housands of visitors travel each year to Glastonbury, England to experience the miraculous powers of its sacred soil. They come to mend a broken marriage or broken heart. They come to solve their problems, recapture the joys of youth or a dream that has gone astray. They come to repair a shattered relationship or to ask for love, money, happiness.
According to legend, in 63 A.D. Saint Joseph stood before a crowd of disbelievers at Glastonbury praying for a miracle. As he struck his staff into the ground his prayer was answered--the staff immediately shot forth leaves and blossoms.

Since that time, spectacular miracles have occurred at Glastonbury. Today, people take a small sample of dirt from Glastonbury in the belief that it will:

Spark a resurgence in their lives and good fortune.

Bless them with good luck and good fortune.

Bring them a financial windfall.
Jesus at Glastonbury - During the 18 years in which there is no recorded history on the life of Christ, there is a theory that Jesus accompanied St. Joseph on his journey to Glastonbury.
The Holy Grail - After the crucifixion, St. Joseph collected the blood from the body of the crucified Crhist in the Holy Grail (the sacred cup used by Jesus at the Last Supper). When St. Joseph returned to Glastonbury, some say he buried the Holy Grail there.
Connection between Glastonbury, The Great Pyramid, and Stonehenge - The two thousand year old design on the cover of the famous Glastonbury Well forms the Vesica Piscis (the fish sign - symbol of Christ). Even more mysteriously, this symbol is also found at the Great Pyramids and Stonehenge.
An old world artisan has designed the magnificent Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury, engraved with the powerful symbols of the Cross and Vesica Piscis. Inside this extraordinary keepsake is the miraculous soil of Glastonbury. Now you can carry a portion of Glastonbury with you, wherever you go, whatever you do.
It could bring you a life in which miracles do occur.
Dear CAA,
I'm very pleased that I decided to purchase the Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury. I was attracted to it because of its Topaz Stone. Topaz is my birth stone, and I felt that it would bring me luck, and my intuition was right.
I just received my Medallion in the mail on Friday afternoon, September 22, 1995. The first thing I did after I took it out of the package was attach it to a neck chain and put it around my neck. It made a very handsome necklace.
Then on Monday morning September 25, I went out and bought a "Little Lotto" ticket for Monday night's drawing, and I was wearing my Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury as a neckalce when I purchased the ticket. Throughout that day I felt very positive and upbeat. Then on Tuesday morning when I checked the lottery numbers in the paper, I found out that I had matched three out of five of the winning numbers, which meant that I had a winning ticket!
I never expected the Medallion to bring me good fortune so soon, and I have never before won anything playing the "Little Lotto" game. I am continuing to wear and enjoy the Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury; and I also recommend it to anyone who needs fast luck. I'm a believer in the Medallion's powers.
Natalie Chose
Lockport, IL
Results may vary. Please see our
testimonials page for details.
Order your Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury today, and experience what thousands have before you--the miraculous powers of Glastonbury's sacred soil. We are so certain that the Miracle Medallion of Glastonbury will bring you all that you desire, that if you do not see evidence of its miraculous powers, you may return it for a full refund, at any time. No questions asked.