Is someone "haunting" you, making your life miserable, sucking the energy and fun out of your life?
Would you like to rid yourself of this person who has it in for you and perhaps wants to destroy you?
If you don't know where to turn and feel it's time to stop this person in their tracks, perhaps it's time to let someone with formidable psychic powers work in your behalf.
This is what the Dragon Fire spell could do for you:
- Plant the seeds of doubt in your nemesis.
- Make this person think twice before crossing you again.
- Expel them from your life.

Once the Dragon Fire spell is cast in your behalf, you will feel more confident and more self-assured that this person cannot do your harm. And you will feel a protective shield encompassing you, protecting you... rebounding their negative energy back at them.
There is absolutely no reason for you to live with the constant barrage of negativity and harassment from anyone, particularly this person of ill intent.
The Dragon Fire spell is designed to return you to a life free of angst and worry.
This is your time to take a stand. And soon you will feel relieved and reassured that an expert in casting Dragon Fire spells is working in your behalf.