Over 2,500 years ago Buddha recognized the presence of suffering in the world and spent his years on earth helping others. Since that time the Buddha has miraculously affected the lives of millions of people.
Perhaps the Buddha can do the same for you. Let Buddha help lead you along the path...
- From one who struggles to one who wins.
- From one who yearns for wealth, luck and love to one who has achieved it all.
- From one whose quest is happiness to one who experiences it daily.
If you are having difficulties making ends meet, if you are not financially solvent, or happy, or hopeful, stop what you're doing for a moment and concentrate.
Close your eyes. Clear your mind... Do you see the image of Buddha? Do you sense his presence? Do you feel his gaze upon you? If so, then it is time to bring Buddha into your life so he may lead you to the abundance and happiness you never thought possible.
It is unwise to journey the difficult and treacherous path through life alone. With Buddha by your side, you could have a smile on your face and money in your pocket.
Beautifully finished and embellished with a ruby-colored stone, the Buddha is approximately 2" tall.
Prepare for a miracle. The Miracle of the Buddha.