Is there someone who has been a negative force in your life, or in the life of someone you care for?
Is this person causing you undue stress and worry?
And would you like them to receive their comeuppance for what they have done?
Does this sound familiar?
- Like everyone else you have your flaws, but essentially you are a good person, with a kind heart, and you wish people well.
- But there is someone you know who doesn’t have a kind heart and appears to enjoy making people unhappy.
- And since this person causes a great deal of pain and discomfort in others, you would like to see them get a taste of their own medicine.
Burton’s Comeuppance spell is designed to do just that. To penetrate the subconscious mind of the person to whom the spell is directed.
And once implanted and taken hold, this potent spell causes numerous disruptions in the thinking pattern and actions of this negative person:
- Their self-confidence is shaken.
- Their ability to cause problems in others is distinctly impaired.
- Much of their negative energy rebounds in their direction.
- And they become more aware of being disliked and ignored by those who do not approve of their actions.
- And soon they could become more reflective in their outlook in life, softening their attitude and wanting to please others rather than disrupting their lives.
So if the above words make sense to you, perhaps you should consider asking a Master Psychic to cast Burton’s potent Comeuppance spell in your behalf.