions for both you and your partner. Get ready for some spectacular moments behind closed doors."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny6|"The New Year Love, Warmth, Caring Spell"|NY6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This spell is designed to allow you to enjoy life to the fullest. What is life all about, if not for you to walk through the day with a smile on your face knowing that the ones closest to you love you and care for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny10|"The New Year Lucky You Spell"|NY10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If you are tired of seeing other people having all the luck, this spell focuses on changing the momentum in your favor. Be prepared for success in all aspects of your life."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny9|"The New Year More Money Spell "|NY9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    You’ve worked hard all your life, and you deserve the perks and rewards. This spell is designed to fatten your wallet and dramatically increase your bank account."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ny1|"The New Year Soften His/Her Heart Spell"|NY1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If someone is being too hard on you and unforgiving, this spell softens their heart, allowing them to focus on the real you."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| octology-forecast-link|"The Octology Forecast"||LINK.|octology-forecast.html||||""|""|""|""|"Octology is designed to help you see what lies around the corner in every aspect of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| apollopendant|"The Pendant of Apollo"|PDT|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"(reverse side shown)"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pendant-of-machu-picchu|"The Pendant of Machu Picchu"|P01|CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|"The Pendant of Machu Picchu"|""|"It is believed this powerful good luck piece wards off evil spirits while providing a protective shield for its owner. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Lost City of Machu Picchu high in the Andes Mountains will always hold the secrets of the Inca people. One of the symbols of this ancient civilization is the legendary Pendant of Machu Picchu. It is believed this powerful good luck piece wards off evil spirits while providing a protective shield for its owner. Should you decide to possess the Pendant of Machu Picchu, you will feel as if you are engulfed in a layer of protection.
    What the Pendant of Machu Picchu could do for you:
    • Protects you from further hurt.
    • Stops you from self-destructing.
    • Restores faith in yourself, allowing you to make the right decisions.
    • Ricochets any bad intentions back at the one who cast them.
    • Instills you with courage, boldness, the willingness to tackle new challenges without fear of failure.
    • You will be a magnet for good luck.

    This spectacular pendant is made of abalone shell and sterling silver. Each pendant was overseen by a master craftsman, and each one is absolutely unique. (Silver chain included.)"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| peruvianball|"The Peruvian Ball"|PRU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)||T|""|""|"The Peruvian Ball"|""|"The Peruvian Ball will attract attention wherever you go. It is an original piece that you will treasure forever. "|""|""|""|""|""|" The Peruvian Ball Seals a Relationship! In the highest peaks in the mountains of Peru lie the mystical ruins of a civilization known as Machu Picchu. Among the remarkable treasures of this ancient people is the unique amulet known as the Peruvian Ball. Not much is known of the origin or history of this remarkable piece, but those who wear or carry it report that its mystical powers are spellbinding. The moment you hold it in your hand, you will be impressed by its substantial weight and by its gleaming pure Sterling Silver. It is said if you desire to love and be loved, the Peruvian Ball could lure a new lover to your doorstep. Or if a current relationship needs mending, you will soon find your lover eager to hold and caress and love you. Among the benefits of possessing the Peruvian Ball are to:
    • Seal your love.
    • Keep your lover from straying.
    • Secure their loyalty.
    • Forge an unbreakable bond.
    • Attract a new love.
    • Renew your physical/sexual bond.
    • Rejuvenate a dying relationship.
    • Make you look and feel more attractive, more alluring.
    The Peruvian Ball will attract attention wherever you go. It is an original piece that you will treasure.
    A free chain will be included with your order!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pharoahs-amulet|"The Pharaoh's Amulet"|PHA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(34.95)||T|""|""|"The Pharaoh's Amulet"|""|"This is a faultless reproduction of an ancient Egyptian piece that is reputed to bestow gifts of pleasure, companionship and sensuality upon its holder."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This is a faultless reproduction of an ancient Egyptian piece that is reputed to bestow gifts of pleasure, companionship and sensuality upon its holder. The Pharaoh's Amulet is for you, if:
    • You are at a low point and in need of a powerful boost.
    • You seek a lover who ""gets"" you, understands you, loves you.
    • You crave nothing more than to be touched and caressed by someone you love and trust.
    Known as the Pharaoh's Amulet, wear or carry it and enjoy its many attributes. The triangular shape is sculpted in sterling silver, marcasite, and mother of pearl, with an oxidized finish."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| phoenix|"The Phoenix"|PHX|ITEM.||(16.95)||T|""|""|"THE PHOENIX"|""|"This powerful amulet is for anyone who wishes to stage a miraculous comeback in life. Like the Phoenix, you can rise from the ashes."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Phoenix is the symbol for anyone who wishes to stage a miraculous comeback in life. Just when others are counting you out, abandoning you, giving up on you, you can rise from the ashes, like the Phoenix, and show the world you are a force to be reckoned with! If you are presently at a low point in your life and don't know where to turn, we strongly suggest you acquire the Phoenix amulet. The mere presence of the Phoenix could inspire you, motivate you, and pull you up by your bootstraps. Once you wear or carry the Phoenix, you may sense a ""lighter"" load upon your shoulders as life becomes more bearable again, more enjoyable, more interesting. You may feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders. The legend of the Phoenix is as old as history, but it could change your life today!
    Dear CAA, It was Saturday and I had not received my mail. I lost my wallet full of cash and I had no idea where it was. I also had lost a photo for 2 weeks. When I got home, the mail came. As I opened the mail there was my Phoenix. At the very same moment the phone rang--it was the police--someone had turned in my wallet. I went to the station to pick it up--not a cent or credit card was missing. While I was talking previously to the police I looked down and there was my photo in a strange place between two books. R.M.R.
    Boston, MA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| phoenix-spell|"The Phoenix Spell"|TPS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Add the Phoenix Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes, please (+16.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Phoenix Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Phoenix Spell"|""|"This magnificent spell is designed to lift you out of despair, allowing you to feel liberated from the past in every aspect of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If all seems hopeless, and your back is up against the wall, we have something to say to you: Don't give up hope! There is a Master Psychic awaiting word from you so he can cast a legendary spell in your behalf. It is known as the Phoenix spell. This magnificent spell is designed to lift you out of despair, allowing you to feel liberated from the past in every aspect of your life. Once the Phoenix spell is cast in your behalf,
    • The one you love will look at you in a totally different light.
    • You will have a renewed zest for life, and others will see it in your eyes.
    • You will begin to experience a string of good luck that will put you on a course to success at work, at home, in your love life.
    • Increase the potency of the Phoenix Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Phoenix Amulet for the Phoenix Spell to take effect, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    • It will seem as if you have a guardian angel by your side, mentoring you, guiding you, helping you make the ""right"" decisions.
    This could be a turning point in your life! If the above words ring true to your heart, you are reading these words for a reason. It means the Phoenix spell is summoning you. This spectacular spell could be the most important thing you do this year…perhaps in your lifetime.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pot-of-gold|"The Pot of Gold Spell"|POG|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add the Lucky Leprechaun?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes! (+19.95)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Lucky Leprechaun?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This powerful spell could help turn your finances around, allowing you to enjoy the affluent life with all its rewards and pleasures."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This powerful spell could help turn your finances around, allowing you to enjoy the affluent life with all its rewards and pleasures. Observe any wealthy person and you will notice an air of confidence, an attitude that he or she has made it to the pinnacle of life. And quite often it is this attitude that helped them on their way to success. As you have probably experienced, when you know in your heart you want something, and you want it bad, really, really bad, it often seems to come true. That's because there are spirits – whether within your being or in the atmosphere around you – that help each of us achieve our goals. But, you must want it bad enough. Somehow, this sense of urgency, need, desire, and determination seems to motivate these spirits. What we can do for you: We will assign a gifted psychic to concentrate on your behalf. With all the psychic power he can generate, he will awaken the spirits around you to cause money to flow toward you rather than away from you. If you believe in psychic phenomenon, if you believe that there are forces we cannot begin to comprehend, then this powerful spell could help you in ways you cannot imagine. Order this spell, if...
    • You want money so bad you can taste it.
    • You want to live in luxury.
    • You want to be the envy of your friends.
    • You want to arise each day not worried about your financial future.
    • You want to enjoy each and every minute from here on out.

    The Pot of Gold spell could be the blessing you've always wished for.

    Please note that you will have an opportunity to explain your situation when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.
    Increase the potency of the Pot of Gold Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess the Lucky Leprechaun when the Pot of Gold Spell is cast, some clients feel the spell is more effective when doing so!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc1|"The Preemptive Strike Black Curse"|BC1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Request this curse when immediate and bold action is necessary. This curse blunts your enemy's effectiveness by depleting their energy and will. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| preemptive-strike-spell|"The Preemptive Strike Spell"|PRE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are worried that someone is out to get you, and you don't know when or where, you must take immediate action!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are worried that someone is out to get you, and you don't know when or where, you must take immediate action! This is a very powerful spell that strikes first, preventing them from possibly doing harm to you. So if there's someone out there who you fear is planting negative thoughts about you or is thinking of harming you in any way, the Preemptive Strike spell could thwart their actions before they know what hit them. How many times have you said to yourself: ""I wish I had taken action earlier. If I had only known."" You can avoid this regret by taking action now. Here are some scenarios that can give you a clue as to whether or not the Preemptive Strike spell is for You:
    Do you feel threatened in any way or unnerved that a specific person is laying plans for your demise?
    Do you simply ""feel"" it in your gut that ""you-know-who"" has it in for you, and that sooner or later they're going to act?
    Do you need assistance in ""evening the score"" because you don't know exactly what action to take?
    Do you want to feel good about yourself because you have taken an active, not a reactive role against your enemy?

    If most or all of the above applies to you, the Preemptive Strike spell could do wonders for your physical and emotional health.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| protection-wanga-link|"The Protection Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"For those who seek protection, security, peace of mind."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| queens-necklace|"The Queen's Necklace"|QUE|CUSTOM-ITEM||(54.95)||T|""|""|"The Queen's Necklace"|""|"Valued for centuries as a treasured keepsake, the Queen's Necklace was a medieval tradition among royalty..."|""|""|""|""|""|" Valued for centuries as a treasured keepsake, the Queen's Necklace was a medieval tradition among royalty. It was believed to assure power, wealth and devoted love. This mystical necklace was handed down from generation to generation to the most deserving, the most gifted of women in the royal family. For the first time available to you! Once you adorn the Queen's Necklace, you will feel as if a majestic aura has engulfed you. Feeling proud and a bit aloof, you will notice that others will defer to you.
    The clasp is designed with a graceful topaz stone which dangles seductively down the wearer's back.

    The teardrop shape pendant is sterling silver with a smoky quartz in the center.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| quinnox|"The Quinnox"|QUI|ITEM.||(17.95)||T|""|""|"The Quinnox"|""|"Increase Your Odds of Winning Big in Any Game of Chance!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    It is believed that Queen Isabella of Spain gave her precious good luck charm, the Quinnox, to Christopher Columbus on the day he departed for the New World. The Queen felt that the greatest gamble a person could ever take was in betting his own life, and this, she believed, is what Columbus was doing. If you are one who enjoys partaking in the lottery or at the poker table or casino or perhaps in a simple game of Bingo, you are obligated to do everything within your power to increase the odds in your favor. And once you take possession of the powerful Quinnox good luck charm, you will feel it ""in your bones"" that you are about to win big. So if you need a quick turnaround in games of chance, keep the Quinnox close to you and let it do its job. You'll feel its powerful energy circulating through your very being, and soon you'll have others wondering if your lucky streak will ever end.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ramah|"The Ramah Spell"|RAM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you have a pure heart, you could be blessed with riches!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A Message From The One
    Who Casts The Ramah Spell:
    I was born into a family of gifted psychics. My father could read minds and enjoyed telling people what they were thinking. My mother could also read minds, but she had a higher power. She was blessed with the ability to concentrate on a person's desire and make it come true! I, too, am blessed with my mother's power. And because I believe I have been given this power for a reason, I have vowed to assist anyone of pure heart who comes to me. As you are reading this I can ""see"" you already. You do not believe this? Then listen carefully: I can hear your heart beat. I can feel your pulse. I know you are a good person, but I also know you live with regrets of what could have been. And right now you want me to help you--help you get more money, get more love. I will make a blessing to enrich your life. And soon when money arrives unexpectedly and you feel the warmth coming from friends and loved ones--and you are happy beyond belief--you will realize what I have done. You have my word that all I say will come true. And although I know it isn't necessary for me to say this, should you feel disappointed with my blesing in any way--even the slightest bit--I insist that you let me know and I will return your money.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| reconciliation|"The Reconciliation Spell"|RCS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 17 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Reconciliation Spell"|""|"Establish an unbreakable bond between the two of you!"|""|""|""|""|""|" Estranged from that person who means so much to you? Sorry for the things you said or did that perhaps pushed them away? Ready and willing to do anything to bring back this person you love with all your heart? The purpose of a Reconciliation Spell is to establish an emotional connection--an unbreakable bond--between the two of you. Without this connection, a permanent barrier will continue to grow, continue to keep the two of you apart. But once this bond is forged, it could be possible to pull your love back to you once and for all! It will seem as if they are drawn back into your loving arms by a powerful magnet. If you are concerned about their emotional state of mind, don't be. If you are worried about the physical distance between you, this can be overcome. A Reconciliation Spell is specifically cast to bridge the gaps between you - whether they are due to misunderstandings, misinterpretations, anger, hostility, apathy or just plain hard-headedness. The Reconciliation Spell is cast by a Master Psychic and is extremely potent! Please be aware that this spell should not be cast unless your situation is urgent as the psychic forces unleashed by a Master Psychic are formidable. Once the spell is cast, the repairing will begin. Beautiful images of you are planted in the mind of the person you love, and you are visualized in a different, more favorable light.
    Will the change be immediate and permanent? There is no way to tell precisely how and when the Reconciliation Spell will take effect as each spell works differently in its own time frame. But one thing is certain: this great love of yours - this person you love so deeply - could experience a profound change in their attitude toward you.

    Remember, the California Astrology Association guarantees that if you are not one hundred per cent satisfied with the results, you can receive a full refund up to one full year after the spell is cast."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, It worked! On November 23rd after running into him several times unexpectedly over the past week and having small chats, he showed the love for me in his eyes and it was overwhelming. I asked him if he wanted to get back together and he said he had to think it over. It took him three days to decide. This is an extremely stubborn man and did not think we would ever get back together, especially since I broke us up. I am a believer... N. M.
    Newcastle, CA
    I had great results with the Reconciliation Spell that was cast on January 13. By the 18th he came over and we have been together ever since!

    He is more attentive and patient, and seems to be really into the relationship. Thank You!

    Corpus Christi, TX

    Dear CAA,

    In November my boyfriend broke up with me, saying that he needed some alone time.

    I ordered the Reconciliation Spell and the Return To Me Spell.

    Wow!!! Almost a month to the day he came back to me.

    Our relationship has never been so good. I really believe that if it was not for CAA, I would still be alone and crying. The spells made a difference in every aspect of the relationship.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retribution|"The Retribution Spell"|RET|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Retribution Spell"|""|"Now it's your turn to fight back! You won't be sorry you did, but the other person could be!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If Someone Has Hurt You, It's Your Turn To Get Even
    (You won't be sorry you did, but the other person could be!) Is there someone who has it in for you? Has someone recently insulted you, tricked you, embarrassed you? Is somebody in possession of something that is rightfully yours? Do you feel powerless to do something about it? Now there is something you can do! Ask for a Retribution Spell cast in your behalf. Merely tell us the name of the person who did you wrong and what he or she did--and we will take it from there. A Retribution Spell may affect a person's behavior, lower his self-esteem, deplete his energy and, generally, throw him off-kilter. More importantly, he may be aware something is happening to him because of the evil he perpetrated. And, perhaps, he will begin to see the light and change his ways. The Retribution Spell is a powerful, effective way to get even with someone who has little regard for others."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, I wrote asking for the Retribution Spell cast on my behalf so that a particularly unpleasant man who owed me money would finally pay me. Only one week after the spell was cast he came by and brought me my momey. Every bit of it. You guys are the best. You know what you're doing. I never believed he would pay me. I am so happy I came to you. E.M.Y.
    Winter Haven, FL
    Dear Friends, Two days after my Retribution Spell was cast, my friend ran into the ""object"" of the spell (my ex). He said he's looking like a lost dog, exhausted, beaten down, and haggard. His so-called friends have let him down and his car is now costing him a fortune. My friend knew nothing about the Retribution Spell. He just said my ex looks like he doesn't know where to turn. Thanks! M.M.
    Meadville, PA

    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| returntome|"The Return to Me Spell"|RTM|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Return to Me"|""|"This love spell is for when you know you are meant to be together, but something is amiss..."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    I was very hesitant to buy the ""Return to me"" spell. When it was cast I thought it was too late and that it was not going to work.

    But guess what? It did!

    The spell was cast the 12th of November and a week later my love returned to me.

    I can't believe it! It is awesome. And it really works.

    Isabella L.
    Boston, MA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    My heart aches,
    A part of me is missing. You are my great passion,
    My great love How clearly you appear in my dreams,
    You are in my blood, my soul. I cry out your name to the endless sky,
    Summoning the spirits to assist me. I must have you,
    I can wait no longer. Return to me,
    I command thee. An inner voice whispers your name,
    Visions of your face appear everywhere. The time has come to open your eyes,
    To see the wondrous life that awaits us. Open your heart,
    Allow my love to penetrate the barriers. Fly quickly to me,
    Fall into my loving arms. In your mind,
    You know we are meant to be together. Surely you must realize,
    Our reunion is inevitable. Can you not see,
    How right we are together. Does your heart not ache,
    When you are alone in your thoughts - thinking of me. Do you not yearn
    For my gentle ways, my loving spirit. Shed the negative thoughts,
    That bend your mind, Cast off the bonds that keep us apart,
    Drum up the courage to do what's right. Fate dictates our coupling,
    Return so our destiny can be fulfilled. Come back to my warm embrace,
    Come bask in the warmth of my unconditional love. I ask the Gods,
    To do this one last thing. And I shall always be grateful,
    When I hear your footsteps outside the door. Returning to me.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| reverse-curse|"The Reverse Curse"|REV|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Reverse Curse"|""|"The Reverse Curse is designed to remove the obstacles standing between you and success – in every aspect of your life. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    An Evil Force Could Be Responsible for Your Bad Fortune! If you feel the weight of the world is seated squarely on your shoulders, you may have an evil spirit hovering overhead. We urge you not to put up with this one more day because it is within your means to take direct and effective action! Let us cast this negative force out of your life! The Reverse Curse is designed to remove the obstacles standing between you and success – in every aspect of your life. Once the Reverse Curse Takes Hold... You will arise each morning with a smile on your face and a sharpness of mind to ease your way through the treacherous pitfalls. Remember, it is never too late to enjoy a lifetime of glorious success which may be currently unimaginable in your present situation. Here's what this powerful curse can do for you:
    • Vastly improve your important relationships
    • Dissolve your troubles
    • Remove the dark clouds
    • Soften your enemies
    • Lighten the weight on your shoulders
    • Draw people closer to you
    • Remove guilt
    If you feel hindered by something you can't quite put your finger on, do not discount the fact that an evil force could be lurking in the background sabotaging everything you attempt. This evil force could be responsible for most of your bad occurrences since you were a child. We urge you to allow this unique and effective “Reverse Curse” to dramatically better your life.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| samadhi-spell|"The Samadhi Spell"|SAM|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 17 ""Have your Samadhi Spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your Samadhi Spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Samadhi Spell"|""|"It is said that if you are fortunate enough to have a Samadhi spell cast in your behalf, your troubles will be cast aside and your new life will begin...instantly! "|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Get Ready for a Life-Changing Experience!

    It is said that if you are fortunate enough to have a Samadhi spell cast in your behalf, your troubles will be cast aside and your new life will begin...instantly! Are you ready for a life-changing experience? Here are some quotes from a few of our recent clients shortly after having a Samadhi spell cast in their behalf:
    ""After 16 years, my husband asked for a divorce. In desperation, I asked for a Samadhi charm and a Samadhi spell. At first, I noticed a subtle change in his attitude, but slowly and surely he came around and confessed he was depressed and taking out his anger on me. We're still together!"" - E. Barry. Arlington, Virginia
    ""I've always been a worrier...about money, about my husband not being faithful, about so many things. But the day my Samadhi spell was cast, a heavy burden was lifted from my shoulders."" - S. Havens. Portland, Oregon
    ""My family was shocked when I told them about my Samadhi spell because I am the number one skeptic about these things. Now both my husband and my oldest daughter have had a Samadhi spell. My best friend said she has never seen us happier."" - F. Sanders. Toronto, Canada

    So, if you have a relationship that needs fixing or a bank account that needs a boost, here's what a Samadhi spell could do for you:
    • Bring that special person closer to you, appreciating you, embracing you, loving you!
    • Cast your worries aside, allowing you to enjoy life to the fullest.
    • Have a mysterious appeal that draws people to you, having them ""seeing"" your inner beauty.
    • Become the confident, successful, happy person you've always wanted to be.

    So, if you want to experience the joy of being liked and loved more than you've ever had previously, you are in for a special treat...and a life-changing experience."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| santeria|"The Santerian Spell"|SAN|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Santerian Spell"|""|"Originating in the Yoriba region of Africa, the secrets of casting Santeria spells have been passed down through oral tradition for centuries."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    When African slaves were brought to Cuba, they turned to a distant cousin of Voodoo to help them through the agony. Known as Santeria, this powerful form of White Magic has millions of devotees across the United States, the Caribbean, and South America. Today, people call upon Santeria to bring them love, wealth, protection -- even revenge. Performing secret rituals, Santerian priests call upon the messengers of the Gods to do their bidding. Each ritual is unique and created for a specific wish, a specific request. It cannot be duplicated. The secrets of casting Santeria spells have been passed down through oral tradition for centuries. Originating in the Yoriba region of Africa, Santerian spells are revered and held in awe by those who have witnessed its lightning fast results. A typical effect of a Santerian spell is the complete domination of a person’s thinking and actions. Someone who has previously been stubborn and immovable could suddenly have a 180 degree turnaround. This is the power of Santeria! If there's someone in your life who needs to be set straight, if there's someone out there you want returned to you, or if you simply want to attract money, call upon Santeria to do your bidding.
    Look toward Santeria if you have a lingering problem, a lost love, a person causing you harm, or something that needs solving. A Santerian spell cast in your favor could provide the dramatic breakthrough you’ve been searching for.
    Dear CAA, I had the Santerian Spell cast to bring my husband home to me. Within three weeks he came back and said he wanted to rebuild our marriage. That was two months ago and we are now more in love than ever. I had other spells cast as well. . . All I am sure of is that I am very happy and head over heels in love! So, thank you, thank you, thank you! Ellen L.
    New York
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sea-change|"The Sea Change Spell"|SEA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"With the wind at your back, you can leave the naysayers in your wake and reach your destination quicker than you ever imagined."|""|""|""|""|""|" With the wind at your back, you can leave the naysayers in your wake and reach your destination quicker than you ever imagined. If you demand an immediate and dramatic change in your life, this is what this potent spell can do for you!
    • The Sea Change spell will help you come about – putting you on the right course.
    • The Sea Change spell will fill your sails with wind – allowing the forces of nature to speed you to success.
    • The Sea Change spell will raise anchor and get you started – helping you discard the dead weight of the past that have held you back and slowed you down.
    The Sea Change spell is a life-altering experience that should be perfect for you, if:
    • You feel unable to move forward as if you’re always going against the current.
    • You are proud and independent, and when the opportunity arises, you are not hesitant to take the helm and sail toward the horizon.
    • You enjoy taking calculated risks if the rewards are worthwhile.
    • You are ready for a dramatic change in your life but realize
    • you need someone to help show you the way.
    What we remember most in life are those dramatic moments when it is in our interests to make a 180 degree turn. The Sea Change spell is designed to bring about a positive and dramatic turnaround in your life.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| seduceme|"The Seduce Me Spell"|SMS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This remarkable spell is designed to open the heart and mind of that special person to your irresistible allure."|""|""|""|""|""|" You are a sensual being, a person who craves to be touched and loved and ravished. This remarkable spell is designed to open the heart and mind of that special person to your irresistible allure. You have a fertile imagination and you are willing to bring to reality many of these dreams. But first, the one you desire must release their inhibitions, gazing at you with lust and desire, and unafraid to take the first step. Once this initial contact is made, the two of you will unite in a sensual, sexual bond resulting in immense pleasure and enjoyment. The moment this spell is cast, the seeds of seduction will cast you in a different light, allowing your simmering sensuality to rise to the surface. This often hidden side of you has immense appeal and you will bask in the knowledge that others will see your strong sensuality, particularly the one you want to seduce. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sex-wanga-link|"The Sex Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"Possess the Sex Wanga and let its extraordinary powers work for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| shamanserotic|"The Shaman's Erotic Spell"|SES|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Shaman's Erotic Spell"|""|"Once your lover is turned on to you, think of the possibilities!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Wouldn't it be a nice problem if that special person couldn't keep their hands off you? Wouldn't you like your lover to give you a look that tells you they want to make love to you now? Not later in the evening, not in ten minutes... now! And off you go to the bedroom where in a few minutes your clothes are strewn all over the floor and the two of you are locked in each other's embrace in such passion, such desire that you are ready to explode. The Shaman's Erotic spell could make it possible for you to be seduced, loved, and taken in the arms of that special person. And ultimately, you could make wild, uninhibited love, reaching erotic heights that you had only fantasized about? The Shaman's Erotic spell is cast by a gifted psychic who specializes in such matters. So, if you are ready to significantly increase the passion in your sex life, get ready to be seduced, embraced and have an experience that shakes the walls. Please note: The Shaman's Erotic spell should only be requested if you truly want your lover to have an extreme sexual desire for you, and to act on it.
    All right, so I ordered the Shaman's Erotic Spell on January 19, and the spell was cast on January 27th. I asked for the spell to improve my girlfriend's sexual activity towards me. I also specifically asked for my girlfriend to try pleasing me in a way other than just intercourse, if you know what I mean. Around 2:00 in the afternoon on January 27th, my girlfriend and I came home, and the next thing I know, I was getting the best sex ever. And not in the usual way, if you know what I mean!!!! NO JOKE, these spells really work. I am thinking about having some more cast. Thanks, Calastrology! ""Overly Grateful""
    Los Angeles, CA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Hello CAA, I have ordered several spells over the last week only to receive great results! My lover is back and he cant keep his hands off of me, thanks to the Lust For Me spell and the Shaman's Erotic spell. You guys are the BEST! Thank you,
    Nikki H.
    Pittsburgh, PA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| shooting-star-spell|"The Shooting Star Spell"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"The Shooting Star spell is designed for someone who is ready to take their life to a new level."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Shooting Star spell is designed for someone who is ready to take their life to a new level. If you are frustrated with your love life or financial situation, if you feel your feet are planted in cement and you can’t seem to make progress even though you truly want to, then it's time to take matters into your own hands Specifically, if you feel you have a long way to go and need a powerful spell to boost your chances of getting there, you have come to the right place. A Shooting Star spell could give you the momentum, injecting a powerful boost in your love life, romance, career, finances, sex…and more. Is this you?
    • You need a boost (a kick in the pants).
    • You know what you want, but you find it easier to keep the status quo.
    • You know that once you take the first step you’ll be well on your way – but, boy, that first step is so hard.
    • You have a very important need or desire, but you haven’t been able to achieve it by yourself.
    • You know in your heart that the fulfillment of this wish will give you the momentum to achieve many other things you have on your agenda.
    • You are finally ready to do something about it, and if it means asking for the assistance of another, you are willing to do it.
    • As a believer, you feel that some people have superior psychic powers, and if applied in your behalf, many of your dreams will become reality.

    If you feel many or all of the above applies to you, please take a look at the following spells available to you. Taking this important step could assure that your future is filled with glory, success, happiness and beauty.
    "|||T|"(:SS1 :SS2 :SS3 :SS4 :SS5 :SS6 :SS7 :SS8 :SS9 :SS10)"|"(:SS1 :SS2 :SS3 :SS4 :SS5 :SS6 :SS7 :SS8 :SS9 :SS10)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sierra-bracelet|"The Sierra Bracelet"|B06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)|||""|""|""|""|"Once you take possession of Sierra, you'll feel energized, while those closest to you will notice a renewed twinkle in your eye."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    For sheer beauty alone, the Sierra bracelet will give you welcomed moments of pleasure. Add to that, Sierra's mystical gifts and you will wonder how you survived all these years without this precious piece. Experience for yourself its electrifying qualities Place Sierra on your wrist and feel its nurturing qualities. Feel its spirit infiltrating your very being, and then sit back and await for good things to happen. How Sierra Could Effect You...
    • Renews forgotten hope.
    • Prepares you to move on from past disappointments.
    • New ideas, new people, new endeavors present themselves to you.
    • Smiles will come easy to you, making you more alluring.
    • Moments of peace, laughter, and good company appear with greater frequency.

    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    Once you take possession of Sierra, you'll feel energized, while those closest to you will notice a renewed twinkle in your eye. We have a special fondness for this silver bracelet and believe you will be spellbound the moment you affix it to your wrist.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| silver-bangle-of-ojibwa|"The Silver Bangle of Ojibwa"|B02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(129.95)|||""|""|"The Silver Bangle of Ojibwa"|""|"Once you put this magnificent piece on your wrist you'll want to wear it forever!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Made of Solid Sterling Silver
    Once you put this magnificent piece on your wrist, you could ""feel"" its energy the moment it touches your skin."" Hammered and High Polished to keep the positive spirits within, this piece is made of Sterling silver and will be an instant treasure to your collection. Legend has it that the Silver Bangle of the Ojibwa tribe will lead treasures to you as if you were a powerful magnet. Whether you seek material rewards or simply want the loyalty and respect of a loved one, the Silver Bangle of Ojibwa injects a mystical force into your life. It is said that the person who wears the Ojibwa Silver Bangle will experience:
    • Long-lasting friendships.
    • The ability to move on from negative relationships.
    • A mysterious allure that will attract that ""special"" person into your web.
    • A removal of overbearing, obnoxious people.
    The moment you put this solid silver adornment on your wrist, you will not only be enthralled by its spectacular beauty but also by its mystical quality that will enchant you and all those who come in contact with you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kci|"The Solar Flames Natal Chart"|KCI|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spell-selector|"The Spell Selector"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Not sure which of our Spells is right for you? Don't worry! We've developed this simple Spell Selector to help you choose the best Spell for your situation. Just follow a few links and we'll take you directly to the most effective Spell for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| defeat-rival-spell|"The Spell to Defeat Your Rival"|DYR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Rival's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Rival's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Spell to Defeat Your Rival"|""|"If someone is standing in the way of your happiness, this spell is designed to neutralize them, to get them out of the picture."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A rival can cause irreparable damage if not dealt with quickly and forcefully. If someone is standing in the way of your happiness, this spell is designed to neutralize them, to get them out of the picture. You need this spell, if:
    • You cannot renew a relationship until this person is cast out.
    • They are stealing your life away.
    • You can feel their negative energy even from great distances.
    • They are thinking evil, doing evil, casting evil spells upon you.
    • You are quite vulnerable at the moment due to your frustration, sensitivity and aching heart.
    Sometimes dramatic and unorthodox methods are called for when everything else has failed. The Defeat Rival spell is a particularly powerful and useful spell when you have nowhere else to turn. Think carefully before requesting this spell as powerful energy will be directed toward your rival.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| vanish-debt-spell|"The Spell to Vanish Debt"|VAN|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Spell to Vanish Debt"|""|"If you want to be in control of your destiny, you first have to gain control of your pocketbook."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you want to be in control of your destiny, you first have to gain control of your pocketbook. The Vanish Debt spell calls upon powerful forces to dissipate your financial obligations, to put your life back on track, to allow you to have the freedom to spend your money on worthwhile things – without worry. You need this spell, if:
    • You are sinking deeper and deeper, month after month, in debt.
    • Your expenses are out of control but you are eager to remedy the situation.
    • You are feeling the pressure of your creditors and don’t know where to turn.
    • You are sick and tired of financial problems that seem to cling to you.
    So, if you feel stuck and unable to move forward in areas that show promise; and if you can't seem to make headway in eliminating your debt, the Vanish Debt spell will give you a needed boost on the road to recovery. And the sooner you lighten the financial load, the better.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kcb|"The Starscape Natal Chart"|KCB|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| azts|"The Sterling Silver Aztec-Mantaz"|AZTS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(59.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| strength-amulet|"The Strength Amulet"|ARC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(27.95)||T|""|""|"The Strength Amulet"|""|"Enhance your emotional and physical strength...and your sex appeal."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    How would you feel if you could awake each day full of energy, beaming with confidence and ready to take on the world? And wherever you went, you would feel attractive, sexy... full of strength and confidence. And best of all, people would take notice of you, finding you alluring and mysterious. And when you looked in the mirror, you'd see a person smiling back at you – with a look that says everything's going to be OK, everything's going to be great. In other words, you'd be looking at a winner. The legendary Strength Amulet, sometimes referred to as the Archimedes Medallion, is unlike any other amulet or good luck piece. A gifted oracle blesses each and every Strength Amulet, so anyone who possesses it will take on its characteristics of vigor, toughness, sex appeal, and strength. Is this you? At times you are strong-willed, decisive and sound. But at other times, your confidence sinks and you feel drained of energy and strength. And when this happens, you gaze out at that cold, hard, unforgiving world, and you feel a bit overmatched. Is this what you'd like to be? When you walk into a room, others will notice you. They will see a person who has that exquisite combination of strength and sex appeal. And soon you will be the center of attention, someone who demands respect, and gets it. Is this your destiny? If you need an assist in setting you on a path to success in love, at work, in every aspect of your life, perhaps it is not a coincidence that you have come across the Strength Amulet at this time. Perhaps it is your destiny. Possess the Strength Amulet and...
    • Magnify your emotional and physical strength so others will admire and respect you.
    • Carry yourself at all times with the confidence of a winner.
    • Project an image of sensuality that is irresistible.
    • Have a smile on your face that says you are on top of the world.
    So if you feel you need something to give your life an instant boost, get ready for a life-changing experience.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| success-wanga-link|"The Success Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"For those who seek success, power, fulfillment, happiness at home or at work."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kbf|"The Sunset Natal Chart"|KBF|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Full Name"" Inscription 25 ""Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Full Name:
    Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Time of Birth (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Our personalized, full-color Natal Charts are printed on high-quality 8-1/2"" x 11"" paper, and are mounted under glass in a high-quality black wood frame. The frame can be hung on a wall or stand freely on a desk or bookshelf. Actual image size is 7-9/16"" x 10-1/8"". They are a wonderful gift for your family, friends, or even for yourself! We will also include information on how to read and understand your customized chart. When ordering, please enter as much information as possible before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button. If you do not know the time of birth, please leave it blank and we will use 6:00 am. When entering your Place of Birth, please enter your City, State, and Country. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sweethearts-forever-spell|"The Sweethearts Spell"|SFS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Sweethearts Spell"|""|"I cannot live without you! Whatever our problems, let's put them in the past."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    I knew we were destined to be together. Whatever our problems,
    Let's put them in the past. We'll forget our sorrows,
    And the storms of yesterday. My heart is breaking and we must,
    Let our differences dissolve. So let's not linger in the darkness,
    I yearn to see your smile and sparkling eyes . I want to touch you,
    And have you hold me like there's no tomorrow. It's time to allow our happiness and companionship,
    Trump the memories of discontent. I love you with all my heart,
    And I know you feel the same. Let's build our romance anew,
    Let's build our romance anew.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| torrid-affair|"The Torrid Affair Spell"|TOR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?"" ""No thanks"" ""Yes please (+$39.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add the Voodoo Love Amulet?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Torrid Affair Spell"|""|"Are you ready to take the leap into the next level and release the inhibitions in both you and your partner?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your love life stagnating instead of simmering? Is your lover more like a pussycat than a tiger? Would you like to ignite your time in bed and make it a memorable (not forgettable) event? Or perhaps you're looking for a new lover – one who can light your fire and bring your sexuality to the boiling point. If just reading about this turns you on, you are a fiery person. You yearn to be alive, to be able to look forward to an exciting love life. And if this need is not being fulfilled, you are missing out on a lot of fun! What's the purpose of life if you can't enjoy the sensual part of it? What's the point of having a body, if you can't use it? You have paid your dues. You have worked hard, taken care of others… Now it's time to fulfill your dream, live your fantasy. This unique spell should be cast only for a sensual person. Otherwise, it has a very low chance of succeeding. But if you have that inner fire burning within... If you daydream of what it would be like to have a lover who is seething with excitement just at the thought of touching you, caressing you, making wild love to you... Then the Torrid Affair spell is just what the doctor ordered. It will heal your soul very, very quickly.
    Increase the potency of the Torrid Affair spell!
    Although it is not necessary for you to possess The Voodoo Love Amulet when your spell is cast, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    And the enjoyment you will gain from this new combustible relationship will uplift the rest of your life as well. For if you are being satisfied physically and sexually, the rest of your life will fall into place. So, how are you to know if the Torrid Affair spell is for you? Simple. If you don't answer yes to the following questions, then save your money and don't bother. But if you answer yes to each and every one, then this spell could make your life incredibly interesting.
    • Did just reading this turn you on?
    • Do you fantasize what it would be like to make hot, sizzling love with that special person?
    • Are you tired of the humdrum sex life that barely turns you on?
    • Are you ready to take the leap into the next level and release the inhibitions in both you and your partner?
    • Do you crave to make your life more interesting, more dramatic, more exciting?
    Well, how did you do?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-luck-spell-link|"The Triple-Cast Bring Me Luck Spell"||LINK.|triple-cast-bring-me-luck-spell.html||||""|""|""|""|"Want to be lucky in all aspects of your life? A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trophy-husband-spell|"The Trophy Husband Spell"|TRH|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Trophy Husband Spell"|""|"You know in your heart this is the kind of man you want!"|""|""|""|""|""|" You've seen them. You can spot them a mile away. There's something about these men that separates them from the rest of the pack. They're hunks. They stand out - and for good reason. You know they're a cut above the other men. Actually, several cuts. And whether you refer to this kind of man as a hunk or real man or one-of-a-kind, you know in your heart this is the kind of man you want! Now to be perfectly honest, sometimes this kind of man can be pretty trying on their woman. Because they're so darn captivating, they turn a lot of heads. And what's more, they know it. But the best of the best of them are known as Trophy Husbands. And these are the guys who are not only drop-dead gorgeous, they also know how to treat a woman. They know how to take care of a woman. And they know how to be loyal and loving to their woman. If this is the kind of man you're looking for, this fantastic spell is for you. "|||T|""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trophy-wife-spell|"The Trophy Wife Spell"|TRW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Trophy Wife Spell"|""|"Why not shoot for the stars and get the woman of your dreams?"|""|""|""|""|""|" Who says you can't have it all? The Trophy Wife spell has made an untold number of men ecstatically happy. And why not? Who wouldn't want to be with a drop-dead gorgeous woman? One who makes heads turn and who will make you the envy of every man who sets eyes upon your woman. This could be you. You should have this remarkable spell cast in your behalf, if:
    • You appreciate beauty and want to gaze at your beautiful woman every day.
    • You know that once your Trophy Wife is by your side, you'll be successful in every aspect of your life.
    • Your dream is simple: You want the best, the brightest, and the prettiest woman who loves and adores you.
    • You feel in your heart you truly deserve her.

    This is your opportunity to shoot for the stars and not accept second best. Go for it!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| true-love-spell|"The True Love Spell by Andreika & Burton"|TLS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(69.95)||T|""|""|"The True Love Spell by Andreika & Burton"|""|"Andreika and Burton will simultaneously cast a True Love Spell for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    For the first time ever, two of the most prominent psychics, Andreika and Burton, will work together to bring you your true love. Are you lonely and in despair because you have failed to find the love of your life? Have you tried everything but have exhausted your efforts to locate that one-of-a-kind person who appears to be so elusive? And do you fear that you may have to live the rest of your life alone? If the above descriptions are indicative of your state of mind and you want to rid yourself of the heartbreak of being alone, perhaps it is time to call upon Andreika and Burton. These internationally renowned psychics have agreed to combine their formidable psychic energies into one spectacular true love spell cast in your behalf. Never Available Up to Now This is a special introductory offer. Due to the complexity involved in casting a combined spell, we cannot specify how long it will remain available to the public. Keep in mind that the combined effort of two powerful psychics requires special talents and gifts that few psychics possess. For the past several years, the California Astrology Association has sought to have this spectacular spell become reality. After all, what could be more important than helping someone find the love of their life? Wealth and financial security are magnificent accomplishments, but who wants to travel the world alone? Who wants to live in a mansion alone? A successful career is an important achievement but who does that person cuddle up to at night? And time-honored friendships are always important, but you most likely have loyal, caring friends who go home to their loved ones while you sit home alone, eating alone, sleeping alone. True love is the quest of everyone from peasants to the famous and wealthy. It has been the dream of kings and queens who have the power to demand anything they want. Oh, they can demand it, of course. But can they truly get it? For true love can be bestowed upon them only by a person truly enamored with them. And it cannot be faked! So true love is indeed a blessing to experience and enjoy every minute of the day. To bask in it while strolling through life with a knowing smile on your face is a most important quest, indeed. You know people who have it and perhaps you are a tad envious. And you wonder why they are able to walk hand in hand down the street while you walk alone. You wonder if it is fair that a good friend of yours enjoys every waking moment knowing that he has a loved one back at home awaiting his arrival. And after a long day apart, they effortlessly and casually greet each other with a warm kiss. Later that evening, after a nice meal, they are eager to discuss the day's events, to laugh, and to sit along side each other in the comfort of their shared home. Is it fair? Not really. And this is why Andreika and Burton will apply their remarkable gifts in your behalf. They will simultaneously cast a True Love spell for you and only you and they will work in tandem at a specified allotted time. So, if you wish to invite two powerful psychics to focus their remarkable gifts on your behalf, there is no better time than now. If you want to be with that one person who is madly and passionately in love with you, the True Love spell is designed to do just that.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc3|"The Twisted Mind Black Curse"|BC3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Causes confusion, indecision, and unclear thinking. This curse affects your enemy in both personal and business affairs causing serious conflicts with friends, coworkers and loved ones."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| bc7|"The Ultimate Revenge Black Curse"|BC7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(33.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    To inflict monumental revenge on someone who has done you wrong. To have them suffer tenfold the pain and consequences they have inflicted upon you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| unconditionallove|"The Unconditional Love Spell"|UNC|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Unconditional Love"|""|"Receive the love you’ve always yearned for!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Love me like no other.
    • Love me unconditionally.
    • Be faithful and not interested in another.
    • Understand me. Know that I love you more than you’ll ever know.
    Do you want the love of your life to have a strong desire to make you happy, desire you, take care of you? Do you want them to be deliriously happy and want to be with you night and day? You deserve to have the love of your life feel that you are the best thing to ever happen to them. You deserve to be happy, to feel wanted, cherished, adored. You are not asking too much to want to see a spark in their eyes whenever they look at you. To be crazy about you. To give you their friendship, their lust, their love. And you want it unconditionally! No strings attached. No hesitation, no remorse, no doubts about you whatsoever. And once you receive all that you deserve – their affection, their remarkable attention and devotion to you – you will make this very special person the happiest, most contented person on the face of the earth. All you ask is for your lover to give you unconditional love, and you will give them the world!
    Dear CAA, In August I ordered the Unconditional Love Spell, and even before the spell was cast I could feel the powerful emotions that it would evoke! The day after the spell was cast, my lover stated how remarkable our relationship was and that he is connecting with me on a deeper emotional level! I never thought that I would hear such wonderful words come from him! You have given me hope that my dream will come true! Thank you so much! D. N.
    Cleveland, OH

    Dear CAA, My fiancée was about to leave me and go live with his interfering mother. She has been sabotaging our relationship for a long time. I asked for his Unconditional Love. Last night, even before I knew the spell was cast, he stated that he will stay with me and kick his mother out of our house. Thank you so much. I have my soul mate back!!! Sharon D.
    Groton, CT
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| waywewere|"The Way We Were"|WEW|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"The Way We Were"|""|"A unique love spell cast in your behalf to return you and your lover to the way you were"|""|""|""|""|""|" Return us to the way we were,
      The warmth, the caring, the love. Return us to a previous time,
      A life of simplicity and happiness. Take us back to the beginning,
      Where we saw the best in each other. Minimize our annoyances,
      And allow us to be giving. Accentuate my attributes,
      My unique gifts, my loving nature. Erase the distance between us,
      Melt the discord directed at me. Bring us back,
      To those wonderful moments. Allow us to recapture,
      The happiness we had. Return us,
      To the way we were.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wealth|"The Wealth Spell"|TWS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Who Says Money Can't Buy You Love?"|""|"Let the Wealth Spell position you to reap the financial as well as romantic windfalls you so deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    People most certainly look at you differently when you're successful and wealthy. Do you think Bill Gates and the Rockefellers get by on their charisma, their looks? Let the Wealth Spell position you to reap the financial as well as romantic windfalls you so deserve. Before you know it, your life could turn on a dime, bringing you surprising success and wealth beyond your imagination. The moment your Wealth Spell is cast, you could:
    1. Experience a dramatic increase in your bank account.
    2. Gain respect of friends, peers, loved ones.
    3. Feel people drawing closer to you, wanting to be near you, having your success rub off on them.
    4. Enjoy the luxuries of life previously unavailable or unattainable to you.
    5. Find it easier to have people like you.
    6. Lead a more exciting social life, receiving invitations previously not extended to you.
    7. Notice that people are more interested in your opinions, laugh at your humor.
    Many people believe that confidence, success and wealth are intertwined, and that you cannot have one without the other. If you aren't enjoying the status and magnificent lifestyle that riches can bring, this spell could be the best thing that ever happened to you. Give this spell a chance to take hold and do its work. Take up to one full year, and if you're not enjoying the luxuries of life to the fullest, we'll refund your money. No questions asked.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wish-bracelet-of-cortes|"The Wish-Bracelet of Cortes"|B05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(99.95)|||""|""|""|""|"When Ferdinand Cortes was told that the silver adornment would bring him all that he desired, the Spaniard scoffed at what he called foolish superstition..."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    When the famous Spanish conquistador, Ferdinand Cortes, landed on the Mexican shores in 1519, he was handed a spectacular beautiful bracelet by an Aztec medicine man. Cortes marveled at its extraordinary beauty and called it a ""feast for the eyes.""

    Made of Solid Sterling Silver

    But when Cortes was told that the silver adornment would bring him all that he desired, the Spaniard scoffed at what he called foolish superstition. However, when his small force of 600 men easily conquered the powerful Aztec nation as well as most of Mexico, Cortes wondered if he owed his amazing victory in part to his mystical gift. This silver bracelet came to be known as the Wish-bracelet of Cortes. It is said that once you place the Wish-bracelet on your wrist:
    • Dreams reach fruition if the heart is pure.
    • The possessor of the Wish-bracelet rises above all others.
    • Look to the sky and see how the stars align themselves with you.

    Made of solid sterling silver, you will be in awe of its beauty the moment you see it. It is truly a feast for the eyes."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wishmaker|"The Wishmaker"|WMK|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wish Maker"|""|"Allow this gifted telepathic to put his extraordinary powers to work for you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Studies at the University of Leningrad reveal that a ""telepathic can definitely cause drastic changes in a person’s brain-wave patterns."" Researchers from the Maimonodes Institute have determined that a gifted psychic can influence the will of another person, even when situated in a distant location. The conclusion: a skilled telepathic may cause an individual to change the way he thinks and the way he acts — no matter where he is located. The most accomplished of these telepathics are known as Wish Makers.
    We are fortunate to have a gifted telepathic--a Wish Maker--on our staff. He is willing to bring your dream to reality, to make your wish come true. Upon receiving your order, he will ""see"" beyond the horizon all the way into your life. All you have to do is make a wish - any wish you like. So if you're down on your luck and need a break, if your finances need a boost or a relationship needs mending, turn to the Wish Maker. And allow this gifted telepathic to put his extraordinary powers to work for you."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    ""What a success!!! I made a wish to sell my house and the wish was to be made on a certain day. The wish came true within 24 hours after the wish was made because we now have a contract on the house to sell. I became a true believer in the wishmaker. Thanks so much for the help!"" E. Shaw
    Rifle, CO

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| retribution-spell-kit-link|"The Witch Doctor Retribution Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"This powerful do-it-yourself kit should only be used in the direst of emergencies!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| witch-doctor-romance-passion-link|"The Witch Doctor Romance-Passion Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"This do-it-yourself kit should only be used in the direst of emergencies!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| witchscat|"The Witch's Cat"|CAT|ITEM.||(19.95)||T|""|""|"The Witch's Cat"|""|"Don't bet another dollar without the Cat by your side!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you love to gamble, you must read this! The true essence of the Witch's Cat is to increase your chances of winning. So if your heart skips a beat every time you even think about gambling, here is what the Cat can do for you:
    • Your mindset will be on winning, and winning big.
    • Your head will be clear, allowing you to think straight and make the ""right"" decisions, the best decisions.
    • You will even look and feel more attractive, and others will pick up on your revitalized, confident attitude.
    • You will have a positive ""vibe"" that will draw others closer to you.
    • Be prepared for a lucky streak that will dazzle you.
    The legendary Witch's Cat is as well known for its artistry as its powers to bring success and rewards to the person who possesses it. Enjoy the Cat, and may your future be blessed with happy moments and monumental winnings.
    Last year after receiving the Witch's Cat, we won $1,300 in the Ohio state lottery. Thank you! R.A.
    Columbus, OH
    I am happy to announce that I saw results after receiving my Witch's Cat. Within two weeks after it arrived, I could feel its power and my luck has changed for the better. T.S.
    St. Croix, VI

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| red-coral|"The Witches' Red Coral"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|"The Witches' Red Coral"|""|"Not readily available to the public until now, this spectacular amulet is renowned for its ability to mesmerize a current or future lover."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Not readily available to the public until now, this spectacular amulet is renowned for its ability to mesmerize a current or future lover. Ruled by Mars, which is the planet of passion and desire, Witches' Red Coral gives the wearer an allure and mystique that the opposite sex finds irresistible. The origin of Witches' Red Coral is unknown, but it has been a sought after good luck piece for generations. Try this test:
    Simply place your hand on Witches' Red Coral and see if you feel a surge of confidence, self-esteem, and sensuality spread throughout your body. In both male and female, Witches' Red Coral is known for radiating powerful emotions. Also called the Red Stone of Passion, this remarkable good luck piece magnifies your allure to the opposite sex. If you seek to forge a tighter bond with a current lover or a reconnection with a past lover, look no further. It is not a coincidence that you are reading these words. Destiny has brought you and the Witches' Red Coral together.
    Witches' Red Coral is right for you, if:
    • You seek romantic as well as physical love.
    • You desire a former lover to rethink their assessment of you.
    • You want your loved one to let go of their animosities and anger, and to love you like there's no tomorrow.
    • You want both you and your lover to experience the surge of desire.
    • You want a lifetime of love and happiness, and you want it now.

    If you want to instill energy and ""fire"" back into your life, the Witches' Red Coral stone, exquisitely encased by pure sterling silver, will instantly become one of your most prized possessions."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xm4|"The Xmas Banish Them Spell"|XM4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If there is a person you want out of the picture because they are preventing you from leading a worry-free, happy life, this is an extremely potent way to break the spell they have over you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xm6|"The Xmas Better Job Spell"|XM6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    If you’re stuck in a rut and need a more challenging, higher paying job, this is the spell for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xm3|"The Xmas Change His/Her Mind Spell"|XM3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    The love of your life has been led astray, and you want this person returned to your arms now! Whatever it takes, no matter what the reason for your lover’s return, you want it done now. Not far into the future, but as quickly as possible. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xm1|"The Xmas General Happiness Spell"|XM1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This industrial-strength spell can be applied to any aspect of your life that needs to be improved – quickly and dramatically. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xm2|"The Xmas More Cash in Your Pocket Spell"|XM2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    You’ve worked hard and you’ve paid your dues. Now it’s time to reap the rewards of your efforts and find that pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xm5|"The Xmas Winning the ""Big One"" Spell"|XM5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Whether it’s enjoying an evening at the bingo game, or entering the Sweeps, or putting your money down on the lottery, you need to increase the odds in your favor. This spell is designed to change the momentum in games of chance and place you in a position to winning the “Big One”! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lorem|"This is a test page to see default fonts"|ABC|CUSTOM-ITEM||(19.95)|(18.95)|T|"""Your name"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your name:
    "|"This is the headline"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Headline 1

    Body Font: Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic.

    Headline 2

    Gumbo beet greens corn soko endive gumbo gourd. Parsley shallot courgette tatsoi pea sprouts fava bean collard greens dandelion okra wakame tomato. Dandelion cucumber earthnut pea peanut soko zucchini.

    Headline 3

    Turnip greens yarrow ricebean rutabaga endive cauliflower sea lettuce kohlrabi amaranth water spinach avocado daikon napa cabbage asparagus winter purslane kale. Celery potato scallion desert raisin radish spinach carrot soko. Lotus root water spinach fennel kombu maize bamboo shoot green bean swiss chard seakale pumpkin onion chickpea gram corn pea. Brussels sprout coriander water chestnut gourd swiss chard wakame kohlrabi beetroot carrot watercress. Corn amaranth salsify bunya nuts nori azuki bean chickweed potato bell pepper artichoke.

    Headline 4

    Nori grape silver beet broccoli kombu beet greens fava bean potato quandong celery. Bunya nuts black-eyed pea prairie turnip leek lentil turnip greens parsnip. Sea lettuce lettuce water chestnut eggplant winter purslane fennel azuki bean earthnut pea sierra leone bologi leek soko chicory celtuce parsley jícama salsify.
    Headline 5
    Celery quandong swiss chard chicory earthnut pea potato. Salsify taro catsear garlic gram celery bitterleaf wattle seed collard greens nori. Grape wattle seed kombu beetroot radish carrot squash brussels sprout chard."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-spells|"Three Wishes Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"This is your opportunity to express your most important wishes. So take your time and decide what’s most important to you, we have 12 spells to choose from."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Studies at the University of Leningrad reveal that a “ telepathic can definitely cause drastic changes in a person’s brain-wave patterns."" Researchers from the Maimonides Institute have determined that a gifted psychic can influence the will of another person, even when situated in a distant location. The conclusion: a skilled telepathic may cause an individual to change the way he thinks and the way he acts — no matter where he is located.
    Is your life at a crossroads?
    One road continues on the path you’ve been taking for quite some time. But on the other path you will be accompanied by a gifted Master Psychic who will cast a Three Wishes spell in your behalf. Which path will you choose to take? Should you decide to take the new path, take a look at the various selections below and enjoy the journey! This is your opportunity to express your most important wishes. So take your time and decide what’s most important to you. And, most important: Go for It! Wish BIG!

    Three Wishes: Penetrate Lover's Inner Mind! Plant Seeds of Love! Commitment!

    What if you could penetrate your lover’s subconscious? And once you did “get inside your lover’s head,” you could implant the seeds of love, reconciliation, and commitment? A Master Psychic is ready to call upon his formidable psychic powers to do just that and to give your relationship the much-needed boost to have it survive and thrive! Learn More

    Three Wishes: Prosperity! Loving Mate! Ultimate Happiness!

    Do you want it all: prosperity, a loving mate, ultimate happiness? What would you give if you could free-up and liberate your creative juices, propelling you to conquer new challenges leading to unexpected rewards? And the results being a dramatic increase in your most important relationships and a soaring bank account. This potent Three Wishes spell is designed to improve your life in ways you never thought possible. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Love! Lust! Loyalty!

    Do you dream of receiving love, lust and loyalty from your loved one? Do you believe it shouldn’t be just a dream but something you truly deserve? If you feel that fulfilling your desires and needs is essential for a beautiful, lasting relationship, a Master Psychic, who specializes in relationships, awaits your call to action! Learn More

    Three Wishes: Reverse Negative Forces! Cancel Nemesis! Enjoy Life Again!

    Are negative forces being aimed directly at you? And are they causing you anxiety, worry...even affecting your sleep patterns, as well as your daily routine? If you want this troubling and lingering situation to cease and desist ASAP, this potent Three Wishes spell could provide the needed assistance you’ve been hoping for. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Growing Love! Return to Me! Reconciliation!

    Having relationship problems? And are they getting worse? A Master Psychic could summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf to help dissipate your loved one’s stubbornness and hardheadedness. So if you dream of a loving, lasting relationship, you have come to the right place. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Money! Success! Good Times!

    Do you want to break out of your normal routine and live the life others merely fantasize about? Do you dream of immense success that will dramatically increase your bank account? If so, you are in for a pleasant and welcome surprise. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Soften Lover's Heart! Change Lover's Mind! End Heartache!

    Are you willing to do almost anything to soften your loved one’s heart, change their mind...and ensure they stay with you? And once and for all, end your heartache? A Master Psychic, who specializes in such matters, awaits your call to action. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Luck! Lottery! Luxury!

    Have you been on the sidelines most of your life witnessing others catching that lucky break, particularly in the lottery and other games of chance? And are you envious as they lead the life of luxury? Well if you feel it’s your turn, the Three Wishes Luck! Lottery! Luxury! spell could initiate a surprisingly fast turnaround in your life. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Soul Mate! Companionship! End Loneliness

    Do you dream of meeting your soul mate? And having this friend and companion who will be there for you during good times and bad? And perhaps most important of all, your loneliness will be a thing of the past? This potent Three Wishes spell could help you fulfill your dreams. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Career! Recognition! Financial Rewards!

    Do you feel your talents and contributions in the workplace haven’t been duly recognized and rewarded? And do you sometimes feel as if you are currently running on a treadmill...going nowhere in a hurry? If so, perhaps you should consider asking the Master Psychic to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf, bringing you the monetary rewards and recognition you so deserve. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Be a Winner! Exude Confidence! Be Sexy!

    Do you feel that deep within your very being you are a winner waiting to emerge from your shell? And you can’t wait for that to happen? This potent Three Wishes spell is designed to let that very winning, very confident, very sexy feeling engulf you...so the “right” person cannot resist you, as if pulled toward you by a giant magnet. Learn More

    Three Wishes: Friends! Relatives! Work Associates!

    Would you like to have more close friends? As well as relatives and work associates who are supportive of you and wish you the best? This potent Three Wishes spell is specifically designed to do just that...and much more. Learn More


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-winner|"Three Wishes: Be a Winner! Exude Confidence! Be Sexy!"|3W1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you feel that deep within your very being you are a winner waiting to emerge from your shell?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You feel that deep within your very being you are a winner waiting to emerge from your shell.
    • But up to now you haven’t encountered that one big break.
    • And once you come across this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, you will definitely take advantage of it.
    • All you ask is that you get the chance.
    • As for self-confidence it is likely that this is an on-again, off-again state of mind for you.
    • This potent spell is designed, among other things, to boost your self-confidence and instill it deep within your psyche...uplifting you whenever needed.
    • Also deep within your psyche is that you feel sexy. Very sexy.
    • But you are disappointed when others don’t see it.
    • This spell is designed to let that very alluring, very sexy feeling emerge so the “right” person cannot resist you, as if pulled toward you by a giant magnet.
    So if you want others to see the real you. The winner in you. The one who stands straight and exudes confidence and joy...not to mention your sexuality, then you have definitely come to the right place at the right time. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Be a Winner! Exude Confidence! Be Sexy! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-career|"Three Wishes: Career! Recognition! Financial Rewards!"|3W2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you feel your talents and contributions in the workplace haven’t been duly recognized and rewarded? "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You sometimes feel you are on a treadmill.
    • You work hard, are conscientious, but feel something is missing.
    • And you don’t feel your talents have been duly rewarded.
    • But in the right job, in the right place, you know you will thrive, succeed and earn the money you so deserve.
    • And in addition to the added compensation you’ll be receiving, you will also be recognized for your contributions.
    So if the above sounds familiar, you have come to the right place. You deserve to have a career you enjoy while receiving the accolades and monetary benefits you so deserve. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Career! Recognition! Financial Rewards! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-friends|"Three Wishes: Friends! Relatives! Work Associates!"|3W3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Would you like to have more close friends, as well as relatives and work associates who are supportive of you and wish you the best?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You would like to have more close friends.
    • Friends that will stand by you when you are going through the rough patches.
    • And friends who like you for who you are and truly enjoy your companionship.
    • You would also like to have better relations with your relatives.
    • So you could have more family get-togethers and happy gatherings.
    • And you would like your work environment to have a pleasant, supportive atmosphere, while being surrounded by people who truly care for you.
    If much of the above resonates with you, the Three Wishes Friends! Relatives! Work Associates! spell was specifically designed for someone in your situation. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast this potent spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-growing-love|"Three Wishes: Growing Love! Return to Me! Reconciliation!"|3W4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Having relationship problems? And are they getting worse?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • Your lover may be thinking of leaving you or has already left.
    • But if you could only break through their stubbornness, their hardheadedness, you are certain they’d realize how the two of you belong together.
    • And once the tension is eased and your loved one is calm and rational, the two of you could return to the loving relationship you once had.
    • All you are asking for is a second chance because you have so much love to give.
    • And if you get this opportunity, you’ll make the best of it.
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. It is your destiny. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Growing Love! Return to Me! Reconciliation! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-love|"Three Wishes: Love! Lust! Loyalty!"|3W5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you dream of receiving love, lust and loyalty from your loved one?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this unique three-part spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes Love! Lust! Loyalty! spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You want your relationship to be more secure, more loving, more lustful, more interesting.
    • You want your loved one to recognize the importance of satisfying “your” desires, “your” needs, as well as their desires, their needs.
    • In other words you don’t do well with a selfish lover.
    • You are a very sensual and giving person and you can make your partner very, very happy.
    • But what about you?
    • Fulfilling your partner’s most important needs comes rather easy for you.
    • But it’s time your loved one realizes that fulfilling your desires and needs is not only a two-way street, it is essential for a beautiful, lasting relationship!
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. It is your destiny. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Love! Lust! Loyalty! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-luck|"Three Wishes: Luck! Lottery! Luxury!"|3W6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Have you been on the sidelines most of your life witnessing others catching that lucky break, particularly in the lottery and other games of chance?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You feel you are overdue for an extended lucky streak.
    • You have worked hard all your life and feel that the time is now for you to receive the compensation and rewards for your efforts.
    • For most of your life you have been on the sidelines while witnessing others catching that lucky break.
    • And observing them in envy while they lead the life of luxury.
    • And now you feel it’s your turn.
    • And when it does happen to you, you’ll know what to do with the money.
    • Although you are not an extravagant person, you aspire to enjoy the finer things in life.
    • Like having the finances to do what you want when you want.
    • And finally, you feel it’s your time to experience what others merely dream of.
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. It is your destiny. So if you are ready to reap the rewards of your good luck, you could be on the verge of something only happening in dreams...the “good life!” A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Luck! Lottery! Luxury! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-money|"Three Wishes: Money! Success! Good Times!"|3W7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you want to break out of your normal routine and live the life others merely fantasize about?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You want to break out of your normal routine and live the life others merely fantasize about.
    • But to do this you require the success that will dramatically increase your bank account.
    • However, you need a big break in life to achieve your money and success goals.
    • You need to come across the “right” opportunity to make it happen.
    • And you need it to happen now rather than later.
    • And when your aspirations are finally realized, you want others to see you in a new light.
    • Encouraging them to show you friendship, kindness and respect.
    • Your ultimate goal is to enjoy the good life.
    • Sharing it all with a loved one who deeply cares for you.
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. It is your destiny. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Money! Success! Good Times! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-penetrate|"Three Wishes: Penetrate Lover's Inner Mind! Plant Seeds of Love! Commitment!"|3W8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"What if you could penetrate your lover’s subconscious?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this unique three-part spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • Your relationship is in jeopardy and you are frustrated and somewhat depressed because you want so much to save it.
    • But you are having a great deal of difficulty convincing your loved one they are making a terrible mistake by not being reasonable.
    • And you know that if you could somehow penetrate their subconscious, altering it, softening it, the relationship will have a much greater chance of surviving...and thriving.
    • And once your loved one is open to seeing your wonderful qualities, your sensuality, your sense of humor, your kindness...they will want to be with you, love you...and not look elsewhere for love.
    • And you are certain if you could only “get inside your lover’s head,” you could implant the seeds of love, reconciliation and commitment.
    • And spend a beautiful future together.
    If much of the above resonates with you, the Three Wishes Penetrate Lover’s Inner Mind! Plant Seeds of Love! Commitment! spell was specifically designed for someone in your situation. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast this potent spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-prosperity|"Three Wishes: Prosperity! Loving Mate! Ultimate Happiness!"|3W9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This potent Three Wishes spell is designed to improve your life in ways you never thought possible."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this unique three-part spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You not only want to experience prosperity and riches, you want to share it with a loved one.
    • Your hope is that this potent spell will free-up and liberate your creative juices.
    • This will allow you to think clearly, to use your imagination, to focus on potential areas of financial success.
    • Resulting in a dramatic increase in your bank account.
    • You will also want to take advantage of the opportunities open to you, as well as placing you at the right time at the right place.
    • This will allow you to succeed and excel beyond your wildest expectations.
    • And finally, once you achieve your goals, you will have the leisure time to enjoy your riches.
    • And to experience ultimate happiness!
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. It is your destiny. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Prosperity! Loving Mate! Ultimate Happiness! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG!"||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-reverse-negative|"Three Wishes: Reverse Negative Forces! Cancel Nemesis! Enjoy Life Again!"|3W10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are negative forces being aimed directly at you?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You feel someone is out to get you.
    • And you have done nothing wrong to deserve this.
    • But for whatever reason this person is attempting to undermine you, hound you, causing you much grief.
    • You are certain of their evil intent and their ruthlessness.
    • Their negative forces directed at you are causing you anxiety, worry, nervousness...affecting your sleep patterns as well as your daily routine.
    • You want this to cease and desist ASAP!
    • And you won’t be satisfied until your nemesis is cancelled, neutralized and their negative forces turned back against them.
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. It is your destiny. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Reverse Negative Forces! Cancel Nemesis! Enjoy Life Again! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-soften-lover|"Three Wishes: Soften Lover's Heart! Change Lover's Mind! End Heartache!"|3W11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you willing to do almost anything to soften your loved one’s heart, change their mind...and ensure they stay with you?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • Your relationship with the one you love is having problems.
    • It is apparent their attitude toward you has changed.
    • And it hasn’t been for the better.
    • You are at your wit’s end as you strongly feel the two of you are right for each other.
    • But you are having a very difficult time penetrating their resistance.
    • At this point you would do almost anything to change your loved one’s mind, soften their heart...and ensure they stay with you.
    • And once and for all, end your heartache.
    • You know all of this is possible.
    • But you haven’t been able to fix these issues by yourself.
    • And you are ready and willing to accept help from an outside source.
    If the above words describe your current situation, you should be glad to hear there is hope for your relationship. You have come to the right place at the right time. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Soften Lover’s Heart! Change Lover’s Mind! End Heartache! spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-wishes-soul-mate|"Three Wishes: Soul Mate! Companionship! End Loneliness"|3W12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you dream of meeting your soul mate? And having this friend and companion who will be there for you during good times and bad?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    What are you waiting for? Go for it! Wish BIG!
    What you should know
    Should you decide to ask the Master Psychic to cast this potent spell in your behalf, it’s particularly important for him to connect with you – to be in sync with you – to have chemistry with you, So take your time and read the following carefully because if these words closely describe your situation the Three Wishes spell has a very good chance of success.
    This Three Wishes spell is for you, if...
    • You know your soul mate is out there.
    • But up to now the two of you haven’t crossed paths.
    • And you know once you do meet, you’ll have much in common.
    • And you’ll have a friend and companion who will be there for you during good times and bad.
    • And who won’t let you down.
    • And perhaps most important of all, your loneliness will be a thing of the past.
    So if the above words sound familiar, you have come to the right place. You have always reached out to close ones when they are in need, and your generosity is a given. But it’s time for your good deeds to be reciprocated, and this spell is designed to bring all of the above to fruition. It is your karma. A Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the potent Three Wishes Soul Mate! Companionship! End Loneliness! Spell in your behalf. And remember... Go for It! Wish BIG! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-in-one-spells|"Three-In-One Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"A Master Psychic will call upon his formidable psychic powers to cast three distinct spells of your choice simultaneously."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A Master Psychic, who specializes in Three-In-One spells, could assist you in your time of need. Upon receiving the go-ahead from you, he will call upon his formidable psychic powers to cast three distinct spells of your choice simultaneously. Depending on your selections you could experience a dramatic positive surge in your love life, finances, games of chance, career...
    How can the Three-In-One spells help me from a distance?
    Research studies at several prestigious institutions have concluded that a gifted psychic can influence the will of another person, even when situated in a distant location. So if your current situation is causing you anxiety, worry, perhaps even loss of sleep, maybe it’s time to try something out of the ordinary...asking a Master Psychic to penetrate the subconscious of a person or persons who are affecting your life. Take a look at the following Three-In-One spells and see which one(s) resonate with you.

    Three-In-1: Lover is Remorseful-Lover Apologizes-Lover Stays

    Are you confident that once your differences are aired out in a reasonable, rational way, your partner will truly “listen” to what you have to say? And not be so defensive when you attempt to reconcile the various problems the two of you are encountering or have encountered in the past? And, as important, be willing to take responsibility for their behavior. Learn More

    Three-In-One: Quick Luck-Quick Fortune-Quick Compatibility

    Are you tired of watching others reaping the rewards of “blind luck”? Because frankly they didn’t do much to deserve it? Do you feel because you’ve worked hard and have led a good life, you deserve these rewards as much, or even more so, than these other “lucky” people? Learn More

    Three-In-One: Lost Love-Heart Throb Returns-Finally Together

    This is “the” person – your heart throb – who is right for you. But for various reasons the two of you have gone separate ways. And your heart breaks because you know you were meant to be together. A gifted Master Psychic could cast these potent spells in your behalf. Learn More

    Three-In-One: Hypnotizing Lover-Hot, Volcanic Love-Sensual Compatibility

    Are you really “turned on” to a very special person? Would you like to have a sensational physical relationship (no holds barred) with them? And would you like this person to find you irresistible? And making it impossible for them to keep their hands off you? Learn More

    Three-In-One: Success in Relationships-Success in Finances-Success in Happiness

    Do you dream of having an incredible, stable and long-lasting relationship with your loved one? And would you like to have financial independence? And not have to live from paycheck to paycheck? And wouldn’t it be nice to get up each morning knowing you have exceeded your dreams of success in love, in money matters, in happiness? Learn More

    Three-In-One: Victory in Lottery/Gambling-Victory in Career-Victory in Money Matters

    You enjoy partaking in games of chance, but you’d like to tip the scales in your favor. The fact is you enjoy the excitement, the risk, the stimulation of betting. Particularly in the BIG contests where a win could set you up for life. And now you feel it’s your destiny to experience the independence and the leisure time to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. Learn More

    Three-In-One: Awesome Compatibility-Awesome Communication-Awesome Marriage

    Do you often think about having incredible compatibility with your loved one? To be able to get up each morning feeling secure that the two of you truly love and trust each other? But to achieve this dream, open, honest communication is the key. A gifted Master Psychic could cast the Awesome Compatibility - Awesome Communication - Awesome Marriage spells in your behalf to bring your dreams to reality. Learn More

    Three-In-One: Cease Fire-Restore Peace-Compatible at Last

    Are you having disagreements, arguments with your loved one...and do they carry over day-to-day? Do you feel your relationship desperately needs an instant fix, a rejuvenated compatibility? If so, you may be ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Cease Fire – Restore Peace – Compatible at Last spells in your behalf. Learn More

    Three-In-One: Block Negative Vibes-Reverse Curse-Cast Out Nemesis

    Is there a person out there who doesn’t have your best interests at heart? Do you feel their negative vibrations? And does it appear they are jinxing you and causing you difficulty in many aspects of your life? If so, would you like to redirect their negative energy back at them, and have them experience the negative effects of their evil intent? Learn More

    Three-In-One: Lucky in Romance-Lucky in Opportunities-Lucky in Life

    Are you a romantic? Do you crave to be appreciated, respected, and “affectionately” loved by that special person in your life? And isn’t it about time you were blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime? Leading to a lucky life filled with romance, love, money in the bank... Learn More

    Three-In-One: Lots of Friends-Lots of Love-Lots of Laughter

    Are long-time friends important to you? Friends who are there for you through thick and thin? Do you feel that more than most people, you need love? Lots and lots of love each and every day? Because you crave the comradery, the laughter, the good conversations that happen when you’re surrounded by people who want to be with you and value your friendship. Learn More

    Three-In-One: Lover ""Hears"" You-Lover Feels Guilty-Lover Reconsiders

    Are you and your loved one seemingly on a different plane? And that whatever you say appears to go in one ear and out the other? Is it becoming more and more evident that you really need your partner to truly “hear” you? And when your words are finally heard, wouldn’t it be gratifying for your loved one to admit a sense of guilt? To have them reconsider their attitude toward you? And, as important, their behavior? Learn More

    Three-In-One: Surprise Gifts-Surprise Affection-Surprise Success

    Wouldn’t it make your day by being presented with a surprise gift? And not only was it completely unexpected, but something you truly needed? And wouldn’t it be special if your loved one began giving you the tender, loving care you so crave? And what if you achieved the success others merely fantasize about, allowing you to spend the rest of your days with the love of your life while leading the life of leisure? Learn More

    Three-In-One: Heart to Heart-Restore Harmony-Happy Couple

    Would you love to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one? And have an open, honest discussion to air out the difficulties in your relationship? And if your partner could finally act in a reasonable, honest way, peace and harmony would be restored. And the two of you could fulfill your dream of becoming a truly happy couple. Learn More


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-awesome-compatibility|"Three-In-One: Awesome Compatibility-Awesome Communication-Awesome Marriage"|3N1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you often dream of having an incredible compatibility with your loved one?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does your relationship need an instant boost?
    If an awesome relationship is what you dream of, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Awesome Compatibility - Awesome Communication - Awesome Marriage spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Do you often dream of having an incredible compatibility with your loved one?
    • And to get up each morning feeling secure that the two of you truly love and trust each other?
    • And want to spend the day together?
    • But to achieve this wish, this reality...two-way, honest communication is the key.
    • And once your loved one is willing to sit down and have open and honest communication with you, there is little doubt it would lead to a beautiful, long-lasting marriage.
    If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Awesome Compatibility - Awesome Communication - Awesome Marriage spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-block-negative-vibes|"Three-In-One: Block Negative Vibes-Reverse Curse-Cast Out Nemesis"|3N2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you currently are the victim of a negative force disrupting your life, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is someone out to get you?
    If you currently are the victim of a negative force disrupting your life, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Block Negative Vibes - Reverse Curse - Cast Out Nemesis spells simultaneously in your behalf.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. This is your opportunity to receive the same valuable assistance... But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Is there a person out there who doesn’t have your best interests at heart?
    • Do you feel their negative vibrations?
    • Does it appear that they are jinxing you?
    • And causing you difficulty in many aspects of your life?
    • If so, would you like to redirect their negative energy back at them?
    • And have them experience the negative effects of their evil intent?
    • And wouldn’t it be great if this person could be cast out of your life one way or another?
    • Allowing you to return to your destiny of love, financial security and happiness?
    If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Block Negative Vibes - Reverse Curse - Cast Out Nemesis spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-cease-fire|"Three-In-One: Cease Fire-Restore Peace-Compatible at Last"|3N3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Would you like nothing more than to restore peace and quiet with your loved one?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does your relationship need an instant fix?
    If you don’t know who to call or what to do, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Cease Fire – Restore Peace – Compatible at Last spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Are you currently having worrisome problems with your loved one?
    • Are you having disagreements, arguments...and do they carry over day-to-day?
    • And would you like nothing more than to restore peace and quiet?
    • And not worry that every time you have a different point of view that it will end in an argument?
    • Do you also feel your relationship desperately needs an instant fix?
    • A rejuvenated compatibility?
    • And once mutual respect for each other is restored, the two of you could relax and enjoy the conversation, even if the various opinions are at odds with each other.
    • And afterwards be able to laugh about it and embrace each other.
    • With the understanding that the two of you truly love one another.
    • And isn’t that more important than anything?
    If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Cease Fire – Restore Peace – Compatible at Last spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-heart-to-heart|"Three-In-One: Heart to Heart-Restore Harmony-Happy Couple"|3N4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If your love life needs a helping hand, a Master Psychic could help bring a dramatic turnaround to your relationship."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Problems at home?
    If your love life needs a helping hand, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Heart to Heart - Restore Harmony - Happy Couple spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Would you love to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk with your loved one?
    • And have an open, honest discussion to air out the difficulties in your relationship?
    • Although it is your nature to accept your share of the blame for the problems the relationship is having, you feel it is imperative that your loved one do the same.
    • And if your partner could act in a reasonable, honest way, you are certain that peace and harmony will be restored.
    • And once this occurs, the two of you could well be on your way to achieving that lofty goal of being a happy couple.
    So if the above resonates with you, perhaps it’s time to seek help from a Master Psychic to call upon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side in your time of need. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-hypnotizing-lover|"Three-In-One: Hypnotizing Lover-Hot, Volcanic Love-Sensual Compatibility"|3N5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Would you like to have a sensational physical relationship with your very special person?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Want to “heat up” your relationship?
    If you want your loved one to look at you with lust in their heart, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Hypnotizing Lover – Hot, Volcanic Love - Sensual Compatibility spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Are you really “turned on” to a very special person?
    • Would you like to have a sensational physical relationship (no holds barred) with them
    • Is it someone you’re already in a relationship with, or perhaps someone you have your eye on?
    • And would you like this person to find you irresistible?
    • And making it impossible for them to keep their hands off you?
    • If so, the first step would be to “hypnotize” this person, allowing your charm, your allure to focus their attention solely on you.
    • Allowing the two of you to enjoy the second step: Hot, Volcanic Love.
    • And finally, the third step allowing the two of you to experience an exciting, thoroughly enjoyable Sensual Compatibility.
    This remarkable trio of spells could cement your relationship once and for all, allowing the two of you to reach the highs in life few people experience. And can you imagine the envy of those who know you are part of this very exciting relationship? So if the above resonates with you, perhaps it’s time to seek the assistance of a Master Psychic who could call upon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-lost-love|"Three-In-One: Lost Love-Heart Throb Returns-Finally Together"|3N6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic so you and your ""heart throb"" can finally be together."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you long for the return of an old love?
    If you can’t get this person out of your mind, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Lost Love - Heart Throb Returns - Finally Together spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Is someone out there whom you have loved for quite some time?
    • This is “the” person – your heart throb – who is right for you.
    • You have always felt it in your gut.
    • From the moment the two of you first met.
    • But somehow the timing was not right.
    • And for various reasons the two of you have gone separate ways.
    • But your heart breaks because you know you were meant to be together.
    • It is your destiny.
    • You are certain of it.
    • And if only the two of you could spend some quality time together...
    • It would be obvious to this love of your life that you are the person to be with the rest of their life.
    • No one else...just you!
    If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Lost Love - Heart Throb Returns - Finally Together spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-lots-of-friends|"Three-In-One: Lots of Friends-Lots of Love-Lots of Laughter"|3N7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you long for friendship, good times and having people you can count on... then Lots of Friends – Lots of Love – Lots of Laughter should bring a smile to your face."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Interested in leading a “blessed” life?
    If you dream of being surrounded by friends, receiving lots of tender loving care...and much more, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Lots of Friends – Lots of Love – Lots of Laughter spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Are long-time friends important to you?
    • Friends who are there for you through thick and thin?
    • Do you feel fulfilled when spending valuable moments with people who care about you?
    • Truly care about you?
    • And do you also feel that more than most people, you need love?
    • Lots and lots of love each and every day.
    • Because you crave the comradery, the laughter, the good conversations that happen when you’re surrounded by people who want to be with you and value your friendship.
    • And especially by that one special person who means so much to you.
    So if it’s friendship, good times and having people you can count on... then Lots of Friends – Lots of Love – Lots of Laughter should bring a smile to your face. If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast this potent set of spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-lover-hears|"Three-In-One: Lover ""Hears"" You-Lover Feels Guilty-Lover Reconsiders"|3N8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is your relationship is floundering, and you need a breakthrough in your communication with your loved one?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Need Help in your relationship?
    If your relationship is floundering and you need a breakthrough in your communication with your loved one, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Lover “Hears” You - Lover Feels Guilty – Lover Reconsiders spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Are you and your loved one seemingly on a different plane?
    • And that whatever you say appears to go in one ear and out the other?
    • Are you becoming impatient and even angry because if the two of you can’t effectively communicate, the relationship is surely in jeopardy?
    • Also, is it becoming more and more evident that you really need your partner to truly “hear” you?
    • That when your words are finally heard, wouldn’t it be gratifying for your loved one to admit a sense of guilt?
    • To have them reconsider their attitude toward you?
    • And as important, their behavior?
    So if the above resonates with you, then it’s quite possible you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Lover “Hears” You - Lover Feels Guilty – Lover Reconsiders spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side in your time of need. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-lover-remorseful|"Three-In-One: Lover is Remorseful-Lover Apologizes-Lover Stays"|3N9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you have done everything possible to fix your love life, but to no avail, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you frustrated, worried, don’t know where to turn?
    If you have done everything possible to fix your love life but to no avail, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Lover is Remorseful - Lover Apologizes - Lover Stays spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your relationship.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Does the following accurately describe your current feelings and situation?
    • Would you like your loved one to be more in touch with their feelings, their emotions?
    • As well as expressing them to you?
    • And not be so defensive when you attempt to reconcile the various problems the two of you are encountering or have encountered in the past?
    • And wouldn’t it be nice if you could have a quiet, pleasant, open discussion without it ending in an argument?
    • Are you confident that once these differences are aired out in a reasonable, rational way, your partner will truly “listen” to what you have to say?
    • And, as important, be willing to take responsibility for their behavior.
    • As well as looking into your eyes and giving you the apology you’re certainly entitled to.
    • And then putting their words into action by changing their attitude and behavior.
    • All you ask is they calm down, be open to compromise...and approach you with loving arms.
    • And hopefully being more affectionate, understanding and loving of you?
    If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Lover is Remorseful - Lover Apologizes - Lover Stays spells in your behalf. And sooner than you think, your loved one will be at home...staying at home! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-lucky-romance|"Three-In-One: Lucky in Romance-Lucky in Opportunities-Lucky in Life"|3N10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Do you dream of a life filled with joy, laughter, an incredible lover...and much more?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Ready for something amazing?
    If you dream of a life filled with joy, laughter, an incredible lover...and much more, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Lucky in Romance – Lucky in Opportunities – Lucky in Life spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Are you a romantic?
    • A person who gives one hundred percent in a relationship?
    • And you do it willingly and lovingly.
    • However, are you becoming increasingly frustrated with your giving nature not being reciprocated?
    • And do you crave to be appreciated, respected, and “affectionately” loved by that special person in your life?
    • And isn’t it about time you were blessed with the opportunity of a lifetime?
    • An opportunity that could fulfill so many of your dreams and aspirations.
    • Allowing you to lead the life most people feel is beyond their grasp.
    • A lucky life filled with romance, love, dear friends...
    If the above resonates with you, then it appears you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Lucky in Romance – Lucky in Opportunities – Lucky in Life spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-quick-luck|"Three-In-One: Quick Luck-Quick Fortune-Quick Compatibility"|3N11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"You’ve worked hard and led a good life. You deserve life's rewards as much, or even more so, than other “lucky” people."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Need a Quick Fix?
    Are you ready to experience an extended lucky streak? If so, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Quick Luck - Quick Fortune - Quick Compatibility spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in many aspects of your life.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours in which they could use a quick boost from an outside source. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Are you tired of watching others reaping the rewards of “blind luck”?
    • Because frankly they didn’t do much to deserve it?
    • Do you feel because you’ve worked hard and led a good life, you deserve these rewards as much, or even more so, than these other “lucky” people?
    • So the question is: Are you “really” ready for a long, lucky streak?
    • So much so that you can almost taste it?
    • And do you feel that although “money cannot buy you love,” it could very well enhance your most important relationships.
    • Because, among other things, the new riches you’ll be blessed with, will allow you to enjoy the good life.
    • Indeed, a life where you can go anywhere you like, anytime you like.
    • And, perhaps more importantly, being able to enjoy the wealth and success with the person(s) most important to you.
    • After all, most studies reveal that compatibility is greatly enhanced when finances are not a problem.
    So if you’re ready to enjoy the good life, the Three-In-One: Quick Luck - Quick Fortune - Quick Compatibility spells could be that once-in-a- lifetime opportunity you’ve been hoping for. A Master Psychic is ready to stand by your side in your time of need. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-success-relationships|"Three-In-One: Success in Relationships-Success in Finances-Success in Happiness"|3N12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Wouldn't it be nice to get up each morning knowing you have exceeded your dreams of success in love, in money matters, in happiness?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is it your time to experience wild success in life?
    If you dream of leading an extraordinary life, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Success in Relationships - Success in Finances – Success in Happiness spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Do you dream of have an incredible, stable and long-lasting relationship with your loved one?
    • And is it your hope that you have warm relationships with other family members?
    • As well as friends and work associates?
    • And would you like to have financial independence?
    • So you don’t have to live from paycheck to paycheck?
    • And wouldn’t it be nice to get up each morning knowing you have exceeded your dreams of success in love, in money matters, in happiness?
    • So if success and happiness are what you aspire to, isn’t it about time your dreams become reality?
    So if the above resonates with you, then it’s quite possible you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Success in Relationships - Success in Finances – Success in Happiness spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-surprise-gifts|"Three-In-One: Surprise Gifts-Surprise Affection-Surprise Success"|3N13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you ready to add a gigantic spark to your life?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you love to be surprised?
    If you want to add a gigantic spark to your life, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Surprise Gifts – Surprise Affection – Surprise Success spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • Wouldn’t it make your day by being presented with a surprise gift?
    • And not only was it completely unexpected, but something you truly needed?
    • And will treasure for a long, long time.
    • And wouldn’t it be special if your loved one began giving you the tender, loving care you so crave?
    • And to be doing it voluntarily, not having been asked to do it.
    • And wouldn’t it be something if you achieved the success others merely fantasize about?
    • And to spend the rest of your days with the love of your life.
    • While leading the life of leisure?
    If the above resonates with you, then it’s quite possible you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Surprise Gifts – Surprise Affection – Surprise Success spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| three-victory-lottery|"Three-In-One: Victory in Lottery/Gambling-Victory in Career-Victory in Money Matters"|3N14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It’s your destiny to experience the independence and the leisure time to do what you want to do, when you want to do it."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is your time to be victorious right around the corner?
    If you dream of “coming out on top” in many aspects of your life, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert in the metaphysical field to help guide you through these challenging times.
    A Master Psychic is ready to help you
    A talented Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the Victory in Lottery/Gambling – Victory in Career – Victory in Money Matters spells simultaneously to help bring about a dramatic turnaround in your current situation.
    You are not alone!
    Thousands of others have been in a situation similar to yours, and they have received a helping hand by a Master Psychic who has been blessed with unique psychic powers. Perhaps this is your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic who awaits your call to act in your behalf. But first...
    Do these words sound familiar to you?
    • You enjoy partaking in games of chance, but you’d like to tip the scales in your favor.
    • The fact is you enjoy the excitement, the risk, the stimulation of betting.
    • Particularly in the BIG contests where a win could set you up for life.
    • And you light up just thinking about it.
    • Also, you’ve done your best in every job you’ve had, and you’ve always made solid contributions wherever you’ve worked.
    • But you feel you haven’t received the proper recognition or financial rewards for your efforts.
    • So now you feel it’s your destiny to experience the independence and the leisure time to do what you want to do, when you want to do it.
    If the above resonates with you, then it’s quite possible you’re ready for a gifted Master Psychic to cast the Victory in Lottery/Gambling – Victory in Career – Victory in Money Matters spells in your behalf. He is ready to stand by your side to bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| threeyhor|"Three-Year Horoscope"|HR3|ITEM.||(19)|||"""Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Time of Birth (if known)"" Inscription 17 ""Your Place of Birth"" Inscription 25"|"
    Your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Your Time of Birth (if known):
    Your Place of Birth:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| calasashor|"Three-Year Horoscope"||ITEM.|||||""|""|"A Horoscope Discussing your future, your happiness - you!"|""|"You can prepare for the future by taking the proper steps today! It is unlike any horoscope you've ever seen and is a serious study of you that you will never forget."|""|""|""|""|""|" We'll delve into your personality, your friendships, your love life - and then tell you what you can do to improve your lot in life. It is unlike any horoscope you've ever seen and is a serious study of you that you will never forget.
    You will receive personal information and recommendations regarding:
    • Your Luck
    • Your Compatibility
    • Your Financial Situation
    • Your Career
    • Your Love Life
    • Your Immediate Future
    Because we analyze your complete birth chart, we know as much about you (and maybe more) than you. We do all the calculations and interpretations ourselves. We don't use computers because machines can neither comprehend nor analyze human emotions.
    Let us help guide and assist you during the crucial months ahead. We'll analyze all your signs (not merely your Sun sign), and advise you on how to avoid potential hardship and loneliness. You can prepare for the future by taking the proper steps today. Please be sure to include your birth information before clicking the ""Add to Cart"" button.
    Dear CAA, You are fantastic! When I read my horoscope I was flabbergasted. You certainly hit the nail on the head. I very much appreciate the good things you said, and as I look back over the year I can see why some things happened. I was also amused at some of your observations. ""True Skeptic,"" yes indeed. ""Argumentative,"" definitely. I enjoyed my reading so much, I just had to write you and say ""thanks"" again.
    Hollywood, FL
    Dear CAA, Having read my 3-year CAA Horoscope for the nth time, I must say that I continue to remain impressed with the mostly accurate results that you have come up with. I ordered the Horoscope reading as a test for CAA since they claim ""we don't use computers"". CAA scores a Distinction in my reading. I have had horoscopes cast for me in the past, sometimes paying up to three or four times the price but have only received nothing but vagueness and inaccuracy in many areas of my personality and ""future"" predictions. CAA surprisingly scores high on most counts in gaining insights into my personality, something that no other reader has done. I am writing this so that others will take this opportunity to have CAA read Horoscopes for them. It's unlike any other has done. CAA's accuracy into your personality characteristics will make your jaw drop! D.L.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| octology-3|"Three-Year Octology Forecast"|OCT3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(45)|||"""Your Name"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate (Month/Day/Year)"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Name:
    Your Birthdate (Month/Day/Year):

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| thunder-and-lightning-spell|"Thunder & Lightning Spell"|THU|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Thunder & Lightning Spell"|""|"Look closely into the eyes of your loved one...and see the fire and passion and excitement that could elevate your relationship to new and delectable heights."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Answer these questions to see if the Thunder & Lightning spell could work for you:
    • Has your relationship become a humdrum affair that lacks intimacy and lust?
    • Would you like your loved one to have fire in their eyes when looking at you?
    • Do you have powerful, lustful feelings that aren’t being satisfied?
    • Do you desperately want your loved one to want to embrace you, make love to you, and to do it with great desire for you and you alone?
    If you answered yes to the above, you are in for a treat. The Thunder & Lightning spell is not for everyone; but if the above questions resonate with you, it means you are a very sensual and loving person whose desires and needs should be reciprocated by your loved one. And once this Thunder & Lightning spell is cast in your behalf, look closely into the eyes of your loved one...and see the fire and passion and excitement that could elevate your relationship to new and delectable heights.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tiger-spirit-amulet|"Tiger Spirit Amulet"|TSA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|""|""|"Tiger Spirit Amulet"|""|"Does the spirit of the tiger run through your veins?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does the spirit of the tiger run through your veins? When you wear or carry the magnificent Tiger Spirit amulet, your revitalized look and demeanor will reflect the characteristics of this magnificent being. Soon, others will observe your ""new look"" and the fire in your eyes. And just as the mighty tiger cannot be deterred when pursuing its prey, when you decide on a course of action, it will merely be a matter of time before you achieve it. You will come to realize that fulfilling your most important dreams is not only possible, but inevitable! The tiger within you
    • You will be more in tune with your body, as you feel the elegant and graceful movements of the tiger.
    • You will be more alert and better prepared to deal with new developments.
    • You will be more intuitive to what people are saying and what they are thinking.
    • You will exude confidence, beauty and style.
    The tiger's ease of movement, power, and burst of speed is a sight to behold, and when you possess the Tiger Spirit, you, too, will feel energized, powerful, and omnipotent. The tiger's spirit will infuse within you a grace and beauty that will be apparent to others. And soon you will find loved ones drawing closer to you, no matter how distant emotionally or physically they may have been. It will be as if a guiding force has taken hold of your destiny, allowing you to achieve what you had previously thought unattainable. Possess the Tiger Spirit, and...
    • Go through the day knowing you can easily leap over the roadblocks.
    • Feel the admiration of others who now see you in a refreshingly positive and very attractive light.
    • Prepare for a dramatic improvement in your important relationships, as your new aura will have a hypnotic and mesmerizing effect upon close ones.
    And just as the mighty tiger never doubts his invincibility, especially when running down its prey, you will have a newfound confidence in pursuing your most important dreams -in relationships, finances, career... When will you know you're there? Wear or carry the Tiger Spirit amulet, then glance in the mirror. If you see a happy person smiling back at you, you'll know the spirit of the tiger runs through your veins.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| free-daily-horoscopes|"Today's Free Daily Horoscopes"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Today's Free Daily Horoscopes

    If you are looking for today's horoscopes you are in the right place. We have been providing free daily horoscopes for decades and continue to offer both general astrological readings as well as free love horoscopes.

    Using the stars and our birthdays to show us what we can expect down the road is an exciting idea. The signs of the Zodiac have been important to many cultures and societies for thousands of years. Today is no different. We could all use a little astrological advice to make life a little easier.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| free-daily-love-horoscopes|"Today's Free Daily Love Horoscopes"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Today's Free Daily Love Horoscopes

    If you are looking for today's love horoscope you are in the right place. We have been providing free daily horoscopes for decades and continue to offer both general astrological readings as well as love horoscopes.

    The 12 signs of the Zodiac have been important to many societies for thousands of years. Using the stars and your date of birth to give you a glimmer of the future is an exciting idea, especially when it comes to love. We could all use a little astrological advice to make our love lives a little more predictable.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-today|"Today's Horoscope for Aquarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-today|"Today's Horoscope for Aries"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-today|"Today's Horoscope for Cancer"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-today|"Today's Horoscope for Capricorn"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-today|"Today's Horoscope for Gemini"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-today|"Today's Horoscope for Leo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-today|"Today's Horoscope for Pisces"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-today|"Today's Horoscope for Sagittarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-today|"Today's Horoscope for Scorpio"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-today|"Today's Horoscope for Taurus"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-today|"Today's Horoscope for Virgo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Aquarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Aries"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Cancer"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Capricorn"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Gemini"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Leo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Libra"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Pisces"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Sagittarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Scorpio"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Taurus"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-love-today|"Today's Love Horoscope for Virgo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Aquarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Cancer"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Capricorn"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Gemini"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Leo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Libra"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Pisces"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Sagittarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Scorpio"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Taurus"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horoscope for Virgo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Horsoscope for Aries"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Horoscope

    Tomorrow's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Aquarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Aries"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Cancer"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Capricorn"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Gemini"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Leo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Libra"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Pisces"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Sagittarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Scorpio"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Taurus"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-love-tomorrow|"Tomorrow's Love Horoscope for Virgo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Tomorrow's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| torpedo-adversary|"Torpedo Your Adversary"|TYA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to overpower the person in your life making you miserable and preventing you from moving forward."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Occasionally in life someone encounters a person who for whatever reason “has it in for you.” And despite whatever you say or do, this person simply won’t cease and desist directing their negative energy toward you. And all you want is for this person to stop their unwarranted aggression toward you. Or better still, simply disappear from your life altogether! Unfortunately, the fact is they are currently a haunting presence in your life, making your life miserable, preventing you from moving forward and enjoying life to the fullest.
    Is this your future?
    Your adversary’s evil intent may continue to cause a downward spiral in your life, causing you immense difficulty and repercussions.
    What can you do about it?
    If the above words ring true, the Torpedo Your Adversary spell could help you overpower their negative force, redirecting it back at them and, most important, getting this person off your back once and for all. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| treasure-trove-spell|"Treasure Trove of Riches"|TTS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you’re ready to change your life from ordinary to extraordinary, this is the spell for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you currently living from paycheck to paycheck? Do you sometimes feel stressed out and worried that you are seemingly on a treadmill and going nowhere? If so, you are not alone. And there is hope for you. A powerful Master Psychic is ready to summon his formidable psychic powers to work in your behalf, but first he would like to ask you a few questions.
    Is this you?
    • Are you a person of integrity?
    • Someone who has worked hard and diligently?
    • But hasn’t received the recognition and rewards you so deserve?
    • And you are growing impatient because you feel time is running out and you want to lead the good life?
    • A life of leisure...without worry or undue duress?
    • And to achieve this new way of life, you need a Treasure Trove of Riches?
    If the above words accurately describe you and your situation, the Master Psychic is ready to cast the Treasure Trove of Riches spell in your behalf. This potent spell is designed to liberate your pent-up creative powers, as well as positioning you to be at the right place at the right time. So if you’re ready to change your life from ordinary to extraordinary, you were destined to read these words at this time. Your dreams could quickly become reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tree-spell-forget-the-past|"Tree Spell Forget The Past"|TS3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Tree Spell Forget The Past"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your loved one keeps bringing up past disagreements and disappointments and is reluctant to let bygones be bygones, this unique spell plants the seeds of total forgiveness. The Forget the Past spell is for you if your lover is angry and stubborn.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tree-spell-make-him-her-lust-for-me|"Tree Spell Make Him/Her Lust For Me"|TS2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Tree Spell Make Him/Her Lust For Me"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you want to add mystery, lust, and excitement to your relationship and keep your lover's eyes ""only on you,"" this spell will put a smile on your face and lust in your lover's heart.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tree-spell-reunite-with-your-lover|"Tree Spell Reunite with Your Lover"|TS1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Tree Spell Reunite with Your Lover"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If your relationship is at a dead end and in danger of breaking apart, this potent spell could revive it.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tree-spell-special-request|"Tree Spell Special Request"|TS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Tree Spell Special Request"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This spell is tailored for your needs if you have a ""one-of-a-kind"" request that must be fulfilled immediately!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tree-spell-treasure-cove|"Tree Spell Treasure Cove"|TS4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Tree Spell Treasure Cove"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If it's money and security you seek, this spell plants the seeds of fertile moneymaking opportunities.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| tree-spells|"Tree Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Tree spells are timeless and are often called upon to unite couples in distress as well as to lead good people to the financial security and success they so deserve."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is a Tree spell for you? Take this test to see if a Tree spell could help you:
    • Are you in a relationship that seems to be unraveling at an increasing rate?
    • Is the man or woman in your life upset with you, angry, and increasingly unreasonable?
    • Do you want this person to act the way they did when you first met?
    • Are you having money problems or at a dead end in your career?
    • Do you have a special need that requires immediate action, and you can't wait another minute for it to happen?
    If the above questions resonate with you, then read on. Tree spells are timeless and are often called upon to unite couples in distress as well as to lead good people to the financial security and success they so deserve. These legendary spells are designed to direct a laser beam directly on the core problem. Their mission is to dissolve stress and anxiety from your life, while bringing love and financial success ASAP! So if you are in a relationship that is currently going through troubling and difficult times, or you need money in a hurry, here's what a tree spell could do for you:
    • Keep you strong as an oak to show the love of your life what you are made of.
    • Emit soothing vibrations to bring your loved one back into your caring, loving arms.
    • Add laughter, stability, and love to this most cherished relationship.
    • Put you on the shortest path to a financial windfall.
    • Bolster your determination and confidence so you will stay the course and experience happiness in love and life you never thought possible!
    The legendary Tree spells are not for everyone, but if the above words stir your blood and ring true to your desires, then take a look at the following and see which Tree spell could help you turn your life from distress to happiness.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-breakup-link|"Triple Cast Breakup Spell"||LINK.|triple-cast.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Mother of All Spells! A master psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then one more time!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-breakup-spell|"Triple Cast Breakup Spell"|TC3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 "|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    "|"Triple Cast Breakup Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • A couple is not meant to be. It is not their karma.
    • You will do anything to break them up.
    • You know in your heart they do not belong together.
    • Although you are not a vindictive person, you feel this is the just thing to do.
    • You see through the charade of their relationship.
    • You know they will breakup eventually. You are merely speeding up the process.
    • You want them apart. Now!
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Their Relationship Must Not Last! A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Breakup spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Breakup spell is for you if:
    • A couple is not meant to be. It is not their karma.
    • You will do anything to break them up.
    • You know in your heart they do not belong together.
    • Although you are not a vindictive person, you feel this is the just thing to do.
    • You see through the charade of their relationship.
    • You know they will breakup eventually. You are merely speeding up the process.
    • You want them apart. Now!
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-bring-me-luck-spell-link|"Triple Cast Bring Me Luck Spell"||LINK.|triple-cast.html#TC7||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is for you if you want your luck to soar in games of chance, lotteries, sweeps..."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-bring-me-luck-spell|"Triple Cast Bring Me Luck Spell"|TC7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Triple Cast Bring Me Luck Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • You need to have things fall your way for a change.
    • You want to be lucky in all aspects of your life.
    • You want to be in the right place at the right time– and recognize it.
    • You don't want to miss the boat again.
    • You want your luck to soar in games of chance, lotteries, sweeps...
    • You want your life to be easier, luckier, filled with good fortune.
    • You want that lucky streak to stay with you for a while.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Want to Be Lucky in All Aspects of Your Life? A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Bring Me Luck spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Bring Me Luck spell is for you if:
    • You need to have things fall your way for a change.
    • You want to be lucky in all aspects of your life.
    • You want to be in the right place at the right time– and recognize it.
    • You don't want to miss the boat again.
    • You want your luck to soar in games of chance, lotteries, sweeps...
    • You want your life to be easier, luckier, filled with good fortune.
    • You want that lucky streak to stay with you for a while.
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-bring-me-money-link|"Triple Cast Bring Me Money Spell"||LINK.|triple-cast.html#TC8||||""|""|""|""|"This spell is for you if you don't want to go through one more day worried about your finances."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-bring-me-money-spell|"Triple Cast Bring Me Money Spell"|TC8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Triple Cast Bring Me Money Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • You feel you deserve to have a lot of money because you've paid your dues.
    • You don't want to go through one more day worried about your finances.
    • Why should others have so much while you have to scrape for every dime?
    • You want to go shopping and not have a care in the world about how to pay for it.
    • You want others to notice that you are living well, have money in the bank, and can buy anything you want.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is It Your Time to Get Rich? A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Bring Me Money spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Bring Me Money spell is for you if:
    • You feel you deserve to have a lot of money because you've paid your dues.
    • You don't want to go through one more day worried about your finances.
    • Why should others have so much while you have to scrape for every dime?
    • You want to go shopping and not have a care in the world about how to pay for it.
    • You want others to notice that you are living well, have money in the bank, and can buy anything you want.
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-change-lovers-mind-spell|"Triple Cast Change Lover's Mind Spell"|TC1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 30"|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    "|"Triple Cast Change Lover's Mind Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • You must be reunited with that special person.
    • You cannot live without them.
    • You must have the love of your life by your side.
    • You will do anything to ensure their return.
    • The two of you are destined to be together.
    • You are not complete, not whole, not happy when you are apart.
    • If you have one more chance, you will make it work!
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Mother of All Spells! A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Change Lover’s Mind spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. This spell is for you if:
    • You must be reunited with that special person.
    • You cannot live without them.
    • You must have the love of your life by your side.
    • You will do anything to ensure their return.
    • The two of you are destined to be together.
    • You are not complete, not whole, not happy when you are apart.
    • If you have one more chance, you will make it work!
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-find-my-love-spell|"Triple Cast Find My Love Spell"|TC2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14"|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Triple Cast Find My Love Spell"|""|"

    This spell is for you if:
    • You know your soul mate is out there waiting for you.
    • It is time for the two of you to meet.
    • You will not be complete until you are together.
    • You will instantly know this is the right person the moment you meet.
    • You have so much to give and are bursting with anticipation.
    • You want to be held, caressed, adored, loved.
    • You don’t want to go through another day without the love of your life beside you.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It's Time to Meet Your Soul Mate A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Find My Love spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Find My Love spell is for you if:
    • You know your soul mate is out there waiting for you.
    • It is time for the two of you to meet.
    • You will not be complete until you are together.
    • You will instantly know this is the right person the moment you meet.
    • You have so much to give and are bursting with anticipation.
    • You want to be held, caressed, adored, loved.
    • You don’t want to go through another day without the love of your life beside you.
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-get-even-spell|"Triple Cast Get Even Spell"|TC5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 30"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|"Triple Cast Get Even Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • Someone has done you wrong, and you feel you must get even. Now!
    • You want this person to get their comeuppance and to stop bothering you.
    • You want all their bad thoughts to boomerang back at them.
    • You know in your heart you are the good person and that seeking revenge will even the score.
    • You want them to realize what they have done and understand they are being punished for it.
    • You want justice to be served.
    • You will feel much better knowing you have caused them much discomfort and unhappiness.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Has Someone Done You Wrong? A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Get Even spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Get Even spell is for you if:
    • Someone has done you wrong, and you feel you must get even. Now!
    • You want this person to get their comeuppance and to stop bothering you.
    • You want all their bad thoughts to boomerang back at them.
    • You know in your heart you are the good person and that seeking revenge will even the score.
    • You want them to realize what they have done and understand they are being punished for it.
    • You want justice to be served.
    • You will feel much better knowing you have caused them much discomfort and unhappiness.
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-happiness-spell|"Triple Cast Happiness Spell"|TC9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    "|"Triple Cast Happiness Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • You crave to be happy, to be surrounded by people who truly care about you.
    • You want to live your life in bliss, knowing you are a very, very lucky person.
    • You want good things to come your way so your confidence will soar. You want those closest to you to respect and adore you.
    • You want to wake up with a smile on your face knowing you have done your best – and that good things are about to happen.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Want to Be Surrounded by People Who Truly Care About You? A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Happiness spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Happiness spell is for you if:
    • You crave to be happy, to be surrounded by people who truly care about you.
    • You want to live your life in bliss, knowing you are a very, very lucky person.
    • You want good things to come your way so your confidence will soar. You want those closest to you to respect and adore you.
    • You want to wake up with a smile on your face knowing you have done your best – and that good things are about to happen.
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-lust-passion-spell|"Triple Cast Lust-Passion Spell"|TC4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24"|"
    Other Person's Name:
    "|"Triple Cast Lust-Passion Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • You want to make your sex life soar.
    • You want to make hot, uninhibited, frequent sex with your partner.
    • You want your partner to look at you with wild lust in their eyes.
    • You want your partner to touch you, enjoy every inch, every millimeter of your body.
    • You want your partner to think of you in a sensual, sexual, passionate way.
    • You want to feel the excitement, the anticipation, the hot pleasures of making passionate love.
    • You want your partner to have lust in their heart for you even when you are apart.
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Make Your Sex Life Soar! A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Lust-Passion spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Lust-Passion spell is for you if:
    • You want to make your sex life soar.
    • You want to make hot, uninhibited, frequent sex with your partner.
    • You want your partner to look at you with wild lust in their eyes.
    • You want your partner to touch you, enjoy every inch, every millimeter of your body.
    • You want your partner to think of you in a sensual, sexual, passionate way.
    • You want to feel the excitement, the anticipation, the hot pleasures of making passionate love.
    • You want your partner to have lust in their heart for you even when you are apart.
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast|"Triple Cast Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"The Mother of All Spells! A master psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then one more time!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    The Mother of All Spells!

    A master psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then one more time! To properly cast a Triple Cast spell, a Master Psychic must undergo a very time consuming and energy-draining process. Blocking out all other thoughts, he must clear his mind until it becomes a blank slate. Then he must concentrate solely on your request, focusing his formidable energies on the person the spell is directed toward. Then, ninety minutes after the spell is cast, he must start anew – from the beginning once again. And ninety minutes after this second spell is cast, he does it one more time! The reason the Triple Cast spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic has been magnified several times over. In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. Note: Because a Master Psychic must block out a significant period of time to cast a Triple Cast spell, it is requested that you ask for this spell only if you feel no other spell will fulfill your need. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||"(:TRIPLE-CAST-CHANGE-LOVERS-MIND-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-FIND-MY-LOVE-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-BREAKUP-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-LUST-PASSION-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-GET-EVEN-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-WEIGHT-LOSS-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-HAPPINESS-SPELL)"|"(:TRIPLE-CAST-CHANGE-LOVERS-MIND-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-FIND-MY-LOVE-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-BREAKUP-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-LUST-PASSION-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-GET-EVEN-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-WEIGHT-LOSS-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-LUCK-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-BRING-ME-MONEY-SPELL :TRIPLE-CAST-HAPPINESS-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"
    Dear CAA,

    No words can express feelings, but to say the least a tear drop, of ultimate joy, embraces my cheeks while typing this testimonial letter.

    After a long time of searching I finally found someone who truly loves me, just for what I am and not for what I have.

    My very best wishes and prayers to you and special thanks from the heart to the person who has cast the 3x spell on my behalf.

    You are great, and I'm so grateful

    Clement F.

    I have used CAA for more than a year now.

    By far the best spell for me has been the Triple Cast Weight Loss Spell. Within a week I have lost 5 lbs. and I have gotten renewed energy to restart my exercise program.

    I had been procrastinating, but I am back on track. Thanks.

    Lisa M.

    Dear CAA,

    I had the Triple Cast Spell cast for me and I noticed an immediate difference in the man I wanted returned to me.

    He starting acting the way he did when we first started dating. Thanks so much!

    Los Angeles, CA

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-weight-loss-link|"Triple Cast Weight Loss Spell"||LINK.|triple-cast.html||||""|""|""|""|"The Mother of All Spells! A master psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then one more time!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| triple-cast-weight-loss-spell|"Triple Cast Weight Loss Spell"|TC6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(44.95)||T|""|""|"Triple Cast Weight Loss Spell"|""|"
    This spell is for you if:
    • You have tried everything and can’t keep the weight off.
    • You don't want to feel guilty every time you sit down to a meal.
    • You want to look in the mirror and be proud of what you see.
    • You want to feel good about yourself.
    • You want to be noticed and admired by others.
    • You want the opposite sex to be attracted to you.
    • You want to have a body that's sensual and very appealing to that special person.
    • You want to lose weight and keep it off with ease.
    • You are at your wit's end and don’t know where to turn.
    • You want to be thin and stay thin!
    Learn More "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Want to Be Thin and Stay Thin? A Master Psychic will cast your spell once, then again, then again once more. The reason the Triple Cast Weight Loss spell is also called the Mother of All Spells is that by the time the identical spell is cast a third time, the telepathic powers of the Master Psychic have been magnified several times over. The Triple Cast Weight Loss spell is for you if:
    • You have tried everything and can’t keep the weight off.
    • You don't want to feel guilty every time you sit down to a meal.
    • You want to look in the mirror and be proud of what you see.
    • You want to feel good about yourself.
    • You want to be noticed and admired by others.
    • You want the opposite sex to be attracted to you.
    • You want to have a body that’s sensual and very appealing to that special person.
    • You want to lose weight and keep it off with ease.
    • You are at your wit's end and don't know where to turn.
    • You want to be thin and stay thin!
    In the world of metaphysics, Triple Cast spells are unequaled in their power and effectiveness. If you have exhausted all other avenues and feel the Triple Cast spell is the right one for you, we will be happy to assign our Master Psychic to your request."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trb5|"Turbo Charge a Breakup"|TRB5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Is there a relationship out there that is doomed to fail, and you simply want to speed up the process? If so, this spell is designed to do just that. So if someone you know is courting disaster by staying in a bad relationship, you can Turbo Charge a Breakup. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trb2|"Turbo Charge Your Finances"|TRB2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Both at work and in your investments, this spell is designed to bring you more money. If you are tired of scrimping and scratching for every dollar, this spell is for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| turbo-charge-spells|"Turbo Charge Your Life"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"These remarkable spells are designed to give you a jump start and get you moving again - immediately and in the right direction."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Boost Your Earnings! Power Up Your Love Life!
    If you feel you are running at half speed and your recent accomplishments are minimal, perhaps it's time to Turbo Charge your life. These remarkable spells are designed to give you a jump start and get you moving again - immediately and in the right direction. A Turbo Charge spell will benefit you, if:
    • You feel your life is moving at a snail's pace and you can't seem to rev it up to full speed.
    • You feel you need an instant charge to get you going and keep you going.
    • You know things have to get better and you simply need a big shove in the right direction.
    • You need to be energized!

    Take a look at the following spells and select the one that's right for you:
    "|||T|"(:TRB1 :TRB2 :TRB3 :TRB4 :TRB5)"|"(:TRB1 :TRB2 :TRB3 :TRB4 :TRB5)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trb1|"Turbo Charge Your Love Life"|TRB1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell will get you out of the doldrums and into the game again. If a current love relationship is on hold, this will spark renewed interest. If you seek a new love, this will put you in the right place at the right time to meet the love of your life. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trb3|"Turbo Charge Your Luck"|TRB3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" It's time to get lucky again and this spell is designed to put you in the driver's seat. If your luck seems to fall on the downside most of the time, then we suggest you Turbo Charge Your Luck. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| trb4|"Turbo Charge Your Sensuality "|TRB4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" If you feel sexy inside but regret that others don't see the ""sensuous"" you, you are in need of an instant Turbo Charge. This spell is designed to bring to the surface that playful, mischievous, sometimes naughty you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| turkish-love-pendant|"Turkish Love Pendant"|TLP|CUSTOM-ITEM||(49.95)||T|""|""|"Turkish Love Pendant"|""|"The mystical design of this stunning piece is designed to mesmerize the person whom you love."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The mystical design of this stunning piece is designed to mesmerize the person whom you love. When a potential suitor or loved one sets eyes on the Turkish Love Pendant, it is said the heart will melt with affection. Tradition holds that the Turkish Love Pendant attracts the best, brightest and ""most committed"" lover. Made of Sterling Silver embelished with mother of pearl and a touch of marcasite, this good luck piece will be a valuable addition to your collection. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| octology-2|"Two-Year Octology Forecast"|OCT2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35)|||"""Your Name"" Inscription 20 ""Your Birthdate (Month/Day/Year)"" Inscription 20"|"
    Your Name:
    Your Birthdate (Month/Day/Year):

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn|"U-Turn Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"Need a quick one-eighty turnaround in your relationship, finances, luck?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you currently in a situation that calls for drastic action? Are you at your wit’s end because everything you’ve tried up to now hasn’t worked? Do you believe that it’s possible for a person who has been blessed with advanced psychic powers to plant the seeds of success, love, financial rewards...? The Master Psychic known as Mattias is such a person. And he exclusively casts spells for clients of the California Astrology Association. Mattias has designed the U-Turn spells specifically to help clients who need a quick one-eighty turnaround in a current, seemingly impossible situation. So if you need drastic action and you need it now, take a look at the following U-turn spells and see which one or ones best apply to you.

    U-Turn: From Homewrecking to Homecoming

    Awaken the one you love to the damage they have done so they'll regret their decision and come running back to you! Learn More

    U-Turn: From Small to Substantial Bank Account

    This potent Small to Substantial Bank Account spell could alleviate your financial worries...and do it in a hurry. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Rocky to Rock-Solid Compatibility

    It's time for the rock-solid, secure relationship you've been dreaming of! Learn More

    U-Turn: From Unlucky to Lucky...Just Like That!

    If you need to improve your most important relationships, your financial situation, your life in general...this is the spell for you. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Frosty to Feverish for Me

    Once you and that special person are on the same wave length, your intimate moments together will fulfill your dreams...and your destiny. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Breakup to Begin Again

    If you believe your relationship is still viable, the Breakup to Begin Again spell could bring your loved one back to you. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Limited to Limitless Opportunity in Career and Finances

    This remarkable U-Turn spell is designed to free your imagination, allowing you to think out-of-the-box and get you moving in the right direction, both in career and in money matters. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Heartbreak to Happiness

    This dynamic U-Turn spell is designed to embed the seeds of commitment and love in your special person. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Lover’s Coldness to Compassion

    Is your relationship floundering because the person you care for so much is not giving you the warmth and tender-loving-care you so desire? Learn More

    U-Turn: From Lottery Loss to Lottery Champion

    Are you ready for a dramatic turnaround in the lottery as well as in other games of chance? Learn More

    U-Turn: From Couple to Non-Couple

    It's time to help them wake up to the fact that they are with the wrong person! Learn More

    U-Turn: From Indifference to Irresistible Attraction to Me

    This is your opportunity to win over that special person so they finally realize the two of you are right for each other. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Persecuted to Persecutor

    The Master Psychic Mattias is awaiting your call to bring a stop to this harassment and U-Turn it back in the direction from which it came. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Disloyal to Dependable Partner

    You know your loved one can be loyal and dependable, especially if they finally accept that you are the one and only one for them. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Self-Doubt to Self-Confident

    Perhaps it’s time for you to receive a needed injection of positive energy. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Heavy Heart to Happy Heart

    If it’s an issue of love or finances or any seemingly unsolvable problem, Mattias will implant the seeds of energy, positive thinking, and the will to get through this difficult period. Learn More

    U-Turn: From Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary

    This remarkable U-Turn spell is designed to liberate your creative juices. Learn More


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-begin|"U-Turn: From Breakup to Begin Again"|UT06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you believe your relationship is still viable, the Breakup to Begin Again spell could bring your loved one back to you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Very few things are as hurtful or as devastating as the disintegration of a relationship. Particularly, when it is the other person who initiated it. Despite the fact that you believed the relationship was still viable. If this describes your situation, this powerful U-Turn spell could plant the seeds of return in your loved one. This is your opportunity to let Master Psychic Mattias stand by your side and apply his psychic gifts in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-breakup|"U-Turn: From Couple to Non-Couple"|UT11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""The Couple's Names"" Inscription 45 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    The Couple's Names:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time to help them wake up to the fact that they are with the wrong person!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you know two people who are in a relationship that is destined to fail? But unfortunately one of them doesn’t realize the huge mistake they are making? And you are certain that eventually they will awaken to the fact they are with the wrong person? But you want it to happen now. Because the longer they are together it becomes more difficult to extricate themselves from this relationship. If the above words truly reflect your feelings, this potent U-turn spell could hasten the parting of this relationship sooner than you think. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-partner|"U-Turn: From Disloyal to Dependable Partner"|UT14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"You know your loved one can be loyal and dependable, especially if they finally accept that you are the one and only one for them."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you deeply disappointed with a loved one you care for so deeply? Because despite your love and devotion to this person, they continue to aggravate you, causing you stress, worry and anxiety. And you are fearful for the future of this once secure relationship? Yet you know your loved one can be loyal and dependable, especially if they finally accept that you are the one and only one for them. Once the Master Psychic Mattias plants the seeds of loyalty and commitment in the subconscious of your loved one, only then will they demonstrate their compassion and love for you. And soon the two of you could begin to enjoy the close, caring, loving relationship that will bring your dreams to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-feverish|"U-Turn: From Frosty to Feverish for Me"|UT05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Once you and that special person are on the same wave length, your intimate moments together will fulfill your dreams...and your destiny."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there one particular person you want to turn on? Is this person not giving you the sensual pleasures you so desire? And are you certain that once the two of you are on the same wave length, your intimate moments together will fulfill your dreams...and your destiny? If the above accurately describes what you have in mind, this powerful U-Turn spell is designed to bring your exciting fantasies to reality. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-happiness|"U-Turn: From Heartbreak to Happiness"|UT08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This dynamic U-Turn spell is designed to embed the seeds of commitment and love in your special person."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you insecure in your current relationship? Are you worried that your loved one isn’t as committed to you as you are to them? And is it always in the back of your mind that one day your partner may begin to look elsewhere? And that would be devastating to you? If the above words ring true, this dynamic U-Turn spell is designed to penetrate the subconscious mind of the person who means the world to you. And once the seeds of commitment and love are imbedded in their mind, it will be simply a matter of time before they realize once and for all that you – and only you—are the absolute only person for them. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-happy|"U-Turn: From Heavy Heart to Happy Heart "|UT16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If it’s an issue of love or finances or any seemingly unsolvable problem, Mattias will implant the seeds of energy, positive thinking, and the will to get through this difficult period."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Have recent events left you with a heavy heart? Are you unsure what you can do about it? If so, the Master Psychic Mattias could cast this potent U-Turn spell in your behalf to help get you get back on your feet and back in the game. So if it’s an issue of love or finances or any seemingly unsolvable problem, Mattias will implant the seeds of energy, positive thinking, and the will to get through this difficult period...ultimately leading to a surprisingly happy, satisfying future. Recipients of this remarkable spell often regard it as an important step in overcoming life-changing challenges. And achieving results many observers thought impossible to accomplish. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-homecoming|"U-Turn: From Homewrecking to Homecoming"|UT01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Awaken the one you love to the damage they have done so they'll regret their decision and come running back to you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is the person you so deeply care for not with you at this time? Have they moved on, possibly thinking someone else could fulfill their needs better than you? Could they also not be acting like the person you knew in the beginning of your relationship? And perhaps once they awaken to the damage they have done and regret their decision, they will come running back to you? If this is your most ardent wish, the potent Homewrecking to Homecoming spell will plant the seeds of return that will awaken your loved and hasten their return to you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-attraction|"U-Turn: From Indifference to Irresistible Attraction to Me"|UT12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This is your opportunity to win over that special person so they finally realize the two of you are right for each other. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Is there a specific person you want to win over? Are they more or less unaware of how much you care for them? And how beautiful the relationship could be? If only they’d be open to give it a chance? So if you are certain that once the two of you can spend some quality and “intimate” time together, this person will finally realize the two of you are right for each other. If this is what you feel in your heart, then this one-of-a-kind U-Turn spell has been created specifically for you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-opportunity|"U-Turn: From Limited to Limitless Opportunity in Career and Finances"|UT07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This remarkable U-Turn spell is designed to free your imagination, allowing you to think out-of-the-box and get you moving in the right direction, both in career and in money matters."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you feel locked-in, stunted in your working career? Do you feel your financial situation could use a quick fix? And are you frustrated and disappointed in that whatever you do, whatever you try, you appear to be blocked by invisible barriers preventing you from the success and happiness you so deserve? This remarkable U-Turn spell is designed to free your imagination, allowing you to think out-of-the-box and get you moving in the right direction, both in career and in money matters. So if you are ready to try something new, something invigorating, the Master Psychic Mattias is awaiting word from you to summon his formidable psychic powers in your behalf. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-champion|"U-Turn: From Lottery Loss to Lottery Champion"|UT10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you ready for a dramatic turnaround in the lottery as well as in other games of chance?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you believe it’s your time to hit it big? That you are a good person, a generous person, a loving person...and you truly deserve to lead the “good life?” To finally catch a break and win the big one? So much in life happens when you can literally feel that success is right around the corner. And somehow that positive energy seems to draw good things to you as if by a strong, giant magnet. So if you’re ready for a dramatic turnaround in the lottery as well as in other games of chance, this impressive U-Turn spell is designed to open the portals for you. And soon you could be enjoying the monetary rewards that will make you the envy of all who know you. And perhaps as important, you could be blessed with a dramatic impact on your most cherished relationships as well. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-compassion|"U-Turn: From Lover’s Coldness to Compassion "|UT09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Is your relationship floundering because the person you care for so much is not giving you the warmth and tender-loving-care you so desire?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Is your relationship floundering because the person you care for so much is not giving you the warmth and tender-loving-care you so desire?

    Do you feel it’s time for your loved one to change their aloofness, their apathy toward you and finally open up and express their most intimate, beautiful feelings about you?

    And do you believe this person truly does love you but has difficulty putting their feelings into action?

    If you truly want your loved one to overcome their inhibitions and make a sincere effort, your relationship would certainly benefit greatly.

    So if you’ve been waiting for a signal of some kind to help raise your compatibility to a higher level, this potent U-Turn spell could be the compatibility boost you’ve been seeking.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-extraordinary|"U-Turn: From Ordinary to Extra-Ordinary"|UT17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This remarkable U-Turn spell is designed to liberate your creative juices."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you at a point in life where you need to be energized, allowing you to explore new opportunities, new adventures? And to be directed toward a future filled with hope and excitement? To fulfill your dreams of romance, love, friendships...? This remarkable U-Turn spell is designed to liberate your creative juices, energizing you, allowing you to be open to meeting new people, engaging in new activities...while putting you at the right place at the right time. So if you’d like to get out of bed each morning with a smile on your face and quickly transition from an ordinary to an extra-ordinary life, you were meant to be reading these words at this precise moment. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-persecutor|"U-Turn: From Persecuted to Persecutor"|UT13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Master Psychic Mattias is awaiting your call to bring a stop to this harassment and U-Turn it back in the direction from which it came. "|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Does a particular person “have it in for you”? Is their evil intent having a negative impact upon your life? And do you feel it’s necessary for this to stop at once? And if possible, divert their negative energy back in their direction? The Master Psychic Mattias is awaiting your call to bring a stop to this harassment and U-Turn it back in the direction from which it came. It’s not in your best interests to continue on and allowing this nemesis to get the best of you. The time to act is now! Become the persecutor, not the persecuted. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-compatibility|"U-Turn: From Rocky to Rock-Solid Compatibility"|UT03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It's time for the rock-solid, secure relationship you've been dreaming of!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Do you dream of having a rock-solid, reliable relationship with your loved one? A relationship that will be peaceful, secure, loads of fun...and forever lasting? But is your relationship currently going through some rocky times that could have long term negative effects? If so, this potent U-Turn spell is designed to turn your relationship on a one-eighty, bringing you all the love and joyful experiences you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-selfconfident|"U-Turn: From Self-Doubt to Self-Confident"|UT15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Perhaps it’s time for you to receive a needed injection of positive energy."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you the type of person who is tough on yourself? Often second-guessing what you’ve done? Repeating those regretful thoughts: should’ve, could’ve, would’ve? And as a result do you often feel insecure, feeling that you should have taken a different course of action? If the above resonates with you, perhaps it’s time for you to receive a needed injection of positive energy. The Master Psychic Mattias is very fond of this unique U-Turn spell in that your moments of self-doubt can be erased and be replaced with a calm, confident attitude that will be noticeable to the important people in your life. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-substantial|"U-Turn: From Small to Substantial Bank Account"|UT02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Is your bank account so tenuous it is causing you anxiety and even loss of sleep? Do you wonder if you will ever be free of overwhelming bills and financial obligations? And are you worried that finances could negatively affect your most important relationship? This potent Small to Substantial Bank Account spell could alleviate your financial worries...and do it in a hurry. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| u-turn-lucky|"U-Turn: From Unlucky to Lucky...Just Like That!"|UT04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you need to improve your most important relationships, your financial situation, your life in general...this is the spell for you."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Recently, have things not turned out the way you’d prefer? Often because you never seem to be in the right place at the right time in order to take advantage of the important opportunities? And that no matter how hard you try, you can’t seem to be “catching the breaks”? And the bottom line is: you are in urgent need of a long, lucky streak? So if you need to improve your most important relationships, your financial situation, your life in general, this unique U-Turn spell could help you go from unlucky to lucky...just like that! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ultimate-reconciliation-spell|"Ultimate Reconciliation Spell"|URS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Ultimate Reconciliation Spell"|""|"The Ultimate Reconciliation spell is designed to instantly patch a broken partnership, allowing the two of you to forgive and forget."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    If you are reading this, it is likely you are going through a rough period with your partner. If your relationship is on the brink of disaster and it appears there's precious little time left, this remarkable spell could bring the two of you back into a binding, lasting relationship. The Ultimate Reconciliation spell is designed to instantly patch a broken partnership, allowing the two of you to forgive and forget. And perhaps most important of all, you will forge a joyful, lasting relationship. This spell not only softens the heart of the one you love, it changes their attitude toward you and their respect for you. And, finally, you will notice a positive change in the way your partner looks at you with a glint in their eye. Once this spell is cast, the nitpicking will subside, the arguments will dissipate, and the love, affection, warmth, and light-heartedness will return. Soon you will notice the two of you will be closer than you've ever been.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| uncrossingkit|"Uncrossing Spell Kit"|SK11|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Fallen under someone's spell? This ritual could cancel a hex or jinx. Also may stop bad luck. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| undiscovered-wealth|"Undiscovered Wealth Spell"|UDW|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"This unique and potent spell could bring you new opportunities to discover wealth that will affect virtually every aspect of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you like most people who have bypassed some opportunities that could have worked out very favorably for you? And could your life have taken a significantly different path had you acted upon them? Hopefully, you’ve learned from these miscalculations and will react differently next time. But if you want to speed up the next opportunity to present itself, a talented Master Psychic is prepared to cast the Undiscovered Wealth spell in your behalf. And it may turn your life around in your favor quicker than you think.
    Could you have written the following?
    • You are the type of person who can look yourself in the mirror and are willing to “objectively” analyze past decisions.
    • Because you know that knowledge and insight come from personal experiences...both good and bad.
    • And in time these learning experiences will prepare you to act accordingly when the next opportunity presents itself.
    • And finally, you will be in the right place at the right time to discover wealth that will affect virtually every aspect of your life: in your bank account, relationships, career, friendships...
    So if you are inspired by the above words, this unique and potent spell could bring you rewards that could make your fondest wishes come true. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| uninhibited-lust|"Uninhibited Lust"|ULS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Prepare yourself not only for spine-tingling excitement but a vastly improved relationship as well."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Is this your fondest hope that your partner will be as physically attracted to you as you are to them?

    Well, dream no more.

    If you truly want to have the best relationship possible with the one you love, the Uninhibited Lust spell could be what you’ve been searching for.

    Upon receiving the go-ahead from you, a skilled Master Psychic will summon his formidable powers to work in your behalf to bring your intimacy to new, previously unexplored heights.

    And the carryover from the exciting bedroom intimacies to the rest of your relationship could soon be evident in the vastly improved behavior of your partner.

    So if you are ready to experience the joys of Uninhibited Lust, prepare yourself not only for spine-tingling excitement but a vastly improved relationship as well.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| unsubscribe|"Unsubscribe from our Mailing List"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"READ THIS FIRST! Please note that the best way to unsubscribe is to click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the weekly emails that you receive from us! Doing so will unsubscribe you immediately. If you use this form, it may take 1-2 weeks to be removed from our mailing lists. At your request, we will gladly remove your name from our mailing list. We will place your email address on our ""exclude"" list, so you should never receive any email from us again, even if you choose to order our products or services in the future. You will receive a confirmation email at the address you enter. If you do not receive a confirmation email within 24 hours, there may be a problem with the email address you entered. In that case, please visit this page again and double-check your email address. If you change your mind, please use our webmaster contact form to let us know that you would like to be placed back on our mailing list. We appreciate having had the chance to serve you.
    Email Address:
    Please verify that your address is correct!

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| love-psychic-compatibility-wish1|"Unused Page"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| valentine|"Valentine Spells"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"St. Valentine's Day is a time for love, laughter and companionship. But what if you aren't in a loving, caring relationship?"|""|""|""|""|""|" St. Valentine's Day is a time for love, laughter and companionship. For those of you who have a devoted loved one who worships the ground you walk on, you are very fortunate, indeed. But what if you aren't in a loving, caring relationship? Or any relationship at all? Is this you?
    • You are alone, without someone who loves you and is there for you during good times and bad.
    • You feel isolated and ache with loneliness.
    • You wish with all your heart and soul to be with one special person.
    • And you fantasize how it would be to wake up each morning beside your mate knowing the two of you will spend a wonderful day together.

    This is also a time to feel financially secure, knowing you have the funds to support you in a lifestyle that affords you luxuries and the leisure time to enjoy them. So take a look at the various Valentine spells available for your benefit, and select the right one(s) for you."||||"(:VAL1 :VAL2 :VAL3 :VAL4 :VAL5 :VAL6)"|"(:VAL1 :VAL2 :VAL3 :VAL4 :VAL5 :VAL6)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| valentines-day|"Valentine's Day Gift Ideas"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    ""I can't believe how quickly it worked!"" I want to thank you for saving my love life. A few months ago I was on the brink of depression...luckily I found your site and had the ""Valentine"" spell cast. Within a week my crush came to me and told me how much she cared for me. I still can't believe how quickly it worked. Now we are moving in together. Thank you so much!!! D. Blaine
    Juan Cruz, CA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    We've collected some of our most popular and romantic good luck pieces -- each of these would make a terrific Valentine's Day gift. We are so certain you will be pleased with the results, we absolutely, unconditionally guarantee everything for up to one full year. Period. No questions asked.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| vampire-spells|"Vampire Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Very few skilled practitioners remain in the world who are qualified to cast these complex, powerful spells... "|""|""|""|""|""|" In the 17th century, a breakaway sect of Romanian Gypsies known as the Dark Ones were both respected and feared for what some called a supernatural practice: They were skilled in the ancient art of casting Vampire spells. To survive the horrors of persecution, the Dark Ones seemingly vanished only to recently emerge in the friendlier confines of modern western civilization. Today, we are happy to report this secretive sect is experiencing a renaissance. Unfortunately, very few skilled practitioners remain in the world who are qualified to cast these complex, powerful spells. However, the California Astrology Association is honored to have one of the most experienced and qualified experts who specializes in Vampire spells. For a limited time and for a fraction of his normal fee, he has agreed to cast Vampire spells exclusively for our clients.
    The Vampire spells which can be cast in your behalf are:
    "||||"(:VA1 :VA2 :VA3 :VA4 :VA5 :VA6 :VA7 :VA8 :VA9 :VA10 :VA11 :VA12 :VA13)"|"(:VA1 :VA2 :VA3 :VA4 :VA5 :VA6 :VA7 :VA8 :VA9 :VA10 :VA11 :VA12 :VA13)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va9|"Vampire's Blameless Spell"|VA9|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This powerful spell removes all doubt about your past actions (particularly the unfair ones which you had little control over), clearing your name, removing the shadows cast upon you. Now you can proceed in life with a clean slate and a clear conscience. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va2|"Vampire's Bloodcurdling Spell"|VA2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell sucks the life's blood from the person who has been tormenting you. Your nemesis will suddenly lack the energy and will power to cause you harm. This is what this spell may do: instill doubt, fear and lack of confidence resulting in a deterioration of their physical and emotional well being. Soon, you could notice a heavy weight has been lifted from your shoulders, and life more pleasant, more fulfilling. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va3|"Vampire's Bloody Lucky Spell"|VA3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This is a momentum-changing spell. It appeals to the spirits to stay by your side and lead you to success in all aspects of your life: romance, finances, career, and friendships. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va4|"Vampire's Couple-Breaker Spell"|VA4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Warning: This powerful spell cannot be reversed. Think long and careful before requesting the Couple-Breaker spell because it is designed to wreak havoc and “irreversible” damage to a relationship. If two people are currently together who should not be with each other, look no further. This remarkable spell causes dissension, arguments and an overall unpleasantness leading to a parting of the ways. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va1|"Vampire's Eternal Love Spell"|VA1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Whether you are searching for a new love, seek the return of an old love, or desperately want a current lover to be, well, more loving…this potent Vampire Spell is designed to bring you ultimate satisfaction both in and out of the bedroom. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va13|"Vampire's Exorcise Evil Demons from Loved One Spell"|VA13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If your loved one is cold, aloof, and insensitive to you, it could be due to inner demons which are suffocating your lover’s good nature and kindness. Once these evil demons are exorcised, your loved one will finally be free to bestow upon you the love, respect, and happiness you desire. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va10|"Vampire's Money-Thirsty Spell"|VA10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell attracts money and riches as if drawn by a magnet. It is designed to open the doors to opportunity, allowing you to lead the leisurely life you’ve always desired. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va7|"Vampire's Red Cell Booster Spell"|VA7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Designed to bring you glorious winnings in any game of chance. Whether in lottery, bingo, or Las Vegas, this spell calls upon the spirits to fill your bank account to the brim. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va6|"Vampire's Return To Your Arms Spell"|VA6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Designed to return your lover back to you. This spell dissipates the hard feelings and bad memories preventing your lover from recognizing and appreciating all the wonderful things about you that brought the two of you together in the first place. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va8|"Vampire's Sexier You Spell"|VA8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    This spell magnifies your sexual appeal and stimulates your partner to desire, hold and ravish you. Once this spell is cast, lovemaking will be equally enhanced for you and your partner. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va11|"Vampire's Sink Your Teeth Spell"|VA11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    An all purpose, very potent spell. Whether it’s love you seek, or a bushel full or money, or a boost in career, or even the banishment of a rival, this relentless spell doesn’t let go until all of your goals are reached. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va12|"Vampire's Terminate Negativity Spell"|VA12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    If you feel held back in your ability to accomplish what needs to be done, you may be hindered by inner forces which are squashing your creativity. This powerful spell terminates the negative forces draining you of the energy needed to fulfill your destiny. The result could be a remarkable turnaround in ALL aspects of your life! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| va5|"Vampire's Wickedly Naughty Spell"|VA5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(32.95)|(25)|T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    Is it love you’re after? Or maybe just an old fashioned romp under the covers? Or, perhaps wild sex that you’ve fantasized but never experienced? Hold on to your hat and anything else that comes into mind as this spell could elevate you and your lover to the highest reaches of sexual fulfillment. Get ready for the time of your life! "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| overrides|"Variable Overrides"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| venus-love-spell|"Venus Love Spell"|VLS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Venus Love Spell"|""|"The Venus Love spell is specifically designed to save a relationship on the edge of destruction."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This potent spell is best called upon when a relationship is teetering on destruction. Ask yourself these three questions to determine if the Venus Love spell could help you:
    • Are you committed to this relationship one hundred percent but fear it is unraveling at a rapid pace?
    • Is the one you love rejecting you?
    • Do you truly believe that if this relationship cannot be saved your life will never be the same?
    If you answered yes to the above questions, you are indeed at a critical juncture in your life, and you currently have three very distinct roads to take:
    1. You can hope and pray this person will see the light and return to your open arms.
    2. You can throw up your hands, admit you've had enough, and call it quits.
    3. Or you can do everything within your power to make this the happiest of relationships.
    If you've selected number one or number two, there's no need to read any further. Good luck and we wish you well. Make your own destiny! However, if you've selected the third path and feel it's time to ""make your own destiny,"" you should seriously considered having a Venus Love spell cast in your behalf. And here's why: The Venus Love spell is specifically designed to save a relationship on the edge of destruction. So if you and your loved one are currently estranged, there is something you can do: ask a gifted psychic to cast a potent Venus Love spell to get your life back on track!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| viewallcharms|"View All"||LINK.|good-luck-charms.html||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| viewallmoney|"View All"||LINK.|money.html||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| viewalllove|"View All"||LINK.|love.html||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| viewallvoodoowanga|"View All"||LINK.|voodoo-and-wanga.html||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-compatibility-spell|"Virgo Compatibility Spell"|ZV3|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Virgo Compatibility Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" So Virgo, if you are reading this, you may be having compatibility problems with a very special person. If so, you have come to the right place. One of the things you should examine is your tendency to say what's on your mind. This Virgo trait of being honest and straightforward is admirable, but sometimes a loved one's feelings can be hurt if you aren't careful in your wording. So, how can the Virgo Compatibility spell work for you? This spell is designed to bring the two of you closer. It's time for your partner to be more caring, more loving to you, Virgo. And it's time for him or her to wake up and realize all that you have done for them, not to mention how committed you are to the relationship. True compatibility can only be accomplished if the effort from both sides is equal, and as a true Virgo most likely you have done more than your share. This spell is designed to penetrate the mind and heart of the one you love so they will be as gentle and as loving as you. If your relationship needs fixing, look no further. This spell is for you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-love-lust-laughter-spell|"Virgo Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|ZV5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Virgo Love/Lust/Laughter Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can be a particularly effective one for you, Virgo, and it could bring about the excitement you've been dreaming about for some time. Virgo's strive for and often achieve an above average sex life. Something you certainly look forward to is to experience the stimulation and excitement flowing through your veins when you are just about to enjoy an intimate moment. After all, even though Virgo's don't wear their emotions of their sleeves, anyone who is close to you recognizes that you are a very sensual person. You also look forward to being with someone who has a great sense of humor. You, Virgo, have a dry sense of humor, although occasionally you are apt to be sarcastic. You can be very demanding of your friends and family because you adhere to a high set of standards, and you expect to be surrounded by people who have the same values as you. Above all, this spell plants the seeds of love, lust and laughter not only within you but with the person you are most intimate with. You are indeed in for a treat once this fantastic spell takes hold.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-money-spell|"Virgo Money Spell"|ZV2|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Virgo Money Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" These are difficult times, Virgo. Jobs are scarce, money is tight, and during these unpredictable times you could use a little help, a little guidance. So if your finances are at a low point, and you seek a way to dramatically increase your funds, why go it alone when a skilled practitioner in the art of Zodiac spell casting can help show you the way? The goal of the Virgo Money spell is to instill in your psyche the creativity, fortitude, and luck that will lead you to the promised land of milk and honey.
    Your big break

    This potent spell is designed to open the doors for you to make a lot of money as quickly and as easily as possible. For someone who has been searching for the ""right"" opportunity, all you need is that one big break. Your financial situation may seem dismal at this time, but you are capable of turning it around quickly - with a little help from your friends.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-reconciliation-spell|"Virgo Reconciliation Spell"|ZV6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Virgo Reconciliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" In a rocky relationship, Virgo? In a quandary because you can't seem to resolve the problems between you, and the situation appears to be getting worse? And you have this terrible fear in the back of your mind that the relationship could possibly come to an end? If your relationship requires something extraordinary to make it whole, you have come to the right place. The Virgo Reconciliation spell is designed to:
    • Reunite the two of you in a loving relationship.
    • Smooth out the differences between you.
    • And to make sure the bond is very, very tight.
    If you have not been successful in healing the discontent between you, perhaps it's time to call upon an expert who specializes in reuniting couples. It is the goal of the spell-caster to penetrate the inner being of the one you love, and to instill in this person the same feeling, the same caring, the same desires toward you as you have for them. Above all, when the seeds of reconciliation are planted, the discontent, the arguments, the unhappiness that have led to these troubled times between you will begin to dissipate. May this spell bring you the happy, joyful relationship you so deserve.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-retaliation-spell|"Virgo Retaliation Spell"|ZV4|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known)"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Astrology Sign of Other Person (if known):
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Virgo Retaliation Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" Does this sound familiar? Someone has it in for you. For whatever reason, this person is determined to cause you trouble and make things difficult for you. And you can't quite understand why they feel such antagonism toward you. Is it jealousy? Is it due to low self-esteem? Or perhaps the answer is a simple one: this is an angry, unhappy person, and if they don't feel good about themselves they feel better by taking out their hostility on you? If the above reflects your situation, and you are at the point where you have had enough, maybe it's time to stand up for yourself. Perhaps it's time to retaliate! This spell instills self-doubt and even fear in the heart and soul of the person who has been harassing you. So, Virgo, if the time has come to push back, this is the perfect spell for you. The Virgo Retaliation spell is designed to even the score, to penetrate the mind of the evildoer with the ultimate goal of ridding this person from your life. And once the spell is cast, they will not only realize the error of their ways but they will begin to feel their negative energy rebounding back to them. This spell penetrates the psyche of the person who has been causing you trouble, and soon they will begin to feel weak as their strength begins to dissipate. The ultimate goal of this spell is to bring your antagonist to their knees, to the point of despair, so they will be rendered harmless. So, if you have someone who is out to get you, this is your chance to not only neutralize this person, but to also scare the daylights out of them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-true-love-spell|"Virgo True Love Spell"|ZV1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY)"" Inscription 17 ""Birth Time (if known)"" Inscription 15 ""Place of Birth"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Birth Date (MM/DD/YYYY):
    Birth Time (if known):
    Place of Birth:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Virgo True Love Spell"|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This spell can work for you if you are already in a relationship or are searching for a new one. For you, Virgo, true love is the ""only"" thing, and you find it difficult to imagine going through life without it. While some people you know find it hard to define true love, you know in your heart what it is. Most of all, you want your partner to be one-hundred percent in love with you, to be loyal, honest, faithful, and to love you even on the difficult days - the days you may not be getting along. This is a typical Virgo trait. You rarely do things halfway, and when it comes to romance and love, it's all the way or nothing. You know you have so much to give, and you believe your life cannot be truly fulfilled until you are with the love of your life. You seek not only to be with your mate but also to be totally committed and fulfilled in every way with them. To hold your lover and to be held... This is all you want. It's as simple as that. If you want your mate to unconditionally love you, this spell is designed for you, Virgo.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-zodiac-spells|"Virgo Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Exclusive to the California Astrology Association: Zodiac Spells cast by Burton, the internationally acclaimed astrologer/psychic. Choose from six powerful Zodiac spells, and Burton will work in your behalf to make your most fervent desire come to reality. "||||"(:VIRGO-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :VIRGO-MONEY-SPELL :VIRGO-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :VIRGO-RETALIATION-SPELL :VIRGO-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :VIRGO-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|"(:VIRGO-TRUE-LOVE-SPELL :VIRGO-MONEY-SPELL :VIRGO-COMPATIBILITY-SPELL :VIRGO-RETALIATION-SPELL :VIRGO-LOVE-LUST-LAUGHTER-SPELL :VIRGO-RECONCILIATION-SPELL)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-breakup-spell|"Voodoo Breakup Spell"|VS6|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Love Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Add an All-Purpose Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Request This Potent Spell Only as a Last Resort!

    This powerful spell can only be cast on couples who should not be together. Be certain you want them to break up because this spell works!

    If a relationship between two people is preventing you from fulfilling your life's dream, and you truly feel they do not belong together, this spell could bring you back into the picture again."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| vo1|"Voodoo Come Back My Love Spell"|VS2|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Love Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Nothing is worse than a loved one who won't listen to reason and refuses to come back to you. This spell is designed to make contact with that special person, implanting the seeds of forgiveness, love and desire for you."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-double-luck-spell-link|"Voodoo Double Luck Spell"||LINK.|voodoospells.html#VS7||||""|""|""|""|"Go from Losing to Winning Instantly!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-double-luck-spell|"Voodoo Double Luck Spell"|VS7|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Luck Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Go from Losing to Winning Instantly!

    You know what it's like to win. When you're in a winning streak, you can feel it; in fact, you can almost taste it! It's as if you know you can't lose. And you seem to have an air of invincibility about you; people can see it.

    But when things turn sour, no matter what you do or how hard you try, you can't change it. And it permeates every fiber of your being, from your love life to your friendships to your financial situation.

    So, if you want to return to your winning ways--instantly--let the spirits of Voodoo work in your behalf. The Voodoo Double Luck spell could be the quickest, easiest way to turn losing into winning."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-hawk-spell|"Voodoo Hawk Spell"|VS8|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Love Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Capture the Love of Your Life!

    This potent spell calls upon the powerful spirit of the hawk to bring your prize to you.

    Whether you yearn for love or riches or contentment, the Voodoo Hawk spell is designed to fulfill your fondest wish. If you despair over a lover who has gone astray, or perhaps you crave to be touched and cared for by a new love, the Voodoo Hawk spell calls upon powerful spirits to do your bidding.

    If it is everlasting love you seek, look no further. If it is wealth and a life of ease you seek, the Voodoo Hawk spell is what you have been waiting for. It is time to show others your strengths, your beauty, your uniqueness.

    The powerful hawk flies higher than other creatures. He hovers in the wind as he looks down upon his vast kingdom. His keen eyes look knowingly at the earth below. It is as if he is the lord of the universe and all other things are his servants.

    This is your moment to let the powers of the Hawk bring your prize to you."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-hot-lust-spell|"Voodoo Hot Lust Spell"|VS5|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Love Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    Get Ready for the Time of Your Life!

    Are you ready for a great sex life? Are you ready to experience the sensual pleasures very few even dream of?

    The Voodoo Hot Lust spell calls upon powerful spirits to make you irresistible to the special person you wish to attract. If you are a sensual person and you want to be loved and make love, get ready for the time of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| vs4|"Voodoo Instant Riches Spell"|VS4|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Money Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    All you've ever dreamed of could happen when this awesome spell is cast. Prepare yourself to be blessed with material wealth and a lifestyle of ease, respect, excitement and pleasure!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-love-amulet|"Voodoo Love Amulet"|VLA|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|""|""|"Voodoo Love Amulet"|""|"The power to attract that special person."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Made of pure sterling silver.
    The legendary Voodoo Love Amulet is unlike anything you've ever seen. The moment you take possession of this mystical charm and hold it in your hand, you will feel its extraordinary magnetism. When you wear or carry the Voodoo Love Amulet, it is not unusual to experience a surge of energy and confidence racing through your body. It is a feeling of euphoria few have ever experienced. You will also notice that others will not only be drawn to you but will also discover unique qualities in you they hadn't noticed before. The Voodoo Love Amulet focuses attention on you! When you are with someone you want to impress, look closely into their eyes and witness for yourself how you stimulate their curiosity, bringing a smile to their face. It is as if you have cast out a line and are reeling them in towards you. See how you have whet their appetite with a hunger and thirst to learn more about you, arousing an intense desire to be with you -- even to the point of smoldering. Others who may not have paid much attention to you previously will want to be in your company and may not understand why they suddenly have an irresistible urge to talk to you, learn more about you, want to please you. And perhaps for the first time, they will see your inner beauty, your sensuality, the ""real"" you that all too often people don't see. If you feel that some people don't ""get"" you, this is the amulet that will make a vast difference in your life. And if you yearn to attract that one particular person to you, the Voodoo Love Amulet could be the answer to your prayers. So, if there is someone in your life who doesn't appreciate you for who you are, and seems remote and indifferent, just see how they react the instant you take possession of the Voodoo Love Amulet. This is your chance to end loneliness and heartache, and spend the rest of your life with someone who truly cares for you. Beautifully crafted out of pure sterling silver, the Voodoo Love Amulet will be a treasured keepsake that brings dramatic changes to your life. Chain included."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA,

    I requested the Make Me Sexy Spell back in December, along with the Voodoo Love Amulet because I have been feeling like I am no longer capturing the attention I so crave from the guys. It is now January and WOW!!! The men are noticing me as if I was a goddess walking into the room. They tend to become speechless, stare, get clumsy, and some stumble thier words and get all gooey when around me. Just today, this one really good-looking man, whose attention I have been wanting to get, finally really noticed me and stood close to me and put his head on my shoulder. This spell and amulet are truly what I needed to give me back my attention grabbing sex appeal!
    My confidence is soaring and when I walk out the door I am truly smoking. I never take off my amulet now. Thank you sooooooo very much CAA! K.C.
    Fremont, CA
    Dear CAA,

    I really do believe in this site.

    A few months ago I was a gigantic mess, more mentally than physically. I was going through the roughest time in my life.

    Then, I ordered the Starting Over Spell, the Voodoo Love Amulet, Feng Shui's Symbol of Unlimited Happiness, and the Love-Luck-Money Spell by Burton.

    It is a lot that I bought, I know, but it was completely worth it.

    I believe God helped me find this site. I'm so thankful for the spells.

    Now, I am sooo happy! I'm in love, I have a car, I'm doing well in school, I made a lot of friends, and men are attracted to me.

    New Jersey


    I bought from you the Samadhi and the Voodoo Love Amulet.

    I cant believe it, it really works for me. I feel so beautiful and so lucky now.

    It is really amazing what these powers can do. At first I thought no magic will ever change my luck, but now thanks to the Samadhi and Voodoo Love Amulet, I feel happy and lucky!

    Thank you sooo much for making me happy again. Bless you.


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| vo|"Voodoo Love Spell"|VS1|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add a Love Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    This powerful spell could soften the heart of your loved one. Past disappointments and resentments may be dissolved, focusing the relationship on the love and friendship you have for one another."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| vs3|"Voodoo Ultimate Revenge Spell"|VS3|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Add a Voodoo Doll?"" ""No thanks"" ""Add an All-Purpose Voodoo (+19.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Voodoo Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

    A very powerful spell that should be cast only if a person has truly done you wrong. Once psychic contact is made, they may feel the wrath of your anger and be sorry they ever messed with you. Think carefully before requesting this spell! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-ultimate-revenge-spell-link|"Voodoo Ultimate Revenge Spell"||LINK.|voodoospells.html||||""|""|""|""|"A very powerful spell that should be cast only if a person has truly done you wrong. They will feel the wrath of your anger and will be sorry they ever messed with you! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| voodoo-weight-loss-link|"Voodoo Weight Loss Spell"||LINK.|voodoospells.html||||""|""|""|""|"Need support and strength to take those pounds off? The Voodoo Weight Loss spell could help you lose weight easily and, more important, keep it off!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-amazing-lust-spell|"Wanga Amazing Lust Spell"|WS05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Sex Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Money Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Amazing Lust Spell"|""|"
    Do you physically desire someone but are frustrated that this person is not reciprocating your advances or fulfilling your sexual needs? If so, you should consider asking a skilled Wanga Master to give you a helping hand. The Wanga Amazing Lust spell can free your partner from his or her sexual inhibitions. And once this is done, your partner will not be limited with predetermined notions about what should or should not be done behind closed doors.Tell Me More

    Do you physically desire someone but are frustrated that this person is not reciprocating your advances or fulfilling your sexual needs? If so, you should consider asking a skilled Wanga Master to give you a helping hand. As you probably know, sex is ninety percent in the mind. The difference between a good lover and a poor lover is usually decided in what that person ""thinks"" about sex. If he or she has an open mind and is willing to try new things (rather than the same old thing), there's a good possibility that the sexual experience will be enhanced. What the Wanga Amazing Lust spell can do is free your partner from his or her sexual inhibitions. And once this is done, your partner will not be limited with predetermined notions about what should or should not be done behind closed doors. Is this you?
    • You have wild sexual fantasies, and you know you can bring the ""right"" person to ecstatic heights.
    • You are a very sensual person but you must have someone who is sensual and uninhibited if you are to be at your best.
    • You realize that good sex is only one aspect of a good relationship, but without it you're afraid the partnership could eventually end in failure.
    • You are a very creative, very imaginative person. And even those closest to you would be quite surprised what goes through your mind when you're thinking about sex.

    If the above words ring true, the Wanga Amazing Lust spell is just what the doctor ordered. It could bring an amazing (and exciting) change to your life.
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-career-booster-spell|"Wanga Career-Booster Spell"|WS10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Success Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Money Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Luck Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Career-Booster Spell"|""|"
    This powerful spell is for you if your career has fallen off track and you need immediate assistance to straighten it out. At one time or another, even the most successful people in life have fallen on tough times. The key question is how long will it take for that person to rise from the ashes and experience glorious success? This spell is designed to make it your time to shine. Once the Wanga Career-Booster spell is cast in your behalf, you will be on your way!Tell Me More

    This powerful spell is for you if your career has fallen off track and you need immediate assistance to straighten it out. Is this you?
    • You are bright and you want to make a lot of money.
    • You feel you can be successful once you are in a position that you love.
    • You know for certain that once you are motivated, nothing can stop you.
    • You know that when given the opportunity, you will shine.
    • You need luck on your side because you are frustrated and tired of seeing people less talented than you pass you by.
    At one time or another, even the most successful people in life have fallen on tough times. The key question is how long will it take for that person to rise from the ashes and experience glorious success? See if you have experienced the following:
    • A supervisor or fellow worker has sought to undermine your ability and achievements.
    • Your accomplishments have either been completely forgotten or weren't recognized in the first place.
    • You are frustrated and upset that after all this time and hard work, you still are not sitting on top of the heap.
    This is your moment! This spell is designed to make it your time to shine. Once the Wanga Career-Booster spell is cast in your behalf, you will be on your way!
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-couple-exploder-spell|"Wanga Couple Exploder Spell "|WS07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Breakup Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Hex Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Couple Exploder Spell "|""|"
    The Wanga Couple Exploder spell has one primary goal: To dissolve this relationship as soon as possible. This potent spell is meant to be a facilitator. It is specifically designed to speed up the process, allowing the couple to go their separate ways, free at last from a bond that shouldn't have occurred in the first place. Tell Me More

    Some couples are not meant to be. For whatever reason, these pairings fail because the two people are rarely on the same wavelength. Whether it's a conflict in personalities or a different set of values, sooner or later a divorce is imminent. Symptoms of such pairings find the couple often arguing. There is dissension, mistrust, and a wide variety of difficulties that slowly eat away at the foundation of the relationship. Eventually, one or both of the partners will realize it is best to separate. This potent spell is meant to be a facilitator. It is specifically designed to speed up the process, allowing the couple to go their separate ways, free at last from a bond that shouldn't have occurred in the first place. Is this you? You know of a specific relationship that is surely destined to fail. And you are certain that if this bad relationship continues, someone you care for so deeply will be badly hurt. And you want to spare this person the pain and suffering of continued hostility and resentment. (NOTE: It is possible that one of the people involved may have entered the relationship as a rebound, possibly from you. And you - perhaps frantically - want this person back in your life. Also, and this is very important, your heart may be breaking thinking of the possibility that the two of you may never be together again.) The Wanga Couple Exploder spell has one primary goal: To dissolve this relationship as soon as possible. Otherwise, it could linger over the coming months and years. Order this spell if:
    • One or both parties are not meant for each other.
    • You are certain that one of the person's involved is on the wrong track and you must set things straight before catastrophe sets in.
    • You feel that because you're looking in from the outside, you have a better perspective and can see things they can't.
    • This flawed relationship is hurting other people as well…possibly you.

    Once you consider the above words carefully and thoroughly, if you still feel you must do everything within your power to break this couple up, then this spell is for you. PROCEED WITH CAUTION: This is a very potent spell that plants the seeds of destruction in a relationship. You should think very carefully before requesting it.
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wangadolls|"Wanga Dolls"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Possess the Wanga and Let Its Extraordinary Powers Work For You!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Wanga Dolls can bring you love, money, success, revenge--anything you desire! Select the doll or dolls that fit your specific need, then experience the wonders that only a Wanga may bring! Wanga Dolls summon the forces of the night, supernatural forces that are beyond man's comprehension. Each Wanga represents a powerful spirit that could work in behalf of the person who possesses it. Possess the Wanga and let its extraordinary powers work for you! Wanga Dolls are hand-crafted and hand-painted, so please order your Wanga only if your need is great. What people are saying about Wangas
    Dear CAA, I just have to tell everyone that the Love Wanga really worked for me. I had divorced a very abusive and hateful man 2 1/2 years ago. I had known nothing but sadness during our 7 year marriage. Shortly after, I ordered the Love Wanga doll--just to see what might happen. Boy was I surprised!! Right after I received it I placed a personal ad and met several nice men. I went on many dates and finally met the man of my dreams. We are engaged and will be married next summer. He is the kindest man I've ever met. My son adores him and he's a great role model for him. I hope others decide to give the Love Wanga a chance. Thank you. Toni Jo
    Cleveland, Ohio

    My Wanga helped me out in my time of need.

    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    We love our Wanga Dolls!

    We purchased the Money and Luck Wangas and have won money nearly every time at the casinos.

    Ann Arbor, MI

    I sent for a love wanga and within four days I got the results I wanted.

    My boyfriend had left me for about a month. He didn't even want to talk to me on the phone! But a few days after I got the Love Wanga he was a different person to me.

    Now he loves me more than he did before. I owe it all to you! Keep up the good work!

    Atlanta, GA

    The Wanga Dolls do work!

    I asked the Luck Wanga to help me sell items on the internet which were not shifting. Now I'm selling everything quite easily.

    I asked the Controlling Wanga to help me get the money that was owed to me, and after a few days I did!

    I recommend the Wangas to everyone. Thanks, CAA!

    Heather E.
    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-love-and-money-spell|"Wanga Love and Money Spell"|WS01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Money Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Luck Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Love and Money Spell"|""|"
    This unique spell is designed to captivate and convince the person you love that you are the absolutely ""right one"" for them. And if your bank account is drifting lower and lower, this spell will also help you solve your financial woes. And it will appear amazingly simple. Once your Wanga Love and Money spell is cast, your inner juices will begin to surge throughout your body, freeing your creative abilities that will enhance every aspect of your life, from career to friendships, from your finances to your love life. Tell Me More

    Do you have a problem with your lover that is haunting you, that is approaching the point of no return? Or perhaps your financial situation is deteriorating at an ever-increasing rate? Or both? Is this you?
    • A very important relationship is causing you so much worry and stress, it is affecting every aspect of your life. And you are worried sick because you have tried everything - and you are running out of options.
    • To make matters worse, although you have worked hard all your life trying to make ends meet, your financial difficulties never seem to end.
    • And you fear going through the rest of your life alone and lonely -- without the funds to keep you safe and secure.
    What a Wanga Master can do for you! If a love interest is causing you trouble or perhaps has ""left the field,"" a skilled Wanga Master will cast a spell to ""instill in your lover"" that you are the one and only person who can make them happy. This unique spell is designed to captivate and convince the person you love that you are the absolutely ""right one"" for them. And if your bank account is drifting lower and lower, this spell will also help you solve your financial woes. And it will appear amazingly simple. Once your Wanga Love and Money spell is cast, your inner juices will begin to surge throughout your body, freeing your creative abilities that will enhance every aspect of your life, from career to friendships, from your finances to your love life. Be prepared for a wondrous change in you! And once you undergo this wonderful transformation, you will be a confident, joyful, financially secure person. Soon you will be walking alongside that special person who will find your new aura absolutely irresistible! The ultimate goal! The Wanga Master's ultimate goal is to bring you the extreme happiness you so dearly deserve.
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-lovers-attitude-adjustment-spell|"Wanga Lover's ""Attitude Adjustment"" Spell"|WS02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Attraction Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Sex Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Lover's ""Attitude Adjustment"" Spell"|""|"
    The Wanga Lover's ""Attitude Adjustment"" spell is designed to blast through the resistance your lover has erected. And until this is accomplished, nothing you can say or do will change their mind. The purpose of this potent spell is to startle your loved one, to make them aware of the foolishness and recklessness of their current course. And to convince them of the possibility that they could lose you and suffer the lifelong consequences. Tell Me More

    If you are suffering because your lover has an ""attitude problem,"" this all-powerful spell is designed to penetrate the heart and soul of the one you love. Blast Through the Barriers! The Wanga Lover's ""Attitude Adjustment"" spell is designed to blast through the resistance your lover has erected. And until this is accomplished, nothing you can say or do will change their mind. The purpose of this potent spell is to startle your loved one, to make them aware of the foolishness and recklessness of their current course. And to convince them of the possibility that they could lose you and suffer the consequences. Change in Attitude Only when they can ""see around the corner"" and visualize life without you, can they begin to see clearly and realistically that you are the only one who can give them complete and total happiness. This spell is for you, if:
    • The one you love is stubborn and has a mind set about you that has to be changed.
    • You desperately want the relationship to be caring, loving, joyful, and respectful of one another.
    • Your goal is to proceed through life together, sharing the incredible joys that come with a successful partnership and being able to count on one another when the going gets tough.
    • You are frustrated and tired of the feuding, the misunderstandings, the antagonisms.
    • You simply want to be happy and get rid of all the negatives in the relationship.

    Don't Let Your Heart Break Any Longer! It must be incredibly frustrating for you when you know in your heart of hearts that the two of you are meant for each other. And you know your relationship will never be the same until the two of you are on the same wavelength. If the above thoughts reflect your situation, this is the right spell for you.
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-reconciliation-now-spell|"Wanga Reconciliation Now! Spell"|WS06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Power Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Luck Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Reconciliation Now! Spell"|""|"
    The Wanga Reconciliation Now! spell penetrates the hardest of hearts and plants the seeds for your loved one to think of you with warmth and kindness and love. And once this process has begun, it is only a matter of time before the recipient of the spell begins to think of how wonderful it is to talk to you, hold you, love you...Tell Me More

    If, above all else, you wish to revive a relationship gone sour, this is the spell for you. The Wanga Reconciliation Now! spell penetrates the hardest of hearts and plants the seeds for your loved one to think of you with warmth and kindness and love. And once this process has begun, it is only a matter of time before the recipient of the spell begins to think of how wonderful it is to talk to you, hold you, love you... Although nothing is certain in life, the Wanga Reconciliation Now! spell could spark the breakthrough you've been seeking. This spell is for you, if:
    • You feel you've made some mistakes in the past in this relationship but are certain you won't repeat them.
    • You love this person with all your heart, and you know the relationship will blossom if only you are given the chance.
    • Your lover is upset with you and doesn't seem to be listening.

    If the above words reflect your thoughts, do not give up hope! A gifted Wanga Master will do everything within his powers to help you reconcile with your loved one and be the happy, loving couple you once were. All you have to do is ask.
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-relationship-saver-spell|"Wanga Relationship-Saver Spell"|WS04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Success Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Luck Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Relationship-Saver Spell"|""|"
    The Wanga Relationship-Saver spell alters not only your lover's attitude but their perception of you -- altering your aura so you will be absolutely irresistible to them! This one-of-a-kind spell is designed to not only open the channels of communication, it goes right to the core: the heart and soul of the person you love. Tell Me More

    So you think it's hopeless? That the person you love will never love you the way you love them? Well, think again. This one-of-a-kind spell is designed to not only open the channels of communication, it goes right to the core: the heart and soul of the person you love. And, you may ask, for what purpose? To change the way this person thinks about you, feels about you - changing their hostile and aloof attitude toward you into one of caring and loving. Is this you? You're a good person with a big heart, and you know ""without a doubt"" that your future is with this person. And right now your heart is breaking because day-by-day this person is growing more distant from you, and you realize you must get this relationship back to where it belongs. What the Relationship-Saver spell can do for you The Wanga Relationship-Saver spell alters not only your lover's attitude but their perception of you -- altering your aura so you will be absolutely irresistible to them! The ultimate goal of this spell, of course, is to forge the two of you together in a gloriously successful marriage. So if you feel alone and abandoned and have just about given up on hope, the Wanga Relationship-Saver spell is for you. It has worked for others. Why not you?
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-spectacular-happiness-spell|"Wanga Spectacular Happiness Spell"|WS09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Money Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Luck Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Spectacular Happiness Spell"|""|"
    It's simply a natural desire to want to be satisfied physically, emotionally, and financially. And why shouldn't you want the best of the best? The Wanga Spectacular Happiness spell is designed to do just that - fulfill your dreams, your hopes, your most secret desires! Tell Me More

    Who doesn't want it all? It's simply a natural desire to want to be satisfied physically, emotionally, and financially. And why shouldn't you want the best of the best? The Wanga Spectacular Happiness spell is designed to do just that - fulfill your dreams, your hopes, your most secret desires! Now, you may ask, once this spell is cast will you truly achieve all that? To be perfectly honest, we don't know. But what we do know from experience is that this remarkable spell achieves the most incredible feedback from our clients - with 94 percent indicating they are very satisfied with the results. Not too bad, wouldn't you say? So not only are you likely to experience happiness beyond your wildest imagination, you will be the envy of all who know you. If that doesn't satisfy you, well... The Wanga Master changes your luck! When casting your spell, the Wanga Master narrows his focus to one particularly important area, and that is: To be spectacularly happy you need to be lucky The Wanga Spectacular Happiness spell is designed to dramatically increase your ability to attract luck! It will seem as if everything you touch turns to gold - in your love life, at work, in your bank account, in the bedroom… And you will ""feel it,"" truly feel it. It will be as if a lightning bolt of energy is surging throughout your body. Is this you? You feel you simply need the chance, the opportunity to be successful in every aspect of your life. And once you gain momentum and get up a head of steam, there will be no stopping you, no looking back. Also, you are certain that once you are given the opportunity, you will surprise a great many people with your industriousness, your creativity, your charm and your winning personality. So if you strongly feel it in your heart that you are meant to do great things, you have come to the right place. This is your moment to call upon a Wanga Master to request the Wanga Spectacular Success spell. What do you have to lose?
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-spells|"Wanga Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A Wanga Master is waiting to hear from you!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The power of Wanga has been known for centuries. But very few practitioners have mastered this ancient art. The California Astrology Association is proud to announce a Wanga Master is now available to cast spells for its clients. When to summon a Wanga Master The mystical powers of Wanga are especially effective in:
    • Curing a relationship that has turned sour. (Experience true marital happiness!)
    • Turning financial problems into financial security. (More money in your pocket!).
    • Getting a rival out of the picture. (They won't know what hit them!)
    • Returning a loved one who has lost his/her way. (Finally, this person will come home to you!)

    Do some or all of the following resonate with you?
    1. Are you in a relationship that once was beautiful but now is in dire need of immediate and long-lasting repair?
    2. Is your financial situation teetering and you're worried about a secure future?
    3. Or perhaps someone is hassling you, jinxing you, putting the evil eye on you.

    Wouldn't it be wonderful to turn disaster into success? And lead a life of leisure and luxury? And having your lover be your soul mate? Dreams? Fantasies? Perhaps. But think about this: some people reach for the stars - and get there! And asked why they had such high aspirations in the first place, these ""winners"" inevitably reply, ""what did I have to lose?"" So why not you? If your life is stalled, whether in love or work or because of a nasty enemy, you do have the power to get up to warp speed! A Wanga Master is waiting to hear from you! Take a look at the following Wanga spells and see which one(s) best suit your needs:

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-ultimate-revenge-spell|"Wanga Ultimate Revenge Spell"|WS08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Hex Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Breakup Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Protection Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Ultimate Revenge Spell"|""|"
    This spell is designed to penetrate the mind of your antagonist, implanting the seeds of doubt, a loss of self-confidence, and perhaps most importantly, the fear that if they don't stop hassling you, they will suffer grave consequences. Once this powerful spell is cast, the seeds or revenge will have been planted. Tell Me More

    If someone has wronged you, you have come to the right place. The Wanga Ultimate Revenge spell is designed to pull no punches. But before you request this potent spell, we implore you to make sure you know for certain that a specific person is out to get you. If you have any doubts whatsoever, you wouldn't want an innocent person to suffer the consequences of this potent spell. For once this powerful spell is cast, the seeds or revenge will have been planted. This spell is designed to penetrate the mind of your antagonist, implanting the seeds of doubt, a loss of self-confidence, and perhaps most importantly, the fear that if they don't stop hassling you, they will suffer grave consequences. Request the Wanga Ultimate Revenge spell, if:
    • Someone is out to get you and they must be stopped.
    • Their actions are causing you stress and anxiety, and you are worried this could affect your health.
    • Their actions are taking you away from the pleasures of enjoying life to the fullest.
    • This person is bitter and angry, and you need a powerful force on your side to neutralize or defeat them.
    • You want the seeds of destruction planted deep within their psyche so their ultimate course in life will lead to failure.

    If some or all of the above describes your situation, the Wanga Ultimate Revenge spell should liberate you, allowing you to get on with your life. You are not a vindictive person, but before this antagonist does you any more harm, you know you have to do something to counteract their devious actions.
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wanga-win-your-lover-back-spell|"Wanga Win Your Lover Back Spell"|WS03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Add a Wanga Doll?"" ""No, thanks"" ""Hex Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Love Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Breakup Wanga (+$26.95)"" ""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Add a Wanga Doll?: 
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Wanga Win Your Lover Back Spell"|""|"
    Has the person whom you love with all your heart and soul deserted you? Are you heartsick beyond words? If you have tried everything to get your loved one's attention, but up to now nothing has worked, you need the assistance of a Wanga Master to work in your behalf. Tell Me More

    Is this you? Your lover has gone. This person whom you love with all your heart and soul has deserted you, left the field, perhaps not even speaking or writing to you. And you are heartsick beyond words. And no one, no one, can understand or comprehend the agony and hopelessness you are experiencing at this time. It is a terrible, indescribable feeling, and you wouldn't wish it on anyone. There is always hope! If you think the situation appears hopeless, you have come to the right place! Above all, do not give up! The Win Your Lover Back spell is designed specifically for you! This spell will probe your loved one's inner soul. It will serve as a wake up call to have them realize you are the one and only person who can make them happy! Request the Win Your Lover Back spell, if:
    • You have tried everything to get your lover back, but up to now nothing has worked.
    • It appears that your loved one may be captivated by someone else and you want to bring them to their senses, to convince them that you and no one else is the ""right"" person for them.
    • And you want to hear sincerity in your lover's voice when they say this is the last time the two of you will ever be separated.

    A Wanga Master Can Help You! If you have tried everything to get your loved one's attention, but up to now nothing has worked, you need the assistance of a Wanga Master to work in your behalf. Your Two Wishes Can Come True 1. You wish to be reunited in a loving, loyal, incredibly happy twosome. 2. You wish to be assured your partner will have eyes only for you. If the above words reflect your true feelings, it's time for you to win your lover back!
    Increase the potency of your Wanga Spell! Although it is not necessary for you to possess a Wanga Doll when the Wanga Master casts his spell, some clients feel a stronger connection when doing so.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh13|"Warlock Bankrupt Hex"|WH13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Some people are destined to get the raw end of the deal, to grasp defeat from the jaws of victory. Once this hex is cast, the recipient will find it difficult to hang onto money, eventually seeing their bank account and other holdings disappear entirely. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh15|"Warlock Boomerang Hex"|WH15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Whatever was done to you reverberates back to the aggressor – in spades! And, better yet, they will know this is punishment for the bad deeds they have willed upon others. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh01|"Warlock Couple-Destroyer Hex"|WH01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    No, this hex won't destroy the people, but it does aim to split their relationship beyond repair. The Couple-destroyer hex should be directed toward a couple who should not be together, and you know in your heart it's simply a matter of time before their relationship ends. Request this hex if you are tired of waiting for them to part, and you fear you're running out of time. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh11|"Warlock Dark Cloud Hex"|WH11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Unable to enjoy life, your enemy walks around as if a dark cloud hovers above them. The recipient of this hex often finds it difficult to smile, to lighten up, to enjoy life's blessings. It appears whatever good comes to them is quickly taken away. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh05|"Warlock Destruction Hex"|WH05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Destroys confidence, resulting in erratic behavior, loss of friends, and poor decision-making ability. The intent of this potent hex is to deteriorate all aspects of the victim's life. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh12|"Warlock Failure Hex"|WH12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Doomed to fail in every aspect of life, this hex puts the person in the wrong place at the wrong time. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh07|"Warlock Financial Ruin Hex"|WH07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Investments turn sour, workplace proves to be a hostile environment for your enemy, and their finances turn into a nightmare. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| warlock-lover-spell|"Warlock Lover Spell"|WAR|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"It is possible to win back your lover's heart because a gifted psychic awaits your call for help."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Win Back Your Lover's Heart!
    Have you lost your lover's heart? Is this the person you want to spend the rest of your life with, but can't because it just doesn't seem possible? If you are going to sleep at night afraid that the future looks bleak and hopeless, you should be aware that you do have one more chance to win back their love. Although you may feel you have lost and it's over, take heed, circumstances can change. It is possible to win back your lover's heart because a gifted psychic awaits your call for help. Here are two steps you should take immediately:
    • The first thing you must do is keep your head up. Your lover will never return your love if you fall apart and act weak. This, of course, is difficult, but you must gather your strength and energy and try to emit strength, calm and dignity.
    • The second thing to do is ask a gifted psychic to cast a Warlock Lover spell in your behalf. If you want your lover's heart all to yourself, do something about it! This is a unique opportunity to have someone with formidable psychic skills stand by your side and help you get back on track.

    Remember, during these difficult times, don't be too proud to ask for help. You should call upon every resource to help you achieve what right now is the most important thing in your life: winning back your lover's heart.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh14|"Warlock Misery Hex"|WH14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Regardless of how the day goes, this hex turns good to bad, joy to sadness, happiness to misery. Lovers and friends head for the exit. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh03|"Warlock Nervous Hex"|WH03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    This powerful hex may cause the recipient to be insecure, nervous, constantly looking over their shoulder. They could be fearful that something around the corner does not bode well for them. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh02|"Warlock Payback Hex"|WH02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Something bad happened to you, and you wish to get back with a vengeance at the person who harmed you. Whatever evil intent this foe wielded at you, this hex gets back at them with lightning speed and overpowering force. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh08|"Warlock Psychological Hex"|WH08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The effects of this hex causes your enemy to be meek, unsure, always second-guessing themselves, unable to make a solid decision based on facts. The ultimate result will be a devastating internal breakdown from anxiety and fear. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh10|"Warlock Regret Hex"|WH10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your enemy is overcome with guilt, always berating themselves for the harm they've caused others – particularly you. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh04|"Warlock Removal Hex"|WH04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Remove this person from your area, preferably hundreds of miles away. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh06|"Warlock Ultimate Revenge Hex"|WH06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    A particularly devastating hex that subjects the recipient to your wrath. Their life is dark, their future bleak. Friends, coworkers, and loved ones seem to distance themselves further and further. The Warlock Ultimate Revenge Hex is designed to destabilize your enemy, disarming them from doing further harm. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wh09|"Warlock's Bottomless Pit"|WH09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The depths of life cannot be lower than the effects of this hex. If you wish your enemy to experience the nightmare of life, this dark hex could do it. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| warlock-hex|"Warlock's Revenge Hexes"||CUSTOM-ITEM|||||""|""|""|""|"These powerful hexes are designed to stop an enemy in their tracks."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This powerful hex is designed to stop an enemy in their tracks. BUT you must be one hundred percent certain of your intent because the Warlock's Revenge is not something to be taken lightly. Nor is it something you should request unless you are sure the recipient is evil beyond any doubt. So, if you have no doubt that you are justified in your quest for revenge and are searching for the best way to get even with a foe, we have a test for you. Please answer these questions before ordering:
    • Are there times when you can't get this person off your mind and it seems as if you are haunted by their bad karma?
    • Do you have hostility towards them that will not subside, and you have no choice but to do something about it?
    • Are you certain their intent is to do harm?
    • In your heart, have you concluded this is not a good human being?
    • Are you certain beyond any doubt that this person deserves your wrath?

    If you answered yes to all of the above, then the Warlock's Revenge is what you have been looking for. WARNING: This hex cannot be reversed. Do not order the Warlock's Revenge unless you are absolutely certain that the recipient unquestionably deserves to be ruined. Please select one or more of the following that comes closest to your need:"||||"(:WH01 :WH02 :WH03 :WH04 :WH05 :WH06 :WH07 :WH08 :WH09 :WH10 :WH11 :WH12 :WH13 :WH14 :WH15)"|"(:WH01 :WH02 :WH03 :WH04 :WH05 :WH06 :WH07 :WH08 :WH09 :WH10 :WH11 :WH12 :WH13 :WH14 :WH15)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| warp-speed-reconciliation|"Warp Speed Reconciliation"|WSR|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you are currently having relationship problems, it's time to act quickly and decisively!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    How many times have you been angry at yourself for not acting quickly and decisively? And you lived to regret not making a move when the time was right? So if indeed you are currently having relationship problems, don’t make the critical mistake of standing pat. For if you don’t do something right now, it may cost you dearly in the long run!
    Is this your situation?
    • You and your loved one seem to be operating on a different wavelength.
    • Communication between you just doesn’t appear to be as easy flowing as it once was.
    • You often feel misunderstood and are not receiving the warmth, caring, or the sincere love your partner once displayed.
    • And you know in your heart that you need to do something concrete to get this precious relationship back on track.
    • And time may not be on your side.
    So if the above words reflect your precarious situation, there is a skillful Master Psychic waiting to cast this potent Warp Speed Reconciliation spell in your behalf."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| weight-loss-beauty|"Weight Loss & Beauty"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Want to lose weight? Our weight loss amulets and weight loss spells can help!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Spells, Charms, and Dolls to Make You Irresistible!

    • Having trouble shedding those pounds?
    • Ready for an easy but unorthodox way to lose weight?
    • Want to be incredibly appealing?
    • You have come to the right place!

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| weightlosskit|"Weight Loss Spell Kit"|SK7|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    This amazing ritual could give you the ""mindset"" to lose weight once and for all! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| weight-loss-wanga-link|"Weight Loss Wanga"||LINK.|wangadolls.html||||""|""|""|""|"To help you lose weight, keep it off, and to be physically fit."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| weightlosswanga|"Weight-Loss Wanga"|W13|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To help you lose weight, keep it off, and to be physically fit."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| whammy-spell|"Whammy Spell!"|WMS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Names of the couple you want to break up"" Inscription 40 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Names of the couple you want to break up:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If you know a couple out there who shouldn't be together, you can do something about it!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    If You Know A Couple Out There Who Shouldn't Be Together, You Can Do Something About It! This is a very powerful spell to get a specific person out of the picture! There are many reasons for wanting a couple to breakup. Perhaps, someone has replaced you, and you feel hurt and angry... maybe even devastated. And maybe this person is standing in the way of your happiness. If you feel you have been treated unfairly, the Whammy spell could be the answer to your prayers. But first you must answer these questions:
    • Would your life be better if the person you want to be with is free once again?
    • Do you feel you would be a better partner than the one they are with right now?
    • Do you feel time is running out, and you must know very soon if that relationship is going to last, or if it is destined to fail?
    • If the person you love returns, are you certain this is what you want?

    If you answered yes to all of the above, then the Whammy spell is specifically designed for you. Once this powerful spell is cast, the seeds will be planted to wake up the one you love and bring them to their senses. It will also alert them to the weaknesses and perhaps deception of the other party. Only then can the disintegration of that partnership begin, and only then will this person refocus their attention upon you. Some may see the Whammy spell as a negative act, but if two people truly don't belong together, it is best if their relationship ends sooner than later.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| testimonials|"What Our Clients Are Saying..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Testimonials for the California Astrology Association."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Testimonials appearing on this site are actually received via email and written submission. They are individual experiences, reflecting real life experiences of those who have used our products and/or services in some way or other. However, they are individual results and results do vary. We do not claim that they are typical results that consumers will generally achieve. The testimonials are not necessarily representative of all of those who will use our products and/or services. The testimonials displayed are given verbatim except for correction of grammatical or typing errors. Some have been shortened, meaning; not the whole message received by the testimony writer is displayed, when it seemed lengthy or the testimony in its entirety seemed irrelevant for the general public. The California Astrology Association is not responsible for any of the opinions or comments posted to our site. The California Astrology Association is not a forum for testimonials; however, we provide testimonials as a means for customers to share their experiences with one another. To prevent against abuse, all testimonials appear after they have been reviewed by management of The California Astrology Association.

    Receives an unlikely $15,000!

    Dear CAA, In February I ordered two spells. One from Andreika, and the other from Burton. I also ordered two Wanga Dolls, one for Money and one for Luck. . . Two months later in May, I was on the brink of suicide and had just about given up on life when I received $15,000 from an unlikely source to help me turn my life around!! I know in my heart that all of what I ordered from CAA greatly contributed to my still being on this planet and I am expecting a whole lot more in many areas of my life!! Thank You and God Bless You CAA!! Kathy

    Retrieve a Lover Spell Works!

    Hi! You guys cast a Retrieve A Lover Spell for me back in February. And I'd like to thank you for it. My ex and I have been back together for a month now. And it's been even better than before. I think this time it's for good. We've been talking of moving in together, and maybe getting married in the future. Things between us are great. I thank you for helping to bring him back to me. After our time apart, we've learned to appreciate each other more, and not take anything for granted. Thank you. Becky

    CAA is the Greatest!

    I have been a CAA customer for several years and I always receive great service. Andreika always comes through for me. I asked for money assistance and I won a $195 jackpot on a progressive quarter slot machine for the first time in my life, and I won five times on one scratch off ticket. I have the Aztec Mantaz and I have lost weight successfully for the first time. I think CAA is the greatest and I am telling my friends and relatives about the new website address. THANK YOU,
    A Sasse1
    Kansas City

    ""I believe it's the spell...""

    Dear CAA, My husband says it's coincidence but I believe it's the spell.....I asked for a money spell ...and 6 days later my husband hit the lottery for $2500.00 I AM SOOOO HAPPY! Now I can pay the bills that I would have never been able to pay otherwise. I have not even received the order via mail yet but I give YOU all the credit. Love and light to you all, thank you! G. Pitel
    Pittsburgh, PA

    Skeptical at first...

    Dear CAA, I was skeptical at first about purchasing some items like the Love Wanga, the Lover Come Back to Me Amulet, the Retrieve a Lover Kit, and Retrieve a Lover Spell. As soon as I brought the package into my home the power took over. I received a call from my true love and then he rushed over to my home right after I completed the spell kit. He stayed overnight as if he had never left and moved out of our home. I am anticipating great things to happen because the power is strong. I hope to write you soon and tell about the wedding. D. Byrd

    Finds a new love!

    Dear CAA, When I was with my ex-boyfriend, he treated me so poorly that we broke-up and I was the one who ended up in pain. I then asked for the Retrieve A Lover Spell for someone to love me as I would love them. Then 2 months later, I met someone after work who treated me like I meant the world to him. We've been together for five months now and still an apple in each others eye! Thank you so much!! Faith

    A+ Customer Service!

    I had a problem with my order being shipped to the wrong location (Yahoo's error, not CalAstrology's), but they agreed to reship my order to me using overnight delivery.A big A+ for customer service on that one. They usually answer your e-mails within one or two days also. S.A.
    West Virginia

    ""I owe all this to you...""

    Dear CAA, I received three amulets from you last week: Lady Luck, Samadhi, and Li Yuan's Temple. I gave Li Yuan's Temple to my husband. Since then we received a cheque of 2,000 Rupees. When I wore the Lady Luck amulet I could feel a soft energy enter me. I feel more confident now, and Samadhi makes feel happy whenever I'm tense during the day. I owe all this to you. Thank you very much for the amulets. Regards,

    Samadhi hits the Jackpot!"">

    Dear CAA, I wasn't sure if I believe in luck, this powerful good luck piece made me shake and I am still in shock. It has only been two weeks since I bought the Samadhi. I took it with me when I went on a cruise. While playing the slot machine in the cruise, I hit the jackpot, the triple, triple all lined-up in the center of the machine. I have never seen this jackpot in the twenty years I have played the slot machines in Las Vegas. When I got home from the cruise, my real estate broker informed me that my house sold, this happened in a week's time, without an open house showing. Then another luck came unexpectedly. As a single mom, I don't expect to buy a house that soon. But I have been looking around. Before I left for the cruise, I made an offer, just for the heck of it, lo and behold, my offer was accepted.I made my walk-in inspection and signed the contract today. The powers of SAMADHI is truly unbelievable and amazing. Thank you SAMADHI. Angelgrace1152
    Northridge, CA

    I am now a true believer!""

    I am now a true believer! I recently inquired about reinforcing an Obeah Spell. But, there is no need. My husband contacted his Lawyer concerning a case pending and found out that he was about to call him with the news of a preliminary hearing. I know from experience that a settlement is not far away! When the Money Wanga came, my husband was winning ""the numbers"" almost every week for at least $300.00 or more. Also, when the Samadhi came, it was a miracle. I am now convinced of the quality of your services and will soon be contacting you with another ""project."" Thank you CAA! Sincerely,
    A. B.

    Samadhi saves her from a costly ticket!

    I've had my Samadhi for about a month now, and I got pulled over last week by a cop, I was doing 67 in a 40 zone. I was so upset as I saw the lights flashing behind me, all I kept thinking was I do not have the money right now to pay for this ticket. But as the cop was writing the ticket, I didn't cry and I didn't worry about it, and I thought that was strange cause I before he came up to my window I was scared to death and wanted to cry. Luckily the cop reduced my speed on the ticket he wrote and only charged me a ticket for $43.00!!!! When it should have been in the hundreds. As I pulled away I thought wow, I was so lucky, then I thought about it, I had put my Samadhi in my pocket earlier that morning, and it was with me when I got pulled over, I believe it saved me from a costly ticket!!! Krissy C.
    Ormond Beach, FL

    If you are ready for a better life...

    CAA is an excellent company! Their products are first rate and they truly care about customer service and their money-back guarantee is real. What I really love about this company is their commitment to helping people. They are a reputable company. Their products and services really do work and your money is best spent here than with those 900 numbers and other so called psychic ripoffs. CAA can really help to improve your life and they want you to be satisfied! If you are truly ready for a better life, order from CAA today! Thank you! U.J.

    Loses Fifty Pounds...""

    Dear CAA, ""I am writing this letter to make you fully aware of the astounding effects that the Aztec-Mantaz amulet has provided for me...and the fifty pounds of weight I have lost within a matter of six months."" S.G.
    Ossinning, NY

    I will swear by...

    ...the Aztec-Mantaz Amulet to anyone. I have lost 42 pounds in seven months. I feel good about myself, feel very attractive. I have gone from a size 14 to a size 7-8. In the first week I lost six pounds."" D.H.
    Coopersville, MI

    Her Very Own Guardian Angel

    by B.J. Kelly Last year, I sent for the Guardian Angel. After I received it, I hit the lottery three times--twice for $500 and once for $250. I had kept the medal put away until today! I took it out and said what I would like. This evening I hit the lottery for $500 again! Thank You!

    Wins Top Prize in Lottery

    Dear CAA, ""On the day that I received my Coin of Apollo, I purchased a Wisconsin Lottery Daily Pic Three ticket and won $500, the top prize. I am very happy. Thank you. Ellie Hermann
    Milwaukee, WI

    Samadhi Changes Her Life

    Dear CAA, A few years ago I had the good fortune to purchase a Samadhi and nothing but good and incredible things began to happen. It changed my life entirely. Unfortunately, through carelessness, I lost my precious amulet. For the few months after I felt like I had lost my best friend. As a birthday gift a few months ago, my mom surprised me with a new Samadhi. Since then, all my wishes have come true. My boyfriend returned and now our relationship is stronger than ever. The state lottery has smiled upon me three times since I received my treasured charm. Just recently I found the job of my dreams and I owe it all to my dear Samadhi. No one can tell me it doesn't work, it works in mysterious ways. E. Leyva
    Patterson, NJ

    Li Yuan's Temple Helps Her Get Dream House

    Hello CAA, I have great news after all these years trying to purchase a better home. I always thought my loan would not be granted, or that I didn't have enough down payment. I ordered a Li Yuan's Temple and wrote a little wish on a note and passed it through the Temple's doorway. It felt like a hot wire passing through my arms, and I was full of energy. The note read: ""Please help me get a bigger home and space."" Happy ending... I am moving next week into my dream house with ten acres. Valeria Chambers
    Cumming, GA

    ""A Most Unexpected Outcome""

    Dear CAA, Recently, I wrote to you because the order I had placed was lost or misplaced in the post. You sent me a replacement order and that arrived within a week. I have several things to say today. A) I am very happy with your customer service, which has shown remarkable efficiency in dealing with the problem. I was very impressed and will certainly order again at CAA. B) The Retrieve a Lover Spell had a most unexpected outcome. I had asked for it because my boyfriend had left me and I was almost desperate to get back with him. However, after the spell, he didn't come back to me. It was in fact even worse!! What happened was this: A friend whom I'd known for quite some time and I were mutually attracted to each other. I had never said anything, because I didn't think it was relevant--I wanted my now ex. But somehow, I got around to telling him that and he told me that it was mutual. Now, I am in a very happy relationship. The spell probably didn't do the ""falling for each other"" part, but I am sure it contributed to my realization of what I really wanted. Thank you, keep up the good work!! Fiona
    Paris, France

    It Worked Within 24 Hours!

    I had been waiting for a department move at my current place of work, for almost a year. The management were dragging their feet and never seemed to reach a final decision. Within 24 hours of receiving my Mystic Star & Samadhi, the move was finalised. Thank you so much,
    Cheryl H.
    Slough Berkshire, United Kingdom

    Good Luck Piece = $$$

    Dear CAA, I am a frequent visitor to Atlantic City where I play the slots. All I can say is that the Coin of Apollo passed with flying colors. I had such frequent wins that the only thing I could attribute it to was that I had the Coin of Apollo in my possession. I ended the day with a tidy cash-in. Martin Levy
    Brooklyn, NY

    Lucky 7 Brings Change in Luck

    by Leslie Herman I went to bingo--only winning a little at a time each day. But exactly one week after I received my Lucky 7, my girl friend won $826. I thought that was all we were going to win until we got to the Bonanza for $1,000. I won the $1,000. My family and I were really in need of some money for a car and clothing for my kids. I ordered the Lucky 7 and it really worked. Now we have a car and my kids have new clothes thanks to my Lucky 7 and the California Astrology Association.

    After Receiveing Guardian Angel, Her Life Turns Around

    Cynthia Araujo felt lost and confused. She had lost her job and her world seemed to be falling in on her. ""It was awful,"" said the New Bedford woman. ""I was homeless, unemployment was not giving me any checks, and I thought of suicide."" Then Cynthia's mother gave her a Guardian Angel. ""My mother noticed the depression I was in and she bought me a Guardian Angel. Now I have a roof over my head [and] I'm planning to go back to school and have the opportunity to live a better life--all because my mother bought the Guardian Angel from you.""

    Temple Brings Her Luck

    by Betty Jackson I had a stroke and was unable to work. However, the bills didn't stop and I decided to give Li Yuan's Temple a try. I got it on May 13th and wrote on a slip of paper what I wanted. On May 16th I won $1,000 on instant Lottery tickets. God bless you all.

    Money Tree wins at Casino

    Dear CAA, Thank you so much for the Money Tree. On March 6, I received my Money Tree and Sunday I went to the casino with $80. At first I lost almost everything, and with my last coins I won $400, $100, $100, and the next weekend I also won $400 more. Thank you for your help! Myriam Gonzalez
    Sioux City, IA
    See what our clients are saying about our Spells See what our clients are saying about our Wanga Dolls Send us YOUR testimonial! "||||"(:SPELLTESTIMONIALS :WANGATESTIMONIALS :TESTIMONIAL)"|"(:SPELLTESTIMONIALS :WANGATESTIMONIALS :TESTIMONIAL)"|""|"2"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spelltestimonials|"What Our Clients Are Saying... About Our Spells"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Learn how our Spells helped our clients - and can help you, too!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Every single one of these testimonials is absolutely real. They are sent to us by clients from all over the world--by people just like you. And, of course, they are only used with permission.

    I was looking for answers. I got them.

    Dear CAA, I was heartbroken that my boyfriend decided to leave the relationship, so I had the Retrieve A Lover spell cast. Within a week of the spell casting, he called ""just to talk."" After some pleasant talks and catching up, he asked to see me again. I felt he had started to turn around. I decided to date someone else just to see. He is absolutely crazy about me now and DOES see the good in me that I had hoped he would. I am a college grad with a highly professional job. I was looking for answers. I got them. I was so thrilled that I had the Money Spell cast a few months later. Within days I got a letter from the child support office that my child support was increasing by $172 a month! California Astrology professionals: THANK YOU. Michele
    Syracuse, NY
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Wins $18,000 After Spell is Cast

    Dear CAA, Thank you with all my heart for making all my wishes and dreams come true... My husband plays the horses all the time. You put a spell on him over four years ago. And he came home with $18,000. He won every race and every exacta that day. P. Lusky
    Baldwin Park, CA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Andreika found him a wife!

    Dear CAA, I was a very lonely man... In January Andreika cast a spell to find an Asian lady for me. The first Sunday in March I met a wonderful Vietnamese woman. We were engaged in six weeks and married the following year. Andreika has given me the lady of my dreams. D.N.
    Bloomington, MN
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Money Keeps Pouring In

    Dear CAA, Thank you so much for your help with my finances. You cast the Money Spell on May 1st, and the next day I received a $75 child support check that I thought I would never get. Then on May 12th I received three more in the same amount. On May 19th two more checks for $75 came, and I won $300 in the lottery that night. M.L.H.
    East Orange, NJ
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Andreika Changes Her Life

    Dear Andreika, Three months ago my husband walked out and left me with two children and an unpaid mortgage. I was unemployed at the time and my savings were diminishing fast. I wrote you a letter and asked you to help me financially. Within weeks I had won a local raffle with winnings totalling over $7,000. Two days later I was hired for a manager's job. Needless to say, my life has changed 100 percent, and I owe it all to you. D.K.
    Ossining, NY
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Gris-Gris and Andreika Use the Power

    Dear CAA, Since July of this year, I had been looking for my green card. A few weeks ago, I asked Gris-Gris to cast a spell so I could find it immediately. The spell was done on November 6 and on November 12, I found it in my work attache case. I was amazed. In addition, the witch Andreika has made it possible for my case to be settled. All the lawyers could not believe it when the judge sided with me and ordered a quick conclusion of the case. She really uses the power. Thank you. B.O.
    Baltimore, MD
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    It had to be one of the spells...

    Dear CAA, I really do not know what exactly happened but, definitely it had to be one of the spells: Retribution, Uncrossing Spell Kit, or HooDoo Doctor. I just went through a very difficult time at work that I just got up and left without giving and explanation to anyone. I had problems with my boss and I just about had it with him. I just left him a message on his mobile phone, stating that I have quit. I told him that the letter of resignation was e-mailed to the director stating the reason for my resignation. The director and assistant director made a special trip to meet with my boss and me. My boss was reprimanded and suspended for one week. I was reinstated without loss of pay, benefits, or time from work. They told me that if I ever need anything that all I have to do is call them. You do not know how grateful and fortunate I am to have found your web-site. I was very desperate looking for help and support in a super-natural way. There are still other issues that still need to be taken care of and I will definitely reinforce the spell pretty soon for a legal action regarding a different issue with your help. Again, thank you very, very much. I have found a new family. Bonita
    El Paso, TX
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Andreika's powers work!

    Dear CAA, On March 4th Andreika cast a spell for me to help my daughter end a bad relationship with an abusive boyfriend. Three weeks to the day, her powers worked. My daughter is home with us, and is taking the necessary steps to move on with her life. Thank you so much Andreika! I believe! Donna S.
    Munroe Falls, OH
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    See other testimonials See what our clients are saying about our Wanga Dolls Send us YOUR testimonial!

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wangatestimonials|"What Our Clients Are Saying... About Wangas"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"Our clients love our Wanga Dolls!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Every single one of these testimonials is absolutely real. They are sent to us by clients from all over the world--by people just like you. And, of course, they are only used with permission.

    Searching for Miracles

    Dear CAA, Ever since my boyfriend and I broke up, I have been so lonely and heart broken for such a long time. Until I came searching for miracles, and here I was. I decided to buy a Love Wanga Doll. I bought it in the beginning of May 2002. When the Wanga Doll arrived, I was very surprised and couldn't wait to see what would happen if I said something to it. I held the love wanga with both of my hands and said, ""Wanga, I wish I will have a true love."" Three weeks later, near the end of May, I met a guy. He was the most special person ever!! He was what I had been searching for. Someone who was everything for me. I know that the Wanga was working on my behalf and I am a true believer! Thank you so much CAA!! Susan
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    ""We Love Our Wanga Dolls!""

    Dear CAA, We love our Wanga dolls! We purchased the Money Wanga and Luck Wanga and have won money nearly every time at the casinos. We used to bring them with us but now use them in a little ritual at home first. We had a mishap in Las Vegas with friends touching them. As soon as our friend grabbed the Money Wanga from me, the craps table went cold and he lost money for the remainder of the trip! We learned our lesson from that and told him he had to get his own. The dealers love seeing the dolls almost as much as we love having them. The one night I rolled for nearly forty minutes without a break. I went home with a sore arm but richer! Thanks for great products. We will be ordering more soon. M.N.B. and J.O.B.
    Ann Arbor, MI
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Wangas help in time of need

    Dear CAA, I purchased a Love Wanga, Money Wanga, and Success Wanga about a month ago. I would say what I wanted to each often. I was unhappy at my job for some time and one day I held my Success Wanga and asked it to help me get another job. That same day, I received a phone call from a place where I had put in an application. They called me for an interview. Two weeks later, I got the job!! This job is much better than the one I have now with more benefits. My Wanga helped me out in my time of need. I know that my other Wangas will work for me too. M.B.
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Wedding Bells Ring with Wanga

    by Shelly Patterson I sent for my very own Love Wanga and received it on November 8th. That night I told my Wanga that I wanted Mike to tell me he cared for me... That night I saw two of the biggest and brightest stars I have ever seen hovering next to the moon. At that very moment I smiled, and tears welled up in my eyes. For I knew that this was my sign that my love Wanga was working for me... On December 4th... he asked me to marry him and told me he loved me!...I'm bursting with happiness that I never knew possible. And I owe it all to you at CAA. I am a true believer.
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Hired on the Spot

    Dear CAA, About a year ago, my husband was trying to get a new job desperately. I decided to purchase the Success Wanga. The day it arrived, he used the chants, etc. That afternoon the job (that had no openings) hired him on the spot. Wanga is terrific and works! Lee Kalish
    Bethpage, NY
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    Pennies Turn Into Dollars

    Dear Sirs: On the day I received my Luck Wanga doll...I proceeded to make a wish... So, I played a number for 24¢ and won $25...I recommend it to anyone who needs luck. It works and I am proof. My Wanga doll is alive and real, and I will always use it in time of need. Susan Thomas
    Spokane, WA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    He Wins $9,800 When He Carries Good Luck Doll in Shirt Pocket

    by K. John Larson In May, 1996 I purchased a Luck Wanga. In July, I took off for two days to go up to Laughlin, Nevada, with my Wanga Doll and four hundred dollars. My first stop was at the Avi Casino just outside the city of Laughlin. In the past this has never been a lucky place for me, but I wanted to test the waters. I started out losing forty dollars. I was going to leave when I put twenty dollars in a dollar machine. On the third pull of the handle I hit for six hundred dollars. I left that machine and went to another dollar machine and soon hit on that machine for sixteen-hundred dollars. It was then I realized that I had put my Wanga Doll in my right hand shirt pocket. I had put it there before I left home so it would not get broken. The next day with my Wanga Doll still in my shirt pocket I hit the Laughlin casinos. At the Pioneer I hit twice for eighteen-hundred on the same machine. At Harrahs' I hit twice for fifteen-hundred on the same machine and then sixteen-hundred on a different machine. In all the times I have been going to Laughlin, Nevada, I have never been this lucky before. I have also enclosed copies of the W-2G forms, which total $9,800. I do believe in the extraordinary powers of this doll, and on my next trip to Laughlin, my Wanga Doll will be back in my right hand shirt pocket.
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    See what our clients are saying about our Spells See other testimonials Back to Wanga Dolls

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| white-hot-love|"White Hot Love Spell"|WHL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(29.95)||T|"""Your partner's name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your partner's name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If your relationship is in need of a high voltage charge, the White Hot Love spell could propel you and your partner to the stratosphere."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Ecstasy! Passion! Loyalty! Love!
    If your relationship is in need of a high voltage charge, the White Hot Love spell could propel you and your partner to the stratosphere. This unique spell is designed to bring passion and excitement to all levels of your relationship whether it's in the confines of the bedroom or sitting across from each other at the dining room table.
    Answer these questions to see if this spell is for you:
    • Does your partner lack the passion and interest that were very apparent when you first met?
    • Do you crave to be touched, turned on, devoured when together in bed?
    • Are you saddened and hurt by the thought that your partner doesn’t get passionate with you often enough?
    • Do you want to be thought of and missed when the two of you are not together?
    • Are you tired of being taken for granted?

    If you answered Yes! to most or all of the above, you have come to the right place. This spell goes to the core of the problem: The inhibited desire of your partner in regard to you. The purpose, of course, is to release these desires, to open the floodgates, to allow your partner to see the real you, the sensual you, the remarkable you! The White Hot Love spell lights the fire and passion in your partner. From now on, when you are in their consciousness, they will be thinking of you in a positive way – with love, good humor, and passion. So, if you want to be desired and ravished by this very special person who has been somewhat negligent recently, we strongly suggest you request the White Hot Love spell immediately, if not sooner. One thing is certain: when the White Hot Love spell does kick in, you and your partner are in for a whirlwind of a ride!

    Please note that you will have an opportunity to explain your situation when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wicca|"Wicca & Witchcraft"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Wicca Spells and Witchcraft to help you get what you want."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    • Want your lover back?
    • Need more money?
    • Have a serious problem that needs fixing?

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wicca-charms|"Wicca Charms To Get What You Want"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"A Wicca charm could bring you unconditional love and happiness!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Wicca Charms Call Upon Hidden Forces to Get You What You Want!

    Do you want to be loved unconditionally? A Wicca charm could bring you unconditional love and happiness. Do you want wealth and all the pleasures and respect that come from having lots of money? A Wicca charm is designed to do just that! And if you are not satisfied with where you are in life, do not hesitate one second longer. A Wicca charm could turn your life around on a dime. Withcraft and wiccan charms have helped millions of people throughout the ages. Why don't you ask yourself if this is the time to call upon the powers of Wicca to help you. And you have nothing to lose. All Wicca charms from the California Astrology Association are risk free because if your charm doesn't profoundly improve your life, we'll refund your money. Period. No questions asked.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wickedly-naughty|"Wickedly Naughty Spell"|WNS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"The Wickedly Naughty spell is designed to bring you a delectable, exciting experience with your partner."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    The Wickedly Naughty spell is a most unique, stimulating and remarkedly effective spell. It is designed to bring you a delectable, exciting experience with your partner. The Wickedly Naughty spell focuses on penetrating the subconscious of the person of your choice, lowering their inhibitions, allowing them to see the very appealing, very sensual you!
    Is it time to light a fire in your lover’s desire for you?
    • So if you feel your relations with your partner needs an instant fix.
    • And you want your lover to be turned on to you.
    • And think passionately about you all day.
    • And make great love with you at night.
    Then you have come to the right place. The Wickedly Naughty spell could prove to be the magic potion you’ve been searching for. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| winoftenwinbig|"Win Often, Win Big Spell Kit"|SK6|ITEM.||(38.95)||T|""|""|""|""|"
    Very popular with heavy gamblers. May win big in lotteries, sweeps, bingo, at gaming tables. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| win-often-win-big-spellkit-link|"Win Often, Win Big Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"Very popular with heavy gamblers. May win big in lotteries, sweeps, bingo, at gaming tables. "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| win-life-lottery|"Win the Lottery of Life Spell"|WLL|CUSTOM-ITEM||(35.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"" "|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Are you ready to jump at the opportunity of not just bettering yourself, but taking the gigantic step leading to rewards that others merely dream of?"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Are you tired of watching others living an extraordinary, joyful life? Travelling to places only the very wealthy can afford? Having the time to do whatever comes to mind? Not working from nine to five? Spending every day carefree? And never having to work for someone else...ever! So if you feel life is passing you by and not being able to fulfill your dreams of love, wealth and happiness, the Win the Lottery of Life spell has been designed specifically for someone like yourself. And you could be amazed at how fast you could go from being envious of others...to others being envious of you. So the question is are you ready to go for it? Are you ready to jump at the opportunity of not just bettering yourself, but taking the gigantic step leading to rewards that others merely dream of? So if these words stimulate your soul, and you can feel hot blood running through your veins...then you are meant to be reading these words at this very moment A gifted Master Psychic awaits word from you to start you on the path to an exciting, successful future you so deserve. "||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wisdomwanga|"Wisdom Wanga"|W12|ITEM.||(24.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"To bring you wisdom, intelligence, and common sense."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| breakup-spell-kit-link|"Witch Doctor Breakup Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"Speed up the breakup of a relationship you know is doomed to fail."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link|"Witch Doctor Love Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"Brings affection, warmth, laughter and love back into your life! Ends loneliness, ensures happiness. Amazing results! "|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| witch-doctor-money-spell-kit-link|"Witch Doctor Money Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"Extremely powerful ritual! Could bring you money, riches, the easy life!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| security-spell-kit-link|"Witch Doctor Security Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"Protects you from evil! Ensures a safe haven and secure future."|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spellkits|"Witch Doctor Spell Kits"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"These do-it-yourself spell kits are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    These do-it-yourself kits should only be used in the direst of emergencies. Witch Doctor Spell Kits are for one time use and must be discarded within 24 hours after the spell is cast. Instructions are simple and take only minutes -- but they must be followed to the letter. Witch Doctor Spell Kits differ substantially from other spell kits in that a genuine Witch Doctor doll is included with each kit. This handsome, meticulously crafted doll is blessed by a Witch Doctor and is an integral part of the spell kit ritual. What makes our spell kits unique?

    Today in this fast-moving hi-tech society, people from all walks of life still use the power and magic of spells to bring about swift and dramatic changes in their lives.

    Witch Doctor magic originated in Africa hundreds of years ago and according to tradition has been passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth from one gifted practitioner to another. These blessed men are reputed to have vast psychic powers, and even today they are respected by those who have asked for assistance from the Witch Doctor, and feared by those who have born the brunt of Witch Doctor retribution.

    The power and virility of a Witch Doctor Spell Kit is directly attributed to the blessing bestowed upon each kit by an authentic Witch Doctor. One of the secrets of Witch Doctor magic is the carefully selected ingredients that go into each spell kit.

    Witch Doctor Spell Kits differ substantially from other spell kits in that a genuine Witch Doctor doll is included with each kit. This handsome, meticulously crafted doll is blessed by a Witch Doctor and is an integral part of the spell kit ritual.

    The purpose of the Witch Doctor Spell Kit is to control one’s environment – to bring about a desired change. Witch Doctor magic intertwines the material world with the psychic world, often resulting in astounding changes in people, places, events… When you perform a Witch Doctor ritual, you are bringing mind and body together, working as one, creating a force more powerful than you can imagine. The result is a force that could allow you to attain your most lofty goals.

    If it is love you seek, and you yearn to bring about a quick, dramatic change in your life, then you should let the Witch Doctor Love Spell Kit work it’s power for you. If you seek quick money, then take possession of the Money Spell Kit. The moment you take the ingredients out of the sack and spread them on your altar (everything is supplied, and the instructions are straight-forward and easy), you could feel a surge of positive energy flowing through you.

    It is said that thoughts are things. With the assistance of the Witch Doctor, your thought could create an unstoppable force which produces strong action. All this is governed by your will which creates a force that neither time nor distance can deter.

    WARNING:   Do not ask for something unless you truly want it to come true! These are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly. The Witch Doctor Spell Kit is available only from the California Astrology Association, and we are obligated to maintain strict controls and regulations for each kit. Due to the considerable energy spent searching for the precise ingredients that are included in each kit, and the extensive blessings bestowed on each, availability is extremely limited.
    Dear CAA, Thank you so much for changing my life! I ordered the Witch Doctor Spell Kit for Uncrossing. I received my kit on Nov. 7th, 2002. I did precisely as the directions instructed me to do that evening. I also ordered a Protection Wanga doll. Although I am a firm believer, I did not expect immediate results. The very next morning when I awoke I felt as if the weight of the world had been lifted from my shoulders. The black veil that surrounded me had been lifted. I felt happy, relaxed and good about myself again. The first time in over a year and a half! My heart and soul felt light again! If only I could put it all into words for you. My heartfelt thanks goes out to you. If only you knew what a tremendous gift you have restored for me. May you all be blessed for the good that you do! Gina H.
    Erie, PA
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.

    The above photograph shows a variety of Witch Doctor Spell Kit items.
    (The contents of each kit will vary, depending on the purpose.)

    Dear CAA,

    I just wanted to thank you for the amazing blessing.

    I ordered a Witch Doctor Spell Kit for Success and Prosperity and my life continues to improve on a daily basis.

    I'm in school now and I have good friends and I'm confident in a happy future. I will always be a life long-customer.

    Deepest blessings.

    Anthony G.
    Las Vegas, NV
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear CAA,

    My ex-husband stole my inheritance and took everything from me. He was even living in the house my parents had given me with another woman.

    I did the Retribution Spell Kit and in two weeks I had the news that he had committed a crime of fraud. Four weeks later he was arrested and shamed in the local newspaper.

    I got my house back. I'm so thankful and amazed that this really works!

    Martha B.
    San Francisco, CA
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)

    Dear CAA,

    I recieved my Witch Doctor Spell Kit on October 28. I cast the spell at one o'clock in the morning on the 31st, asking for my ex-boyfriend to change his mind and give me one more chance.

    After I finally fell asleep, I awoke to my phone ringing at eight a.m. It was my ex calling to say that he wanted to be friends and see how things could go, and maybe we could work things out.

    We went to breakfast and he told me how much he had missed me.

    Thank You for helping to bring my true love back to me. I had faith but never thought it would happen so fast!

    Avis K.
    Panama City, FL
    (Results may vary. See testimonials for details.)
    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spellkits-link|"Witch Doctor Spell Kits"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"These do-it-yourself spell kits are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| kits|"Witch Doctor Spell Kits"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|"These do-it-yourself spell kits are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly!"|""|""|""|""|""|" These do-it-yourself kits should only be used in the direst of emergencies. Witch Doctor Spell Kits are for one time use and must be discarded within 24 hours after the spell is cast. Instructions are simple and take only minutes – but they must be followed to the letter.
    Witch Doctor Spell Kits differ substantially from other spell kits in that a genuine Witch Doctor doll is included with each kit. This handsome, meticulously crafted doll is blessed by a Witch Doctor and is an integral part of the spell kit ritual. Tell me more ""> WARNING:   Do not ask for something unless you truly want it to come true! These are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly.

    The Witch Doctor Spell Kit is available only from the California Astrology Association, and we are obligated to maintain strict controls and regulations for each kit. Due to the considerable energy spent searching for the precise ingredients that are included in each kit, and the extensive blessings bestowed on each, availability is extremely limited."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spell-kits-link|"Witch Doctor Spell Kits"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"These do-it-yourself spell kits are powerful, spiritual rituals and are not to be taken lightly!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| weight-loss-spell-kit-link|"Witch Doctor Weight Loss Spell Kit"||LINK.|spellkits.html||||""|""|""|""|"Forget Dieting! This amazing ritual gives you the ""mindset"" to lose weight once and for all!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| witches-bangle|"Witches' Bangle"|B01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(129.95)|||""|""|"Witches' Bangle"|""|"Legend has it that the Witches' Bangle was created by a powerful Warlock who instilled in it the powers of luck, good fortune and harmony."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    This eye-catching adornment first gained notoriety in the sixteenth century in Eastern Europe when people of wealth and power wore it. Legend has it that the Witches' Bangle was created by a powerful Warlock who instilled in it the powers of luck, good fortune and harmony.

    Wear the Witches' Bangle and,
    • See how others are mesmerized by its beauty.
    • Soften the hard-hearts around you.
    • Lure the ""right"" kind of people to you.
    • Locate the avenue to your financial security.
    • Attract the one you seek.

    The Witches' Bangle is a substantial piece made of
    silver and high polished to a fine sheen."||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| witchmans-spell|"Witchman's Spell"|WTC|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"Whether it's a broken heart, a plunging bank account, or an inattentive lover, this powerful spell could make it right"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Whether It's a Broken Heart, a Plunging Bank Account, or an Inattentive Lover, This Powerful Spell Could Make It Right Do you want to be loved but are not getting it? Feel so lonely you could cry? Is your heart breaking and nobody seems to care? If something's not right in your life and it seems like everything is off kilter, there is something you can do to stop this downward spiral. No need for you to give up and feel sorry for yourself. You can take a stand and be proactive. Life is too short to accept your fate, particularly when it is not very pleasant. So, if your financial situation is looking more and more like a catastrophe... Or an important relationship is careening off its intended path, and you can't bear to think of the consequences, don't give up. There is hope. There is something you can do! Perhaps you're tired of having money slip through your fingers, and you're frustrated by watching others reap the rewards you deserve. Or perhaps you've tried everything to bring meaningful love and lovemaking back into your life, only to be disappointed once again. If so, now is the time to consider turning to someone who could summon powers beyond your own reach, beyond your limited psychic capabilities. You can ask this gifted psychic to cast a powerful Witchman's spell in your behalf. So, if your pocketbook is near empty, or your love life is approaching rock bottom, ask a skilled psychic to summon the forces that could stop the downward spiral and make your life joyful and happy and successful once again. You deserve it.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| wizards-love-spell|"Wizard's Love Slave Spell"|WLS|ITEM.||(29.95)||T|"""Your Lover's Name"" Inscription 20 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Lover's Name:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|""|""|"If your lover is just going through the motions, and your sex life is almost nonexistent, this spell could dramatically change your life!!!"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    If Your Lover is Just Going Through The Motions, and Your Sex Life is Almost Nonexistent, This Spell Could Dramatically Change Your Life!!! Does this sound familiar?
    • Your sexual activity is so lame you don't even want to talk about it.
    • Your lover doesn't seem to get excited any more and is just going through the motions.
    • You feel bad and frustrated and feel it might even be your fault even though you're able and willing.
    • Your sex life was good at some point, but something happened and it's never been the same.
    • If only your sex life were ratcheted up several notches you would be much happier. And it would affect many other aspects of your relationship as well.
    • You deserve to have an exciting sex life. It's very important to you.

    The Wizard's Love Slave spell is legendary for its spectacular effects upon its recipients, and it could affect you in many ways. Imagine if your sex life were rejuvenated, how much pleasure and enjoyment and fun would be brought into your life, and that of your lover. You have heard or read about couples who fulfill many of their fantasies, by being open to trying new things... and all the while having an intense sexual desire for one another. The Wizard's Love Slave spell is designed to release inhibitions, to dramatically increase sexual activity between the two of you, and to make your lover tingle at the thought of pleasing you. If you want to elevate your sex life to the highest point of ecstasy and bring contented smiles to the faces of you and your lover, don't wait another moment. Have the Wizard's Love Slave spell cast in your behalf and await the excitement and sexual fulfillment you often fantasized about but never thought would truly become reality. Please note: The Wizard's Love Slave spell is intended only for people who are meant to be together and who want to raise their sexual activities to a significantly higher level. If you desire to have your partner look into your eyes with pure lust and feel the tingling and excitement as your bodies are thrust together... then this spell is for you.
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request when you enter your shipping information. Shortly after we receive your order, we will send you a letter through the mail explaining the exact day the spell will be cast and any other instructions that are necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xango-voodoo-spell|"Xango Voodoo Spell"|XVS|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)||T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 
    "|"Xango Voodoo Spell"|""|"Xango, the legendary Brazilian God of Fire, could magnify your physical and mental powers, allowing you to succeed in love, in the workplace, in every aspect of your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Xango, the legendary Brazilian God of Fire, could magnify your physical and mental powers, allowing you to succeed in love, in the workplace, in every aspect of your life. Want to be on top of the heap? Xango Voodoo could do this for you:
    • Reunite with a reluctant lover who has gone astray.
    • Assure victory over aggressors who recently have had their way with you.
    • Energize your physical and sensual appeal, attracting that special person to your side.
    • Give you a physical and emotional presence that could mesmerize the opposite sex.
    • Right a wrong and do it ASAP!
    Is this you?
    • You can be impatient with people and sometimes have a quick temper.
    • You can talk people into what you want.
    • You are at your best when you have time to think, to gather your thoughts, to let things ""come to you.""
    • You are more complex, more difficult to understand than those around you.
    • You can often ""see around the corner"" and have a high rate of accuracy in predicting the future. In essence, you have the gift of foresight.
    • Your sense of humor is clever and some people simply don't ""get you.""
    • You are very sensual, often having erotic thoughts and quite a vivid imagination.
    • You are unhappy in your current state, but you KNOW precisely what will make you happy.
    • You feel that once you get that extra boost, that helping hand, you will be energized and your life will turn around on a dime.
    So if the above applies to you, you have come to the right place. All you have to do is open your mind, open your arms, open your heart... Soon, Xango Voodoo will enter your life and bring you the magnificent gifts that only Xango Voodoo has the power to bring. And Xango could do it right now!
    Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| xmas|"Xmas Wish List"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Make up your very own Xmas Wish List of the truly important things you need... It's time to give yourself a treat!"|""|""|""|""|""|"
    It's time to give yourself a treat! This holiday season is a time for good tidings and forgiveness. It's also your chance to start anew whether it be in romance or career or money or whatever. Do Any of These Apply To You?
      I ordered the Xmas Banish Them spell to get rid of a rude and troublesome woman who was renting a room in our house. She kept saying she was going to leave and then making excuses to stay another month. About a month after the spell was cast, she finally packed up and left. That was 2 and 1/2 years ago and we have not seen or heard from her since! If it weren't for you she would probably still be here. These spells work! Thank you! Anne G.
      Orlando, FL
    • You have a love interest, someone you care for a great deal. But they are ignoring you and not giving you the tender loving care you so deserve.
    • You crave love and affection, but there is no one in your life right now who can fulfill your romantic desires. And you have so much love inside you, you are bursting with the need to fall in love and be loved. You want to meet this person - now!
    • Money has never fallen into your lap. You've had to work hard and long to accumulate any savings at all. You're tired of chasing that dream, and your fondest wish is to sit back and let money come to you for a change.
    • Someone out there is standing in the way of your peace of mind and happiness. If it were in your hands, you'd make this person vanish – instantly!
    • You don't ask for much, and you really are low maintenance. BUT, you feel it's about time for good things to start happening to you. Everyone knows you are a good person and you’ve always given your all. When it comes down to it, all you are asking for is a bit of luck and being able to wake up each morning to a happy, fulfilling life.
    This time of year can be filled with excitement and happiness, or it can remind you of all the things that could have been. Listed below are several remarkable spells designed to turn your life around on a dime. If you feel it's time to take matters into your own hands, then ask our Master Psychic to cast a spell or spells that will give you the best gift of all: fulfilling your most important desires.
    I ordered the Xmas Better Job spell last month because I was tired of my dead-end job. I wanted to get a job in the field that I am interested in, and going to school for. Yesterday I had an interview for this type of job, and they hired me on the spot! It pays more than my current job, and it is the first step on the ladder to the career I want to be in. I know the spell worked, and I just want to say THANKS! A. K.
    Orlando, FL
    Results may vary. Please see our testimonials page for details.
    You deserve to be pampered, to be put on a pedestal, to receive the warmth and love and tender loving care you so deserve. And if you feel you are not receiving all of the above from others, well, then do something about it. Make up your very own Xmas Wish List of the truly important things you need, whether it's pulling back the love of your life into your outstretched arms, finding a marvelous job, or winning the ""big lottery."" Then tell our Master Psychic precisely what you want, and he will call upon all his knowledge and skills to work in your behalf. What better gift can you give to yourself? Which one of these best fills your needs?
    "||||"(:XM1 :XM2 :XM3 :XM4 :XM5 :XM6)"|"(:XM1 :XM2 :XM3 :XM4 :XM5 :XM6)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| yarobiluckring|"Yarobi Luck Ring"|RIN|ITEM.||(27.95)||T|""|""|"Yarobi Luck Ring"|""|"Possess the Yarobi Luck Ring and enjoy the luck, prestige, and prosperity it could bring to your life."|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Long before European explorers reached the African continent, a great civilization flourished in the region now known as Nigeria. Its people were known as the Yarobi. Celebrated for their ability to succeed and prosper in a hostile environment, legend attributes their remarkable achievements to a mystical amulet known as the Yarobi Luck Ring. It is said that this extraordinary amulet engulfs the wearer in a protective aura, while bestowing luck, prestige, and prosperity. The moment you touch the Yarobi Luck Ring, you may instinctively ""know"" that your luck has changed! Soon you could find yourself winning, triumphing in every situation. As success builds upon success, you may begin to amass the kind of wealth that will fulfill your greatest desires.
    Whenever you wear or carry this powerful ring, people could be impressed with the ""new"" you as your inner beauty rises to the surface, illuminated and magnified for all to see. This phenomenon is called the ""Yarobi Look."" Coated in 14-Karat gold and adorned with a beautiful hand-made bead and black cord, the Yarobi Luck Ring could quickly become one of your most treasured possessions. Just as the Yarobi people gained the respect of a continent centuries ago, you could gain the respect and recognition of your peers. Possess the Yarobi Luck Ring and enjoy the luck, prestige, and prosperity it could bring to your life."||||""|""|""|"2"|"
    Dear CAA, I placed an order for the Yarobi Luck Ring on the 21st of August. On the 23rd of August I got an offer from work that I took right away. I went from working days to working nights. I'm going to earn more money this way. It's only for five weeks but I'm hoping it's going to continue a little bit longer. And I have also had some luck at gambling thanks to the Ring. And I seem to have a little bit of luck in nearly every situation. Thanks CAA. M.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-yesterday|"Yesterday's Gemini Horoscope"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Aquarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Aries"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Cancer"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Capricorn"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Leo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Libra"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Sagittarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Taurus"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horoscope for Virgo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horsocope for Scorpio"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-yesterday|"Yesterday's Horsoscope for Pisces"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Horoscope

    Yesterday's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aquarius-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Aquarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| aries-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love horoscope for Aries"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| cancer-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Cancer"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| capricorn-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Capricorn"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| gemini-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Gemini"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| leo-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Leo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Libra"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pisces-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Pisces"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| sagittarius-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Sagittarius"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| scorpio-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Scorpio"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| taurus-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Taurus"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| virgo-love-yesterday|"Yesterday's Love Horoscope for Virgo"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Yesterday's Love Horoscope


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz11|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is obviously a person who isn’t living up to their potential nor utilizing their god-given talents. I see a troubled soul whose bitterness within tends to spoil their better characteristics. There is a tendency to blame others, to be jealous of close ones, to lash out at anyone who offers assistance or advice. A sulky demeanor – even vindictiveness – is consuming this person and until they achieve inner peace, they will rarely experience success and happiness. They need help, they need someone who truly cares, and they won’t listen until they finally come to grips with reality. And that reality is they are the cause of their own problems. What can you do to make this person better? First, you can help by trying to build their self-esteem and self-confidence. This could be the origin of their problem. Their poor attitude is a reflection of their low self-worth. Praise them when you can for the good things they do and be careful to be constructive while offering advice regarding areas of disappointment. Try to guide them to areas of strength, areas of interest to them, areas in which they can achieve and shine and feel good about self accomplishment. This person has untapped potential, but until they purge their inner demons, they will never achieve inner peace or be successful and happy in life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz6|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" The strengths and weaknesses are very obvious here. Sometimes we see this person in a positive, well-balanced mood, and it is during these times, they are very attractive, very appealing. However, there are mood swings here, and it appears that their personality – which at times is bright, witty, very giving and alluring – can suddenly turn on a dime. When frustrated or angered, they can be sarcastic and tend to lash out with criticism that is not justified. Then, because this is a good hearted person, they will feel regret and disappointment later on. I see sensuality here, and it is obvious a very sexy person lies beneath. However, they have a tendency to overthink a situation or problem, and this occurs in the bedroom as well. Although open to spontaneity, they can be too talkative and too rational which could suffocate an exciting situation, turning it into mundane and routine. Sometimes it’s better to tell this person to just let go, allowing their instincts and natural urges to emerge – and to just enjoy. I see loyalty to close friends and an inability to say no which sometimes leads to difficult arrangements. They have a tough time letting go and are apt to return to an old situation or an old friend time after time after time. It is also difficult for this person to throw anything away. This is why it is almost impossible for them to break off an old friendship. They listen well, can figure out a seemingly impossible problem, and can be very reliable. If in trouble, this is the person to call. You won’t find panic here. It just isn’t a part of their makeup. Physically, there could be improvement here, but once they are committed to a specific routine, they have no problem taking better care of themselves. Activity is very important for this person. The more physical activity, the more alert, humorous and self-confident they become. Financially, they seem to have a good handle on money; yet there is a tendency to jump into an investment which, had they given more thought to it, they wouldn’t have done in the first place. Sometimes they commit themselves, only to regret it a day or two later. This is true in career, finances and, yes, their personal life as well. Stay close to this person, giving your support and good will, and they will appreciate it and reciprocate your love – but only if they truly believe you are the best for them.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz9|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" A very interesting person, indeed. There are many high spots as well as low points, and I can see that although this person has great potential, at this point in life there is much to be desired. For instance, regarding their ability to communicate feelings and affection, it is difficult for them to express inner feelings and desires in an effective manner. I see great depth here, and this person is capable of growing, learning, advancing. Once they get over the stubbornness and intense dislike of following the lead of others, there could be remarkable advancement in many areas. This is particularly true in career. Although it appears they have made some strides up to this point, their potential hasn’t begun to see the light. There is much to like about this person. When in the right mood, their personality is very appealing and endearing, and they can be a charmer when it is in their interest to do so. It appears we have a very sensual person here – as long as the ""right"" person is in their line of sight. In other words, this person is different things to different people. I see great compatibility with someone who knows this person inside out – their likes, dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. I see wide mood swings – an optimist one minute, a pessimist the next. This is a person who makes excuses when failing but doesn’t want to hear someone else do it. There is a certain amount of self indulgence here. They can be very selfish, very self-centered. And, apparently, this person is so personable and so convincing at times, they can get others to do their bidding. I see much common sense here as well as a tendency to coast, to take things for granted. A bit of a lazy streak is apparent, although when they set their mind to doing something important or interesting, nothing stands in their way. I also see a willingness to work with others as long as it’s on the same level; in other words, equal partners are fine, but if the other person becomes arrogant or bossy, I can see fireworks. This person is a romantic at heart although they may have an inability to verbalize it. And because there is so much potential within, this is a person who could be a remarkable friend, lover, companion – should they ever decide to set their mind to it.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz10|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is a person with a lot to offer, but a great deal to be desired. With many tools to be successful in all aspects of their life, it appears there is a shortfall in accomplishment here in so many arenas. Is it due to a lack of desire, a lack of effort, a refusal to give 100 per cent? It appears that until this person decides to call upon their many areas of strength, others will continue to be disappointed. There apparently is a sense of humor, sometimes dry, sometimes witty. But it can often come off as sarcastic and denigrating. There is also intelligence and common sense, but all too often these are overridden by a somewhat self-indulgent, hedonistic attitude. And there is sensuality – a great deal hidden beneath the surface. But here, too, a tendency to be mostly concerned with fulfilling their own desires rather than their partner’s, is enough to frustrate the one closest to them. What we have here is someone who truly does have the potential to be a better person, a better partner, a better provider. One who can provide tender loving care as well as financial security. But it is apparent this person needs to look beyond self-interests, and self-fulfillment. To look at the needs and welfare of family and friends and lovers. Only then will this person – who truly does have much to offer – finally achieve happiness, success, self-esteem, and love.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz8|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is a person who likes to be with people. They are generous of heart and loyal to a fault. However, there are downsides to this type of personality. They have been hurt numerous times by people who have taken advantage of them. Because they are easily swayed, they have a weakness for a self-indulgent type of personality. As a result, they are somewhat reluctant to trust unconditionally, having been burned on more than one occasion. Basically, you have to prove to them that you have a sincere heart and are not out to ""take them."" Their defenses are constantly up and you have to break through the barriers to convince them of your good intentions. I see a sensual person here, someone who enjoys being touched, cared for, loved. At times they can be very physical – or very aloof. It seems as if a cloud suddenly appears, changing their mood from gregarious to suspicious. However, if you can remain calm and not engage them in argument, the moods are usually short-lived, and once again their sunny personality will emerge. People seem to be attracted – even mesmerized – by them, and they are open to many different types of friendships with many different types of people. It is surprising, even amazing, how wide a variety of interests and friendships they have. This is a person who can be very creative, and who, if exposed to the arts, could find themselves engulfed in writing, drawing, anything which requires imagination. They have a terrific sense of humor when in the mood, and particularly when in the company of people who are stimulating. The mundane or routine doesn’t excite them, but introducing them to a new movie or a new venture does get their attention; at first, they may be reluctant because of their conservative nature, but a little prodding can get them out of the house. Overall, this is a good person to have as a friend, partner, or mate. But they come with some baggage and you will have to walk on eggshells for the period of time when they don’t quite trust you. This is a person who has been disappointed by people over the years, and you should always be careful to maintain their trust and respect.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz7|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is someone capable of becoming a best friend, a person who has deep loyalties and fine values. This is also a person who can have mood swings – seemingly your ally one moment and your enemy the next. Their range of emotions appears to be greater than most people, and their interests also vary more than most. Mostly good-natured and enjoying the company of a wide variety of people, they can become sarcastic when annoyed. Ruled by reason and common sense, they don’t have much time or patience for those who aren’t rational. Blessed with a nicely developed intellect, this is a good person to turn to when in a difficult situation. They usually have a handle on finances, knowing exactly what they need now and will need in the future. Unfortunately, I see a tendency to be impulsive at times which detracts from their usual step by step approach, sometimes finding themselves mired in a difficult situation. There is sensuality here, and they enjoy being physical. There is a deep-seated urge to try different things because they do tire quickly of routine and the ordinary. Their best lover is one who is willing to go to great lengths to stimulate and excite them. They place great value on loyalty and friendship and are interested in partnerships. However, they are apt to be taken advantage of by those who are selfish and indulgent. Born with a desire to please, they feel let down when someone doesn’t reciprocate their sincere, generous attitude. In business and finance, they are likely to be successful if determined to sticking it out for the long haul. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to fall into the wrong type of venture, causing them to be frustrated in a situation they are not comfortable in. Good business sense, a great deal of common sense, and a willingness to work hard bodes well for them. Overall, this is a kind-hearted, generous soul who will do anything for you if they allow you to get close enough. The key to winning and keeping their love and friendship is to be yourself because they can spot a phony from miles away. They know who they are and want everyone close to them to act naturally and in good faith.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz2|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is a very special person with a wealth of talent, personality and potential. Here is someone who cares about people, apparently not afraid to mingle with those from all walks of life, and one who doesn’t seem to back away from challenges. This is a caring, loyal type who is a very capable leader, one who is not afraid to take the bull by the horn and stand in front. Sometimes self-doubt creeps into their mind, and these are the times that success and victory come hard. It would appear that once this person has the mindset to take on a particular task or challenge, nothing can stop them. I see determination in spades and a will to do whatever it takes to achieve set goals. There is also a bit of the wanderer here, and it is possible for this type of personality to jump from one thing to another before settling down. Unless there is interest and challenge here, I see them getting bored rather easily. I see sensuality, a feeling that the opposite sex should do their bidding. I also sense they can be aloof and a bit of a selfish lover. However, it’s obvious we have a sexual being here, and this person is definitely a turn on – when they are in the driver’s seat. Confidence, yes. But this type of individual is almost divided into two very distinct personalities. The first is confident, self-assured, reasonably happy with numerous god-given gifts. The second is someone who knows they are gifted but who tends to drift a bit, relying on their talents without using their abilities to the fullest. Sometimes this person can be extremely frustrating to those closest to them. I can see mood swings when feeling sorry for themselves, but overall we have a very pleasant, appealing personality here. I see a person who is responsible, with unlimited potential in both business, romantic and family matters. This is definitely someone you can count on – as long as they care about you.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz1|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is the highest ranking. You have selected a very interesting person, one who seems to have little difficulty getting people to respond, to draw closer. Occasionally a person like this comes along and it’s not surprising that you could have strong feelings about them. This is a very appealing, almost seductive personality, and it appears that these feelings are often reciprocated by those touched by such charm and charisma. This person can get along with many types. A quiet, reclusive person would be brought out of his shell when in contact with such a compelling individual. Contrast this with an outgoing, even loud person who could be soothed and softened once our esteemed friend touches them. I see a happy person, a person with confidence and inner peace. This optimism is most likely a reflection of their inner being, a makeup stamped at birth and most likely carried through a lifetime. I see a clear thinker here. They are not apt to rush into things helter-skelter and seem to grow wiser and more experienced each year. This is a person with an old soul, one who has carried with them the learnings from several lifetimes. I see great potential in so many aspects of their life. Sometimes it may be deceptive, something that others may miss, but make no doubt about it – money, love, luck – this person could, and should someday, have it all. I see an underlying sensuality here, a very appealing, alluring personality. And it should be obvious to you that people from all walks of life can be swayed by just the look of this very appealing individual. If you are in touch with this person, treasure them, attempt to bring them closer to you, and enjoy.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz5|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is a very interesting, very intriguing personality. They are self-assured and self-confident but only if in the right environment. Over the years, this person has had numerous ups and downs, particularly in the personal side. I see a tendency to want to drop out, cast off responsibility and go off to live in isolation. Part of this is due to a highly developed sense of responsibility to others which sometimes seems overbearing and too much to live up to. I see someone who likes people but who can be a terror if someone crosses them. Unpredictable is a good description as it seems we have several personalities rolled into one here. At times, they can be caring, giving, loving, very romantic. But at the drop of a hat, they can be aloof, distant, with a biting humor. This is a person who has a great deal of common sense, who can excel in many different areas – but who must first be stimulated, interested, intrigued and allured by something new and different. These attributes can also be characteristic in their personal life as well. I see a wide variety of people coming and going, touching this person, sometimes draining them of their energy and time. We obviously have a generous, giving personality here. This is someone who is listening to you when you don’t think so, who hears everything, and who absorbs much more than the average person. The ability to amass a wealth of information, process it and make appropriate decisions is very characteristic of this type of individual. These qualities serve them well in career and business matters. However, I see a tendency toward impulsiveness, and there have been numerous instances in which they jumped into a venture too quickly, not allowing themselves the time to process the information properly and make the correct judgments. It is during these times that they have experienced failure and regret. There is sensuality here, and a fine imagination. A good lover when truly interested, but a tendency to start out fast – interested and excited – but somewhat disinterested and bored after a period of time. Variety is an inherited urge they have deep down within, which is something they can’t quite explain. This is a person with great depth, interested in many things outside of themselves, and a willingness to sacrifice for the right cause. I sense this person has great potential in love and business, but they must be with the right person to stimulate them, encourage them, and get them started.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz4|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This person can be remarkable at times, and, unfortunately, a disappointment as well. I see someone who is loyal, independent, caring when in the mood, and a person who is willing to accept challenges – but only if stimulated and interested. At times they can be moody and selfish, only caring about satisfying their own needs. During these periods, they can be aloof, uninterested, and sometimes even rude. However, the upside to this person is, indeed, remarkable. I see someone who will go out of their way and be extremely generous to the “right” person. Sometimes even to the point of ridiculousness. It is almost as if we are seeing two people here. The first can be sulking, moody, not talkative at all. while the second can be absolutely irresistible, very funny, extremely loyal and very cuddly. I see a sensual person here, someone who can be sexy and very, very appealing. This person lives inside their mind a great deal of time. And when it comes to romantic pleasures, I see a person whose sexual fantasies are sometimes approaching the edge. Outwardly, however, there is strong sensuality exhibited here, and this can be extremely appealing and alluring. Regarding career, this is a person who will be very frustrated if not in the right field, someone who could be highly successful – or one who will be absolutely lost if in a dead end job. It all depends on their motivation. When stimulated and interested, the sky is the limit. But when working in a boring, unchallenging atmosphere, this individual will feel suffocated, unable to perform up to their capabilities. Challenge is the key word in their career! I see a very sharp humor here, sometimes leading to sarcasm – a biting wit which sometimes turns people off. There is some self-doubt here and a tendency to get depressed. Self-esteem is usually high, but occasionally they feel let down by others as well as getting down on themselves. This person needs a great deal of encouragement even though they appear to be independent and self motivated. The key to their happiness and success is to have the right partner, the right mate by their side.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz3|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|" This is a very interesting – and unpredictable – individual. Most of the time there is a spark of life, an excitement that this person generates. And it is irresistible. You can’t get enough of their sly, almost sarcastic humor, sensuality, appealing characteristics; yet, they can be moody. And you never know when it’s going to occur. I see a good person, one who cares about others, is willing to cross the line to do good; however, when someone doesn’t live up to expectations, there is a backsliding that occurs very rapidly. Once someone falls out of favor, it takes a great deal to get back in their good graces. This is why this person is better off in an independent work place, preferably being their own boss in which the decision making is left solely in their hands. There is a basic goodness here, a true understanding and respect for right and wrong. This person can be loyal to a fault unless they feel they have been wronged; then, look out. I see a tendency toward vindictiveness, stubbornness, and an inability to turn the other cheek when upset. Once again, this goes back to their unpredictability which is so clearly evidenced in their personality. I see a thirst for knowledge, some regret for not being educated more – or at least in the right field – and a deep desire to do something creative, either in the field of writing, art, or perhaps invention. This person sees things not so much for what they are, but for what they could be. They are an astute visionary, and can see accurately into the future. This is another reason why they would be well suited for independent work. At times this is a very sensual person, someone who has great sexual fantasies but thus far has been somewhat frustrated in achieving most of them. Given the chance, however, they could surprise you and even themselves as to how daring they could be. Sometimes they are unable to reach down and touch their inner feelings, and perhaps an unwillingness to open up. I see a person of great depth, deep emotions, very good intellect and good conversationalist – particularly when discussing an area of interest to them. All in all, I see a person who can be fascinating at times, a real pain occasionally, but a person of great substance capable of solid friendships and long lasting relationships.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| lovequiz12|"Your Customized Analysis..."||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"This is a troubled soul, someone who is unhappy, who has inner demons locked within. I see a tormented person who never seems to be at the right place at the right time. Good luck seems to avoid them, and they are hounded by past failures. As a result this person is hesitant to take chances, to seek self-improvement, to get out of the rut. There is a fear of failure here, and this is based on past experience. I sense bitterness and resentment toward others – even close ones – who do well in life. Anyone who is happy and successful poses a threat to this unfortunate, sad soul. So, what can you do to help? They need guidance and a positive force to help reconstruct their daily routine. They are on a course headed for disaster and they do need direction. But will they listen? You can help focus on areas of strength and experience and interest. This could help diminish the inner demons by increasing their self-esteem. Of course, professional help, if affordable, is always recommended. The important thing is to help them realize that their self-indulgent, bitter attitude will lead them down the path to destruction. And once they exhibit a more positive outlook, then, and only then, can they could take giant steps toward a happier, more productive life.

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| libra-today|"Your Daily Horoscope for Libra"||ITEM.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Your Horoscope for

    Today's Lucky Numbers:


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra|"Zandra the Psychic"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"I will call upon my unique powers to assist you in your most important relationships, your financial situation, your happiness."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Is It Love You Seek? Money? Happiness?

    I am Zandra. Although most people have an occasional burst of psychic ability, only a few are blessed with superior telepathic and psychic powers. We are known as the ""gifted ones."" And if you ask me, I will call upon these unique powers to assist you in your most important relationships, your financial situation, your happiness. Take a look at the following potent spells and see which one or ones could dramatically enhance your life."||||"(:ZANDRA-LOVE-ROMANCE :ZANDRA-MONEY-SUCCESS :ZANDRA-LUCK-WINNING-BIG :ZANDRA-SPECIALTY-SPELLS :ZANDRA-RETRIBUTION-CURSES :ZANDRA-BREAKUP :ZANDRA-JOBS-CAREER)"|"(:ZANDRA-LOVE-ROMANCE :ZANDRA-MONEY-SUCCESS :ZANDRA-LUCK-WINNING-BIG :ZANDRA-SPECIALTY-SPELLS :ZANDRA-RETRIBUTION-CURSES :ZANDRA-BREAKUP :ZANDRA-JOBS-CAREER)"|""|"7"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-banish-that-evil-person-from-my-life|"Zandra's Banish That Evil Person from My Life"|Z65|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Banish That Evil Person from My Life


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-boost-my-self-confidence|"Zandra's Boost My Self Confidence"|Z54|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Boost My Self Confidence


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-break-up-that-couple-who-shouldnt-be-together|"Zandra's Break Up That Couple Who Shouldn't Be Together"|Z72|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Break Up That Couple Who Shouldn't Be Together


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-breakup|"Zandra's Breakup Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Do you know someone who is in a relationship that is not good for him or her? Zandra the psychic may be able to help."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Breakup Spells

    Do you know someone who is in a relationship that is not good for him or her? In fact, it is terrible for them. And perhaps for you as well? If so, you have come to the right place and you were destined to read these words. Take a look at the following spells and decide which one or ones most accurately reflect your situation. You will have an opportunity to explain the details of your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast and any other instructions if necessary."||||"(:ZANDRA-BREAK-UP-THAT-COUPLE-WHO-SHOULDNT-BE-TOGETHER :ZANDRA-I-WANT-MY-LOVER-TO-BE-WITH-ME-AND-NOT-THAT-OTHER-PERSON :ZANDRA-RESCUE-MY-LOVER-FROM-THAT-BAD-RELATIONSHIP :ZANDRA-STOP-THAT-PERSON-FROM-BRAINWASHING-MY-LOVED-ONE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-BAD-RELATIONSHIP-TO-BE-NO-RELATIONSHIP :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THESE-TWO-PEOPLE-TO-FALL-OUT-OF-LOVE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-COUPLE-TO-REALIZE-THEY-DONT-BELONG-TOGETHER :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-BE-ON-MY-LOVERS-MIND-247)"|"(:ZANDRA-BREAK-UP-THAT-COUPLE-WHO-SHOULDNT-BE-TOGETHER :ZANDRA-I-WANT-MY-LOVER-TO-BE-WITH-ME-AND-NOT-THAT-OTHER-PERSON :ZANDRA-RESCUE-MY-LOVER-FROM-THAT-BAD-RELATIONSHIP :ZANDRA-STOP-THAT-PERSON-FROM-BRAINWASHING-MY-LOVED-ONE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-BAD-RELATIONSHIP-TO-BE-NO-RELATIONSHIP :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THESE-TWO-PEOPLE-TO-FALL-OUT-OF-LOVE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-COUPLE-TO-REALIZE-THEY-DONT-BELONG-TOGETHER :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-BE-ON-MY-LOVERS-MIND-247)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-change-my-lovers-mind|"Zandra's Change My Lover's Mind"|Z06|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Change My Lover’s Mind


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-end-my-loneliness|"Zandra's End My Loneliness"|Z52|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    End My Loneliness


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-find-me-a-mate-asap|"Zandra's Find Me a Mate ASAP"|Z10|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Find Me a Mate ASAP


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-get-my-man-out-of-that-relationship|"Zandra's Get My Man Out of That Relationship"|Z01|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Get My Man Out of That Relationship


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-get-my-woman-out-of-that-relationship|"Zandra's Get My Woman Out of That Relationship"|Z03|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Get My Woman Out of That Relationship


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-give-me-one-more-chance-in-this-relationship|"Zandra's Give Me One More Chance in This Relationship"|Z12|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Give Me One More Chance in This Relationship


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-have-money-flow-toward-me-not-away-from-me|"Zandra's Have Money Flow Toward Me, Not Away from Me"|Z29|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Have Money Flow Toward Me, Not Away from Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-have-my-bank-account-overflow-with-funds|"Zandra's Have My Bank Account Overflow with Funds"|Z33|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Have My Bank Account Overflow with Funds


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-have-my-loved-one-think-about-me-day-and-night|"Zandra's Have My Loved One Think About Me Day and Night"|Z14|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Have My Loved One Think About Me Day and Night


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-have-my-lover-say-yes-to-marriage|"Zandra's Have My Lover Say Yes to Marriage"|Z21|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Have My Lover Say Yes to Marriage


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-have-my-lover-stop-being-angry-at-me|"Zandra's Have My Lover Stop Being Angry at Me"|Z23|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Have My Lover Stop Being Angry at Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-have-my-reluctant-lover-commit-to-me|"Zandra's Have My Reluctant Lover Commit to Me"|Z13|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Have My Reluctant Lover Commit to Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-need-a-job-with-less-stress|"Zandra's I Need a Job with Less Stress"|Z84|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Need a Job with Less Stress


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-need-passion-and-excitement-in-my-life|"Zandra's I Need Passion and Excitement in My Life"|Z18|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Your Birthdate"" Inscription 14 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Your Birthdate:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Need Passion and Excitement in My Life


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-need-to-erase-my-debt-now|"Zandra's I Need to Erase My Debt Now"|Z26|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Need to Erase My Debt Now


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-need-to-relax-more-and-have-less-stress|"Zandra's I Need to Relax More and Have Less Stress"|Z62|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Need to Relax More and Have Less Stress


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-need-to-turn-my-bad-luck-into-good-luck|"Zandra's I Need to Turn My Bad Luck into Good Luck"|Z41|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Need to Turn My Bad Luck into Good Luck


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-a-new-high-paying-job-that-i-love|"Zandra's I Want a New High-paying Job That I Love"|Z81|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want a New High-paying Job That I Love


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-a-raise-and-promotion-in-my-current-job|"Zandra's I Want a Raise and Promotion in My Current Job"|Z80|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want a Raise and Promotion in My Current Job


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-a-thriving-successful-business|"Zandra's I Want a Thriving, Successful Business"|Z30|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want a Thriving, Successful Business


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-an-eye-for-an-eye-with-that-wicked-person|"Zandra's I Want an Eye for an Eye with That Wicked Person"|Z69|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want an Eye for an Eye with That Wicked Person


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-money-for-the-good-life|"Zandra's I Want Money for the Good Life"|Z25|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want Money for the Good Life


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-boss-and-coworkers-to-treat-me-with-respect|"Zandra's I Want My Boss and Coworkers to Treat Me with Respect"|Z82|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Boss and Coworkers to Treat Me with Respect


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-friend-to-be-my-lover|"Zandra's I Want My Friend to Be My Lover"|Z09|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Friend to Be My Lover


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-inner-demons-to-go-away|"Zandra's I Want My Inner Demons to Go Away"|Z61|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Inner Demons to Go Away


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-loved-one-to-be-faithful|"Zandra's I Want My Loved One to Be Faithful"|Z15|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Loved One to Be Faithful


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-loved-one-to-have-lust-for-only-me|"Zandra's I Want My Loved One to Have Lust for Only Me"|Z16|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Loved One to Have Lust for Only Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-lover-to-be-with-me-and-not-that-other-person|"Zandra's I Want My Lover to Be with Me and Not That Other Person"|Z73|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Lover to Be with Me and Not That Other Person


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-lover-to-forgive-me|"Zandra's I Want My Lover to Forgive Me"|Z20|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Lover to Forgive Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-lover-to-stop-being-so-stubborn|"Zandra's I Want My Lover to Stop Being So Stubborn"|Z24|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Lover to Stop Being So Stubborn


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-lover-to-treat-me-like-gold|"Zandra's I Want My Lover to Treat Me Like Gold"|Z08|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Lover to Treat Me Like Gold


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-lucky-streak-to-be-long-and-prosperous|"Zandra's I Want My Lucky Streak to Be Long and Prosperous"|Z44|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Lucky Streak to Be Long and Prosperous


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-rival-to-admit-they-are-wrong-and-treat-me-better|"Zandra's I Want My Rival to Admit They Are Wrong and Treat Me Better"|Z67|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Rival to Admit They Are Wrong and Treat Me Better


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-my-success-to-be-recognized-and-appreciated|"Zandra's I Want My Success to Be Recognized and Appreciated"|Z34|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want My Success to Be Recognized and Appreciated


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-new-friends-and-adventures|"Zandra's I Want New Friends and Adventures"|Z57|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want New Friends and Adventures


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-that-bad-person-to-be-doomed-to-fail|"Zandra's I Want That Bad Person to Be Doomed to Fail"|Z70|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want That Bad Person to Be Doomed to Fail


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-that-bad-relationship-to-be-no-relationship|"Zandra's I Want That Bad Relationship to Be No Relationship"|Z76|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want That Bad Relationship to Be No Relationship


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-that-couple-to-realize-they-dont-belong-together|"Zandra's I Want That Couple to Realize They Don't Belong Together"|Z78|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want That Couple to Realize They Don't Belong Together


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-that-person-to-stop-tormenting-me|"Zandra's I Want That Person to Stop Tormenting Me"|Z66|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want That Person to Stop Tormenting Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-that-wicked-person-to-get-their-comeuppance|"Zandra's I Want That Wicked Person to Get Their Comeuppance"|Z68|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want That Wicked Person to Get Their Comeuppance


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-the-jinx-on-me-removed-at-once|"Zandra's I Want the Jinx on Me Removed at Once"|Z71|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want the Jinx on Me Removed at Once


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-the-opportunity-and-funds-to-start-my-own-business|"Zandra's I Want the Opportunity and Funds to Start My Own Business"|Z28|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want the Opportunity and Funds to Start My Own Business


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-these-two-people-to-fall-out-of-love|"Zandra's I Want These Two People to Fall Out of Love"|Z77|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""What are the couple's names?"" Inscription 30 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    What are the couple's names?:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want These Two People to Fall Out of Love


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-turn-on-that-special-person|"Zandra's I Want to ""Turn On"" That Special Person"|Z17|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to ""Turn On"" That Special Person


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-gloriously-rich-and-time-to-enjoy-the-luxuries|"Zandra's I Want to Be Gloriously Rich and Have Time to Enjoy the Luxuries"|Z32|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Gloriously Rich and Have Time to Enjoy the Luxuries


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-lucky-in-bingo-power-ball-jackpots-lottery-and-sweepstakes|"Zandra's I Want to Be Lucky in Bingo, Power Ball, Jackpots, Lottery, and Sweepstakes"|Z47|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Lucky in Bingo, Power Ball, Jackpots, Lottery, and Sweepstakes


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-lucky-in-finding-new-opportunities-to-make-money|"Zandra's I Want to Be Lucky in Finding New Opportunities to Make Money"|Z50|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Lucky in Finding New Opportunities to Make Money


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-lucky-in-making-new-friendships|"Zandra's I Want to Be Lucky in Making New Friendships"|Z51|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Lucky in Making New Friendships


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-lucky-in-my-career|"Zandra's I Want to Be Lucky in My Career"|Z49|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Lucky in My Career


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-lucky-in-romance|"Zandra's I Want to Be Lucky in Romance"|Z48|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Lucky in Romance


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-more-creative-and-more-interesting|"Zandra's I Want to Be More Creative and More Interesting"|Z58|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be More Creative and More Interesting


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-numero-uno-in-my-lovers-eyes|"Zandra's I Want to Be Numero Uno in My Lover's Eyes"|Z22|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Numero Uno in My Lover's Eyes


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-on-my-lovers-mind-247|"Zandra's I Want to Be on My Lover's Mind 24/7"|Z79|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be on My Lover’s Mind 24/7


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-reconciled-with-my-loved-one|"Zandra's I Want to Be Reconciled with My Loved One"|Z05|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Reconciled with My Loved One


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-respected-and-admired|"Zandra's I Want to Be Respected and Admired"|Z55|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Respected and Admired


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-successful-without-even-trying|"Zandra's I Want to Be Successful Without Even Trying"|Z38|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Successful Without Even Trying


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-surrounded-by-interesting-people|"Zandra's I Want to Be Surrounded by Interesting People"|Z36|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Surrounded by Interesting People


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-the-boss|"Zandra's I Want to Be the Boss"|Z85|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be the Boss


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-treated-with-tender-loving-care|"Zandra's I Want to Be Treated with Tender Loving Care"|Z19|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Treated with Tender Loving Care


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-be-ultra-lucky-in-every-aspect-of-my-life|"Zandra's I Want to Be Ultra Lucky in Every Aspect of My Life"|Z42|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Be Ultra Lucky in Every Aspect of My Life


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-enjoy-life-to-the-fullest|"Zandra's I Want to Enjoy Life to the Fullest"|Z37|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Enjoy Life to the Fullest


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-enjoy-my-workday-and-not-dread-it|"Zandra's I Want to Enjoy My Workday and Not Dread It"|Z83|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Enjoy My Workday and Not Dread It


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-even-the-score-with-that-evil-person|"Zandra's I Want to Even The Score with That Evil Person"|Z63|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Even The Score with That Evil Person


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-explode-the-past-and-start-anew|"Zandra's I Want To Explode the Past and Start Anew"|Z60|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want To Explode the Past and Start Anew


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-feel-like-a-winner-and-be-a-winner|"Zandra's I Want to Feel Like A Winner and Be a Winner"|Z40|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Feel Like A Winner and Be a Winner


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-love-myself-and-have-others-love-me-as-well|"Zandra's I Want to Love Myself and Have Others Love Me as Well"|Z87|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Love Myself and Have Others Love Me as Well


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-reverse-a-curse-on-the-person-who-cast-it|"Zandra's I Want to Reverse a Curse on the Person Who Cast It"|Z64|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Reverse a Curse on the Person Who Cast It


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-start-a-successful-business|"Zandra's I Want to Start a Successful Business"|Z86|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Start a Successful Business


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-think-like-a-millionaire-and-be-a-millionaire|"Zandra's I Want to Think Like a Millionaire, and Be a Millionaire"|Z27|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Think Like a Millionaire, and Be a Millionaire


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-travel-and-stay-at-the-best-places|"Zandra's I Want to Travel and Stay at the Best Places"|Z35|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Travel and Stay at the Best Places


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-turn-the-odds-in-my-favor|"Zandra's I Want to Turn the Odds in My Favor"|Z45|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Turn the Odds in My Favor


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-win-at-the-slot-machines-and-gaming-tables|"Zandra's I Want to Win at the Slot Machines and Gaming Tables"|Z46|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Win at the Slot Machines and Gaming Tables


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-i-want-to-win-the-big-one|"Zandra's I Want to Win the ""Big One"""|Z39|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    I Want to Win the “Big One”


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-jobs-career|"Zandra's Job & Career Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Are you in a job that is not satisfying you creatively or financially?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Job & Career Spells

    Are you in a job that is not satisfying you creatively or financially? Are you bored with the daily tasks you have to perform? And are you less-than-stimulated with the other people at work? Would you like to be transported to the field of your dreams with a salary that could afford you the luxuries you so dearly want. Take a look at the following spells to see which one or ones most accurately reflect your goals and aspirations. You will have an opportunity to explain the details of your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast and any other instructions if necessary."||||"(:ZANDRA-I-WANT-A-RAISE-AND-PROMOTION-IN-MY-CURRENT-JOB :ZANDRA-I-WANT-A-NEW-HIGH-PAYING-JOB-THAT-I-LOVE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-MY-BOSS-AND-COWORKERS-TO-TREAT-ME-WITH-RESPECT :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-ENJOY-MY-WORKDAY-AND-NOT-DREAD-IT :ZANDRA-I-NEED-A-JOB-WITH-LESS-STRESS :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-BE-THE-BOSS :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-START-A-SUCCESSFUL-BUSINESS)"|"(:ZANDRA-I-WANT-A-RAISE-AND-PROMOTION-IN-MY-CURRENT-JOB :ZANDRA-I-WANT-A-NEW-HIGH-PAYING-JOB-THAT-I-LOVE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-MY-BOSS-AND-COWORKERS-TO-TREAT-ME-WITH-RESPECT :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-ENJOY-MY-WORKDAY-AND-NOT-DREAD-IT :ZANDRA-I-NEED-A-JOB-WITH-LESS-STRESS :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-BE-THE-BOSS :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-START-A-SUCCESSFUL-BUSINESS)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-love-romance|"Zandra's Love & Romance Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Is your relationship in trouble? Or perhaps you seek a new love?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Love & Romance Spells


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-luck-winning-big|"Zandra's Luck & Winning Big Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Have you grown tired and frustrated at watching others win the big contests, the rich sweepstakes?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Luck & Winning Big Spells


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-make-me-irresistible-and-sexy|"Zandra's Make Me Irresistible and Sexy"|Z59|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Make Me Irresistible and Sexy


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-make-my-life-exciting-and-interesting|"Zandra's Make My Life Exciting and Interesting"|Z56|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Make My Life Exciting and Interesting


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-make-that-special-person-fall-in-love-with-me|"Zandra's Make That Special Person Fall in Love with Me"|Z07|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Make That Special Person Fall in Love with Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-money-success|"Zandra's Money & Success Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Would you like to get up each morning with the satisfaction that you don’t have to scratch and claw for every dollar that comes your way?"|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Money & Success Spells


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-put-lady-luck-in-my-corner|"Zandra's Put Lady Luck in My Corner"|Z43|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Put Lady Luck in My Corner


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-rescue-my-lover-from-that-bad-relationship|"Zandra's Rescue My Lover from That Bad Relationship"|Z74|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Rescue My Lover from That Bad Relationship


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-retribution-curses|"Zandra's Retribution Spells & Curses"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"Unfortunately, there are people who occasionally come into our lives that don’t have our best interests at heart."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Retribution Spells & Curses

    Unfortunately, there are people who occasionally come into our lives that do not have our best interests at heart. These are usually unhappy and bitter people who appear envious and even jealous of those of us who are leading happier, more productive lives. If someone like this is currently causing you distress, take a look at the following spells and see which one or ones most accurately reflect your situation. You will have an opportunity to explain the details of your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast and any other instructions if necessary. "||||"(:ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-EVEN-THE-SCORE-WITH-THAT-EVIL-PERSON :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-REVERSE-A-CURSE-ON-THE-PERSON-WHO-CAST-IT :ZANDRA-BANISH-THAT-EVIL-PERSON-FROM-MY-LIFE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-PERSON-TO-STOP-TORMENTING-ME :ZANDRA-I-WANT-MY-RIVAL-TO-ADMIT-THEY-ARE-WRONG-AND-TREAT-ME-BETTER :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-WICKED-PERSON-TO-GET-THEIR-COMEUPPANCE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-AN-EYE-FOR-AN-EYE-WITH-THAT-WICKED-PERSON :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-BAD-PERSON-TO-BE-DOOMED-TO-FAIL :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THE-JINX-ON-ME-REMOVED-AT-ONCE)"|"(:ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-EVEN-THE-SCORE-WITH-THAT-EVIL-PERSON :ZANDRA-I-WANT-TO-REVERSE-A-CURSE-ON-THE-PERSON-WHO-CAST-IT :ZANDRA-BANISH-THAT-EVIL-PERSON-FROM-MY-LIFE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-PERSON-TO-STOP-TORMENTING-ME :ZANDRA-I-WANT-MY-RIVAL-TO-ADMIT-THEY-ARE-WRONG-AND-TREAT-ME-BETTER :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-WICKED-PERSON-TO-GET-THEIR-COMEUPPANCE :ZANDRA-I-WANT-AN-EYE-FOR-AN-EYE-WITH-THAT-WICKED-PERSON :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THAT-BAD-PERSON-TO-BE-DOOMED-TO-FAIL :ZANDRA-I-WANT-THE-JINX-ON-ME-REMOVED-AT-ONCE)"|""|"1"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-return-my-man-to-me|"Zandra's Return My Man to Me"|Z02|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Return My Man to Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-return-my-woman-to-me|"Zandra's Return My Woman to Me"|Z04|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Return My Woman to Me


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-revive-an-old-love|"Zandra's Revive an Old Love"|Z11|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Revive an Old Love


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-specialty-spells|"Zandra's Specialty Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"These specialty spells from Zandra the psychic cover several areas of interest."|""|""|""|""|""|"

    Zandra's Specialty Spells


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-spur-me-on-to-success|"Zandra's Spur Me On to Success"|Z31|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Spur Me On to Success


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-stop-that-person-from-brainwashing-my-loved-one|"Zandra's Stop That Person from Brainwashing My Loved One"|Z75|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Other Person's Name"" Inscription 24 ""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Other Person's Name:
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Stop That Person from Brainwashing My Loved One


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zandra-surround-me-with-friends-and-loved-ones|"Zandra's Surround Me With Friends and Loved Ones"|Z53|CUSTOM-ITEM||(39.95)|(25)|T|"""Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?"" ""Cast it only once"" ""Cast it again two hours later (+$9.00)"""|"
    Should Zandra cast your spell TWICE in your behalf to increase the chances of success?: 

    Surround Me With Friends and Loved Ones


    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zodiac-spells|"Zodiac Spells"||CUSTOM-ITEM||||T|""|""|""|""|"CAA Exclusive! The combination of two ancient arts -- astrology and spell casting -- could have a profound impact on your life!"|""|""|""|""|""|" If you believe that astrology can provide remarkable insights into your character and your future, you should be aware that you can take it one step further. What a Zodiac spell can do for you By combining two ancient arts - astrology and spell casting - one of the leading specialists in the art of casting Zodiac spells will focus on your most important request. And he will call upon his formidable psychic powers to bring your dream to reality. So if you are in a relationship that is floundering, or perhaps your bank account is in jeopardy, or you are finally at your wit's end regarding a troubling situation, you now have a friend with amazing psychic gifts. His name is Burton and he's an internationally renowned astrologer/psychic. One of his areas of specialization is casting Zodiac spells. And he is waiting to hear from you. With your birth date information in hand, Burton will learn all about you and become ""one with you."" He will know the real you, the secret you, the ""vulnerable"" you that few people see. A Zodiac Spell Specifically Created for You! Your sign helps define you as a unique individual with very specific character and personality traits. With this intimate knowledge of you, Burton will forge an intimate bond with you, essentially ""melding"" with you. Then he will concentrate his formidable psychic powers on your specific request. Click on your sign below and jump-start your quest for success in love, money and supreme happiness. "||||"(:ARIES-ZODIAC-SPELLS :TAURUS-ZODIAC-SPELLS :GEMINI-ZODIAC-SPELLS :CANCER-ZODIAC-SPELLS :LEO-ZODIAC-SPELLS :VIRGO-ZODIAC-SPELLS :LIBRA-ZODIAC-SPELLS :SCORPIO-ZODIAC-SPELLS :SAGITTARIUS-ZODIAC-SPELLS :CAPRICORN-ZODIAC-SPELLS :AQUARIUS-ZODIAC-SPELLS :PISCES-ZODIAC-SPELLS)"|"(:ARIES-ZODIAC-SPELLS :TAURUS-ZODIAC-SPELLS :GEMINI-ZODIAC-SPELLS :CANCER-ZODIAC-SPELLS :LEO-ZODIAC-SPELLS :VIRGO-ZODIAC-SPELLS :LIBRA-ZODIAC-SPELLS :SCORPIO-ZODIAC-SPELLS :SAGITTARIUS-ZODIAC-SPELLS :CAPRICORN-ZODIAC-SPELLS :AQUARIUS-ZODIAC-SPELLS :PISCES-ZODIAC-SPELLS)"|""|"6"|""|"

    "|"T"|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| zodiac-spells-link|"Zodiac Spells"||LINK.|zodiac-spells.html||||""|""|""|""|"CAA Exclusive! The combination of two ancient arts -- astrology and spell casting -- could have a profound impact on your life!"|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| angel-de-la-guarda|"Ángel de la guarda"|ANG1|CUSTOM-ITEM||(16.95)||T|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|"
    Una de las nociones más comunes entre las religiones más importantes del mundo es la existencia de un guía espiritual asignado a cada persona desde su nacimiento. La misión de este ser sobrenatural es protegernos y enviar nuestras oraciones directamente a Dios. Este Espíritu guía es conocido universalmente como el Ángel de la guarda. Su Ángel de la guarda ha estado con usted durante toda su vida esperando a que le hable, queriendo ayudarle. Pero puede que haya esperado en vano si usted nunca aprendió el modo apropiado para ponerse en contacto con él, si nunca aprendió el secreto. Este místico y poderoso amuleto le puede ayudar a enfocar su atención en su propio y personal Ángel de la guarda. Tan pronto como reciba el amuleto del Ángel de la guarda, una nueva y poderosa fuerza entrará en su vida. Es posible que comience a sentir su presencia e influencia en su vida inmediatamente. Y su vida ya no volverá a ser la misma.
    Tras recibir el Ángel de la guarda, su vida da un giro
    Cynthia Araujo se sentía perdida y confundida. Había perdido su trabajo y parecía que el mundo se le venía encima. “Fue horroroso”, dijo la mujer, residente de New Bedford. “No tenía casa, no recibía cheques de la oficina de desempleo, y pensé en suicidarme.”

    Entonces, la madre de Cynthia le regaló un Ángel de la guarda. “Mi madre se dio cuenta de lo deprimida que estaba y me compró un Ángel de la guarda. Ahora tengo un techo sobre mi cabeza [y] estoy planeando regresar a la universidad y tener la oportunidad de vivir una vida mejor; todo porque mi madre me compró uno de sus Ángeles de la guarda.”

      De la misma forma en que guarda cerca suyo imágenes de sus seres queridos, debería estar siempre cerca de su Ángel de la guarda. Llévelo con usted o guárdelo en un lugar tranquilo de su casa. Siempre que tenga una oración especial, una petición o un deseo, concentre su mente directamente en este notable amuleto y exprese en alto sus pensamientos. Su Ángel de la guarda comenzará a trabajar en su nombre tan pronto como le escuche. Muy pronto, es posible que todo lo que ha deseado siempre – ya sea dinero, amor o éxito – empiece a aparecer en su vida. Imagine su sorpresa cuando vea cómo se despeja su mente a medida que el Ángel de la guarda le muestra el camino milagrosamente.
    • Es posible que experimente una sensación de entusiasmo al saber que un cambio dramático está a punto de ocurrir en su vida.
    • Es posible que ya no se sienta solo, aislado, teniendo que soportar el peso del mundo sobre sus hombros.
    • Es posible que note la presencia de un espíritu guía a su lado, ayudándole, mostrándole el camino.
    • Es posible que la buena suerte entre en su vida todos los días, haciendo que se sienta afortunado, seguro y dichoso.
    Con un exquisito acabado en oro de 14 quilates, su Ángel de la guarda posiblemente se convierta en una de sus posesiones más preciadas. Ahora puede descubrir por sí mismo la tranquilidad y felicidad que conlleva el saber que sus oraciones no están cayendo en oídos sordos.
    Querido AAC,
    El año pasado pedí un Ángel de la guarda. Tras recibirlo, me tocó la lotería tres veces, dos veces $500 y una vez $250. Había tenido la medalla guardada hasta hoy. La saqué y pedí lo que quería. Esta tarde he vuelto a ganar $500 en la lotería. ¡Gracias!
    B.J. Kelly

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| compatibility-sample|""||RAW-HTML.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|||T|""|""|""|"2"|""|"

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    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| privacypolicy|""||PRIVACYPOLICY.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

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    This website is FANTASTIC!!!! I only wish I found them sooner!

    Rosalind B.

    Dear CAA,
    My ordering experience was wonderful!! The product arrived in just a few days, it was very easy using the site, and I already have recommended it to others. I am so excited to have found such a neat company !!
    Thank You,
    Jaime R.
    Alameda, CA

    I ordered a Wanga Doll and I had a spell cast too! I'm so happy with the results, it's incredible...

    I'm so glad I found this website, it truly has changed my life.

    Sharon S.
    Lynchburg, VA

    Our relationship has never been so good! I really believe that if it was not for CAA, I would still be alone and crying.



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    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| mvwem077ug8nwrrnzfh0mm1g6ufqtl|""||RAW-HTML.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

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    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pd-image-data|""||MAIN.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"3"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| spellsinfo|""||RAW-HTML.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"2"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| pd-template|""||MAIN.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"3"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| king-asm|""||MAIN.|||||""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""|""||||""|""|""|"3"|""|"

    "|""|"ladyluck moneytree mysticstar liyuanstemple samadhi yarobiluckring wishbox cellovknot witchscat anwicam lucky7 voodoo-love-amulet feng-shui cleopatras-wheel circleofprosperity aphroditeshearts deliciously-rich-spell gamblers-amulet blazing-fast-spells chinese-dragon-spells gypsy-spells retrieve aura andreika mega-spells llm triple-cast mega-spells llm triple-cast relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster "|"wishbox cellovknot voodoo-love-amulet aphroditeshearts comeback love-wanga-link witch-doctor-love-spell-kit-link love-voodoo-doll-link andreika triple-cast llm relationship-doctor-spells couple-buster growinghislove lovespell unconditionallove givememylove friendtolover lustforme makemesexy true-love-spell fall-in-love-with-me-spell aura retrieve blazing-fast-relationship-mender-spell-link chinese-dragon-spells retrieve"| ||finish||