The Phoenix is the symbol for anyone who wishes to stage a miraculous comeback in life. Just when others are counting you out, abandoning you, giving up on you, you can rise from the ashes, like the Phoenix, and show the world you are a force to be reckoned with!
If you are presently at a low point in your life and don't know where to turn, we strongly suggest you acquire the Phoenix amulet. The mere presence of the Phoenix could inspire you, motivate you, and pull you up by your bootstraps.

Once you wear or carry the Phoenix, you may sense a "lighter" load upon your shoulders as life becomes more bearable again, more enjoyable, more interesting. You may feel as if a huge weight has been lifted from your shoulders.
The legend of the Phoenix is as old as history, but it could change your life today!
Dear CAA,
It was Saturday and I had not received my mail. I lost my wallet full of cash and I had no idea where it was. I also had lost a photo for 2 weeks.
When I got home, the mail came. As I opened the mail there was my Phoenix. At the very same moment the phone rang--it was the police--someone had turned in my wallet. I went to the station to pick it up--not a cent or credit card was missing. While I was talking previously to the police I looked down and there was my photo in a strange place between two books.
Boston, MA
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