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Powerful Love Spells to Find True Love and Romance

We've assembled the following love spells in order to help you return your lost love or find your true soulmate.

A Master Psychic will cast a love spell in your behalf so your true love will think positive thoughts and fall in love with you.

Whether you prefer our most popular Love Spell or our Retrieve A Lover Spell, we are certain these love spells may help you find (and keep!) the love and romance you've been looking for!
The Reconciliation Spell
Establish an unbreakable bond between the two of you!
Three Wishes: Love! Lust! Loyalty!
Do you dream of receiving love, lust and loyalty from your loved one?
Retrieve a Lover
If you long for the return of a lost lover...there is something you can do about it!
Love-Luck-Money Spells by Burton
Allow me to cast a Spell for you and help turn your life around.
Growing His Love Spell
It's time for you to take that leap of faith and call upon a powerful psychic to help get your man.
Invisible Spell: Make Me Incredibly Sexy, Desirable, Irresistible
The gifted Master Psychic Mattias designed this powerful Invisible spell to bring your sensuality to the surface.
Speedy Return of Your Loved One Spell
Get him or her running back to you!
Growing Her Love Spell
It's time to open your woman's eyes once and for all so she can finally realize what she's been missing.
Andreika's Love, Money, Happiness... Don't Mess With Me! Spell
My Witch’s spell is the most exquisite, the most potent spell, period!
Make Us a Great Couple Spell
Mend your dysfunctional relationship and return it to the happy and trusting relationship you had in the beginning.
Repossess Your Loved One Spell
The Repossess Your Loved One spell is designed to recapture your special person's physical, emotional, and spiritual self.
Black Magic Reunite with Your Lover Spell
Penetrate Your Loved One’s Subconscious to Renew Their Love for You! Learn More
Invisible Spell: Get Inside Lover's Head to Respect & Love Me
If you are frustrated and upset that you are not getting the respect and love you so deserve, this is your opportunity to have world-class Master Psychic Mattias take up your cause.
Dominate Your Lover's Mind
It's time to take the bull by the horns and get exactly what you need.
The Great Relationship Quick Fix
It's time to heal your relationship problems once and for all.
Homecoming Spell
It's time for your lover to come back home to you.
Warp Speed Reconciliation
If you are currently having relationship problems, it's time to act quickly and decisively!
Sweetheart Retrieval Service
Relationship going through a rocky period? Unsure what to do? Maybe you need the Sweetheart Retrieval Service.
Sweet Love Spell
A Master Psychic who specializes in troubled relationships could plant the seeds of Sweet Love in the person of your choice.
Love Spell Powerhouse
Lift your relationship to heights of pleasure and success you never thought possible.

Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

Three-In-One: Heart to Heart-Restore Harmony-Happy Couple
If your love life needs a helping hand, a Master Psychic could help bring a dramatic turnaround to your relationship.
Bewitch-Capture-Keep Your Lover Spell
It's time for your lover to realize you are the best person, the “only” person, who can ensure their happiness.

Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

Now or Never! Spell
Your relationship can not only be salvaged...but can thrive once again!
Repossess Your Loved One Spell
The Repossess Your Loved One spell is designed to recapture your special person's physical, emotional, and spiritual self.
Surge Your Compatibility
Is the partner you care for deeply thinking about leaving? Let a Master Psychic plant the seeds of reconsideration and reconciliation.
Love Me with All Your Heart Spell
Is your loved one acting like a different person? Is your relationship teetering on the edge?
Invisible Spell: End Loneliness/Re-ignite Old Love
Would you like to wake up each morning beside the person you love and admire – in particular, with that old flame you’d like to rekindle?
U-Turn: From Homewrecking to Homecoming
Awaken the one you love to the damage they have done so they'll regret their decision and come running back to you!
Love Me, Love Me, Love Me Spell
What would you give to have your loved one hold you close, caress you, and tell you how much you mean to them?
Return a Lover Lightning Quick Spell
If the person you’ve committed your life to is not reciprocating your friendship, your devotion, your love, this spell is for you.
Dissolve Your Relationship Problems Spell
What would you give if you could dramatically turn your relationship around in a one-eighty?
The Change Your Lover's Mind Spell
This love spell is designed to soften the hardest of hearts.
Burton's Win Back Your Lover Spell
Let Burton's Win Back Your Lover spell bring the two of you together... once and for all.
Invisible Spell: Unconditional Love & Passion
Before your partner realizes it, the two of you could be experiencing the incredible pleasures of love and lust that you thought was merely a fantasy.
Three-In-One: Surprise Gifts-Surprise Affection-Surprise Success
Are you ready to add a gigantic spark to your life?
Love Psychic
If you are in a troubled relationship and seek with all your heart to make it better, indeed you have come to the right place!
Follow Your Heart Spell
Are you certain your relationship should be saved? Then save it!
U-Turn: From Rocky to Rock-Solid Compatibility
It's time for the rock-solid, secure relationship you've been dreaming of!
Invisible Spell: Bulletproof Our Relationship
The Bulletproof Our Relationship Invisible spell is specifically designed to protect and preserve a relationship in jeopardy.
Three Wishes: Growing Love! Return to Me! Reconciliation!
Having relationship problems? And are they getting worse?
Let's Try Again Spell
If a very important relationship has already dissolved or is in present danger of being destroyed, the Let’s Try Again spell could be the answer to your prayers.
I'm Coming Home Spell
If the love of your life is currently thinking of leaving, you should know there is something extraordinary you can do.
Three-In-One: Lover "Hears" You-Lover Feels Guilty-Lover Reconsiders
Is your relationship is floundering, and you need a breakthrough in your communication with your loved one?
Killer Compatibility
If your relationship has been on a downward spiral for some time, the Killer Compatibility spell could be just what you need to bring you the ultimate happiness you so deserve.
Invisible Spell: Breakup That Couple
So many relationships are simply meant not-to-be. If this is the case – and you have no doubt about it – you can do something about it!
Andreika's Amazing Amour Spell
Instill in Your Partner the French Way to Truly Love You
Burton's Fall in Love with Me Again Spell
If you are frustrated, angry and hurt that your loved one is not responding to reason, Burton has designed this potent spell specifically for you.
The Lust For Me Spell
Stimulate the lover of your choice to have strong, uncontrollable thoughts about holding you, caressing you, making love to you.
Invisible Spell: Reconcile Our Relationship
Although it may appear you have run out of options, you know in your heart if only given the chance you could make this relationship what it once was.
Love & Ecstasy
Do you dream of turning a current relationship into a heavy-duty love affair?
Three-In-One: Lucky in Romance-Lucky in Opportunities-Lucky in Life
Do you dream of a life filled with joy, laughter, an incredible lover...and much more?
The Couple-Buster Curse
WARNING: This spell brings dissension and despair into an existing relationship that cannot be repaired.
Rainbow Spell of Love, Hope & Good Fortune
This potent spell is designed to dissipate the dark clouds in your life freeing you to fulfill your true destiny.
U-Turn: From Frosty to Feverish for Me
Once you and that special person are on the same wave length, your intimate moments together will fulfill your dreams...and your destiny.
Invisible Spell: Plant Seeds of Desire & Lust
Is your loved one inhibited, holding back and not giving you the passion and physical pleasure you so deserve?
Three Wishes: Penetrate Lover's Inner Mind! Plant Seeds of Love! Commitment!
What if you could penetrate your lover’s subconscious?
Miss Me, Love Me, Return to Me Spell
Three spells cast simultaneously to reignite and reunite your relationship!
Dissolve Anger & Hostility Spell
The Dissolve Anger and Hostility spell is designed specifically to lower the level of anger and hostility while allowing calm and reasoning to take over.
Invisible Spell: Bring My Sweet Love Home to Me
Mattias will penetrate your loved one’s subconscious to plant the seeds of forgiveness, kindness, passion, loyalty and unconditional love.
Three-In-One: Cease Fire-Restore Peace-Compatible at Last
Would you like nothing more than to restore peace and quiet with your loved one?
U-Turn: From Breakup to Begin Again
If you believe your relationship is still viable, the Breakup to Begin Again spell could bring your loved one back to you.
Hold Me Close...Really Close Spell
Once the Hold Me Close...Really Close spell is cast, your allure and desirability could be irresistible to the one you love. And soon your bodies will intertwine, meld together...and the two of you will never want to let go.
Burton's Turnaround Spell
Perhaps it’s time to plant the seeds of reconciliation within the subconscious of the person whom you so dearly love.
Mega Love, Mega Rich, Mega Happy Spell
Three spells in one to fulfill your most extravagant dreams.
Burton's Love Me, Don't Leave Me Spell
The ultimate spell to keep your loved one in place until they come to their senses.
The Light Bulb Effect Spell
This potent spell was created to break through to your lover’s subconscious, opening their heart and allowing them to breathe in your unique, unselfish, sweet love.
Three-In-One: Awesome Compatibility-Awesome Communication-Awesome Marriage
Do you often dream of having an incredible compatibility with your loved one?
U-Turn: From Heartbreak to Happiness
This dynamic U-Turn spell is designed to embed the seeds of commitment and love in your special person.
Relationship Doctor Spells
The Relationship Doctor's unique and powerful spells are designed to not only bring you together with the true love of your life, but to keep the two of you together!
Burton's Red-Hot Love & Cold Cash Money Spell
Two potent spells in one, cast by the Master Psychic Burton.
Burton's Sweetheart Spell
Do you dream of being loved unconditionally? Do you wish your loved one would treat you sweetly and lovingly with all their heart?
Lost Love Spell
If your one- and-only is living somewhere else, you may want to consider one last option.
U-Turn: From Lover’s Coldness to Compassion
Is your relationship floundering because the person you care for so much is not giving you the warmth and tender-loving-care you so desire?
The Return to Me Spell
This love spell is for when you know you are meant to be together, but something is amiss...
The Breakup Spell
Is your heart breaking because your true love is with someone else?
Red Flag Alert:  Return to Me ASAP! Spell
The Red Flag Alert: Return to Me ASAP spell is designed to bring you the happiness, joy and security you truly deserve.
Marry Me!
It's time to tie the knot!
Three-In-One: Success in Relationships-Success in Finances-Success in Happiness
Wouldn't it be nice to get up each morning knowing you have exceeded your dreams of success in love, in money matters, in happiness?
The Last Chance Spell
If you've tried everything and failed… don't give up! There’s one more thing you can try - and it's risk free!
The Love Spell
Summon the spirits to improve a current relationship or start a new one with our classic love spells.
Kiss and Make Up!
It's time to reconcile and be happy again!
U-Turn: From Indifference to Irresistible Attraction to Me
This is your opportunity to win over that special person so they finally realize the two of you are right for each other.
Three Wishes: Soften Lover's Heart! Change Lover's Mind! End Heartache!
Are you willing to do almost anything to soften your loved one’s heart, change their mind...and ensure they stay with you?
Andreika's Blood New Moon, New Beginnings Spell
Experience love, laughter, and security in a revitalized relationship by enhancing the new moon's mind-altering effects.
Deliciously in Love Spell
Do You Dream of Being Deliriously Happy and Deliciously in Love?
Burton's Penetrate Your Lover's Subconscious Spell
What would you give if you could “get inside” your loved one’s head and convince them that you and only you are their one true love?
Three-In-One: Hypnotizing Lover-Hot, Volcanic Love-Sensual Compatibility
Would you like to have a sensational physical relationship with your very special person?
U-Turn: From Disloyal to Dependable Partner
You know your loved one can be loyal and dependable, especially if they finally accept that you are the one and only one for them.
Burton's Haunting Spell
This potent spell will penetrate your loved one's heart, mind, & soul, awakening them to your unique and beautiful qualities.
Gay Love Spells
Attracted To Someone of The Same Sex? Our Gay Love Spell may be able to help!
Spells by The Maestro
If your relationship is in serious trouble, don't miss this opportunity to have the Maestro call upon his psychic gifts to do your bidding.
Safeguard Your Relationship Spell
If you’re worried that your precious relationship may be turning sour...Then perhaps it’s time to stimulate your partner and remind them of their once great attraction to you.
U-Turn: From Heavy Heart to Happy Heart
If it’s an issue of love or finances or any seemingly unsolvable problem, Mattias will implant the seeds of energy, positive thinking, and the will to get through this difficult period.
Three-In-One: Lost Love-Heart Throb Returns-Finally Together
This your opportunity to receive the valuable assistance of a talented Master Psychic so you and your "heart throb" can finally be together.
Jean Claude Swann's Relationship Spells
Do you seek a new relationship or want to improve an existing relationship? Or perhaps you desperately want to retrieve a lost love?
Heal My Relationship Spell
Align your spirit with your loved one and put your relationship back on the same track!
Black Magic Love Only Me Spell
Plant the Seeds of Love, Faithfulness, Loyalty Learn More
Be Faithful To Me
What is more important than knowing you are in a loving relationship with someone who only has eyes for you?
Three Wishes: Soul Mate! Companionship! End Loneliness
Do you dream of meeting your soul mate? And having this friend and companion who will be there for you during good times and bad?
Three-In-One: Quick Luck-Quick Fortune-Quick Compatibility
You’ve worked hard and led a good life. You deserve life's rewards as much, or even more so, than other “lucky” people.
The Way We Were
A unique love spell cast in your behalf to return you and your lover to the way you were
Milk & Honey Spell
Are you in need of an instant surge of love, money, and happiness?
The Unconditional Love Spell
Receive the love you’ve always yearned for!
Leonardo, the Mystic
Allow Leonardo to take you by the hand and return you to your true path in life -- a relationship overflowing with what Leonardo calls the Four Capital L’s: Laughter, Lust, Loyalty and Love.
Give Me My Love!!
A Love Spell to bring back your love quickly and unconditionally!!
Burton's Trojan Horse Spell
This potent spell is designed to invade your lover’s subconscious with the intent to capture their heart.
Stop Our Breakup Spell
If your relationship is on the edge of disaster, you must read this!
Kongo Voodoo Relationship Spells
Kongo Voodoo is a potent force that in the right hands could change a hopeless situation to hopeful in a matter of days.
Lover's Remorse Spell
It's time your ex realizes their terrible loss.
Three-In-One: Lover is Remorseful-Lover Apologizes-Lover Stays
If you have done everything possible to fix your love life, but to no avail, then perhaps it’s time to call upon an expert.
Andreika's Forever Love, Forever More Spell
With Andreika’s Spell Taking Hold, Your Partner Finally “Gets It!”
Fall in Love With Me Spell
This is a very potent spell designed to do one thing and one thing only: to make that special person fall in love with you!
Call Me!  Call Me!  Call Me!
Waiting for your loved one to call?
Starting Over Spell
Perhaps it's time to get rid of all the baggage and wipe the slate clean.
Get My Ex Back Spell Cast by Krakow
You know you deserve better! Ask Krakow to cast his potent Get My Ex Back spell ASAP!
Shower Me With Love
An incredible love spell to help you find the person that will Shower You With Love.
Obeah Man's Blood Love, Lust, Seduction Spell
Do you have a relationship problem that -- if not taken care of immediately -- could negatively affect the rest of your life? If so, you must take forceful action at once!
Make Me Sexy
Do you want to be desired, loved, ravished? Do you want to attract the "right" type to you?
Lady Zirkaya's Triple Potent Love Spells
If you feel helpless and hopeless, don’t despair. Upon hearing from you, the gifted psychic Lady Zirkaya could plant the seeds of reconciliation, forgiveness and love in the subconscious mind of the person you so care about.
Zandra's Love & Romance Spells
Is your relationship in trouble? Or perhaps you seek a new love?
Ultimate Reconciliation Spell
The Ultimate Reconciliation spell is designed to instantly patch a broken partnership, allowing the two of you to forgive and forget.
The Forgive Me Spell
If a past mistake is haunting you, preventing the two of you from reuniting, don’t give up.
Come Back My Love
For whatever reason your lover is not with you, this spell plants the seeds of their return.
The True Love Spell by Andreika & Burton
Andreika and Burton will simultaneously cast a True Love Spell for you!
Etruscan Love Spell
This remarkable spell calls upon the five symbols of love to bring you the pleasures and security of a long-lasting relationship!
Burton's Change of Heart Spell
Burton’s Change of Heart spell could bring you the harmony, love and happiness you so deserve.
Compatibility Solution Spell
Fix your compatibility. Save your relationship.
Eternal Love Spell
There are many types of love, but the love that most people strive for is eternal love.
Loa Voodoo Spell
The Loa Voodoo spell is for those who want it all: A loving relationship that is the envy of all who know you, and the money to do whatever you want, whenever you want!
A Spell For Women Only...
This spell is designed to find you the "right" guy!
Give Me My Love!!
A Love Spell to bring back your love quickly and unconditionally!!
The Adore Me Spell
It's time to do something that will make you more attractive, more appealing, more interesting...
Love Accelerator Spell
This is a one-of-a-kind spell that is designed to ignite your love affair with that special person.
Burton's End Heartbreak & Sad Feelings Spell
Once you decide to move on, not only will your attitude become more positive, but others will notice the confident, alluring “new” you!
Rejuvenated Love Spell
Let this very special spell remind your partner of the wonderful feelings they once had for you.
Andreika's Sunburst Love Spell
Andreika’s Sunburst Love spell is designed to intensely magnify your loved one’s feelings for you.
Stop Your Lover From Fleeing
Is the person you love about to exit your life?
Barrelful of Love Spell
The Barrelful of Love spell is specifically designed to bring your mate or lover or potential suitor closer to you, engulfing you with love and affection.
Compatibility Stew Spell
Are you in a relationship with someone you know is "right" for you, but somehow it isn't working out?
Love At First Sight Spell
If you believe in love at first sight, you must try this unique spell.
Crazy, Crazy Love Spell
Do you want sparks to fly when the two of you are together?
Dream-Catcher Spells
Dream-Catcher spells capture your most positive dreams, enhancing them, allowing them to take hold, helping them reach fruition.
Andreika's Increasing His/Her Love for You Spell
Let Andreika help bring you love from the one you desire above all others.
Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Her, Court Her, Marry Her
This dynamic trio of three powerful spells combined into one super spell gives you the best chance of finding your woman, courting her, and finally, marrying her.
Burton's 3-in-1 Spell to Find Him, Catch Him, and Marry Him!
This dynamic trio of three powerful spells rolled into one super spell gives you the best chance of finding your man, catching him and marrying him!
Get Us Back Together Spell
This powerful spell is designed to do one thing and one thing only: To bring the two of you back together again!
Tame Your Lover
It is Time to Take Charge and Get What You Want!
Warlock Lover Spell
It is possible to win back your lover's heart because a gifted psychic awaits your call for help.
Numero Uno Man Spell
The Numero Uno Man spell is designed to make you the one and only man in your woman's life.
Numero Uno Woman Spell
Is there a man in your life who is not putting you on a pedestal?
Andreika's Save My Relationship Spell
Andreika's Save My Relationship Spell could change your life.
Shadow Love Spell
This most influential love spell is designed to penetrate the inner consciousness of that special person, implanting your irresistible, loving image in their brain.
For Love & Money Spell
Everyone has a dream, an aspiration, a wish that if fulfilled would make their life great!
Five Star Marriage Spell
Be the couple that "has it all"!
Andreika's Lightning Bolt Love Spell
This lightning fast love spell is just what you need to take your love life from dull to dramatic in no time at all.
Make Me Your Great Love! Spell
Are you tired of being second best?
Black Magic Plant Seeds of Reconciliation Spell
Fix Your Relationship Today! Renew Your Compatibility Learn More
Reclaim My Man/Woman
If you deserve to be with the love of your life...
Uninhibited Lust
Prepare yourself not only for spine-tingling excitement but a vastly improved relationship as well.
Jump Start Your Boyfriend
Your boyfriend needs a jump-start right now, and we know just the person to do it!
Jump Start Your Girlfriend
Your girlfriend needs a jump-start right now, and we know just the person to do it!
Looking for Your Soul Mate?
Everyone has a soul mate. Let a psychic speed up the process of finding yours!
Spell of The Purring Cat
Do you want to mesmerize your man, control him, and keep him home? The Spell of the Purring Cat has been created for you.
Save My Marriage!!!!!
If your marriage appears headed for divorce, this is the time to activate positive spirits.
The Love Magnet Spell
The Love Magnet spell could be the first step – the most important step – to achieve blissful happiness.
Recapture Your Lover’s Love Spell
The Recapture Your Lover’s Love spell is specifically designed for couples who are having serious compatibility problems.
Open Communications Spell
This spell is intended to do one thing and one thing only: To open the channels of communication between you and a loved one.
The Seduce Me Spell
This remarkable spell is designed to open the heart and mind of that special person to your irresistible allure.
Stop Her Cheating Ways Spell
Is your woman being unfaithful to you?
Repair a Troubled Relationship Spell
If you despair over the deteriorating situation in your relationship with a loved one, there is something you can do.
Black Magic Lust, Passion, Excitement Spell
Elevate Your Intimate Relationship to New Heights Learn More
Stop His Cheating Ways Spell
Do you want him to stop his cheating ways?
Secret Love Spell
In love with someone who doesn't know it? This spell is designed to wake them up!
White Hot Love Spell
If your relationship is in need of a high voltage charge, the White Hot Love spell could propel you and your partner to the stratosphere.
Bring My Lover Home Spell
Do you have a great love whom you desperately want to return?
Mend a Broken Heart
You are at a crossroads... but don't give up yet!
Wizard's Love Slave Spell
If your lover is just going through the motions, and your sex life is almost nonexistent, this spell could dramatically change your life!!!
The New Romance Spell
Do You Ache with Loneliness? Now You Can Stop the Pain!
Burton's Relationship Saver Spell
This potent spell will awaken your loved one to the friendship, love and happiness you once shared.
Steal Your Man's Heart Back Spell
If your heart is broken because the love of your life is with someone else, this powerful spell is specifically designed to get your man back.
Steal Your Woman's Heart Back Spell
If you have tried everything else to get your woman back but to no avail, it's time to steal her heart back - and right now!
Romance Me!
The Romance Me spell is a one-of-a-kind spell that is designed to alter a loved ones perception of you.
The Enchantment Spell
A spell to bring you everlasting love in a very short time.
Reconcile Your Differences Spell
Troubled relationship? Let’s see if the Reconcile Your Differences spell could work for you.
Get Inside Your Lover's Head
Your precious relationship could experience a dramatic improvement, resulting in a long-lasting compatibility that will be the envy of all who know you.
Happy Mate, Happy Marriage Spell
If you dream of a life of pleasure with the love of your life, this potent spell is designed specifically for you.
The Looking for Love Spell
This spell is specifically designed to put you in touch with that special person. Or, if you already know each other, to bring the two of you closer together in a loving, unbreakable bond.
Andreika's Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell
Andreika’s Volcanic Sex Appeal Spell is designed to make you irresistible!
Black Magic Miss Me Terribly Spell
Plant the Seeds of Conciliation in Your Loved One So They Will Miss You, Long for You, Want to Be with You Learn More
The Sweethearts Spell
I cannot live without you! Whatever our problems, let's put them in the past.
Stay with Me, My Love Spell
Stay with me, my love, Stay close, stay warm, stay put.

Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon and Night

The Trophy Wife Spell
Why not shoot for the stars and get the woman of your dreams?
Deliver My Love Spell
Are you heartbroken and terrified that the love of your life has gone and may not return?
The Trophy Husband Spell
You know in your heart this is the kind of man you want!
Venus Love Spell
The Venus Love spell is specifically designed to save a relationship on the edge of destruction.
Thunder & Lightning Spell
Look closely into the eyes of your loved one...and see the fire and passion and excitement that could elevate your relationship to new and delectable heights.
Holiday Love Spell
Is this the time of year when you wish you had the person of your dreams by your side?
Black Magic Reciprocal Love Spell
Finally, Your Lover is Returning Your Love...from Their Heart Learn More
Desire Me Spell
Achieve your dreams of being desired and loved.
Valentine Spells
St. Valentine's Day is a time for love, laughter and companionship. But what if you aren't in a loving, caring relationship?
Spells to Return a Lover
Our most powerful spells to help you get your lover back!
Love, Lust, Laughter, Luxuries Spell
There is no need for you to proceed through life without having it all.
Powerful Spells, Charms & Dolls to Break Up a Couple
Want to break up a relationship? Our breakup spells and breakup dolls can help!
Happy Husband, Happy Life
Have you wished for some time that your man showed you more affection, more caring, more touching, more loving?

Cast Three Times: Morning, Noon, and Night

Andreika's Spitfire Lust Spell
This spell could propel you to the next stage of your life in which you could be simmering with sensual energy.
Burton's Compatibility Quick Fix Spell
If your love life is on a one-way track to disaster, you need to do something dramatic!
Also look at these other easy love spells and good luck charms.

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