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The Quinnox

It is believed that Queen Isabella of Spain gave her precious good luck charm, the Quinnox, to Christopher Columbus on the day he departed for the New World.

Quinnox Amulet The Queen felt that the greatest gamble a person could ever take was in betting his own life, and this, she believed, is what Columbus was doing.

If you are one who enjoys partaking in the lottery or at the poker table or casino or perhaps in a simple game of Bingo, you are obligated to do everything within your power to increase the odds in your favor.

And once you take possession of the powerful Quinnox good luck charm, you will feel it "in your bones" that you are about to win big.

So if you need a quick turnaround in games of chance, keep the Quinnox close to you and let it do its job. You'll feel its powerful energy circulating through your very being, and soon you'll have others wondering if your lucky streak will ever end.
The Quinnox

The Quinnox

Item #: QUI

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