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Enemy Crusher Curse
Enemy Crusher Curse
Life can be a challenge even during the good times.

But when someone is out to get you, well, that can be a game-changer. And this person could make your life extremely difficult.

Does this sound familiar?
  • Do you have a relative, a friend or perhaps a work associate who is unhappy in their life?
  • Could this person be resentful of who you are and what you have achieved?
  • And could their jealously of you motivate them, either consciously or subconsciously, to bring you down to their level?
  • Their level of unhappiness?
Sound familiar?
If the above accurately describes someone in your life who does not want you to succeed, perhaps you were meant to be reading these words at this very moment.

If this unhappy person is determined to stop you from succeeding in every aspect of your life – in your job, your friendships, your love life – then maybe it’s time to do something about it.

What you can do!
A gifted Master Psychic awaits word from you to cast the powerful Enemy Crusher curse to stop this person in their tracks. Planting the seeds of cease and desist within their subconscious.

This person, who is so unhappy with their life and is out to sabotage yours, could finally turn their negative thoughts inward, away from you.

And soon you could feel relieved of that heavy burden that you have been carrying for some time now.

The Enemy Crusher curse could have a dramatic negative impact upon the person whom it is directed towards, so think carefully before requesting it.
Enemy Crusher Curse

Enemy Crusher Curse

Item #: ECC
Other Person's Name:
Have your spell cast TWICE to increase its power?: 

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