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Andreika’s Blood New Moon, New Beginnings Spell

Experience Love, Laughter and Security in a Revitalized Relationship

Blood New Moon, New Beginnings Spell
If you are in need of a one-eighty degree change in your life, Andreika’s Blood New Moon, New Beginnings spell could be the surprise gift you’ve been hoping for.

A scientific reality
For centuries we’ve known the moon not only influences the tides and the atmosphere of our planet, but our behavior as well.

Countless research studies have shown that the new moon affects each and every one of us in many aspects of our lives: in our attitudes, our emotions, our attitudes, our actions.

And very often the new moon impacts our relationships!

Enhance the New Moon’s effect upon you and your loved one!
Andreika’s powerful Blood New Moon spell is designed to amplify the mind-altering effects of the new moon.

Think about this
  • The Blood New Moon spell could change your loved one’s attitude toward you from negative and destructive to positive and forgiving.
  • The Blood New Moon spell could substantially reduce anger and hostility within the subconscious of your loved one, leading to compromise and a willingness to let bygones be bygones.
  • And perhaps most important: The Blood New Moon spell could energize and motivate your loved one to put these positive feelings into concrete actions.
Is this you?
  • Are you in a troubled relationship that may be headed for disaster?
  • Or perhaps it has already ended.
  • And are you so worried and upset that you are close to being paralyzed with fear?
  • Or maybe you are down on your luck and require a boost in your finances or in some other aspect of your life?
If any or all of the above describes your situation, don’t ignore it or keep burying it in the back of your mind.

This could be a critical time in your life. Indeed, a turning point, and you should take immediate action today…not tomorrow, not next week or next month.

There is someone who can help you…today!
The internationally renowned mystic known as Andreika is ready to cast her powerful Blood New Moon, New Beginnings spell in your behalf.

She awaits your call to summon potent forces to work in your behalf.

(Andreika will cast this potent spell on your behalf March 29th, the date of the next full moon.)

Andreika's Blood New Moon, New Beginnings Spell

Andreika's Blood New Moon, New Beginnings Spell

Item #: AN39
Your Birthdate:
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

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