You're not a vindictive person. And you'll do anything to avoid an argument. But when someone has it in for you and repeatedly causes you grief and sorrow, well, it's time to do something about it.
Is this you?
You don't know why this person is out to get you. But no matter what you do or say, they seem to want to embarrass or humiliate you. Above all, they want you to fail.
Here's what you can do
Do your best to avoid contact with them whenever possible, and try to avoid arguments and confrontations whenever possible.
Your mission then is to keep your distance. But if you must have an interchange with them, keep your cool and stay above the fray.
Here's what we can do
While you're doing your part, we'll ask a powerful psychic to apply every ounce of his ability in turning your nemesis' vindictiveness back upon them. Our expert in the paranormal will concentrate on your behalf, sending signals to penetrate their psyche, reducing their confidence, lessening their power.
Before you know it, this person will have changed their tune and will leave you alone.
So you do your part and we'll do ours. Soon, their negative energy will reverberate back on them all the bad thoughts and actions they had displayed toward you.
And we'll make it happen at blazing fast speed!
Please note that you will have an opportunity to make your request during checkout. After we receive your order, we will send you an e-mail with the date the spell will be cast, and any other instructions if necessary.