If the romance has been missing...
If the spark in your lover's eyes when they look at you has vanished...
If you're worried that this precious relationship may be turning sour...
Then perhaps it's time to stimulate your partner and remind them of their once great attraction to you.
Here's what the Safeguard Your Relationship spell could do for you:
- Awaken your lover's mind to all your wonderful attributes.
- Stop their restlessness and wandering eye toward others.
- Turn their attention, affection and love toward you...and only you.
- Have them realize how important this relationship is.
- And to have this person, who is the love of your life, treasure and adore you like never before.
So if these words resonate with you. And you feel you must do something radical to shake your lover to their bones. Then the Safeguard Your Relationship spell could be the most important thing you do this year.