This is the highest ranking. You have selected a very interesting person, one who seems to have little difficulty getting people to respond, to draw closer. Occasionally a person like this comes along and it’s not surprising that you could have strong feelings about them. This is a very appealing, almost seductive personality, and it appears that these feelings are often reciprocated by those touched by such charm and charisma.
This person can get along with many types. A quiet, reclusive person would be brought out of his shell when in contact with such a compelling individual. Contrast this with an outgoing, even loud person who could be soothed and softened once our esteemed friend touches them.
I see a happy person, a person with confidence and inner peace. This optimism is most likely a reflection of their inner being, a makeup stamped at birth and most likely carried through a lifetime. I see a clear thinker here. They are not apt to rush into things helter-skelter and seem to grow wiser and more experienced each year. This is a person with an old soul, one who has carried with them the learnings from several lifetimes.
I see great potential in so many aspects of their life. Sometimes it may be deceptive, something that others may miss, but make no doubt about it – money, love, luck – this person could, and should someday, have it all.
I see an underlying sensuality here, a very appealing, alluring personality. And it should be obvious to you that people from all walks of life can be swayed by just the look of this very appealing individual.
If you are in touch with this person, treasure them, attempt to bring them closer to you, and enjoy.