Tried everything to fix your relationship?
Growing frustrated by your lover’s reluctance and resistance to your pleas to return to the close, loving relationship you once had?
And what would you give to have your loved one hold you close, caress you, and tell you how much you mean to them? And how much they love you?
Take this test:
- Are you certain your partner is the one with whom you want to spend the rest of your life?
- Do you have little doubt that once they lower their defenses and show you compassion and warmth, your relationship should get back to where it once was...exciting, fun, and most of all, loving?
- Do you yearn to finally have the reassurance that this person loves you with all their heart...and will never leave you?
If the above words reflect your true feelings, the Love Me, Love Me, Love Me spell could be the catalyst that returns your relationship to the loving relationship it once was.