Occasionally in life someone encounters a person who for whatever reason “has it in for you.”
And despite whatever you say or do, this person simply won’t cease and desist directing their negative energy toward you.
And all you want is for this person to stop their unwarranted aggression toward you.
Or better still, simply disappear from your life altogether!
Unfortunately, the fact is they are currently a haunting presence in your life, making your life miserable, preventing you from moving forward and enjoying life to the fullest.
Is this your future?
Your adversary’s evil intent may continue to cause a downward spiral in your life, causing you immense difficulty and repercussions.
What can you do about it?
If the above words ring true, the Torpedo Your Adversary spell could help you overpower their negative force, redirecting it back at them and, most important, getting this person off your back once and for all.